J State Library I Hi -in I '( i y r i-No 30 NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY. N. 0.. FRIDAY JULY. 12. 1912 SECOND SECTION 35th, YEAR 7 - t -. tii 7 GHncnESS'PnE- : SE0TSJ1IIGE5 Of Judge B. W. Arctibald. Sena tor Simcaous Urges Prompt Action. Washington, July 9. A sharp differ anea along political linns has developed fa tha aaaata over tba proposed Un wahmeat erTRlge Robert W. Arch bald, of tha Commerce Court. Many senators, including influential rRepublf cam. favor deferrtog tba trial aotil af Ur tha November alaetion, contending that amain tima should ba give n to pre pare for the hearing , f tha impeach ment ehargea and that many senators ara needed at home to look after- their political fences . . Other" senators, among whom ara Senators Simmons, Bailey and Reed, all Democrats urge that impeachment proceedings are of tuh high priviliges that they t hould l a taken up as soon as Ihe bue sha'l prefer the charges, ir respective of lie personal comfort and convenience of senators. Tba thirteen articles of impeachment each an accusation, were presented to tba house today w.th the announcement that their consideration' tomorrow would be demanded. Speaker Clark emphasised Ihe solemnity of the pre seedtog by se uring the undivided at tention of the bouse while the arti. Us were being read by representative Clay, too, of Alabama, chairman of the jud -clary committee which unan m mly re ported tlwm Mr. C . ay ton de!t on the gravity of tha charges. The commit tee's report aid resolution calling for tha impeachment were ordered printed and distributed to members without tba voicing of a single oh j. ci ion. Democratic State Committee Meets ' ' Tonlgh'. ' Raleigh, N c July 8 -Whan the State Djmo ratio executive committee meets here Tuesday evening there will be some action to tie taken as to the regulations for the senatorial primary ae well as the election of the State chairman to erve the nest year la the "steed of Ch-i'mian W.- H. Eller,, who specie to r tire. The most talked of candidate for the ehairmanahip is Hon, Clyde Hoey, of Shelby, Hon. Cameron Moriluon was much talked of as the 'Btoat prol a I choice f the committee until be mad- the positive statment some weeks ego that he would net undertake the duties of the ehairman ahip. Charles A. Webb of Ashville, ia understood to be the' choice i f Locke Craig, the Demoera ic nominee. .; We have a complete . line of Fruit Jars , and Jar Rub bers. ' at the right prices. J S. Basnight Hdw.Co. Thew Should be Kept 4n aa Asylum , White Plains, N. Y., Ju'y 8. -At the eonctusioa of today's hearing tha Sta e practically rested its aie in lha hear ing before Supreme Court Jus Ic Kntih to obtsin the teleasc of Barry Kendal) Thaw from tha Matteawaa Hoapital Dr. Carlos P. MacDonaid thebird of the alieniaU to assart that Thaw ia atill suffering from parai.oia, finished hi - testimony this afternoon after being put through two days' cross -n so lost km by Oteesj J. The', counsel. Thr ughout the lengthy in quisition the a'it nist iusiated that the elayar of Stanford White la elill poa assseJ of insane delusiona aid should be kept in an ss.lum. . Dr. Sreara Intends to put on the sUnd lieniste favorable to Thaw as Ihe next step in the bearing. ; Thaw's alienists are Dr. Adolph Meyer, Dr, Frederick A. Mills' tnd Dr. William A White. . It is believed Mr. Sbearn will call else some forty other witnesses, all of whom are expected to give evi dance which will tend to prove that Thaw la sane, and that the delusions be Is supposed to have are lased upon actual facta. Tha hearing was adjourn ed until Monday. To Build Terminal ai Southport, N. C Raleigh, N. C, July lO.-Wilh authorized capital of two million dollars ' there waa ieiued by the Secretary of State a charter lo the southern Haibor Company, Southport, N. C The largest a tock Holders ara J. F. Johnson and J. J. MrLaughlin, both of Johnson City, Teno andW. L. Lambeth, Bakeravllle, ' accordina to tha names given in the 'apollcatioo for charter. It la stated on reliable authority that the Carolina ClinchAold and Ohio Rail ros 1 is really tha principal factor in the r ! Hue. .This big railrosd schems, (' i' of large proportions end con t is y fcxtsnd.njr is hioking, lor an a' ' it on the Atlantic seaboard, la c ii h the c.r ( luti.in of t' e I (' .1, e-i edt.! y; sml In a ' ; ; ; t it I I t r, n ire tf I' J , H .1 I n t' I i if !' ! c ;. 