Hi. 'AT, -.-' Jsrjt 35th." YEAR No 22 " NEW BERN, RAVEN COUNTY. N.'G, FRIDAY JUNE.H" 1912--SECOND SECTION GOGIIIIIE FIEIID T III BELT tl: FOIIIID GUILTY TWO LIS HATTERAS CLAIMS ' AFIOTHER SHIP DO BOY NEWS FROM A SWANSBORO P1LG0 YOUTH nil CLAIMS IIIIROUBLE PRATT GETS THE YEARS Breaks Down aud Weeps "When Placed on the Stand. Pleads , . Guilty to 13 Indictments. Harold T., Pratt, th former New Bern insurance agent who misappropri ated f uods not bis own in various ways and wht then left under cover of dark nnassnji succeeded in eluding the grasp , of ti e taw until a few weeks ago when be was arretted at Omabs, Neb , rmt serve three years in I he State prison. This was the decision of Judge H. W. Whedbee wben Pratt plead guilty to 13 billa of indictment at yesterday after noon's session of r-uperior court. , The case was taken up immediately after the noon recese. - Pratt waa brought into court and sea ted near Mr. D. E Henderson, h s at torney. : He appeared to beat perfect eaae at first, bat a the wiinesses against hm were placed on the stand and told of his misdeeds he became vis ibly nervous, Finally hi was placed on the stand jn his own behalf Teats flowed down his cheeks as he told in a quivering voice of forging a note for a large sum, passing worthless checks and emb szling other people's money. In passing sentence. Juc'gt Whedbee stated that he wbj doing wirng in ma king it so light, but iht extenuating rircntiMl ances caused him to take such i course. Vv lieu Pratt is relet sed from prison after serving his term the Virginia au thoritiea will srrrst bim on a warrant charging I im with pasting a worthless check for two hundred dollars on a cit - izen of Richmond. The fol oing cases were d spesed of at yesterday's session of Superior Cour : State vs. Charles Pollock, charged with an asault wi'h a deadly weapon Tried by jury ar.d virdict of not guilty rttu-ned. State vs. Matth-ws, chargd wiih receiving stolen goods, Kad guilty a id sentoncid to terve a term of 4 months on the county lotda. ' Slate vs, Harry Muff. Found guil'y. , Fined Si and the costs of t he cai-e. Stat yt. .Harry Seal a. charged wiih assault, plead guilty. Fined $25 and the costs of the case. State vs. Cljdi Kennedy, charged wiih an as ult. Guilty. Fined $10 and ths costs of the c.ae. State vs J.A.Craw'ord, charged with an as.a'ilt Defendant plead guity. Judgment suspended upon the pay mm; of the cost. State ys Whitty Koonce, charged witbre'aling. ' Defendant ph ad guilty. Fined (50 and the cost of the ease. State vs Leo Cogjell, charged with burglary, found guilty. Sentenced to aeivea term of 9 years in the State prison. ' S I'evi Cha. Cook, charged with , burglary, found guilty Sentenced to ten years at hard labor m the State prison. - State vs. Reginald McGinn, charged with an aasat.lt with a dtadly w apon Fined $10 and the costs of the case. State vs Chas. Patrick, charged with " larceny, - F und guilty and eenterced to serve a term of 4 months on the county roads. , State vi Jasper Conrad, charged with jsreeny. Found guilty and aentence.1 to serve a term of 9 months on the county road'. . ' WILLIAMS' KIDNEY PILLS Have you neglected your Kidneys? Have you overworked your nervous ays tern and caused trouble with your kid Beys and bladder? Have you paina in loins, aide, back, groins and bladdert Have you a flabby appearance of the face, especially under the eyes? Too fre quent a desire to pass urine If so, Wil liams' Kidney Pills will cure you-at Druggist, Price 50c. Williams' M'f'g. Co., Prop., Cleveland, 0. Great Demand tor Arms, Tampa, Fla., June 11. Local whole sale hardware firms have been com pletely cleaned out of fire arms and ammunition by th-i demand mede by Americans now in Cuba. Last night's boat to Havana carritd all the avail able mo If rn rifles and ammunition in stock here, ordered through Hat a a branchea of the Tampa houses. , Over fifty American resides' s in the island arrived last night, and report con ditionsof such seriousness 'that, they consider it unsafe to remain in Havana Race rioting Saturday nigh', they say aa brutal , to the negro population, many negio women and children being beaten.. ..