- JSINT ACCOUNTS -. ...... . v . This institution, when desired, will open joint savings or other accounts by which two or more persona, can depo-it in . a common fund, which is pnyable according to agreement to ' . ths turvivor or on order du'y signed by one or mora of. the -- survivor. .-This metho.l of accumulating: a substantial fund J has proved ver practical. The protection is perfect and ths interest rate, most t afcisfactory.' We will be pleased to dis- curs the matter in detail with you -at your convenience. l.l .)lr13)i: iMllt.'f-' ' iiiifimiiiiOMii IT OFTEN HAPPENS , The holes that make their appearance in tlie dish-pans and milk-pans, come without warning, like the Rhost that walks at night. No one knows how it happened. We don't mind, of course, because it makes business' good for us, r Tha holes are there, and the new pans are here. That's what we are tryine td get at., Solid, honest tin, fasnioned fn convenient, shining pans, etc .wailing to save you many steps and keep the . food clean, and wholesome.. As much honesty has gone into the making of this , tinware as goes Into a diamond ring. ' i - - , . Q as kill Hardware Co. PHONE 147 Spring Goods1 Arriving ' " . We have just' receivefrom the Northern rriark--et-wherevve have purchased an ip-to-date stock of ; Dry Goods,' Notibns, Silks, Ladies'and Mens Furnish-. ings, Clothing, Shoes, Millinery etc; We invite the public to call and see Our new Spring stock. "t 1- fvirjlliicg Ttia Best And Prices 'Lower Ihaii For J. J. BAXTER ELKS TEMPLE FEED RUST S ' 1,1 - : I HUUT D J 7 r5 - AND lllllifililllllHillllillillliniiillillnfrl 73 MIDDLE SI. INVITATION v 10 THE PUBLIC v Yoa are tordinlly : invited . to 1 inspect our line :of New Spring Hats, which we 'have just re e.ived," including the Celebrated -brands, Jno. IS. Stetson Gold Hon'l, Manhattan and others. ' y - . You would att wise by looking our stQck over bef . re deciding to buy ' " " - . ; " SLipman Bryan Block, ': New Bern, N. C. . iilUi DFPT STORE HIE LI OF t (Continued from Page Two) - further comment upon - the matter. From my own standpoint I considered myself invulnerable to him, except in the case of treacherous physical at tack, and that I could guard against by watchfulness.' Figuratively- speak ing, I snapped my fingers In his face. Of .Uncle Abner, still mumbling and grumbling like a bear stung upon the nose by a bee, I saw as little as I conveniently could." When I was at home I kept myself pretty close Within my ows quarters, and he sel dom disturbed m beyond the Occa sional opening of the door to glare at me" for a moment and tlien close It with-a bang. In fact, he seemed to more and more consider me as respon sible for his loss by reason of my not having been present upon the night of the assault -The . few attempts !. 1 made to reestablish myself even par tiallr in his favor met with sucl lit tle sueces" that I gave thieni up,. leav ing matters to take- V- tnelr-i natural course, r The aeourities tliat he - had. previously kept In the Safe he had now deposited In the bank, even going to the extent of reposing his gold watch among them and buying a dol lar' timepiece- for ls dally use. s The experience of the night of the crime had seemed to make an 'arrant cow ard of him. ;'. ,jLr?: ? - I had not seen LeDuo for several days. . I was anxious to meet him, as I was wondering considerably iwhat he was up to, and 'was desirous of questioning hi as to progress.; pruce I had hunted up en one occasion after my interview With the detective, and had found him In seemingly far bet ter spirits than When I had last Been him upon the day after the burglary, He did not seem to hold It agaiMt me that I had charged him with having had the key,; telling me he had no doubt but that I was honesUy mista ken, i But when I made a slight al luslon to. his operations on the board hi. shut tip tight as a clam, which of course .was unusual for Bruce, , There fore X did not feel warranted in pur suing the matter further. He was op erating ppenly now and I thought at recklessly 'as ever," but whether his deals were being made on his own ac count or on behalf .of some "client. 