i I - . rakUshe to Two Sectlona, every Tiaaday and Friday, a Wonrnnl Bulla i IMP Craven gtreet ; CJLLKLES L. KTXTlSlt EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Official Papa of New Bero an Craven Oouty. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Two Months. , k . ! 1$ Throe Itontha. m c II Stt Month a.. - - n ' M tvrelve Months. LH ONLY XM ADVANCE. Th Journal M oaly aent on pay-ln-sdvanee baala. Bubacrlbera will re etre aottoa of axplratlon of their anb anrlpttona and an immediate response to aottoa wWl oa appreciated by the Journal. : - . Adrarttalns rata lurnlahed upon application at tha ofiloe, or vpon In oolrr by maTV . Untaxed at thePoetotftoe,New Barn, ll.CL.aa asoond-ehua mattar. New Bern, N. a March, 5. 1912. PLACING SIN RESPONSIBIL ITY. It is a natural presumption that every entity must have an origin, it must have been begotten thro' some agency. Mankind sins and tries to shift the responsibility by charging the impulse that prompt ed the sin. to the devil-. Such thinkers as Leibnitz and Kant have tried in their philosophy to evade the personality of the devil, in accounting for evil that existed. Rev. D. C. Garrett insists upon the personality of Satan, and offers ar guments in support of the conten tion that evil is an entity located in some form of supreme evil in telligence. Such argument would raise the issue as to whether sin was an entity of thought or fact, and which it was would determ ine whether its author Satan, was personal to each individual, or merely the head center of thought currents that made sin find its ac tion through mankind in physical force. Philosophers may rsason away Satan, but the general ty of man kind has and will continue to ac knowledge such a personage. "Satan, so call him new, his for mer name Is heard no more i heaven, shows what the great oet thought of him as a personality, even mare so in the lines " High on a throne of royal state which far Out ft bone the wealth of Ormus and of Ind, Or where the gorgeous East with rich eat band Sboweraon her kings barbaric pearl and gold. Satan exalted sat, by merit raised To that bad eminence." Of course for men and women to shift their errors to others, is part of human weakness. Equally have and do men and women contiuue to charge to a Divine Hand those things that they have done for good, not accepting that inherent grace alone inspired -the thought and developed the action for the good accomplished. Here is the highest degree of nobility in man, that refuses to place full credit to his share for right ' doing. The extreme is when man seeks to evade responsibility for evil acts, accusing the devil, as being his prompter and encourager in evil doing. It only goes to prove that evil promotes to an intense degree, personal cowardice, NA.TTJBA.LLY WOMAN'S WAY - The local proclamation by the City Beautiful Department of the Woman's Clnb, making Monday, March 11th, a "cleaning up day" for this entire city, is a natural request, one strictly in line with the work of making this city beau tiful, and peculiarly a Woman's proclamation, for beginning with the children to every portion of. the household, the woman ef the house inaugurates the clean up process, and' with the extension of her powers without, the first or der in civic progression would be cleanliness in material thing, the take out and away of rubbish, until clean streets, clean alleys, clean premises were the rule and not tho exception. Tie enlistment of the Woman's Clab ia a city beautiful movement, m ilh t'..e El ii t la tLe cl in up day, fj'.owelby trco scttii or both t thcr, Lr tree scttir -j has star- t it i3 but tu8 pre imionry of t !i t: come, ia tLe irection of i ' ' 1 i jrovt enti and local J ' ' i f r i:cw Ditd.