"A. n v.ikly j: xrt.k i::s wihed tt Two Sections, every Tuesday and Friday, at Journal. Bulle-tg-60 Craven Street ' CHARLES L. BTIYIXI, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. " Ofiifiiii Panar of New Bar an tfraven CoantJ. - -'' ' - : , SUBSCRIPTION .RATI. ,Two Months. , , " 3 ' Thraa Mnntha.V .. M . tu Mouths.. .. .. .. - " twelve Months.. .. .... u Lit " JONLT tH ADYANCM. . : The Journal it eatf aant on pay-In sdvance basle. Subscribers will ra eeive notice ot expiration of their aub criptlona and an Immadlata reeponse notica wU d MPrad-it b7 tbe Advertising rataa furnished upon application at the office, or apon la- ,al?r py mai-.-''':;--;','"''',''N-r'v-"',i:,:'-' ' nted at the Poatotaee, New Bern, S. fi. aa aeond-eiaaa matter. .,,4. V- - : III....- I'-' ' " , i New Barn, N. C. December, 1. 191L . THANKSGIVING DAY. r ' " For the days when nothing happens, For the cares that leave no trace, For the love of little children, ' For each sunny dwelling-place, ? ! For the altars of our father -And the closets where we pray, J Take, O, gracious God and Father, '. Praises this Thanksgiving Day. ' j For our harvests safe ingathered, . For our golden store of wheat, ; For the corn-lands and the vine-lands, For the flowers up-springing sweet, For our coasts from war protected. For each inlet, river, bay, By thy bounty, full and flowing Take our praise thie joyful day,"., It is verv hard in the minds of many, to fitly associate to man's . every day affairs, the true purpose and intent of Thanksgiving Day As the occasion to eat, drink and le merry, and so in the enjoyment i nf the. Divine blessing to add to to the physical sensations of pleas urs, or in the higher sense cele brate by sincere manifestation of spiritual happiness felt for the Al miehtv's protection and material blessings of the year, are so oppo site in character, as to cause any thoughtful nerson to Dause and , ponder, which is for met ' The grossly material is so con tinuously a part of the American life that so called religious holi- 1 days receive scant acknowledge men t The President, the Govern- : ors of the states , each year make proclamation for a "Thanksgiving Dav." Many churches announce, services for this day, and so both the state and church, each ap pears to have performed its full duty. Man ceases work, attends church service, those who accept and observe the day in its routine order. This much observance is usually held as absolution, grant ing full license to do anything else irmtifviuz to the man during the r balance of the day. It is this attempt to make Thanksgiving Day an ' occasion sneciallvfor man's personal grati lication, that robs the day of its true significance. Instead of a day when Divine authority should pre vail and be recognized absolutely there is but a perfunctory acknowl edgemeut Instead of submerging man's government for a day and turning to the Divine government, there is but a secondary place for - the Divine in the thoughts of man, " while earthly affairs receive undi minished attention. ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. AgeiablePreparalionrorAs similaliirg the Fbotf ami Reuta tingllte SUHitachs cuidDowisol ITIIEOT III SCHOOL GILES Promotes Dtaesltonflitfiful nessaitdltesiConlainsnrjiiur Opiuni.Marphine nurMiwraL' NOT NARCOTIC, v Jusetni ; " ftpnttmt- , - For Infants and Children. The Kinfl You Have Always Bought Bears Signature COT C m m i L..J3 4norTirtRimcdv forConsflpa- tlon. Sour Storoach.Dlarrtai Worms jConvulsionsJcvcrisB nessaiulLossoFSLEER FacSinale Signature of NEW YORK. In se For Oyer Thirty Years New Bern People Have Absolute . Proof of Deeds at Home. It's not words, but deeds that prove true merit. . . : The deeds of Doan's Kidney Pills. For New Bern kidney sufferers, ' iT.na M.ik iVioii- bwil rnnutation. Proof lies in the testimony of New Horn nooDle who ' have been cured to atav cured;: 'i'-i.:.