1 had no information . beside what the detective had given me; Clare while ecually uncommunicative about hit I business, affairs, still; remained defl .antly loyal to him.- ' , ;V "I don't believe there Is a erookei hair' la Bruce's head; Won't listen tc J-iything that j anybody " may . saj egalnBt him, and have my own opin ion' of those Who do," . she asserted strenuously, t sincerely admired her fealty and told ber so as I emphatlcal ly indorsed her views. Still I cou'i rot help secretly acknowledging thai there were very ugly looking feature L r bout the case .that I would have con sldered him wiser had he explained But ho "seamed rather"- inclined tc avoid me since the affair of the safe and as it was his business after all, and as I did hot care to be snubbed, I went my way anil-allowed him to gc his without disturbance. ; !. A few evenings later I happened to be standing tn front of one of the leading hotels. I. had nothing In mind that I cared to do, and Was idly watch lng the passers-by whea-some -' one gave me a poke in the back and J turned to And LDuc grtnnlng at me We shook hands and sauntered ofl together as I piled him for the latest Information. He was mystically eva . "Talk about hustling' "he said, with a short laugh. "A fly on a. ban quet table is idle Reside the way 1 have been burzlng around. If there has been any busier-man in town 1 would like to stand somewhere and behind something and watch him.', go by. He'd whlss like a bullet I have run down every possible clue that I could get hold of and .tried out every reasonable theory that I Coutd conjure up,- and at last know ' pretty near where to put my fingers, next. Any way, I know who stole the money." 1 stopped short, seising .him bythe arm. ;'-""; ; "Who?" I demanded?" He pulled m along with him,' gently shaking bis -head. . .:- . '-': - "Can't tell you Just yet; It is .al ways bad Judgment to let a cat out of a bag until the right time conivs But I know who he Is and I will tell rid boob enough." Burning with Im patience to know whom he referred to, but restrained from further ques tlonlng by the manner of his refusal to enlighten me, we continued , our way for some distance without fur ther conversation In- a certain sens bis statement was a shock to me, and I could not rid myself of a haunting Impression that when he made his disclosures there would be disagree able facts revealed. Yet my curiosity could hardly have been at a higher point- '.- .. - , -. , "Aro you positive V I ventured after a while. If th.'re was feny doubt in his mind as to the Identity of tht crfmlral hlj voire did not betray It T. . In the lnstitnt of heavy banging si lence which followed I shot a glance at Mrs. Dace. Bhe had leaned slight ty forward, her hands clenched and her ears strained In the direction of the door. ' Then the notes of the man arose again, a sullen growl sounding through them. . .-'','' "Did she ordor you ten me this non fuse or are you acting upon your own responsibility f The voice of tlia yellow girl, theretofore reapeqt- ful, toiik on a cold insolence. "That Is a matter fur you to form ' your own opinion about. At least I am to accept any responsibility f hnt I may tell you. You may i k l.er ronei ruing It wbou you see 1 r hh-uSii." ' . riatnly and ' "nct!y JTackay fo;e, and I fa.v tls t'our yiolj sllgl.t- to the J!- i win, out. : t!:e iiiii!.'' t . f ; I I : if a 1 i n y I .1.1 ) t ' M , of da r i ,ie I,. : i ! i i i, i 11 r Vi. I.,i,9- , , r ? instantly." - ' . He swore again, the pressure ceased, and I beard his heavy step as it re treated down the halL In a trice the xnald had closed the door behind him and stood before us with a hot flush upon her Yace and ier eyes alight Mrs. Dace drew a long breath and ber form, and 'features softened. : Once more she became the low-spoken, per fectly self-controlled, woman of the minute before. "You 'did very well, Janet I think that Is, all for the pres ent You may retire now." Noiseless ly the girl slipped past as and disap peared behind the portiere. r -' I turned to her - mistress. "What does this mean, Matte!" I asked quiet ly, but with the sickening sensation that I had experienced once, before, makipg my knees weak and my throat dry. She faced me, with an almost Imperceptible lifting of