- Oner Children Cry The Kind Yon Have Always use for over tJZ sonal supervision since its infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of ' Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. v What jis CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing yrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotlo . substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind ' Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation " and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the -Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS S7 i Bears the The Kind You Have Always In Use For Over 30 Years TMI CtftTAUn COMPANY, If MUHRAV TKIIT. NIW YO IT. for attention, in seeing that no trash, rubbish, paper or anything else is thrown out, instead that there should be receptacles at ev ery house and store, and a penalty fixed and inflicted upon those who are disturbers of a clean city, in that they throw out or allow any kind of rubbish to be thrown out into public view, to be carried or blown about street, alley or premi- And March the 11th should be both a clean up day and the day to inaugurate a system for a stay clean city. WHY WORTH MORE ELSE WHERE t The going of Dr. Henry Louis Smith from Davidson College in this State, to the Presidency of Washington and Lee University, Virginia, marks the loss of anoth er noted scholar, educator and gentleman to North Carolina. Communities and states do not appreciate the fact that good men are assets, and to lose them the loss is hard to replace. Dr. Smith's going is a severe loss, educational ly, not that his place may not be filled, but the man who is to fill it leaves a vacancy, and so down the line, to an actual vacancy is found that must remain, until a man is developed, and so-the entire line is made good. Good men are ta ken from firms and corporations, because of individual" worth to their new employers.; Why does such a man leave a seemingly fine position! Generally because some one else has discovered his worth and Is willing to pay more for his services. The : question can be asked, why are Dr. Alderman, Dr. Smith and others, worth more to institutions in other states than they are to North Carolina insti tutions f Such men ' leave a gap that takes time to till, and mean time the State is poorer because they have gone. It is the genius of commercial life to discover and secure the best men,and it is lack of judgment to think that good men may be let go without community or state loss. Their going meaus s greater loss than just money valu ation, based on what they earned at home, in dollars and cents. ' . WHAT WE NEVER FORGET. according to science, are ths things aa aocUted with our early home life, such aa Bucklen's Arnica Salve, thst mother or grandmother used to rare oar barns, boils, scalds, tores, skin eruptions, cuts. sprains or bruises. Forty years of cures prove its merit. Unrivaled for piles, corns or cold-sores. umy cents at ail arugK lata. . It waa denied by Republican party leaders that Vice-President Sherman would be named as Taft'a running mate ' a iiMt4iuv - . J i r tor Flotchcr'o fought, and which has been " years, if as Dorne me Bignarare 01 and has been made under his per- Signature of Publication of Summons. North Carolina, Craven county, in the Superior Court ' Jesse Martin vs. Bessie Martin. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled aa above baa been commenced in tha Superior Court of Craven county to obtain a divorce from the bonds of matrimony and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at tha April term of Superior Court for sakl County to be held on the 8thHay of April, 1912, at Court House of said County in New Bern, N. C and an swer or demur to the eomplaint in said action or the plaintiff will apply to ths Court for relief demanded in said com plaint. W. If. WATSON,, Clerk of the Superior Court Mrs. Kate Ames secured a divorce in Loodcn. rba RHEUMATISM KIOMBVa ANO kA0Sa An Interview from President Taf t on tariff making: appeared in tha Outlook. i - ' DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED by local applications, aa tbey cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to euro deafness, and that ia by constitution remedies. Deafness ia caused by an inflamed con dition of the mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube. When this tuba ia in flamed you have a rambling sound or imperfect hearing, and when it ia en tirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflsmatlon can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine caaea oat of ten are caus ed by Catarrh, which ia nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous sur faces. . We will give One Hundred Dollars for any ease of Deafness (caused by ca tarrh) that cannot be eared by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars free. ' f. J. CHENEY ft CO.,Toledo, a ' Sold by all Druggists, 7S. Tajks Hall's Family TiHa for eoa tipatioa. ' Four persona were killed and tha sta tion