iee raw raaUshed tt Twe Section, every Tuesday anf rrfday, at Joarnal Balld w im Craven Itroot , . , . CHJJLLES In STXTIXt, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. Official hpwtt Nit Jul eaS Craves Gouty. ;. SUBSCRIPTION s RATES.' Two Monthi.. w m I.W Three Moaths.. .. .. . . II U Months.. .. .. . ... M twelve Months.. .. .. .., Mt ONLT St ADVANCE.; v The Journal to tarty wit oa pay-In-advance bads. Subscribers will r eelve notioe of azpiratloa ot their sub ertrtptions and m tamadiata response 10 actios wu oa appreciated by the Advertising rates furnished upon application at the efnce, or apon In quiry by maP nteied at the Postotnoe, Nw Barn. K. Gi aa Mcond-cIaM Batter, x New Bern, N. C June, 11. 1912. AN EQUAL DEMOCRATIC EN DORSEMENT FOB EACH. The North Carolina Democrats in convention at Raleigh June 6, gave equal endorsement to the de mocracy of Senator Simmons and Governor Kitchin, that cannot be successfully impeached. That the democracy of either should be ques tioned, could only come from prej udice, from personal desira to gain a possible political advantage thro' distorting actual fact. The Ral eigh endorsement has removed from possible campaigu controver sy the question as to the degree of democracy of F. M. Simmons, in his public senatorial service, or that of W. W. Kitchin, in his public acts as Governor of North Carolina. This is a happy clear up from a party standpoint of a political situation that might have developed and grown into party bitterness, through questioning the political party probity of two great North Carolinians. No element in a political cam paigu is so harmful, so disintegra ting in its effect upon the voters, as this question of political probi ty of leaders. It upsets in the vo ter's mind party standard of prin ciples. because those who are stan dard bearers are reported doubt- iui in ineir party sincerity, x ue voter must feel and acknowledge that honesty only, is in his leader, and this once realized, party plat form and principles are assured of a a a. k. fTL - hearty acceptance and endorse ment. Any question of personal Demo cratic integrity in the present sen atorial campaign in this State has been eliminated. The candidates must stand each upon his own in dividuality, must merit being the wisest selection to fill this great seat of Senator in the National Council. . THE COMING OF LOCKE CEAIG. Few things have in them possi bilities for such radically changed conditions as politics. This is no tably true in the present selection of a gubernatorial candidate , by the State Democratic party, com pared with the previous campaign leading up to the conven tion, and the struggle on the floor of the convention at r Charlotte, where all was noise and tumult, int bv the aiDiranfj throuehout tne Bute. , The nomination of Locke Craig tm a -1 aImmmI. m 1 mm m party vindicating itself, . and py ingjust tribute to this illustrious Democrat The time has passed quickly, but the yean passing each added a certainty to the noon ination at the Democratic Conven tion of 1912, of Mr. Craig, and this without solicitation or the usual preliminaries hading to a nomination. The very strife, the personal endeavor of candidates, the strenuous efforts 'of friends, theneiseand hustle of the con vention, with the struggle of the ballots of the previous gubernato rial eampaigo, found Its counter part ia the scene of June 6th 1912 at Raleigh, when a great party unanimously asked ona man to be Its staadard ttarer. Tbs nsmin&tion cf Locke Craif, is f quirolent to fcis election. .That le will meet Loth party rcquire- r -;;'! mi J tie rciuIreuicLts as the f ' 'd (It f r restive, ttere is im; I hi. V.'ita bacb a. hearty , r. ...... t :a iy a Children Cry for Fletcher's Lm ! The Kind You nave Always Bought, and which has been ' ia use lor over 30 years, Ims Dome the, sigrnatture of i .4 t And ha s been made under his er j ifjP j&f sonal supervision since Its infancy. WiefyX -CUCAi Allow no one to deceive you in this. " All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jnst-as-good " are but -i . Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health ot Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless snhstitnte for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It . contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotio substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishncss. For more than thirty years it has been i i constant use for tho rolief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach nrd Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving' healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THC CtNTU COMPHMT, TT MURRAY TWCET. MCW VOWS CITT. Craig's administration should mark a most successful epoch iu North Caroliua history. How s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Tole do, 0. We, the undersigned, have known P. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe hira perfectly honorable in all business transactions and fin ancially able to carry out any obli gations made by his firm. Walding, Kinnan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toltdo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken in ternally, noting directly upon the blood and inucon8 surfaces of the aystern. Testimonials sent free Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hail's Family Pills for coa--tipatioa. The Minnesota Democratic Sta'e Con vention instructed for Woodrow son. Wil-lor FOLEY-RiDNEY PILLS rOH BAOKAOIM KIDNEYS AND BLAOOKN Drs. F. W. Bachtel and H. W.Stoner of Baltimore, made addresses at the American Medical Association at At Untie City. COULD SHOUT FOR JOY. ' "I want to thank you from the bot tom of my "heart." wrote C. R. Rader, of Lewisburg, W. Va.. "for the won derful double benefit I got from Elec trie Bitters, in curing me of both a severe cae of stomach trouble and of rheumatism, from which 1 had been an almost helpless sufferer for ten years. It suited my case as though made just forme." For dyspepsia, indigestion, jaundice and to rid the system of kid ney poisons that cause , rheumatism Electric Bitters have no equal. Try them. Every bottle is guaranteed to satisfy. Only w cents at an druggists. , Injunction proceed ngs were institut ed in Philadelphia restraining a federat ed committee from accepting or reject ing proposals made by the general man ager of the Pennsylvania Rai r ad Co. QUICK RELIEF FOR RHEUMA1 ismJ GeorgeJW. Koons, Lawton, Mich. saya: "Dr. Detchon's Relief for Rheumatism has given my wife wen- darful benefit for rheumatism. She could not lift hand or foot, had to be Mfted for to months. She began the o of the remedy and improved rapidly. Oa Monday ahe could not move and on Wednesday she got up, dressed herself and walked out for breakfast' Sold by Bradham Drug Co. The House voted not to inclu le in the Sundry Civil Appropriation bill the money necessary to continue the Tariff Board, Fcby-Kidnoy Pills TOM 10 IN ACTION - QUICK IN StSUtTI Otve prompt relief from BACKACHE, KIDNEY and BLADDER TROUBLE, RRSUMATISM, CONGESTION yof tf CISNEYS, INFLAMMATION of the BLADDER and all annoying URINARY IRELZaULARITIES. A positive boon to UIDDLE A4BD and ELDERLY FZCPLB and for WOMEN. ' HAYS. HIOHrST RtCOMMCNDATtON R A. PN. Whlnrl St, CoaMrtTllla, i 1., U l I, i. ?v th yniir, llwrltMDi "J htM s, , - -. it.ti. k Irom mf hiftitMit and bind. J - itrlt4ktM ftiid my ll tilitrrtn i ft, r.ii.nn mtm to Umm oitt k tliwp ft. ft i ' i n-f I .it.tftr tt-ftrft wftfl OiHiaimil . I t-' . i h iumf 1'iiti fur 'mn tnn. -.Ift l F"t;'lfttifi!i?in iftlt sr , t I. I- . Ilf IllUMftf I bml m$ i'v'w- aTa a awn i tiiMiB Signature of 6REATLY REDUCED RATES 10 Norfolk, Va., World Wide Baraca Philathea Union. ' Norfolk Southern Railroad offers the most convenient and best route to the Baraca acd Philathaa classes attending the World Wide Union in Norfolk. From Rates Goldsboro $5 40 Kinston 6 40 Washington 4 20 New Oein 5 40 Tickets sold June 19 to 22nd; good to return until Jjly 3'd. For par ticulars ani arrangements for large parties, call upon nearest ticket ageut, Norfolk Southern Railroad. W. W. CROXTON, G. P. A. Norfolk, Va. The man who has nver failed is able to appreciate sui -"s. un- A CAI. This is In eti f f Fo'ey's Honey -ot contain ming druci. and Tar C trj any opia'es, ai y ,.b; anv intirtdien -- n. cuuld poaaibly barm its us'tg. O Hie contrary, it (treat healing m.d soothing qualities make it a real temeJy for cough, told and irritations cf the throat, cheat and lungs. The genuine ia in a yellow pack age. Aek for Foley's Honty and Tar Compound and accipt no substitute, For aale by all Dealers. Mrs. Astor's Estate. New York, June 7. The estate of Mrs. Caroline W, Astor, widow of Wil liam Astor and long the leader of New York society, amounted to bat little more thaa $100,000, according to the final accounting of aurviving executors, tiled in the Supreme Court today Col onel John Jacob Astor wu one of the executors.' How many of the June brides popped the question themselves this leap yeart Mrs Lela Love, wife of Wiley Love. a farmer living mar Covena, Ga , taya: "1 have taken r ole; Kidney rills and find them to be all you claim for them They give ' me almost instant relief a non my ki Inevs were sluggish and in active. I can cheerfully recommend iht-in to ail sutterers trora kidney tron Me4."