MdJp a- D It NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY, n! C, TUESDAY. DECEMBER, 5.' 1911-FIRST SECTION 34th. YEAR No 70' , lnifninkii i'iii in nin fttinr rnn llinill IIIIIW AMr-H A (VIII 1 1 A- Hb a fin rUn IflUvU HHVT RY FORCE READY THE FAIR , t' 1. ......... ..- i' I I PREWITS.-'-' . HESSKE -SHIIET But Many Additional Ones to Follow. Question of Legisla-'v . " tlon For Oongrow. r , - Washington, Nov. 80th.-Befare ! the present session of Congresa passes into history President Taft will have proba bly broken all records for messages to one body.' He has seven of them in mind and there may be even more. These long series of Presidential ad dresses to congress Is the result of cab inet suasion. Every member of that advisory board advised Mr. Taft to cut the message now in the hands of the press associations for distribution down to the last word:- They wanted it read and they knew that if it is short enough the people will read it. After listening to the members of he cabinet, and af ter reflecting upon his past experience with long messages, the presi ent de cided about the last minute to cut ev ery thing out of the annual message but his trust viewd. But messages are to come. Some of them will be longer perhaps than the initial message, wliile others will be very much shorter. The messages which Mr. Taft will send to Congress beforo the holidays will discuss the fol lowing questions of legislation: y Foreign affairs, including arbitration with Great Britain and France, r Departmental routine, induing ar my and navy reorganization and two battleships. The report of stocks and bonds com mission upon the physical valuation of railroads. . The report of the postal commission and the parcels post proposition. Conservation, including the regula tion of Alaskan resource, with partic ular reference to Controller bay and the general tariff situation. Added to these messages will be more that are not now outlineJ by the President, Annual Bazaar at FoUockaviUe. The annual bazaar of the Methodist E. Church, PoltocksvilleywilV be "held on Thursday Dec. 14th. There will be on sale fancy work and articles suita ble for Christmas present. Reftejh roents will be served. Invitation exten ded to T to come. For Hurry Call to China to Pro tect Foreigners and Keep . : ' Railroad Open. Large Crowd at Court House Meet ing, Up to date $14,450 In ' : Stock Taken. WuMnirtin rm.' lit.-w am 'J. The moss meeting, to secure an an- Calhonn. American Minister at Peking, hual Fair for New Bern and Eastern ha only to flash the word-Bnd a force Carolina was held at the Court House of United States -troops, from BOO to last night and there was Uc,an) ; nnn . h mn rfiniat will be hur- enthusiastic atlandunce. I ha .-.eeoati w - j o r- - t .... . . . . .i-A .w Manila nrnteet. the Regiment Bard or Mmton turnisnea live, nf fnmiirnflra and their oroDertv. muaic for the occasion r.A .-.m nnon thn rail. Mr. Clyde Eby, President of the mud hetveeri Peklnir and the sea. In- Chamher of Commerce, cal ed the meet HpaH .19 nnn of TInela Sam's 18.000 sold- ing to order and mario the opening a ien in the Phlllinines are available for drers. He then called on Senator F. dutv in China in an emergency. Simmons ror a speecn ami in response A rii.nttoh from Minister Ca houn to senator aimmona set, lonn ui lengui. r . . I ,. , , , , . . .. . u a.. n.nartmnf nnirlw iniii. I tne need and aavamaire oi urairuuu r thiir. foreigners and their uronertv gvs in forcible language the n-asons ... Ho rnhlPfl th why New Bern it and should be the Be Did Not Believe There Was a God, There passed away at Oriental last Friday evening a man who claimed toe distinction of being the only infidel in Pamlico, at least the only one that publicly bcasled of bis unbelief in the Almighty. This man was Cnaries u, Blackwel!. Mr. Blackwell moved to Oriental a number of years ago and pur chased a lame tract of land near the town. He engaged in farming and it is faid amassed a fo-tune. During his long reside there he scoffed at the idea that there was a God. Shortly be ore lit death, realiz nr. that the end was near, he n qaestcd his family to have his body in ten el without any re ligious ceremony. Hie request was carried out as he desired. Regardless to this fact the members of the various Sunday School 'h re made many beautiful flo-al contrlbu ioiw , aiiJ an unusually large number of pto;!o we e present at tae funer See our line of- Coal '"and Wood Heaters. J. S. Bas night Hdw. Co.' -67 S, Fron St.. Phone 99. - : Haa Arm Broken by Caa Engine. Department, asking that the legation guard at Peking be strengthened imme diately. The Department asked the Navy Department to dispatch a com pany of marines to Peking, for that is the quickest way of complying with Mr. Calhoun's requeBt. The Navy Department promptly di rected Admiral Murdock, commanding the American naval forces in the East, and sent a company of murines from the cruiser Saratogo to Shanghai. From there they will go by rail to Peking. The State Department declares that if a large force of troops ia despatched from Manila to China it will not be to intervene between the Imperialists and the rebels. The troops will be landed under the terms of the treaty with Chi na, promu'gated after the Boxer, trou b!eainl90l. It gives an the powsr. the Tight to station troops along the railroad from Peking to the sea and to keep the legation guards up 1 1 a maxi mum strength of 500 men. At the tut break of tne revolution in China the State Department asked th War De oartment to hold troops in readiness to move to Cbina at once. The War De partment replied that there was a force of 18,000 men in the Philippines ard that 12,000 of them were, available for duty hvChlna. 'Five thousand of the troops are inxir near Manila and ready to be despatched at an instant s notice, but not m re than half that number wiuld be sent at first It is possible that the urmy transport Sherman, which has been ready to sail for San Francisco with the Seventh Infantry since Nov. 15tb, and the transport Thomas, which is due at Manila with the Fifteenth Infantry, both will be kept in the Philippines. largest town in Eastern Carolina. He contrasted the situation now with what it wbb at the time of the former Fair, saying that there was a larger territory tributary to New Hern than to any oth er place in the State, and af ler a trib ute to the energy of Secretary Wil- liame, closed with a strong appeal to everv one present to sulwribe for the stock. Secretary WilTamB read the list of subscribers to stock, ranging from $500 to $25. There were a number of the $t"00 arm urita and a large number of $100, and above. The amount already on the lists was $11, 1(10. The lists were carried ground and a great deal of iiWaRant amusement was afforded as subscripts ns wern called out and an nounced by the Secretary. The amount additional list nifjht was $3,3fi0, mak ing a grand total of $14,450. The amount of capital stock is to be $)0,000, and all the farmers and mer chanU of this and surrounding count les are asKeu to come oik ana neip to swell the lists. It is especially a farmer's movement and the aim of the Fair ia to build up the agricultural in terests of this section. With tho im petus now received the Fair ia assured and now is the time to keep the good This movement does not mean a Fair only, but bull-grounds, amusements, recreation grounds and other attractions and will be a paying investment in more ways than one. PEUSES ARE GUT COTTDH REVIEW FOR JJ5T WEEK Down Greater Whil Is Maintained Improved Bum ness Methbd3 In Depart . ; - roent. Washington, Dec. 1. With an appro priation reduced by $40,000 the bureau of steam viutuififriniT of the Navy De- partment during the pa--t two years has been maintaining a nayy larger by 20 per cent, than it was during the pre ceding two years. This was made pos sible by economies resulting from im provement in business methods, said Secretary Meyer in a statement has made public. "Reduction of ten cents a pound in the cont of power is reported by the ordnance bureau. a million pounds having been made during the past year at a cost of 38 6 cents a pound, purchasing hemp at Manila resulted in a saving of $40 a ton, an annual saving of approxi mately $."0. 