&akseftws3 t; - j.n Hi . rar i I f I 1 .""""" " I 1 3HIG ID II 516 If you have learned the habit of saving, acquire' also the ability to invest money wisely. Too many people have the impression that they are doing all they can when they regularly lay aside a portion of their incomes and they keep their money at home where it lies idle. Invest your savings in cur Certificates of De posit and they' will earn 4 per cent interest from -the day the money is deposited. ' : mMMMMMMMMWMMMMlMmm nmmiiiiiiiiin Mm OLD DOMINION LINE Delightful Short Sea Trips To NEW YORK. AND ALL POINTS NORTH AND EAST Affording Pleasure and Rest, Norfolk to New Yotk and Return (30 bays) $14.00 First class tickets include Meals tnd Berth on elegantly appointed ex oress st amers. ,V ' Hot or Cold Sea Water Baths can be procured on Steamer without charge. Steamers are all equipped with the United Wireless Te'egroph System. STEAMERS SAll FROM NORFOLK EVERY WEEK DAY AT 7 P. M. ' Tickets and Stateroom Reservations, Company's Wharf, Foot of Church St, Noifolk, Va. Ask your local.ticket agent regardingthrough tickets. Send for I lusira ed Pamphlet Desk J. W. H. LAN DON, J.J.BROWN, General Agent , Norfolk, Va. . ' Gen. Pass. Agent. New York. We Are Showing the latest and most up to date line of select Hats in Sti aws and Fe is We have the exclusive agency for the ce'eb ated Gold Bond und Manhattan Hats, which are conaid red among the best. Our line f clothing is care fully selected of the best grades of Wirsteds and rhervoits, made up in the very latest styles. Come down and 1 ok them over." . Sam Lipmari H. Block New Bern, N. C. " ighi: PRIMARY ELEG- THROWSTL TIQ f.DTIGE ON CROQKEDUESS Ifoquirments'pf Candidates Seek- Drainage Engineer.Tells of Deals iug Democratic KomiuatiOD June 22ud. By order of the Craven County Demo cratie Executive Committee and in ac cordance with law, notice is hereby given that a primary election for choos ing Democratic nominees for county of fleers and Houne of Representatives will be held at the usual po'l ng places in Craven county TusJay,2nJ day of July 1912. from 6 o'clock a, m. to 7 o'clock In North Carolina. , ' , Washington, June 6. J. 0. Wright, now a drainage engineer for the. State of Fl rida, before the House committee investigating the sc-cai ed Florida ever glides charges yesten'ay, told of his private land deals in. North Carolina with a drainage engineer in the Depart ment of Agriculture. Wright admit ted that h accepted stock and negoti ated with certain North Carolina land companies and the State of North Cat' n1in nilhnur fallino hla BlinM-irtM ' V.H men uemocraia nave i . . . , The following na been appointed managers for holding the primary, viz: Maple Cvpress E. F. Adam?, J. W ffuff and Marvin Aldridge. Vanceboro-t) P Whit ford, Harold Butler and Henry Buck. Truitts-N T Fulcher. Cicero G skins snl W. H Dunn Bridgeton-3 W Brooks, E. J, Bay- liss and Sam Dunham. Taylor's Store E C Tajlor, J. H. Elliott and J B Becion. Lee's Farm T E Haywood, J B Wil liams and 1. S. Miter ell. Thurman-H C Wood, J A Miller and Alex Hardison. First Ward-J B Hill, F Gaskill and HHTooker. , Second Ward-Waltor Duffy,- M Dis osway and C. K. Hancock. Third Ward-Geo. B Waters, G L Clark and J D McCoy. Fourth Ward L. S. Wood, Alex Me Lack Ian and J F Henderson. Bern Precinct J R Meriitt, J T Agent and E L Smith. Tifdale's W F Crockett, J T Sbute and W M Thomas. Gum How--J E Wilcox, M M Shute md B B Scott. Fort Barnw I! L S Harper, Luther Sermons and Geo. W Palmer. Dover J S Woolen, L H Whitehead and W 0 White. Cove City J S Robinson, W E Jones and W T McCoy. JaBiicr W G U Lane, J E Wether i-igton Bnd V C Davis. Peasant Hill J B French, E A House ar,d Daniel Lan?, Each cand dale desiring to enter the VGMEN SHOULD 1 BE PROTECTE in Against So Many Surgical Op erations. How Mrs. Bethune k and Mrs. Moore Escaped. ta d be ot $5,000 sU.ck In the Albe marle Development Company from