- . W. O. W. Held Memorial. Last Sunday the 9th, being the Wood men's memorial day. - the members of . Elmwood Camp assembled at their Forest in the afternoon and in a body marched up ti Cedar Giove Cemetery laden . wilb wreathes and acquets of nWrr, ana mere wun ineir rituai i cercmuntee prncaid d to decorate, each I (Mvc of their dectatedWocdmeosevinin fill kinds dcSiHI. New Bcm in ncmher. .. an ..woi.sneu cu torn of theirs and they never fail to pay i ths tribute to their dead. Big Schooner Founders. Drew In Rigging For Thirty Six Hours'. Seven of the cr w of the three-masted schooner Frederick Rossner, after clinging to the one remaining man of their waterlogged and partially disman tled vessel for thirty-six hour,- were rescued off Hatteras Sundae af rnooplMw)Ufaolurlng Company's plant yes by the United Stale steamer Carriilo. - Bound for New Bedford With a cargo of lumt er from a Sou h Atlantic port, the Fredrick Rossner, Captain Chase, was caught in the gale on Frioay nigh , before all hands could be summoned on dck to shorten sail the blow carried away two of the masts, snapping them off close to the deck. The mass of wreckage toppled overboard, putting the lumber-laden vessel at the mercy of the towering waves which soon began to break over the helpless schooner. The men were forced to take to the one remaining mast as the deck load of lumber began to go overboard and the chooner to leak through the seams from the pounding of the waves. With out food and soaked to the skin, they watch) d the si hooner sink lower and lower in the water all day Saturday while with blood-shot eyes they scanned the horizon for the sight of a pasnirg vessel. The storm whxh had wrecked their vessel passed, but the deck of 'he schooner was awash, cutting off tm tr food and water supply. All of Satur day night and Sunday morning they re mained in the rigging, chilled to the bone by the brisk northeast wind. Sun J y afternoon at 2:30 o'clock the United Fruit steamer' Carriilo. bound to New York from a West Indian port, si o ved above the skyline. At first the wretched men thought the steamer would piss tl em by, but finally the dis tress signal flying frm the masthead waa a en and the prow of the atesmer turnd in thiir direction. At 2,30 the seven men, numbed, exhausted, and al most ready to.drop from their prtcari- ous pe-ches, were taken ff the flound ering nchnoni r. The reseue t ok place in UtiUd-j 35 48, I. n it tide 71 05. Loss 6f sleep caused by mcsqultoes can be overcome with one thorough applica tion of our Screens. J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. Senate Reports Canal BUI. Waihington, June 12 The senate inttr oceanic canals committee favora bly reported the house bill to open, pro tect and operate the Panama canal, and govern the canal sone The bill retains the house provision tx-mpting eastwise vessels from canal tolls and embodies an amendment strictly regu lating railioad owned vessels. More Light On That "Snake Story." Jf - SBSSSSBB Some days ago a story came from Greenville, thia State, that a rattle,- snake lad titUn two children and ihst thiy had died, ahi'e a third child was drowned in a tub of water at about the same lime. It Bounded very much like a story I rum Wilktsbarre, Pa , where the bigvett ones coma fr m and so it turns out. There was not a word of tiuth in it- no foundation for it at all, Ti e author did rot even have thi "Jim mies, " he was Just a plain liar, Greensboro Recoid. Villages Burned. Kodiak, Alaska. June 12. -The Ko diak and Woody Island villages are buri ed undertakes the result of lhatrupt ion of the Katmai volcano Thursday. The eruption eoi.tinucd for forty eight hours, but no lives were lost. Many settlements, near the volcano, suffered. Tie tevenue eottir Manning waa in nort when ths eruption began ard furnished refuge for all inhabitants five liunc red men, women and children thus sav'ng mmy Ives. Thmavsl wlrlaa station wit destrryrd, Die patchea were tent to Seward appealing foreliaviUn'ecia't tt come to the tssistance of the people here. The property lost It enormou. . Bo. rowed Inglne to Get r lowers. Covington, Ky., June It. -Two round house men employed in the SilverGiove yards of the Cbesapeuk & Ohio near bere borrowed a locomotive to go and pick flowers for their wives and ihoitly afterward were killed in a collision with another locomotive. Both engines were demolished and S ; other men injured. , J ' See our Brussels Art Squares, j they are beauties, ia various sizes. Some lovely Rujs ar.d Matiinu ( Furr.jarC fj0 76 gtrCCt, At Southside Manufacturing Com pany's Plant, Yesterday Morn ing. Seriously If Not Fatally Injured. ' Floyd StilstoR, a young colored boy, was seriously if not fatally injured when h became entangled in a rapidly re volving set of shafting at the Southside terday morning, The "boy. who wa9 an asi iatant at one of the nailing machines, waa engaged with his work at the time of the acci dent. Glancing upward he saw that a heavy piece of timber waa in the act of falling from the second fl or and realiz i ig that it would a rikehim in its dowi -ward descent, he j imped to one side, forgetting for a moment that he waa near the belting of the machine which he waa opera ing. Qnicit as a fla h the shaft became entangled In tha boy's clothing and j irked him down. Before the belt could be thrown off his head and upper parts of his body were badly mangled and It is believed that his skull is fractured. A physician was summoned ard he render d medicial aid to the injured boy, after which he was carried to S.ewart'a sanitorium for treatment. Notice to Builders. I have a la-go stock of all kinds of sawed Shingles on hand. Will sell cheap to m ike room for a lushing busi ness; also lathes in any quantity. Fur nished or unfurnished rooms for light housekeeping at No. 101 Craven St. opposite court houe, delightful loca tion. See B g HiH, tie Reliable Shingle Man. Office 1 53 J South Front street. Phone 556. Chicago Hotels Advance Prices. Chicago, June 11 Cafe prp it tore, txpecing a ri:sh of buincs and a chance to m ike a harvest, will have ad vin e pri et for the convention c owd- v Some of. th? hot-N also have decided to aJvance the pices of rooms. Th Hotel keepers say the host Iries will he well taxed, but that the regular transi eni trade and all of the viaitors will be ca e l for.' Ni a mer.u cards, some of which have already appoarel, show an advance in nearly all dishes from ten to fifteen per cent. In r.eariy all of the downtown cafes "convention pricea" will prevail nxt week. The Risiaurcnt Keepera' Association uffHala say the "prices will remain in accordance with the demands and sup ply." In the hotels which advance piicis rooms which areuoually (2 50 a day will he $1; rooms usually from $4 to $li aday will be $0 to $10. The reuUurant keepers declare the in creased prices are necessary as a matter of self-protection. Boy Murderer Proud of Crime. Nashville. Tenn., June 11. Herbert, Better known as "Dutch" Paul, has been arrested fur the murder of Almzo Tolliver in a street fight laat Saturday night, and makes no- attempt to con ceal his guilt. Paul la 16 years old and his victim is about the same age. ' The young mur derer wa caught while attempting to leave the city on a freight train. He was released from the workhnuie at Detroit, Mich., about two weeks ago, after having served there one year for theft. Paul doe not seem to real's; the enormity of hii crime. In fact he U somewhat boastful over having cut bis cntmy to death. ' We have a complete line of Fruit Jars and Jar Rub bers, at the right prices. J S. Basnight Hdw. Co. tht Situation Crows Brighter. Washington, O. C. June 12th. -The abseuce of fr sir outbreaks in Cuba has encouraged the Slate Department in the behalf that the measures to show the government's purpose to maintain ordtrinCuba, have proved sufficient. It was decided there will be no addi tions to the force now in Cuba, unless unexpected developments make such nereuary. Admiral Fisk, the ranking uimi q rennnsjiama are among m s- for the present, wi-b the batt'eibips fpert8 who have just examined Thaw. New Jersey and Nebraaka Ths Navy xne pawner's mrther, Mrs. Mary Department, by wireless, will kep m!copey Thaw, and hit sister, Alite constant touch with the Atlantic Fltefs Thaw, former'y the Counlesaof Yar first division. After leaving Hampton moulh, will arrive hre to-day, where