000: lv docking vessels at navy yards, the department saved $46, during the past, fiscal year, a eduction of 20 portent, and the use of substitu tes for linseed, oil netted a saving of about $40,000. liy manufacturing certain classes of goods at navy yard in which they can tie produced cheapest, large savings have rewltedj Particularly ia thin true of standard mesai-tables, the cost of which has been reduced . from 20 to $11,94 at tne navy yard, Centralization bf designing and con' structive work in the bureau of yards and docks has proven economical, and by an adoption . of tho plan of unit prices on various articles for rations, the estimates for provisions for the marine corps have been reduced by $20,000 for the next fiscxl year. LOST. Strayed or stolen. -One black Cow, not marked but has been dehorned. Reward of $5.00 will be given for in for mat ion that will lead to her recovery. W. R. Pate. Ne Bern, N. C, R. F. D. No. 2. 'I Many Southern Selling Weakens Market. Crop Estimates go Above 15,000.000 Bales. IS PREPARED FOR New Bern, Take - Notice. Mr. Editor Please stop my ad . i i j nee. since my i&si au was piaceu your paper my business has increased so I cannot hardly wait on my custo- mers. Please stop until further notice. One fine mule for sale.t-"Big Hill,', the Shingle and Paper Roofing Man. Italian warahips bombarded the town of Mocha on the Arabian coast, The Germtn naval program calls for an expenditure of $90,000,000. - While a't- m; ting to "rrM.k" ih en Sine of his gasoline beat Thursday f tern3D Capt. J ho GaVlc II, of thh U tyi had ih misfortune to break his arm. ' The- accident occurre J several miles down Neure river. Capt. Gaskill's rm wei numb d byihe t U ed he failed to et it out of the way of the re coil of the fly-wheel. Fortunately be was able t) return to the city without assistance an1 at one received medical attention. FOR ECZEMA. TETTER AND SALT R3EUM. The intense Itching eftaracterUtic of tha ailments ia almost instantly ai layod by Chamberlain' Salve. Msny severe cases have been cured by it. For sale by all dealers, , Came Near Strangling to Death. Last Thursday afternoon Mr. Jai Thomas, who livts in No. 2 Township, came near being af angled to death in a very (mutual manner. In some way M. Thomas swallowel one of the soul" bones which compose the frame of a turkey while he was eating his dinner, and despite all tffortj failed to get the obstruction loosened. A physican was nmmonrd and sfter several hours - work sue -eeded In removl g the bone. Mr. Thomai, however, is confined to bis home suffering from the tffeeti of Attractions of a Malay. Hotel. We are so accustomed to readlug in the' KUldebooks that the local boteln are the best in the -east that it is re freshing, says the Java Times, to come across a description of a hotel in tin little town of Kuala Lumpur, in tl Federated Malay States. ' Here nro a few points which our hotel proprietor might notice: Bedrooms, 27 feet by 24 feet by 20 feet, each with two electric tweoty-tlve candle power lamps, eieo trio bell and electric fan; a bathroom 30 feet by 12 feet attached to each bed room and fitted with tops, floored w."h colored tiles, wulled With white Mm ton dittos: a long, continuous corrl Aor 25 feet in length by 12 feed broad each electric bell fitted with "return" ring, so that the visitor knows at once whether be is being attended to. Lou don Globe. .- .... Watllno's Island. Ban Salvador Is perhaps the most In teresting historical iwlut on the Amer ican side of the world, as it Is the Is land upon which Columbus Orst land ed. Yet it has lost its name. In view of the history not only of tbe Bahamas group, but of the American contineuts ts well, it Is far from-surprlalng that the Identity of the' famous Island bould baveteen long lost or that the teldenttficatlon should have been de layed until the middle of the 1am cen tury, when Captain Becher of the Brit ish ssvy by application of tbe descrip tion contained In Columbus' journal to tbe course from Gomera to the Paba mas determined clearly that WatllugV Island alone met all requirements of tbe case. Argonaut. ""' MALICIOUS FRUIT. The 8ting That Come With Csrelest Handling of Prickly Pears. Mv first Bhi experience of the Afri can prtckly pear was gained ou a visit to the market nlnce of Algiers. The fruit was handed to us, politely peeled by the Arab dealer, nnd thus as we made acquaintance with ite delightful coolness no suspicion of Its evil quail ties entered our minds. A few days later, adding the excite ment of a little trespassing to tbe mort legitimate pleasures of a couutry raur ble. we came upon u well laden grout of prickly pear bushes and could (not resist tbe temptation to help ourselves to some of the fruit The result was woeful. Concentrated esseuce of stinging net tle seemed' all at once to be assailing hands. Hps and tongue, and our skin wherever It had come In contact with the 111 natured fruit was covered with a thick crop of mluute, bristly balrs, oppnreutlv growing from it anil veno- jnous and irritating to the last degree.