v ... V. .rs: Ts 'I MAW 1,1 i Jm vr.- WW 11 i is i r i i - y it a i No 72 NEW . BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. ' C.-i TUESDAY DECEMBER. 12, 1911-FIRST SECTION ; ' ' 34th. YEAR n I? V 1 1 4 ' V 11 L I i bjflOUIS JOSEPH m v - nLDSTRATlONSBY- SYNOPSIS ' , CHAPTKR" T. The story . onei Uonte Carlo With Col. Terence o'Rourke In hie hotel, u Kourke, a military free lance and something of ambler, la greasing- for appearance In the restaurant oeiow wnen ine sound or a giruslt voice ilnglnr attracts his attention. Leaning out on the balcony he sees a beautiful tlrl who suddenly disappear. - Ha rushes to the corridor to see a neatly gowned form -enter the elevator and pass from :): ; . CHAPTER I. A' atlll 'and sultry dusk had fallen, . closing an oppressive, wearing day: one of those days whose sole function seeing to reside In rendering us irri tably conscious of our too-close cas ings of too-solid fleshy whose humid and inert atmosphere, sodden with tepid moisture, clings palpably to the body, causing men to feel as If they crawled,; half suffocated, at the bot tom Of & sea of rarefied water. tj c ; : The hour may have been eight; tt may have been not quite that, but It was almost dark. The window were oblongs, black as night In the yellow wallB of O'Rourke's bedchamber In the Hotel d'Qrltnt, Monte Carlos 1-; - "I hare the honor to make known to, you . . the O'Rourke of Castle O'Rourke In the county of '. Galway. Ireland; otherwise and more widely known as Colonel Terence O'Rourke; a chevalier of the Legion of Honor of Prance; sometime an officer, in the Foreign Legion In Algiers; a wander er,; Spendthrift, free-lance, cosmopol-Ite--a gentleman-adventurer, he's been termed. VV;,,vi.:"''; f; - He was dressing for dinner The glare of half a dozen electric bulbs dis covered him all but ready for, public appearance not, however, quite ready. In his shirt sleeves he faced a cheval glass, plucklly (If with the haggard eye of exasperation), endeavoring ' to outmaneuvar a demon of , Inanimate perversity which had entered into his dress tie, -Inciting It Ibrefflseto- asi ume, for all his coaxing and bis strat agems, that effect, of nonchalant per fection so much sought after, so sel dom achieved. , - ' Patently was, the thing possessed by devil;: O'Rourke made no manner Of doubt of that. Though for minutes at a time he fumbled, fidgeted, fumed, It was without avail. ;v 'Xi .- His room itself was In a state of "nslderable disorder something' due mainly to O'Rourke's characteristic ef forts to find just what he might hap pen to desire at any given time with out troubling to think where It ought properly to be. :. - : ' .',' -V .V Something of this confusion, mir rored in the glass, was likewise re flected in O'Rourke's eyes, what time he paused for breath and profanity. Faith, 'tis worse, than a daw's nest, the. place," , he admitted, scandalized. :'Un awai HM TnnA Inn a man Hrt I all that, wlU ye be telling me?" He flung out two helpless baffled hands, and let them fall. After a meditative ' pause he added: "Damn' that Alsa tian I "with reference to his latest and least competent . valet, who had but recently been discharged with a flea In his ear and a month's unearn ed wage In bis pocket, "For knowing me ways," -sighed O'Rourke, "there was never anyone the lilfe of Danny." For as many as' three livelong day this man had been reduced to the ne cessity of dressing himself with his ownJ fair .hands and that at least thrice, dally, " who '. did nothing by halves. And, somehow, mysteriously, his discarded garments had for the most part remalued where he had , thrown them, despite the earnest ef-i forts of the femme de chsmbre to re-1 tore something resembling order from this man-made chaos. For servant ail nked well the O'Rourke., Improvl- j dent soul that he was, freehanded to a fault. ; .,; I , ' " You are Invited to picture to your self O'Rourke a Invariably . he wa In one of his not Infrequent but ever transient phases offfluence: that Is, a very magnificent - figure indeed. .Standing a bit-over six feet, deep of chest and lean of flank, with bis long, straight legs he looked what he had been meant to be, a man of arms and