TKE WEEKLY Q IfUHUaea 1878 fabUahed Id Two BscUona, everj Taesday and Friday, at Journal Build- sg-to Craven Street, " ' . -u CHARLES L. &TXYXSB, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Official Paper of New Bars and Craven Connty. . '; '. : -" 1 ' ;;-:' SUBSCRIPTION ; RATES, rwo Months.' ,, ., , ' ..I tl Store Montbsv .. .. . - ; II kx Months,. '.' . , . .' M twelve Months..' .. .. .. .. LM ONLY IN ADVANCE. V. ( "Che Journal Is caiysent on pay-in tdvance barla. Subscribers will re ceive notice of expiration of their sub scriptions and an Immediate response o notice m oe appreciated by the 9raraaL ' .Advertising rates furnished upon application at the office, or upon la malv . - nted at the Poatofflce, New Bern, N. C aa second-class matter. - - New Bern, N. C. November, 28. 1911. REMARKABLE? DEMONSTRA . ' ' TION FAVORING NEW BEEN. - The old adage of "-money talks," ia as much in force today aa ever. Opinion backed by dollars far out weighs in its effectiveness the best conversationist. ' The abeve is actively proven in the article in Saturday's Journal, telling of the raising by popular subscription of $300. among the farmers living along the line be tween New Bern and Aurora, a road that passes, through parts of Craveu, Pamlico and Beaufort counties. "Weeks ago a committee ! representing the poeple of these 'sections come to this city, and asked that New Bern would join in a movement to put in first class order the road leading from this city to the vicinity of Aurora, saying it was their estimate that about four miles' was the longest portion needing special expense in repairing, and to show tbHr wil lingness in the wor' , they agreed to raise $250. rr tha l,00 they deemed necessary ur this road work." ' Friday last, the committee sent word to the Journal that $300 was subscribed, and they were ready to join New Bern Chamber of Com merce in beginning the road work. The sections traversed by this road are rich in trade possibilities for this city. The fact that the coun try people have so readily and generously subscribed, should find an equal response from the people of this city, through the Chamber of Commerce, and enough money be pledged at once to keep the work, already undertaken by the farmers, in full swing until this road shall be completed. Now is the season of year to begin the work, labor is easier to secure and the farmers will all help. No more important matter confronts - the Chamber of Commerce and the business men of thia city, than to. follow at once the work now being prosecuted by the farmers. NEW YORK BANKS A3 PHI LANTHROPISTS, The press reports that New York Banks stood ready to place $50, 000,000 in the Southern States, for the purpose of handling the cotton crop of 1911, has been given all the publicity possible to make it appear as though these banks real ly meant it, in the way that the (Southern cotton farmer might wish the plan to be, . The proposition was given out as being a consultation with the Southern governors ami cotton con ference recently held. The plan proposed to advance the grower $25 a bale upon hit cot ton, based on the market value at the time of the loan, No interest charge being $1 a bale, which was regarded as a legitimate minimum - charge for expense of grading and handling. ' The cotton; not held, . nor taken from channels of trade, but placed at the best advantage. The grower given the right to des iguate the day of tale price to Jan. 1, 1913, and farmers to participate . ia any advance in price to the ex tent of tbe rise io the market. Pro vision was made against any appa rent violation of the Sherman law, in that eacfi State committee Darn ed by the Gorernor or the Com missioner Of Agriculture of each state has the right to dame the day of sale, if cotton ' reaches IK Of 13 f its, which gives only a close, le mto profit for the cost of pro- Children Cry, ; The Kind You Ilave Always - in use for over 30 years, I ' ' - and has sonal Allow All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment . What is CASTORIA Costorla is a harmless, substitute for Castor Oil, Pare trorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karootlo rrv