Li l.ifi.LY i it LZzVXZM 1S7I rullahea to Two Sections, every Twesdav an Friday, at Journal BullsV " CjLUOZS L. ETITlSi, : ; EDITOR AJJD FEOPKIITOH. Official Paper of ' Naw Ban ana Cravan Oammtj. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Vwo lloatna.. .. . .. .l Three Months,, i. i. .. . li su Months.. .. V, .. twelve Month.. .. .. .. . . IM ONLY IN ADVANCE. Tha Journal Is only sent on pay-ln-tdvance bails. Subscribers wUl re volve notice of aspiration of their sub anrtptlons and an Immediate response to notice wu ne appreciated by the ItnrnaL .'.".'.-. Advertising ratea tarnished upon application at tha office, or upon in inlr by maP . . aintei ed -at the Poetoffloe, New Bern. R.Cu aeeond-elaaa matter. ." New Bern, N. C. March, 1. 1912. THE AWFUL VERITIES OF EOOSEVELT. Verity "Consonance of a state ment, proposition or other thing with fact" See Dictionary. "On tie 4th of March next I thai) have served three and a half years, and this three and a half years constitute my first term. The wise custom which limits the president to two terms re gards the substance and not the form, and under no circumstances will I be a candidate for or accept another nomi nation." Theodore Roosevelt, Nov. 8, 1904. "I have not changed and shall not change that decision thus announced." Theodore Roosevelt, Dec. 11, 1907. "I will accept the nomination for president if it if tendered to me, and I will adhere to this decision un'il the Convention has expressed its prefer ence." Theodore Roosevelt, Feb. 24, 1912. The consideration of Theodore Eoosevelt, ex-President and ex-half a dozen other things, presents real ly au abnormal man. Politi rally taken, Colonel Roosevelt presents and represents no party doctrine, folio ws no tenets except those of in dividualism, accepts nothing a real and pertinent, except it is of, or for himself. Precedent is not known to Mr. Roosevelt, "my pol icies" contains no rale or maxim beyond the ego of Roosev eltism. The Bough Rider of a dozen years ago charmed the crowds. His bl outness, apparent honesty of purpose, self-implied loyalty and patriotism caught the populace. There may have been a first stead fastness to principles in the Roose velt before the death of President McKinley, but the glut of power in office the wild acclaim of the multitude, turned the balance, and there evolved not greatness but meanness, not a man .for party principles, but the demagogue, the opportunist, the stultifier, the be trayer of friend and the friend to those whose principle; he formerly denounced. From now on the actual Roose velt is revealed, and the decision of the people cannot be uncertain in placing him where he rightly belongs, In declaring they will not have anything further of Theodore Boosevelt SENATOR SIMMONS AND DEMOCRATIC INTERESTS The Caucasian, Marion Butler's paper, in its last week's issue pub lished the whole of Gov. Kitchhi's ainAAAli asijI VsaA aa. rtif. taitfS-Aim- moos editorial. V The " Caucasi.n does not publish any part of the Senator's reply, but refers to it as dry, tedious and unsatisfactory, and says it will not likely be read by the people. The Caucasian twits the Senator because he has not accepted Governor Kitchin's challenge for a joint debate, and because In his reply he did uot as sault Governor Kitchin's recordT and expose the inconsistencies of his record since election, upon the trusts and railroads, with the per sonal pledges with respect to these questions upon which he secured his nomination. What couise Sen ator Simmons will pursue with respect to the Governor's chal lenge and his record is not known a? he has not expregsed.,-hlmself. It is known , however, that when Le ran against General Can in 1000, while he made as many ; t cches in the State as he could , ire time from his duties as chalr--o of the to make, V were Ktrr.:bt Democratic ' , wil'i never a reference to ! r- - i:.!,i-"y f..jr the Er-naU, . c r ! ' t t ment. General i I(T if n't 3 n( vi ALCOHOL 3 Wit nBiii AVegelablePfepsrafionfirAs sunilatinftiterhorfarailMiia ling (Ik Stomacus andBowBS of Promotes DfeMonflwrfiir nessandfest-Containsttattarl Opiuiu.Morphine narMnaaLJ NOT NARCOTIC. jnctteouiitatmnmk jllxJuim jbiuttti Aperfect Remedy