her eyebrows and shoulders. - ;- 'r-'S ' "So far as I know it means nothing except: that Mr. Maekay has been drinking and wished to see me for some reason of which I am as Ignor ant as'you are." ' - ' "But at thlsL-our'of the night! It seems strange that even a man- like him should have the presumption to call. ; 1 think under the circumstances I have a right to Inquire. Does he sometimes do such things T" r y;; "He never, has before." He had no right to do so now. - If it is a matter of Important business he should have notified me of his coming at least a few moments in advance." - "But what business" could he pos sibly wish, to confer with you about at such, a time of night that could not be transacted over i the telephone T" I pursuedV unhappily She waved her hand. ; j. ;, , . -i , "r "I am sure that I am as Ignorant and disturbed over the affair as you an possibly be. . When I see him again I shall demand an explanation. Then I will be. able to tell you." . "And those rings -they sounded al most like a . signal one short and two 7 : A5, (TO BBr tONTINUJCD.) .- ' UNCLE EZRA- SAYS "It don't take more'n a gill uv effort to git folks into a peck of troubles" md a little neglect Of (Knstipalion, bil ouness, indigestion or other liver der .ngtment will do the sam. If ailing, ake Dr. King's New Life Pills for quick results- Easy, sale, sure, and my 25 cents at all druggists. - y ;. - ::' '' Push. . ' . "Old man Ciidpeou says push was tbt thhi(t that enabled him tobecomes milllonulre.",.: -, ; r .. a' , ; -"1 KiiesiT lie's right about that He hiiM puKhed a lot of people to the walL" -CUieaso Uec-ord-Hefald. - You j idge a man r-ot by what he r m se to d",' but 4y what he has one. ; :. That is the ( only true- text, hsmbi rlain'fc Cough Remedy jmVfd y ihi Btanria'd has no sp rior. Peo Je f-verv where sprsk it in the hiBhcet prma of praie. For sale by all . deat hs. . - . - . ' ;.. 4 Mann. ,""" ' -"VThnt did the lady say when yon ntld her I was out?" ' "She smiled and said, 'Friday's sot always an unlucky day.'" . f . Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA r-- i i m i i i -: -. i ;.; . A Popular Routs. "Is there any sure way of crossing the social chasm?" "Oh. yes; , by bridge." -Baltimore American. R G. Collins, Postmaster, Barntga', N. J.. was tioubled with a severe la gii pe cough, He says: "I would bo completely exhausted after each : fit of violent cougl log. I bought a bolt'e of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and before I had taken it all the- coughing 'pells had entirely ceased. It can't be !x at," For sab by all dealt ra. , 5 ' A, Poor Minager. ' i - Lehtrannn-4at end f month) Con fdund It: . I've cost plyself still more this month. F)egende Blatter. ' roLEy iodney phxs F0BRHKUMATI8M KIONEVS AMO aiAOOSa - Presumptuous. V: Itaynor-Thluk yon could Improve o the works of nature, do you? Bhyne t know I could If I had the power. I'd make some kind of seed thst could br planted ou a bald bead and jcro late a rop of balr.-Cblcago Trlbuaa. BACKACHE ALMOST UN BEAR A- - - - I an almost carta nj result of kidney roub e. D Toomey. 803 E. Oliv St B oomington, , ill , sys: "1 surTerrd tth bckache and paihsin my ,kWnen hich wre almost Unbearable.: I gave r'oi. y K'dney Fills a good tria , and hey one womler for me. Today 1 an dn . bird day' work and not feel he elTeiti." r'or ssls by all dealers. . , M ether Know. " 'Mother. I'm going to give chafing ilsh party." , f . J '. "Very well. il'H prepare some sand wlche. You'll all be hungry after you get through trying -to cook.'VLoul vllle Courler-JournaL : You can ray goodbye to constlpstion with a clear consicer.ee if you ute Chamberlain's Tablets Many 'hate een permanently cured by tl.elr use. For sale by all dealer t ' -i . ' Surd Sign. When "people begin saying how young ynu look it Is a' sure f';'u you are giowl.ig old. Atcbtuoii (..uLa. ko r mi ffls You are Shown the Way Out. There can lie no just reason w ly any reader of this will continue to suffer the tortures of an aching back, he an noyance of urinary disorders, tht dan gers of,serkus kidney! ills wh n relief is so near at hand and! the mos ; posi tive proof given that these ills can be cured, The following is con' incing proof.