1 rsu!'.J rc 1 t. . HIE ARE DEAD; PMVEII ILL Officials Investigating Whether the 8ickness Was Result of Ptomaine or a .Wilful . Poisouing ' ' ; Augusta, G.,. July '10. -Three per sons are dead and thirty-seven others are ill as a result ofweating""poisoned food at a dinner at the home of Mae Canady, near Gsrflold, Ga., on the 4th of July, according to information that reached here last night. Much mystery surrounds the wholesale poisoning of the Canady family who had gathered at a reun'on. v--. :-;V;. ;v:.--s.f I Tillman Canady, one of the brothers. died Saturday,' and Mrs. Faircloth, a daughter of Mac Canidy.and one of her children, died yesterday, i Thirteen mrmbers of the family of Mac Canady are seriously ill, while Ben Canady is in a critical condition. Every member of the letter's fami'y is sick. , -' . Every person who partook of the din ner ia suffering from "' eating poisoned food and some of them are said to have but slight chance of recovery. Others, while ill are not considered to bo des perately sick. A complete investigation wi I be made tj determii e whether the victims ae tainted food and are Buffer ing from ptomaine poisonin.or wheth er a poison was placed in the food by design. Hive your pictures framed at the New Bern Furniture Com pany, f hone J its, Jb Middle St, New Bern, N. C. New Design for Nickels. . Washington, July 8, The design of the 6-cent piece whi :h has been j hgl- nf in the pockets of Amt r can citizens for many yeara does not coincide witb he treasury department's conception of art and it will be changed in its en tirety. . ' - " . , ".. 1 -' Secretary MacVeagh has decided to eplace the Gnddeas of: Liberty on the faee-ef th ruckle with a Buffalo. Tlio reverse aida of the new coin will show he head of an Indian. ;. . . J. W. Fresher, of New York.iamak- i ig the design in collaboration with of ficials of the treasury department All its details will le decided upon at a e -nference . between . Secretary Mac Veagh and Mr. Fraser next week. Mayor's Court. Monday it usually a busy day in municipal court, but yesterday waa an xception. -There were only a few law I nakers lined up before acting Myor Baxter to answer for their trsnstressiens. Dennis Barnes and Columbus Sanders, colored had a disagreement Sunday morning with the result that they both bore the tears of battle when the dust of the affray had cleared awav. A knife and club figured prominently In the fracas and both defendants ware bound over. to the next term of Superior Court under a bond of $50 00 each. Jeanatte White and Polly Black orlh, negro women were next called to the bar. The? plt-ad guilty'to a charge of being riisordeily within the city limits and each was tsxtd with the costs of the case against ber. Ifo ru-a and Brlaitioae. . Washington, July 9. By unanimous action the International Bible Students' Association adopted a resolution unre servedly repudiating aa thoroughly on- criptural the teaching of a place, state oi condition, of "hell, fire and brim stone" for the torment of the wicked. Four thousand delegates in the conven tion r. solved that the vast majority of ministers of aU Protestant denomina tions in the United St at as. had practi cally repudiated the ' hell fire" theory. It was the sense of the convention that because of the failure of ministers to fully inform their congregation of their belief on this theory, that tens of thou sands were being driven into ikepti ciam and infidelity. - Caterpillars Are Killing Trees. , It is noticed that caterpillars are dee troying many of the small trees in the city. Many methods of extermina ting these pests have teen tritd but (he following simple method has proven vmy satisfactory and ia sure death to them When the nesU are first dis covered on the tree, cut off (he branch if it is practicable and after pouring a small quantity of kerosene oil on it set fire to it If tha branch Is too large to be cut without injuring the tree pray the oil on and Ignite. By doing this many valuable trees may ba saved. You say your ice cream v. : 3 not properly i mixed? Tl.cn you didn't rrr.ke the nbture in an A!::".. l ficrn J. D. I ':-t I Id. ?. Co. WHISKEY VJAS . - CAUSE JF WRECK Engineer Who Ban By Danger . Signal and Killed Forty Per-' ' sons Was Intoxicated. Corning, N. Y.. July lO.