aubstance. Its age is its guarantee. " It destroys Worms ;- and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. . . It reUeveiTTeething Troubles, cures Constipation . : - and Flatulency. '-It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep - t Tbe ChiltJren's Tanacea The Mother's Friend.; - ' ."' GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY. T MU"HY ITMIT, NEW YOB PC CtTT.1 tion with his pledge to reduce acre age the coming year. All this makes a trust, but not one that could be convicted under the law. The combination of New York bankers and Southern cotton farmers is about as inconceivable as any that could be suggested. It is easy to figure out how one sided the partnership would be. as the banks with a clutch on the spot cotton, could manipulate prices in the market for futures to suit their own interests. Even with an advance to the minimum sell ing price of 12 cents, the banks would have one-fourth of any ad dition to the price, now under 10 cents, beyond the cost of hand ling. But why go' in to any serious consideration of such an impossi ble combioe. Or does auy cotton grower believe the New York bank ers are philanthropists 1 DEAFNESS CANNOT. BE CURED by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that it by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of the muonui lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube is in flamed you have a rumbling sound of imperfect hearing, and when it ia en tirely closed,. Deafness is the result, and unless the inflamation can be taken out and thia tube restored to its nor mal condition, hearing will be destroy ed forever: nine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Stnd for circulars free. T. J. CHENEY ft CO.rops, Toledo, 0 Sold by druggists, price 75o. Take Hall's family pills for con stipation. The appointment of Prof. Garrett Droppers, of Williams College to the Massachuset ti Railroad Commission by Governor Foss was prevented by the Governor's council. . Certificate of Stock Lost Notice is hereby given, that certifi cate of stock number thirteen, issued by tbe Atlantic k North Carolina Rail road Company for one share of stock to M F. Arendell, has been lost and tha undersigned will apply to said company for a new certificate. This the first day of November 1011. M. F. ARENDELL BY W. L. ARENDELL. Adminisarttor. The eigh'-ytar old son of Geo. Gold en, on trial lor wits murd .-r. at Pitts burgh, was not permitted to testify. . Women f tie highest type, women ef superior education and refinement, ; whose discernment and judgment give weight and fore to their, opinions, highly praise tie wonderful corrective and curative properties of Cham Wrlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Throoghout the many stages of woman's life, from girlhood, through the ordeals of mother hood to the declining years, there U M atier or more reliable med idna. Qiunberlajn's Tablets art ; . for Fletcher's- J Bought, and whlchj has been; has borne the, signature I ' been made under his per , , supervision since Its Infancy. , , no one to deceive you in this v- Signature of The Norfolk-Southern "Thanksgiving Special . . - The football game between the team of the North Carolina A. A M. College and tbe Virginia Polytechnic Institute at Norfolk on Thanksgiving Day has excited so much general interest that the Norfolk-Southern fe arranging to increase its passenger train service on the night of the 29th to take the erowd to Norfolk. - A special fast train to be known as "Special Cadet" will leave Raleigh at midnight carrying the Stu dent body from the college. . The foot ball squad of about 25, which will leave Raleigh a day ahead of the students, will join the special train enroute and arrive in Norfolk early on the morning of Thanksgiving. The batalion band will greet the team ' on arrival at the Norfolk-Southern station, and tbe grand march to the hotel will 'begin.' Ia ad dition to the special train from Raleigh and the regular trains from other points arrangements have beetj made to pro vide special Pullman sleepers and coaeh ea to care for the crowds who wish to see the A, & M. make' Virginia ''bite the duet" LasJ yearat Lafayette Park, when Carolina captured all the honors pandemonium ' reigned and the scene was indeseribab'e because of tbe great enthusiasm of the Carolina root ers. The "Farmer" team from Ral eigh this year is said to be the beat that has ever been gotten Jogether, and now the bet ia on Carolina two to one. Great preparations are ueing made to handle an immense crowd, and the field is being gotten in first class shape. : Tbe tobacco growers of North Caro lina talked about criminal prosecution of Tobacco Trust officials, ; "I do not believe there is any other medicine so good for whooping cough as Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, , writes Mrs. Francis Taniin. Junction fCity, Ore. This remedy Is alsounsur- passed for colds and croup. For sale oy an dealers. Lots of Hunting. Tbe talk bad turned upon huntint ana by and by one of tbe adult visitors, noting Jamie's rapt and eager look. remarked cheerily: "Well, sonny, I dmt suppose you've bad a chance to do much bunting yetr "Not many kinds, but lots of K." ex plained Jamie. "I've never nuatsl bears or lions, but I've buntet ay's spectacles most all over the world!"-Cb1enro Record Herald. f' There ia little danger from a eold or fmm an attack of tbe grip escept when followed by pneumonia, arid this never happens when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy ia used. This remedy has won its great reputation and ektensive sale oy its remarkable cores tti eolds end grin and can be relied upta with im plicit confidence. For sal by all deal era, . - i John D. Rockefeller will he Invited by tbe House Steel Inquiry Committee to testify before it v . . The Biter Bltteaj A l-iilladeipuia man went t a deals (o purchase a dozen homing pigeons end was both surprised abd delighted at the extremely low pride asked fot the birds.. . Tbe bargain was finally concluded aud the pigeons dsllrsred. Two weeks later tbe cemlemta bai psned to be passing., wbri tbe dealer stopped him and asked him now the birds were getting on.- ' . "1 don't know," replied the gentle man., " have not beard non my friend."; "Your frJendr v " "Yes; I bought, tbem Kan Francisco.'' : ' 'f- a maa is Tbe dealer's Jaw fell in dismay, and then, with a rueful laugh, be admitted that be bad sold tbe birds: so cheaply becsnse be knew that on being releas ed they would Immediately return to their old bom. But from Ban Fran Cisco! It was a clear cum tt the biter belug bUten.T8t Ix)uls giobe-Dem rat ,." ' , f 1 f"' j ; liL3 : OFJLASTWEEK MiMplleT Words. Pupils "Work Out of Hurfc Thanksgiving - . Holiday and Offering - v For the Poor. , The accusation is often heard that children ow-a-days are not as good speUers as in tha "good old times." Of course; there are good arid bad spellers today aa there were years ago, and as there will likely be for many years to come..- Usually a poor speller has some defect In hearing or sight During the past week an account has been kept of every word mis spelled in high school composition work,, : Out of the 8tb, 9th and 10th grades, .the following words were mis-spelled; giants, nymph, hea ven, too, fascinating,, jealous, until, poplars, pined, manage, stopped. These were found in 90 compositions, ' V' There are quite a number of boys and girls in the graded school who do work outside of school hours, for which they receive pay. In many instances this money is nsed to help support them" selves, It may be of interest to know just what they do. A large number of boys collect ia the afternoon and Satur days, others clerk in grocery, fruit and dry goods stores; still others deliver telegrams and : work in , the lum ber yards; several sell newspspers and deliver oar daiiy papers. Quite a num ber of girls work on the ouside also, but the majority help at home and re ceive pay for their time and labor Washing the dinner dishes, cleaning up the bouse, etc seem to be favorite schemes for tha. girls. One girl does every bit of her own sewing, for which her father pays bar,; 48 boys and 22 girls report -this outside work for which they receive pay. A number of the teachers expect -to attend the North Carolina Teachers' Assembly in Raleigb. On next