r ' .'i 1 a 1b jk m. R8 No 69 NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. C. FRIDAY DECEMBER, 1, 1911--SECOND SECTION 34th. YEAR LAST STRONGHOLD J COUNTY - RE 5E- CRAVE! WILD EXPENSES IN GOVERNMENT HORRIBLE II-DENTftTARAPAHOE SICKNESS SHOOTING UT GOVERNMENT BOMBARDED RAGE S FINES Nanking About To Be Overwhelm eL ' Rebels Swarm On Every r Ride Chinese Capital.' , " , - Nanking, Nov. 27. After more than half a century of silence the hills over. - looking the walled city of Nanking, the 'ancient "capifalof China, swaim with rebellious forces eager for its occupa tion and determined to Use the strong ,lio d where the' Manchus are making their last stand 'south of the Yang Tse. r- From the Tiger Hill Fort for several hours, Sunday morning big guns Bpoke repeatedly, while further up along the northeastern range from . the : top of . Purple Mountain, overlooking the Ming Tombs, for a,. fifteen mile semi-circle . westward to tha Yang Tse, smaller forts scattered Shells into every section of (lie city. I So..; fat1 8s is known the casualty Hit is not large. General Wong second in command of the defenders., is . among those killed, ." . j' , t. During the earlier part of the day the imperialists attempted a sortie against the attacking forces, with a view to re .capturing their position and guns, but - were driven back ill aide the walls with considerable .losses. 1 The Tiger-; Hill batteries,' meanwhile, were, pounding shells into Lion Hill. , They succeeded -in siTenoing the batteries there which, it is suspi cted, wereof little value. The Qbj act of4 the "seizure of Tiger Hill was shown by the early appearance of four cruisers, end Uter'in the day of other warship. In the evening a di ztn torpedo boat des'royera- and cruisers were lying menacingly near the ciiy, : Doubtless they will qu'ckly reduce the lower section and drive Me defenders to the eouih. -' ';. i : , ,i . The viceroy of Nanking and the Tar- J tar general, in fear of General Chang, the imperialist commander, have taken refuge in Hho Japanese c insulate, in - Winch only he cojIbuI remains. ' He is the sole tfficial representative of for-! eigh interes's' in Nsr.king. The con- i sulato is weil.gaarded.by marines."' : Sunday's attack caii pply! by. consid ered a slight foretaste of bigger things " to follow, because the main body of the. revolutionaries is steadily investing every side and bringing tho big guns into position on every eminence, t The plans of the attacking force are not revealed,''. The revolutionaries may riot attempt to rash the city but may prefer to bombard steadily and await its sur render, a But it breaches . are made in ; the walls of the city and the rebels en , ter it is believed - that General Chang and the loyal troops Will make a des perate stand. ' ; . . Schooner Goes Ashore, Gaily yesterday morning . the big three-maiied scVoher 'W. H, Patrick' bound from Georgia to Maine with a cargo of 351,0'0 feetof lumber, 'weut ashore at Cape Look Out. The-life saers fiom the stat'oa nearly succeed ed in getting the crew ashore but. the vessel wa a total wreck ' " ' . Smite-Edwards, " YcVe'dv sft.Viho in "ot4.iYI'ck Miss Essi L. E KorrTd of CI el y a-d Mr. - Hurry Smt'h of FLin ric-', S. it, wee united i i the holy bonds of matrimony ly Rev H. A. Merf 1 , . Mr, and Mrs. S'lii h left on the even ing train for i bndal trip in northern Cities. - - , .. ..... ; " i.-. .... i , - Don't let the cold , snap . catch you without al heater from J. S Basnight Hdw. Co.' 67 S ;. Front St., , Phone 59. , Methodist Conte e c Appoints Ksw ; ' Ee. a Dl3t c:. . 'KiMtron Nov 2' Thv fi.flowing are tho appointnien s f the North Caro lina Con fu e c for the coming year, ai annum td by t-iehop h. k. Hou, a tiie clojing s i. tion o the eon'ereace Mond y nio ning. ; '. ' -New Dern District,1 J. E Underwood . . P. , E, - Atlan ic, lupplied by E : I. ;. Dcill; LVaufort sta , J. II. McCracken; Bridgeton circuit. J. 'M. 'Wright; Car Uret circuit, C. O. Duriit; Povir cir cuit, M, W., D tran; G ld3boro, ; St. , raul, D. H. Tutile; Goldsboro,' St. John's, J. H. Friziill '; Gul laboro cir c nt. supi'liei by F. T. Fulcher; Grifton citcuit, N. It. StricMin; Hookerton cir cuit, W. K. Hocuti; Jones circuit, C, I". Dl", Kii. num pt., F. S. Love; La Gi.ii'r.is riici i', mppliud by J. M. Ciira way; M.u.h -nd Ciiy sta., E. II. Me , Whmtrr; i.'t (lliva and FhIhoh, W. C. Murritt; Mt. (iiv circuit, J. J. Loone; jY n.Tn, C'iiirn:.ry, J. J!, Hurley; (I r , :, , I'ort hi,.i;H, It, V'.. I'ilt liui.j O i . r 1 1 :1, V.'