- Our ailk gloves, transformed sudden ly Into miniature robes of Nessus.uad to be thrown away, perfectly unwear able, and the Inadvertent use of our noefcet handkerchiefs before we had fully realized the extent of our'mlsfor tune cauMed fresh agonies. In whlcb nose as well as Hps participated. Fot many a day did the retribution of that theft haunt us In tbe form of myriads of tiny etlngs. "Home Life on an Os trich Farm." - - Teaching Agriculture. At the Craven County Teachers As sociation monthly meeting, held here on last Saturday Dc 2nd, the following paper "on Teachering Agriculture was read by Miss Clarice Smith of Thur man; 1 fear the committee has made a mis take in selecting me to discuss this sub ject. However I can only give my own iilets. In teaching rural schoals, you come in contact with the class that think education along this line is un necessary. 1 think it most important to interest if possible. Perhaps I should say the hardest to Interest New York, Dec. 2. Cotton has fall en below the nine cent level owing to the increasing pressure from the South to sell. Of course, there has also been more or less telling for short account, but this has been limited ta a small number of operators. Spot markets in aeveral cases have declined under the wt ight of a liberal crop movement and a tendency to increase the size of the estimates of the crop. The New Or- tears Times-Democrat put it at 14,835,- 000 bales exclusive of linters, and re packs. Some have figured that this real ly means an estimate of something like ir,30(),000 bales. A Texas estimate was as high as 15,815,000 bales. The aver age estimate of 183 members of the New York cotton exchange was 15,238,- 000 bales. December notices amounted to at least 30,000 bales and being larger than expected, a more or less depress ing effect. New low levels of prices have been large. Following the decline in raw cotton, the trade in c'btton gjods is said to have slackened somewhat and a large Chicago house is said to have made a downward revision of domes tics. Northern spinners' takings con tinue to run considerably behind those of last year. Rumors are in circulation to the effect that the next National Ginners' Association's report will show a large total. Manchester has been quiet. The spot sales in Liverpool have been small, Wall Street and Waldorf- Astoria interests havesjld to some ex tent. There is talk to the effect that, a superabundance of low grades exists in the present crop, and that this i a weak feature. On the other hand, the continent is buying freely in Liverpool and is taking considerable quantities of the next crop montns nere, particularly October, but also September as well as July and August. October is in such a demand that it has been selling at 12 points over July, whereas in recent years July has sold at 200 points over October. August has been Ave points over July as against 20 points under Ju ly a year ago. These premiums on August and Octo ber at this time of the year are most unusual and reflect the urgency of the demand for these far off months, Al ready it is believed that the continent has taken several hundred thousand bales of the next crop months. The sales of print cloth and convertible last week reached the big total of 15,000, 000 pieces, or more, Many think that the crop is being overestimated and that the censm report on the ginning on December 8th and the Bureau of Ag riculture estimate of the crop on Dec. 11th will tend to make this clear. The recent cold weather is believed to have Secretary .of Navy Wants It Un derstood. Government De ficit Grows. Washington, Dec. 2-Witha plea that there sball be no decrease in tbe effec tive strength of the United States navy George von L. Meyer, Secretary of the Navy in his annual report to Congress, declares that while seeking peace and playing a leading part in the movement for general arbitration treaties the world must understand that - America "ia prepared for war. " The short life of a warship for first or second line of defense approximately twenty years has caused the Secretary