No 40 NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY, N. C. FRIDAY UJGUST lfx 1912---SECOND SECTION. 35th YEAR, OANKS CDTJCEAL UNTOLD WEALTH Fortunes Believed to Be Stored in Lime , Deposits. " J. C. ' BROWN PIONEER 'indefatigable In His Re- ; searches Concerning -Shell: Products." , ;' ln tbe Journal of Sunday last appear ed a little st-irj about th shell deposits -. aljng the banks, of. the Trent river. The intention was to refer to the wealth . concealed in these banks, and how , il was I ing Rotten out by the men . who know how, but owing to the exig 'i encies oi we mecoamcai aepartn.eni, " and the rush incident to daily'--journal- Ism, .this matter ,wa'" omitted. The large deposits of carbonated ' V lime, located at nj the Trent, from about six jnilt-a up the. stream nearly ' i O, .11 I., - . n j i - t Carolhn Coast Lime CoaiDanv. of ", which Mr. J, C. Brown is manager. . Mr. Brown his spent many of the best ' : yeta. of his life io! research concern j. log riatural shell lime, its use on the farm and in the poultry yard, and it is unueraiooo tnai ne reaiiy Discovered :. many of the deposits along the Trent and Neuserivers.WhiIe the banks wrrikncwn to exist," a profitable use for the lime contained had not been .. found, V . v -. - ... s ' -, Mr. Blown look these disintegrated -. shell, ground them in a mill he built at the foot of Metcalf street,' this city, and d' mouf trated to farmers the vir tui s o" his natural hell lime as a toil v bul'derand crop increiaer. The Value of this lime imd been known, for over one hundred years, but Mr. Brown must be given credit for making'' it - available. After the pioneer work was done, a ... company : was . formed,' The Carolina Cobs'. Lime company. ' They control mint on both the Neuse and" Trent . riv rconisi ing millions ef tons-of Mitii grade natural ahII lime, composed tir y of frssilizeJ shell flsb, and a plant i h a a'ly capacity of fifty tons of I hi? mnft valuable fertilizer for most v 1. ndi. - Daily JSdition Aug. 14- . DEATH GLAIMES CHARLES BELL. T. Mr Charles Thomas Bell, vpforois ing young member of the Carteret ourtybar, died ut his home at More hnud 4ity Monday, at 6:30 p. m. The fun ral was held yesterday afternoon. Ar. Btll contracted 'tuberculosis some months ago, and was taken to the sa nttorlurri at MohtrOieV .He rttumed to Morehiad C'ty several weeks ago. little improved, and he bore his sufferings with great fortitude to the end. He wi a a brother of Mr. - Will L. Bell, manager of the Woodmen oi the World fl r this district, who has many friends "here. - .... ; " -15 Day Sale , We want you to get tho benefit so have decided t continue our great ; Reduction Sate for 1 S dafrs longer . 1 A Vge st; ck to select from. , So come early and get what you need at . the lowest p'ices ever offered in New Bern - - m -: W A?7B? SU G AR M $ ' I . 63J Middle Street, . xnxxxxxzxxxxxxxnxzxxixxixixxxixi f ....... - .' v You can deposit your money in the NATIONAL BANK OF NEW BE1E No matter where you live. We pay 4 interest, com-; i pounded semi-annually on time deposits. . . We know your wants and want your business. Write u without ail and we will take pleasure in explaining our methods. National Bank of New Berne : ' t - y "' New Bern,' N. C. ':'.'. U' JAS. A. BRYAN, Presr. GEO. II. ROBERTS, GashieA JNO. DUNN, Vice-Pret W. W. GRIFFIN, Asst. Cash. xxiixnxxiixixxixxiixiixxytiixixxxxiixiixiiiirxxxxxi C. L. SPENCER- DEALER IN- Hay, Corn, Qats, Bran, Hoiniriy, AND ALL KINDS OF FEED. SEED WHEAT AND SEED - . . Hell Orders Given Careful Attention. Lower Middle Street, SINGULAR. (Charlotte News.) " ; Isn't it a little singular that wh.le Senator Simmons is doing so much mag nificent work for his parly and his State the men who covet his seat in the Sen ate are beating the bushes atd bar ranguing the people, attacking Sim' mons' democracy T Do they think the people of North Carolina are ignorant or ungrateful? If so a day of rude awakening is coming. Why