. l'.ill.-n; I'.unlii'O cir riiil. ipi 1 I by VV. I! 1 1 umMi-; Scvn ,' ; ;t v. n v I' K. .Mm- SUNDAY SCHflOL Convention Now in Session hi. This ,City, Inclement Weather Keeps ' Many Away. " - Yesterday morning at ten o'clock the Craven County Sunday School Conven tion convened in Centenary Methodist church in this city; Owing to the In clement weather which prevailed all du ring the day, the attendance was not as large as had been expected; but the in terest manifested in the proceedings by those present was very gratifying. . Two sessions were held during the day. At the morning session Mr. J, Van Carter, Stats Secretary of Sunday Schools, held a round-table . discussion on 'Teacher's Training." At the afterrioon session he discussed In a very thorough way "Sunday-School Management," Other short talks were made by members.' ' Today two sessions will be -held, the first to begin at 10 o'clock this morning. A cordial invitation is extended the public to attend these sessions. PILES CURED IN 6 TO 14 DAYS Your druggist will refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure any case of Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Pro truding Piles in 6 to 14 days. 60c. Mrs. Chas. P. Bolles, Well Known in New Bern, Passes at Wilmington. The following Item clipped from the Wilmington Star of Sunday will be read with regret by many New Bern people. Mrs. Bolles had Visited in New Bern a number of times and. has a host of friends and admirers, who will remem ber her as Miss Abbie Chadbourn: . The corr.mwdty " wi a shocked and many friends were deeply grieved to learn of the passing of. Mrs Abbie Chadbourn Bolles, the beloved wife of Dr. Chas. P. Bolles, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 'H. Chadbourn, who entered into rest at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon at the family residence, Mo. 119 Nun street, after a brief illness. Besides her husband and parents she is survived ' by four children and one tister, Mrs, J. W. Stanley, ard those so sorely bereaved have the tenderest sympathy of many friends here and elsewhere in their trying hour. Mrs. Bolles was a devout member of the Presbyterian Chmch from girlhood and hers was a most beautiful Christian life, i Her sweet and kindly disposition endeared her to all within the circle of her acquaintance and her parsing is mourned by hundreds. . Mr. and Mrs. Chadbourn were in New York City and a telegram was sent them late yesterday afternoon convey ing to them the sad intelligence of the patting of their beloved d ughtor. Tbey are expected to arrive tod.iy.' Mrs. BoMe,had been 111 only air cs Friday night snl her passing came altogether m.expsctedly to hir loved ones and f. iends. . - : . L; ' . EDISON SEES Future. Eleotricity Will Eventual . ly Perform, Alt Of Man's - Work. ' Washington, Nov. 29 Predicting that some day the greatest warships will be operated throughout and propelled by electricity Thomas A Edison, "Wizard of Menlo Park," following ; a visit to the navy yard here, says. ' "The time is coming not far off when electricity will perform every function on a battle ship now exercised . by steam, pit er gasoline. Not only is this . true of the movement of the big guns, the hoist ing of the ammunition and the control of the Intricate mtchipery, but el Ctrl city will yet be the . motivo power with which these: great vessels themselves are propelled. . ''Electricity constitutes the nerves of a great , fighting machine and through it many: things in the fu ture, not yet completely understood, will be accomplished, ' Human agency even now hse been eliminated tn many ways and absolute accuracy "obtsined where formerly there was large uncer tainty." ;, '';. ' '.. The wizard said he was not able to talk fo'iticf, rut expie-'aed the follow ing opinions; '. 