NEW BERNvCRVpN COUNTY, N. .C., TUESDAY MARCH. 26 1912 FIRST SECTION 34th YEAR No 102 " -: : v: :; -.;;:-v ; : Harry Irvino Greene Author Yosonde of the Wilderness" ItiiicToiii CHAPTER XV Tom tuddenlj finds MoiMlf financially mined. He learns that V ackay hd o manipulated the stock lb . uk Invested that h- lost swery ' hi'f' ,: 4 T- ;.--p''.! - - slaiijr employe "of a soulless corpora tion at a nominal-salary and must- jtllLgiva my attention to the petty fle- , tails of Journal and ledger had' galled um until several times I bad been upon - the point of resigning. 'This I now de cided, ttf' do at onco, and sitting -dovn lat my secretary .forthith notified months, as it surWy us,e vtfS not nec4 to return, du will go vn and-on asr yotr wish.-, 'None will be as happy as we, and ou lives ;wjll one long honeymoon. Nothing shall be denied you.. Come." ;-Carried away as I was by the impetuosity of my passion, 1 firmly believed that I had forecasted our destiny as infallibly as fate itself as I turned my glance from the fly ing roadway to her face. She must have' caught so'me of my enthusiasm, ; them to that effect by means of a let J for hor eyes were glowing and the tet - giving more Important buBlnesa - ts tny reason and enclosing them a check for my overdrawn salary. This "; radical step having been )ta.;en, and ?. with icy bridges now being burned be- hind me,1" " experienced some of the ' Joyous . sensations of an onward f marching invader of a new continent. "With nothing to hamper me now ex ' cept the keeping of an eye upon my Investments, I could givo myself over to the attractions that lay by the way (. without the ever-piesent and pleasure marring thought of early rising and V uncongenial work upon the morrow. The automobile was at the ent.rauca Oi the Vccdla- Mrs, Dice uwall od me In her apartments, and together we "descended and entarcd the machine. I gave it plenty of speed and we went whlrrinK down th wide artery that led to the. heart of the city.- I to'.d i' bei of my resignation frcm druJgery, v and after a moment's - reflection she voiced her arproval of it. ' "The position was but a"8tepping sione, and it Is hiirdly ''possible tha It would have ever brought you mor than a hard-earned Uving. And that ts the very thing that, I am; anxious v that you should escape. Ycu are rap-' idly becoming a man of affairs and ; your future depends a great C&tlThiore on what you do with your head than , with your han,." -"'H ;;-:'".." It was a g.oriouii thing to be hum mlngjalong with her in thiit ' ear'.y ' forenoon hour, her commendation .ringing in my ears and' the sw,et-tnesa ; of freezes blown ecress- fresh waters ; exhilarating ray physical uens'es. My "utbusiasm leaped,;on'war(l --B&V&fSf as a bounded rubber ball, ard despite her 'Injunction to the contrary,. 1 rt- termtned to maku a ctaFtowanla the .' subject of our marriage.1- But I would ' make It judiciously and if; she cau tioned me would Immediately turn ' Into some other iliwinel. 1 let one tMnd fall uooa. her alo.'ed flngws. "If yoi. were viy wife, sweHthert. ' 1 would be the hitpplest man In th , world today," 1 said, tenderly. "There la an old and wise adage which says we should live to our fullest today ft for tomorrow we die. And it some times seems to,n e that we are partiul fingers which-1 held entwined them selves amongst mine. ;,' "It is what I have dreamed also.- It Is what my life muBt be,- and of late I have grown t picture you In my mind as the onewho Is to share all those things with mo. But it would be terrible to-awake some morning In the midst of our happiness and find It ruined."" Therefore I wish you to be fully insured before embarking not that I would love you any the more if you bed a million,, but because the lite you have Just portrayed is what we Doth crave. And I believe that all you have said will come true. But while I might.wisb, vory much to irmrrv you tomorrow. I ' think it Is better to wait." ''-'-.. I slipped my free arm beneath hers and drew her to me. "Make It to morrow, dearest," I pleaded, i'eeling that she swayed upn the brink of Bur render and that could 1 have taken her in my arms she would ' have yielded completely. "VvTien I think how happy we would be, it Beems a shameful waste of time to deny our selves." Her