Thursday and Friday tbe usual Thanksgiving holiday will be given this year and there will be no school on either Thursday or Friday. Nov. SOth Dee. 1st. The usual thanksgiving offer ing for tbe poor afflicted of the city. will be taken on Wednesday next, Tbe beautiful custom for, many years of each pupil bringing some gift for the poor and afflicted, will be followed. The offering will be distributed on Wednes day afternoon. , i ' r- Tba IA Grade had a spelling bee on Friday morning. At the end of twen ty-five minutes the following remained standing: Charlene Knapp, Leora, Ar thur, Carolyn Carmon, Lloyd Doughty, John Palmer. This grade has begun fractions and seems to be getting on very well. : :- i , ; -i i. In the SA Grade the following Is a list of those not missing a. won) In spell ing dnring the week: Grace Stewart, Felix Labaki, Duffy Rowe, Mildred Wbitehorst, Annie May Dukes, Brenda Knapp, Robert Nixon, Daisy Lockyer, Lucy MeDanieL: Very creditable maps of the Southern States have been drawn in this grade during the week. This morning some interesting facts were res'), for a few minutes, from "Current Events" and much interest was arous ed by calling on tha children to tell what had been read. In a spelling ben, in the 4A grade Lillian Grubs was - the only girl left standing sgainst ten boys, the boys finally winning out, . ;-; Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S : I CASTORIA The transfer of Viscount Sutemi Chinda, the Japanese' Ambastador at Berlin, to Washington was gusetted in Tokio. - ' ' SAVED CHILD FROM DEATH. "After our child has suffered fromse vere bronchial trouble for a year." wrote Or. T. RichardsoO. of Richard son's Mills, Ala "we feared it had con- sumption. . It had a bad cough all the time, weviea many remedies with out avail, and doctor's medicine seemed as useless. Finally we triid Dr. King's New Discovery, and era pleased to eay that one bottle effected a complete cure sad our eatia is sgaia strong and neai- tny, "Foreeugns. coins, noarseneee, lairlnoe. asthma, erooo and sore lungs. iU the most infallible remedy that's made, rrtee SOe and LOO. Trial hot tie free. Guaranteed by all druggists. ' -atvsa-ssH-M-a-a-Msatasaaw John V. Rockefeller denied fraud in tbe Merritt esse and aecussed tbe Mr rltt brothers of tesrjfjtog false) before the Itanley aemmlttee. Chamberlala's Stomach and Liver Table's de not s teste or gripe, and may neuken wits perfect earety ny tne amt delicate wemia or the yoongest child. The eld nod feeble will also find tbem a most suitable remedy for aiding end etrengtnemng their weakened di gestion a id lor regulating tbe bowel. For sale by all dealers, , , , luffrsaeltes who Dertit bated In last Tuesday's Hots to London were' givtn jail sentences. , ... Justise Wright ruled that Gompsrs, Mitchell aad Morrison must stand trial ea contempt charges. . its r r--r-re as hm - . ' ! ... .,i ii SCHOOL EM! EElHO LIB T3 Norfolk, Ta., Account Foot Ball Game A. & M. vs V. P. I. Thanksgiving Day Thurs 1 day Nov. 30th, 1911. - Special sleeping cars will be placed at Goldsboro, Kinston and New Bern. SCHEDULE - : " ROUND TRIP Lv. Goldsboro 10:15 P; M. : $ 8 00 "if LaGrange 10:42 : s. 8 00 Kinston ' 11:10 ' ? 8 00 " Dover f - 11:30 ' 1 . 8 00 " Beaufort 8:48 V. x y'i 4 20 " M. City ' 4:15 " 4 00 " OrienUl 2:00 . " 4 00 ' -' New Bern 12:30 A." M. . 8 00 Ar. Norfolk , -. 8,-00;.",-;. . - Tickets sold for all day ; trains Nov. 29th and train No. 16 leaving Goldsboro Nov. 29th and leaving New Bern- Nov. SOth, Tickets good to return until train No. 6 leaving Norfolk Dec. 1st. - Special sleeping cars placed at Golds boro, Kinston and New Bern may be occupied at 9:30 p m Nov. 29th. Re turning passengers using Pullman ser vice may occupy sleeping can until 7:00 a m Dec 1st at New Bern, Kinston and Goldsboro. r - -: Tickets sold for trains Nos. 2 and 16 and train No. 6 leaving Raleigh Nov. 29th, tickets good to return on train No. 6 leaving Norfolk 9:00 p m Dee 1st ' Sleeping car space should be reserved through local agents at once to insure satisfactory accommodations. . -, - ' A Poet Whe Drseded Frra. Thomas Gray, author of the "Elegy,' had a weakness "in the form of a