for Consfli Worms fonvulswus jevensfr ness anil LOSS OF SLEEP. FacSinA Si$tiarart of NEW YORK. Exact Copy of Wrapper, success, wnatever tne (senator may ultimately determine to do with respect to the Governor's challenge and record, one thing is certain and that is, that in making up his mind he will place the in terests of the Democratic party in the State before and above that of his own personal ambition. And yet another thing is certain and P that is that while Congress is in session Senator Simmons is not go ing to bi; tempted by his personal interests to abandon his post of du ty at Washington, where as a mem berofthe Finance Committee, he is strenuously engaged leading the fight for tariff reform measures which he hopes to see passed by this Congress. It is not believed that while the Senator is leading the fight in the Senate for tariff reform and refusing to leave his post of duty to engagejn a politi cal scramble at home that he will suffer from unjustifiable assaults made upon him for the purpose of securing for somebody else the honorable position he now holds. WILL BE RUSH IN SPRING WORK. Snow, ice wind, raiu are not ab normal winter conditions in this section. But the four coming as they have during the past two months have produced au abnor mal situation as to farm work, for January and February are prepar atory months, when the land is put into shape for planting, when fertilizer aud seed are. placed at hand for quick use.' - But bo far but little work ' has been done in the fields, and no thing can be done until the water goes that now fills the ground and covers it in many placea. The rail road people are away , behind in their deliveries of fertilizers due to the weather, largely, for formers usually delay in buying as long as possible, and those who have bought do not wnnt it delivered under such weather conditions, and with land not ready, be com pelled to house the fertilizer they are to use. - One railroad a few days ago said that it had not de livered one-quarter of its car ton age of fertilizer and it carries 40, 000 cars in the season.- . But while all this weather situ ation may now look not hopeful, there may be cheer iu reinembei ing the old time declaration of snow and ice being so helpful to the soil, so that after all, the spring may come suddenly and remain. The ground will quickly absorb the water, aud seed will go in with a rush, and the props may prove bountiful. '".The ' winter of our (Ihe faimeis) discontent" can quickly bedissijmted by a few weeks of warm' suiikhine, and the past whiter with its discomforts be forgotten. k. 1 . .. THE TRAILS OF A TRAVELER. "I stn a travelling lpsmn," writes E. E YptiriK, E. liarlmhir. Vt,"atid wan often troubled with conHUpaliim nil indigestion till 1 brgnn to use Dr. hinf h New l.if 1'illn, wliii h I h.ive found an 'excel' ( rt'rrn-.fy." fcor s!l atoiiiH-h. liver t ,. i.lio-v troijl,'. i lUy r unequal"!,' Only i-J CeuU at nil c : slu. gff: Guaranteed un"i'u II T ' M jjl.' I f , ,. , . V z 1 1R fi JLiuiiil m For Infarrtg and Children;; : JM Kind You Have" i Always Bought B Blears the. AX Signature Am . In Use ,: 1 For Over Thirty Years rflpi it Qcimuin ionwiTi mkw Tana emr. Rolled Photographs. Ah old pictflre dealer gave this use ful bint for flattening out a picture or paper which has been rolled. Suppose that a photograph has been rolled with the 'face inside. Unroll and spread out on t fiat surface with the Tace down- Now, wUh one hand hold down firmly one end ef the picture and with the other draw the edge of a book or a ruler along the back of the photograph from the end you are holding to the other. If necessary repeat the process until the sheet is perfectly flat ;. FOlEYr KIDNEY PUIS mnm bacuomi Kidneys and Bladock It's almost as easy to grow old as it is to grow fat. Hows This? We offer One Hundred Dollarr Reward for any case of Catarrh thai nnnot be cured by Hall's Catarrh finre. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Tole- lo, 6. We, the undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable n all business transactions and fin ancially able to carry out any obli gations made by his firm. WaLDINQ, KlNNAN & MARVMr Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Tail's Catarrh Cure is taken in ernally, acting directly . upon the ilnod and mucou surfaces of the ysteW, Testimonials Bent . 