-: '.V.-.. i;.'s, ,-;y : j r-"' Mrs. L. Cameron, Leon. N. C. , says: "The great benefit . I obtained from Dean's Kidney Pi U justifies me in re commending T tht m. A dull, nigging backache, accompanied by sharp Lwings through my loins bothered me considerable length of time. J for a could hardly stoop or lift and was una ble to i obtain my proper rest, I had no jenergy or ambition and was caused additional annoyance by ' the kidney secrjetions, Hsving Doan's Kidney Pills recommend ed to me, I procured a box and after taking th9contentp,the pains in njy back ceased and the difficulty with tile kid ney secretions were -removed. iDoan's Kidney Pills are certainly a tellable kidney remedy, . j Vot aal by all' dealsra. Pfloe 60 cent. Foeter Milburn Co., Buffalo, New York, sols agent tor tbs'UalteJ Btatoa. - Remeimber the wune Dosa take ao otter. "It is not work that kills men-It is worry. The revolution Is not what de stroys machinery, but the friction." CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. . The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature ;"'-' ' Argentine Rapublle. i The area of the Arceutine Rpdi Is 1,778.105- square miles, about one half tno size of the United States. ,1 HOW COLD CAUSES KIDNEY DIS- '.;;-:; EASE. - Psrtly by drivin(f blood fromthe sur face and congest imr the kidneys, and partly by throwirir too much work up on them. Foley Kidney Pills strength en the kidneyo, sjive tone to tha urinary organs and restore the moral action of the bladder. - They are tonic in action, quick in results. Try l htm. For sale by all dealers, . . , , 8h Dots the Wooing,' In some p":t of China It U custom ary for the lady to Ixvome the suitor She marrien the man Instead of the man uiHrrylnjc ber. On these oM-aslons the bride tsyM the expenses of the marriaKe festival. . j, QUICK RELIEF FOR RHEUMATISM. ' " - - - -. i . George W. Koons, ' Lawtori, Mich., says: "Da : Detchon's Relief fob Rheumatism has given my wife won derful benefit' for' rheumatism. She could not lift hand or foot, had lo be lifted for two months. She began the use of the remedy and improved rapidly. On Monday she could not move and on Wednesday she gotjup, dressed herself and walked out for breakfast" Sold by Bradham Drug Co. ' ) -. '"' '-' "I -. . . I -. '-:. : Cams Out Strong at tha . End. - Chlppi I was not at all up to the marX. last night; tried to nay some thing agreenhle, but couldn't do it somehow, so at last I bade them goodby. Jones Ah, then you did man 1 age to say something agreeable after alll .Ixmnnn Krrav Krnn ' ' Childern are much more likely to con tract the contagious diseases when they have colds, whooping eough, diphtheria, scarlet ftver and consumption' are diseases that are often contracted when the child has a cold. That is why all mediral authorise i say bewaneof olds. For the quick cure of colds you will find nothing better then Chamberlain 'a Cough Remedy. It can always be de pended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. ' amen M MaanMaaaHMtet - " 8haep's Wool. ', ' ' Of sheep's wool one pound Is suffi cient to- produce a yard ot excellent cloth.' '- .- ;.', Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A 8be Have you ever been to Venice Be 1 don't know. My man alwayw.1 takes the tickets! London Opinion. FOR DISEASES OK THE SKIN. Nearly alt diseases of the: skin such as tcsema, tettr, salt rheum and bar bers' iich. ars characteriud by an in tense itching and smarting, . which of ten makes life a burden and disturbs sleep and rest. Quick relief may be had by applying Chamberlain's Salts. It allays the itching and smarting al most Instantly , Many cases have been cured by its use. For sale by all Deal- A Fast of Herts Riding. At Newmarket,- Englund, May, S, 1758, a wager was laid by yountfwo- msn that she would Tide on bacse back I.OtJO miles' tn 1.000 tours. Sbs accomplished the feat In s! little more than one third of the time earned. Legal Notices MORTGAGE SALE. . - j . . - . ' v" ' - 1 . . 