Roada, with the rr.ldthipm-n, it is thev will remain until a tourt decision pecUd that the planned exercises for that portion of the fleet will toon be resumed. The United States gunboat Nashville has lauded at Myri. five fnilea south of Nipe Bay, a delschramt of 65 blue jackets, with a piMintsIn gun. to pre- j tect the Wood fre I mines. The sailors will be later replaced by marines, The General Thinks The Seasons Has Advanced a Month. Other , Interesting Items. ;V''.: Sransboro, June 11. Farmers in thil ' . . .... i section, years ago, thought they were doing well to lay bye their co-n by Juty 4th, now they think they are behind time if thy don' t lay hye the first we. k in June. Stephen Stanly finished work ing his corn Jus: 6th; and 4U a fine looking crop. Mr. Stanly is one of par most progressive farmers.' But to the point, ihy is it, that people can lay their ccrn crop bye.'niw," first week In June when i1 used to be July 4ih? Has the seasons advanced? There was a fearful ruin and wind storm on the const down here, Friday and Saturday. Ths v'e'oc'ty regis teie J six'y miles the hour. . Pete Hatsell caught 170 large fl Hind ers a few nights ago, and Nash Dewila caught 119 the same night. The fish ing is fine, here, now. it Mr. H.L Smith, one of our btj wiights has five boats on his Ways which he is overhauling and repairing'. We have three ship yards herd and t Hey are all kept bu-y. Mr. W, R Privett ard wife of Golds bo ro, are speeding soma time with their son, Mr. W. R. Privett, Jr , at thle place. A pirty, including the abcive with Mrs. F.ora Cox, MUs Lolla Hat sell, Miss Mildred Moore and ethers wen ovtr to the Banks Wednesday and had a b:g fish snd crab dinner. ' The crabs were caught right out of the ocean. Mrs. E. H. Bamum son Robert, and daughter, Miss Mae Fulfo'd, formerly ot New Bern, now oi uetrgiu, ate spending ihu summer here. Cuot Georgia Taylor or Bogue, is aving hi? freight boat, the Carl T. ovei hauled ca the ways tiere. Summer visitors are ci ming in 1 now which i) making our town quite fively. Swaifthoro is getting to be a very pop ular summer resort ; Capt. AlphonEO Mcorehapiust, com-. pleltd a new boat which ho has nfirtied Tiitnic II. He left yestrdny "for WiightEVil!e, wheie he will use hit' crait for conviy ng passengers. Miss Etta Wkrd has re!u ned from Greenville where she was a student at the State Teachers Training School We are glad to welcome her back, U S. Deputy Marshal, Samuel Lilly, was here lst week, but there wan nothing dung in his line. Swansborois a prohibition town for keeps and its eople are law ab ding. GENERAL. Buy a Majestic or an Ice King Refrigerator, they are sanitary, economical, easy to keep in or der arid COLD. For sale by New Bern Furniture Co.. 7 Middle street, Coplon building. - War On Rag Time. Chicago. Ill . June 12. Oblivion awaits "Beat Cat," "Grizzly i Bear,' "Texas Tommy," "Boston Dip," "Turkey Trot" ar.d . kindred depar tures from the conventional dances, as cordirg to an rdict of the international aiaociiition. masters of dancing. It was agreed that rag time music is rtepon.-i b!e for rag time dances. ; Tha associa tion vottd to begin a campaign agait at his ..sort cf music', fabslitutiog the more qui t waltz and dignified dances of former generatkns, Harry K Thaw Hopes to Prove Sane, ' White Plains, N. Y., Jure H.-Ever lirce Harry K. Thaw arrived St the White Plains jail he has been spending a laige part of h s time writing notea and queationi which will be used when the hearing into his present sanity goes on before Justice Keogh in t' e Su, r n Court at Wlrite Pla ns on next Mor day He has the tame typewrttter which ha u ed in 1906, when a similar proceeding was heard by Justice Mill, It was learned that in addition to Clarence J, Shearn end Charles Mnrsch auser, Henry K. Barrett, a rnninent White Paint lawyer, has also been re tained to aid in the light for Thaw' liberty.' Dr. H. Ernst Schmid and I Professor Charles Y. Mills, i allenb-t . h., occps a thalr at the Uulvertity jg reached. ' "''' . Vml "ca-r :tAiir iVa rrAam .T- 7 ' . . " ." . ' was not properly mixed? Then yOU didn't v make the . ui. t. mixture in an Alaska from