action. His head ' was shapely, Its dark hair curling the least. In the world; and, lucredibly stained, a trans parent brown, hi features were lean, eager, and rendered very attractive by quick boylbh eyes in whoBe warm blue gray depthB humor twinkled more often than not, though those same eyes were not seldom thought ful, a trace wistful, perhaps, with the look of one who recalls dear mem ories, old frlonds ; and " sweethearts loved and lost V . - . For he had It pun to live early In life and bad niiii.li to look tack upon, though for all that It's doubtful If lie were more tliHii thirty ut tbe time he became In volved In the fuituuts of the Tool of Flume. 1 I r t!.e re;-t (it Mm, lariln? the t 1 ty tie, the man was still.hiK'y v i : - .med, whllo his iiuiuu! : , f ' f r ciiiiifuituble clrcumsliinc a. tit i : :. ., : y ( f the nb -put h.J re t IS v. hr, m. l.i.g a-rvcl t ; ..;.) I i t ' ,.! lilt;. i. -M "- .1 f ' 1. ' . t, ..'t ' ! saw rrv 14R Y s. N A of course, "whenever ther 'happened to he any exchequer to require a chan cellor), there was never anyone at all who could spend money1 or - wear clothe like himself, meaning the mas ter. ; And at this time O'Rourke was ostensibly in funds and consequently (as the saying runs) cutting a wide swath. Heaven and himself only knew the limits, of hi resources; but. his manner a Monte Crlsto might hav aped to advantage. " His 'play was wonder of the Casino; for the. matter of that, his high-handed and extrava gant ways had made the entire Prin cipality of Monaco conscious of his presence In the land. And you fall In the least to understand the nature of the man If you think for a moment that ' ,,ked him to be admired, point ed out, courted, pursued. He was, in deed, never so splendid,' a when aware that he occupied the public eye, In short, he was. Just an Irishman. , . . 30, then, it's nothing wonder ful that he should seem a thought fini cal about the set of his tie. - j Now as he 'stood scowling at his Image,, and wishing from the bottom of his heart he had never been fool enough, to let Danny leave him,, and calling fervent blessings down 'upon the head of the fiend who first design ed modern evening-dress for men he found'- himself suddenly, with a mind divested of any care whatever and at tentive alone to a sound which came to hira faintly, borne upon the heavy wings -of.- the sluggish 'evening ? air. It was nothing more nor less than a woman singing softly to herself (hum ming would probably be the more ac curate term), and It was merely the tune that caught his fancy; a bit of an old song he himself had once been wont to sing, upon a time when be had been a happier man. It seem ed strange to hear It .there, stranger still that the woman's voice, indistinct fr4t warhe)d har such a familiar ring In his memory, He" frowned In wonder and shook bis head. "The age of miracles la past," he muttered; J "'twould never be herself. - I've had m chance and forfeited It 'Twill not come to me a second time. , . ." The singing ceased. Of a sudden O'Rourke swore with, needles heat, and, plucking awaythe offending tie, cast It savagely from him. "The dlv vie fly away with ye!" he said. "I It bent on driving me mad ye are? I'd give me fortune to have Danny back I , ; Me fortune faith!" He laugh ed the word to bitter scorn. "Tie meself that never bad the least of any thing like that without 'twas feminine with a 'mis-' tacked 'onto the front of It!" And he strode away to the window to cool off. I It was like him to forget hi exas- peration in the twinkling of an eye; another mood entirely swayed him by the time he found himself gazing out Into the vague, velvety dusk that mo mentarily waa closing down upon the fairy-like panorama of terraced gar dens and sullen, silken sea. HI thought had winged back to that dear woman of whom that fragment of melody had put him in mind; and he was sighing and heavy of heart with longing for the sight of her and the touch of her hand. - :. Even as he watched, stark night tell, black as a pocket beneath a porten tous pall of cloud. . ; v . Far out upon the swelling bosom of the Med iterranean a cluster of dim lights be trayed a stealthy coasting steamer, O'Rourke Caught hi Breath, stunned. making westward. Nearer, In the har bor, a fleet of pleasure craft, riding at anchor on the still, dark tide, was revealed In many, faint, wralthllke shapes of gray, all studded with yel low stars. Ashore, endless festoons of coloied lamps draped the gloom of the terraces; the facade of the CaBlno stood out lurid SfcHliint the darkness; ' .iii"1' . '''' ' ' '' ''-v'j Vie i'l M the hotfla shone with reflected brll '.ar,iH, t'na palace of the Prince d I.tittf-o loomcJ MfcU upon the penin sula, it t-hiUitions i!. i out with linea of b 't fire. 11,9 U'i.. j like shook Mg head, con-i.'