-aV-v VK x ( liiW-,.,i't.j,)lri ptsfiit I I 4 .. . No 68 NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C.;,TUSEDAY NOVEMBER. 28, 1911-FIRST SECTION 34th. YEAR I E SUPERIOR COURT OLE TO AGREE T THE PAST WEEK 0 j T 1 E BAR THOUSANDS SEE HORSES RAGE BUS POWERS GAMBL coin 5 CQNTRAC Impressive Ceremony at tlie Court House Yesterday When -the ' " Members of the Local Bar t . , Held Memorial Exercises -Yesterday at noon it the court house in this city the members of the local bar, met together for the . purpose of : paying tribute to their departed mem ber Hon, Chae. C -Clark who paaaed to hta eternal reet since the last term of -superior court. - ," - , ,r ? - v, '". Ex-Judge Henry R. Bryan presided oyer the meeting and Mr. H. C White ' hurst acted aa secretary. Judge Bryan . told in a simple and impressive way the story of the deceased one's life. How he wasJbeloved and honored by all who knew him and of the great loss caused - by his death. A number of other short talks were made by different members, ' ; and at the conclusion the following res olutions of respect were adopted: ! : With i ha change of time this bar has been called to mourn rainy of its lead-, , erg and distinguished members, and as our brethren, one by one, are called - from our midst, it behooves us to close 'up our depleted ranks and unite in pay-! . ing homage to their memor.es, and k-.ep - ever fresh before us the example they - have set, and resolve to keep untirnuth ed that escutcheon upon which their names are engraved i " - - The bar of New Bern has from the . early days of this ancient caplrol, ranked : foremost in the rnksof our prof ession, and from its former list of distinguished townsmen and s' stamen, -there 1 re mains to us today, but two survivors, o ir distinguished Chairman, Ex-Judge Henry R Bryan, and our honored bro ther, H. iX Whitehurst, E,q.. to point out to us of latter years, the pathway hewn 'by the distinguished departed, A short year ago this bar paid its sad tribute to the memory of the Hon.- Wil- liam W. Clark, whose brilliancs and " ethical example has been written upon the records of this court by his sorrow ing brethren; while today again we . meet to spread upon those records this testimonial of sorrow upon the death of his distinguished father, the Hon, Cbas, C. Clark.'. ' ; ,i ;;V The walls of the old court nor the , dome of the new, has heard a voice - whose power and eloquence exceeded his. - . --::. .; The younger members of our profess ion as they severally entered upon their lire's work, found no truer friend and counsellor, nor the elder a foeman mora worthy of their brightest sieel, . And while for twenty years last past, his ac ivo life jo our midst had eeased in the courts, yet in hi fplerd d brain and power of knowledge, his e'ient found a wiiie and safe counsellor and Sealous guide. - y'r ' ' " ' ' : t Saddened in life through the death of ' his partner and sory his latter months were passed in grief and sorrow, and . knowinir bis absorbing love for that son that prrc de him, we are comfor ted in the hURht tbit he is now uni ted in death as in life, with one who - was hie priiie and companion. Thert ' fore be.it Resolved hy the bar of New Bern, . that in the death of tie Hon. Charles C Clark, one of its mo it distinguished - leiders has been ctl.td from lU ranks That the m m y o Ha h'g'1 person al. professional and ethical ch.wact'T, ' blazes for us a pathway to folbw, and bis eloquence and kiowledge of men : and law .-ave behind an ex mpliof study and training, th .t must spur us , to greater accompli. hmnt and i.igher aims.' v' :'ti Resolved, That we unite with his fam ily in their moments of sadness, and that a copy f these wotfs be sent them and be spread upon the minutes of this i court. ,; ;, ;i : Respect'elly Submitted. : ' . - HENRY R. BRYAN" 0. H. GUIOfJ, - . LARRY I. MOORE, '.' V R. A. NUSN. - . . - Novem'er23d, 191J. riv''-" Basket Party at Brick Klin. . " - Jones County - Nv. 21. Thre will be a banket pany given at Brick Kiln school bouse on Dee, 8th. . Every! ody Is cordially invite i to e m. Proceeds go for benefit of school building. Don t say "they haven't cot it" till you've tried us. J. S. Basnteht Hdw: Co. Death of Editor Caldwell. Morganton, Nov. 23. Death as peace ful as was the life it brought to a close dflsconded upon Mr. Joseph P. Caldwell, former editor of the thnrloite 0erv- er, yesterday morning at o'clock at the home of Dr. John McCampbell, suparin'eodent of the State Hospital here, where .Mr. CaUwell hsl been since hi stiffen d a snond strcke of pa rn !: in June. 1303, Ha reached the ei ii of life's j mrripy in his fifth year, I v ? 