IN GENERAL il the services of (his bank consist in : Receiving checking accounts. Receiving savings deposits. Issuing Certificates of Deposit. Renting Safe Deposit Boxes. v In addition to this, deposits by mail ore invited and the officers always take pleasure in advising , with patrons regarding any financial matters. . (Illll111IlllllllllllllllllllllJJlllllllIlllllUlllilll.H MAN'S WOEFUL NEGLECT. The latW Dr. Talmage, the great preacher delivered a sermon on life ' insurance at hit Brooklyn Tabernacle once Sn which he stated that the most pitiful light was a woman, delicately reared by an indulgent father and given in marriage to a man who failed to insure his life, and after whose death was compelled to struggle with helpless children, for bread a cold, heartless world. -. L : The UNION CENTRAL LIFE INSURANCE Co. sells the best in surance cheaper than any other Company. Ask to see net cost compari sons in thirty two leading companies. W. Q. BOYD, Agent Real Estate, General Insurance. : , Surety Bonds. f You Don't Buy a Stove every month, so that when you it buy, you want to look around a little and see where you can get the greatest satisfaction for your money. We have a great line of Stoves here and we can suit , any pocket-book with our prices. : Gas kill 'Hardware Co. SOLE AGENTS FOR PHONE 147 ' - r -- 5. FEED BUST 8 B B D PROOF A BURT HI a MEADOWS , - - . and; Mill J. A: I'l THE PROPORTION CF - PROFITS TO " THE NATIONAL BANK OF NEW BERNE, N. C. STANDS FIRST among the banks of the City THIRD among the National Banks of the State ; And as it has Surplus snd Undivided Profits amounting to llOfi.OOO and Capital amounting to $100,000, it has a place on the National Rank Roll of Honor, which includes only banks having Surplus and Undivided rrofita equal to or exceeding their Capital stock. t I VI. 2 V CCNT jTEHEST IP! MM MAJESTIC RANGES : ' 73 MIDDLE ST. SURPLUS USD Ui E .'.ISS DEFOSITS , ?-r I 1 . ' MEAL OATS Fged MEADOWS RUBBER CANNON BALLS. : A World's Fair Exhibit That PuxiUd . Louis Napoloen. . An Instance of tbe obsession of the mini by one Idea Is seen in a ludi crous mistake made by Louis Napo leon la 1855 at a world's fair held In Paris while bo was emperor. Be bad been trained to war, and be could not aee a strange object without regard Ing It la relation to war. Tbe bead of tbe Doited States commission at the exhibition was Maunsell B. Field, wbo tells in bis "Memoirs of Many Men" how greatly disturbed tbe em peror was by an Amerlcan.invention. Tbe commissioner was present at a reception held at tbe palace. . ; v "The emperor approached me and remarked that be bad that afternoon walked through .our department, of tbo exposition this was Just before It was open to the public that be bad seen many thlugs there which Inter ested him, but that nothing had so much pleased blm ks the exhibition of vulcanized India rtbber. Among the articles he had n iticed something which had puzzled him ever since. He very much regrstted that I was not present at the ti ne of bis visit - "Here I Interrupted blm to say tha' I very much regretted it myself and that If he hnd sent me an Intimation of his purpose I should have been certain to attend. " 'Well.' be answered, 'In one corner I saw, storked as one sees them in an artillery yard, a pile of vulcanized in. dla rubber cannon balls. There was nobody there to answer fie inquiries which 1 desired to make. Ferhaps you can explain the matter to me.' "I hnd not even seen the balls In Question and had to say so. " 'I cannot imagine.' resumed his majesty, 'how any preparation of In dla rubber can be Urcd for projectiles, It tins often occurred to me that, in foniblnntion with other materials, it inieht be mode useful for defensive purposes.' 