-That Wil liam Sen roeder, engineer of the express train which ran into the . rear end of Lackawanna passenger train'No, 9 here late Thursday. igguaiitg the ; death of 40 pcTfons In the resulting wreck, was ap parently intoxicated within four hours of the time he boarded the engine which le guided to destruction, was the testi mony given at the coroner's inquest here- today by Charles Klapproth of Elmira, for many yeara a close person al friend of Schroeder. Klapproth tes tified that at 12.30 o'clock on the morn ing of July 4th as he was leaving his place of. business in Elmira he saw Schroeder walking towards bim stag gering.. He remarked to friends who were with him that Schroeder seemed intoxicated. Schroeder went on toward his home and Klapproth saw no more of him.. . ' Engineer Schroeder, it was learned today, was late in ri porting for duty on the day of the wreck. The train wae held for him and he started out without tasting his engine. . Remains laid at Rest. All that was mortal of the late M . Alexander McLacklan was tenderly laidtoreatin Cedar Grove cemetery yeeterday afternoon, The funeral ser vice was conducted from the Prtsby teriari Church by Rev. J. N. H. Sum moral, the pastor. At the grave the Royal Arcanum Lodge, of which the deceased was an honored member, had charge of the cert-monies, ; The floral tributes' were very beautiful . and attested the esteem in which Mr, Mc Lacklan was held "The pall bearers were Messrs A. E Hibbard, Thomas Daniels, S. M. Biinson, D. F. Jams, L. H. Cutler and S. Brinson. Flourished His Revolver, Geta Arrest- While the Atlantic Coast Linerain was en route from Wilmington " to thii city Sunday night Harry Huff, of thi city caused consternation among, the passengers by cursing and threatening to use his revolver ' which he was flourishing around in the care.' The conductor finally a cceeded in placing the unruly passenger under arrest and locked him up in the bsggage car. Up on the arrival of ihe train in this cit he was turned over to a policeman Lat r he was required to give a bond for hla appearance ' at a preliminary healing tomorrow, Will Invite the' Firemen. Greensboro, July 10. The Greens boro delegation going to the Firemen's tournament at Fayetteville July 22-23 are going to make a determined effort to bring the asrociation and tourna ment to Greensboro in 1913. the. board of city commUaionera having given ita official authorization to the delegation to preaent an invitation to. come to this city next summer. ' The board also ex pressed its wiliinirneas to aid in priVid ing prizes to be offered for the various exihibits of speed and water teats. It is estimated that it will require $1 800 ta provide these prises, bet' local fire men believe that no (Hfflealif will found in rasing this sum through private subscriptions. . It hss been nearly 15 yeara in-i' Greensboro has entertained the tat association of firemen and the lucii boys feel that since Wilmington and Ai-heville have ao honored twice since that time it is nothing but just that this city should be chosen for 1913. The local companies are to be well rep resented at the Fayetteville convent ion and they propose to exert all thei. energies toward bringing tha tourn ament and convention to thia city Aside from the racing and water tests the tournament always brings several thousands nremen and visitors lo a city. . ' .' ' .v . Stockholders Meeting. " The next annual meeting of the stock holders of the Atlantic & North Caro lina Railroad Company wll be held in Mori-head. City, North Carolina, on August 8th, 1912. Meeting will be cell ed to order at 12 o'clock M. on said date. D.J. BROADHURST. Secretary. Larimer Case. Washington. July 9. Senstor Dill intfhain yesterday continued his defense of Senator Lorimer when the Senate mt to resume ;conanlerat ion of Lori mer' election.. Senator Borah will be hard on Ihe nppotiite siile of the argu ment. Itinrv'' '-I a vote may la tiln bi foiB 'iy or Thors.lay j!!:e of Loii- . '. i.