1 . "I fail to see' wheruln the dissolu tions of the. trusts are doing any par ticular good. The Sherman law docs not Bcem to fit at it should. But dis solution is not in reality destroying the trusts. It simply permits them to dis solvcjuf ter a f million and th"n reorganize in vai i iiiH fitat.s with the same general stockholilers and directors and continue as separate cotiipanies, dning what tbey h ive linen forliiiblen to do by the c urts hh ona l)i(j company. There is some. t'.Iri? wrupir in Umt condition that ' ' i. ; I, f-ir if ti.e one ciri- WONDERS OF Departuieuts. Red Tape Causes Waste. What . Commission . Has Found.. Washington, Nov. 28th. Burdened with years of moss laden tradition and held fast in meshes of red tape, the U. Sgovernmentli' following a wasteful system of administration which in its sum total dwarfs the extravagances of all history, Gleaned from a thousand leaks, the governmental waste express ed in money re tehee a staggering sum. It is known that the commission has found a large percentage of wasted en ergy and money in every department of the government. Just what the gener al average is has n t yet been Btruck, but a comparatively small percentage oT money waste on the enormous busi ness conducted will reach staggering figures in the aggregate. It takes more than a billion dollars a year to run the ordinary affairs of the government. In addition about three billions more pa?s in and out of the departments. The commission has found that with every movement of these tremendous amounts there is waste, and that wasted efforts involving waste of money has grown up around every function of national administration. ' Too many false motions in the con duct of the government's business too much use of the hands, and not enough of lhj head together with the hamper ing oi administrative reform by the te nacious hold of archaic methods is said to be at the root of the trouble. For instance, the commission has discovered that no fewer than eighteen intricate and entirely different systems of book keeping are in vogue in the treasury department. This necessitates the same work being done over and over again at a great cost in time and labor. It will recommend that this complex mass bs simplified into one system. The congressional "pork barrel" will come in for the commisiiion's condemnation. The greater part of the annual -distri bution of about $G0, 000,000 in congress ional district appropriations is declared to be absolute w.iste, with further waste occuring in the handling of each dor I ion which the district gets. Condition?, such as senator LaFollette discusses in his autobiography will be gone into ia the report. When the Wis consin senator first went to Congress, the government was renting postal ser vice cars from the railroads for $500, 000 more annually thn it would coat to build, equip aud keep the cars in re pair. He declared that when he re turned to the seriate seventeen years later the same rental was still being paid, and in spite of his effoi ts to get a change, the matter is still left to be threshed out in ths next Congress. The same conflict of method and in many cases duplication of woric that exists with the treasury department has been fourd throughout. The waste does not exist in Washington only, but extends wherever the government sails a ship or has a task. In some places the waste is comparatively trivial, and in others the average is brought up by the exist ence of costs that can be totally elimi nated. In conjunction with ths plans of secretary of the navy Meyer to plaee his department on a better business plane, the commission has worked out an elaborate report, in which the exec utive can find at a clance the needless details of administration aid eliminate thorn. The s m plan is to be applied to other departments. . New Bern, Take Notice. Mr. Editor Please stop my ad at once, Since my last ad was placed in your paper my business has increased so I cannot hardly wait on my custo mers. Please stop until further notice. One fine mule for sale. "Big Hill,' the Shlng'le and Paper Roofing Man. . v. i ' G ALII LEE ITEMS.. - Nov. 28 The people In this place are very busy houseiog their crops,. - We are having some very cool watth er at the present time, -,' v " , , ' Mr. J.. A, Everton has purchased a fine mule and buggy, and he is also on the sick list. We hope he will soon improve. ' ';. - : .