J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. ; Of Forgery at Yesterday's Session of-'8upeiior Court, Number II: f 'of Cases Disposed of : -During the Day. . One of the most important cases tried at yeeterdaj 'a session of Superior Court was the case of the State vs Otis Brooghton, a white you'h whose home is near Arapahoe, Pamlico county. Some time during the month of March, last, Otis Brougbton and Asher Brin son. one of his companions, came to New Born and presented a check for (27.55 to one of the local merchants in paymtnt for some ' articles wh'ch they had purchased. The check w is made payab e to C A. Johnson and endorsed by Mr. J. B. Reel, of Reelsboro. Mr. Reel h well known by the merchants qr this city and the check was accepted without question. Later it was found tt be a forgery. Bronghton, wbo is a mere boy, and Edwardj were placed under arrest, brought back, to New Bern and after they had been given a preliminary hearing wero bound over to the Superior Court, They secured bail and were released. In the meantime Brinson left for parts unknown and cannot be located. During th trial he attorneys on both sides put up hard fights, the State using every available bit of evidence to convict and the de fense trying juat as ha-d to prove their client innocent. The case, was fciven to the jury at noon and several houis later Ihey returned a vtrdir of guilty. Sen tence has not yet been paused on the prisoner. The following other eases were dis posed of during the day: S ate vs Julia Bojd, charged with carrying deadly weapons to prisoners confined in the county jail. Fiund guilty ard senienced to a term of 2 years in the State prison State vs WebBter Blount. charg;d wi h retailing. Found guilty. Sentence not yet passed. State vs Moses Nobles, charged with falt-e pretence. Jury retured a verdict of not guilty. State vs Sam Lewis and P.A, Wayne of Vancehoro, charged with unlawfully removing a fe;sa. Jury returned ver diet of not guilty. State vs Mary Taylor, charged with reta ling. Jury failed to agree and de fendant will be gived a new trial today. Slate vs Harriett Etheridg, charged with operating an assignation bouse. Found guilty. Sentenced toat-fimof 2 years in the State prison or to leave the State within 30 days. Accuse Pastor of Killing His Father-in Law. New Sweden, Me., Juue 11. On a cha'ge of murder, the Rev. Charles Emelius. a Lutheran minister, was ar rested here. He is accused of having killed his father in-law, August Jacob son. on June Vi. nil. ine local auin- orities at the time pronounced Jacob- con's death a case of suicide, but repre sentatives of the Attorney General'i office maintain that he bad been mur dered. Congressman Crushed to Death. Washington, June 12. Representa tive Robert C Wickliffe, of Louisiana met a tracic death here yesterday morning. His badly crushed body waa found on the railroad tracks in Potomac Park, near the eAtrsnce to the bridge aoroas the Potomac river. It is pre- so led he waa either knocked off or fell f om a train bound for the south. Pension Notice. The Pension Board of Craven county will meet at the court houaeon the first Monday in July, 1912, this being the 1st day. All applicants for pensions of ex Confederate soldiers and sailors or widows of the same, who wish to apply or pr ntions or have their penaion in creased will please appear before the Board on the above named date. Those already on the pension list need not appear. . , ' S. R. STREET, Chairman Pension Boart of-Craven Co, Lower Rate on Hard wo jd Handles. Washington, June llih.-The Inter stale Commerce Commission today ren dered a decision that will make a lower rate on carload lots of axt.