'rM Price 75c. per' bottle. Sold by all 'Iruggista. Take Hall's Family Pills for eon ipafion., ' Before marriage he escorts her to church; after marriage she has to drag him ttiere. , , Children Cry , FOR FLETCHER'S , CASTOR I A And1 a weak head is eat i y influenced by s full stomach. AN EPIDEMIC OF COUGHING Is sweeping over the town. Old and yourg'alike are affected, and the strain is particular? hard on little rhi'dren and on elderly people. Foley's Honey and Tar Compound is a quick, tafa and -re lable cure for all coughs and colds. Cot -tains do opiates. For Sale By All Deal era. . ; , .. n Tv, Louis D. Brandeis answered tb charges against him made by President & W. Wlnstow, of the United States Shoe Machinery Company.. Foley Kidney Pills will cure any case of kidney or bladder trouble not beyond the reach of medicine. No medicine can do more." , '., ' , Senator Reed, of Missouri, introduced a resolution for an investigation of the election of Senator du Foot, of Dela- ware Ffy mn;y, Pilb TOIIIO fW ACTION - QUICK IN MSULTS Ohre brompt relief from BACKACHE, KIDNOT and BLADDER TROUBLE, RHEUMATISM, CONGESTION of the HDNEVS, INFLAMMATION of.. the BLADDER and all annoying URINARY Irregularities. ' a poaiuve boon te MIDDLE AOED and ELDERLY FEOPLk and for WOMEN. ? HAVS 'kIOHIST niCOMMINDATION R A. T'-. fl WI.Iitn Pt, rmBr.T, fml., U i" h TMir. )i,wril,T(i '1 Ufl wu. r it. ti Imm Bif k mi.- - mnii btH.i 4mt t rtiftt ln iiM mxl nv fc nm? m . t .i i.. .-. .".tf .. I. Hmm nut. (i ' I 1 f ' "l" .ul I.- i. A - I i I I f..r i -m. u.l n I t i I- tr... .... u. .ia t.. im( m- i ...w 1. -i, t.M.- 4 ... i -air .uni.' " - f - Ml r"iir"" 6e LASH of. Aifihor ar'Yosorrde of Obi Viklcme35,,. the attitude of a critical man'ot ii fairs whose -confidence In his 'owe Judgment has been verified by his sue jeesses In many, a Jouatlnf bout wltb 'the great knights of the, financial. . arena. ? . I leisurely -rambled' afield amongst the larger topics of the nub ile press as. I sat In the easy chir which ih""had bought for my especial comfort I referred hazily to my pres ent Investments and diagnosed the condition of. the business world; the i b,,.ib wh.t th hoii weavilf In Mississippi cotton;' the machina tions of the trusts. , She did not seem to be particular Impressed and made- few comments. At times I even imagined a smile came flickering about her Hps, hut I proceeded . With careless assur ance until the time came when I re marked thatmust be deptrrtlng. She did not preset me to etay. in fact, seemed to be thinking , about - some thing else; and It was then that 1 played the card that I had bee tv lead lng up to throughout .the evening I .opened my pocket-book casuary. By the way, Matle," I remarked half patronizingly. . "! put a little down for you the other day on some stock that I thought was a good thing. It went up, as I had expected, . and J rlnpit vn-' oirf a ll'tle Drofit -; Per," t your share." : I tossed a cieartiig house certificate tor $600 before her. She glanced at it with a quick side long flash of Iter eyes and her hand came stealing over mine. "Why, Tom, I don't know what to say It was so generous so thoughtful of you. You don't know how much I appreciate it not the money, you know, but the consideration that prompted It Yet, really, I do not feel like accepting it when I took none of the risk. You had better keep it for reinvestment" I laughed lightly as I backed away, tell ing her that It amounted to nothing andfthat she should keep it for pin money. She picked it up, folded it carelessly and into a drawer of her secretary. "Very well, if you. so wish It But I shall not spend It, 1 shall keep it for luck. You once told me that I was an enchantress. We shall see. I am going to use all my black arts towards the conjuring of your fortune. With this magic check as a basis I shall work wonders." . The smile she gave me as she closed the drawer was certainly that of an en chantress. -She went on almost with out pausing. - "You must have a few mouthful! with me nothing but coffee and sand wiches you know. I