-''' ''.'I ''- .' Mr. R. C. Wayn of this place, baa excepted a position with the Roper LumberCo.. - - .'-- . .' Messrs Luther Thomas, and Lewis Rowe taken their best g iris out driving this afternoon. ' - v .v" ' Mist Laura Harris of BlounU Creek, starded school at this place the 27ih, we hope her much success. Mr. Hazel . Staplefoid has ' returned home from the Raleigh High School. Mr, M. D. Wayne spent last Wed nesday in New Bern, he reported a fine time. There will ba a basket party at the school house at this pluce on the 2nd, everybody invited to com and biiij v i '1 C'i d p - l.ut book. Young Man Caught in Shafting of Giu and Body Horribly Man gled. One Leg Toiu Oil". News was received by telephone to the Journal last niht of a horrible ac cident whhh occurred at J. 1. Loe & Co's cotton gin in Arapahoe yenterday afternoon an I in which one young nuui lost his life and another, who tried to save him, was badly injured. In some way Mr. James Bennett, the twenty year-old son of Mr. E l. B -n-nett, of that place, anil who was em ployed at the cotton gin, Locamp entan gled in the shafting of the in and was whirled around for a number of times. The engine was stoppe 1 as soon as pos sible and the mangled remains of the unfortunate young man was taken from the shafting. One leg- was com pletely torn from his body and the oth er onu wai Barely banning. The young man lived about three-quarters f an hour after the accident. Mr. John Rawls, another employe at the gin, attempted to rencue liennett and was so badly injured t hut ho re quired the attention of a physician. Tnis terrible calamity has a depressing effect on that entire community. Just Received 1 solid carload of Brass ami Iron Beds, we can give you good strong Iron Beds as low as $2 50 each, 2 inch post for $8.00 that beats anything you ever saw for the price. .1. S. MIl.LIOU, The Furniture Man. Convention Comes to a Close. The Craven County Sunday School Convention which e nvened in this city Tuesday morning came to a close yes terday afternoon. The attendance was larger than on the previous day and much more inter est was manifested Mr. J. Van Carter delivered an interesting address during the day's session. The next conven tion will be held at Vancehoro. TIE DYING Cause, Kitcnt and Ki'itn'd y. KV- quiremeuts For Nuchas in Protecting the Living l'ine. The requirements for success in any effort to protect the living pine from the destructive attack of the southern pine beetle in the destruction of the southern pine beetle in the bark of the main trunks of the dying infested trees before they leave the bark. This is ac complished by the adoption of one or more different methods of direct utili zation of the infested trunks or treat ment at direct expense in cases where the wood can not be utilized, as speci fied in Part IV of this series of articles am) in special circular IV sent out from the field station of the Bureau of Kn tomology at Spartanburg, S.C The attainment of the best succobs from the practical application of any of these methods will depend on their adap'ation to local cond'ti ns and le quireme its for disposing of the infested timber and strict adherence to certain detain Which are also'utely necessary to the destruction of the bro ids. 'Th'jperlol ip which to locate and mirk the trees thatare ncually infest ed and In whlch'themirkf d trees should be utilized or treat d to kill th- broods it between the last of November and the 1st, of the following M r h but in some ca'es the period may be extended to the l.tof My. .. The adopt'on of the methods of de stroying the fcrood which, in each case U the most economical and effectual can be determine 1 by the owners in each community if they are sufficiently informed on the essential facts," - Detailed advice, recommendations or conclusions as to the m-Ht economical and effective method of procedure for any given area should be deferred until certain reliable .' informal ion is at hand in regard to the 1 csl condition at to, (a) the character and extent of the in festation, (t ) the interest, manifested by the people of the community in the value to them of the pine and the im- ! portance of protecting it as the source of