W w t raallshej t Two lections, every raeaaay and Friday, at Journal Build' M Craven Street CjUXLZS L. gUTXXa, EDITOR AND FROPBIXTOK. Official Papar of rraTan Ooaaty. New . Bars and subscription RATES. Two Months.. .. IS Threa lfontfca.. .. .. , n II to Month.. . .. . , K. M fvalra Months.. .. .. .. ; LN s i ONLY IN ADVANCE. -Tha Journal la emrjr aaat on pay-ln-dvanca bacla. Subscribers will re eelv aottca of axplratloa of their itib acrlptlona and aa immediate response Vo notica wu oa appreciated by the lenrnaL '-', ; 'y-J'..r- ' Adverttalng rataa tarnished npon application at tha oUce, or apon la flolr by maT :-:. , linteied at th Portotflca, New Barn. W. G, aa second-daea matter. New Bern, N. C. December, 12. 1911. THE CHRISTMAS -"SPIRIT." , i' Everywhere welcome," Drink em and Killem whiskies.' ''Prepare to enjoy the Christmas holidays by ordering at once." "Rednose Brothers liquors. - ''The spirit of the season" Whackem's pure Ken- ' tucky brand of whiskey, "no fam ily should be without it" Such or similar advertisements may now be read in the daily newspapers. And by every mail are "Christmas Letters" containing offers for spe cial holiday bargains in every kind of liquor, . sent expressage paid, "Truly, the "spirit" of Christmas ! That these public and private opportunities to be merry and worse during the holidays are not let pass, look at the express wag- ons or the office. Take notice of really the only effective method, drafts with bills of lading attach- Those who were not present at the ed, for boxes and barrels of every "howling'' scene ask the plain kind of liquor that may be found proof, not "howls" as proof, in the railroad freight offices. Commissioner Graham, of the Truly the "Spirit" of Christmas in State Board of Agriculture, is au the basest sense ! other instance of the higher criti A few days ago a liquor house clsm in his annual report. Mr. outside of the state, of course, sent Graham's criticism is that eer to 300 addresses in this city pos- tain members of the Board ex tal cards with return answer, of- ceed their authority, that their fering 4 quarts of whiskey on trial acts are illegal and discour to be paid for in 60 days. Within teous. This is of course a lim 48 hours it is said that 200 accep- ited matter compared to President tances went back.. ; Governor Coon's position, but Commissioner Plaisted of Maine has said: Graham- is cither justified or 'It is high time that Maine at a not justified in his position State removed heraelf from the ridicn- critic and it ought not to 7 ! " w , V eyes of the nation on thia half century of merely professed prohibition. An honest enforcement of the statewide prohibition amendment as it now stands state department, 1 1 should stand is impossible when two or three voters right within, so that its officials in our cities favor the thing that the , v . ,.. I.wdecrees a erime. Youcannotex- "V " have such d.flercnces as pect local police official; to enforce a to affect the conduct and welfare law under any such violent opposition on of the department. It should he the part of two-thirds of the voters who settled at.oc.ee as to what is a right have placed them in authority. conduct of its affairs. What'g the prohibition answer iD both of these matters, Mr. in this city, whose citizens, with and Mr. Graham's, . their the proposition "wet or dry", have criticism only reflects upon them gone to the polls at three different 8eves if incorrect. If thev are times and voted by a large majori- ty, dry"t "The eternal liquor niipflt.innt" ' PTelaims nm A reader. question!" 