was Just about) to order them when you spoke of go ing." I demurred perfunctorily, reit erating as the cause of my hesitation that it was becoming late. Her little Jeweled clock was ticking somewhere back of me and I turned as If to note the hour. Quickly she slipped behind me and placed her-Angers; over my eyes, the delicious thrill of ' her touch electrifying .me. "Stay," she half, whispered from her tiptoes, her lips close to my ear and the soft hair of her temple brushing my cheek. I sought to clasp her wrists, but they , evaded me. magically and with a low laugh she ran to the wall and pressed an electric button. Janet appeared as though conjured from the air - . : ' "s,' - s"-.: i-y; It was after midnight befpre we bad finished.: Through the- moonlight 1 hurried homeward wKh a heart that sang like an aeollan. For Ihe second time In my life I had kissed her upon the lips; not Impasslonedly. as before, yet with enough warmth lurking be neath It to cause her to quickly break away from me. -And; most glorious ef all, it had been done with her tacit consent : At least she must have known what was coming, -for I had taken both her wrists with a deliber ate air of proprietorship and quietly drawn.her to me.; - t;.i "You are beautiful aweet ' and tempting beyond any queen;' I salute you,".l had said. ' She had made only a show of resistance In the beginning, yet when I displayed a disposition to prolong the embrace she - ended it Then; still retaining her clasp upon J my finger ends, she had held herself at arms' length from me for a mo ment the color of her ' cheeks blos soming Into deeper richness her eyes falling before mine. s. : "Oh, Tom! You must be a good boy and run home at once.',; she had pleaded, and I had obeyed,' well sat isfied with- my achievement. Over and over la my recollection I fondled the delightful details of the occurrence until beneath my - sheets my" eyes elosed In sleep. Even then my sub consciousness took it up, anLaU In all I passed the night la a dream revel. The few weeks, which .. followed were lived In the most --delightful mental exhilaration I naa ever ex- purieiKvu. 44 yaiui-H 4ia. juv bd- jrond those of the jpung suoceasfuL' txsmlned It by the Aid of a f. y ' v lng Glais. wooer and speculator, they i; t satlrns inconcolvable to t' i ' m''l. I-cve and g-M VK-re i 1 . . ' ' ' " ' "j steadily up, mounted that ' messed stock as a skilled mountain climber arises, with never a lllp. backward and. never a cause for worrtment' on the part of the watchers. - Usually, my dally winnings ran Into tha hundreds. In a very MitUe time my .profits amounted to tlOJOO. and. fifty thou sand, res, even a hundred thousand more, seemed but the matter of a tew rT tLn s" . . -mTA.. hundred thousand, cannot achieve n , k J h.V. V.,4 fju.1 ' Im a million! I began to permit mysell extravagances. More than ever I was with Mrs. Dace, and weekly my ex penses In entertaining her soared. Automobiles took the, place it car riages. For her' birthday present I gave her a bracelet that cost. f MO. 1 even ventured m aa off-hand manner to speak to fier about marriage and a dash around the world aa a wedding trip. .It was not a direct proposal, yet it was sufficiently unmasked to preclude her Ignoring It She caught me by the -arm. . ". ,i , Ton must not talk about such things, Tom,-yet," she said Cuicklr. Tou are young, almost too young V man to marry, and are In the mfdat of plling uo your fortune.' Let . that. he your business, and your thoughts t love Vour recreation. ' I know of noth ing so destructive to a man's financial interests aa for him to desert them for a honeymoon. Wedding trips and business are unmlxable. If you would not have the one disillusioned and the other destroyed, keep them far apTtrt Ive can wait its hour, but when for tune knocks upon the door we. must be there to throw It wide. Perhaps In a year from how" She paused and averted her cheeks. i J. ' ' "Perhapsx In a year from now what?" I cried eagerly. Her voles became very low. . . . - "Nothing in particular. I was only about to say. that If In a year from now you have not changed your mind and your business affairs are so grounded that you can leave them In safety for a period. It might then be proper for you to ask the fortunate lady." - r . . "But a year seems a lifetime to one who loves her aa I do. . And she might become tired of waiting," I expostu lated. '. ,",'V.vVv. ':.;'; 'Then I would not Imagine that she had your best Interests at heart or that she would be a particularly deslrv able person to choose as a life com panion. This Is of course, supposing that she understood the reason for the fclas. Is my. sier!y advice t - (Continued en. Pu I) ." . sTOLEYJUDNEY Fob Baokachk Kidneys and Bladdsm Soma men hsd rather go than to a family reunion.