fulure revenue, (c) the assurance of the majority of the owners that con eerted action will he taken according to a definite plan and purpose and finally, if a demonstration ia desired that local faculties will be offered for its tuocew ful prosecution. . If the owners of 'iib" a ill consider the protection of thir timber from the standpoint of a common interest and will realize the nece tsity for concerted action in the control work, success will I - -,1. SOUTHERN PNE SULTS HMD Deputy IT. S. Marshal Contracts Pneumonia While Destroying Still. Raleigh, N. C Nov. 28 -Deputy United Statas Marshal J. B. Jordan iliid of pneumonia at his home in Cary, thin comity, after an illness of only a few days. He contracted his fatal sickness on a record-breaking raid of hlockade distilleries in Franklin and Durham counties two weeks ago when he and Deputy Collector K. W. Merritt cut up five big stills nnd captured there bloclcadcTS lie had been in the service as deputy marshal for twelve years and was twice desperately wounded, first in New Light section by a bloekader, and last, about six years ago, in an unfor tunate mistake encounter between two squads of revenue raiders, There were two raiding parties out in a dangerous section of Chatham county. They met in the darkness and each thought the other was a party of armed blcckaders and exchanged shots, with the result that Deputy Jordan was wounded in such manner that his life was despaired of for quite a while. It is thought that his old wounds and permanent constitu tional weakness due to the wountls made him a victim to the deadly in roads of the pneumonia, which he oth erwise would have thrown off. He was lifly years old and leaves a wife and several children. The funeral will be held Sunday. At the Soldiers' Home Friday there parsed away Sidney Salmon, aged sev enty years, who came to the home seven years ago fiom Hear Creek ChiU ham couivy, and was a veteran of Com-par-y C. Fortieth North Carolina Regi ment. Confederate army. He was bur ied at the home this afternoon. There have been held in this Sta 1 this fall twenty-one district and county fairs, compared with seven held during the season ot 191U Major W. A. Gra he.in. Commissioner of Agi icultine, has visited quite a large number of the fairs this season, and is enthusiastic iti prjise of the excellence of nearly nil of them. The indications, too, are that there will be quite a large increase next year in the number of f.iirs, eonipnred with this season's record, anil that the stan dard of the fairs wi:l advance verv con siderably also. A charter was isund for the Board of Trade of EJenton, chartered for the purpose of enlarging the business inter est of this flourishing Kastern Carolina city. Among the incorporators are L. D. Bond. Fr ink Wo d, .1. N. I'rudell. The hoard U chartered without capital tii.k. A Povurty Soihul Will be given Friday ninbt Dec. 1st. for the benefit of the Grade. I School at Swansboro, there being a small fine im posed upon any person that we.irs any kind of respectable garment. Music and smiles are free. Married at Brldgelon. The marriage of Mr. A M. Titig'e and Miss Nellie Barker was sob mniz 'd at Rridgeton last eyen'ng at 8:110 o'clock. The wedding was known only to the families concerned nnd was held at the refidence of Rev. J. M. Wright, who officiated. The bride is thedaugbter of Mrs. Barker of Stella, N. C, and the groom is a merchant of Bridgeton They will reside at Bridgeton. Early Morning Wedding, Yesterday morning at 8:110 o'clock at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hudson on Metcalf street, Mr. Ernest II. Wood and Miss Lillian Fordham were united in the holy b n ls of mat rimony by Rev. J. B. Hurley. Immed iately after the wedding rerrmory the young couple were driven to the Union station where they boarded a train en route to northern cil its where they will spend their honeymoon. See our line of Coal and Wood Heaters. J. S. Bas night Hdw. Co. 67 S. Front St.. Phone 99. Record Train Run to Norfolk, Tuesday at 1:32 p. m. Norfolk-South ern engine No. 46 with parlor car Vance left New Bern arriving at Norfolk at '6:53 p. m., establishing a new record m this line of 4 hand 21 min between the two citiet. There wat a stop