J. N. Wilkinson of Belhaven, N. C, and in return drew up a plan reclaiming the land and placed $14,000 in stock, W iA insso came to him ta Washington, Wright said, accompanied by Rep resentative John Small of North Cat olina. After their conference, he wee tiered $5,000 and Representative Small to' Sl.OuO in stock for bis legiai service. Wright told of a "deal" with John SeipbfChillicothe, O. at Mbyock.N. C, in which he was promised $7,500 for his advice. He did not tell bis chief of the offer and never got the money. The State of North Carolina offered him $5,000 to sell Like Maltamuskeet in the derail swamp, he said. ; In this he got $1,250, of which his superiors, knew nothing. He also engaged him self in the Lake Mattamuakect scheme on a continent interest of $40,000. At Wi son. N. C, with Lawrence Brett, ar.oiher employe of the Depart ment. Wright' wtnt into a drainage deal, which he teatiQed retted him $2,200 and Brett $9,000. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The supreme court stripped the com merce court of much of the power it had asBU ned. ijMniiliMLiA Each age of our Uvea has it. j ys. Old people should be hsppy.i and i hey wtil be it unamtieriain a leoieis are taken to strengthen the digestion and liun lli a hnaiila mo-nlar. There tnhlfto p.-imary shall subscribe toa plrdte that are mj((j and gmile in their action and ne will abide by th result of the prim- especially suitable for people oi middle arv elect i n ai.d nuniiort t he ( ucce sful age and older. For sale by ail dealers. said Sikeston, Mo. "For seven years I suf fered everything. I was in bed for four wuvo uuys hi. a ufiie every month, and so weak I could hardly walk. I cramped and had backache and headache, and was so nervous and weak that I dreaded to sec anyone or have any one move in the room . The doctors gave mc medicine to ease mc at those tunes, and said that I ought to have an operation. I would not listen to that, and when a friend of my husbmid told him about Lydia E. Pinkham's Veg etable Compound and what it had done for his wife, I was willing to take it Now I look the picture of health and Let-! like it, too. I can do my own housework, hoe my garden, and milk a cow. I car entertain company and enjoy them. J can visit when I choose, andralk as far asany ordinary woman, any day in th month. . 1 wish I could talk to every suffering woman and girl." Mrs. Dejia Betuune, Sikeston, Mo. Murrayville, I1L " I have taken Ly dia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound for a very bad case of female trouble and it made me a well woman. My health was all broken down, the doctors said I must have an operation, and I was ready to go to the hospital, but dreaded it so that I began taking your Compound. I got along so well that I gave up the doctors and was saved from the opera tion." Mrs. Charles Moore, R. R. No. 8, Murrayville, I1L AFTER LIGHTS . . ofi cpum Rareigh'g Splendid Hospitality. A' Peerless Chairman. Two f Penjonages. :' Hon. Looks Raleigh, June 7. The Sta'e D mr cratic Convention had a cumber of not- ai!e f eutarrs. It was a vey Urge gathering, taxing the Capitol eity's ac cornmodations, bat the Raleighites no bly responded and made room for every visitor. The courtesies extended on all sides made the visit moit pleasant to the 1.000 or so delegates. U , The convention in naming F. D.Win stun its presiding officer could not have made a better choice. Mr. Winston in addition to beiogan able parliamentar ian, has a voice for reaching and cap tivaing. He is gifted in 'sensing" in advance the spirit of the crowd, and while arpnrently letting the convention -'run wild," really has it undee his per- sonnl control. He is without a peer as a chairman. - "... Two striking personages in the eon vention were Uncle Lou Midgetr, of Orier tal, and Frank Turner.of Raleigh. The former was conspicuously the first among the Underwood sympathisers, in every part of the hall could hie tow ering form and long out-sti etched arms he seen. He enjoyed every minute whether the band was playing, or be was shouting "Underwood I" Frank Turner was the human automatoo.sUcd ing ou a chair with hat in hand, bis arms would rise and fall, extended lowards .he chairman, 16 minutes without eee sat ion, dur.ng times of heated debate, fie never got recognition, but came back, as tho' commanding the attention of the convention. 