badly wrecked yesterday when a Reading locomotive pulling a fast freight blew pp at Muneey, Pa. : " , , QUICf RELIEF FOR RHEUMATISM. George W. Koons, Lawton, Mich., aays: . "Da. Detcbon' Relict roa Rheumatism has given my wife mots- darful benefit for rheumatism. She could not lifthand or foot, had to be lifted for two months. . She began the use of the remedy and improved rapidly. On Monday she eould not more and on Wednesday she got op, dressed herself Bought ana w tinea out ior nreakiaat" cold by Bradham Drug Co. " , 1 The (Sneed trUI in Texas resulted in a mistrial. ? Children dry FCa FLETCHER'S CASTORIA f ; , Left Handed Taet" - -A poor attempt at tact la worse than none at all. In a banking house the other day somebody (Just back from several years on the other aide of the Atlantic) tried to throw a compliment at an old fellow, saying to blm, "Why, yon dos t look a day older than tea years sp; Indeed, yoa don't look aix-ty-flfs.'f The old fellow was mad enon o to blow op, for he la only aU ty four and a half, and he belleyee he doexu't Ixk more than ZTlj. Kew loxk r j. ; i Many r'Ten-rs from rHtimnS i,rn have bfen r ifd a I c! ; i i ti.e t 'i . t h ' i I ' t , ! 'r 'S I..'fl-" t. i t . f ' . It lilt.- THE LASH OF crxy;.ssTM By HAIUIY IRVING GREENE Author of . i "-YOSONDE OF THE WILDERNESS" ' mlnlluai kr'Mtwa G. KMar acrrlcM UU by w. a. Chpm. in u UnltadghUM ud 0 Griula ... . baoompelled to cast suspicion, even by inference, upon a life-long friend, especially when the friend Is of his own blood. - Tet a serious crime had been committed against both society at large and another of my kinsmen la particular, and should I conoeal any essential fact that I knew, and LeDuo discover that I had done so. It would put me In the miserable plight before Uncle Abner as having tried to shield some one and thus acted against him In the recovery of at leaat a portion of what had been pilfered from him. I did not for an Instant believe that Bruoe- would even con template such an act" even though standing blindfold against the wall of financial despair, yet Certainly there were things which In Justice to every body concerned he should explain; and while I did not -doubt but that he could do so without difficulty, I . dis liked exceedingly to speak against him. - - LeDuo sat quietly throughout my mental colloquy, eyeing me keenly. That my hesitancy In answering wa? unnoticed I did not for a momen' flatter myself, for aa well might on expect the fox to miss a movement c tho cornered hare, "Them wm be something disagreeable In your mind. Perhaps you had better out with it," he suggested at length. "Re member that I am asking you, as a good citizen, to help me In this matter and am taking you Into my confidence. I therefore expect you to assist me to the fullest extent of your powers regardless of whom It may help or hurt; always bearing In mind that no Innocent man need be afraid. Further more, you may trust me not to give any information you may convey to me any more publicity than the exi gencies of the case demand. What la It you are keeping from me now?" ' Tou have asked me aa to my cousin's financial condition, and under my protest and your promise I will say this," I returned slowly.'' "He was In a miserable fix through losses on the exchange and came to Uncle Abner yesterday for a loan. Uncle Abner only grinned at him, as Bruce should have had sense enough before hand to know he would. When I saw Bruce afterward he was way down on his luck and fairly desperate. ' He knew that uncle had the money In the house, because ha waa the one who called my attention to that fact, say ing to me: 'My God, I must get hold of $10,000 some way.' He then left me. When I saw him again he ap peared to have been drinking. I put him ia a carriage to get him out ol eight and he waa driven away, where I don't know, for I have not seen him since. That Is all I know about that phase of the matter." My com panion waa following my every word and action with tho lntentness of a watching' lynx, and when I had fin ished pounced upon my last and quali fying words Instantly. , - "Tou say that is all you know about that phase of the matter. Very good. But what else do you knowT Driven fairly Into a corner I answered dea perately: . h 1 know ha had a key to the honso. While I was sitting with him at tha Interview I have Just mentioned he became angry at the thought of un cle's refusal to assist him, and struck tha table several times with aomt email metallic, object which ha had tightly clenched In hla band. The familiar appearance of the object Im mediately attracted my attention and I managed to see enough of it to know that It was a key to this place.. 