-.ni,:-. It i.n. "'Tl UhmV.UX," ha l !' . X 'i. i". '.. 1 1 . J, t " ! f i ; ) FHflER GEIS ' - LESS :TII Fifty Cents t)f What The Consum er Paya One Dollar For. Cold Storage Raises LjvingCosta. v Washington, Dec;. 8.' "The consum er pays a dollar for food; te farmer gets less than fifty cent Of it, .Who jet the rest?.'!. i-v; That 1 a question, which Secretary Wilson of the DpartmerU UAKricu! t ure asks in bis annual report.' 1 he -Secretary does, not attempt to : answer it. He doe explain, in Borne detail the re sults of an investigation his department has just concluded int J ihe " effect; of cold storage m the wholeaomeneas and cost of. food. His . investigation leads him to recommend . puhlicity .for the amount. of food. id cold storage, just as the Department now gives' publicity to the condition of crop from month to month. ; v -v.--.;. ; Instead of food remaining in storage for longer than a year or two years, ss a rule, the Secretary declares that his Investigation shows that "receipts into cold storage are entirely or very nearly exhausted by the deliveries out of cold storage within ten months.'-. j; j i:. Lone storage is the exception, .the Secretary asserts. .Warehousemen ex plained to the Department that excess ively long storage was' due to lawsuits and other circumstances of a commer cial nature.' : The coat of storage, inclu ding Storage charge, interest ar.d ihsur ance is considered as a barrier to every long storage. ' Cold storage, the Secretary reports, has raised the cost of Jiving by increas ing the annual price level for butter andeggs."- y.-: :-',c,k ':''' sj ? " The Secretary Bays that an examina tion of the record of prices gives a 'suspicion" that there has -been much speculation in some years by the men who keep commodities in cold storage. He refers to "an apparent mistake" of the storage men in overestimate the consumption of eggs by the public at exhorbitant prices last winter with the result that in the spring the. stor age men had to sell eggs at remarka bly low prices and send abroad, the tar- gesi amount oi eggs ever exf.oneu in order to get rid of the supply. - The Secretary declares that the warehouse' men ought to be required to send to Washington each month tneamount of commodities placed in storage so that the public may be able to judge of the future trend of prices, We expect" to ; make our store a lively place for the next two - weeks if good things and low prices 'will make it so. J. J. Baxter. To Our Readers. Several months ago we began pub lishing in each Sunday's edition of the Journal an installment of a serial story entitled "The Third Degree." From the time the first installment of ths fas cioating and thrilling story appeared we were urged by our many readers to run the story in eath day' issue. , However we decided not to do this at that time and at the conclusion of that particular story we began another,', "Keith of the Border" which is now appearing in the Sunday Journal. Recently we have re ceived so many requests asking us to run a serial in each day's, issue of t' e Journal that we decided todn so. Th question then arose as to the proper story to secure. We desire to give our patrons the best that con d be secured regardless of expense and at the same time give them a story that would in terest them from the first line to th finish. After looking over a large num ber of the work of the best writers w purchased that unusually thrilling am charming atory "The Pool of Flam -' by that well known author, Louis Jo eph Vance. The Drat installment of this story will appear in next Wedi e -day's if sue of the Journal and even man and women in New Bern shouii read it from start to finish. The stor peals with a priceless ruby which had been stolen frcm the ye of an'Indii idol and of the many adventures of the men and woman who owned it. Through the story there runs a line of romance that charms the reader in an tnimiUlil. manner. Of course- there is blocdsV d and intrigue but this helps to make h story one of the best ever written. I addition to this ' Keith of the Bord r, whkh is now appearing in the Sumliy Journal, will be continued. Remem the first Installment of "Tro Fool ot nl 1 Flame" appears in Wednesday's Ipnj of the Journal. Craad New Line of Taics just la from the mills, 9x12 Ax-miniBter, In beautiful .ilmil.-n, extra hoavy at '0,00, Hxl2 Wilton at ?27..r.f), 912 I'ruM at t'S 00, 9x12 To r ,'y at tt2.ro, small run to match. Nav is ti e time to make selertion, Bi ny f ck is coit'j-lute. j. n. :.ir i. ; i -. C I ul'l-., Inin iinniT : . Dlb ILUUII . STILL DESTROYED Near Jacksonville, Onslow Connty, -Yesterday, Morning By Rev . jenue Officers. -.'"'a'.J'j'-. V. ; . i ' "'" Deputy Collector, 1. E. Cameron and Peputy Marshal Sam Lilly early yes terdey morning located .and destroyed near Jacksonville, Onslow eounty.one of the largest illicit distilleries ever found in eastern H'yth Sarolina. The plant was cut ap and, (tiore than one thousand gal lons of bear poured; out on the ground. The still had a capacity of 200 gallon and was in full opetation but the opera tors had got wind of the officers ap proaching jvisit and had made their es capeix;! f-i':.-.f':K.-- In spak;ing of the eaptiire of the still Deputy Marshal Lilly stated to a Jour nal reported that it was located within one hundred f eet of a church and that only by th merest chance had they learned that it was in operation. He said that u all probability, th opera tors Jiad )k en running this ; still for several years and had doubtless made thousand jf gallons of "moonshine" and dispensed it in that locality. Al though th owners made their escape before tbo officers arrived, they are known to if he revenue men and may be arrested ai any time. ;.. -. ' r Annual Bazaar at Pollocksvllle. x ' The annual bszair of the Methodist E. Churchi 'Pollocksvilley will be held on Thursday Dec. 14th, There will be on sale fafjey work and articles suita ble for' Christmas presents. Refresh ments will be served. Invitation extec ded to a!l jto come. '' ' Birthday Party. Dast Fr(diy afternoon Master John Gaskill delightfully entertained a num Lber of his young friends at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fernie Gas kill, on Broad street, the occasion beirg his third natal day, Daring the after noon many ' games dear to childish hearts wete engaged in, after which de fictauB refreshment were served. Mas ter John received a large number of beautiful gifts from his friends, and bef ore leaving each one of them de' dared that they bad never spent a more enjoyable afternoon, and wished their i young host many more happy birthdays. . " Boat Line to Hyde Co. The steamer Blanche will -leave this morning for point in Hyde county, in command of Capt. Robt. Burrus. This a the first trip and it is proposed to ron the Blanche regularly between New -Bern and Hyde Connty. It is a connection that is very iruch needed. ' Our Heaters will put that chilly feeling to route. J. S Bashight Hdw. Co. REPORT OP THE CONDITION. OF THB MAYSYILIE BANKING ft TRUST 0 At Maysrllle, In the State of North Carolina, at the Close of Bnsl. j cess Dec. 1st, 1911. V RESOURCES Loans and discount , , . $3fi,088.08 . 474.38 Overdrafts unse ured Banking houses '. , 1,856.15 furniture and fixtures 731.87 Doe from Banks and Banker Sliver coin, Including all . minor coin currency 2,688.02 1,961.19 269,06 2,485.00 Mul tonal ' bank note other U. S. notes aud Total ' ' . t43,865 67 , "LIABILITIES! Capital stock :. ........ Surplus f ind . , Undivided profits, les cur rent expense and taxes paid -l Time certificates of deposit Deposit pubject to check Savings Deposits Cashier's cbscks outstand ing r ;, ". . $6,000.00 '600.00 .1,827.79 17,164.49 14.751 96 4,608.09 13 35 Total . $43,805.67 STATE OF NOUTH CAROLINA, County ot Jones: S3.N ,', I, Geo. G. Weeks, Cashier of the bove-named bank, do solemnly1 swear that the above state ir nt Is true to the lest of my knowledge and belief. . GEO. E. WEEKS, Cashier. rORP.ECT AtteRt: . A. J. COLLINS, " R. S. WEEKS, A. F. MATTOCKS. Directors. Eubccrilmd and iworn tu inture we, Uiia 8th day of Dec. 1911. E, L. MATTOCKS, , i:j..ry rulltc. UST WEEK'S GOTTOIJ REVIEW Liverpool . Buying Advances Pri ces ButOinners Knock Away All Support. New York, Dec. 9. Cotton advanced frequently during the past week on good buying by Liverpool and the con tinent eo-incident with greater activity and strength in the Liverpool market where the continental mills were large buyers. Shorts, seeing this, became uneasy and in 48 hours the Waldorf-As toria contingent, alone is ouppoaed to have covered some 75,000 to 100,000 bales.' There is a feeling that the. gov ernment cross estimate, which is to ap pear Monday 11th, is likely to be con sidered under the maximum gueeses from private sources. In some quar ters there 1 a deep seat conviction that the crop la being overestimated and the consumption under-estimated. It is urged that the crop movement does not give a color of probability to some ex treme estimates and that sufficient al lowance is not made for the obvious dis position of continental mills to stock up freely and even to buy cotton for de livery years ahead as is notoriously the case. Some of the large spot houses have been buying. Liverpool has bought here against sales in its own market, based on the abnormally wide differences between the two big centers, a hundred points or more. . This means it is con tended, that New York prices are too low. " However this may be with Euro pean buying and the shorts covering prices have at times shown noticeably greater strength. Leading Wall Street bull have given support, from time to time. The holding back of cotton at the South has still been a feature. The $50,000,0(i0 syndicate plan for helping the South to market its cotton to bet ter advantage has apparently not ben abandoned, despite the 'critisms of its emanating partly from the South On the other hand the consensus her? is still bearish, Supplies, it is urged, are too big and there is too much low grade cotton in crop to make it possible to permanently or . materially advanced prices, until the lead is eased. The crop movement is large.- Northern spinnei still purchase- on a cautious scale and there is compotatively little speculation while the high cost of living militates it being agaiot the consumption of cot ton goods and trade which is not in a satisfactory condition. : ' - On Friday the ginning figures, 12,- 814832 bales, caused a sharp decline. The government crop estimate on Mon-. day is awalttd with keen interest. Just received a beautiful line of mens and ladies Neck wear, Silk Hose and Hand kerchiefs in Xmas boxes J. J. Baxter. . Postal Employes Cannot Hav Union. What employe of the United States mail service term an attack on their union organization is a general order from C P. Grandfield, first assistant postmaster general, calling on all se cret organizations in the service imme diately to disband. The order is aimed the men say, at the National Federa tion of post office clerks, an affiliation of the American Federation of tabor, to which many of the men belong. The order does not effect any em ploye who belongs to fraternal secret organizations outside the postal serv ice. . Membership in secret organiza tion waa termed "inimical to the in terests of good government, as being incompatible with the employes' oath of service. ' ' Hunting Party Returns , Laat Saturday night a party of hunt era composed of the following gentle men, Messrs L. J. Taylor, J, L. Harts field, Wm. B Blades. L. Blades of Eliza beth City, Daniel . W. Richardson, of Dover and Law of Washington, D. C-, left th' city on Mr, Wm. Blades houseboat "Comfort" enroute to Ports mouth, N. C, where they intenedei pending several day hunting wild geese and ducks. . Thursday afternoon they left Ports mouth and started on tha return trip, reaching New Bern about ! o'clock on the following morning, Th party suc ceeded In bagging fifty wild, geese and one hundred and fifty ducks. Each on of the party wa delighted with the trip and voted Mr. Bladaa the most genial of hosts. . Heaters. If you want juat a cheap heater for bed room, we can give you a nice little wood heater for IV. 25 that heats quirk. We have out f car of Coles Itangea and Hot l::.i.".t Heaters, 2 Kanga and 20 lleat.