1 Pun iot is tto nm of MJaeeaUio Utha certain aartea imA naeatae by Bm ael K And moo ua Annia 11. Andanon, hla wit, to D. H. StaUHit. bMriae daU of lUreh 6th. 111. and nrmrdri hi thk puMic rwords offle of R stetarof dMSkfofCravmcMBtr. ia.Baok Hat. 184-Follo It, ch anderaicsad rtU offar for ala and aeli to tin highmt biddar f o raaa at Um court tuxua door ia Naw Bara. K. C aa Monday th 2!iud day f Aoril. MIS, at the bmur ( It o-eiock. Wt Om folbwinc daauibad raal acute aa conrajrod tocafd mor fasa to wit: ' ..'.,.-' , AU that m-in track or dumI al tha 7th townihip. CiMka county. North OaroHm. on the aooth old of Trent Rirar. ,naar the jetty of New Bar N. C. bainnicoa tha aouth akteof Bryan atreet (aa deacribad and Wd off ia the tlot of land etad "ColttmhU" which anUptotio ruconlad in tr UcjrUtar'a ac for the aaid Cravan county i Book 112-Folioa 298 ud 93 four hundAd (480) eighty foot f race otona on the aonth aida f the Beaufort Rood, which Mid atom iciiu from (ha foot of Ckwmont Bridge. oer Trent River aforeaaid: than rana couth 78 E. 210 feet; Inea couth 12 W. 210 feat: then north 78 weat 2:0 feet; then north It E. to the baainaimr. Said tot betoiBc the numb, r three (8) apon anld plot or plan, and bein the aama land cocrayad by Hem? K. Kryan at ale to Benr W. And onby oaaUdOeocmberoth. 18SS. recorded in saia tmti rteorda in Book No. ltt.-Folioe 148 and 144, 'and Inherited by aaid Baa 01 E Andante aa con and cole-heir-at-Uw of aak Henry W. Aadereon. now daceaacd. . Alaoanoahar tract or nareal of land la the 7th townibip. aaid elite and coanty. lyioc and Ulna cituatad on WiUiama atnet la the plan of ""Graje vUle,"aaplotindandreeordedia aaid anblie re- corda in Bcok No. 112-Folioo 14 and ), and boa rinit thannmbareighty-an (86) apon aid plot orplaa. It beinjf the name land coa ray ad by KB. and J. A. ateadowa Co.. to Elisabeth Aadereon by d d dated Jane g4th. 18V8. reeorded in aaid pub lic recorde in Book No. 184-FoUa 264, end herittid by aaid Sunual E. Andereca as aoa and aole hir-t-ia of a lid Elizabeth Andaman. ao deceoMd. The oWriptloac in all of arnica aaid aeedc art hereby referred to and a da a part boreal, . Thia 14th day of March A. D . ISO. . O. a. STALUNGS. Ifortsase --XGLUTORS NOTICE. All penone bavint clahna ncalnat the aetata of Honey Moore, deccaaod. an notified to preei them to the anderaianed for payment duly au thenticated n New Bern. N. C before the 16th day oi March. IMS, or thia notice will be pltnd in tar of recovery. All who aro indebted tn the tate are required to make inunediata payment to me, A.H.BANGEKT. Duly auatined Executor of Haney Hoore. Thia March Utht 1912. NOTICE. In accordance with chapter 28$ of tha primate UwaofNorthCarolina.aeaaiont81t.it beinean act lbcorporatin the Trent Rirar Railroad Com pany and preecribtnc the manner and method of a oonnjty bond iaene. notice ia hereby given that aa eleetwn will be held nt the avarioaa preetneta in Jonee county on the 24tiulay in April 1912 at which time and place the eueation of 8ubccriD- tion"orNa8obieription" to tha ceonty'c hv euin (flfty thouhnd) IStUMO of bonds to besub' acribad to the capital ctoek of aaid railroad, will be an omitted to the Qualified rotrra for approval A new MalatraUoa has been ordered by the board of onmmtaaionera ia accordance with aaid act and nsiatrara and poll hold era ban been ap pointed and the phbUe ic notified that tha regis tration booka will be open from 22d day of March to and laeludinc the ISth day of April 1912. -. Thia 9th day of March. 1912. - R. D. DIXON, Clark to Board, r NOTICE. NORTfl CAROLINA CRAVEN CDUNTV. Sarah E. Ambrose Spencer W. Ambrose. Superior Court. Th defendant a bora named will take notice that an action entitled na above has been com menced in the Superior Court of Crnvea county, to obtain n dhroree.from the bondc of matrimony That the aaid defendant will further toko no tice that he ia required to appear at the April term of id Superior Court in aaid county, to be held on the 8th day of April. 