bosom was rising and falling . rapidly and , I knew that the battle wiuv.n ner was raging snu.p-1 ly. -Her reply was both distressed And beseeching: ' n ' ' "You must not press me any more, Tom. No "woman is-more human than I. You are making it very difficult for mo to resist, ard it hurts me to say 'no' to you. Please please don't drive me' so hard." - - '';:- :' ' " , )j "Tomorrow," 1 insisted mercilessly, holding her still tighter and pushing" feyad vantage to the wtterinost. Hh averted her face, a troubled- look haunting lt,u-;'' .!rl '; :';'-"'' ' ' "Then I will compromise In this way. I dll give you your answer to morrow. . I must , have one day In which to Ihink It over. Mind yon, 1 do not promjse; I do hot refusn; I Simply demand a day of grace. You must let go of me now.", r r The finality of her tones told me that further pleading at this time would bo more likely to jeopardize my chances than help them, but feeling confident, nevertheless,- that I had woTi. I released her. ; And that she noinuuiip 4r nin times seems io,n e mat we are im. pr9cucally made up her mind to ly wasting the most precious days .l y.m j became more and more cou- our lives i camping, as iv were, upu the border of the promised (and and fearing to enter it I already havi enough money to last us for years, and surely with the start I now. have the rest will not be Ion 3 in coming. I want you to tell me: Is there any reason why you desire the postpone ment of our marriage except that I am In the midst of accumulating more resources?" vlnced ,duiing every moment of th next two hours as I attended her in her nurchasos of ; dainty handkern en'.eia and other bits of lingerie as we wandered through the grst stores. And when she finally made the excua. . ef wishing to shop alone for an bou Rttong forbidden things, promising to meet me for luncfi at the end of that time. I left her in an ecstasy that None in flu WOW I am Interested tZTi V In vnnr HllPPPSH fttlfl ""- blink at the thought of diverting tour efforts. For once married, I know It was '12 o'clock, toon, and I decid ed to run over' to my broker's for that I should claim your time Jeal- j ously." j "And you could marry me one time as well as another?' "Tomorrow as well aa any othet day.- . ..WXthta i m's .length of the prize which T "coveted "more than all "e"se In the world combined, the woman lor whom I would have waived my claims upon immortality to have pos- Utile talk with him while I was kin- bg the interval of -her absence. My stock had closed strong the night be fore after a substantial rise during the daj. and there was absolutely no cause in sight for uneasiness on my cart.' That it would go at least 20 points " higher . nobody seemed : to doubt, for at last the public was fairly apprised of Its . value and the dally havv nurchases were sending it up ward by leaps and bounds. The proj ect back of it was a tremendous nn- Caudidata'Afa Jteiiered of the Necessity of -lising " Influence to Elect Friends to the . ; Legislature . .. ' 'A-'Vi.'ftfe-,: , . .Raleigh. March ?t-rThe oufcom of the session of Ihetata .Democratic Execu'ive CommiUee' ' seeroe te mtet with vey . general -. appVoal am tag prsctira'ly very element of the party, Not only is .this t fus.qf the selection 01 the dale f(i,thi sat4 invention, June 6 h, and jtie :4iteror the precinct meetingi antlpriisaries May 18th and the county pooyentions May 26th, but also as to the :tatiwd Senatorship. It U pointed out. that the action 01 t,he committee in f"dering" the pri mary to be .'h'dtmeijera! electim day instead of merely recpmmmdinj? to the State convention that this be done, as the Senatorial, cardidatee had asked, and as the original resolutions Off ared in the convention, by A. W. McLean provided, relieves the candidates of any necessity of k. going, .Into the counties and taking any hand, i the nomination of the Demdcratie,ylidate4 for th 1 state legislature since the daftni'e call ing of the primary and prescribed obli- eation for the Democratic lei lators to abide by the result of the primary in electing the. Senator asiuree the selee lion bf the iboiie pf the people as Sen- ator. . U . The, biggest fight came over the pro posal of Corporation. Commissioner E L. Travis to not only order" lhprl m ry instead.f.'irKomni