11k- at'iiude of the Governor from Buncombe, in accepting the guberna torial nomination so spontaneously ten- Washington, June 6. The money rfered him, wa peculiarly character trust investigation will begin in New tic of i hi BoleuUid gentleman and demo Vnrlc thla morninor A nrocess server U'rat. HU iauate modesty made Wm left for New York yesterday armed ! cut short the ortion given him as he with several subpoenas. Mr. Pujo de-1 appeared: With no concealed emotion dined to make publ'c the names of he thanked his fellow democrats for the those who will be ca'led. The first sub-; Rent 1 onor, then with hia party inter ject of investigation w ill be the rela- esis ever at heart, made a great speech Legal Notices - EX ECU TOR'S NOTICE. ? Havimr thU day qaaliBvd H tb Bxacntor of th wtaUof Prer S. Cox. dwaued. 1st of Cnm Coantr. N. C, thU Is to notify all paraoaa ha vie ( claims ajtaiiut ths eiUta of aatf daeaaa) tos- bibit tbam to tho andfirjucoad at his offle In th Mtj of Haar Bsrn, N. C on or baf or iha 27th dayof April. 1913. or tliii BOtica wiB ba plaad in bar at thair recovery Ail pawaa indabtad to aid eatata will plaaaa maka inunadiata paymank to tha luadaraiznsd. Thla 27th day of April, 1913. , "JOHN T.IiOLUSTER. Exaeatoraf artata of Parcy i; Co. Aeeaaaad. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Havlnt duly qualiflad aa AdminiehitOr "of tha aaUU of William W. Prsaeott, dacaaad. lata of Cnm Coanty. all paraona havlos claima aaralnat aaid aaUUi ara noUBad to praaant tbam to tho andaraitiKd for paimant duly antkaBtioatad In Naw Barn. N.C.. bafora tha 6th day of AptB. ll,ortbif aotkawiTl ba plead in bar of ra aorary. All who ara Indabtadto tho aatsta ara raqulrad ta maka immcdiata paymant to ma. ' 1 , W, M, PEESCOTT, - , - ' X Administrator. April Uh.1913.' Wflljj -.j; Begin Probe on the Trnst, Money MORTGAGE SALE, Pttraaant to tha powar of aala aontabMd in a IfortsaaT from Stapnay Whit and Slica Whit to L. H. Cannon; raeordad in tha raeorda of deads m Cnvan Cunnty. N, C. in Book Na 170 on pane 396, tha land therrta daacrUxid wul ba aold at public outary for cash at l o'clock If. on June 16th, MX at tha Court Hoiue in Naw B rn do. aerlbadaafoilowsin tOrayan Coanty, in Eighth townahip. and in tha Waat Diriakm, buna; lot . NavanaBiaraof,' ''?;:' j- . " : Baainninc at a atake. and N. 17. E, 24 6-T poles to the corner of lot No. 2, than with aid line of lot of mM lot N. 78. W. ISO pule to a itaka. than 3.17, W.245-7polee, than N, 73. W. 160 polo aroood with the linea of aatd lot No. one to the candidate or candidates hg-n in primary ehction ard dejOBit the same with ten dollisr-i wi h S. II. Lme.cheir man. New B'r.i. N. C. en or before the hour f 12 o'clock, n.iinight. Sat urdy, 22 id day of June, 1912, in ac- cordnce wiih the ruled of the State Democratic Executive C. mmittee and the Special Act pioviding lor a prim ary i;i Cravrn county. Th ?25-hday of May, 1912. S H. LANE, Cl.a rman of Cia ven t'ounly Democralii Executive Com mitUe, R. A. NUNN, Secretary, THE IN IKE PROPORTION OF SURPLUS AND PROFITS TO CAPITAL t NATIONAL BAM OF NEW BERNE, N. C. STANDS FIRST among the banks of the City THIRD among the National Banks of the State ' , And as it has Surplus end Undivided Profits amounting to $106,000 and Capital amounting to $100,000, it has a place'on the' National Bank Roll of Honor, which Includes only banks having'Surplus and Undivided Profits equal to or exceeding their Capital Block. 