NEW BERN, CRAVEN COUNTY. II. TUESDAY OCTOBER 1, 1912-FIRST SECTION 35th YEA II; llbohol - Dni::ss ALLEBT WILLIS HOTED LIUODER SCHOOL T 1200 PEOPLE AT FARMERS PICMIC C.C. BY ,1001101; 10 EF CASE Ofl APPEAL It 'THIEF Ik Ho 52 PLAN 0 EAGHERS LON FOR GUI BLACK iiniuiTmi DEMI . 0 AliSl ARE OR S lUUIl H BO Scientist Reduces to Fig ,i ' - tires Number of Vie- tims of Drink; ; 20 PER CENT WOMEN. iv. . ',; ." ' ;J ' .''.: .-"- ,v" -lf' -.j.- - .. - ' " :' t," '"' j v. ' - - -. Figures Result of First Se : rious Attempt to Get " the Facts. .' Washington, ' Sept. 28. That 66, 000 deaths due to alcohol occur an iiuatly;in the United States, was the conclusion reached here by Dr. Ed ward Bunnell Phelps,' editor of the American Underwriter, in an address before the International Congress of Hygiene and Demography. ' . . These figures are confined to adult deaths and constitute 5 per cent of' the deaths(of people of all ages in this country. , . .? 1 'X - The speaker stated that these figures were the result' of- the first serious attempt ever made in this country to Teduce to specific . figures the number of victims alcohol claims every year in- Amet-ica.. There have been many so-called estimates'' , said Mr. Phelps, by people -jwho were prejudiced either on one side or the other but these, were merely "guesses." For instance some of the prohibitionist actuaries had put the "number of alcoholic victims Jn the United States up to 680,000 a year. These figures Mr. Phelps denounces as "absurd."' . V ; Y ' Of these deaths from alcohol Mr. Phelps figures that about 20 per cent, of them are women. GETS COOL RECEPTION. V Greensboro, September. 28. Iredell Meares; - Roosevelt Republican Tro gressive candidate for Governor, spoke ' an hour here last night, in support of Roosevelt , theories. Thcrei were not . exceeding fifty in the audience of whom not twenty were Republicans His cool treatment here by former allies gives further strength to rumors afloat for the past two days that the old lcad - er of the Roosevelt organization had .' finally agreed to surrender' the State ticket to the regular Republican or ganization ,with Tom Settle for Gover nor, with liquor issue" paramount. : Meares refrained from former strictures on regular Republicans and Taft, de voting his time to criticsm of Punc cratic policies and Woodrow Wilsom. Mrs. C I. Myers-and little daughter of .Wilmington who have, been vfeiUng'this account A hard northeast wind wir. ana Mrs. J. K. figott returned home yesterday mtrnini. C' 1 Dr. and Mrs. C 'W.' Bilflncerwent'thla (art thu fi.h wn..M f. . - to Morehead City yesterday for a short V" V o 1 . - ( Mr. E. Carl Duncan of Raleigh pass- ed throi gh the city yesterday enroutc to Beaufort for a short visit. , S or doses 6(i " I brekk wry any esse of CM Is ai d FeT ; a-d If tekentfenata unlo the FiTeV not return . - . .1 NEW QUARTERS - k " t rkiJu E 4 ' j trsde rome f.. i d are ur new Fall .riiC.?ll!lrnKi"?- SeciaMwitsticno the ladies t ome In and I ..L J , . mmM "'up omen irvpn careful tlRnlinn " J. O. DEL A MAR . -, 78 MIDOL PHONE OXmilllliyiTTTTTTTTXIXl You can deposit NATIONAL BANK No matter where you live. We pay 4 interest, com pounded semi-annually on time deposits. We know your wants and want your business. Write us without ail and we Will take pleasure in explaining out-methods. National Bank of New Berne " . New' Bern, N. C. ' '.V' JAS. A. CRYAN, Prest JNO.DUNN.Vice-Prest rt rixixintixxrrTxtiiTrxT7rxri i x 1 1 r itxhthhiuxxj L. SPHriCER1 DEALER IN- Hay, Corn, Oats, Bran, Hominy, " r'D AlL I:IND3 OF FEED. HIGH GRADE CORN MEAL. A AND Low-;: Directors of Eastern Caro lina Fair Name Him For Place. Appoint assistants. Grea Activity at Grounds. Main Building and brand Stand Completed. . Mr. Albert Willis has been- appointed chief marshal of the Eastern Carolina Fair. He will have charge of the parade and the marshal's ball and be will ap point assistants from every sectiqn of North Carolina. . ' ' . There is no doubt about the manage ment being prepared to begin its-annual fairs' this fall, says Secretary J. Leon Williams.'5 "AH you have to. do to have your doubts dispelled," he says, "Is to go out to the grounds; V ...;. . "The main building and,: the grand stand have been completed, the poul try1, stock, and stable sheds are now being erected, the entire thirty acres to be used by the Fair lias been enclosed and the race track will be completed within the next two weeks. "One feature "that will drslw thousands will be the daily flights in his monoplane by, Mr. Frank Champion, an aviator of international reputation. Very few people in this section of the State have seen a monoplane. Mr. C. C. Witmer, who flew here last year used a biplane,; which is an entirely different, machine from the one to be used by Mr. Champi on. ', . '".'' :' - . - "One of the greatest sports in the country today is motorcycle races. - A speed of ninety-eight ' miles per hour has "been attained by these' wonderful little machines.. There will be racing by local machines. and by some of the "peW'wfhgV'' front 'a distance. -" "Inquiries from horsemen are coming in every day and the public can count' on some of the finest horse racing ever seen in this section of the State. ' "The premium book will be issued next Monday. Any .'person .desiring one of these books can get them by notifying . me. - - , EQUINOCTIAL DRIVES MULLETS OUT TO SEA. ;.The .equinoctial disturbances pre vailing along the 'coast of North Caro lina during the past few days Jiave caused a scarcity of mullets. Although prices lave not increased the fish dealers' have horn inrntlvninnrr1 nn has blown the fiish to the Carolina in- lets and farther out tn a Rnr fnr v umuv iui shalpw. waters but now will not cease .their journey until off the Florida coast and it is feared the North Carolina fishermen will lose a valuable part of the catch. , Mrs. C T. Randolph and daughter Hattie of Kinston - who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Turner returned home yesterday. ... . . I smE3r XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXIXXXXXX i your money in the OF NEW BERNE I GEO. II. ROBERTS, Cashier W.W. GRIFFIN, Asst. Cash. ED RYE. I'RICK FOR SALE N. C. Supreme Court Next Week Hears Argument in State vs. Norrl. WAS GIVEN YEARS." His Conviction based En- .tirely on Circumstan clal Evidence, peals from the sixth judicial district "0,t' vice President of the Teachers' day attended the Craven County tnS developed in the Methodist Co-.;...it4- -. T...i.A,r in cM. Woodrow Wilson Campaign Committee Farmers Union picnic which was' held ny Company of Black Mountain. preme Court, the first ''argument will be in the noted case of State vs. t. J. Nor. ris, from Wake county; N orris Is un der sentence of 20 years Inthe peniten- tiary for the murder of J. B. Bissett in I woods just east of Raleigh 18 months aeo; Norris has been in Wake county iail since his conviction and sentence! a year ago last July. :' t Some months ago' he prevented a jail delivery by lowering note from his windnowonthe second floor of the jail and secretly attracting the attention of tk. iailnr' VnrfW.J :'nr.min fnr Edwards and Broughton Company of this city, and was well known in Nor- folk and Richmond before coming to Raleigh. The conviction of Norris was on circumstantial evidence Bissett was surprised and shot down while he was with a woman with whom both Norris and Bissett had been earlier in the evening. Gill vs. Commissioners of Wake is a f i .!.. ; the nidation of wihtW in nrornrlnff petitioners for calling an election on ' local tax for improvement of schools it is necessary to include women and non-resident freeholders in getting pe- titioners representing one-fourth of the" freeholders of. the territory. These were not counted in the Wake Forest special tax movement and the vMkY"rr?f of the election is questioned. - BARKENTINE IN BREAKERS, -' WIND SHIFTS, SHE SAILS." Special to the Journal ' Beaufort, Sept. 26. Tuesday night an upidentMied barkentine ran to beach and anchored three and one-half miles R.nfc Til Banks Life Saving south of Core Station, half mile from shore. Revenue cutter Seminole went to her assis- anm thi ifihrnlnir. hut thp wind shifffiH to the northwest last night and the barkentine had sailed before the revenue cutter arrived.