-nds fcblieve the ' VuU i'.l tat..:.- I 1-.:t. THE II. C. PRESS cooeiii J Programme A Meeting of Morehead rrangei For the the Editors at ' City July 23 to 25. The North Carolina Press Association will meet at Morehead City. July 23 25 The president of the association is J. J. Farria. editor of the High Point Enter prise, and the secretary is J. B. Sher rill. editor of The Concord Tribune, i r The following program has been ar ranged: TUESDAY EVENING, JULY 23, 8:80 j o'clock. The convention will be called to order by the president, Mr. J. J. Farrisa, of the High Point Enterprise. ' ' :; Prayer by Rev. J. O. Atkinson, ?D, D. s - Address of welcome by the Mayor of Morehead City. - ' f Address of welcome on behalf of Jhe Norfolk and Southern, by ' Mr. B. L. Bugg, rraffi': Manager. ! - '. '.;, j. Response by Mr. Jaa. H. Cowan, ef Wilmington Dispatch. , ; ! WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 24., 9 . O'CLOCK. " J ' Meeting called to order by the Presi dent. v.,- j Report of Executive Committee on New Members. -'. " President's Address. , " , Address by Mr. Don. C. Seita, of the New York World. p i " Reminiscences by Msj E. J. Hale, of the Fayetteville Observer. ; ' Appointing of Committee and miscel laneous business. .'., . ; Adjournment. , . WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON 3 O'CLOCK, Memoirs will be read as follows: J. P. Caldwell-R. R Clark. H.C. Dock ery R. M. Phillips. Dr. P. R. Law H. A. Banks 'ir- 1 - WEDNESDAY EVENING. 80 O'CLOCK. Reading of Histoiians paper by R.F. Beaaley, of the Monroe Journal. :. Annual ptem read by Mr. William Lauiie Hill, of Our Fatherless Ones.' . Annual Oration by Mr. Josephus DanUle; of the Raleigh Newa. and Qb ierver, . . THURSDAY MORNING. 9 O'CLOCK. "Nor.h Carolina Journalism"-W.C. Hammer. , "The Cost of an Inch of Advertis ing." W. H. Savory, , Question Box. 1 It ia expected that there will be a general discussion on all topics present ed in formal newspapers, - ''Steps Necessary to Secure a Legiti mate Rate for Legal Advertising." H. A. London. On Friday the editorial party will be taaen to Cape Looko t and propo eJ Harbor of Refuge. On Saturday morn ing tbey will be taken from Morehead to New Bern by way of the Inland Wa terway Canal, leaving Morehead about 10 a. m., and reaching - New Bern In time to lake the afternoon trains to all parts of the State. ' i c A special car will be arranged from Charlotte through to Morehead City, to leave Charlotte on train No. 44 at 6 a. m., leaving Salisbury at 7:45, Greens boro et 9;40, Raleigh at 12:30 and reach ing Goldsboro at 2:30 p. m. ) "Philadelphia synonym of excellence in Lawn Mow ers. They push easiet and cut smoother, J, S. Basnight Hdw. Co. Plcsd tor Woman Condemned to Die. Richmond, V a., July 9. Attorneys for V rginia Chriatian, the young Elisa beth county colored girl under sentence of death for the murder of Mrs, Ida Belote on March 18, have filed a petit ion for executive clemency with Gov no Mann. The plea rehearses the story of ihe crime, makes no denial of guilt, but denies that the murder was premeditated. . ' , , . Among the other things, the petition seta forth that the trial waa held shortly after the crime, whan the community was atill agaited with the brutal details of the killing, and that the girl, who is only eeventeen years old, was idt fended by two colored lawyers, upon whose earoeet solicitation she waived the right to tell the jury her version of the crime,"1 , Urges folh wers To flee. Chicago, III, July 9 -Wilbur Glenn Volivf, overseer of Zion City, speaking at Central Zion Tabernacle here, pre dicted the adestruction of Chicago, New York and other large citiee and called on his followers to hurry to Zion City, which, he said, would be the only place spared when the devastation cornea. "God's Judgment ia going to fall on tba cities of the nations," he eaid, 'You must coma out of Babylon. There ia no choice In Ihe matter, I commani you to come to Zion. Chicago will an ewer for rejoctlg Dr. Alex an,! Dowie, end yoa must te in Zloa City to BuwajjM IIILLES CHOSEN Asjirii The President's Secretary ; Will