4PF UK rER NT INTEREST PI ON SAVINGS DEPOSITS SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. The government decided not to send no more battleshipj to Cuba for the piesent. STOMACH TROUBLES. Many remarkable euros of stomach tr-.ub t-B have been e lie: ted by Chamb- etlain'8 Stomach and Liver Tablets. One man who had spent over two thou sand dollars for medicine end treatment was cured bv a few boxes of these lab- lets. Price, 25 cents, samples irte at all drug stores. ; i First Grade or Clerical Examination. The United States Civil Service Com mission announces an examination at Near Bern on June 22, to secure eligi blea from which to make certificatlm to fill a vacnnrv in the position of De i - tionsof banks with the New York Clearing House snd with banks in jther sections of the country. Tie committee will also s ek lo discover the mutuality of interest of the banks, clear ing house and New York Stock Exchange. The first witness, it was learned just before the committee left York, probably will be A, R on the politral situation, outlining what he rrtr r-Jed as the pending issues and how hisarly should meet them. Beneath the entire proceedings of the convent ion, there was felt the irritation ' ntid I'i.e up as to Simmons and Kitchen, Wilson 8gaint.t the field. There was threatening irruption on the platform, for Ne ! which was quieted by wise leaders. But Henburn 'there was "fight" below the suriace. baainnin. This star I0th.l9. L. H. CANNON. . - ' HortcaKM, EXECUTION SALE. j I W. Green ) -h vs Execution Jacob Green , v ) Pursuant to an Execution la my hand from tha S&parinr Court of Cravan eouuty. 1 will nil to tha hlgheat bidder for eaah at th ceurt houaa door in tha citr of New Barn. N. C oa Monday Juoa lOto. 1912 at 12 o'elock at. to aatiafy said axacution tb folkmins daacrlbad raal aataU; That cartain lot or partal of land altuaU In tha city of Naw Barn, Craraa ouot7. N. C belts' aun eoBTayad to Charlott anal Nancy Green by -on Carney about th year 18U and bainsr a ear-' tain piee or parcel of lot No. 833 in aaid city of Naw Bern, baginmns at th waatarn corner o Mra. Brown's part of th earn lot (now Ella Riehardeon'a) and rdnnlaa waatwardly alons Quean street 42 feat to Allan Enbank's aatern omar of aaid lot. thane I9 feet weutwajftly and aknc aaid Eubank'a line to a Uulbarry 9k to th back line, thene caatward y to atra. Brown's Hue to the let-inning. v i. W. BIDDLF. Sheriff. May 4th. 1912 . ' president of the New York CI- r.rinnc 1 House. The hearing is to be he o in ! the customs house and the inve.-tig:ititt into the relation of the clearing hus-! with the banks and Wall Struct is to be) probed deeply. SORE NIPPLES. i Any mother who has had expercne-1 1 witb this distressing ailment will ic pleased to know that a rore mav be ei- j fee ted by applying Chamberlain's '.vAw as soon a the child is done nursvr.-. , Wipe it off with a soft cloth befo al lowing the babe to nure. Many ti i n ed nurses use this salve wi h bes'. rt -, suits, l'or sale by all Dealers. i CASTORIA Tor Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Haie Always Bought Boars the Signutura of The Ariiona Senate passed an educ. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER S CASTORIA 1 ...... w . an Thnm.a V Watann. charo-ed w th pui wmeciw anu inspeciur ow """ "T-- ----- - , . : . ,i: i i..- ,K.....h rva ner annum in ' vnq iuowjui VUUIUK WUBITUO lllVt ....v.. I r " - - . i I Mam M C. and vavanlMM mails, was released unac r ouy nona in J tional aualification mearure. nrsi-graae, or clerical, wbiiiuu iu iui Custom Service, in the p isitioni of de puty collector, clerk, storekeeper, gau- Mre. M. A. M Lauehlin. blZ jay Bl .lo.or and atorHkeenar-caucrer In the 10 La CroMB, Wis., a rues trii-t she suner- . o.. , o..i,. i th nnaitlnn Fon BaokaCmc ed nil kin Is of ;a ns in her back ana . hio n acciunt m k oney irouuin nu r- - - - - ,h.i mniam. "I o-ot some of Fo ev Iflrit-iriade and clerical positions