1912. at the court houao in aaid county, in New Bom, North Caro lina, and nnawer or demur to tha complaint In aaid action or the plaintiff will apply to the Co art for tha relief demanded ia aaid complaint. This March och.1912. W, M. WATSON: , -' Clark Superior Court. iha Riwae Ma in. j The river Seine with its branches and canals connect Rouen with one- nna of tftf wuii area of France. TOiifYiaDWPrixs '- A Stsrttar. ' 8he And so you aire going to be my aon-tn Uwt He-By Jovel I bada't thought of thaU London Tatter. . j The "Child's Welfare" movement has challenged the attention ef thought ful people everywhere. Mothers are natural supporters, and will find tn Foley- Honey and Tar Compoutd a most valuable4 aid. Coughs and -told that unchecked lead to croup, brooch tie and pneumona yield aulckly to the h al ing and xothing qua itiea of Foly's uoney ana inr compound, ror sale by an oesiers. yregrapriy. "I spent a lot of money on that rbl of mine to have 'er learn her pyrog raphy, as she called It. "Did she get on well with ttr n "Can't make a pie worth puttla Is your moutb." Exchange. A PLEAS A it Pttsra When you wan a pleasant Dhvsit give Chamberlaln'a Stomach and Live i Tablets, m trial. s The are mild an rDl) in their action and alvravs cro due a pleasant cathartic affect. Call at b.aTM utuH pure tur a ine cauipir, i A Puial. CynK-usAH women are alike. Rllll cue A sit yet some men commit bits uiy.-runii.i.-iinla Record. f Legal Notices MORTGAGE SALE. ' By virtue of the power oontained. in a certain Morta-aKe Deed executed by Jaaper T. Carrawaa K. R. Jooea. dated Jan. 4, 1901 and recordrd the offloe of Reaieter of Daeda of Craven county Book No, 139, page SOL rhavina- been dnly quili Aed aa adminietrator of the estate of K. R, Janea will aeli to the hicheet bidder for eaati at the Court Houee door ia New Bern. N. C, op Stur day the S9th day cf March 1912. the following de acribed piece of hud-lying and belne in Craven : county, N-Con the north aide of Neuae river and on the weat aide of Swift Creek, adjoining the '. Dnea of H, J, Carrawan, Lewia Wethington. Alec a iraine and othera. It being part of the patent - sranted to Ebenerer Slade; beginning at the foot of ' Thoa. Green'a path the beginning corner of Fr n- cis Fonrille'a line end running with aaid Fonville Sret line N. $8 1-2. W. 80 polea to a aecond corner. than with FonvUle'a aecond line N. 27 1-2, E, 14H polea to a lightwood atakaon an Uland in Mt. Ple- . ant Swampthen with Thomae Green'a patent no to a eorterof a piece of land deeded to Lewia Wethington by Elbert PhUlipB.then: with aaid Wethtngton'e line to the main road; then down aaid road to the corner of a three acre thereof land deeded to Alrx Wigging by Elbert fhillipa: then with aaid Wiggin'a line to Beaaley'a patent; then with Beaatey'a line a 62 1-2. E to a pine corner of aaid patent, then N, 85 1-2 to the main roea; thence down aaid road to the beginning, con- -brining one hundred and thirteen (113) acrea man or leaaand known aa the Elbert Phillipa land. . i. AJonea, adminiatratdr of the estate ol R. ' Jonec and truetee of E, R. Jonea, heira. -'- Thia 28 day of Feb , 1912. COMMISSIONER'S SALE OF REAL . - ESTATE.': . Under and by virtnre of an order of the Fuper- -r Court of Craven County. N. C. m in the apeelal proceeding entitled Florence' A. Collins and R.. A. Collins, her huanand. Man r Carrie William and JTamer Williame, her hue- ' band, William Lucas and Texana Lncaa, hit wife; Mamie Lucas and Fred Lucas, tha last turn Mm, minora appearing by their next f rienr!, D. S. Jonea ' Carrie Louise Wetherinston. Ruth Odesaa Wethertnsrton and Ira Wayne ' Wetherington. appearing by their next friend, knthnnr Wetherington. the undersigned commissioner i I on Monday, flrat day of Anril. 1012. at ix in 'oloek. M.. at tha court houae door of Craven - County, In the city of New Bern, N. C offer for ' sale to the highest bidder, for iash, ail that cer tain lot a i-aI nt ImiuI. lrfn -J v. " . . . I,!.,, U..UB.U 0 1 lit uv .; ing in the city of New Bern, N. C. and boundi - as follows, vi. Beginning on the- west Rids of Pasteu street and at tha corner of Harriet w ,1. son's and Betsy Moye's lot and running with their line 140 feet; thence northwardly and parallel to Pasteur street 32 feet, 1 inch; thence eastwardly and parallel to Queen street 140 feet to the weat de of Pasteur atreet; thence with the west aide ! Pasteur street K feet, 1 inch, to the beginning ; : being the same land conveyed hi H. R. Rrvnn and Mary N. Bryan his wife, to RutHey Lucas oy deed dated 29 May, 1880. and registered in tha office of the Register of Deeds of Craven County.. C in book 82. page 316. This 26th day of February. 