Vf - Manage Bepublican Presi . t -. . . ' ' dential Campaign. Washington. ' July 10. Chap. D. Hilles, President Taf t's secretary, was yesterday unanimously chosen for chair man of the Republican National Com mittee. , , S-. ..'ij'.w-C. ;. .;';,) . Mr. Hilles will meet the sobcommit . tee of nine to arrange for other officers. Chas. B. Warren, Republican national committee frbm Michiuan, made the motion to make Mr. Hilles' selection unanimous. He was appointed a com mittee of one to notify Mr. Hilles and bring him into conference at once witb the subcommittee to decide ' upon the other officers of the national commits tee. ' ' ''"rV'y ":)': ': - Chairman Hilles and the fnll Nation al Committee will meet on Friday, July 19th, at the Waldorf-Astoria, in New York, to appoint a treasurer, other of ficers, an executive committee and en advisory committee. V , ', At the meeting Otto Bannard, of New York; Charles C Dawes and David R. Forgan, of Chicago; Jno. Wanna maker, of Philadelphia; E. K. Swinney, of Kansas City, and John Hays Ham mond, of Washington, were all con sidered for the office of treasurer, but ndt even a tentative decision was reached. Mr. Hilles wi 1 resign his office as secretary to the .President on Saturday night. It is thought unlikely that Mr. Taft will appoint a successor, but wili turn the business of the executive of ficers over to two assistant secretaries, Rudolph Forsttr and Sherman Allen. Headquarters of the National Comit- tee are to be opened in New York the first of next week. They probably will be in the Metropolitan Life building the same as four years ago. Call and take a look at the prettiest framed pictures in town. New Bern Furniture Co., Phone 728. 76 Middle Sr. -v - - ..... . ( ... ; BB1SW BBBBW Motorist Killed. -Utira, N. Y.,' July 9th. -Edwin Bur- dick, a motorcyclist, lost control of his machine hile going down a steep hill near Cooperatown, last night. At a speed of nearly sixty miles an hour he atihed into a trolley car. His skull waa fractured and he died almost in stantly. ., '-' Negro Boy Ran Ovtr By Automobile. William Northup, a small colored boy had a narrow escape from death or seri ous injury when he was knocked down and ran over yesterday afternoon on Middle street by an automobile driven by Mr. Jas. Peebles, a traveling sales man. The boy at the time of (he aeci' dent wa j following the carnival band up the atreet and paying no attention to anvthint but tba music Mr. Peebles came up in the rear of the band very slowly and blew his horn a number of times for them to give him room to pass. However, tne noise made oy tne horns drowned that made by his ma chine. The boy suddenly jumped direct ly in front of the machine. The front wheel knocked him doxn end 'passed over his abdomen. He waa tsken at once to a physician's office where an examination wee made. . The physician reported that the boy was not badly hurt and would doubtless be all right aa soon as he recovered from the shock. Those who witnessed the accident stat ed that Mr. Peebles was not in the least to blame. ' ., .t Encampment Week at Morehead City. This is encampment week at More- head the Second Regiment ia tenting three miles from the town and their camp ia along tne watere or Bogus Sound. The encampment opened July 3 and wiU continue until Jury 12 Com panies from Tarboro, Kinston, Rocky Mount, Goldsboro, Fayetteville, Wash ington, Clinton, Edanton, Wilson, Lum ber Bridge and Duthara compose the regiment. Lieutenant Col. J, Van B. Metis is In command. Brig. General Francis A. Macon is in charge of the quartermaster's department. Lieut. Uoi. J. waane uisseii is range inicer and Major R. T. Daniels is the statisti cal officer. Brig. Gen. B. S. Royster ia with the regiment, detailed on spe cial duty. More than 650 men are in 0 camp. Teachers anamination. Public Examination for teachers certificate will be held at the Court House in New Beta Thursday and Fri day, July 11 and 12, beginning each day at 10 a. m. The examination Thursday wiU be for white teachers and Friday for colored teachers. - . S M. Brinson, . Supt. Public Instruction, Cravea County. uRAVEd COUIIIY FAIR ASSURED Ueeting of Executive Committee LastNi-hL Work to