- pick and other hardwood handles from points In Western North Carolina to Eastern markets. , , Anil-Hookworm Campaign. Kinston, June 11th. The first of the hookworm dispensaries to be held in Kinston aa a part of the campaign In Lenoir county against the disease, was conducted Satdrdsy by Dr. C F. Strot- CUIIUUtoi-iVI k-savvas uj a , we w BBMr. Dispensaries are to be held on -our dates at LaGrange, Deep Run, ' Wert, Mewtorn's and in the court- ho0B;herk iTh,di.p.D..ry WM wtU 'patronized. . : -, ' AttemptS to Break in Women's Boom at Bridgeton. Bound Over, to Superior Court -Without Bond. " J. S. Johnson, a young white man who claims Wilmington and several oth er North Carolina cities at bis home, is now being held in the county jail in this city without bond on a very serious charge, that of attempting to break u to a room in a dwelling at Bridgeton jthich was eccupied by ladies. f TArinaAtt nrelner at OwtArrat Ata a fam days ago and secured board with Mrs. M. C. Cahoon at that place. He was givan a room in the ell part of the build ing and seemed to be well satisfied wilb his new place. It was noticed by Mrs Cahoon and ber daughter that the new boador acted in rather a suspicious man oer at times but they paid but little at tention t him. Lae Tuesday night Mrs. Cahoon, ber daughter nd a neighbor wbo waa spen ding the night with the family, heard sorre one trying to enter the room M ss Cahoon ran to the window and called for help. Several persons re- f ponded and found Johnton outside the bed room door. His condition at the time clearly showed that he was under tne it fluence of ' some powerful drug. He was placed under arrest but fought o t av g ly that it was found ncceasa y to ecjirely bind his arms and fet before he could be controlled and con viye.d to this city and placed in jail. Yesterday morning he waa given a preliminary hearing before Justice ol the Peace W. R Barrington, on a war rant charging him with an attempt at burglary. The defendant refuse! to plead tither guilty or not guilty, and in fact but little could be got out of bim. However the magistrate found probable cause and bound him over to superior court without bond. That Johnson ia a slave to "dope" in various forms there ia but little doubt. On bis person were found sev eral packages which had contained co caine, and his actions at the time of his arrest ihowed that he waa mentally unbalanced at that time. B.-St Boy farmer to Get Trtp to Fair. Raleigh, N. C , June 13 There ia a movement on foot to interest a great number of farm boys in all parts of the State, especially members of the boys' corn clubs, in a State fair contest The winner will gel a trip to the fair this fli and the tip mses for the beBt ex position pf some given phase -of f aim ing, me aetaus are neing worse i out new and he full announcement will be forthcoming very soon The agricul tural premiumne and special p izts tht i year are'sure to be by far the gre ttast in the history of the. fair association $10,000 To Relieve Volcano 8uJle; era. Washington, June 13. Responding tr ibe President's nque.t for an eatiouti of the amount needed to relieve Ihe vol cano sufferers, Speaker Clark has re commended one hundred thousand do! lart appropriation. Had Narrow Escape. About 6 p. m. Tuesday, Conductor C ward.of the Norfolk Southern freight train from Beaufort to Goldabore, and the flagman of the train, had narrow escapes from death and both received painful Injuries, as a result of contact with a low-hanging telephone wire. The men were "riding a box car, and did not see the wire, which caught the con duetor across the face, badly Injuring him about the eyes, and the flagman serosa trie chest Both were thro an fr jm their feet and rolled to the edge of 'the moving ear, the flagman catch irg just s he was about to fall between the ctr atd another. The accident h-p-nwd between Lincoln City and the plant of jthe Lenoir Oil and lee Com paoy, ' flonddctor Coward and the Dig man. wtto hat an injured arm, proceed ed'to Gadabdro before seeking medical attistante. Kinstoo Free Press. 5 or 6 doses 666 will break any case of Chills k Fever; it acts on the liver better than Calomel, and doc snot gripe er sicken. 