7 t ("ri born io Slalesville, N C, O'ER BKTHEUT AHD CITY STREETS The (BIrdman Makes a Second ' Day Eecord Of Very Great In- ' ' terest to Thousands. , v , .4 J-:. - i-- " It looks so easy, who would not be a Birdman and mount on the wings of the morning and fly to the uttermost parts of the earth, There Is something in knowing how, however, and Aviator Witmer knows the game. As he rises from the earth, his head cased" In a leather helmet, staring straight ahead, be represents the up-to-date. - - The flights were more spectacular than the first day's, longer, higher, more stunty, butsswe all desired, not try ing the death inviting "spiral glide." The first flight lasted 13 minutes and began at the north end of the field, to meet the gentle southern wind. ; Rising midway of the course the biplane turn ed as before over Neuse river and. then swung far away to the north, then in a wide detour to the south across the entire city and over Trent river, and th' n back to the grounds. On this flight Witmer ascended about twice as bigh as on Wednesday, making the highest ascent over the fie'd before crossing over the city, perhaps 2000 up. ; The second flight lasted eight min utes and r gain the course was over the city and many enjoyed the spectacle from the streets. Ths third time he flew in circles about the locality of the field. Five thousand people are estimated to have been on the aviation field, and there was a big crowd on the outside also.'. ':' v Biidman Witmer is a pleasant fellow and likes a good word. To show his steadiness of nerve, on landing he went to the shooting - stand and made a suc cession of good shots at a target. He leaves for Savannah today, to fly three days of next week there, having come here from Atlanta. "No use being afraid," he says, which hr'pretty gosd whan one baa already had a skull crack ed ard a few bones broken by too prac tical a demonstration of Newton'a in fal'ibls law. Everybody was glad that everything went well, and when he flies again may we be there to tee. : All the outgoing trains were packed, and it was standing up. The Pamlico train of four coaches pul'ed out with a full cargo and as for npGoldsboro way, oh well, you ree the Norfolk Southern will enlarge the shops here and have more cars, so don't say a word. , Basket rarty at Rhsms. "'.".-."Si BSBSSB -There will be a basket party at Rhems School house, Saturday night. Decem ber 2nd, The proceeds to be used for the benefit of the church at thst place. A cordial invitation U extended to all to attend and a pleasant evening is as surred, ; T THER THAU TRIAL Declares Gompers, Would Go To Jail But Delegates Will : Atlanta, Gs., Nov. 25 "Let us go to jail and end It," John Mitchell said in the convention of the American Fed eration of Labor when the news arrived that Justice Wright of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia bad decided that Mitchell, Samuel Gompers mi Frank Morrison must sgaln stand trial for contempt of court "I want to serve my seattnse end get it over with." . 7 . No. we will fight it to the end, shouted the delegates in ehorue, and by unmlmous vote the convention at once decided to fight the contempt proceed lags thiough every eourt. , , This whole proceeding,'! Gompers aid, '-has be in In the nature of per seeution rather than trial It is bard to understand how a man so lacking in judicial temperament as Justice Wright could be raised to the bench. He is mentally Incompetent for his place," at which ths delegates cheered.- . ' The convention appropriated 150,000 for the McNamara defense In Ls An geldft, and by a vote of 176 to 7; $60,000 more will be raised by taxing the sal' aried officers of ths federation and of affiliated onions one week's pay for the same purpose. Appeal will also be msds to wage workers all over the ciun try to, subscribe to the campaign fund of Job Hartlman, " the Socialist candidate for Mayor of 14 Angeles. FOR RENT. One-horse farm, adapted to corn and cotton, fine 0ien range, good residence and out buildings, wire. 'fence, well drained, orchard and vineyard, excel lent water, healthy. An ideal place for small family who wishes to raise poul- try and stock. Address Z, care of J, .. .1 C.T.ce. PERSECU Yesterday's Track Events Was the Feature of The Day's ' Program. The horse racing at the Aviation Field yesterdsy afternoon proved to be one of the most attractive features of the event Long. before the hour which had been announced .for the races to begin the spectators began to arrive. From then until the first race was call ed they continued to pour through the gates and when the starting gong ws sounded there were fully five thousand people on the field. Promptly at 1 o'clock the judges who were to decide the races entered their stand and the first race was called. Ow ing to the fact that one or two of the horses could not be properly controlled, there was some delay in starting the Ant race but the others were carried out without a hitch. Every one was anxious to see the. homes