do these candidates not put their records alorgside that of Senator Simmons' and let the people make a rcompariton ? One of them at least, has been in'Congress for a long term 6f ytars. .;. :; '' , There is another fact in this connec tion that the people of N. Carolina will not fail to note. While his record is being assailed bythe men who want his place, he has not deserted bis post of duty but is leading the Democratic fight in the Senate with marked abili ty, no doubt believing- that the : people of his tate will show their apprecia tion oi bis work by repudiating his as sailants and by re-electing him to the Senate by an overwhelming majority. We believe they will." E Messrs, Fiank Law of Hebron, Ohio, and A. H. . Ellis, of Thurstrn, Ohio, came in on last night's train from Nor folk. They 'left Ohio Tuesday mor;;ing last and mads stops all through Vir ginia. . Reaching Norfolk, they took a (rain right through to "Near Bern, in order to look at the farms of Craven county, of which they had heard so much. These gent'emen are very fnverably impressed with this part of North Caro lina, as they have seen the exhibit at Columbus, Ohio, and if the 'country proves to be as good as they have been led to believe it is, and the glimpses they got of the crops on the way down seemed to encourage them, they will invest and settle in this coun try. . : ...... . . - ... .... -Many Ohio peopje :have- moved to Eastern North Carolina and the glow ing reports they have sent back home are bringing others all the while. The Norfolk Southern railroad is doing' good work in bringirg immigration here, The gentlemen referred to will be pleased to meet some of the New Bern real estate dealers. Daily Edition Aug 14. BROWN COMES CLEAR. In .the Mayor's Court Monday An drew Brown, the negro arrested Satur- J day night on the charge of stealing a wa'ch belonging to Stephen Mtseley, was discharged from custody, there ba ing no evidence to hold him He prov ed that he bought the watch from' a woman U , whom Augustus Adams, MoSeley'a nephew, had given it in pay ment of a board bill. Rub-niy-tism. New Bern North Carolina. V HIGH GRADE CORN MEAL. RYE. BRICK FOR SALE iNew Bern, N. C. ST 5 1 II JO CITIES STOPPED Farmers' Union Education al Secretary Discusses Rural Problems. NEW DAY HAS DAWNED Discusses Proposed Cen tral Warehouse, But Un ion Defers Final Action. Before tha Craven Corn y Fa; m rs' Union Saturday at the cor't !.ou e. Prof . W. C. Crortiyvrecr'taiy f the Educational Ccmmit!e of iho Stats Farmers' Union, made an a If'r'ss hi which he ured the sdvrrtaff? -f ed ucation, organizanionand co-op ati and discussed the propcs'.t cii ti I ate a central farmers' warMrri-o either here or at Wilmington. Rural prosperi'y ' recti m three things, raid Mr. Crosby, ro-i o ato'i, education, ard organ 'zili-.n ami the greatest of these is education. He said the Farmers' Union wa p eMng to bring .about a country life r n iva1 and that to that end Wvx-' iiBcl to !e mere education for the y imij.' iv 1 n ore co-operation and more oijnn v.:' on "or the matured c'tiznsbip. North Carolina fcrn'.C! 3 viie ion conservative, he said, tconiiiii ois- praed to rest oh the laurolj arr cd by their fathers in the wtr, Tlur.3 wan only One person more patitni th-in the North Carolina farmer prd tf-.t was the North Carolina farmer's i ", who had to put up with all 'he t! 'r.y tint he puts up with and him to I ol , Changing an old acagc, he fniJ ' :.Ve are not the firnt by wlitra tha :ie v is tried, but we are the la-jt io by thci-ld aside." A nsw day hts dni ed, he siid; and its light seemed nil f-v n.oie dazzling to rural North Crrolioa be cause the darkness here hsd b en so dense. He diacufsed the drif. o pr r ulbllon from the country to the ci'y re a jjiub- lenr wt.Jch demepded vuy s-. ii t.a icn- sideration, ' .."We .are m.t any !rKr sacrificing our boys to war, I ut vre sre sacrificing our best new h'ord t that indefinable something which we call culture. The curricuh-m in oi r pt-.Mic schools prepaies us fcrro"eK i d not for life.'