- Heavy sea ' running when vessel anchored and she was in the breakers. SHOT HER FATHER 10 . DEATHj nx, wa.i., ocpi. o. uisguisea as a man and cheered on by her two, Mrs. winme BrowncH trailed ....r .ir, .yecvw, ,or mues ana shot him to death because, she says, he wronged her as a girl.' Lodged in prison here today, she expressed no regret for her act. - Mrs. .Browned' husband is likewise a pnsotierin a-jcighboring cell, being .... ..v street the girls mother, Nceves widow i praying for the release of her dangh- ter. With her are Samuel and Marie, the 14 and 4 month, dd babies of the wqman prisoner. The crime, the strangest ever known in Washington, was committed at .Cul , . . . . de Sac the Brownell couple fleeing be- cause of the threat, made against Mr,.. Brownell bv the men imnlicated bv uronnt.11 uw mm impiicaiea py tne attacks Whkh she alleges. . '-. ' - tTAD if aim nprnMF , . i HEAD OP SEABOARD Richmond, Sept. 27. William J. Harahan was yesterday elected pre. sident of the Seaboard Air Line Rail " ,. rV' """ . way, succeeding N. S. Mcldrum. who retired. The meeting at which the tl. i , i . 1. election took place was held in New York, the action having been recom mended by a special committee ap pointed to select a president. ', The new president of the Seaboard Air Line Railway was born in the South and spent three-fourths of his life there. He won his way from an apprentice boy ui the Louisville and Nashville shops to high responsibilities - in rail road work and came under the eyes of great 'masters of railroad operations like Hariman, with the inevitable re- suit of removal to broader activities. He now leaves the vice-presidency of the Erie In the prime of life to come back South, trained in the school of experience. ' . ' 1 .' . y. A two week term of Craven county Superior' Court convenes In this city t inwrow morning with Judge W. B. Cline, of Hickory, presiding. The first week wjll lie devoted to the disposal of t criminal cases while the last -week will ip taken up ith tivil cases. ' Practically a Unit For the Election of Democra cy's Choice. THERE IS REASON. AmonS Others Is Resent- t ment as to Kind of War- i fare, on Him. i - .Dak Ridge, Sept. 26. Prof. J. Allen h" 8ent out the following letter to d8i'y paP61" wlfh t"e request that they Pub''sn lt 'an(l f3 tne weeklies to copy: "To the Teachof North Carolina: "However w may be divided on othcr eubjects,Uhe teachers of North Carolina, as elitwhere, are practically un"- lw election 01 woourow a "iison. . Recently, one ot tne pro- lessors ' of CoriieH .University told me tnat f very professor of that institution would probablysupport Woodrow WiK on, regardless; of former political affiliations- -'twere are two reasons, Certain opponents of Gov. Wilson are endeavoring to' make political capital a8ainst him by reflecting upon his for- mer calling. This, they do notwith- standinK conceded that no other man in -the last half a century has en- terct' Politic i10 a clearer vision of the needs of "lne country. or nas ex" hibited greater executive ability ,or resPonded to the call for befter govern- ment more quickly or more emphati- ca"y than has this scholar in politics I . J . . . e . . . . rri e and student of statecraft. Therefore the teachers everywhere are resenting th'8 kind of warfare made uPon him- "Second, no other class of men has felt more keen,y the hi8h c"t of living, ,nc,dent to "' Protective tanit and the ' combinauoria. known as trusts, . I. . 1 . .1 .iL ...1 1 - .. - m - - . of risinir prices. 1, "Having been appointed, without solicitation, as Vice-President' for the State of North Carolina of the Teach- ... I lit.. .1 11 Mi . wooarow wuson campaign torn- "mlcJ" 1 "M lV Z . a X rT'J" ery teacher in the State shall give ,.v A. , . ',., ai least r.uu 10 me woourow wuson Campaign fund and remittance can ! uc Ml.uc uiicvk iii-ui km liil viinii' be man designated in your' county, to forwarded. Lists of contributions will be published in state and local paper, at the close of the campaign, if - not earlier; and the names of all who ..'