of 7 minutes at Washington and 8 minutet at Edenton, both stop for eoal and wa ter. , From 65 to 70 miles an hour wit ! made. , Thera were 8 open draw brldg- et that caused delayt. Engineer Lewie was on the engine and Capt. Allison in. charge of the train, I The occasion of the fast run wat the serious condition of the young child of Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Barr. that had to be taken to Baltimore for quirk treatment, necessitating the charter ing of the above special train to Nor- folk. Chief Rouse Shot By Negro. Three 'Possum Hnnteis Fired at in The Darkness. Last Saturday night at Dover Chief W. G. Rouse of that place, hearing a gun fire, following the report and found a negro named Ben Matthews with a gun in hin hands. Chief Rouse asked the man why he bad fired. Matthewa claimed it to be accidental. Turning away the negro went several yards and turning fired at Mr. Rouse. Several shot struck him in the face but did him no serioin injury, the negro escaped in the darkness. Last Monday night Messrs R. A, Richardson, R. A. Rogers and Herman West went, 'possum hunting and when about three miles out from Dover two shots in quick succession were fired at the three men. In the darkners it was impossible to tell who fired the shots. The result of the shots were that Mr, Richardson's face, breast and right arm were filled with shot. Mr. Rogers was slightly wounded in the forehead. Mr, West was hit in the breast: the shot failing to pierce through his cloth ing, Mr. Richardson was severely but not seriously hurt and is now confined to his home at Dover receiving medical treatment. While nothing certain is known as to who fired the shots or why they were fired, it is though by many people in Hover that Ben Matthews, who fired at Chief Rouse Saturday night, and whore home is in Sand Hill Township Lenoir county, is the person who fired. The supposition being that the negro think ing the 'possum hunters were following him shot at them. Basket Parly at Rhems. There will be a basket party at Rhems School house, Saturday night, Decem- r 2nd, The proceeds to be used for the benefit of the church at that place. A cordial invital ion is extended to all to attend and a pleasant evening is as surred. Rnrn Completely Destroyed. Dover, Nov. 2'.it.h. - Mr, E.F.. Daugh- ti y lost his barn and stables last Thurs day niht by fire. It is not known how the (ire originated. Mr. Daughtry says be Inst about 113 bales of hay and 20 or 110 barrels of corn by the fire. Estima ted loss between three and five hundred I d'ars. Bridges. Mason List night at the Baptist Parsonage in IIih city, by Rev, K. 1 Carter, ill the presence of a few friends, the mat- riage of William Jefferson Bridges and Mary Anne Mason was quietly solemn ized. Mr. Bridges is with Armour Co. of this i'itv and Miss Mabon'a home was Richmond, Va. AT TURE NANKI Chinese Clovernmeut Suffers Se vere Looses. Fighting In Dif ferent Places. Shanghai, Nov. 20 The rebels rushed the Nanking fortifications and captured the city after a desperate hand-to hand fight, in which 700 Imperialisms and 500 revolutionists were killed. The capture of Nanking by the revolution ists is the heaviest blow the Govern ment has suffered. It it an important military depot and it commerce it ex tensive, Details of the city's fail are lacking. Goneral Chang it considered certain to be beheaded The rebelt are certain to avenge the Manchu massacre of the Chinese inhabitanta three weekt ago. But for the almost ilmultancoua cap ture of Hanyang by the Imperialists the lat ter a defeat at Nanking would proo ably mean the Government a over throw. At it ts the rebel victory at Nanking and the Imperialist success at Hanyang practically offset ona another! Wuchang hat surrendered to the Im perialists, The three townt of Hankow, Hanyang and Wuchang are separated from one soother only by forka of the Yangtte river and practically const! tuta a tingle, city. Definite newa hae not been received from Hankow, but It ia believed to have been already under Imperialist cor t ml. -v i Advices from Hanyang tay foreign art, have barricaded the street leading mto their concetti ma and are preparing to offer desperate nwisUnce to any antl foreign outbreak, . Maxim