.' The remedy for the i:nft Prof. Crosby said waj (o iuii,try life as profitable and liv.l'is fa city life.Breins go where tin re i- finun-j sl reward and it was cne of the i;irr of the Farmer's Union to mal e.cou try life offer the icducemen's (hit are of fered in tin fity.- "Wn coi. t wart those that are alrtady in th ? city to come back, we wan' th'tn to Rtsv there for we have get to Lavu r ir.a.ket for what we have to sell, but we want to see-more of the best blcod-and bos brain staying on the farm." The great trouble wi h th ' ff it-s i f the farmer in the direction of co-npe.a on was, be gaidv the faihr'uf tlie farmers to patronize the'r un n'vr pr'ses.. - . D'Hcusaing the nwd of or. an ea ;on be declaed that every c!as h r organ ized and that farmers h id 0 0 carizv-if forno oU errea8onbecaufe ;.i: tl o ot -er classes bad organized. . He tirged tha -need for.ihe ami r to take steps to advance Its c I I1 ng. Who will xJtny Ihat'th-' ftnia- 'is looked npon as the very lail'erd of creation? 'We look upon foirrin not as a profession but as a condition. No wonder we are pilfered ly tl t f.rt Hzt trust and doped by the ro'Hi inn.1 ; rassiug to the proposed cenfal w; re house, he said was t o pla-; to have a building to cost i ornelhh g .like twenty thousand dollars i rd that the practice was for the farmers to Uk' about 76 per cent, of tho & qek and let business men of the community, if tRey so desired, take the remainder, Wilmington, he said as compeHr g for the wsrehouse - . Mr. C. E. Foy was tailed On to niue some rematksas to tl e advants- rs of New Bern as the 'piece for 'thf ' - i ar.r home. As compared whh WPn ingt .i he ssid that New Bern was cti h bet ter suited to the purpisesof tre Avjre house as it is in ths center of ,a' great agricultural section v h'l- V.'i tnii-.'tor is forty or fifty miles aav f (.in Inca i ties where there is pgricuiLU' ii a 'urge scnle. He mentioned a muniif r or nd ditional reasons why hi IdiVvrd New Bern U.O logical place fur. the ware bone. ' :' - - Tile Union went into execu'ive ros- slon fter which the Inforniktiun Was given (in'- that deciaive action at to the warehouse was not taken hut that the matter would come up again at the next mcetii.g of the Union, Sept 14. The' Union decided to have the an nual picnic at Ernul on'Sep' ember 2(3 h. Prior to Prof. Crosby's address Pr dent D P. Whitford introduced M f. Leon William1", secrctsry of the Bitt ern Carolina Fair, who Bfke ' theaetlve ro-operation of the farmers in making the coming fair a tucce?. , 5 Or 6 doses 666 will break sny any case of Chills and Fe?er; and if taken then at a tonic the Fever will .not return WANTS GEN. BOOTH ILL. ... London, August 14 -Ihe condition of General William Bootllt cm maind;' in-chief of the Salvation; r.i y, who wiis operated on last Mi lor the re trieval of a .(attract from' hi j 1 ft eyt and in now "totally blind,! U t;rov.iriw worse ' . " ' i ; Bramweli Buoth, chief vf it ff of the Salvation Army, und a soq o ile aged Salvationist, prints .the (oil ing an hotiacement in the War Ci'y, I e Solva tion Army organ: "1 deisllj lenre't tt say tKatcur beloved geneul is wall. Hii doctor reports: "I 3 not sr portf "I regret that, the improvement in Kte geueful'e health Kas'natVfei mao?Jn'ed." : ; "The general's heal'h is not st.-ained and if rnly Ins sleep were restored ht i would quickly regain much that is now in danger of being .lost. - The general spiking Of his own weakness and pain la t Saturday, said: ' Ask the pcoplt who love me to pray for m." IfSVILLE ODD FELLOWS ACTIVE Majsville, Aug. 14. A very interest ing session of Brotherhood Lodge, I 0, 0. F. was held in I, 0. O. F. hill last r.ight. After the usual business of the seppion the Lodge rested for a short tinip, during which refreshments were servid and the time very plea?antly passed in n round table cfi t among the nu-mbeis. There will be a toc'al ses sion of the Lodge in its hall on Tueed y niglu, September 3.