that Kidney Pills and after taking them orreauire gimilar' qualincations, as the a lew iiaya vneru . o - th- iini,.,! Rtatea rlasal- in eniireiy " , ... . " . . An agreed decree was entered at i'iitibu gh to destroy the aluminum truat. Georgia. ihantre u mv iae for the pain Inftmv back and hi ns and I am thank ful there is uch a medicine as Foley Kidnev Tills For sate-by alt dealers , Scalpers Get G. O. P, Tickets. '1 h n w J fl. d service In the city named or its vicinity. . ' For application Form 1371,. address the secretary of the board of examiners at the post office at the: place namtd above, or the district secretary. No application will be accepted unless properly executed and fl ed in complete form with the district secretary prior to tits hour of closing business oa June 19, 1912. Funeral services ware held over the rtrr ains of 8enator N x n at. Washing' ton. Chicago, June 8. Scalpers havecome into possession of tickets for the Re Dublican National Convention. This was admitted last night by Col, Harry S. New, chairman of the sub-commit tea on arrangements, who, st the same time, declared it is a regretable situa tion, but someih ng that the commit tee was powerless to prevent, Tha n't.ranailorl atnrv of tha exist ence of many Peats that were not shown F(jEytJI)NY PULf i n I ho printed plates a as strenuously roanHawATiaaa KiOMCAMOaUAuuc defied. ' , ' It is the opinion of the managers tha I a convention provldipg for a parcels the tickets were eUen the sca'pera I y post, between the .United States and subscribers to the fund to bring tl.e p.nams was concluded. convention lo Chicago. Subscribers were promised a tic kt for- rach $1001 . FAMOUS 8TAGE BEAUTIES subscribed, and it ii believed that many look h gkl. Emotions. lektauranl and hotelkeepers who sub- Blotches, Sores or Pimples. They doa't ..-i i;,,l ore exnee inir to out their mon- have thsnt. nor will any one, who oaes . ' .-u .v u .u. ,... - Bucklen's Arnica Salva. - It gWifles ey D.ca u.ruuB.. tuw .l..-. E,,,ma and Salt Rhfum Ihinceunaveoeenconiractwa ior . n,.h M)ft ,L ,t vwm ipp, at $100 ea h, but will not be delivered chapped har.di, eh'lblalna: hals burns. le the purchaser until the day before cots and Amines umquaied lor pn Iflnl VS., at all n the convention. FOLEY KIDNEY PI ' Q KlOHCYN AND BLAUCa ?t Thuya dressed as women obtained $r,000 in jewelry from a woman in New York. It is now well known that not more than one case of rheumatism in ten r quires any internal treatment what ever. All that is needed is a free ap plication of Chamberlain s Liniment aiu massaging the parts at each application. Tr it and aee how oaicklv it. will re lieve the pain and soreness. Sold by all dealers. 'i ilEY PUT AN END TO IT. Ciiailes Sable, 80 Cook St. Roches tor, NY, says he recommends Foley Kui. v Pilla at everv opportunity bo ciiiini' thev save him prompt relief from a bad case of kid iey trouble that had loner bo hered hisn. Such a recom meiui tion. coming from Mr. sania, is direct and coovmcing evidence of the gient curative qualities of eoley Kld nvy fills. For sale by all Dealers. ; . O car Wcneroth wae named super vising architect of tho Tr.atury Da p&rtment, to succeed James Knox Tey When your child has whooping cough he careful to keen the cough loose sad exiectoration eary by giving Chamber lum'a Couuh Remtdv as may be rtqoir ed. This remedy will also liquify the touith mucus and rrake tt .easier to ex ir...t. .,..io,. r,m Aiahnma'oectomte. It hss Daen useo auccaas ' a. ...ii ! and Arkansas were addfd column by the action of the Republican National Committee. . 'Bliia f " JJ i At t A to tho Ta t ; IU,,y ,a " " 7 " auic. A-n ? --w-w WHEN BUYING, BUY ONLY THE BEST Costs no more but gives the best results H. L Bomquist, Esdaile, Wis., says lis wife considers Foley's Honey and Tar .Compound the best cough cure on the market She has tried various kinds but Foley's gives the best results of all.