- . . to church FIRST LA GRIPPE, THEN BRONCH ' aTIS.?;,.y i:... That was the'easa wilh Mrs.' W. Bailey, McCrenry. Ky. "Mv wife wa t'ken down with a severe attack ' Of lt grippe. which run into bronchitis. Sh coughed as tho' she bad connumptioi and coul.l not sleep at night. The flr bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound gave her so much relief that ah. continued uing it until she was' pel manently curej!," For sa'e by all deal era, .. . ,. - ' ;. ' : '" " , The Interstate. Commerce Comm'a sion decided tha the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad and "branches wire guilty ol discrimination,- as j idged "by ei m ari- sons of the cost of htuling Portland ment from Ihe mills of ' Msnhdm aw Universal, . V.V.-i ': ', i-T.-. INDIAN KILLED ON TRACK, - -Near Rochelle, 111. an Indian went t sleep on a railroad track and was ki'lcfl by the fast express, - He paid lor bn carelessness wilh, his life. Often it th ay wheA-peop e -neglect cou(hs anr colds. l t rUk your life when pre m pi use of Dr. king's New Discovery wit core them ai d to prevent a dantremr throat or lung trouble. "It completely cured me, in S short time, of a trr:4Ut- cough that followed a severe s'tscl ot Giip." writer J. R. Walt. Fioydjda. Tex., "and I regained 15 p ondr In weight that I had kst."- Qoic, rife, -eliuble and euxrtrHeed. 60c an I Vj0. Tjial bottle free at all druggbta.' - :-- , , t One person was kil'ed and anothci hurt in a Nicholasville (Ky.) street duel. ' . . - ' ' ' - v - y Children Ory :, v . FOR FLETtrna'S CASTOR I A , be B,thtub Trost-triel w.s resumed Detroit 1 ' ARE EVER AT WAR.' i ' There are two things everlailinglf at war, joy and piles, Bujt ttU'klen's Arnica Salve will banish piles in sny form. It eon subdues the itching, irritation, in Aim-nation or swelling. It gi -rea com fort. Invites joy. Greatest healer of burns, bolls, u learn, cut?, bruiser, ec zema, scaldr, pimples, skin eiuptions. Only 25 els at all druggists. 'On ear at college, Is enough to d i priveeome young men of their common innse, ' . t p A? , m a m t: GOOD NEWS. ITany New Eqid Headers Ilave Heard It and ri')fit,ed Theie i by.. "Good news travels fast,", and the thousands of bad back r uffereis id New Bern are glall to learn that prompt re lief is within their reach. Many, a lame, weak and aching back is bad no more, thanks to Doan's Kidney Pills. -' thou sands uponjthoosands of people are tel ling the good news Of their experience with the Old Quaker Remedy, ' Here is an example worth reading: '.t '(. V- i"' Mrt. G, E. Edwards, 223 E. Main St. Washington," N. C, Bays;' I suffered terribly from lackache. accompanied by sharp, shooting bains through my kid ney secretions caused me considerable annoyance.. I used several kidney remedies but received no relief uniil I began taking Doan's Kidney Pills. They drove away the pains a5a lameness, in my loins and strengthened my kidneys; that tired, languid feeling disappeared and I am able to rest better at night. 1 have no hesitation-- in i recommending Doan's Kidney Pills." - : - For sals by all deaisiw. Price Si cents Foster Mllburn Co., Buffalo New York, sole agents far the Unit! States.' . " Remember the aame Doea's n taktj so othar. '' ' 'J- ' :" Senator (Gardner, of Maine, .intro duced a Federal express bill. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS ronnMcuMAtisu kiomuvsano blabbsi ' !(..