-Sold by all Dealers. Impeachment proceedings were be ! gun against Judge Hanford, of Seattle, Wash. . ' Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Strikers and polico fought at Middle- town, Conn. Thsre is no real need of anyone being troubled with eons I i pat ion. . Chamber- Iain's Tablets will cauie an agreeable movement of the bowrla without any unpleasant effect. - Give them a trial. For sale by all dealers. VERY W BOO TRIP'O Via Southern Railway to AsheriUe , N. C, Account Shrine ' Bleeting. Tickets on sale June 9, 10, 11. with final return limit to reach original start mg point not later than midnight Jone 15, 1912, , . . For ccmplote information aa to rates, schedules, etc., ask jour nearest agent. or write, , , J. O. J0NE3, Trav. Pas. Agt. . Raleigh, N. C, A sprained ankle nr.ay es - a rule be cured in from three to days by ap plying Clmnitiei In n's Liiv inert and ob- f-rvini? lh; diiertions witn eaih bottle. 1 f - I7 all di n th. i 'AI mmm,ml ll it J I liandlf ' - ", I I glanced at the gloves he vat drawing on. . . "Oh, dash It, no! I responded ab- sently, and my eyea coasted up the ' slope again then dropped back die-' appointedly, for she had disappeared within ttfe pavilion. Hla helmet tossed as he looked back. '1 guess we airve got our little prejudices," he remarked sententious ly; "I know I have! I'm from tn south!" ' . . ,., And without another word, Mr. O'Keefe presented his broad back to us, and swinging his stick carelessly, sauntered doWn the drive. "What the deuce!" I exclaimed, looking after him.' "I say, Jenkins, what did he meant" Jenkins' face expressed mild re proach and surprise.. "Can it possibly matter, sir?" he questioned wearily. ' "Persons of ei ( that sort, you know, slrT" "Jove!" I uttered, relieved. Jenkins' coldly elevated brows dis missed the matter from further con sideration. He lifted the parcel with' a slight gesture of Inquiry. I had already come to a decision about it: I would send it to Billings! Perhaps the retrieving of the pajamas would have a soothing effect upon his poor mind! I gave Jenkins instructions. "H'm! Of course, manage to speak with him alone," I cautioned, having thought oi Judge Billings; "and don't forget the message." "Certainly, sir," said Jenkins atten tively. "I'm just to say: 'Mr. Light nut's compliments, sir, and he saya you'll know what to do with these.'" I nodded. "Exactly, and I'll wait here-pbut, oh, hurry, dash it!" And I looked longingly at the pavilion and tried to feel if my part was right. He did hurry! By J6ve, he was back almost Immediately and looking a bit rattled. , "Yes, air!" he coughed as I screwed my glass Inquiringly "I got there Just aa the judge went into his room across the corridor, end Mr. Billings opened the door the minute 1 said I was from you. I gave him the package and the message and he took ft over in a corner; and then in about a minute I heard him chuck it some where and say some long word. Ue came hack to me, looking kinder Irri tated and with his eyea snapping." "Ohl" I uttered nervously. "Er, what did he say, Jenkins T" Jenkins 'sighed, "Oh, well, sir, noth. lng aa you might say was anything, really; he Jerks out kinder crossly: 'Tell Mr. Lightnut, I say one thing at a time, and give him this!'" On the scrap of paper I clutched out of Jenkins' hand was a crazy scrawl of Just a half-dozen words: I'm a biped, not a centipede! I squinted through the dashed cblng twice, but could make nothing ot it I even tried it backward! "Jove!" I muttered perplexedly. "It's ram, Jenkins!" Jenkins' mouth tightened and re laxed. "H'm, what I thought, sir," be responded soberly. "The demon rum, sir!" CHAPTER XXV. "If Ever I Find a Man!" "I trust you've not been getting Into trouble, Mr. Lightnut!" Her lovely eyes were dancing with elachlef as they hung there below Trust You've Not Been Getting nt Trouble, Mr. LlghtnuU" j Jne eyes, bluer than the Hudson at our feet; yet between the Jolly rip- nlaa thtt nlTiul llrnu thou nnola Jit' ' truth I could glimpse far down Into depths that (Were the most devilishly entrancing, darkly, deeply, beautifully oh, yon know! ' Why, by Jove, I almost took a crop per light Into them! Only caught Just in time, you know; straightened right on, the verge, as It were and cams ap with a gaap, monocle dan lllnf. Had" almost forgotten the dashed windows and the two cats that might be looking out! , I murmured some Jolly apology adding: , ' "Ob, yes quite so; certainly I I