.. , , . , contnbute will be presented in an at . , . .t, t n tractive form to Gov. Wilson bv Dr. Clarence J. wen.of Washington, u. in uut nine. ..c-vrv inHimtinn nnint. tn T.nv. w:la.. ,,: PmiilP. Kt wigh t0 make a8gurance doubly, tufe. The. National Committee needs money tn . - llt jfrJtllr- flnH ntuprvl!l(, ,.,;. npnmnt. th- .imn nf QM ,eadef For the moncy wWch we . ( pffortivfl in', thin Witimatp ... a.a .u.t .k tribution be in hand early in October nd a , tQ in a confidence . hn nf ,h;. tpnjij a .,' -,-mov0(1 .u. mi. fa-frinalre from acadcmic ,if ft ,cholar o( h. . a ho)ar , a politically, and a statesman' ". generally accepted one being that Col- THi 't pre 1 !- ireia'td es i . . " ..:n ,- . t :i:--s.:.u .u. .1. 11. tn. t W il Ft vr. Flv nr s t . TRANSPORTATION TO , . . . n , tr.n id kJlMsU o l uu. , . . . w- A T. riill Kn. ruin rllariii in rh.. J th..rk nf uritl. mMn. B- " - - a of-transportation for the visitors to the Eastern Carolina Fair to be held HI HUB I.IIJT IICAl IIIU1IW1. . I1K L.VI1 busily-at work on the matter and has secured about fifty boats which will be used on the water route.. These boats will leave the foot of Pollock and Craven streets everv half hour. ' ' . craven streets every nail nour ' in auuuion to mis ne is cnacavonnT to secure three large auto trucks and convert them into sinhtsccinit cars each carrying thirty passengers. A number of local automobile owners have also tated that they will carry passengers w -T . 1 rr-s- J .1..! l: idq mr; vui wmiies w tuiiimuiiicHic with any other automobile owner who will use his machine for this pur pose during that week. - . - The ' encazement of Miss Ruth Egerton Brickhousc,and Mr. Simmon, Hcrritage Haywood of Trenton, N. C, has been announced. The wedding is to occur in the Fi rst Methodist Church in Spencer, at noon, on October 24, 1912. No cards are tQ be issued. The water in both Neuse and Trent rivers is far above thejaverage high water mark and at some places along the waterfront the water is abovethe banks. Such A condition causes an unusually large run of fish .and the fi-.lii-rmen have made Rood catches dniii": t' ; two days. Some Come in Wagons, Others in High Pow er Automobiles. ALL HAVE GOOD TIME. Representative of Organ!- zation Makes an Ad dress. Fully twelve hundred people yestcr- at Emul. Early in the day the pic- nickers began to arrive in every variety of conveyance from a one horse wagon to a high powered automobile, Shortly after the arrival of the train from this city Mr. D. P. Whitford, president of the Union, extended a ncany welcome 10 an present. Before concluding nis remarks ne. introduced : company, iney aiso agree mac no Hon. S. M. Brinson. Mr. Brinson ' one s to have any profit or advantage spoke at length on the subject of farm J from the sale of lots, but that the pro- life scheols, fully explaining their ad-, ceeds from the sale of lots shall be used vantages and urging that the farmers ( fr improvements, such as the con- of this county lend their support instruction of an auditorium, lakes, roads, making the proposed farm life school ( a success. Mr. Brinson was followed by Messrs C. E, Foy, G. V. Richardson, T. B. Ipock and J. L. Bland, all of whom ( made short talks on the advantages , ot the Farmers' Union. j At the conclusion of these speeches , dinncr was served. Long wire tables) had been erected on the grounds and these were literally loaded with food of everjs. variety. After the remains of the spread had been cleared away Mr. W. G. Crowder, of Cary, N. C. ,who is a member of the ( Executive Committee of the State Farmers' Union, addressed thevisitors. He spoke especially to the farmers, rgmg incm to care.uuy .ouow tne; rules of the Union and that they would I nmi ml- n Vi R n BlAt ."