'J was compelled to admit that It was equally mystjrlous to rae how tho Inventor could have thought seriously of making cannon balls of It. After so unsatisfactory on Interview the emper or probably did not think that It would be civil to leave me Immediately, so be sskeil roe If I took much interest in military matters. I answered that 1 did not any more than civilians usual ly do. "I was at thnt time residing very near tbo Tulare of Industry. Tbe next morning I went over before breakfast for the purpose of getting Information upon the subject which bad so puzzled tho emneror. I went directly to the India rubber exhibit, and. sure enough, I found the balls there Just as they had been described to me It was too early for me to expect to see tbe man In charge, but there was a person In bis place. I nsked what In the world be expected to do with India rubber cannon balls. "'They n re not cannon "balls," he ao wercd; 'they are footballs!' " Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S " CAST OR I A Members of Charles W. Morse's fam ily are with him at the Fort McPherson army hospital. - i i i ii A DREADFUL WOUND , rom a knife, gun, tin can, rusty nail, fire works, or of any other nature, de mands orompt treatment wllh Buck len'a Arnica Salve to prevent blood ii son or gangrene. Its the quickest, surest healer for all such wounds as al so for Burns, Boils, Sores. Skin Erup tions, Eczema, Chapped Hands, Uorns or Piles, 25c at all druggiBts. Insects That Imitata Ostrich., ' Tbe habit of the ostrich of burylnj Its head and imagining fhat It bui eluded discovery Is copied after i fashion by certain insects, according to Dr.- O. Rodman lu his lectures or the subject of tho stick Insect,, or b clllus rossl, which he has cultivated These Insects, which are so called be cause of their resemblance to - dry sticks, hate two fore legs which the) fold completely-over tbelr eyes when disturbed and evidently think that In so dolus they themselves are lost to view. The eggs of these insects, Dr Rodman says, take something over sl tioutlis to hatch. They are only one tenth of an inch lu their longest dl ameter, and by some in sect which at hatching is three-quar ters of au inch in length Is packed into them, ' The stick Insects destroy the weaklings of their number by eat Ug their 1gs. Wastmtnster Gazette, A CHARMING WOMAN. is one whois lovely in face, form, mind and temper. But its hard for a woman to be charming without health. A weak sickly woman wHI be nervous and in it able. Constipation and kidney poisnnt show in Dimolea. blotches, , skin erup lions and a wretched complexion. But Eleetric Bitters always proves gods nri to women who wnt health, beauty and friends. They regulate Stomach. Liv er and Kidneys, purify the blood; give stronir nerves, bneht eyes, pure breath smooth, velvety skin, lovely complexion and perfect health. Try them. 50c at all druggists. ' :' , ..'..,-. A Paris paper quotes an alleged in terview with President Taft. Very Serious It is very serious matter to ask for one medicine and have the wrong one given you. For this reason we urge you in buying to be careful to get the gonuine LACK-DlLM-citf Tbs reputation of this olJ, rlla ble medicine, for constipation, in digestion ana liver trouble, is firm ly established. 'It doea not imitate other medicines. It is betttr than othora, or It would not be th fa vorite liver powder, with a larger Sals than all othtrs combined. r-iD n tcv.-i r rwwwWWWWWWWeWWWWW--a-'sWWWWW.-WWVW 1 A?e 1m a Wmm . I! 0 , , " " ; U U 1 r ; take .1 8 flJ n r- nn fi' ! o I lie Wwmxft lwm ccccccc DIRECT LINE TO ALL POINTS NORTH, SOUTH. EAST, WEST. Very Low Kound Trip Rates to all Principal Resorts. Through Pullman to Atlanta, leaves Raleigh 4:05 pm, arrives Atlanta 6:35 p m, making close connection tor ana arriving Montgomery following day af ter leaving Raleigh 11:00 a m, Mobile 4:12 p m, New Orleans 8:30 p m, Birm ingham 12:15 nodn, Memphis 8:05 p m, Kansas City 11:20 a m, second day and connecting for all other points. This car also makes close connection atSr.lis- bnry for St. Louis nnd'other Western points. Through Pullman to Washington lea ves Raleigh 6:50 p m, arrives Washing- on 8:53 am, Baltimore 10:02 a m, Phila delphia 12:23 noon, New York 2:31 p m. This car makes close connection at Wash ington for Pittsburg, Chicago and all points North and West and at Greens boro for Through Tourist Sleeper for California points and for all Florida points. Through Parlor Car for Asheville leaves Goldsboro at 6:45 a m, Raleigh 8:35 a m, arrives Asheville 7:40 p m, making close connection with the Caro lina Special and arriving Cincinnati 10 a m, following day after leaving Ral eigh, with close connection for all points North and Noith-West. Pullman for WinBton-Salem leaves Raleigh 2:30 a m, arrives Greensboro 6:30 a m, making close connection at Sreensboro for all points