dd" It, but to precribej tjiat'the preferential system of primklebe 0eJ. It was thia that brought about an evident union of tie suppnr era of the Simmons nd Aye ck candujaeief fc.r the Senate xaim-t'hei KitchinSand Clark wins howliifiT At oek opposition to urfrential jplih V'd Kiichin and Clark adveeacy of prefereniiils and a roll -.honed the .DiMSirnr alliMnces lined up 39 rgainst preiutendata nd 17 for pref erentiuta. , ; 'L'iI- i ii ;" ''' il' '"""'" Thrre ia eefWin w be a renewal f the fight foji preff rentials in the a e convention,! which has the power to hange or abroealentlrely the action of the committee, ( However, ,thi re is undrti stood to be a general agrtement that the orde'ojf ..lip' 'primaries shall stand whatever .changes may be made is to the character "if. it or the regula tions govern nit 'Vi J Justice, ef Greensboro, give nuice that ha would move in thetr.i.te roiyenii n to make the Chang s tpat (haeoflimittee had vo te! d.wn. i''!i''"i '','':. .'. '" Tne official report'' of the last stute fair, thetl it North '(irolinaState Fair is just li-sued tnd'is moat giatifjing in its sloingf a ligh tegtee ofsu cs, in spite of the fact bnt last yar was the most difak'rpua in jthe history of BUte fairs ine couttir, over, in uns report Secrii'itry jisi pll E Pogue takes occasion 10 arge inat s. 111 1 steps uo i' ken to finance a hew bui.ditw to go up in spite of the; fact that there is not monev in the' tieasury this year t t anv new buhdojirs.y Ha wants mod ern-eneral exhibition building fininced afiv numbers bf th. executive commit- t e a-e urdrstood to be very favorable id such an undertaking The last fair hows a gain of $1,855 in gate receipt due to catting out fre puses and half lit ticket.' Thire" were 4,153 sepa rate entries 663 more than any previ ous year, A hi total receipts for th' Inst fair were (1.834 more than for 1910 and a gain of t4,lt2 Is reported in as inn DLiuflnu WEEKLY C0II1 Lost Dav of Winter Coldest Io New York 1 0 Many Years. Y Sleet and Snow. . New Y jrk, March 22. A sleet storm the forerunn r of ra severe bhzzaid which hai been gripping ; the Centi al Western States, has struck New York and badly hampered street traffic . Sleet and snow were promised for the next twenty-four hours by the weather bureau. , . Foreca-ter Scarr. of the wea her bureau, said that th nter which of fciaily ended at 59 o'clock yesterday afternonn. wat the coldest New York had known in miny years. : "Themeai temperature for thU win ter has been 29.4 degrees," s lid Mr Scarr. "That is an average of 5.4 de grees below the no-malv The wind has made a record in New.. Yotk. Ia the big storm of February 21-22 there wa an indie ited velocity of ninety mil 's an hour for a five minute period and for a Nil REVIEW Not Much Chance In Pncei Weather Situation Mixed ; " Awaiting New Deve- .. i Iopmeats. ! New York, iMarch 23. Pi ices have declined somewhat, four, the ' range has been irregular? Conflict in imports about the English coal strike partly ex plain this. Then, though- the weather was better st first, it became worse later oh; then Improv. d and then became bad again. Spot interests at times have sold the other crop, New Orleans, MvmphiV' Philadelphia and Liverpool interests and the Waldorf-Astoria ele ment have been sellers. Some South ern hedge selling, has teen noth-ed. Texas r ports in some rases point to a very 'arge acreage'aod in the extreme sou h western pare of that State it is said to be up to good stands. The government census report on gin ning put the total at 16,050,000 bales, including (inters, which was somewhat sing'e minute the Indicated velocity was ,arger lnan many had expected and ,feMed at the point of yielding herself " ' ueW thUe a . cm kA nt. m w tnri criiu nurBi niriu 1 - - - - w- m w U17 w..0 .i.-,0j, nrcrttrniiv inestimable, ana In an impassioned appeal. . "Then "If You Were My Wife, Sweetheart, I Would Be the Happiest Man In the World Today." thnt thfi entcrorlse would be one of the greatest ' money-makers ' of , the world' seemed '-certain that the lubiihltanta of the cltji-woald Increase and multiply. -, I ftnew that ring of ..A . - . a . . . 11.