to ask more ships this year, not to increase the navy, but to maintain it at. its existing strength. This strength, he says, is being diminished by the elimination from active service of the battleships first constructed for the "new navy.' The deficit of the Federal Govern ment continues to grow. Up to date the disbursements of the current fiscal year have exceeded the receipts by $20,641,000 whiles month go the deficit was (20,181,000. The government col lected during November $56,589,00(1 and expended a total of $57,050,000. The receipts for the previous month were $56,054,000 and the disbursements $60,-188,000. WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS Have you neglected your Kidneys? Have you overworked your nervous. ays tem and caused trouble with your kid neys and bladder? Have you pains in loins, side, back, groins and bladder? Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eyes? Too f re qi;ont a desire to pass urine? If so, Wil liams' Kidney Pills will, cure you-at DruRgist, Price 50c. Williams' M'f 'g. Co.", Props,, Cleveland, O. The parents will say, "I don't know nothing about no books, but when it interfered wlth mUeting and ginning But the sentiment here is still very bearish and on Friday new low levels were reached for all months except De cember. Memphis sold freely enough to give rise to a rumor that the next re port of the National Ginners' Ansocia; tion on the ginning will be bearish. The active months here were selling at one hundred points under the corresponding comes to farming 1 know all I want to know." This very man peihapa w.ll break bis ground with one mule, or if he uses two, be will break it not more than two or three inches deep. He will raise cotton on every acre he can, expecting to buy corn and hay In the fall. If cotton fails he has no corn to feed and has to pay from 20 to 30 dollars for bay. How many farmer, have corn and hay I nth( ,n Uverpoo,. tnis lain in me dook we nave m vencrt some very good ideas are advanced in this line Another idea I think should be advanced is the advantage of keep ing pood stock, not scrubs' but either blooded Ft ck or grade. Stock raisirg properly conducted will nearly relieve the farmer of that ruinoui guano bill which cau es him to sell his money crop at the time it bring-i ti least. The picture of the .razor back and a wi I Dont sav "they haven't got it till you ve tried us. J. S. Basnteht Hdw. Co. Judioial Advice. 'I hope yon won't be hard on me, Judge,' he said "You see, I was un der the Influence of liquor when I done it." 'You seem to have been under the influence of something equally bad when you studied grammar. During the spare moments that you 'are going to have permit yourself to Indulge In Judicious study of the construction of simple -sentences. Here is one to be gin with sixty days."-C!hicago Bec- ord-Herald. Basket Party at Brick Klin. FIRST AERIAL POST. it Wild t i B &t. Jones County. Nov. 21. There will be a basket party given at Brick Kiln shaped pig side by nidi ia the first th ng school house on Dec, 8lh. Everybody the children s in their text book. In I ! cordially Invited to ci me. Proceeds a picture at li oka a 11 tie overdraw a go for benefit of school building. but in reality 1 believe 1 . is worse if Five thousand Turkish troops are be ing mobilised at Fort Sheik Said for an Invasion of the Ita'ian coast of Africa. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets. Druf "is' refund money if it fails to cure. II.'W. GROVE'S sign tare is oa each Mt. "c ; Was Uid In China, and a Goose Was the Carrier. Tbe ancient records of China reveal the fact that our aerial post was fore stalled some thousauds of years ago, aptly enough by Celestial. It is true tbat tbe Best postal air man was an aquatic fowl, and to this day the post In China ia referred to as "the con venience of the wild goose," and pic tures of that bird still appear on cer tain stamps. , ' ;', - - The letrcnd tells us that a Tartar chief was offensive to tbe Chinese em peror, who seut a special envoy to warn him. But the chief took the em peror'a servant prisoner and made hi in abepberd to his flocks. In this condt - I .. I .1 t..v. HnfAh tunate envoy 'languished for somei years until one day he captured a wild goose and bis mind fras Illumined by tbe bright idea of using It to carry news of his whereabouts