-is l. ft. Don't delay in petting your beater placed in your home. ' J. S. VM i.i ::. The Ft.' : r I".3, FISHERIES d- VENTIOn HERE -,r ' tsasjs : "; 1. This Week, Wednesday and Thurs day. An Interesting Program For Two Days. 4 The Fisheries Convention meet her next Wednesday and Thursday and is a convention of great local as well as state importance, its object is to pro vide ways and means for building up and perpetuating the fisheries of North Carolina for the benefit of all the state. The seaaions will be held in the court house, while the Gaston Hotel will be the official headquarters. The following is the program for the two day."" "-' WEDNESDAY, Dee, 13. MORNING . SESSI )N.. 10 O'CLOCK. .... ' Convent ion called 1 1 Order. ..; Opening Prayer by Rev. Dr.' J. N, H. Summerilt, pastor of tha Presbyterian i ' " Church. Address of Welcome, by the Mayor of ' ..' New Bern. : ' Response by Lieutenant-Governor, W. ' f C. Newland. . . Object of the Meeting Joseph Hyde J Pratt, State Geologist. Election of Permenent Officers of th Convention. Appointment of Committees on Mem bership. Resolutions and Permanerjt V Organization. 1 What Other States Have Accomplish ed -Hon, W. McDonald Lee, Shell Fish Commissioner of Virginia. Dr. H. P. Moore, of the U. S. ltureau of Fisheries. Discussion by Delegates. AFTERNOON SESSION, 2:40 o'clock. The Fisheries Industry and State In dustry and not a local one. T. S. MeekinB, Geo. N. Ives, Dr. H. F. Moore, and J. L. Currie. ; ! f . What North Carolina can. do to Build up and Perpetuate Her Pishing Indus triesJudge A. W, Graham, (Reporter of Legislative Committee of 1909), C. S. Venn, Fish Commisiorer. Hon. John H, Small, Frank Wood, Wm, M. Webb, Oyster Commissioner. . Vi Discussion, by t Delegates THURSDAY, DEC. 14, MORNING SESSION, 10 O'CLOCK. Report of Legislative Committee, Discussion by Delegates. '" ! Permanent Organization of the North Carolina Fiaheriea Society. Report of Comitteea. Basket Party at Irani. There will be a basket party at Ernu' school house Tuesday night pec. 12th, 1911. Everybody js invited to come. First Installment. In tomorrow's. Wrdnesday'a issue of the Journal, the first installment of that thrilling and fascinating atory, The Pool of Flume' will appear. This la ab solutely one of th most interesting ae rials ever written and you Should not fail to real every chapter., There is mystery combined with romance in every line and the whole tends to make it so unique I hat it cannot fail to please . i . i . j. . i . . i you. itcmemiwr.ne nrai cnapier win be published in the Journal tomorrow. , Are you satisfied With your cook stove? See Bucks line of Stoves and Ranges at J. S. Basnight Hdw. Store: ,: E FOR WHISKEY Xow Languishes In Craven Coun- ty Jail In Default Of Bond orfjjpo. . ' : G S Henderson, a whit mm who lives at Pollocksville, was .arrested by Dep uty Marshal Sam Lilly Thursday after noon on a capias issued by the United States DiHtrict Court, charging him with using the mail for fradulent pur pose. He was brought to this el'y and carried before the United States Com miasiooer who, after hearing the evi dence in I he cake, found probable cause and bound the defendant over to the next term of the United Stales Dis trict Court under a bond of $500. Hen derson could not give this bond and wan committed to Craven county jail. From all that could be learned in re gard to the farts in the cae it reenio lhat Henderson had been ordering qunntitiea of whiskey from vari m whinkey housm alt over tie r m.trv snd sending Ihetn In been tried in the l': ' 1 ! 1 ( i for this Bam oiT.