- with curtains drawn: yet they had fcuanrrantfld afllclal sanction by the City council and that seemed to set tie the matter. Whether the scheme had been carried through by bribery or not was a mooted question. Rich ard Mackay bad been arrested upon such a charge, but had escaped throuch a technicality of the law. At the first corner a shrieking news- r b-jy nearly ran between my legs, and above the uproar of the street heard him shout ' a sentence that caused me to gasp nnd clutch at a lamp pusifor supybrt " Baatehing a paper from him I 'threw him a coin and begnn to read, the paper shaking In my hands like a wlnd thrummed reed. Two paragraphs told me the hideous truth. Upon Information that had hern given him by Richard Mackay, who hud been frozen out of the combination by his cc-conaplra-,,ra atatn's attorney had filed a 120 miles an hour." A blizzard ia raging in northeastern Pennsylvania. Four inches of snow and hail fell.. It drifUd badly and delayer traffic on electric and steam roads. Western New Yor is in the grip of a bl zzsrd, ushered in during last night caused selling for a time. Some esti- mat s point to a larger crop than gen erally mentioned. Wall Street houses have sold more or lees. The Southern soil has better material in it than for many years past. Sales of fertilizers are said to be increasing. Liverpool by a drop of 20 degrees in temperature. eBeB h8ve as a rule been small and T 1 . - - , 1 . . ll: I - In Roehtstef six inches of snow fell; crippling street rrilway tr flic Burdened by a hravy coatin; of sleet scors of telephone, telegrai h and elec trluih'', wires wont down nn. a horse driven by Deputy Sheriff Andrew C tleman was instantly killed when 1 stepped on a live wire which Bet fire t the Economy Tel p-one Exi h nge The i perator, Iottie Barron, aged 17 Whs faved after much difficulty by Su perintendent OtU Delz, of the Snmr- setTeleuhone Compiny, whose office was in the same building. . WILLIAMS KIDNEY PILLS Have you" neglected your Kidneys? aaoA dem.. reDO,ted. The drv eeod Have ma overworneo your nervous rvf reftrand caused trouble with your kid neys and bladder? Have you pains it loins, aide, back, groins and bladder! Have you a flabby appearance of tht face, especially under the eyes? Too f rt quent a desire to pass urine? If so, Wil liams' Kidney Pills will cure you-et Druggist. Price 50c. Williams' M'l'g. 'lo., Prop., Cleveland, O. on Thutsday fell to 5.0 0 bales. Lately the market has "bulled" rather hard rha. seemed to many to indicate the ex is tence of the rai her t urdensome long intertst. Howevar, ilitie aie influential eopie who firm'y believe that the gen ial Situstion is bullish. They think it highly improbab e thai another big crop can be raised this yei r, because of the lateness 0' the sear on. Crop prepara tions in some parts of the belt are said o be some three to five weeks late, or j even more Intetior slocks are rapidly i li crcasinx- In some parts of theybelt they are said to be 20 to 40 per cent, smaller than a yar ago. Spot markets are genetally firm and in many cases a RESERVES ROY L ILL OBI Nets of Fishermen Who Are Viola-1 . tifig the Lav ia Dare '-vr...' County. J The lecal company of Naval Reaerves yesterday received orders ti leaver on board the Elfrieda Monday' morning with a crew of twenty-five men , tor Eder ton, where they wit receive order f rom C. 6. Vann, fish commissioner, to destroy the fiih neU io the various in lets of the Albemarle Sound in Dare county. Complaint of violations of the ft nine law have been so frequent late ly that this step was deemed advisable by the. state government and at a meet ing of the council of state the governor was advised to employ every means to see that the laws are enforced. The inability of the civil authorities of Dare county to prevent violations is so appar ent that the calling out of the naval militia and the ordering out of the gunboat were made expedient. There were many comp'aint as to violations of the fi-hing I iws last fall, but action was deferred in the hope ' ha the civil authorities of Dare county wouldattend to the matter, but com plaints have' continued to come in. The violators, have been warned repeatedly but their answer has been to , spread their nt? in the channels and inle'i of Albemarle,Sound and thus to prevent the fish frpm entering Pasquotank river, in whore shallows the fish spawn. It would not take many years of feckless catching of fish to cause a shortage in that seclitn, and it was to preserve them that the legislature passed a law protecting the fishing in certain defined territory ,; '.V - ' ill UFACTURERS 0FP0I5QII trade continue to improve. Manchester is active i n I strong. Spinners' takings re large. ' The closing was dull, how ever, with everybody awaiting new de velopments. v " .. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY Take LAXATIVE BROMO Quinine Tablets, Druggists refund money if it SIX PRISONERS fails to cure. E. W. GROVE'S signs hire is on each boxT 25c. Ewflra SERIES OF THE STANDARD B. & L. ASSN. ' The eighth teries of the Standard Building and. Loan Association opens April 1st 1912. .':; ' Subscriptions are being received daily 25 cents ennanca fee and 25 cents week ly instalments per share. No back dues required in this series R.O'HARA. Pres. J. T. BARBER, Secy. & Treas. Myers-Pool. BREAK JAIL The Time to Swat. Now Is the time to swat the fly. The groundhog has gone out of business and he bluebird disports nin-self in the dancing sunlight a sunli.t it that in viiea his high and muhty nuisance the fly to lazily wing his way from the haunt of filth to the dinner table or the living room. ; - - v ' If we would corquer, it behooves us to take advantsga of the situation swat whila tha IvnhnlH distributor ia Still. o'clock Sunday morning Charles Cook, j numericaIly Bpeaking, in bis infancy. wo wgaeu.anj wenara I A&d lurey we are not going to supine- charged with burgla-y and Frank Bry-1 . -,.1, MUn in hig ording it over ant. Gust Holly and Mathiw Williams, I , h . . ni(hu ,, rti.o-reable hab- Government 1 ritoners and all oarfl. who wwe confined in 1 raven county 1 An(1 ,hort ,et u. remember that jsil awaiting trial, picked the lock of now fa (he Ume to wal for , ,watin Picked Burglar Proof Lock With Fork. Opened Trap Door And With the Aid of Blankets Beached the Ground. Between the hours of two an J three time may save nine. come with me tomorrow, sweetheart I qu0 WRrranto proceeding In whlck he cV&rest! We will be qulotly married and start at onco for Europe. 1 can 1 sve my Interests in tho hands of r y Ircker, who will protect mo fully. Ve will msiit for nothliiK. Y"o' will ( to I'ml.ii to Ppftln, to AUth'M. V.'o v !U C! ' 9 throiiRh tho Mcdltoir.-ir.i Veil( 'w-r In th" Alps. '- v 'It ml,.:, r ( 1 t Nil TI i "il I 1 :1 .. 11,. . . V. a r r m n . JttlHrKca; tno very tu i" Vhlfie of the underground system. , Should that ofllo.lal be able to sub slmiUato Ui attack and prove that thn grnrt had been oMulufd by fraud and trlcl-.wrJTne M-T'ny euted, the nuttsi mtii! t doiuive H-a ronioratlon (,! nil In 1' anl iiP. 1'iT'"', t ' u,i 1 i: ; 1.1, a 1 r tn l 1 ii 1 ri'ii ' r It Let the i sua' ;shine in by using Pittsburgh Iperfect Fen cing arouna your city lot. J. S. BasnighHldw. Co. Runaway Marrljvt Bcsufort. Mr. R. S, Tinner and Miss Lata' U r ton, of BeaUfort.'ra' iwsy from the home of the bride's parents last Tun, -day night and -wore married.- It was decidedly aietopemen, and the bride's mother's objections were overcome on ly by stf aling her away and "beating it" to the preacher's Pinner is a fi ig man n the local N irfolk-Southern freight, betwrei) Gildsboro andBeau-f-jrt. BeaurorNws. .. Narrow Escape from Drowning. Late yriterday afternood Estelle, the six year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. UK Tynlall aha rside at No 16 Slort street, fell into Stver! fet of water ff E t Fiont Ve t and but for th timely apparance of one of thecrew of the rvenu cutter "Pamlico" would have been drowned. The liltU girl had lxen in the wati-r fur several minutes wh n rescued -I v nnc men u a hen laVen out. A,i I !"ii wassunimonmtat once and aui r ' I - lecuaitating her before life . their cell door wi h a fork, crawled through a hole in the celling opined a .. t .1 1 j Iran UOOr rp ninir Din on ; im rum, auu . -.n, . . . . .iih ihe .id of . mbe made from blank- Phone 99 and let us figure eu ascendei to the giound, s on your Screen doors and This is one of the most da ing and uo- t q Racniort ....!.KU .., .ver made from WindOWS. J. fc. basnight this prison. The men were confined in Hdw. Co a large steel eage made especially for the hold ng of criminals and which m A special