-d. Every body is Invited to be prcscnt, especially the( iadies. Refreshments wBI ba servei and a genera! good time pjomi?ed. Wehopa to see every5ore .t 'Uf eighty1 members prestnt i.nd th ' they will bring their non-rnen ber ' tends. Sfeaking ani other intfre."-in ' fta lurcs on programme. Broth r. vcur piefcnce is desired. Fiatemai'y. N. N. G.. SWANSBORO ; There ia no improvemtn': in the eon di'icn of the two childrcnj-of . .Vr..Wil- Uiara Bell, who have betn"dierla in? nt time's symptons of violent indirity. Pr. Daniels, who ha3 heen trea' n..- tl rh, diagnoses their trouble as epi'opy. Dr. Taylor, of Washington, I). ('.. tbi.ks tint the trouble is spiral, a d can te eurod. Mr. Bell exto'fl1 thai kn to Mr. Car fi. Id for meeting (he Wnthington physician in his autcnio' ile nd bring ii g hm from MaysvHe to Sw Solicitor Shaw of Kins' n is hero on v's't to his brother, I" Sh 15, who is hep? recuperating 1 rem Bn I i I ne . Prof. Hamilton of Chape! HilUia here. Mrs Maggie Ilall end Ckrcrco i'ivr cauebt wilh bock end I'ne tc.i'iy trout and 35 bluefish in ma.u es. -The writer exien 's be t wishS to Mr. Charlrs L. Stevens retiring owner ' the Journal, and aho to ropnetors. the E.-J. Lnn l tho new IVir ting Company. 15 Tha biz pissenser loeomotive No. 127 has resumed its run od the Beau fort division of tha Norfolk South rn It makes a grca'. improve unt title passenger service. The tr i: s '. ave be come too heavy for the sm- lb r type of engines. Vtry often trails of ton coaches, crowded with Das enj. is, are hauldd over the Baauforfcxu iIm, a id the tmili loeomotiyes c n'ot ivaf a term fast though t-: niai'ain the schedule. Genial NatRui-elf, p-i e gineer who has a reputauon r a "run ner" is at tha throttle of t' e rew ma thrne. Hnd he is mighty p-oa I of r. JOt; THE TURKS ium mm MVLLL Deppllethe terrific le , or maybe on account Of Jr, "Joe, the' Turk" held the attention of ft large crowd on the corner of Middle and Pollock streets last night, before the meeting at the Salvation Army hall on Griffith street Staff Captain Garabed, which is 'Jno's real n.rae, is a picturesque cl aracter When he gets on box arrayed in full Turkish costume, and begins to play tho Turkish drum, every ono ;n is, at attentidn. ?'Joe' is certaln'y tv mul clan, as he plays the cornet, ol rinet and saxaphona In addition to th i pecu liar drum from his native best '. . Tonight he will conduct ano li r open air meeting and an sin will spo ii in the hull. Tomorrow night he giv i a sa cred concert in the court houw and an admission fee of 10 cents will be charged Daily Edition Aog. It 0 MUM RESUMES RUN ML DEATH CLAIMS --VALUED CITlZEfl Mr. Samuel J. 1 Hudson i .i yj Passes Away After - Lingering Illness. PREY OF CONSUMPTION In Dying Condition For Several Days Fu neral , Friday. Mr, SanrtuelJ. Hudson died yesterday morqing at 6:45 o'clock af;er a linger ing illness' with consumption. For several tiays past he had been in a crit ical condition and friends all over the city were p epired at any moment to hearhat the ei d had come. Though Mr. Hudson's death wat not unexpected, it comes as a matter of keen sorrow to iriany. And as the nes went around yesterday that death had claimed h;m, many were the express ions of regret mingled witbsympa'hy for those who had watched so censtin ly by Jjis bcdHide, He had been in failing health for a year or mine when, seeing that con sumption had assailed him, he gave up work und commenced an unequal struggle with the disease. Las: sum mer he Bptnt in Asheville and seemed to be somewhat benefited. This turn mer be went again, but instead of growing better he became worse and a few weeks ago he returned with the shadow of death hovering closely ar ound him. All ths while since, he has been slowly sinking, wife and friends realizing that no power on earth could ave him and helpless tj do more than watch and wait for the en