nerv ous dread of fire. His chamber at St Peter's college, Cambridge, being fa tbe second floor, he thought it likely that in case of "h fire his exit by the stairs might be cut off.; He therefore caused an iron bar to be fixed by arms projecting from the outside of bis win dow, designing by a rope attached thereto to descend in the event of a fire occurring. - This excessive caution led to a practical Joke by his fellows One midnight a party of students thundered! at his door with loud cries of Tire, fire!" The nervous poet flew to bis' window and slid down the rope to the ground, where he was hail ed with shouts of laughter. .The win dow, with Its Iron apparatus. Is stir shown, it Is said.. Gray's delicate na tare was so shocked by this rough Jokt that he changed his lodgings. - QUICK RELIEF FOR RHEUMATISM. George W. Koons, Lawton, , Mich., says: ;'ufi. uetchon's -kelief for Rheumatism has given my wife won derful benefit : for ' rheumatism. She could not lift hand or foot,' had to be lifted for two months. She began thai use of the remedy and unproved rapidly. On Monday she could not move and on Wednesday she got up, dressed herself and walked out for breakfast," : Sold by Bradham Drug Co. - t .,, Saving. Him.- - "Why have you and Miss 8weet broken off your engagement" "Because she loves me so." .'j "That's a queer reason." ... "Not at all. Bhe believes in fortune telling, and when she went to have her future revealed not long ago she was Informed that she. would be married three times. : That settled my case, fot tbe time being at least She said that she was determined that I should not encounter the dancor of being first on the Usf-Plttsburg Press. , ; WHAT WOULD YOU. POT. In case of a burn or scald what would yoj do to relieve tbe painT Such in juries are liable to occur in any family and everyone- should be prepared for them. Chamberlain's Salve aDolied on a soft cloth will relieve the pain almost instantly, ana unless i he injury is a very severe one, will causs the parts to beal without Waving a soar,; . For aale by all dealers, - ...... -- . Tbe National Good Roads Congress at Richmond elected officers and ad journed. " v ...J.-, . - ' , :j ' - . . 0 t : . u( cerwat Wtnr. :lhe lui'" ' .JiMiclty of the :ivcrr:j; womnn who ocs not wear cortcU I anout 2,800 tubjc ten ti mcten, or 17 cubic lnhes; of one who Is In the hub It of wearing corsets only 2.200 cubli centimeters,, or 134 cubic Incbov f that rue rapacity of the numiul anO nnrestricted Iruigs is' about 273 poi root more than that of those whirl: bav been compressed by the corset Scientific Amojlcau.;;; ; ' A Technical Mind. '. '' "What in the name of common sease are you atrestlu; me forr asked the motorist who bad accidentally violated a resrulatlou. . "1 ain't arrestln' you In the name ef common sense." replied' tbe rustic Sheriff." I'm arrestln' you In the aeme of the law." Washington Stan ' The towns of Tripoli and Homtf aerc were reported besieged by the 'Turks. ''I am' p'eased to recommend Cbsra b?rlain's Cough Remedy as the beit thing I know of and safest remeHy for coughs, eolds Sid bronchi il trouble, writes Mrs. L. B. Arnold ef Denver, jColo. "We- have used it repeatedly and It has never failed to give relief' For sale by all dealers. r . -Osad Men's Toth. ' Before artlfli'lal leeth were created deflcienciea bod to bo nmde good by the real article, so body imU'her rav aged the cemetvrlos at nlnl't. brouklng up tbe Jaws of (be dead to estruct their teeth to sell to doatlxts for lnr Uoo In live men's nioutlu. AD nrmyuf these ghnuls' followed Welllu'tou't srmy. They were "licensed as sntlcin, but once lilxht fell out came their nil per and they prowled over the ImIi! field extracting lbs twih vt t! C ' 4 or dvlun. : red taps ;i c::."'::y. - A Railway Ticktt, a Controversy and a Dslaysd Train. - In an account of the duchy of Te :k end Its Inhabitants by the Rev. & Bar tng-Gould an amusing ' experience is thus described by the author: ."We are wont, we Englishmen, ?S grumble at red taptsm, but with us it does not go beyond the government offices. In Germany It Is everywhere I had an Instance of It between Ober Lenningen and Owen. I had