train having 15 policemen claimed by the makers to be absolutely I on board left Greens'ioro for Kerners- butglar proof. Still it ie claimed tt at I N. C. te-tA Fuel Hatratone, a the men easily manipulated ine intri I'negro, who shot and slightly wounaeu cats mechanism of the huge lock which I ,, hfrn Railway conductor, E. 8. bolu the door. ' - I HoHen. Feel m is running high and , Jails r Cicero Williams c'aitra thtt he I trouble is expected, heard one of the men stilke the ground The following marriage notice clipped from the Norfolk Virginian-Pi V, 21st, may be of interest. Mrs. Myers is sister of Mr. C. K Pool, of this city. .The marriaie of Miss Lillie F. Pool to Mr. E. Myers was solemnizd yes tetday afternoon at ti e residence of the bride's mo' her, Mrs, Cornelia Kitklard Pool , at Twnty- ighth street, Pert- Place.-, Immediately after the marriage Mr. and Mrs. Myeis left cn the Old Do minion Line for an extended trip North, Upon their return they will be at home o their friends after April 1st, at No. 623 twenty-ninth street - Mrs. Myers is the daughter of Mrs. rCbrnelia KirkUnd and the late Dr. Sol omon Pool, who was for a number ol yeai s president of the University of North Carolina. She has been promi nent in . Norfo'k's musical circles for some year. - Mr. Myers it the -son of the Rev. R. T. and Mri. Myers, of Mc Veytow. Pa., but has bten a resident of this city for teirly twenty yean, lie is a prominent and successful gen eral contractor and bui'der." Drug Men Objecting To ' IJeipg . Called Dopcrs, Dr. Wiley Ap plies Above Term. . Wsshingtcn. March 22. -Dr. Harvey W. Wiley, appeannxas a ri 'ale cit zen before the 1 ure food board In advocacy of a regulition guarding very strictly the use and sale of opium, morphine, coc tine and other habit-formirg drugs, aroused the anger of drug repre ea'a tives by referring to them m "dopers.', A heated argument entued and for a . moment it looked as if blows might be . passed. After several interchanges Dr. Wiley consented td witharew the term "dopers," but said he would still insist , on calling them "manufacturcrj of poi son." ... .. :;'-V.,v.-i: , For that," he added, "is what y.u yourselves are willing to have there drugs and preparations containing them called." , . As soon as the former chief chemist had used the word Vdopers," John J. Queens, of St. Louis, a manufacturer of saccharin, was on his feet object ing. : -'" V We cane heri," he declared, "to be given a hearing; we are respectable , minufactmere and we do not want to be insulted. I think the . board slnu'd compel Dr. Wi!ey to withdraw his re mark." -.,:';."- .tVV'' "1 refus! to withdraw it," came back the do:tir. :- . . ';: But after further discussion by sever al pres nt, with whom he .said' he had had pleasant lelatior.s, Dr. Wiley modi- , fled his language. ; - , ; s - The representatives of the drug manu'aeturers argued that exception should be made of prepa'ations contain ing only small portions of opium, mor phine, cocaine and ether drugs named. They held that there were so mmy of these prepartionB scattered though srniil drug stores all over the country, that it would require years find be a heavy ex pense for the m nuf acturers t i have a 1 marked with skulls and cross tones as the regulati-. n of the pure food boprd , would require.'1'" i ' . "."T ' ' Dr. Wiley declared that the manu facturers who had bet n making tho pro- Jits should ray whatever , costs wele . . . . . 1 tv. J . . . .1 necessary to protect tne puouc irom 1110 drug habit. - "Mny I afk whom , you represent," said Mr. Hough, of St, Louis, when Dr. Wiley appeared. 'l represent one privates cilizsn,";' was the reply, "something new at these hearings, but which, I hop, will . be frequent in the future. "As to the drug mnn ifacturers' ar gument that small quantities of opiuT, morphine are not harmful, itwou'd take a million Hague opium conferences to convince me that the email amounts should be allowed. Not h ng ia better than small doses as a m?ans of foster ing the diug habit" , - Dr. A. R. Dohme, of Baltimore presenting the National Arsociation of Manufacturers of Medical Products, re- commendtdthat pisied plac es he jumped from the fence afier sli ding down from the roof, ar.d that he ran to the door and saw the man disap pear around tha corner of a neat by bull ding. He then went upstaiia and found the cell d Mr ocen. H locked tbis and then gave the alarm. Search was at once Ins) ituted and late THURMAN ITEMS. 