meaneh, whatT" She was smiling, her rose-petal Up aragglng through her teeth. "The "bobby you know, Juat now" she nodded toward the porte-cochere -"l was positive he had come to drag yon away to your oathaome dungeon. "I And when he retired, I as oh, so re- j many knights how' aa there need U Ueved!" And she clasped her hands, bot" aer eyes lifting urw&ri. i almost laughed at the child Ilka "Oh, I say now we-c rou, though V , quentlon but I dlda't! Dash It, no, 1 t grinned dellghtei' slipping to wouldn't have done ao for the world, a rustic chair beslue bar, looked her jugt looked at her aerloualy and an affectionately la the eyo. For all her wered her In kind: air or craning, i anew mat unaer ws a current cf aniloty for me the e -: :i .. - f screwed my glass at her tenderly. "What would you have doner I said softly, "If he had er lugged me oft, you knowr "Can you askr What a reproachful aide-glance ahe shot Hie through the meshes of her silken what-you-call 'ems! a "Why, of course, I should have drawn my good ezcalibar and run him thr-r-rough and thr-r-r-ough!" By Jove, how ahe said It I And she Illustrated with the stemless rose dash It, no; the roseless stem! She was superb looked like .the jolly fencing girl; only a dashed sight more stunning, don't you know! And her excalibar, too! Didn't know what a jolly ezcalibar waa, but guessed it was some delightfully mysterious but dead, ly feminine thing some kind of aub mereed hat-Dln-sort-of-thlntr vou know that sort, dash It! Yet she would have drawn it and her good one, too. Bhe said! "Jove!" I said feelingly. "Would you, really?" And I almost took her hand' and again remembered the Win dows! So I Just shot her a look. Her glorious eyes sparkled. "That is, I would if I had one," she said smiling; "but I'm afraid poor Arthur lost the last and only one. Sad, Isn't It?" "Oh!" I just felt my Jolly heart sink like what's-lts-name. Who the deuce was "poor Arthur?" This must be another some other thundering chap who had been engaged to her. And what a rotten, careless beggar, too, to have lost it that Is, If he really had! Ot course, he would say so, anyhow. And bow the deuce did he get It, In the Grst place did she give It to him, or did he By Jove, how I should have liked to punch Arthur's head! Always did hate a chap with that name! I flushed guiltily, but she did not see. For the moment, she Was looking off dream ily across the valley. "I wonder," she said pensively, "why It is one can never find another man like Arthur. Do you suppose It Is because he was the ideal?" For an Instant, I swallowed hard then I plucked up bravely, or tried to, don't you know. "Jolly likely!" I chirped. Then gloomily: "Oh, I say, you know, was he your ideal?" "Always!" the blue eyes llg'3d wistfully "I suppose it's because he was my first love; I found him ao brave, so noble-mannered, you know so simple!" Simple! Dash simple people never could stand them! Thing I admired was brains! Aloud I said gently al most humbly: "So glad you like him, don't you know did like, I mean!" "Did like? I do still!" her ton lifted in earnest protest "I love to think of brave, dear Arthur and his knights so few, and yet ao full of love, of gallantry and daring!" So his nights were like that! By Jove, I was devilish glad then that they had been so few that was soma comfort, dash it! I wondered If the beggar was dead. But what difference did it make now, after all? She waa mine now and ahe knew I knew It; that was why this sweet, ingenuous child was laying bare to me her past the darling I Really, I ought not to let her go on. "Never mind, them now," I urged soothingly. And heedless ot the win dows, I hitched a wee bit closer. "That's all past and gone and you and I will yet see as good nights aa they ever were." I spoke with assurance. "Don't you think so?" I added, softly. She sighed. "1 don't know I hope lol" she lingered dubiously over it, looking away again, the while her hand put . back the fleecy, golden what-you-call-lt that was snuggling .to her eyes. . I looked at the goddess like forearm, bared to above the el bow, where it slipped from sight un der the roll of sleeve, and thought of that night In my apartment when ahe had made me feel of her biceps, don't you know. ' "Yeu don't know?" I repeated with gentle reproach. "Oh, I say, you know! You know you know yon know I" By Jove, that sounded rather rum, but I knew she knew I knew she knew see? , She looked 'at me sidewlse, her slender forefinger pressing the halt parted lips slowly shaping In a curve. Then her little teeth flashed, Jewel like regular Jolly pearl