'exclaims some reader. Certainly, and it will continue un til the prohibition lav means more than it does today, in its obser- vance by those who sought to place it upon the Statute books ofthispor good many years doctors pro-' state, and by all who as law ob- servers, if not church members or ii! .J,-it m.lr- iv.kto. w .v..6.vu v , the Drohibition test an individual " . . ,. ... one and soapply it There is aholy and gracious Christmas spirit, that auuutu prevau Kb tau trcaauu. jucu and women should ' be , Strong euougu w ov uiuuiiwnj u wmr . ment that Calls for high and lofty A.t V A A. I ".I I 1 A- I buuugnu. . w nave vunsbiuits Christlike, far removed from those "spirits" that work ruin and dam i. ion to body and soul. ANY REAL HAEM IN TOE HIGH EB CRITICISM ! The recent "howling down" in bis annual address befora the North Carolina Teachers Assembly, of 'President Charles L. Coon, be cause of hif criticism of the educa tional system of this State, pro vokes the query, are men elected 4o high positions to remain silent if they see what they consider faults or errors in tha oface or af fYns over which they are placed t IV wsith Caron- 1 1 a 1 ' 1 up ( f ' " 1 -- i ' t'.c L Children Cry 4 WWVisN The Kind You Have Always in use for over 30 years, lu- wver ou jcars, iias iorne . uie tugnatur i has been mado under his f JT- SJtftf-firf4-. sonal supervision since its infai anr. utuK AUow no olie to locelve you in , All Counterfeits, Imitations Kxpnrluients that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and ChUdren-r-Exnerienee against Experiment. What is CASTOR I Castorlaisa harmless substitute for Castor Oil,sParo gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups.- It is Pleasant. , It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance Its ajro Is its guarantee It destroys AY orm and allays Teverishness. t cures Diarrhaui and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Pood, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's I rlend. GENUINE CASTORI A AUVAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For THE CENTAUR COMPNr, 2E abuses are remedied. The burden seems to be on those who "howled down" President Coon during his speech to prove the statements he made as being untrue which would be certainly the decent way, and be hard to fiud whether he is . , . . r,&ht or wrong. The State Board of Agriculture is a most important right their criticisms fall upon two important - state departments, vi-t. a which need correcting. There is more Catarrh in this section 100 country than all others diseases ,e.riwai ,UnDo.ed to be incurable. joe,, remedies. and by conMantly fail- lnsr w cure witn local treatment,, pro wnced it incurable. Science has pro- Ten caiarrn 10 ne a constitutional dis ease and therefore requires constitu- tional treatment Hall's Catarrh Cure, mgnufsctured by F. J. chenev & Co. loieao, unio, is tneoniy constitutional naly m do8ei from l0 drop, to a teg spoonful. It acts directly on the Mood xhay offer one hundred dollars for anv eaM il ai' to cure. Send for circulars .VB..... un..'.. T. J. CHENEY A CO.,rrops, ' I '' Toledo, 0 Sold by druggists, -price 75c. . Taka Haifa familv nilla for eon stipatioa. : , ;.' Austro-nungary, Germsny and Great Britain intimated to the Forte that the opening of the Dardanelles wou.ld be dangerous to the peace of the world, WOMEN , Women of the nijhest type, iromen of mperSor education and rdlneQent, whoM oiicernmcct izl juJ;ment five weight an J f:rca ta tLe'r opinion, Kijul rr:-9 .a won ia fal corrective c .''.rt prpcrtiei cf Chsr :-ac! mi liver T!- l l,.e r it.j t L t, f. t .. :, tf r ' r- .it.. 3 for Fletcher's HJI Bousrht. and jvlilch has been has borne the tsiirnaturA of per fancy. von in this. and Just-as-irood" are but Signature of A! Over 30 Years MUKRAT STtlTET. NEW YCtHK CITY. Which Is Which T Above a certain cafe there are two rooms, the one being occupied by a womeifs "sewing circle," the other be ing the dlnlug room of tho cafe. Out-" side the cafe hangs the sigu. "Grill Room Upstalra." The Gorman proprietor of the cafe la still wondering why the president of the sou lug circle denounces the fiitfn as libelous and demands Its re moval. Judge's Library. 1 The quicker a cold is gotten rid of lhL.n Thnr.li'nii. .t a on i.u i. mhV "u "d mT T'"w T Hall, of Waverly, Va., says: "I firmly bt-heve Chamberlain's Cough Remedy . u i.. uie.y uie Dest preparanon on the market for colds. 1 have recom- mended it to my friends and thev all agree with me." For sale hv all deal- ers. v t'ersia made appeals to Germany and the United States ueainst Russian aar- greseion. F0LEYKIDNEY PlLtS FOR AHEUMATISM KIONKYS ANO BLAOOIH Either Senator Sutherland, of Utah, or Secretary Nagel will be appointed to the vancancy in the United States Su preme Court, it was stated in Washing' ten. ; .