I, rendering in the m?antlme every attention that love and skill could suggest. He was born Dec. 5, 1861, at Polloks- vilJe and would ha e been fifty-one ears of age had he lived until next December. Dec. 5, 1883, he married Miss Lucretia Edwards of Kinston, who him. Twenty-five years ago ha came .to New Bern to live; first as a salesman and later as .the proprietor if a grocery store which he conducted for seventeen years, when the condit ion ef his health mada it necessary for ioi to give up work, Hs was a man of i reproaeliable char acter, leading a lite of Bingular beauty ai d rectitude. One who knew him well said, referring to his death: "Again has New Bern been called upon to part with one of her prominent citizens prominent not in' worldly position nor in material weilth but in trict integrity, in sterling worth, in gentleness of manner, in beautiful un selfishness of beart. Mr. Uudson was one of tho.e rare men who filled his rh:ca in the community and in the cl urch, without crowding against any one, without envy, without thinking evi'," Mr. Hudson is the last of his immed iate family, leaving no closer relative) 8 than cousins. He was a member of Pentenary Methodist church and also of the offic ii board of that church, . He was member of the Masonic order and . of the Royal Arcanum. The funeral will take place this af ternoon at five o'clock from Centenary Methodist church aud will be conducted by Rev. R. C Beaman, a former piisNir assisted by Rev. Dr. J. H. N. .Sum merell. Burial will be in Cedar G ove Daily Edition Aug 14. THE DAYS F ALL 1MJWIFTLY Morehead City, N. C Aug.r 13. The elorious out-door August days at Morehead are passirg only too swiftly for the mi htummer crowd of visitors, who are crowding into each day many hours of boating, fishing "and other wa- ter'spjrta aside from the enjoyment of the Indoor delights at the Atlantic hotel. Every evening the spacious ver andas and pier and splendid bail room of the Atlantic are the scenes of en thusiastio midsummer happineas.but in the day time the crowd hies to the wa ter either for a sail, or to seek the. thrill of tha finest fishing "Sport on the Atlantio Coast or a dip into tho turf. To Reach The PEOPLE? . In the rural Districts . - of Craven, Jones, Ons- low, Carteret and Para- ; lico counties, adver- ; : Use in the j lb FINDS CANCER MICROBE. Pris, August 13 Dr. GaUon Odin, - Paris' phyfician, announced today that be had discovered the microbe of cancer and that be has succeeded Tn isolating and cultivating it He also declared that he has foifnd an anti cancer serum which, whether or not it leads to a permanent prevention or a cure, wui show witi certain :y ir tne cancer parasite inthe blood. , Dr. Odin, who has been conduce ng nil research for a decade, ' Clams that Professor Matruchot, of the faculty of Science, and Professor Lannois, of the faculty of Medicine at the University of Paris, bave verified his discovery, which he asserts has definitely proved the correctness of the theory of the parasitical nature of cancer. Cotton and Finance, a weekly pub lished by Theodore1 H Price, the noted cotton operator, gives in its current is sue cotton crop news from numerous Southern points including Wilmington and New Bern. D. L. Gore of Wil ming'on says: "Our cotton is spotted; where well worked and fertilized, gen rally good." The New Bern repres entative of Carpenter, baggot & Co., quoted as having sent that firm in formation as follows: "Crop this sec tion at least two weeks late;eorre crops very poor, others only fair, a very few pretty good. None that compare with best crops last year. I do not tbink his country will make over 50 per cent of last year's crop, or about 75 sr cent, of an average crop," OPULISTS ADOPT St. Louis. August 14. The eighth delegates to Populist National Con. vention, after nearly six hours argu ment hstniirhtadaDted a platform re affirming the 1892 platform and adding number of new planks, one of which favors the