-.i.S:-: P. P. Avery, 190 Middle street. New Bern. N. C. eaye: "I have no reason to change my high opinion of Doan's Kidney Pills, which I expressed through tha local newspapers soma years ago. i got this remedy from firsdham " Drug Co. when I was suffering from kidney complaint and backache and it cured me. I have had no occasion to use any kidney medicine since that time..'' -" For eale by all daalere. Prioe 60 oanta- Foatar -Ullborn Co Buffalo, New York, sola aganta for tba Uaita4 StatM. ' Remember , th aam Doaa'S an tak ao odtar. iBBypnimiriiia tu i lsm arnjr u uuuuu u i, Guaranteed Exart Copy of Wrapper. Thanksffivine OffennES t'lVt I O - - O N -. Loads Groceries and Money. Honor Roll November. ' r ; : Wednesday morning; all the pupils at I school were marched in the auditorium, Each carried tha Thanksgiving offering which had been brought for the occas ion, Something like Ova -dray a joaas of groceries and $9,24 were the final results of the coffering.. There were 932 in the auditorium and one section of tha 1st. tirade waa" not present, A number of sons a were aung and re marks, appropriate to the, occasion, I were made by Mr. Craven ana Mr. Green. The money collected was used to purchase meat and in the afternoon the offering waa distributed and sent out in 64 packages to tha needy, for their Thanksgiving dinner. " Aa already announced, tha school will have holidays Thursday and Friday but every pupil is expected to be pres ent and in place next Monday morning ... a -a tinmhap of tescners IV . . . . - h. Sf.. iwhara nama of one being a..-mKl whloh I. haldin Ra eiffh on siswry ao iiiru..u Th.,i. FrMv and Saturdav of thia nd bishops. week. Reports for November ml hows enrollment of 803 to date, and an IS THE average daily attendance of 727.26. For Nov. last year the figures were tsw and 718,50. ' ' The following is the Honor Koil lor November, l.r. Grade Char ea Clark. Oarner Nineteen Catholic prelates waa ele vated to the cardinalate in Rome, the withheld, the con- BETl WORLD GROWING TERT Manv thlmrs ao to Drove that it is. The way thousands are trying to help oth era ia proof. Among them ia Mrs. W. W. Gould, of Pittafield, N. fl. Find inir irnnrf hoalth bv takinflT Electric Bit- sne now aavwaa uvuer iuusii, I The Way Haydn's "Ox" Minutt Cams to 0t That Title. - . There Is no sensible reason for the titles attached to many pieces of mu sic, some of tbem even classical se lections. Most generally they are placed there as an attempt of soma publisher to "boom' his stock aq3 sell his goods. Then again, some peculiar titles may have their origin In Inci dents about as Important aa tha fol lowing: .; -'. - . 1 ' ' - ; Haydn one day received a visit from a butcher who said that himself and bis, daughters - were admirer of Haydn's music i and as the ; young woman was soon to be married he made bold to ask that tbe composer write a minuet for her wedding; Kino "Papa Haydn" consented, and in ft few days tbe man' of meat : obtained his music, "Not long afterward Eayda was surnrlsed to hear this same l nrt ' nla ved ; under bis window. ' Oa tooklna out he saw a band ot musi cians forming; a ring around a large or, tastefully decorated with flowers. Soon the butcher came up and pre sented the ox to Ilaydn, saying that for each excellent music be thought ha oneht to make, the composer a present of the best ox In his possee sion. Ever after this little wnaposl Hon wsa called the "Ox" mlnuet-W. Francis Gate In "Aaecdotea of Greal UttSlclana." Children Cry- FOR FLETCHER S . CASTORi A The alleeed vejgmen hf Id at TIous- ton, Va., will be tried Dec. '8. ? .if REGEIVEQ Choice LctN.C. SI and Side Dacon. Seeded Raisins, per pkg. 12Jc Cleaned Currants, 121: Fancy Citron, per lb, 25c Fancy Large Prunes 13c f Fancy Evap. Peaches, 18c Fancy Evap. Apples, pkg. 10c Large Sour Pickles, per doz. 15c White C. Oa, gaU 12c Fancy Maccaroni, . 10c Verv Best Flour, oer lb. . 