when they started and the attendants had consid erable trouble io keeping the people off the track so that the drivers would not be hindered and so that no one would be injured. However they succeeded so well in keeping the crowds back that only one man was struck and fortuna tely he was not hurt in the least. In the Farmers Race, House won the first beat, his time being 1.38J seconds. Campencame in second. In the sec ond heat. House won the heat and also the race in 1.32. In the Free For All Race, Cox won the first heat in 1.221, Hancock came in second. In the second heat Cox won the heat and race in 1 21. Hancock won second money. In the 'Gentleman's Driving Race Cox won first heat In 1 19. Dawson sec ond. Cox won the second heat and the race in 1.21s- Devore won second heat and rAoney in this race. - In the Running Race Edwards won the first heat in 1.18. Taylor second. Edwards won the second beat and the race in 1.15. Taylor second. Immediately after these races had been concluded Miss Nettie Fowler and Mr. B, B. Hurst, both driving fine ani mals ran one heat. Miss Fowler's horse showed up in fine form and easily defeated the animal driven by the gen ial county treasurer. Miss Fowler's driving was perfect and evoked much applause from the immense throng who witnessed the race. Yesterday's races showed that there are some fine animate in this section of the State and with .a little care and training would develop into some of the best race horses in the country WANTED 100 men to work in saw mill and planing mill at Dover, N. G Washington's Nl-Footbsll Players Raise Pitiful Wall. When the team of football players from Washington, N. C, who came over to this eity Wednesday morning for the purpose of playing a game with the New Bern graded school football team and who made such a miserable failure when it came to a 'show down,' returned to their native heath, they were requested to tell "how come." In brief this is the account contained in Thursday afternoon's edition of the Washington News of what the team related when they reached home; "The work of the referee cannot be condemned too forcibly. His decisions were biased; bis eonduct to other of ficials of the game was extremely dis courteous, his remarks to the plsyers were domineering; bis attitude was one of defiance; and every litt e, cour teous protest he took aa a direct affront His knowledge of the game was poor; his judgment ridiculous ' Scores ef New . Bern people termed the decision "raw" and rotten," and it wss the onanimoui opinion or tne Washington delegation that not only had wo not received a square deal, but also there had been no disposition on ths psrt of the referee to give the local boys their due.' , I': We do not believe that our esteemed contemporary published this account with the knowledge that it Is practical ly a fake in every particular, but that hs listened to the rq ieal put up by the fairly defeated would-be-players and be listed every word they were ssying. The writer bss been familiar with the game of football ever since he was strong enough to punt the leather and be has never seen a game more fairly ployed, n fact the referee gave the visitors severs! chsnres which they did not earn. Three games have been played by these two teams and in two of tbem a Washington man refereed the game. Needless to say New Bern lost those two games. In the third game a New Bern man, who is noted for bis fairness, was the referee aad if there was any partiality shown ft was In fa- vor of the visitors, New Bern woo the gams by a seors 5 to 0 and if the Waeh- Ington team wants to yelp why let em 1 do so, W, H. Hancock Loses Out In His Damage Case Against Norfolk-Southern Railway Co. Although only a few cases were dis posed of during the day's session, yes terday was a very busy day in Craven County Superior Court which is now in session in this city. In the case of Hancock vs the Norfolk-Southern Railway Company,, in which the former was suing for $5,000 damages for injuries received while he was in the employ, of the defendant company, the jury returned a verdict in favor of the defendants. The case of the Parker Buggy Cor poration vs the Atlantic Coast Line Railway Company, in which the plain tiffs were fiuing for damages caused by delay in transportation, the jury award ed the plaintiff damages in the sum of $225. In the case of Joe Bynum vs the Ro per Lumber Company, the plaintiff was awarded damages in the sum of $150 for injuries received while he was in the employ of the defendant company, The case of Baxter vs Irvin was next taken up. In this case Mr. J. J. Bax ter was suing Mrs. R, A Irvin for breaking a contract. The jury return ed a verdict in favor of the defendant. Ton of Fertilizer For No. 264. The ballot box containing the votes which were cast at the Crnven Chemi cal Company's booih during the Agri cultural Exhibit jn this city was opened yesterday afternoon in the presence of a committee of three disinterested per sona, who drew No. 264 from the box. The persons who vote at this booth will please look at their number and the one ho holds 264, will notify the Cra ven Chemical Company, present their ticket and receive the $25.00 ton of fer tilizer which was offered by the com pany in this voting contest. Don't let the cold snap catch you without a heater from J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. 