asked at the . former - place, for a third . class ticket to Owen and bad stepped Into a third class carriage. On these branch lines nearly every one travels fourth, I counted twelve compartments fourth, nine third and three second. There Was no first' class compartment ! t e fore reaching the next station In fa a mile from Ober Lenningen the la spector came round. , ' ---'. , " 'Hah, you have . a , fourth class ticket and are In a third class com pnrtment: The fine Is 6 marks.' i . . "I -explained and offered at once to pass Into an .inferior , carriage or p iy the difference. '- ..":;.! y . , " "That Will not do. . Ion have 1 a fringed the law and must pay 0 mark t "I get out at Owen and willazplaia matters to the station master. . t, vV"I did 'sa- '-X': " The fine is 6 marks said this Ir ter peremptorily. t--: -:X: -' 'But" said L I demanded, a thl1 class ticket and' was given one fit Which I hari not asked. Thls wae aa oversight of the clerfc' . -i .v. ""'": " 'Tou should have examined yo ticket; L'v'rU: 'vS-'Yis. " v:',-' 'The train was delayed five minutes while the matter was thrashed out os the platform, the travelers eranlig their necks out of tbe windows jf their respective carriages, looking on and listening with lively Interest- tt last reluctantly the sUtlon ma r yielded. ' I must pay the difference, "What Is ltr r " One pennyf , " , 1" Children Ory , : FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA ' M re. Frances O Shaughnessy we pt during her trial in New York for kil ling her husband. - . SICK HEADACHE. , This distressinir disease results from a disordered condition of tbe stomac, and can be cured by taking Chamb r laln's Stomach and Liver Tablets. Git a free sample at all dealer's drug stt e and try itv i ' '-.'; .-i-;- TARRYMORE HOTEL J , .'t'.-V SWANSBORO, N. C All modern conveniences for batV v A ing and inside fishing. - . ' BOAT LEAVES ' 4 .,. 8 a. m. Lv.. Swansboro Ar. 60 p. n. 1130 a m. Ar' M. City Lv. 2-00 a, H. , A GROCERY MAN ; has to be pretty weir "made-up" lo please everybody, our, shelves . are "chuck full',' of good things in the lire of Fancy Groceries and we guaraotee everything we sell to please everybody we sell too, or we refund your mone;v Buckwheat, Mince Meat, Heins Pickles The BeBt Fancy Candy for Cake Trim mings. Prompt delivery. Tours to please, . Broad Street ErccEry Cc. PHONE 15o NEW BERN, N. C ' "A ne piece of clolli my LoI I never saw you wear a Ic'.'.ar'. looking luit," ' .' ' "Yes," I m pleased wilh it. I . tad it ma(?e"Iy a good merc!.cr.t tailor, j The clolh u ens t f l! i I ! , 1 ; r- 4 ( ' it si : i-" JjgI flEGEIVED Choice Let N. C. ShsuIJcrs '-.'-'andSide Bacon. Seeded Raisins, perpkg. - 12Je Cleaned Currants, - - 12s Fancy Citron, per lb.' 26c' Fancy Large Prunes ' 13c Fancy Evap. Peaches,. 18c Fancy Evap. Apples, pkg. - - 10c Large Sour Pickles, per doa. 16c White C. Oil,: gal," ( 12c' Fancy Maccaront, " 10c Very Best Flour, per in. . - 8c ,:. Pure Spices and Flavoring Ex tracts Codfish, Irish Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Best sugar cured Hams only 18c lb Rock bottom prices on every th ng in the gro cery line, " x ; ; ' " ;. ' YOURS FOR CASH OMY J. LMcDanicl 4f Middle St ' ' Phn- 91 HARDWARE v v AN1 , i '' Building TMs- terial W . ; : r raims; ui AND - - Varnishes . American ; Field Fenci 11; fUUU : REMEMBER We are ready to fill your fruit cake order with all the neccswry fruits and spices for a cake and at a saving to you . The best of every thing in the line at the hwesf possible price. ' Phone 174 MiddU m HENRY'S I Prescriptions from physicians, Quickly ti.t I curately filled.' r Also a full line of Choic Toilet -articles.- EM CIS! Hyde Co. R. P. Oats, Burt Oats,"; Hairy Vetch, Rape Crimson Clover. Alfalfa, Hay, Oats, Corn, .Corn .Meal, Cot ton beed Meal, Hulls, Bran, Shipstuff, Beet Pulp, Dairy Molasses F2ed, ; Distillers Gram, highest in Protein of any stock feed on the market.'-' - - :' ' BURRUS c COe 1 SJ Middle St. New Bern, N. O ( I Pharmacy I I . PHONE 173 - I i:'J everywhere at " I l?x. ' ). Everything (if psnded On Nanking, China, Is bf i I J t'. r-velut

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