North, South, East and West . This car is handled on train No. Ill leaving Goldsboro at 10:45 p m. If you desire any information, please call. We are here to furnish informa tion as well as to sell tickets. EI. F. CARY, J. O. JONESx G. P. A. Washington, D. T. P. A. Raleigh, N. C. Fourteen cardinals were invested with the red hat at Rome. FOR THAT DULL FEELING AFTER EATING. I have used Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for some time, and can ttstify that they have done me more rood than any tablets 1 have ever ued. Mv trouble was a heavy dull feeling after eatmg. DAVID FREE "AN, Kempt, Nva Scotia. These tablets strengthen the stomach and im prove the digestion. They al o regu- ate the liver and bowels. They are far surerior t pi be but cose no more, uet f ee Bamp'e at all dealers drug store and see what a splendid medic ne it is, Creat Brits in hinted at understand ing with Russia on Shusler ultimatum to Persia. CASTOR I A : For Infants and Children. 1 be Kind Ycu Have Always Bought Boars the Signature of The end of the Oil Trust will eome and the subsidiary companies will be run Independently l ereafter. A Sticking Business. " "Well. Mrs.' Smith, and how's your husband?" : " :.- "Ob,, he's doing well, thank you. ninm. He's got a job at tbe glue fac tory now." . "An, well. I hope he'll stick there!" London Mall. '. ' -' Hair 8tsaltrs. - It was unsafe for Rnpjlsh children to walk out alone In 1505, lest they should be robbed of tbelr hair for wig makers. - Contentment Is natural wealth. Los. ary Is artificial povert.-rBocrates. . The quicker a cold is gotten rid of the lesa the danger from inrumoma snd other serious diroasei. Mr. H. W. L. Hall, of Waveflv. .Vs.. aays: "I firm'y haliave Chamberlain's Cough Rtmedy to be absolutely the boat preparation on the market for colds. 1 have recom mended it to tny friends and thy all Birth of Aeronautics. It ws ou Aug. 1, 1707, that the BceVhman Black of Edinburgh filled a little bag with hydrogen gas aud watched It rise to the celling of his room, and il was right then and there thnt the sclenco of aeronautics was born. Cuveuillsh had only a little While before proved thnt hydrogeu gas was about eleven times lighter than toinmou Mr, and it occurred to Black (hat, such being the case, a- light bag inflated with it would nsceud. Tbe experiment in his room In Edinburgh showed thnt bis surmise was correct, It was not long after Black mnde his demonstration thnt Montgolfter sent a silkeu balloon up Into the heav ens and watched it careening through space, and tbe following year, 17S3, the Mont gol Hers Joseph and Stephen r-made a successful asceut In a bal loon. The same year Charles ascend fd In a hydrogen bitlloon to the height of 0.770 feet. Ballooning was a suc cess, and lu aa amazingly short time It became popular In all lauda-Kew York American. The members of the American B ink ing Association arrived safely at Pan ama. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTQR I A Birettas were conferred upon the 3 new American cardinals in Rome a few days ago. WITH THE COMING OF MIDDLE AGE. There is a letting down in the physical forces often shown ir annoy ing and pain ful kidney and bladder ailmeuts and urinary irregularities. Foley Kidnev Pills are a splendid regulating and strengthening medicine at such a time. Try them. For sale by all dealers. Yeggmen blew up a dentist's safe under an "L." road in New York, Self Educated. "But don't you think you could leara to love me?" he inquired of the beau tiful heiress. "Pa always said I was hard to learn," she replied tantallzlngly. : "But I am not a book," be protested. "Oh, I can read you all right," sbs answered rittsburg Dispatch. Longevity. "Longevity? I should say longevity Aid run in the family," said Mrs. Bprlgglns. "Why, John was six foot two, Bill was six foot four, aud George had more longevity than any man I ever see. He was six foot seven, U he Was a foof'-FiXchauge. Chinese rebels at Wuchang asked for help. sswWeesBsBjBaasBBsw When you have a cold get a bottle of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It will eonn fix you up all right and will ward off any tendency toward pneumonia. This remedy contains no opium or other J narcouc ana mey ne given as connaeni- Sr to a baby as to an adult. Sold by all ealers. . The