67 S. Front St., Phone 99. Not In our class. Salisbury Post 23-Aviator Whitmer, one of the Curtiss birdmen, made two flights st New Bern yesterday in the presence of 10,000 people. Lincoln Beachey, the famous and world renown aviator, made four sensational flights and carried two passengers in his Cur ties aeroplane at Fair Park. Salisbury, yeBterday, in the presence of the enor mous .throng of 400 people I ! To Have New Bern Raise Its Por tion to Complete Road to Open up Fine Country. Some weeks ago ths Journal noted in its columns that the farmers living in the lower end of Beaufort county, and those living this side of the county line, usually designated as the Aurora sec tion, wanted to trade in New Bern, but owing to the long distance one way, and the nearly impassable read the short way, they were kept away. Coming to New Bern a delegsti M . of farmers, called at the Chamber of Commerce of fices, and showed how by building up about four miles of roadway, and drain ing a portion, there would be opened up a direct road to Aurora, a road that cou'd be traveled every day in the yuar The road that needs re opening is known as the Walker road. To show their eon fidence in 'this roadway, repairing of the Walker road and the building up of the entire road, of some SO miles, the delegation pledged to raise $?E0 of the $1,000 they considered as necessary for the road work. They bad1 subscription lists made up, and the Journal has just received word from Mr. N. A, Pnrlfoy, one of the committee, that they have nearly $800 subscribed and now wait for New Bern to do Its share. Any mer- j chant In New Bern can tell what the (opening up of this country would mean for the retail trade of this eity, Goo J roads are aa much . needed as railroads and it seems impossible to" believe that there should be any hesitancy on tbs part of New Bern merchants, specially the Chamber of Commerce to at once secure the money necessary to be added to what the farmers have subscribed to complete this direct road. Here Is a ease of trade seeking New Bern. Bather unusual, for the rule is the other way. There should be public action .at once on this matter. It means thousands of dollars of trade annually for the mer chants in this city.' r CHAMBER OF GOM - MERGE IRK So That Slaughter of Chinese And ! Foreigners Continues Un interrupted. Peking, China, Nov. 24 The massa cre of foreigners, is still going on in Shensi province, according to informa tion received here. In the same prov ince more than 2,000 Manchua have been slaughtered. It is also reported that foreigners are being murdered at Yunan. Five thous and corpses strew the battle field at Hankow as a result of two days' fight ing. The anti foreign agitation is as suming a dangerous character. The development of the anti-foreign outbreaks are taken by every one here as foreshadowing almost immediate in tervention by the powers. It is said the only reason there has not already been vigorous intervention is because the powers cannot as yet agree upon a plan. Premier Yuan Shi Kal is taking ad vantages of the jealousies and rivalries among the nations with interests in the empire to play one against another, which he has done with connideratle success. It is believed, however, that the Premier would not oppose interven tion if assured that it would save the Throne. He is constantly conferring with the Ministers and Ambassadors here. Storiee that an attempt was made to assassinate the Premier Mon day lack coofirmatian: There is no doubt, however, that the revolutiona ries are on the outlook for a chance to kill him. It appears that the de'ay in the rebel attack on Nankin is due to the fact that the arrival of the war ships recently raptured from the Impe rialists is awaited to join in the engage ment by a bombardment from the riv er. Washington, Nov. 24. In the face of an uuexplained delay in dispatching to China troopti which it was announced a week ago would be sent from Manila reports of serious interventional com plications were, numerous. These gained strength in the fact that Cabinet offi cers of the State, War and Navy De partments held frequent conferences, the subject of which they refused to disclose, Brand New Line of Rugs just in from the mills, 9x12 Ax-minister, in beautiful