3c Pure Spices and Flavoring Ex tracts, Codfish, Irish Potatoea, . Sweet Potatoes, Best sugar cured Hams only 18c lb. Rock bottom prices on every thing in. the gro cery line.'' -V ' - -' v; V c . . :, YOURS FOR CASH ONLY McDaniel JaL 41 Middle SI Phone 91 I HARDWARE the innui mmmmV. taaa am. tarn ahA now fiiihArt Tnadala DuVal. David Davis, Urafhara. to take them. "For years Khart AMredo-e. Char les Buford. Kea- II aufferea wnn siomacn-BDu iuur. the Journal, that if this road had been prepared in advance, there would have been 500 more people from that section to attend the Agricultural ; exhibit here last week. . Hare is a section of country put ting up money and assisting in building a road that means many thousands of dollars, annually, to the trade of New Bern. It would seem such a good business proposi tion that the, merchants of this city would rush to meet this trade and do everything possible to make its entranco here a certain ty. :0 Or is it to be a repetition of the Quaker bridge road t ' All this trade going elsewhere! DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by locsl applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and tDat IS Dy consiliuuoiiai remeuico. Deafness is caused by an inflnmed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus- tuchi.n Tnha. When this tune IS in- flamoH vnn hay a rumblintt. sound of imperfect hearing, and when it is en tirely clnard. Deafness is the result. and unless the inflamation can be taken out and this tube restored to us nor mal condition, hearing will be destroy ed forever: nine caes out of ten are caused by Catarrh, which is nothing but an intlamed condition oi me mucuuv surfaces. . We will give One Hundred uouars far anv run of Deafness (causrd ty- catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. P. J. CHENEY ft CO.,Propa, Toledo, O Sold by druggists, price 75c. . Take Hall's family pilla for eon OUR EARLY CURRENCY. The First Amsricsn Coina and tha 8riss Struck at Boston. The very earliest coinage that can nronerlv be said to be "strictly Ameri can" was ordered by the original Vb elnia company In the year 1612, only 8ve years after the founding or James town. These coins were minted at Comers islands, now' known aa tbe Ber mudasL - For a period of more than a quarter of a century after thls,.how ever, tobacco and peaver skins wer reckoned as lawful currency. In 1645 the assembly of Virginia met and declared tnst it "had mature ly welahed and considered bow aa- vantaseouS a quoine (coin) would be to this colony and how mucn Better It would be than a sole dependency upon tobacco ani pelta." After this they provided for tbe coinage of cop per coins of tbe denominations of two pence, threepence, sixpence ana nine- nenc1 but this resolution was never earrled into effect The first coinage in America proper was the series or -coin -mruc i Boston under the order of the general court or Massacnusetis passes aiay 27, 1852, the coins being three, six and twelve pence denominations, "In forme flatt and stamped on one side With tbe utters 'N. E.' and on tha other the value of the piece." ; t : Certificate of Stock Lost. mond Dill, Johnny Dunn, Shelton Lu cas, Jamea Williams,' Horace Springer, Carl Morton, Frederick Wbitty, Chad wick Uzzell. Melvin Torian, Haba Nee- aef. VhretU Crabtree, Helen Caton, Elizabeth Cook, Thelma Cannon, Lucy Dupree, Glennie Bell Gontier, Came Louise Ward, Elisabeth Roberta, Sarah Holland Heater. Jeannette Land, Julia Bell Lupton, Thelma Gaskins, Louisa Joyner, OtUe Rhodes, Jessie Taylor, Nannie Tyler.: ' Adv. 1st Lorena Jeannette, rred- erick Boyd, Frederick Nelson,' Anna Fields, Alice Flowers, Mary Mohn, Lola Taylor, Annie May Lupton, Sarah Snencer. Sallie Whitehead, Lillian Smith. , , ' 2C. Grade-Wilhe Rhodes, William Dudley. William Guion, James Heath, Elms Wataon, Elisabeth Duffy. Ethel Batta, Katharine Bell, Jane Dill. Ma tilda Harrell, Dorothy ' Ellis, Mary Lewis, Sadie Wade. Nita BelU . ' 2B Grade Sybil Dean Wilson, Mary Belo Moors, Harriett Green Dill, Helen Ruth, Mary Steele Brinson, Elisabeth Ruth, Maud Whitehead, Lycurgus Lut- ler.- V- :-.