to bis friends. With a letter secured to Its leg, the Samaritan goose flew southward until, vlrtne meeting Its customary reward, It was killed li( the grounds of the palace by iiu lens a personage than the emperor himself. The letter wan read, and a punitive expedllhui readied the captive and puoHied the rebel chief. Pea raou's Weekly . Charles S. Francis, former Ambass ador t ) Austria-Hungary, died at Alba ny, NJ Y, t,i anything. Some iris will fay t ley do not exnrct to farm so what is the use of their s udying agriculture. Iherej are many thirg that are helpful even, nuchas points on dairvinir ai d raising fowls. What is I the object of having but ter that looks like laid and taHisI kerour milk, when you can have aweet yellow b;itterbyl knowing bo 1 1 churn and work it? Then we never know what Is aheai ef I us a id it is pretty n'ee to know how things shnu'd be d ne if you have-to do them yourself or I Im them done, One can grt bulletins from Wat-hlnittn or Raleigh on most of theie sul J-nti which go into details and help the children on things they are , ecUlly Interested. Putting It Nioaly. There Is a good deal In putting a thing nicely. A prisoner was being sentenced at the assizes the other day. "You have a pleasant home and a bright fireside with happy children sit ting around It, haven't your aald the Judge. . ' "Yes. sir." said the prisoner, who thought he saw a way out of the dim culty. "Well," said tbe Judge. "If the happy children sit around the cheerful Ore side until you return they will stay there just two months." London Tit- HltS, . V ' - . Brand New Line of Bugs Just in from the mills, .9x12 Ax-minister, in beautiful shades, extra heavy at $20,00, 9x12 Wilton at $27.50, 9x12 Brussell at $25 00, 0x12 Topesly at $12.50, email rugs to match. Now is the time to make selection, aa my stock la complete. ' K j, "". ; J. S. MILLER. The Furniture Man. Pr. Thomas Fell address3 the con ventUm of the Association of Colleges and Preparatory Schools of the Middle States and Maryland. Making His Meaning Clear. Senator (Ju" returned from Wash Ingtoni Mr. Eeler, what la the sent! ment of tbe people In your town con cerning . " Rising Politician (sternly interrupt ing) Benator. we don't deal In senti ment in our town; we deal with tec's -f, a, x, fac'sI-Chlcago Tribune. BEIDGETOJi ITEMS. ' m re Bridgeton. Dec. 2. As we have not let the readers -of the Journal hear from us in some time, we will attempt to write again. Just at this time we are having quite a cold change in the weather. Mr. S. D. Parker went up to Kinston Sunday morning to attend the Method' ist conference Which convened in that town. We had quite a surprise wedding in our town last Wednesday night One of our merchants, Mr. A. M. Tingle, a"d Miss Nellie Barker, of Stella, were married at the home of Rev. J. M. Wright on B street. We wish them much happiness. Mr. S. G. Parker and family went up to Ask in and spent Thanksgiving with relatives. Mrs. T. W. Holden spent Thanksgiv ing at Askin visiting her brother, Mr. James Thomas, who is very sick. Mr. T. W. Holden, our livery stable man. had a car load of .mules and horses to come in last Monday. They had been on the road so long that when they ar rived here three of his nice horses were dead, and since then two more have died. We are sorry to know of Mr, Holden'a loss. Mrs, Barker, of Stella, ia here sp;n- ding the winter with her daughter, Mrs J. B. Morton, on B. St. Mr. and Mr. Joe Stallings have rent ed one of Mr. C. V. McGeheeV houaee on C street and will soon go to house keeping. Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Wright went up to Mr. Oliver Perry's near New Bern, an1 vpent Thanksgiving. i . Mr. Simpson Dever, of Rock Spring, was a visitor in our midst this week. Miss Ulda Lawrence, of Askins, is in our town visiting relatives. GUILTY IS PLEA OF Mill Sensational End of Trial of Noted Union Labor Leaders Sen tences Next Tuesday, - Los. Angeles, Dec 2-James B. Me Namara pleaded guilty ' to murder in tbe first degree in Judge Walter Bord well's court yesterday, His brother . . John J. McNamara, secretary of the International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers, entered a plea of guilty to having dynamited the Llewllyn Iron Works in Los Angeles on Christmas day. 1910. John r B. McNamara's confession clears up absolutely the