shades, extra heavy at $20,00, 9x12 Wilton at $27.50, 9x12 Brussell at $25.00, 9x12 Topesly at $12.50, small rugs to match. Now is the time to make selection, as my stock is complete. J. S. MILLER. The Furniture Man. "When Cannibal Captured Me " That's the title of an amazing story to be featured In the Magazine Section of next Sunday, s New York World, nar rating the thrilling experiences of a New York City broker who suffered terrible hardship and had hair-raising conflicts with cannibals in Patagonia, barely escaping being eaten by the South American savages. This is a tale the truth of which makes fiction sink into insignificance in its telling. No person should miss reading it. Then there wil) be a score of other big arti cles in fhe Magazine Section of next Sunday's World, Order in advance and read them all. Kpworth. Go to Bpworth Thanksgiving night Nov. 80th. The concert will make you laugh all your life. You may win a heart and that will make you a good wife. Only twenty cents to get bushels of sense. The American Bankers' Association indorsed ths Aldrich monetary plan, STOMACH TONIC Putfl the Stomach in Splendid Shape and Supplies Vim, Vig or and Vitality to the Whole Body. If you feel all run down, out of sorts, nervous and depressed, go and get a 60- eent box of MI-O-NA stomach tablets today, Take every one of thsrn according to directions and when they are gone you will feel like a different person. . , MI-O-NA stomach tablets will reno Vate your disordered stomach and bow els, they will put life into your InactUi liver, . . .' v They will banish' nervousness, brain fag, dlsttnese, headaches, nlghtaweala, and sleeplessness, ' .1 MI O NA will stop sour risings, gas and heartburn In five minutes. Large box (0 cents at Brsdhsm Drug Co. and all druggist everywhere. Highest North Carolina Court Up holds Judge Martin in the Bell Cotton Case. Finding no reversible error, judgment for the plaintiff for damages in the cot ton future case of Rodgers, McCabe & Co. of Norfolk against J: H. Bell from the Edgecombe Superior Court lias been affirmed by the Supreme Court of North Carolina in a long decision given by Mr. Justice Hoke. It was pleaded that the contract for future delivery of cotton upon Which the suit had been baaed was a gambling contract and that no damages could be awarded against the defendant. The fir.H of theBe cotton cases invol ving the point of "futures" wastriul before Judge Martin in a case brought in the Court of Law and Chancery at Norfolk. Subsequently cases were brought in North Carolina where the judges followed Judge Martin who is now supported in this contentions by the highest court in North Carolina. The facts out of which Rodgers, Mc Cabe & Co. 's 8ii it against Bell grew were as follows: A written contract between the par ties was entered into whereby Bell agreed to deliver 50,00(1 pounds of cot ton at the depot or boat landing in Pol locksville, N. C, on or before January 1, 1910, and a stipulation that in case of failure to deliver the cotton, or any part thereof, the dnmapes should be ad measured at the highest price in the above mentioned market any day be tween September 10, 1909J and Decem ber 1, 1909. About 20,000 pounds were delivered according to the contract. This suit is for damages for failure to deliver the balance. Bell alleges that no actual delivery was ever intended, but that it was a gambling contract and offered evidence to that effect, The jury found of a fact that it was not a gambling contract and from the judg ment for the plantifF, lie! I appealed to the Supreme Court which affirms the court below. New Bern, Take Notice. Mr. Editor Please stop my ad at once. Since my last ad was placed in your paper my business has increased so I cannot hardly wait on my custo mers. Please atop until further notice. One fine mule for sale. "Big Hill,' the Shingle and Paper Roofing Man. New Autos Purchased, The Hyman fupply Company have sold to Mr. W, B. Blades a handsome 1912 model Cadillac Touring Car, and to Mr. E. K. Bell of P.dlockaviHe, an E. M. V. Car. These autos are of high class, two of the several classes that the Hyman Supply Co, are agents f r in thin city. Rebels Continue to Have Best in Fights. Bitter Against Foreigners. Hongkong, China, Nov. 25. After a desperate fight with the crew in which chief officer H. J. Nicholson, an Eng' lishman, was killed, Chinese pirates captured and looted the Hritish steam ship Shiuon, near Knngmoon, accord ing to advices received here. The pirates brutally mishandled ev erybody aboard the ship following their capture of the vessel, lopping off the legs of two Chinese passengers in mere sport. The attack on the Shiuon marks the climax of atrocities perpetrated by the pirate crews which have swarmed in all Chinese waters since the rebellion broke out. The English naval