-'-'y - '-'v'' 2A-Grade Swannie ., Smith.: Reba Ferebee, v V: . ' SB Grade-Livingston Ward Kathleen Nelson, Evelyn Lewis, Mary Bradham, Thelma Bryan, Lydia Speight, Louiae Shriner. ' - ; ". 8A Grade-Benjamin ' Duke, Arthur, Evelyn Lee, Maggie Batta, Bertha Fulford, Clarlene Knapp. 4B GiadeEatber Bella Newberry, Chaa. Ashford, Daniel Odum. 4A Grade Nona Street, Hugh Han- trouble," she writes. "Every medi-1 einal nsed failed till I took Electric Bitten. But this great remedy helped m mmHnrfullv." Tbev'll belo any woman, iney re me oesi wmc w finest liver and kidney remedy that's mada. Trv them. Try them. You'll see. 60c at all druggists. ' Praotica With WooJsn Lege. Of the five cases In the accldew ward that were pronounced cured nt the aame time three remained lu th hospital more than a week after th other tw bad gone home. - "They 'jad to stay," said an interne, "to get used to their wooden legs. Ii tekea some time to learn to manags wooden leas, and most men wno wii. I THANKSGIVING IS HEfiE and Xmas is not many days off, ai d we have everything for your fruit cake, also we have everything you want to AND Building Ma terial Paints, Oils AND Varnishes - American Field Fence i few an, I. C ' have to Deir aloug with them for Un rest of their natural lives stay In tut make your table suit your appetito, and hospital several aays -alter uiey i t . wii to nractlce atumplng around on we are glad to serve you. We gvaran their new legs. - Ot course iney can leant outside, but tbe man who bas just onnlred a wooden leg feels ao awa ward and la ao likely to fall down and break the other leg or an arm oi maybe his neck that we prefer to keep him here so he can lake bla first lea aona under our aupervislon.M New York Times. - " - tee everything. Suppose you give us a trial order and if you are not perfect ly satisfied we refund your money. Nothing lost. Yours to please. - The eight-year old son of Geo. Gold en, on trial for wife murder, at Pitta- PHONE 156- burgb, was not permitted to testify. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets do not sicken or gripe, and may Leora ba taken with perfect safety by the mmt ilaliciite woman or the youneesi child. The oldand feeble will also And them a most suitable remedy lor aiding and strengthening their w.attenea ai geation and for regulating the bowels. For sale by all dealers, . Broad Street Grocery Co. NEW BERN, N. C The Senate Committer on Inter State Commerce will begin its hearings on the La Folletie and other pending meaa Urea for the amendment of the Sherman Anti-Trust law Wednesday. , .' Notice Is hereby given, that certifl- cock, Steve Daniels, Earl Smith, Mary .t nf tock number thirteen, issued Griffin: Black well Waters, Annie rae- bv tbe Atlantic & North Carolina Rail- man. Theodore Ferebee. roBd Compsny for one share of stock to 6C Grade-Carry Williams, uiaoys M. F. Arendell, has been lost and the Jackson, Eva May Scales, Gladys Sand Representative Underwood, of Ala bama. ooDosed tha initiative, referen dum and recall as dangerous, HENRY'S Prescriptions from all physicians. Quickly and Ac curately filled. i Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. ... Pharmacy PHONE 173 undersigned will apply to said company for a new certificate. 1 This the first day of November 1911. M. F. ARENDELL i BY W. L. ARENDELL. , v Admmisarttor. MAKING EOAD8 FOB TRADE It whs some years ago that the Journal called the attention of the . trorlB interests of New Bern, ; to need of building or rather rebuild ing what was known as the Quaker Bridge road, that made the eon meeting link of roadways leading to Jones and Onslow counties. To reconstruct this road, opened up a splendid trading territory that would have come to this city. The farmers were i inclined thi way hut tbe matter of good roads ww most importantspecially at certain periods of the year. This road was left alone and the trade that could and should have come to this city, want elsewhere." not to mention the building up of country stores. . Another section" is now