tragedy of the , , explosion and fire which at 1;07 o'clock : on the morning, of October , 1st 1910, . wrecked the plant of the Los Angeles Times, at First and Broadway, and caused the death of twenty-one per sons. For 19 of these deaths the Mc Namara brothers were indicted and J. , B. McNamara was on ti.'M specifically for the murder of Charles J. Hagger ty, a machinist., whose body was found nearer than that of any other to the spot where the dynamite was supposed to have been placed. Both men's sentences were set for December 5th, when it is expected Dis trict Attorney John D. Fredericks will , ask for life imprisonment for James B McNamara, the confessed murderer, and probably fourteen years for his brother, The men's lives are consider' ed saved. The great contention that -the Los Angeles Times was not dyna mited is dead beyond resurrection or agreement- '.; :i' ;' In less than twenty minutes, the big . ease was disposed of, but for hours previously there had be?n a feeling that something startling would develop, and so closely guarded was the infor mation that the spectators were pre pared for almost anything except the thing presented, It was not thought that, after the vigorous battle waged thus far, one side would lay down Its arms so willingly, so freely and even so happil-for both' prisoners smiled chewed gam and appeared as they have ; on other days confidently unconcerned. Even the District Attorney was not sure until just before noon that the end was in sight. . : , It was James B, McNamara who had balked at entering into an arrangement to plead guilty if it might affect his brother. ' : He was willing to sacrifice himself, but he wanted his brother to go free. The attorneys however, con vinced him that the better course was for both to plead guilty and take their chances on a merciful sentence. . Word that John B. McNsmara was coming caused the first ripple of excite" ment. He had not visited the court room aince October 11th, when tho trials were begun and the case of the McNamaras was severed. When he entered If waa generally realized that case had reached a climax, , , - The bailiff rapped louder than usual when Judge Walter Bordwell mounted the bench. Instant silence followed. "The People versus McNamara," re marked the court and Attorney Le Coropte Davis, of the defense arose. ; "In this cise," he declared, "aftf r long consideration we have concluded to withdraw the plea of not guilty and tbe like course we Intend to pursue with reference to J. J. McNamara, In the case of the people against him wherein he is charged with having destroyed the Llewellyn Iron Works." . Heaters., If you want Just a cheap heater for bed room, we can give you a nice little wood heater for (1.25 that heats quick. We have out of car of Coles Ranges and Hot Blast Heaters, 2 Ranges and 20 Heaters left Don't delay in getting your heater placed in your home. J. 8. MILLER. The Furniture Man. Dr. Noustader, in aa address in New York, advocated ca' ion-wide legislation to prevent the union of the unfit . great . The Difference. "I am told Homebody takes a Interest In bis children." "Yes, he does, but not a controlling luterest"-Judg. Man's life Is In the Impulse of ele vation to something higher. Jacob!. Indigestion And Stomach Agony 1 Quickly Ended. 5 If you went to thirty doctors and paid each hie fee for a prescription for indi gestion or stomach mlrery it is ten Rev. J. M. Wright was returned to 1 chances to one you wouldn't get such a ns by the Conference which recently met at Kinston.' We are all (.lad to welcome him back. .'; I ': The Methodist Sunday school meets at 2:30 a. m., everybody la cordially In vited to attend. REPORTER. Thugs swarm in Canton and robberies and riots are numerous. Don t let , tne coia snap catch you without a heater from J. S. Basnight" Hdw. Co. 67 S. Front St., Phone ,9'). good preset iption as the one from whi h MI-O-NA stomach tablets are ma.1. How can such a thing be? you natur ally ask. Simply because the man who wr.u the prescription from which MI 0 : ' tablets are made knows more ' stomach diseases than 90 per t ', all the physicians in America, ( ' gets par for knowing. And when you can c't a la ; 1 tablets made from this ' m ' icrlj:tin for mi!y M e i ir to cont'.rae to a r ! Era "i t tr. X Cvf;-j i-

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