-. v A CHARMING WOMAN. is one whom lovely in face, form, mind and temper. "Hut its hard for a woman to be charming without health. A weak, pickly woman Will be nervous and irrit able. Constipation and kidney poisons how in pimples, blotches, skin erup- tion8 and a wretched complexion. But Electric Bitters always prove a godsend to women who want health, beauty and friends. They regulate Stomach, Liv- er and Kidneys, purify the blood; give Bfrnnrt lioitiaa Kirrhf ana tiiiukiiAAtk smooTh 'vVlvetvs?; Iov7om and ncrfei t health Trtr thorn Ki . Try them. all druggists. Thseker.v th. nmnih.,; Tbuckerny was a iremieut patron of the early omnibus. "I remember,' write "An Old Passenger. "a driver polntlnit out Mr. Tlmrkeray to me, who was ruling ny uie sioe or anomer om nlbus driver, and I. noticed theextraor dlnary' length of his legs, which he al lowed to dangle In the air. He hud Ids hat pushed well hack over bis head end seeoieu to be keenly enjoying b ride and conversation with the driver. --London Chronicle. -,: X'. ' WORK WILL SOON START. afteryou take Dr. King's New tl'e fills, ancryou II quickly enjoy their fine results. Constipation and indigestion Vanish and fine annetita rMirna Tk.. regulate stomach, liver and bowels and impart new strength and energy to the Z V. " I". '"'1:7 inem- Th Consulting Caddie. - JTIre Im oue ; pepton who of late yenrs has nifher dlmippeared from the gulling orld. bui ised to be greatly ill evidence Jn It (be advisory caddie Many of the cuddles of the old Scotch wlinul ul to trviif their masters (so cnllrdi imicb In the manner that a Rood old nurse, treats a baby when he U lieKlDnltig to tench It' how to wnlk. in iIkimh d;iys there was not-s irok pla.vcd without the most care ful ; cousultuflon v Uh these ' sapient niuutors. London Tutlcr. A Fsat of Horse Riding. ' At Newmurkt't. Kugland. May 3, liM, a wager was Inld by a young wo man that she' -ffotild ride on horse hack l.(XK) nillp In J,00( hours. She arconiili;ilifd tlie fifit In a little more tlmn one third of the time named. "V.V.ZT ON EARTH" This ix (ho v.t ' , t of It, J. Iln-v. M, TriK'V, O.", who Ii ht. I'oli''s U.irit-y :in. '1 ,ir ( 'nmi(iiiinl l.ir liis wif. "ld-r e-xf was tlu wurit 1 have over n -n, nd I""1 ! like n Hum cii'ie "f roiiHimxi ii"i. Her lni!M wcrn it..r and t -I elrni. t in''' ! iy m'i I I t i ..... i . t sen Lf t s 0P1E WEEK Questions In Julius Caesar. Boys Basket Ball Team. Spelling ! Bees, Athenian For No vember. The class in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar has just finished Act. S of that play. On Thursday they were given a written teat on this act. Below we give half-doseaof the questions asked. 1 Who stabbed Caesar first, who last? 8 Who speaks first after the assassi nation of Caesar and what does he say? 3 -What effect does Anthony - say Caesar's death will have on Italy? 5 Contrast in full Brutus and An thony's speech giving the reasoning in each. 6-Brutus speech is In prose, An thony's in blank verse WbyT 6 What part does the mob play in act 3T The German classes sang Goethe !The Boy and the Rosa" in chapel thia week. Both the words and the music have been, thoroughly memorised and while quite a number in Chapel did not know German, yet all enjoyed the song nevertheless. The Athenian la from the press this week and everybody seems delighted with, it Especially approp riate is the cover, which la neat and dignified, and the whole magazine in appearance' reflects credit npon the Richardson Printing Co. The leading anicie : oy uertruae (jairaway. on "Some Unmarked Historical Spots in New Bern and Vicinity" will prove of interest to everybody. The editors are planning to follow this article with oth ers of an historical nature, concerning New Bern and New Bernese. ' We ought to have at least one hundred sub scribers in town to this worthy enter prise of the school children The boys in high school have organized several basket-ball teams and are practicing each afternoon. This la a fine same. suitable for both boys and girls. It is a clean open game ot skill and In on open climate may be played out-of doors. A very enjoyable oyster roast was eiven to the teachers bv Mr. Crs. t o' Griffi" Building. . 