... .:mA 1 Hi lV . f . n iLZZZ Z ' , Z j " " " .T "r' 7. .7, ol " V , oughly enjoyed by all. He was follow- ed by Mr. A. D. Ward and Mr. G. A. wnuiora, potn ot wnom made snort but interesting speeches. At t.n f A ,I tuuuusiun ui mew auuicsscs u i u , C j , me viunua vegan lu nave ttiiu wiiiiiu a short while the grounds were almost v - T delegation. From the Southern Short- .j n. .: n:. ,:, tu . , iaia vuhuj win nt a number of young ladies and gentlemen ann It rnlllrl oasilu Via upon that thmr Were thoroughly enjoying every detail ?f the event. All those who attended from this city, were profuse in their P&e of the hospitality of the members of the Farmers Union. . INSTANTLY KILLED ' DV DACCPVrTD T K 1VT U 1 M. x&OOEjli VTJjJX .. 111 J.esse Colville of Greenville, employed on a work train of the Norfolk Southern was instantly killed by a passe iger train ahnll. fnll- vwt w,af!, a(t. , . ohrt H;t.n wDt f aaa sex. ' Ho n;aa .nl tn floor an Faal . fn.. him alive again. The engineer on the oasscnecr said he saw Colville aDDarent- , .:: n ,k trr o.i-w, k,. in tim tn nn h train lwf. it rtr...fc the man. There . are varying ' theories as to howthe tradegy occurred, the most vine FOB UUI. Idllllliai Willi ilic UUIY assigned hi.n and placed the torpedo wh,n th. tmln w. i rl on UiJXat " " " J 7 V T hn it H tint him t dm tn at ) W ih mat, H iai f..arfnl1u munirlwl 1 i. -'I-- , 1 ne uuuy was 1 a kx 11 un ilic uassenuer train and brought on to Middlesex, CHOLERA EPIDEMIC. . : That the prevalence of cholera among the hog of Carteret county has cost the forntera of tat county five thouaacd . v the farmers of that county five thousar.c m Stewart of Newport, who was in tha city yesterday. He said. Carteret ounty farmers Were having to go else- wncre to Duy nogs as tne tpcai supply was pretty well destroyed by the cholera COMEDY COMPANY 1 ' GIVES SATISFACTION J The Kennedy and Vincent' Musical Comedy Company closed a'week's engagement at .the Athens theatre last night, giving two performance. before crowded audiences. This corn- pany Is one of the best musical comedy companies that ever visited this city, The performance, given by them were clean in every detail and every person who saw and heard them were well pleased. - Messrs Lovick and Taylor manager and proprietors of the Athens, are doing all in their power to give the theatre-going public of New .Bern a good .how regardless of the price and in this attraction their enorst were crowned with success. ' Methddists Organise Cor poration to Handle Project. THE LOTS. AT $100 EACH Two of the Officers of the " Company. Are New Bern People. '.'"w; A good deal of interest locally is be Mr. T. A. Green of this citv is tiftiaVrer of the company and Mr. A. T;''1pit J one of .the vice-presidents. Prof.'Jer ome Dowd of the University of Okla homa is the president. The promoters of the enterprise-are under agreement not to enter into any land speculation in connection with" the water supply, etc. The company was organized Aug. 12 at Black Mountain, It has already secured options on about four hundred acres of land, lying, along and on either side of the Southern Railroad, and a half mile West of Black Mountain. Five hundred lots will be sold at $100 each and the lots will be distri- bu ted by an impartial drawing. The control ; of the auditorium, public grounds, programs of exercises and municipal rules and regulations will be turned over to the trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, in co-operation with other Methodist organizations. OUT SHINES THEM ALL vw " The biggest day of amusement in the history of New Bern wi history of New Bern will take place on October 3rd. This will be the occasion of the visit of the famous Sun Brothers' World's Progressive Shows. This pop - ular tented exhibition is now on its twentieth annual tour and the assertion , , ,. 18 maLde theL Sun management that the show is richer and newer in all be Pnrs. succeeomg se.suu new company of artists are engaged for . n. , '8 ,"""7' .11 nniHifiiia nffnrta am ni-lmean In fac? thev "t.8.hi"e the"1 a.1L .The Z " T'T' . "h moth one nd "rve. to introduce the f eatfst a"J 8e,ect collecctlon 8een "J?. decade,.1 . .. No fakirs, gamblers, or purple attrac- . j .u . .i.:. tions are ever countenanced about this . . .... . . 