-ii i. : t . BAD CHECKS this and lief n v. ,in,. I t i ; S : thil kind of ... U,.. i. f.til-1 to 1;) ri i )' i . ; ; CROP HELD GEUERALLY GOOD Annual Report of Commissioner of Agriculture. Farmers' Insti tutes and Demonstration v Work Valuable.' Raleigh, Dee. 11. In his annual re port Commissioner of Agriculture. W. A. Graham recently-' submitted says while a. drought of the longest contin uance known to the people of the state prevailed over a large part of the state seriously reducing upland yields, still the harvest time "showed the greatest production of wheat, corn find cotton in thehiatory of the State'. In EaRtern Carolina, as far west as Raleigh, the yields were very fine for all crop?, and i . u n u n. ....... ; ... , ,kn Tennessee line greater? crop yields were never known, the drought handicap ap- plying to the wide strntch of country : from Raleigh westward to Morfianton, uplands in this territory being greatly reduced In yield.' However, increased yield in the bottom and low lands con siderable amended for f.htipland short age. Generally speaking, the cotton yield was the bst ever known, with an average of a bale to the acre, and big fields end neighborhoods in many in stances reaching two and two and a half bales to the acre. The wheat . yield waa excepiinnally fine, with the weight of the grain showing full siity pounds to the bushel' etmdard. s -7 The extreme west suffered a serious shortage of hay yield, but in moat oth er sections where attention was given to the matter there was a supply hoiiRed for the winter. - , It appear that the farmers of the stave have had to buy k-ss corn and other supplies than ever before to make their crops, i-There, was more- hay re-, quired to be purchased this season than any other rupply. . A gratifying in creasa is the growing of home supplies by th9 farmer to hold their cotton for hoped-for higher cotton 'prices. Com missioner Graham feels that one impor tant thing that the State Department is steadily instilling in the farmers of the State, is that if they . will devote intelligent attentioi t growing the supplies for the farmrttie" moirey crops will not have to be sacrificed keep the farm going, but can be held with o it suffering, for the best market de velopment. ' ' ' The Farmers' institute and demon stration work is proving most valuable in the elevation of tha methods of far ming, and, together with the exhibits that the department is making each year in the state, and many of the coun try fairs, are bringing about many of WlU UWftVU lllipiUTCTIIICIlLB III 1(11111 UlFll- ditions increased crop yield as well as better farming methods generally. In ten years the corn yield has increased in average from 12 te 20 bushels to the acre; wheat from 9 to Hi bushels; cot ton from 167 to 227 nounds ner acre: the State holding,' too, second place, wi h Kentucky first in tobacco vield. The agricultural authorities of the state. insist that North Carolina can easily produce all the corn needed, not ouly for the farm supplies, but for the consumption ' of the North Carolina town a well, and do it at a decided profit. Furthermore, that in hog rais ing there is an immense profit that the farmers are just beginning to realize. Commissioner Graham insists that corn is entitled to be king in North Carolina, He and the Stale Board of Agriculture are pledged to greatest possible effort in furthering its most extensive and intensive culture. There waa a yield this year of' not less than 59,000,000 bushtls, and but for drought that cut the yiell in the Central and Middle Western sections of the State, the yie'd would have been clone around 100,000,000 bushels. Thi State pro duced only 104,000,0(10 pounds of tobac co this year, compared with 12!).IH10,(()0 pounds in 1910.: The quality this year waa 86 per cent, of standard, compared with 76 per cent, last year. EFFICIENCY IIow Many Men' Know how , Keep It at Pur. Thousand; yea tens of tlmusnridM men, grow old 10 years too honn. If you are n man and reitliz" tl your efficiency is on the want mid V. you are losing money and Impi'iin consrqnence, get a fid cent hex ef ? O NA stornaeh taldets today and t two after or wilh each meal for th days; then take one with eurh t-. to of i 'it. i'.t i i i regularly until you fe A wed and v ous. m Ml O NA stomich tidd.-U d; in tone up, reiiture flhs'ii-ity tu II, ' h and inte- r-ltioll. 'I'l.l mitr'.liori 1 l ' I ' : Cfi i ml 1

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