0a Friday morning, a spelling bee was held in the 3A Grade oa two weeks work. 34 remained standing when only tn . ..' 1'. v? """ m rn,"P Ulx0n omitted from tha Honor Roll in the 1st. Grade for the month of November. This grade is busy making bells for banta Claus. An oral contest on the multinlication table wss held in the 2 A Grade on Thursday. Tha con teat lasted for a period of forty-five minates, and at its close the following pupils had perfect records: Adelaide Royal, Orrin Philips, Elizabeth Simp son, Rudolph Jackson, Edgar Hollowell, John Charlton. Marcus Williams. Her bert Ireland, Eleanor Hall. Helen Hoi lister, Lionet Huff, Robert McSorley, Minnie Scales. : Edward Smith, John Goulding. Willie Dillon, Ethel Brinson. James Willis, jGeorge McKeel, John Bioadbent, Laura Smith; In the 8B Gnde, Laura Roberta hits had 40 perfect lessons in spelling and Kathleen Nelson has had 89. The 6A Giade is beginning to . study fractions in earnest. Tba following have been . . ferfrt il, "P'"!"' t!ltwks- Lockyer Brenda Knapp, Kathleen Sat- terthwaite, Guy Odum. : ; - j . At the present time, the 5C Grade fa . , l8kin ,ntew" S-History. Besidtt the lessons contained in the text-hooks, each one makes a search a home to sea what they can find interest t 1 1 l . -ian Dl"11 ln cnaracters stuaieo. two mornings in the week they have decld- d to discuss Historical New Bern. The following have not misied a word la spelling this month: Bertoa Berry, Ida May Hall. Joseoh Nassef. Ruth Med I ford, Goldie Littleton, Mamie , Frazler, Eva May Scales, Mildred Scales. In a spelling Jwe Friday morning b. tween the 4A and 4B Grades, the 4A won by a score of 13 to 8. : Children Cry FOX FLETCHER'S CASJORIA ' na rrival of Russian Foreign Mia- iater Sazonoff at Paris is regarded aa a timely reamrmatlon of the Rosso- French entente.' AN ALARM AT NIGHT; " , That strikes terror to the entile house hold is the loud, hoarse, and metallic cough or croup. No mistaking it, and fortunate then the lucky parents who kep roiev s Honey and ir comoour.d on hand. II. W. Catslman, Canton, N. Y., says: ' It is worth its weight in gold. Our little children are troubled with croup and hoarsenms, and all we irive them is Foley's Honey and Tar Compound. I always have a bottle of it in the bouse," ' ror sale by all deal ers: Congressman Undorwood was indorsed for the Democratic PreniJf ntiul nomi nation by the Aluhanna di-lcgation In ConnresJ, ', . t-4 imam hA Jf Jmk rr- w I ' - LOUIS JOSEPH VANCE .-v ' -" ' ..- " Dlartrathaa fcy Dfannrik TaaM 111 Oaarrlyht lMie, b Loula JaMpk Vaasa Continued From Faga 1 l fnTthinluir'ni toTTSautlTuTto good for one like soma women I've known In ma time.; Tls not good for Terence that'a aura; f , 'tie tha O'Rourke that'a going stale and soft with all thia easy living. . . -. Ms that has mora than many another to live for and hops for and atrive fori . . .. -And I'm lingering here In tha vary lap of luxury stuffing nieself with rare food befuddling meself with rarer wines me that has fought-a day and a night and a half a day aton t that on nothing and a glass . of muddy water! risking me money as If there was no' end to It, throwing It away scandalous tips Ilka " any irunken sailor I And all for the scant katlsf action of behaving Ilka a- fool of an Irishman. . . 'TU alckenlng dis gusting; naught less. . r-- . Tm thinking thia night ends It, though; some , the morning I'll be pulling up itakes and striking; out for a healthier, simpler place, where there's some thing afoot a man can taka an Inter est in without losing his self-respect . i ' . Ill do Just that, I will!" , This ha meant, firmly, and was glad of It, with a heart Immeasurably light-1 ened by tha strength of his good res-1 Blutlon. Ho began to hum tha old ! tune that the unknown woman's voice had ' set bussing In his. brain, and broke off to snap his fingers defiant ly at the Caalno. ,That for ye!" ha flouted it "sitting there with your painted