authori ties are 1 xpei ted t' take vigorous ac tlon Immediately tonara suppressing them. Tientsin, Nov. 2Tth. -Thi rebels had much the b stof Friday's fighting netr Hankow, according to messages r- reived here. They drove the Imperial lata northward along the Hankow-Pe king railroad. The liisnes on both siJes wat enormous. Ti e government has arranged to pur chase about 7 .0,000 worth of arms and smn umtion from Japan. Peking, Nov. 25, Revolutionists in Pechill province are marching on Kal- gan and say they will move thence against Peking. A panic prevails among the Manchua in the city. As their ter ror increases the Manchus are growing more and more bitter against foielgn-era,- So tense is the feeling that It was decided advisable t-) increase the lega tion guards. The .British Consul st Chungking, Sxechusa province, report ed that a republic was declared thvre Nov. 23d. He adds that fursignersln his locality are safe. , . .- 7" v BRUTAL ACTIONS CHINESE PIRATES Indicate Healthy State. Exports Large. Sales To Mills. Dead- , lock In Prjces Continue. New York, Nov. 25, Cotton has al ternately declined and advanced on a steady absorption by spot interests, spinners and short ), Bombay will, it is said, take 250,000 bales this year, the largest total ever known. The yarn trade is improving. Several orders for knitting yarns, aggregating about 250 pounds, were taken by New York State mills on Wednesday; Spinners continue quoting prices that are about a cent above the market. The Southern yarn markets are also reported firm. Fall River is active. The week's sales are expected to be unusually large. Some French and German mills are buying cotton on the present basis for delivery several years ahead. Large New Or leans operators are buying the next crop month. So are continental spin ners in Liverpool. They are said to be buying them on a very large scale. The $50,1)03,000 scheme- to advance Southern farmer $2." a bale on securing his pledge to restrict his next acreage, take two million bales olT the market, and then buy futures against it while it is denounced by miny as absurd is regarded by others as possibly an enter ing wedge to clear the way for some better method for marke'ing the col ton than that which has heretofora been pursued. Meantime, holding back cotton at the South i still a noticeable, factor in th-j geneial sitintion. Th short interest h"re is suid t be still large and the plmrts and everybody else, it is declared, spems anxious, to ) eeize the oppoi tunity to buy when the price reaches bottom. But what will prove to be the bottom is not assured. Has it a'ready been reached, or must the price decline further. Meantime many traders fear to sell a dull mnrket. The exports are enormous. On the other hand, prices fail t: advance ma terially. Though the cinning figures for the last period we-e 2.10,000 bales smaller than were general'y expected. the total, 10,296,930 bales w is after all the largest on record. The receipts are large. The weather has recently been favorable for picking anil ma4tfT- ing. "The cotton is there whatever the reported Kinninjr," is a remark of ten heard, Cordiil has increased his estimate of the Texas crop from 4, 150,- 000 bales to 4,500,0.10 bales, which makes his total estimate of the crop 15,775,000 bales. Spot houses have latterly been sell ing January. The December premium has fallen off. The hig pteponderanco of low grades in a large crop this year some think, may yet prove a depressing effect. As the case stands, however, cotton is being absorbed in sulficient quantities to keep the prices steady, though the Liverpool cotton exchange members estimate the crop on the aver age at 14,811,000 bales, and the Mem phis Commercial A ppeal puts it at 15.0:5,000 bales. The tenacity with which the price holds is exciting wide spread comment, Some continental spinners are buying cotton ns far ahead It is stated, as 191. Net changes in prices for the week are slight. The df ad lock of six weeks is practically un broken. Thirty-three perions were killed in a boiler explr-siun at Liverprol. Lived In Three Centuries. A death of more than usual interest occurred this week at Arapahoe. Sim on Boskey, who was perhaps I hn oldest man in the State, if not in the whole country, died at the great age of one hundred and twenty years. He was born a slave, sccording t ) the records, in 1791 and therefore lived in three cen turies. He was an industrious, quiet old negro, well liked hy all who knew him, and was active and hearty until quite recently. ) ) LUZIANNE 0 ) ) C0FEEE uooawun muKideJtu- ous withpure. swtttj cream: Bfendsjitrfcd ly wtth'fcithcr losing nojart'of its flavor.; Its guaranteed to jUasc..t Trjit ( O iMlOft CO I HfWUMlfAh 11 i A I -jag-swejsf TfFhThTr IPTTITilV'fr'

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