1 waa somewhat surprised, not know ing how he had coma Into possession of It; but thinking It waa hla own business I did not mention It to him In his then condition of mind. . I do not believe that ha knew that I had noticed It, or waa even aware that be had exhibited it In . hla excitement, for immediately after hla outburst ha thrust It back into hla overcoat pock et I think that I have now without reservation told you all that I know concerning hla; words and actions within the last few days. He can un doubtedly explain his possessorshts of the key as Well as bis whereabout last night to your entire satisfaction. But.! hope It will not even be neces sary to hurt his pride by questioning aim." , . , ... . , . LeDuo leaned forward with deep in terest in his face. "Then If there ar but four keys to the front door known to be ia existence, and as your uncle naa his own aa well aa the one which yon formerly possessed, and as Mrs. Tebbeu still has hers, the only one remaining to be accounted for should be In the possession of your other cousin. Mis WIntoa. If she still retain hara, then the one Bruce had must of necessity be a duplicate, and a duplicate could not have been made without the maker having for a time had one of the originals. That phase of tne matter we will take up, If neo .essary, whn we come to It, but what we want to know now Is regarding the originals. And to ascertain that w must know whether Mlns WIntoa bai parted keepers!,';) of bers. I must see her at once." "Perhaps It wo.: 1 b well for me to call her up ov- r t' e wire and ask her to Come bt-ro," I ; -cnted. "Un do Will be r' . 1 f u s licr, and I know (he wU c' 9 w!;h snxlnty to come whfln she 1 n e' d this." IT nodded his acju!- ; , and going to SAID ivcuio f.'.::;t Krs. Delia Lcn tfeaMt t S'rJ Cn tier Feet Kore Tl aa a Fc ; :;; Kinutcs it a Time. c : Pendergrass, Oa. Mrs. Delia Long, of this place. In a recent letter, saytft "For five or six years. I suffered agon ies with womanly troubles. , , ? ' ' ' Often, I couldnt alt up more than few minutes at a time, and If I' atood on my -feet long, I would faint ' ' I took Cardul, and it helped me Im mediately. Now, I can do my Work all the time, and dont suffer like I did." Take Cardul when you feel 111 In any way weak, tired, miserable, or under the weather. Cardul ia a atrengtl building tonts medicine for women. - It has been found to relieve pain and distress caused by womanly troubles and Is an excellent medicine to have, on hand at all times. v 1 ' - Cardul acts on tha womanly consti tution, building np womanly strentth. toning up tha nerves, ana regulaUng the womanly organs. . : ' : Its half century of success la duo t merit - It has dona good to thousands. Will you try Itf It may be Jus; wat you need. Ask your drnrtls about Cardul. Ea will recommend it N.B.-Write for UA,A4viyt)frtfNa oota Med Id n Co., QutttMOca. Jma-JvSpteial rWnaa,"nttablant.esiM - : could hear Te?' as" she rusEed about the room calling upon her mother for her hat and gloves. Fifteen minutes later she was ringing at the front door. LeDuchot me a look full cf significance. ,- . , ,. ' .. -" "Did you say that she and Brace are engaged, or something to that ef fect r he Inquired, referring to a re mark which I had dropped a faw mo ments before. I nodded. .? : , ' ; ' "So Bruce intimated to me. I knew they were desperately fond of each other and he told me that had he sot been wiped out he would have married her. At any rate, ahe does not seem to have her key with her this morB tag," waa my answer. Down stairs we heard Mrs. Tebbets opening . tho door, and a moment later with a pat ter of feet and a rustle nf eurta Ohu bounded" rn"npon"ua. Her eyeVwere dilated and ahe seemed almost ready to burst from suppressed excitement Her Out. words ..ware ..about TJaolsi (ContioMd ea Pan I) - . A PLEASANT PHYSIC i.,'. When you wsnt a pleasant physic five Chamberlain's Stomach and Um ableU a trial. They are mild, and srentle in their action and alwavS cro- duce a pleassnt cathartic effect. Call at Davis' drug store for a free sample. - Champ Clark alated , yesterday h would accept no invitation to leave Con gr jss and deliver speeches as he thought it waa his duty to stay in Washington. Children Ory ' FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Governor Johnson, of Ca ifor ia, ad dressed the Ohio Constitntic aalCcnven tion. - ' :' I You judge a man not bf what he promises to do. but by wist he ba done. That ia the only true test. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy judged by this standard bas no superior. Peo ple everywhere speak ft in tho highest terms of praise. For sale by all deal era. . ' .. ." The Lady Patron In the Hotel. For an Interesting, dlscriminatini and all round exacting proposition in a hotel the lady patron la doubtless the winner. 8be must always have a par lor floor room, with bathj-froutiag the street and plenty of closet room. The room must be large enough to accom modate 0 couple of box cars aba calls trunks. She will use three times sis many towels aa a man. keep tbe bell hops In perpetual motion to answer her calls and uake more complaints about the room temperature In a day than I man would la a montnHoVtti World. .' MANY DRIVEN FROM HOME. Every year, in many part of the eonntry, thousands are driven from their homes by coughs and. lung diseases. Friends and business are left behind for other climates, but this is costly acq not always sure. A better way-tbe way of multitudes is to bs Dr. King's New. Discovery and cure yourself at home. Stay right there, with your friends, and take this safe medicine.- Throat and lung troubles find quick relief and health returns. Its belp in cough colds, grip, croup, whooping-cough and sore lungs make it a positive blessing. 60c and $1.00. Trial bottle free. Guaran teed by all druggists. Two negroes charged with killing Pol eeman Sanders at Shreveport, "La., were lynched lait night ' Yoa can say goodbye to constipation" with a dear consicence if you use Chamberlain's Tablets. Many have been permanently cured by their use. For sale by all dealers. .. Governor Dlx bss refused to grant a pardon to Folks E. Brandt, and declar ed he was unworthy, . , ' TOMIOIN ACTION . QUICK Itf RI .'LTt- C2ve prompt relief from BACILAC1Z, KIDNEY and ELACETS TI T -RHEUMATISM, COV.ZT.ZTlZlt t? f CIEN2Y3, Ii:r LAI.:.",!ATIC"I cf t CLADE"Il and all annoy big VZZl',' r.S" inr::-VLAr;iT2::3. Apo"?et- u MIDDLE AGED and ELDr;L1 r-..;:i.E .! tor ,c- ;. t'V 1 I ;,.sIT 1 ft A.T', IF. ' ' dei'j im m is up to m City Beautiful Club TJrgea Every Citixens to Clean Their Prenv ' -ises Before tbe Elks Meet . ; Here Next Weekr " "If we wish to have a New Bern new. It can't be done with just a few, So all unite and begin (his week, -To make this cleaning np complete. Working on from sun to sun, Until our work ia well done, .' " " And all together with this in view,'. - Next Saturday will see a New Bern ; "It's np to you," to have our city clean and attractive. ' The .city fathers say they will remove the trash from your premises if you will collect it and phone No. 20 for the c art to come, n let our visitors 00 March 13th to ' 15th 'go away impressed not only with our hos pitality but also our neat and well kept yardti, back yard aa well as front- Children, Cry FOR FLETCHER'S -CASTOR I A ' The Jury was dismissed in the Raines' ewe, at Roanoke7Va., yesterday, and alienists will examine the defendant .' ' THE MEN WHO SUCCEED" - as heads of large enterprises are men of great energy.' Success, to day, de mands health. To ail is to fait It's utter folly for a man to endure a weak, mn-down. half alive condition when Electric Bitters Will put him right on his feet in short order. "Four bottles did mo more real good than any other medicine I ever took," writes Chaa. B. Allen. SvlVania. Ga. "Alttr years of suffering with .rheumatism, liver trouble, stomach disorders and deranged kidney, 1 am again, thanks to bi ctric Bitters, sound and well." , Try them, ; Only 60 cents at all druggists, " Cannibalism was reported in the famine-stricken districts of Persia. FOtEYlKlDNEYPUIS roaauauMAXisM kionbts ano ladder - Minutes of tbe National Packing Co's weekly meeting were read at the pack ers' trial at .Chicago.?;-- '"-f ;' : C. A. Glosnnea, 24 Ontario St, Ro chester, N. Y,. has '- recovered from a long nd severe attack of kidney trou ble, bis cure being cue to Foley Kidney Pills. After detailing his ease, he say: "I am onlv sorry I did not 'earn sooner of Fo'ev Kidney Pills. In a few days' time my bscksche completely I fc me and I felt greatly improved. My kid neys became atronger, dizzy apeiis left me acd I was no longer, annoyed at night I fee' 100 per cent better since T m 1 T7" i j n:n , I. L using roiey niuuey ruis. r or pair vy all des leu. ..,.