smile and your cold eyes, Ilka the brazen huzzy ye are Goddess of Chance, indeed! thinking ye have but to bide your time for all men to coma and render up their souls to ye! Here's once ya lose, madam; after this night I'm dona with ye; not a sou of mine will ever; again cross your ta bles. . I'll have ye to understand the TSTaS logon. - O'Rourke' the morning He laughed softly, In high feather with his conceit; and, thinking cheer- fully of tha daya of movement and change that were to follow, tha song In his heart shaped Itself la words upon his Hps. i'Trn Paddy Whack From Ballyhack, Not long ago turned aoldlar-O At grand attack. Or storm or sack, - Nona than I will prove boldar Oi"' His voice was by way of being a tanor of tolerable quality and volume, but untrained nothing wonderful. It waa just the way he trolled out - the rollicking stanza that aendered It in fectious, . irresistible. For'- as "he paused the voice of the woman that had reminded him of tha song capped the verse neatly. "An whin wa gat tha route Wld a shout. How they pout! ' ' Wld a ready rlfht-abeut Goas tha bould soldlar-boy!" O'Rourke . caught his breath, star tled, stunned. "It can't be" he whiSDarad. x IPop If at first hw nni.. subdued In distance, had stirred w-' memory with a touch aa vacua and 1 thrilling as the caress of a woman's hand In darkness, now that he heard the fuft strength of that soprano: bell- clear, and spirited,. he was-sure he knew the singer. He told himself that there could be no two women In the world with voices Just like that: not another than her he knew could have rendered the words with so true a spirit, so rare a brogue tinged as that had been : with the faintest. quaintest exotlo - inflection imagin able. - -v... ' But . aha ; had stopped ' with tha versa half sung. His pulses quicken ing, O'Rourke leaned forth from the window and carried It on: - "O, tls thin tha ladles fair " In daapalr , , i . Taar thalr hairl ; But-' Tla dlvvla bit I carer :, Crlas tha twuld soldlcr-boy!" ; " There fell a pause. : He listened with his heart In his mouth, 'but heard aothlng. And It seemed lmnosslbla to surmise whence, from which one of all the rooms with windows opening upon that aide ot tha hotel, had come the voice of the woman. She might aa well have been above as below him. or on either side: he could not guess. But be was determined. Now there was beneath his window balcony with a floor of wood and a rail of Iron-filigree a long balcony, extending from one corner of the ho tel to tba other. At Intervals It was splashed with light from the windows of chambers still occupied by guests belated or busy, like himself, with the task of dressing for the evening. The window to bis left was slight; that on his right, dark. With half his body on the balcony, his legdaugling with in the room, O'Rourke watched the opening on his left with Jealous, breathless exoectancy. Kgt a sound came therefrom. He hesitated. "If that weren't her room, I'd htkr somebody moving shout," he reasoned. "'TIS frightened she Is not su ; ... t la't.'sii.e. . . . tut how do I know 't'a 1. i ,.-'f? . . ; 1 iilthl could n.e 'it' t l.U til 1.. art ct t , i (:'. :l il ' " 1 V i ! I rr.ACTiCAL SY. I. ATHY. A Pretty . Incident In the Career ef ' . : (toss Bonheur. "We are not brothers for nothing," Rosa Bonheur once wrote In Jestli"' affection to her brother Isidore. And ; in truth the wonderful, quaint, boykli little woman, with her bright eyes. cropped curls and breezy ways, was almost more a brotherly chum than a sister to tha "JDodore" whom she so dearly loved. .. ,-. Much of tha time on her country es tate. In her studio and among her ani mals, wild and tame, she wore . the masculine costume which her manner of life required, to wear which she had, with one other woman, a famous ex plorer and archaeologist, received ex press permission from the French gov eminent - let this very mannish little person was far from unwomanly .m ber sympathies, -and her latest biography records a pretty incident related by her friend. Joseph, Verdier, the landscape painter: . . , j v ,;. - ' . - "One evening she was dining with me and some. friends. Among the friends was a young lady recently married. who gave us an account of the furnish tag of her bouse. All tha rooms were furnished except the dining room.'