physical disintegration of the American Tobacco Company haa begun. . ' thsaeee! In Installment Sheep are put to double use In tbe northern part of India, in the Hima layas. They are driven from market to market with the wool still growing, and in each village the owner shears as much wool as he can selt there and loads tbe sheared sheep with the grain he receives in exchange. After his flock has been sheared - be turns it homeward, each animal carrying a bag of grain. ' Baron Gustavo De Rothchild died in Paris. ; Dr, John W. Abercrnmqie says the South is neglectful of Its opportunities. r. IflLe&aTHSCOUQIl Pr-. f j T" -" - a fkeUse. J Uewv J W i-omi few "k. - t; r.-. f- UGQ 1 1 t Legal Notices NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT IN NEW BERN. By virtue of power of aale contained in that certain mortgage deed executed and delivered to the undersigned by Miles Spruil and Eliza Sprnil, hiB wife, which mortgage deed and note thereby Becured is dated third day of March 1902, and recorded in book number 141, page 673, in tbe of fice of the Register of Deeds of Craven county, the undersigned will on the 18th, day of Decem ber. 1911, at 12 o'clock m. at tbe court house door in Craven county, sell to the highest bidder for cssh. the following described land: Two lots situated and lying in the City of New Bern. N, C. in the part known as Reisenstclnvllle, being lots number 11 and 27 in tbe plan of the said Reizenstemville, located on the eaat aids of Chap, man street between Cedar and Elm streets, and being the same land conveyed to the said lilies Spruil by deed from Chas. Rr izensteln. JOHN S. GARRETT, Mortgagee. November I8th. 1911. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having this day qualified aa executor of Flor ence Williams, deceased, all parsons having claims against the estate of said deeendent arc hereby notified to present the same, duly verified u the undersigned or his attorney, on or before the 17 day of November 1912, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. AU persons indebted to said estate are hereby requested to make immediate settlement. This I7th day of November I9IL H. H. PENDER. Executor. R. O'HARA. Attorney, MORTGAGE SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue of a power contained in a mortgage deed executed to the undersigned by Patsy Col line and Mary Venters on tho 6th day of April. 1909, and recorded In tho office of the Resistor of Deeds of Craven county. In book 171, page 14, same deed bring given to secure the payment of a promissory note, duo and payable one year from date of said mortgage deed and default in payment of said note and interest on (ho same having been made, I will sell at tbo ooort hoose door in New Bern, N. C at 12 o'clock at Monday tha 11th day of December 19U. all the undivided interests of said Patsy Collin and said Mary Venters in and to that certain tract of land in No, 8 township. Craven county, ,N, C. ad' joining the lands of Edward Richardson oa tho north side, oh the west Side Willis Lewis' tract, containing ten acres, where Mary Venters and John Venters formerly resided, now occmpied by Alex Moore; also another tract af land Containing 183 1-4 acres, adjoining the lands of Mrs, Jennie Harrison, Dr. J B Hughes. J L Rbem. Jaa Lyons, Samuel Bowen and Daniel Harrias. Tama of sale cash. M. BABN. : Mortgsgee. Nov, 91911. MORTGAGE SALE. Pursuant to the power of sals contained la that certain mortgage deed, executed by George Brown and Mary E. Brows, his wife to R. O'Bara, bearing data of April 13th. 1911. ami recorded in the office of tho Register of Deeds for said Craven county in book No. 184, folio 167. - Tho undersigned will offer for sale to tho high est bidder for cash, at tho court hooas door of Craven county, on Saturday. December th. UU at the hour of 12 o'clock M. all tho following des cribed property, to-wit; , . , ; - - AU that eertaia lot or parcel of land tying and being situate la tho city of New Bern, said state and county oa the wast aide of Ash street and bearing the a umber ana-handrod forty-six, 140, according to a plan of tho aetata of Joshua Scott, dec'it. recorded In Equity Docket, page at in tha office of Clerk of Superior court Tor said Craven county, bounded aa follows: Benfinamt at tha northeast corner of the lot