- . - -. Jud e Anell ordered the acquittal cf seven of the defendants in the Bathtub Trust irial at Detroit . , ; WOIWF.N- T7amei of Las' highest type womet of superior sducstlon and refinement, wEom ditcerBniemt vxl juigment girt weight and1 fort to their opinions, LigUy Bnlse) tho woiderful ccrrective u4 enrativt propertiei of dune korlala'iSlomach and Liver Tab lets. Tkrosghout tie many ta;es cf vtaan Ef e, front firSioooV drosa tit ordeals of mo tier )boi U tho declining years, there b t aafer or more rellalls booV kho. CkamberUia'i TatleU aro tdl trerywhert at 25c a Ux. ' 4 4 QVCR 00 Y CARS' - CXPCRICNCC a Trade Markj t i f ftt)Vf?tOMTl at fU - st s i .r ih 1 I - M v- - - --r aa r.vtsf"n la (M'-i iMf pit -' -.. ( i( 'ui cn- " ronn.i.Milliii. f' on t-Hinnic ttt f(. Oi-H-Ht ivmicr f " V MaLeilit, --' " taaa tlinnifc-h Miimi s Co leuiTt' tf- ai WI'ri.Hit fc. -"WW, U , af.' a.f 4 y . ' V "'' t fc - i fc - " A v1-o'Tiilf lUnwtfnvfMl wapItIt. I nnmtt fT- filial loll lf RMf "'H'lMlliO J-ilHIMll. 0 f f -uUo, $Lj tioil it rl Ttnn uwrt, ;; '('jasiafead-n.; 7t:: i l.,.,al,...l,Uril,VMHi,u.U.li ii U!:e Drun:r.ond Canal & Yatet '- -. . Co. - Ult Drumrnond Transportation ; , - - 7 Co. ' - Ixke Drcr.r.cr.J Tc7,::z Co. DlsnirJ Swamp C:i::zl l a Inland Route, Protwted from Storm. I s Ftet of Water Minimum Depth '.Always. Q : k Triin.nt for TraT -. Trompt Tom ii'Sf nl Fn.',;!;t lUv, ..ori. Fv r t'!'..i, t-ip pi. 1 f. " '.t m ' at o.T.i-e In ' -.- I I ..i k LuilJ i 1 at I' .) Cn- k Lh Va. :. r r -. f . m mi- 1 r. . , , A Kerne This Year and let 1912 mark' the begining of j our fortune and a new life? Nothing on earth gives a family standing in a community like the ownership of a nice,' comfortable home. The winter is a good time to perfect all : the little details and we've a ' good, warm ""office and lots of time at your disposal to help you select a suitable plan and talk over the kind of mater ial you will need. Come in ."and let's figure it out together." Tolson Lumber & f.1f g Co. 129 E. Front St NEW BERN, -. N. C. HENRY'S Prescriptions .'from all physicians, Quickly and Ac curately filled. Also a full line of Choice Toilet articles. ; -. PHONE 173 HARDWARE and; V" Building Ma- teriai Paints; Oils AND Varnishes ; American Field Fence Ui SUALLWOOD. - Oaw ten, I. 4 ft ,irn DEALERS IN Pharmacy 6URRU5 GOEinUlT Timothy and pea-vine Hayi :; Corn," Oats,' Cracked Corn, Corn Meal, C S. Meal, Beet Pulp,' Bran. Shipstuff, Hulls, " Hammond Dairy Feed, R. P. " Oats, Burt - Oats, Rye, Soy Beans and Field Peas. - want to buy -your : .. .fieldpjeas. 1 1 - send us your orders BURRUS & GOnPAIlY Jl-33 Middle St, New Bern, N. C. - , Phono 184 ' v - FcrWcoienWlio Care Of course you use an antiseptic in your family and in th care of your own per- ion, and roa want the bo.t Instead of what you hare been using; uch as liquid or tablet antiBptlcs or peroxide, won't yon please try I'axtine, a concentrated antluptio powder to bo ' dihsolved In water as needed. - Paxtine la more eoonomWI. cleanHlnj?, more (rermicidal and mora healia g than anything you ever umd. ArjTisEpnc In the toilet to cleanse and whiten ihe teeth, rrmove tartar and nn-vi.nfc dtvay. To disinfect the mouth, dest roy difioaoe irermii. and nnrifw fl. l. rf .it, To keep artificial teeth and brills rin and odortewi. To remove i ne i'Mij the teeth and mu-ifv the l,i. ..lh after ainohine;. To erliente r, rf i 'ra tion odors by sponge bathing. A a tsl.n hull n cut for Wi treiitm. iit .f f. mi nine i . . iw re n.-lrln iitarvli, in!hin,n,uti.i!i mid ulc-i-rution. exist,, nothlnjr eqm.W hot dom-hes of I n vt ....j. l r t. a jeara the l.yain li. I '.. !-;nn Mi-L ( o, bus been r-.'ulnr!y - -. .. i y i.icir phiienmioiiKe it l- cf it exlrnoriiiimry elcanslnff, tin j I p"rir.!.-;.!al power. For this i '"" I'uxlinels worth It-if-' t ' ' ' ' ) ' r 1 n! 1 ey: i. i-. n I , A t t-liihone II it h- r In i 'i ' n of tv 1 1 ' r : ' 1' ;t ' fl,!...! f I ! r I UP, r j i tlirn

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