'veTcan. f U iea. iwo periuriiiaiii-cs ic pmvc daily in rainy or fair weather. Posi tively no curtailment. Dr. L. L. Dameron left last evening for a visit at Mcrchead City. , -j;:: Mrs. George Water s and Miss Matti e Clark returned last evening from a visit at Havelock. " ':.-.' Mrs. II. W. Gibbs and daughter, Miss Zadic returned last evening firm visit wiih relatives at Beaufort, ' No. 666 IJw n i ' av " ' " " , ... M VI ull . a tonic . F' vr- tt?.,! .lak?.nJ' en..M. ! tn I'rv r wt'i nni n lurn. i. ... ,.l .11... 1 - . k.i. r.'imi. and il e nnt r rl.i or ckeP. 2'C. - .i ' 1 . - 'rA 'i.-M i A v. i;!:V . V jTf i-iiJA ISt" . -..-:rTv: ". r-,-?:: '; &5 Mnv''' S. r&2yyJ-f TOLSON LUMBER & flFQCl) FOR EVERYTHK2'? ; )ffice and Factory 129 E.Front St. Nevv, Be.fn N Farm Implements y Waeairyth old rillabli McCormlck Mow if, Hay R k , Knlf Grind. . 1 I. II. C Stsil Hay Presses, Hockirg Valley Corn bheliers. . Ontario" and Buckeye" Seed Dti'is. , 'Sharpless" Scpsrstors ",900" Washins r.::.d:a-.s Cypha li'cubt !. Rt-, Awtiititg your ftvorv J. C. WhiityO rno: Deputized, by - Officers to Assist in (Malclhg Arrestsz-r - : " NEGRO MAKES 'feSGAPE. Wounded Man is Brought to Stewart's Sanato rium. Mr. C. C. Gumbo, who lives on the Harrison farm five miles from New Bern, is at Stewart's Sanitorium re- covering from gunshot wounds inflict-' cd Friday night by Pete Willis,' a desJ perate negro whose arrest Mr. Gumbo was trying to effect. V: " ' ! 1 ' For several, months citizens living' at and in the vicinity of Rhems, this county, have 'been missing chickens, pigs and in several cases cows have dis appeared. Matters reached a climax a lew days ago when three cows were stolen. An investigation was made and it was discovered that an organized gang of negro men headed by Pete Willis and Charlie Cox, two notorious characters, were responsible for the disappearance of the cattle. Deputy Sheriff D. H.: Fleming was notified of the case and Friday night he" decided to capture the negroes, Knowing their rendezvous he deputized Mr. Gumbo 'to assist him.' The two men started for the cabin in which the negroes were supposed to be hiding and reached there without mishap, but opuld find nobody about the premises. Thinking that thcir'men would return shortly the two officers decided to wait Shortly after this they heard voices and discovered that the negroes were hiding in a clump of bushes. Stealthily the officers approached and when with-, fin a few feet of the crowd made them.,.koQwn..and .ordered the negroes to throw up their, hands. y Instead of 'obeying they all made a dash for liberty with the exception of Pete .Willis who threw up his shot gun and fired. at Mr. Gumbo, the full load of small shot taking effect in his. abdomen and lower limbs. Mr. Gumbo had a gun ia- hi- , tii.ii-, possession but the first shell failed to explode and it was necessary fpr him to reload. In his weakraed condition caused by loss of blood, this .could not be done rapidly but he finally succeeded in firing at the fleeing negro and there is .every indication that, his, aim was true for the negro fell to the earth. However , after a search had been made he could not be found. Mr. Gumbo was brought to New Bern yesterday morning and medicd attention given him. Seventy-seven shot were picked from his body. v He was later taken to Stewart's sanitoiium for treatment and the physician who attended him states that unless blood poisoning develops he will.. recover. All of the members of the gang cf thievei arc known and every effort .will be made to apprehend and bring them to justice. Daily 29th : - The derailment of several freight cars on the Raleigh division;- of the Norfolk-Southern road early yesterday morning caused a slight disarrangement of schedules. A wrecking crew was. sent out from this city and assisted in clearing the tratks. The. damage was very slight and on one wpi injured. 0 or 6 doses 6)&i :.v. : , h-e fc a-y ei of ..3H ills' ',n4 '? " ; snd if taken then ssn Ic ti.e Feve wi l not return. Price 2'ie. ; ,v Goingl Build? 1 llllrl ,JtJX4 C. M vi'ti' H triiiy. :'i