formerly owned by Frederick Herri son, and running northwardly fifty So, flve feet, mora or less to the southeast ern eornerof lot No, one hundred I4&, ferty-ve; thence westwardly alone; tho aouthera lino of said lot No. 145 one hundred U0. tea feet, more or leas to the eastern Una of lot No. one hundred 158, fifty -six, thence southwardly alone the oast- era Una of lota Noa. 166 and I5S fifty 56, set mora or less to the northern Una of lot Ne. 147; thence eastward! along tho northern Una of said lot No. 147 one hundred IIO, tea feet mora or leas to the point of beginning em Ash Street It be ing the same land conveyed by R, O'Bara to said George A. Brown and Mary E. Brown by deed dated April IS, I9II. and recorded In tha aubhe records la the oftee of Register of Deeds for said Craven county In book No. 186-fotlo TO. Which reference is hereby made, " Thla, 4th. day of November I9U. ' R. O'HARA Mortgagee, Toe Big PHI. The man In bed bad net or buen sick before. The doctor, wishing to ascer tain his temperature, pointed the ther mometer at him and commanded, "Open your month, 3ta.H wait a minute doc," objected the patient "I don't b'lleve I can swaller tbat."-Judge. iu nauits gather ty unseen C grees, as brooks make rivers, rivera run to seas. Drvden, ' A loan of il50.OOO.C0O 111 proli.'- frrFfSQimii . nm t i iiwi LuuiUiinL unauj X eee-ee P. M," Simmons, ,, A. D. Ward, SLiutil 0;JS AND WARD AfTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AX LAW iiw Bisir, v. c. Office Rooms 401-2-3 Elks Building ' Practice in the counties of Craven. Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ever services are desired. DR. H. II BODES DISEASES OF THE ye, Ear, Nose and Throat AND General Surgery Office in Elks Temple Next Dr. G. A Caton, New Bern, N. C. R. A. NUNN ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico Jones and Onslow and in the State Supreme and Federa Courts. Ofllcs No. 60 Cravss Street. - Ttltphons No. 97. New Bern, N. C. Lake Drummond Canal & Water Co. Lake Drummond Transportation Co. Lake Drummond Towing Co. Dismal Swamp Canal An Inland Route, Protected from Storm. Nine Feet of Water Minimum Depth Always. Quick Transit for Traffic. Prompt Towing and Freight Movement For tolls, towing and freight rates apply at office in Seaboard Bank Build; ing and at Deep Creek Lock, Va. M. K. King, Pres. J. A. Mitten. Sec. J. B. Baxter, Supt. . J. T. Whitehurst, Traffic Manager. Norfolk Office Bell Phone 621. " CATtTrtrriiT RAILWAY SOUTmIEK KAXLffAI ICH1DUUI M. B. These Ignres are publlanod lor information and are not auaraa- NO. II Leave Goldsboro, N. CH 1.41 t ml, through, tralu with chair ear to Asheville, connecting al Bast Durham, for Oxford, Hen - lerao, Keysvllle and Richmond r a-at University for Chanel Hill? " at Greensboro for Charlotte and all pUats south, siao lur u. Hie, Lynchburg, Charlottesville Washington, aid all wiaU Ma lSL4Vs Goldsboro, 1.01 v Bf, ;,. for Greanaboro. handles through : Pullman Raleigh, to Atlanta, eo , ArtU , at , Greensboro tor all , Mints north, sonth and west NO. 111-Leavea Goldsboro 10.45 p m tor Greensboro, bandies puilma " Raleigh , to Greensboro, eon . ects at Greensboro for Char ;1 lette, J AUanta , New Orleaia, , Asheville, Knoxville, also tor Danville, Lynchbui. Charles toevtUe, Washlagtot,' u. gji , r , iolnte Mrta. . ;.; .. ler further tnformatWn tub any Southern' ticket agent er adireee tie inslenlszcea H. F. CARY. , , General Passenger if eat, ; ; , Waahlngtoa, D. CL 1 , W. H. PARNELL, : . Traveling Passenger Axent. i : , Ralelgb, N. O. 'i'i Instead of UJi'uhS tnlbc ptics Pcroxr! o , many people are now usiiii; Paxtine Toilet Antlscr'tc The new toilet frermlcide powder to la ' diHHolved in water as needed. For all toilet and hygienic iiwi it It better and more economical. To cleanse and whiten the c y teeth, remove tartar and f prevent dway. i To disinfect the mouth, de- j atroy disease (Terms, ami f ' purify the breath. I To keep artificial teeth and f brld(ework clean, odorlcsn To reiucve nicotine from the t nnrlfy s'.e breath ufti-r mi To eradicate rn-rnnlm! i : ' odors by upotijre tat hi iv. Th best antiip)tie w-a ,:i I Urlievrs nl nt i-ciiKl Iwnt I lif'.aiii'di-v"V 1 ('n U Mm ; ; 4ii 1 tu! s. :.") and 5'1 el H I gree with me." For sale by all deal CIS. be asked for the Eritiuh 1,'sivy.