-For Bale by all Dealers. Only 25a at all drogfists. HELPED TO KEEP DOWN EXPEN- - , ; , -SES. Mr. J, E. Hn'jr, Akroni Mich , tells how she did s : "I it bothered with my kidneys and had to go nearly dou ble. ' I tried a sample of Foley K dnsy Pills and they did me so much g od that I bought a bottle, aid feel that thy saved me a big doctors bill. roi sale t y all Dealers. WEEK END AND SUNDAY 4 SawaVafaVSj Rates to Morebcad Gil; and Bean fort, N. 0, Sunday Excursion Tickets now on sale, and Week End Fares will become I eft! ctive Saturday, Junalat. 1'or specific rates and complete tnfor l Waltlnuoe Him. "Yes, lAum," aaid Poetic Pet as V twined an autmun leaf through hi buttonhole. "I am a great lover of the romantic. I stopped at dis gate be es use I saw de sign 'Idtewood.' " "You dldr approved the housewife. "Well, there la a lot of Idle wood down st the wood pile. Just take this ax and split BP naif a cord." Chicago News SUMMER EXCURSION FARES Nov in Effect to Beaufort and . ,' Morehead City. The seashore season is now oprn snd Summer Excursion ticktts are on sa'e st a'l stations to Morehead t'i'y, N. C , and Beaufort, N. C, good to return until October 81st. Get complete information from any ticket agent. . W. W, CROXTON. G. P. A. , Norfolk, Vs. Victor Roeewater wss erected chair man of the Republican National Cara- mittee at-Chlcago. The Arkansas Democratic State Con vention instructed for Speaker Clark. MJflKrrtfttlLS OKHElWAniMKttel.Jefctl The West Virginia Democratic StsU Convention Instiucted for Speaker Clark. " , , . DRIVES OFF A TERROR, , The chief exeeutor of death in the winter and spring months is poeumoaia. Its advance aarerita are colda ana grip In any attack ny'one of theee maladiae no time should be lost la taking the best mrdicine obtainable to drive it ell. Countless thoinnds bave found this to be Dr. King's New Discovery. . "aty husband bslievee it has kept aim from having poeumn-ila three or lour tiroes,' write i Mrs. Georere W. Places Sswson ville. Vt . "and for coughs, colds snd crouo we have never found ite equui Guaran eed for all bronchial affections Price 60 ets. and $100. Tilal bottle iree at ail druggists, -. William F. Stooe, sergeant-at arms of the Republican NailonalConveptior, aake i for police protsction at today's tes Ions of the National Committee. 1 nnnrrnnioini nmnn t ,eeeweeeeeeeeeeee-weee II. W. SIMPSON FUNERAL DIRECTOR ' AND " EMBALMER Day Phone 167, Night Phone 829 D. G SMAW, AST. t. M. Simmons, A. D. Ward. SIMMONS AND WARD ATTOKNES AND COUNSELLORS . , AT LAW . . ItW Bill, I. Cn --- -Offiro Rooms 401-2-3 Elks Building Practice in the counties of Craven, Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cart eret, Pamlico and Wake, in the Su preme and Federal Courts, and where ever services are desired. ' . . R. A. NUNN f 7V . ; r ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice in the counties of Craven, Carteret, Pamlico! Jones and Onslow and In tho Stats Supreme and Federal Courts. ' Ones Ne. 10 Crsves Itfeet. Teteahene Ne. . New Kers, N. C. B3. h. ti bo::::er 01 4 DISEASES OF THE Eye. Et K3S3 end Thixzt AND Office in Elks Temple NextDr, G. A ; ; Caton, New Bern, N. i i J V 1 i I 1 I ""'if-, . f V b v Very :ri:us ' U Is a very serious matter to ak ' 1 tot one medicine and bavs the wrong one given you. ' For this rt ion we urge you In buying to v ts careful to get t': e genuine . THZ: L 1 C. k . Liver I for taciacbe, rheumatism, kidney or bladder trouble, and erlr, Folty KiJaey rills art tonlo in action, quick in results. ! ry lrre7-:iritl:s. 'as uisJtut:ir The reputation of this oi l, rt',' lle medicine, Inr constipation, l i i'Crstion and h' r trouble, la f -ly established. It dors not I -t-ber meUici'ne. It is krt--r t o!hrf or it vori'i: iiver s 'o tbn c'i i II nr. 1st ' wr't a 1 ma' ion apply to any Agent of the Nor FOR SALE BY ALL DEALBZ folk Southern P.y. MET

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