. For this last her husband could not yet give ber the money, and aba was compelled to hold her little receptions In her sleeping room. ' ' 'V-' 'r'' J. v'- "After dinner Rosa asked me for i large sheet' of drawing paper,' and while we were talking she sketched a delightful bunting scene,: which she signed with her full name. Then, un der cover of a general conversation on music, while tea was being served, she approached tha young wife and said to oer: -t '.; , v : r . vj.t; v-r " Take this picture to Tedesco ;6n your return to Paris, and be will give you at least 1,500 francs for It Then you will bo able to furnish your dining room.' " r- Children, Ory . FOR FLETCHER'S. r CASTQ R I A The annual report of tha Comptroller of the Currency showed gains by the national banks, v FOB THAT DULL REEMNO aptvrI . - eatinq, - . .nter can i3t!;a-t.tbe.yMhf ? J-- e good than any tablets I have ever mora ttgaVu fohitVarlh J?k? ..?S?H.i - ar&$2SV& iiliuirlnr In nilli hn m mi auu r. v ...v..C(.uv.i v Diviiiavu mwj IIU" a f ree e.mnre .t all di. A .Zl and see what a splendid medicine it Is. "V."-e;- 1 A clerk in the annex station ofthe St, Louis Pi stofflce returned a package! I containing s,uuu wnicn naa Men mu sing a year and which he admitted tak- When your feet are wet and eold. and! your body chilled through and through l from exposure, take a bis dose of Cham berlain'a Cough Remedy, bathe your feetiin hot water tefore going to bed, and you are almost certain to ward off a evere coio. r or sale by all dealers. French and Belgian bankers refused a ,oan t0 lhe Chinese government, ( 1 " ' ' , .,; raHHsuMATiaM KiDNcvaAMo akAooaal The King and Q wen of England weral wf let m id at Delhi. . - - - WR BCZEIIA. TETTER AND SALT " KHtU. .Tba intense itching. eharacterl He of i'mj'rits . ta almost instantly al- ,ayea Dy .Chamberlain's Sle. Mny eera cases have been cured h. it Fnr i ..I- i i. . - ie uy an oeaiera. " Basabal Versus Art. -. Teacher (reprovingly! The word lsnt "pitcher," Parc. if "picture." Yon. Tommy, tell the class the difference between the two words. Tommy (son of an ortisti-ritchers sell for mora than pictures. Puofc. A DREADFUL WOUND rom a knife, gnn, tin can, rusty nail nre worss, or or any otner nature, de mands prompt treatment with Bock lea S Arnica Salve to prevent blood ' cn or rantrrene. tta tha n lflr.f sorest healer for all such wounds as al-1 mi uuuui, uuira, doits, oain crup-i tions. Eczema. Chnnl Hand. fvJuf or rues, zoc at an drupgigt. lil i , Ml - IfllTri m mm mm aaaa aasa. SWANSKORO, N. C. All modern conveniences for bath ing and Inside fishing. BOAT LEAVE I . , . o a. m L.v. swansDoro Ar. t:;;u p. m.l 11:30 a m. Ar' M. City Lv. 2;00 p. m. IWNICIM CT!.)I . CU1CK M R. JLTJ Give cuuij.t relief from EAC:AC;.: KlfTEY and ELAtr'H TT TV !. K:;ur.!ATir:.!, c IK::r.zux..' -: tnvuhi: a--., r: i ' ! ' i . i 01 I t A ! . 1 '" to : ly ; A-ND v Building Material Paints, Oils ': AND ' - Varnishes American Field Fenw fs :L 'iS JILL few tars, T. C HENRY'S Prescriptions from all physicians, Quickly and Ac curately filled. Also aNfull line of Choice Toilet articles. . - - phoxb 173 .Hyde Co. R. P. Oats, Burt Vetch. Rape Cnmson Clover, Alfalfa, Hay, I - Mal, Cot I '? Se?fi Meal : Hulls, Bran. MR Dairy Unlnonan T?v J n:.iMl "iwlaioca. 1 "cu Grain, highest in Protein of . - , ny StOCk ffjed Oil the mark- At ' 01 ..WMn.a . :w ". Jtt,uu oc- w Bern, . u Phone 184. IS YpUR CAR BEGINNING :; TO LOOK A LITTLE -f SHABBY? Don't eend it away for a month and pay some 'one, a emali f or-i tune to have it re painted. I; till give you a fine handsome durable J ob in less than one Pharmacy a "i a. uoi'ieot, jOC-yr in two weeks, at the " lowest possible coat I agree to use Valen-1 tine 'a Varnishes throughout They are th BlOSt expensive anT, Vo V Deal made G. S. WATERS & SONS NEW BERN, , , N. C. v 1 "At :t!i! m - I r r i.. 4 "YtIr i it. -: t . tic.- I l', ' a f ' -. - "i '

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