aettlng In the frankest, sweetest smile! and then her glorious arm and wrist arched suddenly toward me. "Yes!" she said contritely, and with the most delightful, kindest Inflection and laugh such a laugh! a laugh gurgling melodious h, . dash It, yes; I mean Just that! like the flute notea In the overture to what's-hls-name that aortl , , "That's the way I love to hear a man talk!" she said warmly. "I think It takes an American to stand up for bis own place, his own times please!" And gently, but with a lovely smile, she withdrew her hand that I had folded close In mine. I let It go, for I saw her look toward the houae, and. of course, I understood Jolly careless of me not to have remembered but ahe would know from my nod and shrug that I comprehended. I sighed, and .my deep breath brought her gaze back to me and her flashing amlle as well. "And so," she said, lifting her little bin, "you think there are Juat "perfectly sure of it, don't ' tnowi" (TO T'Z tc:xr:v: ) ) Boy Taken to Hospital After School Flogging. ? NorfolkVa., June 4. Joseph Tuscb man. a twelve-year-old pupil of Chapel street pub'ic school, was sent oncon serous to St Vincrnl's Hospital, afur he hid been flogged by his teacher be cause he would not do bia drawing lea son and for resisting the punishment the teacher was adm'n'aterirg. After the flogging the by ran away from school and fell unconscious before reach ing home. He was picked np by the police and sent to the hospital In the patrol wagon. It was reported that the boy waa bleeding at the mouth acd ears when he wt s picked np by the of ficer. 'r-.:"',r'-'':'y-l Reports have been made to the f u perintendent and to the school boa d. and the committee in teachers and 'text books has been called to make an in vestigation. After reaching the hospital the boy waa soon restored to consciousces, and toiiightia said to be out of danger, ' Children Cry - FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Employes of the Boston Eleyattd Bail way struck. ,: r OILS A FOUL PLOT. ' When a i-hameful plot exists between liver and buweli to chuho distress b refusing to nr.', take iJr, Ku g'a New Life Pills, and end such aliua of y ur -tyslein. They gntly c mpd ligi ac tion of stomach, liver and l-owis, and restore youth, health and all gojd feel ings. 25c at druggists. , TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY, r , We, the undersigned, members of the Boaid of Commissioners, hereby an; nounce our caidir'acy for re-election iutject to the approval of the Deno rutic primary to be held July 2, 1912. Reference is hereby made to the re h rt of (he Kc an) to the Hoard of ma Utrates of th date, ard tho policy of our board of operating the macliini ry of the county within the. limits of the ax levy. Reepectfulh', C. I). BRADHAM, E. Z. It. DAVIS, T. WHITE. D. WILLIAMS. H. J. N. M. LANCASTER. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY. At the r quest of a number of my friends, I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Constible in No. Eight Township subj et to the ac tion of the Di mo uatic primary to be held on July 2nd. I have ft led the po sition o deputy shot iff in this c- unty, and am fully acquaint -d ai h the da tiej of y constable. If elected 1 prom ise to fi I the ofRcs t the beat of my ability. Rt specif ulty, J. H. RUSSELL. TJ THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY. By the request of my friends I here by announce myself aa a candidate for the office of Constable in No. 2 town' ship, subject to t e acti nof the Dtmo cratic primary on July 2nd. Respectfully W. A. THOMAS. f ' S2&r TimYs AKMUTKROATAND UIKGTROUBltJ GUAtANTEO SATSrACrOftr . Of? MONY ttenfDED v 4 4 4 OVER AS YEARS EXPERIENCE i '"V Trade Marru 'MMl COrVIGMT Oe JtnrMfl)tn)lnf ftktrhati4 Avmcrlvtlrm may Hrinat liifoiittnti to prhnbiy rwtMinl Commmilna. , irifikiv asxMtriimi our otmm.n ire) wnr on Pajsuoet out frits. Olrtea s.'ikv fur ocurutf peUnu rntatiLt tafcsm thruurn Hun jfe-rtoi otic4. wM hunt cii i IIU ei C scuKtinc j.nrica:t. K haxvtanmolf lllnirtrtd Mhlr. Iirnat fir. CMlM.n ot an M'lenlUlfl ('iim.L Tnnm, J ffwir i fur mimil, U. aul4 Uyll HiidMlm Mnuua Gfflo. a W SL. Wiwiua. n. . WOMEN Wamea of the highest type, women of superior edncalioa tnd refinement, whoie discernment and judgment give weijht and force to their opinions, highly praise the wonderful corrective an J curative properties of Cham berlain's Stomach an J Liver Tab let!. Throughout the many stages of woman's Lfe, frca g'i".ood t!.rot:-h the ordeals cf mother I'.: J ta tie c!ec!L:.