- . ., , ' If a man has brains ha is ee'd m cal ed upon to submit the proa', v FLYING MEN FALL victims to stomch.' liver and kidney troubles just like other people, with like results In loss of appetite, backarhe, l ervoufnees, headache, and Jited, I st less, run down feeling. (But there's no need to feel like that aaT. D.. Peebles, Henry. Tenn , proved. "Six bottles ofJ Electric Bitters he writ s, "did mor to give me new strength and good' ap petite then all Other stomach remedies I used. "So they help everybody. Its folly to suffer when thi great remedy will help you from the first dose, ' Try it. Only 60 cents at all draggUts. . Colonel Roosevelt in a speech at Bos ton, explained his proposition fojrn . lim ited recall of judicial decisions, QUICK RELIEF FOR RHEUMATISM. . George fV. Koons, Lawton, "Mich., says: "fja Petchon's Relief for Rheumatism hat given my wife won. darful benefit for '. rheumatism. She could not lift hand or foot, ; had ' to be lifted for two months. " She began the Use of the remedy and improved rabidly, i On Monday she could not move and on ' Wednesday she got, up, dressed herself and walked out for breakfast " Sold by Bradham Drug Co. v . '' i . i ' j The trust plutfornvof Senator Cum mins, of Iowa, was embodied in a bill which be introduced. . " " -Oliildr e n' Cry CM FOR FLETCHER'S - CASTOR I A Even a I, P T ss girl shouU never sit n a man's lip without first asking his perbLskn, . -. . '.. ' " " "' - UQW'COLD AFFECTS TUE KID .' '" . NEYSi J ;. . ' Avoid taking rol.l if your k dneys are iensitve., Culn c ngn)ls Ihe ktduejs. throws too much work u;nn them, and weakens h- ir action. Seri us kidney trouble and even BrL ht's disease mi) result Stren(.tven your Jidmy,' net rid of the ain ani soreness',' bund them up tiirely use of Folley Kidney fills. "Tonic in aetior, quick in res j Its. Pur sale by all dealers. . ..4 - Mortimer L. Schiff isiued a sttti ment coocemiog the Brandt case.-; - ' f t ie-eafer to throw bouquets at the dead than mud at the living. VIMT OVCB 06 YCA'RS k ... CXPCRIENCC mm ' 4 Tradc Markj V' 'hV C0rV7IQrtT Ac 'nroandlnff a tketrH muf tMrtitron may Ijnlcklr ;Kitti our oi'tuh'Ti trv fotlir sui hi van Hon it prnhnM fHtmiirihM. ('umtrinnkfi HflNHfiOnX on I'oteuu jitiit fro Uttli-st WfHi'T fir ui tng peUfilitn. t'RtMiiil tukt'H till'... II ViiMi A CsavJNsOuIn Sclt:;;io: ji..::rlCc::!e A hutiflcimelT HlnptrMM irtfMlj, 1.nnrmt tf. mlnUntl ui mtf Mtii,lUA 1'iiiriittl, nrin, $4 ytnrt fn ir UMHitLa, t)i ttolU UjeUl nsjwKW aieir. .:::: uco."'Bt:r7ycri Uruv0 Om. ' F SU WwiUKiun. 1). U ounnus a co::.PA!iY ' DEALERS IN Timothy and pea-vine Hay, Corn, Oats, Cracked . Corn, Corn. Meal, C. S. Meal, fleet Pulp, BranrShipstuff. Hulls, Hammond Dairy Feed, R. P. Oats, Curt "Oats, Rye, Soy Deans and Field Peas. ' WANT TQ BUY-YOUR FIELD PEAS. r.::i) n ,you.i or.Dr i I ,:.c. i i.O -SUSS. A Home This Year and let 1012 mark the begining of our fortune and a ne,w lifeT Nothing on earth gives a family standing in a community like the ownership Of a' nice, comfortable home. The winter is a good time to perfect all the little details and we've a good,- warm office and lots of time at your disposal to help you select a suitable plan and talk over the kind of mater-, ia! you 111 need. Come in - and . iet'a figure it-out together. - - Toison Lumber S f.lfg Co. 129 E. Front St -NEW BERN. ' , ,N. C. HENRY'S Prescriptions from all physicians, Quickly and Ac curately filled. " : ' Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. ' ' " ' Pharmacy PHONH 173 . HARDWARE AND Building. Ma ierlal - Paints, 6ilP AND Varnishes : -American ; 'Field Fence E, V.' SUALLWOOD. ; ' lew' kera, I. i. : ; Just Received Choice lot . olue ; Band Hams uncovered , 1 7c lb., also Small B.B. Dieakfast Strips, only . 1 8c lb., Picnic Shoulders only 12Jc b.t Vox River Piint Butter 40c lb., H llside, Print Butter 40c lb . Fancy Bu'terine 25c per lb.; Fresli Eggs per doz. ;2Sc , Freslilot Crisco p?r can 25c, . jiest Flour 35c per' 12 lb.' bag. ; ;Vl..'w'-'r Everything in ih? grocery line at bottom prices. YOURS FOR CASH ONLY j. L JIcDaniel 41 Middle St - Thing 91 ' WOMEN , T'oiaea ef tlsi Lijhcst type, wocaca cf i";c:icr tdacalloa anj renjratrt, Loe i3cera2eit isl t!re izl f:rce t tl;!r c; ! Joss, t "j rn::t l' 3 , c :.;!' J (.trm'lrt iz I c J'.7t i rc. i tf C :cU;JDrrrT;'. S it. it": -ji '"- j 1 . it ...jr. T M , ,11' J '

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