1912. ... ' K, A. MINN - ' Commissioner. NOTICE OF SALE. ' J - ..)-. ........ .-.-.r-wvr By virtue of the authority conferred upon the undersigned by a certain contract entered .into between Joseph L. Hahnand JohnT. Harris, for the pnrebaee of a lot of land hereinafter describ ed. In which aaid contract the ti le to the said land was retained by the said J. L. Hahn until the purchase money therefor wan paid in full; and default having been made in the payment said purchase money at the time specified for Its payment, and the said J, L. ilaVin being fully empowered to take possession of said land upon such default and to sell the aame at public or-privato sale .: . ; v' NOW THEREFORE, in compliance with, the terms and stipulations of said contract as afore said the undersigned will offer for sale and sell for cash at public vendue to the highest bidder at tha court house door in the city of: New Bern -Craven county. North Carolina, at 12 o'clock M.. on Saturday the 30th day of March. 1912, the fol lowing described real estate, lying and being sit. aate in the city of New Bern, bounded and des cribed as follows, to-wit:- - ... , Tont certain lot or parcel of land in the city of New Bern. Craven county. North Carolina, and fat that portion of said city known and designated as Pavietown," as plotted and reeorded in Book No. lOS-Folio 3SS. of the public records in office of Register of Deeds for said Craven county, and bearing the number Seventy (70) upon said pr.t or plan, said lot being located on the weat aide of Bloomfield atreet and being $2 .feat by J.04 ftet more or lees. ' " ' JOSEPH t, HAHN. This 23rd day of February, 1912, ;' ' -' . . , , MORTGAGE SALE, t '; Pnranant ta tha imwm nt 1- that aertaia mortgage deed, executed. by Daniel ' uouowayand Julia Holloway. his wife to J, L. Haha haarlna ilsla nf A n.il 9 1 turn corded in the public records in office of Register of iMeasior craven county. North. Carolina, in Book No 180-Folio 406. , v-. The undersigned will offer for aala and aeli t the highest biddar. for eaah a the mnnrt h. door in said Craven county, on Saturday the 20th day ofi March. 1912. at tha hour of 12 o'clock, all tha foliowingdeacribed real estate to wit; AU that contain lot or parcel of land lying and ' being situate In the city of New Bern. North Carolina, and in that bart of aaid cltv known aa "Reiseusteinville," aa recorded in the ernce oi Kagucer ot ueeda lor said Cravea county. In Book No. 106-Folioa S and ft, and bearing a son said plan the number two 2l houndal and doseribed aa follows: Beginning on the weat aide of Middle atreet at a point, the extreme north end ' of said street, and running thence north 90 1-2 W, iw rent to the northwest corner ef said lot; thence southwardly parallel with Middle street to the" corner or k No, one; tnenee raatwardly 100 feet to Miller atreet; thence northwardly 86 feet along Miller Street to the hevinnlrur. Ytui ridr.llin. . house area said promisee bearing the number 10 aimer street. . . - This tSrd day of February. W't j - - " J, 1 HAHN, ''- M.g iw..' ' ; ' : ' , 'P? ' ADMINISIRATOK'S orCE. - " as (4 , f r Notice is hereby given that the U&deraffl ned has thia day qualified as Administrator of thm t . ef W. A. Williams deceased and all persona hold- ' ing Claims against aaid eetate are hereby nolillrd to Ble the asms duly verified with the nnderaign- ,en or belore February 28 1918 or thia notice will be pleadej In bar of any recovery. .All s ms indebted to said estate will m.L. i mediate aettlemrat with the undvrsigned- ' J. H. HOl.LEY. . 'Mm ' ' Admlnlitrator, Aa.J - . Notice To Creditors. The undersigned having thia ilny qua lified before the Clerk of Superior Court f Craven rounly ss Adniiniftnitor of W. II. Robinson, Iicc;ihI, hortly notifies all pprnons havini; rlmtna iii'Hinr the estate of the salj VV. H. Ul,n, n to preient them duly authenticated m the uniJiirsij'ned on or tefortlie i- day of Karch, A. I). i;13. or tl ii notice v i. he r.iea.V.1 in I.ar of;: heir reccvr rv. '! perpi.fiO in 1. i.Seil to t!.e exf-ile (,f , 2 wil j ' . .a i. j, - , t. j. r. j f f I ;jl!:ra, Ul-tf cr r trou ' ' -r ere t " : in actio i, ; i i