-j years, there is t3 safer cr t ;re rtl!il!e rr J L! G-lerLb' t 1 1 vtrjv . r tt t-c a ANNOUNCEMENTS. TO T3E DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF : CRAVEN COUNTY: . ; I hereby announce myself a candi date for the i ffice of Register of Deeds, subject to the Democratic Primary oa July 2nd. If nomiaated and elected, I pledge myaelf to discharge the duties of said office to the best of my ability, with the assistance of a Competent j corps of clerks. ' J. i'iili.i I am unfortunate in being blind, but I must have something by which I caa my fellow voters of Craven County to come to my aesistance, and help ' me ' make a living and fdoeate. my boy. I thank ypu . all in - advance for any " assistance you I may render me. . Re member that one of the greatest U. S. Senators of to day ia a blind man. ... -. . . 1 -Youra truly, .' J. C JQHNSON, TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY. I wi' h to announce my candidacy for Sh-riff of Craven county,, subject to he will of the people to tie expressed, at the Democratic primary on Tuesday, July 2nd, 1912. If elected I , will dis charge my duties faithfully. '., , Yours Utspectful'y .,, F. S ERNUL. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY. In response to the solicitation of many friends I have determined to again be a candidate before the party primary to be held July 2nd, nest, for the office of Sheriff. 1 feel very grate ful for past favors and h p that my administration of the Sheriff's office his your approval. If re-elected I promise to give you aa fai hful aervice in the future aa I have in the past. Your obedient Servant, J. W. B1DDLB. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN CQUNTY. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of Clerk of the Superior Court of Ctaven county, subject to the D. mocratic p iraary to he held July Skid. If n minated and elected I pkdge my self to discharge the duties of such of fice to the best of my sbilityr Very respectfully. W. B FLANNER. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY. - - I hereby announce mys If a candidate for the office of Sheriff o' Cravencoun ty. subject to the Demi crt c primary wbh h will be h- Id Jul) the 2nd, if nomi nated and elected I hereby pledge my--elf to ri charge the duties of said office to the1 ( - my ito Mty ,. ktsjn- i. i , i. b 4.ANE. TO TH o Dii-MOCRATl' '. VOTERS CF RAVEN COUMT. I hen by respectfully announce my Candida cy for re-nomination to the office of Treasurer of Craven County, subject to the action of the Democrat ie V. t -ra at t' e Primary . on July 2nd, 1912. It re-n- minated and elected to the offico of Treasurer, I. p'edge to the peop'e the sam-i courteouj . att- nticn I hive hervtoforo er-davured .to give to all, and tho sa ne fidelity to ; the t'ust reposed in me aa the ustodian of the people's money. - 1 t Respectfully submitted, B. B. HURST. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTlf. wmmmtm -" ' '' ' . . i ; I wish' to announce my cnnlidacy for the office of Register of Deeds for Craven County, s it ject to the will of i he people to le expres3edat the Demo cratic Primal v on Tuesday, July 2, 1912. " Since hrl ling the above r ffice, I have endeavored, aa the servant of the peo ple, to render (hVient and faithful ser vice to all. If s elected, I ahall contin ue to do my very best in the d'acharge of tho dutiee of the office. ' I wit-h to thank my friends for their almoet undivided support in toe past, and desire to thank them is advance for their patronage at the coming Primry, ! Youra respectfully, .-STEPHEN H. FOWLER. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY. ' Realizing that No. S Township has not been represented in this capacity for several years and at the requeet ot a larce number of voters t hereby an nounce myself a candidate for Commis sioner from that Township subject to the action of-the Democratic primary to be held on July 2nA Respectfully, , k , T. W. MOLTON. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY. I hereby announce nyse!f as a candi date for Repreaen a'fv from No. 1 Townabip, Craven county subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held on July 2nd. Respectfully, G. A. WH1TFORD. TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF CRAVEN COUNTY. I hereby m nounce myself a candidate for the office of Register of Deeda of Craven county, subject of course to the Dcnv cratic primary to be held on July the 2nd, I' ncminatd and elected pledge myself. to ducharg the dutlis of such office to the bent of my sillily, lie-; wUal'y, n r r - - v t f ' " ' 7 H, r " ! r " 1

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