Begin , Within Few Days on ; Buildings. Within a few days the work . of con structing the buildings for the Eastern Carolina Fair Association will begin and there ia not the least doubt but that the first Fair will be held this fall. At a meeting of the Executive Com- tiittee last bight all the . plans were gone over and decided upon. : Sixty six acrea of theeite purchased will be used as a psrk while thirty acres will be utilised for the Fairgrounds. Mr. J. F. Leitner, an architect .from Wilmington, is now in the ci y getting the plana for the main building, poultry building, stock barns and grand stand in readiness for the contractors. .The main building will be 70 feet wide and 200 feet in length and will be amply ighted by numerous skylights. Just what lighting facilities will be used has not fully been decided upon. Either the electric power will be secur ed from the city or a small electric plant installed on the grounds. At some convenient place in the main building will be rest rooms for both ladies and gentlemen and evrry effort will be made to asure the patrons of Ihe Fair the best attention possible. Ti e race track which is to be half a mile around, will be one cf the best in ' the State. Iiidosed in this will be a base ball diamond and a number of games will be played during the week. Ad. Wolgast Will Meet Labor Day. Rivers on Los Angles, Cal., July 9. Ad. Wol gast and Joe Rivers will box again probably on Labor Day in the Vernon arena it is practically decided upon. Both principals and their managers and Tom McCary, manager of Ihe club, were of one mind on this subject. ' All agreed that another meeting was im perative, all agreed to meet again and all agreed that Labor Day. was the most logical date. , Should Report Infec tons Diseases. The following extract from the Pub lie Laws of the State of North Carolina should be put into effect by the house holders la New Bern : See. 17 chap. 62 Public Laws 1911. If a householder knows that a person within bis family is sick wi'h small pox, measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough, and ct, he shall give immediate notice to the quarantine office or deputy quarntine oltice." Sec. 19 "A person who violates the provisio n of thia section ahall he fined not leas than $10 nor more than $50, or imprisonment not less than 10 nor more than 80. days and ahall be liable lo a penalty of $25 in favor of any person who shall sue fpr the same." New Paper For Onslow County. ': Raleigh, July ,10. A charter was is sued yesterday to the Onslow Publish ing Company of Jacksonville, the ob ject being to publish a newspaper and do a general job printing buisness. The authorized capital is $10,000, with, 90 subscribed for by Joseph W. Little of Wilmington, Nero E Day, of Jack sonville, and Rudolph Duffy, of Cath erine Lake. . ' Hatpin BlU Sidetracked. Baton Rogue, La.. July 8th. "The hatpin is a woman 'a weapon of defence: it is like her tongue," shouted Senator Vincent in the State senate, opposing the Dupont bill, abolishing the long bat pin. Other senators agreed with Vin ient. : The bill consequently was side tracked Indefinitely. ' . " i It's easy for a man to forgive his en emies after getting square with them fear Rebels Msy Attack Mormons. Ague Prieta, Sonora, July 10 -The determination of Mormon colonieta at Colonia- Morelos and Colon ia Oaxaca, sruth of here, to resist the demand of providing rebel bands, coupled with the Mormons' appeals to Washington, pre sented a menacing situation today. Moat of the Mormons are American Citizens. They have armed thmelvea and they declare th-y will fight till the lait one of the 250 of them drops to pro tect their property against rebel devas tation, , A few of the Mormons are naturaliz ed Mexicans, and tha fear has been ex pressed that this circumstance might impel the rebels to assume that they were justified in attacking the colonieta if thry resisted demands for supplies. General Sanjines, commander of the government forces in this section, to day was at CUnrgHS, twenty rmlca norttiweit of Colonia Morelos, but whs said to be ur ,i artd. a yet, to attai k t'.e r ' ' J. STATE COuulTTEE ELECTS c. ft; r New Executive Head of' Dem ocratic