seeking XrWn. not asking this com muoity to build all the road,' less than three quarters, but asking that the Chamber of Commerce take 'action and assist in placing the old Walker road in condition. so that at any season of the year the farmers living In Craven, Tam licoVaiifortjConuties a distance of ( tvvenly mili-s rn'iv c QUICK RELIEF FOR RHEUMATISM. George W. Koons, Lawton, Mich., says: "Vti. uetchon s , kelief fob RheOmatism has given my wife won- darful benefit for rheumatism. She could not lift hand or foot, had to be lifted for two months. She began the use of the remedy and Improved rapidly, On Monday she could not move and on Wednesday she got up, dressed herself and walked out for breakfast." Sold by Bradham Drug Co. "I sm pleased to recommend Cham berlain's Counh Remedy as tbe best thin I know of and safest remedy for coughs, colds and bronchial trouble,' writes Mrs. u. a. Amoia ei uenver, Colo. "We have used it repeatedly UIIU III 1111 UCVCI IHKU W ISIIVli For sale by all dealers. ' ' ' Sir Edwrd Grey, Secretary for For eign Affairs of Grant Britain, relieved the tension over Morocco by his speech in the House of Commons. , - - .:, Senator Cimmins, of Ipws, declsred himself for Senator La Follettte for President. ' - - li:i-e WOMEN; Women tf tha hijneit type, women of superior education sad refinement, wtow discernment and judgment jive weight and force U their opinions, bigUy prtiso the wonderful corrective and enrativt properties of Chanv Whin's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Throughout the many stages i woman' bfe, from girlhood, throngn tht ordeals of mother ,sl to the dedicinf years, thert h t sfer sroiore re - r ' 'it Wav of Cstchina Flth- Indlnns of Bolivia have a pecu'1 method of polng fishing. A writer in the GerTsrblPH Journal says: iney nut the milk of tbe 'manuna' or 'soil -nun' tree, the sc ientific name of which ia i think. Ilura crepitans, of the ..n.iiMhii ffpnnk for 'catching; fish. ' 1 went with some of the Indians to lagoon In tbe forest, pere. fioating on the surface of tbe water, perfectly alive and yet absolutely unable to get wC were flab of all kinds, Dig ana .mnii frnm which they selected the nw,t nslntable for food. The milk merely poured Into the water, and as Jt spresds every fish 'which comes In contort with It becomes paralysed and .a t. not affected as food. Moreover - - i tbe effect apiears o iu-i iur ..-.. Avm without killing the fish. The milk Is also used as a cure for toothache, as caustic and for tne purpose- ui -u. MA, for wblcn B teaspooniiu cloyed. As a poison iney mj iu suit are pmurui. . ford. Joseph Nassef, Berton Berry, SB Grade Rosalie . Mathes, Helen Simpson, Kathleen Ulliston Mary Bray, Hilton Perry, Elizabeth Aabtord, Katharine Boyd, ' Elisabeth Harrell, Wilhelmina Rein, Stephen - Mitchell, Helen Pinner.? r. s l '' v" 6A Grade-Mildred Whitehead. ' ; 6BjGrade-Tom Moore. Beth Fere bee, Nell Avery, Mary Parker, Edna Whitehead. ' - 6A Grade-Mary W infield. -- .--8B GradeFred Cohen, Ida Gordner. 9th, Grade Mary . Gask ill, Blanche GaakiU, Norma Styron. 10th Grade Matilda Hancock, Ger trude Carraway. - i f , Dmmd Man'a Taatti. - Before artificial teeth were created deficiencies bad to be made good by tbe real article, so body switchers rav aged the cemeteries at olgbt, breaking up tbe Jaws of tbe dead to extract their teeth to sell to deatl-ta for Inser tion In live men's months. An army of these ghouls , followed Wellington's army. 1 Tbsy were llceused aa sutlers, but once night fell out came tbelr nh, pert and tbey prowled over the battle field extracting the teeth of tbe dead r dying, ; c;.' ;.",;, v - :-;Vv 'V The trial In New Yvrk of Ethel (Vn- rad and Lillian Graham for ahooling W. E. D. Stokes was halted abruptly. ' The soeclsl train carrying seven Western Governors to the Esst left St Paul .: - ! v . , " - A Por Pr Agsnt. Max O'Kell was etceidlugly populsr ss a lecturer, and tbe way In which bis mother viewed tbe suggestion that ber son should take to tbe platform U worth repetition. Sbe wrote to him from tbe native village which she had never left for more thao a day to say tbst she did uot think srjpearlng before sudleoces to be reputable btiBlness, nud when be replied that be bad decided to do It and bad signed a contract to thnt effect tbs dear old lady wrote back tbut be was "still" bis lovlog mother ami . Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A How dull it ia to. pause, "to make an end, To mat ohburnlshed, not to shine In nse-As tho' to breathe were life I Tannvson. - '' . '- SAVED CHILD FROM DEATH. ''After our child haa suffered from se hrnnrhiai trouble for a vear." wroU G. T, ' Richardsoo, of Richard ann'a Milla. Ala. "we feared It nsd con sumption 'It hsd a bad cough all the tiim Wa tried manv remedies with out avail, and doctor's medicine seemed aa useless. Finally we tritd Dr. King's Naw Diacoverv. and arepieasea ia say that one bottle effected a complete cure and our cbikt la again strong and heal thy. "For coughs, eolds, hoarseness, Wffrinna. aathma. erouD and sora lunga. iU the most infallible remedy I hat's made. Price 60c and $1.00. Trial bot tle free. Guaranteed by all druggists. Mrs. Alice Tristram Shanks, a sing er, drank aei I in new jora, winning it wai vermouth, and died.' - There Is little danger from a cold or from an attack of the grip except when followed by pneumonia, and this never happens when Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is used. inis w m-ny nss won its great reputation and extensive sale by its remaikable cores of cold sno grip and can be relied upon with im plicit conndence. r or saie oy an aem- era. . ' " - IS YOUR CAR BEGINNING '. TO LOOK A LITTLE SHABBY? ' Don't 'send it away for a month and pay some one a small for- . tune t o have it re-. painted..; . I will give you a fine handsome durable job in less than one week, or a perfect Jot in two weeks, at the lowest possible ooste I agree to use. Valen tine b Varnishes throughout e J They are the moat expensive and the best madee G. S WATERS & SONS NEW BERN, ' , : N. C jllir-F.r.-.sc: ill J, that she would tell !nt;t sl'int It. oo cma In the VI- 'A Clauio In Napolaon'a Wilt. Peter tbe Great is said to bave msdt a vrlll in whlcU be exhorted bis heir approach as nearly as-posslbi ti Coestsbtlnople aod toward ludJa, bu the authenticity of this document hu been disputed, and it Is shrewdly su pected to bave been forged late In tb eighteenth century by August voi Kotzebue. Of tbe genuineness, however, of thi last will and testament of Napoleon 1 there can be no manner of doubt Out of lta clauses was ss vindictive as tbe testamentary Injunction f Queen Aus trigllda to ber husband to have hei two doctors killed and buried wltb her The eitle of Longwood absolutely b questhed 10,000 francs to a Mioa called C'antillon, wbo bad been trier In Paris for an attempt to murder tb rrnke of Wellluaton. Tbe man waf still surviving In Brunsels wheu Ns poleon III. csme to the throne,' am' Cantlllon was duly pa'4 his legacy Experts report a $17,000 shortage in Ihs accounts of the treRmiry of CbeBt- er field county, Virginia, it is sai.l. I .'. i t t , ."A ne piece of cloi!i ray Loyl( 1 nr?ver saw you wear A Utter lootinz suit". ' ' "Yes, I am pleased with It. 1 Jiad it matfeTy a good mertl aiit tailor. Tlie clolh ii one tf t' 3 ' REMEMBER We are ready to fill your fruit cake order with all tbe necessary fruits and spices for a cake and at a saving to you. The best of everything In the" line at the lowest possible price, ; ' h. c.jnio Phone 174 Middle St iaUsXaJ. I Hyde Co. R. P. Oats, Burt Oats, Hairy Vetch, Rape Crimson Clover. Alfalfa, Hay, Oats, Corn, Corn Meal. Cot ton Seed Meal, Hulls, Rran, Shipstuff, Beet Pulp, Dairy Molasses Fsed, , Distillers Grain, highest in Protein cf iny stock feed on the mark- -I. BURRUS & U-33 Middle Et. Few Born, I". C Pbor.e 181. F-"- Via t. , M p- f I .4 t., ,1 of 4 i i i.t n 1

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