recognition of the Chinese Republic. ' ? The leading plank discusses at some length money. . The quanMtive theory of mone y a declared in our Omaha (1892) platform now universally conceded," the preamble states. Issuance of money by the government direct to the people is demamded. "Loans by 1 tha govern ment to the people are also favored. Rnverument ownership of the tele. REDICTS THREE FOURTHS CROP OMAHA PLATFORM graph and telephone systems and toW? uw, parcels post are recommended. The initiative, referendum, direct election of United States Senators, direct pri msry, Presidential 'primaries, equal suffrage, registration of lobbyists and a graduated income and inheritance tax are among the other placks. Governor Wilson, our nominee, la partly a North Carolina man; ne was the favorite of our people - for the nomination, and our euppoit tended greatly to bring about his. nomination. Now let us make good and each one chip In to 'raise liberal contribution from North Carolina, to meet the necessary expenses of the campaign Senator F, M. Simmons Get it at laster 's Arjd' there will be no aftermath oi regrets. Baxter has the stock-and the prices Whatever His : that men, women and children wear get it at Baxter's. .It is 1 The Old Reliable Store. J. J. Baxter, Department Store ELKS TEflPLE Econor-iv. Can, your Fruits and Vegetables Seeourline.ol I Gahners--"Caolina,, "Home" " ' "Ideal" and "Ranney" J. C. WHITT Ml BKlBt;, 0IIM1 1 MsBaaiBMaM Bridetbn's New Factory i Nears Readiness . For '9: Operation.' WIT T, i MAKE ,WASIIERS Little Town Across I he. Netise Has Building v Boom. The washing-machine factory; which. is being built at Bridgeton by Mr. A J. Holton of Reelsboro, is near ing com pletionand he will no doubt have some sf his mach;nes on the market in a short time. This is a new plant for Bridgeton. Bridgeton is on the boom. There are two pewv stores just completed, ana several new houses have been finished within the last few weeks. Mr. L. R. Davis has about completed a very hand-. some hiuse for Mr. C. V. McGeehee on A ftreetv It adds greatly to ths looks of the place, Mr. Duff Lathiogbouse has taken a contract to put I,40u.uu improvement on Mr. EL R. Phillips' house, on Bridge street.- , ., Mr. J. H. Oglesby, piatniister, . has recently enlarged the post office and is in position to give better service to the people. Mr. A. L. Johnson returned Monday. from Beaufort couaty, where he had . been" on business for several days. , Mrs. J. P. McCollen retnwd home Friday from Goldsboro af te: pending a week with relatives. Miss Maggie Campbell tame -home Friday, after spending two'weeka in ! Vanceboro with' her sister. Misses Miltie and Mattie Barrington are visiting friends in Durham. , Mr. G. O.Lee of Washington is visit ing his parents, Mr. and Mri, C H. Lee. ; .".. ,. -. . . . Mrs. Duff Latbinghouse and children returned Jpoma Monday from Vance- oores Mr Perry Folcher on Monday meWd in his newstore .which has just been, completed by Mr. L. R, Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Chas.Wyatt of Norfolk are visiting their parenta.Mr. and Mra. W. F. Wyatt . Mr. and Mrs. R. L. SiaWngs are visiting in Vanceboro. ' Rev. and Mrs. J. M. WVgbt are visiting in Hyde county. - -.. ; Mr. Willie Simons, who' ie employed h s. CoDlon & Son. haa been .taking turned home Monday night'and Is back on hiB job.-Dailj fkjjtfon Aug-I4 :' - . WILL BE.TOP NOTCHER. If a hotel If to,-V iudKed b' iU h,rd" ware, and that Is a pretty good thing to go by, the new Hotel Trent, being rebuilt by Mr. J. W. Stewart, will be a top notcber, for the new doors, which were put in place last evening, solid brass hinges, lock and knobe, all heavily silver plated, if the appoint ments throughout conform to the port als of this caravansary, it will appeal to those who want what they want when they Vant It , . .. ... v ' Lieutenant Becker at least does not seem to have been a spendthrift. ::: NEW BERN, N.C- ;, ' , is mi i VJjr 1 i u