Party ' ia North . Carolina. Raleigh, N. a, July 10,-The State Democratic Executive Committee last night, elected Hon, Chas. A. Webb, of Asheville, as State chairman,, and re- . electedW, X. Brook, Wadasboro. as sec retary of the committee, both being by acclamation. The name of Mr. Webb was presented by Hon. Jno C. Mills, Rutherfordton, as man eminently fit ted for the place by past distinguished service ss repeatedly district chairman and as State Senator and other public service. . In taking the chair, Mr. Webb ex pressed deep appreciation for the ex pression of confidence and the honor and he expressed the hope that he re alized fully the great . responsibility, : Ueclar n that ia the conduct of the pending campaign the State Committee feels that it will have the hearty sup- , port of all loyal Democrats. He declar ed there ia a glorious prospect of a great victory. ;v ' The first business before the commit tee waa the adoption of rules sup plemental to those adopled by the State convention for the holding of , the pri maries for United States Senator at the General election. A set of rules was presented by T. D. Warren, of New Bern. They consisted of the rules adopted by the convention, setting out the general plans for the primaries to be on general election day, Novembur 6th, and for a second primary on Nov ember 26th. in the event no candidate receive the majority of votes east in the first primary. Then supplementary . rulea provided , that county execut ive committees meet on the first Monday in October to appoint pollhold- err, one toreacn candidate lor senator. that the candidatee provide their own tickets to be the size of the tickets for Congressman, and for returns of the primary to be made November 7h to the County Committees and forwatded to Raleigh where a subcommittee of the State Committee would canvass the returns November lath, and report . to the full State Committee on the night of November 14th, when the nominee' would be declared or a second primary ordered. ! : 1 . Aviators Organize To Save Own LlVcS. Chicago, July" S 10. '-The American Aviators' Association, founded "to save the lives of remaining American flyers" was organised yesterday at the flying ' field of the Aero Club of Illinois. Members pledge themselves not to fly in an aeroplane they do not think safe, regardless of . jeers or accusations of owardice; they agree to eeek action against managers or employers who Seek to force aviators intouosafe flights and they have arranged for a mutual exchange of experiences. . : i 'We do not yet know the air," said Andrew Drew. "Every time a flyer goes up he meets some new peculiarity. If we put this knowledge to - common one we shall learn something," Lossof ileep caused by mosquitoes can be overcome with one thorough applica tion of our Screens. J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co.' ' Mother Kills Herself ao4 two Children. Westchester, Pa.,' July 9. Despond ent from illness, Mrs. Florence Boyd, aged 41 yeara, killed herself and two children. May, aged 7 years, and No bles, aged 6 years, yesterdsy at tbeir home with illuminating gas.' . Good Roads Convention. Chapel Hill, July 10 -Dr. Joseph Hyde Pratt has issued the following: We would like to call the attention of all North Carolinians who are interest ed in the state's progress and develop ment in the annual convention of the North Carolina Good Roads Associa tion which is to be held in Charlotte August 1 and 2. Already a large num ber of delegates have been appointed to this convention, and it ta expected that a large number will attend. Auto mobile rune are being arranged from our large cities. It ia expected that the Governor will be preaent.and Sena tors Overman and Simmon, who will discusa the building of roads from a federal standpoint; Ilon.Joho ll.Sma'l, and at least oee t'.or. 1 good r.- U enthusiasts from all '' i of h'.jrl'l t' ir e-f- Carolina, who are tirr t in forts (o get tbe s!te out of ruts and unprogrut ; j i coat and is coalirt t' a j state such va t $ i. 1 t: tf t; 1 hlM y of the state inlet and Die synov ial ComKl T t i ; inviti-1 t ) i 1 U i t ( EBB TTTs. 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