gun have been mounted by the forelgnert, but It la not believed that a vigoroua attack could be withstood. . ' . ' I Don t say "they haven' got it" till you've tried" us, I J. SrBasnisht Hdw. Co. 5 To Pay Expenses Justice Depart ment. Attorney General's Eeport. Washington, Nov. 29th. Attorneyv General Wickeraham in his annual re port which has been submitted to the President, states that in the last fiscal cat year hit department has been self sustaining. The Attorney General also states that during the year a little mora than 4,000,000 in the nature of fines was collected by his deparment, and that this more than paid the expenses. Last year the Department of Justice collected $3,600,000 in fines. It was not quite enough to balance the expenses of different bureaus of the department. The fines collected in both years were from half a hundred different sources, but the bulk of them came from timber and public land cases and trust prosecu tions. Attorney-General Wickersham saya that hit report contains a state ment showing just what had been ac complished in the line of trust and oth er prosecutions the department has brought during the year. On the three dissolution actions pend ing, the Power Trust, the Plumbers' Trust and the Harvester Trust, the Attorney General says no definite de cisions have been reached. He said he could not say at this time, because hu did not know whether all three of the corporations named would dissolve with out litigation. He siid the negotia tions between the department and the corporations looked to a dissolution without any more court fighting were on still. From other sources in the de partment it was learned that the Pow der Trust and Plumbers' Trust rases probably would be concluded in a few weeks; that the government and the trust officials had about reached an agreement. There is considerable doubt, however. about the government and Harvester trust ever coming to terms. The gov ernment will not recede from its decla ration last summer when the officials of the Harvester Trust first made over tures for a voluntary disolution. It was laid at the department that the rmrtrrtf-- tions are that the Harvester people will not agree to the government's scheme of dissolution, but will fight the case in the courts. The government has its bill in equity drawn up and rea dy to file. Basket Party at Brick Kiln. Jones County. Nov. 21. There will be a bssket party given at Brick Kiln school bouse on Dec, 8th. Everybody ii cordially invited to come. Proceeds go for benefit of school building. HAVELOCK NEWS. Nov. 29--We lare having some very cool weather now, hope it will continue so. Miss Maude Wood spent Saturday night and Sunday wi'h Mies Sallie Rus sell. The shadow party at Uavelock school house Saturday night was quite a suc cess, we made somo over thirty Hol lars. Mr. John I. Russell and family from Cherry Peint, spent Saturday night and Sunday at Havelock, Messrs Jones and Watson from Slo- "uma Creek were visitors at Dover Sunday. Misses MauJa Wood and Sallie Rut- sell will spend Thanksgiving at River- dale and will return Sunday night. Messrs Wood and Taylor were visi tors at Havelock Saturday night. Mr. M. F. Russell went to Washing ton, N. C. Sunday morning, Mr. and Mrs. H. O. Wynne, who' have been spending some time with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Y, Wynne left Saturday, afternoon on thai five o'clock train for their home in South Carolina. Wa are glad to have Mr. and Mrs. John Dfpoorte from Grand Rapids. Michigan with ut sgnln. Mr. Walter Lee Falwell from River- dale waa a visitor at Havelock Sunday. The "pretty girl'e cake" waa present - ed to Mist Maud Wood at the party Saturday night. Many thanka t our . Cherry Point frienda. Mrs. Armstrong a pent awhile at Mra.i RueeeU'i Sunday afternoon. . Miss Hazel Rooks tpent Wednesday In New Bern. , It does not alwayt pay "The Belles" to ba to popular aa they were Saturday night Prof. M, A, Hill Will tpend Thanka. giving with his family at Beaufort. He will return to hit school Moaday morn ing. i.: Mr, Tom H. Smith returned to New Bera Wednesday morning after spend ing week at Cherry Point huntii : Wa would be glad to hem- fm Croatan and Riverdale com -.1 V TTTv TT O A