'March 20th. We think Spring 'has arrived, we notice several butterflies and have heard the m irtina song. The hyacin ha sre blooming and' the fruit tre s are beginning to show their blos soms, ." Sunday was a perfect spring day as Sundav afternoon Matthew Willlims rmtA mnA rantiirerf hear -Van-i boro. He was brought ka Sunday eunshina and pleasant atmos nlahtand returneJ tn his cell. The p' ere could make it, but the roads are she. ff haa offerad a reward of 110 ra-h i n wlnU for the fugitives, f Mrs. Davis and daughter, of Golds- . If th s look to the cells in the jail c n biro, and Miss Georgia Willis, of More be picked so easily it ia high Ibne that heal City, were guests of Mrs. G, M, somathin 1 should be done toward mak- Hard-on Sun lay. . runner Receives Appointment. Mr. W. IK Flanner who has been act ing clerk of the Superior Court for this county during the illness of the late W. tt: Watson, was yesterday appoiotel to fill th vacancy cause! by the death of that official JulgeH. W. Whedbeeof Greenville- making the appointment Mr. J, B. Harvey of Vanceboro, was al s a candidate an1 was strongly recom mended for . this plade. Mr. Flanner bat had severalyear experience in the Re gister of Deeds and clerk of the court offices, is thoroughly acquainted with the duties and that be will now perform as chief and that he will make a very tfflcent officer ia the opinion of alL ng eontrol of the drugs objected to in the hnds of the internal revenue office, thus doing away with the necessity - of a regulation which he declared was im practical and expensive. ,. A st' ike among the 30,000 textle operatives at' Nw Bedford, Mass., was considered a pousibility of the near fu ture.' '. . ' ing the cells proof against any further escapee. There is but litt'e use of put ting nun in jtil If thf-y are allowed to walk out ahsnever th y see fit toijo so. r f 1 1" That old chiir needs a coat of China-tnc to niake it youruj again B. P. S. specialties for the best house- L V' v.tIIi,7 T C J. W. Mrs, G. U Hardison has returned from Ocean. Mrs. E II. Conner, of Success farm, was at Mrs. S. C Mattocks' Sunday. nd Mrs. W. F. Hill were visit- Thurman Sunday. We have four new pupils at the Thur man school, we now have 23 on the roll and all present except-three or four. Only f cvn wei-kl left to com- Mr, an Ira at TI Let us have your orders for Screens now. Avoid the ruch. XS. Basnight Hdw Co. ; : ;.'; ' - :.'; . . Charged With Perjury. ' 'police officer W. H. Smith (the ce' brated John Doe) of Vanceboro,. will ! given. a hearing today before Justice of the Peace D. S, Jones and W. R Bar- ringten, cn a warrant sworn cut by G.iry Hawk, charging them with per jury. Hawk c'aims that tfUcer Smith swure fsl- i ly against him at the lu&t term of r,a orior Court for the triel of crimiiiul rif s and at which he wa con victed r f 1 ".ing whiskey. Another Wreck On Norfolk-Southern. ' Wendel', March 22. Last night - at 6:15 a Norfolk-Southern freight train had one of its cars jump the track just as the train was pulling into Wendel I. The condition of the track softened by the recent showers was not to blame, for this. The front track of. a ear f.ud denly collapsed and smashed about ho axle boxes throwing the front of tho car directly across the tracks ? tearing them badly for a length of about 20 yards before the train wan stopped, The accident taking pliice w.hete it did, it made it impossible for the wreikint; crew which soon reached . the scene, to topple the car to one side -and clear the tracks. Steep embankments along side the tracks made this utterly impossible. Anthracite m ners will wait until af ter the itumino'iB miners'- cnnfirrnc before lhe7 attempt to eett'e their dis pute with the operators. A. Ji ' ti FCREST ITEM I. , - - f'T- Craven County, March 2M-We 1 ro having some warm weather nmv, 1e.1l Spring weather at last. We hi pe it will last Mont of our armors are nearly n-a j for punting. Our schrol closed hint i'. i '. y. We are to r.-- '. ti . t t -,i Vnt -n iii r 1 ' ' ' 1 f. ,v r n t i r r ! T ,h, of Minne- .1 V) : 'i la c I l',.U our w j