25c. , ' , ' ' ' ' - Hogs Wall of Water Rushed Dowa oa a "Vvearaa -.t. f ' i aunsa. - , Town. Buffalo, Wyoming, June 11 -One man was drowned and many escaped similar fate when a wall of water, tweoty-tva feat high, rushed down up on th city without warning, following a cload burst in Clear Creek Canyon. Tni lower part of the city was inundat- - - - r pi driven to higher ground. Tie wa tit wf j alx feat deep on ths main street. The r ' pert loss is a quarter of a mil hJ rs. ! ," , The Victim Were Practicing at ' Aviation School When 'Their V Wrights Machine, Collas- . '' pedBoard of In i; quirx, Named. .Washington, Jane 12. -Another fear ful toll waa taken by aviation last night when the mutilated bodies of Lieut. Leigbton W. Hazelburst, Jr., 17th In fantry, U. S. A., and Alfred" L. Welch, a professional aviator in the employ of the Wright brothers, were hauled from under the debris of a collasped aero plane. The accident oceured while they were attempting the test' requirements by the government in a machine con tracted for by the War Department. Although an army board was Imme- , diately appointed to determine the cause of tht accident, it it thought the real cause of the machine's failrue never will be known). The crash came so sudden ly and unexpectedly that the two mtp met their death without being able to make a single move to arrest their fall. Seven army flyers were among tfce score of spectators, but they cannot x plain tha accicent. - " -' - ' It was shortly after 6 o'clock that the Wright machine was run out in front ot the long line of hangars. For seveial days Aviator Welch, whoe home ia in this city, bad been busy demonstrating the aeroplane. All the War Depart ment's requirements bad been met ex cept a climb of 2,000 feet within 10 rain otea, carrying a ; losd of 450 poundr. -Welch knew t'lema chine wbs capable of meeting the test, for it had been ac complished at Dayton, Ohio; by Oi villa x Wright before it waa taktn to College Park and be bail been made impatient by several failures, A few m inutes later he announced that he waa ready. Lieut. Hezelhurst followed Welch into the machine, tak ing the passenger seat. The aeroplane moved off steadily and new the length of the field, rising 200 feet. As it was turned toward the group of army offi cers tutors the nangara weicn oippea sharply to indicate to tha official starter that he was ready for the stiff climb. Ine dip carried the machine to with in 75 feet of the ground and it thin straightened c ut sharply, too quickly, the observing flyers thcu.,ht. Without warning-the aluminum1 wings crumpled, or collasped upward lolhat tbey almost met above the .engine.. The mach ne dropped, then turned her , nose toward the earth and dived. The accide nt Oceured sb ut 1,000 feet from the hargart and when the first witness reached tha wreck it waa sen that both of the men were dead. Welrh was buried in the debris, but the body of. Haslehurat had been catafultcd fully 20 feet away after the machine struck.' Welch's elotbes were practi cally all torn from his body, which waa brniaed and battered. , Hazlehurst's kull waa fractured and his head badly disfigured. .. "'. " Philadelphia synonym of excellence in Lawn Mo vv- ers. i ney pusn easier ana cut smoother J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co. " ' ' . : .' , Crew on Strike. Havre, France, June lL-The crew of the French User, French, 650 fore men and trimmers, together with 500 other aeamen, have voted a general strike here. The men left the vessel as she was about to sail for New York. A wage increase ia demanded. ''.";' -"" "Died. ' At hit home, near Wildwood, Monday June 10th. Thomas J.Tolson in the 69th year of his age, Mr. Tolson inlisted in lbs Confederate Army while yet in his teens and served through the bloody conflict In 1870 he married Mist Ab bie, a daughter of ' the late Captain Levi T. Oglesby. Six children waa the Issue of this happy union, all of whom urvive. , Mr. Tolson was a successful farmer, a kind neighbor and a worthy man in all respects. .' tefngees Taken Out. . New Orleans, June 12, Water from the great Hymelia crevasse, ths worst of the Mississippi river fl lodi, again is menacing lives of lohaiiUuia of tbs I Dea Allemands section of tau tiana, in answer to appeals from army oflicers 3 a i. . .. a aniraean in veiiar -BfArv sa a nimi a i train waa hurried to the Dea Allemaoda sect ion late yesterday, tefugeea taken out of the danger none aad food supplies distributed. . -, Water ia four feet deei, over th greater part of the Lafourche auction and it going higher. Supplies alio iu being sent there. The jury in ths L'yrtle Ilawkm- r ia which seven persons were 1 tried f"r mutier, returned a vtr not guiiiy.