Wiqr av yaypjiei ESTABLISHED 1878. Published. . io- Two.. icl lons, - every Tuesday and Friday Ht Tso. 45 PoJlock Street. 11 1 E. J. LAND PE1NIIK6 COMPANY i j j - PRO?BISTj)BP, 4 n - . SUBSCRIPTION .RAJES. 1 $ .20 Thre e Month.;.!. ..tJ .25 ...SO Six Months. .Twelve Monthsua.il.. ir.x.. l.oo !.;- ,1 Otaly W advance? - Advertising rate furnished upon 'application at the office, or upon in quiry by mall " "Entered, at the Postqffice, New Bern, N.'C, as second-class piattcr.; ,. It has been definitely decided that nAs the Progressive Republicans under the lead of ; LaFollette think on tariff questions about the same as the Demo crats do, it oughc not to beard to sret ) the tariff reduced to a revenue basis as declared for in the platform. v ftnmirpra or iiover lor vviimju win I .B y". U.:i.. !11 i be glad to see that he is going to. do v ail that he can to set New jersey straight i from his point of view before going to work on the national proDlenis tnat are to claim his attention later on. There i a big field of usefulness for him in New Jersey; yet. ; . Help the DeGraffenried monument ; fund. It is a worthy cause. New ; Bern is rich in historic interest. Let ; this interest take concrete form so that visitors will note it instantly and inhabitants will be constantly reminded of it. There must be some torerably re mote districts in California for some of the precincts not to have been heard ' from yet. SOMETHING WRONG SOME WHERE. The Journal is glad to say that there has been quite a little favorable com ment on its editorial of Sinday morning calling attention to what it conceived to be the inefficient administration of the Water and Light Department under the present Board of Aldermen. Taking the view of ihe situation as reported by the special committee, and it was 'plainly biased in favor of the department as indeed it might be ex pected to be, being partially respon tihlo fnr it: the iinnrrittdired observer is certainly forced to conclude that the city's management of the department is thoroughly unbusinesslike to say the least. Looseness was shown from the very moment that Mr. Dail started his in vestigation. For he was piven certain information necessary for him to under take his task intelligently. Later it came out mat mc iiiiut mauuii was in complete. That little incident seems to be a key to the character of the entire management of the department. pither sufficient help has not been provided or the men charged with responsibility for the department have been incompetent to handle it. No private- business excetp one with a monopoly such as the city water and light department has could stay in business for a year with any" such ' management as the report of the special committee showed and that report as we have stated was from the ' point of view of those responsible for the management of the department and therefore almost necessarily prejudiced in its favor. Now what is going to be done about it? ' Is the matter going to be allowed to rest right where it is? There are two or three conclusions to be drawn from the existing state of affairs. : One is that the Dail report should be made public. We urge the Board of Aldermen - to reconsider the action by which they ruled that there was no necessity to make the report public. Alderman Baxter stated that the report was incorrect and should not , on that account be made public and that if it was correct he would have no objection to its being published. Of course he vouches for the correctness of the report of the special committee, as he was a member of it. : If the board adhere to its decision not to make the Dail report public, will it not do the tax-payers the justice to publish the report of the special "com mittr? Another conclusion that it doesn't take a wise man to draw is that the . ward system of running a city is about the poorest that could be Imagined. The governing board of this city or any other city should be composed of the best men in it no matter if they all come from the same ward. Many cities are adopting the commission form of goverment. Perhaps New Bern heeds that or needs a change less radical. Anyhow it needs a change. It is but a little while till the Legislature meets. Why shouldn't aome public spirited citizens get together and get up a charter with the necessary changes in it to give New Bern a new and better form of government and have, it passed by the next Legislature? ' ' The real war will come when the Christians begin to divide up Turkey. The oldest colleges still retain, their faculties. I hi i f pour t!, n are the architects j THE EXTRA SESSION. - v . Governor. Wilson i says, 'he has not made up his mind whether- to- call an extra session of Congress or not. ' Ex- traodinary pressure 'will be placed "on him to call it and equally strong, per haps stronger, pressure will be exerted on him not to call iu-He will do what he thinks right in view of his declara tions in recent months in favor of put ting, jnta effect " t ha ule-of r ig ht--a nd justice. , i . It has been said that he is another McKinley in that he has his ear tcj the ground to find 'out what the people want;'" That is la line exactly with his utterances.' For' he has said that he desires to be' not the master of the people but their spokesman.;". i The president-elect 1 will hear both sides of the question as to whether there ought to be an extra session or not and will do his best to pursue the course that will bring the greatest good to the greatest number. 1 PLACES WHERE FOLKS ARE . MADE WELL. Dr. V. B. Russ,' writing in the Jour nal of the American Medical Associa tion, says: ' J i " ''The modern hospital is a sanitary work-shop. Until a few years ago, it was a place where sick people"could be kept until they recovered. To-day, it is a work-shop where they are made wall." Of all the blessings which an advanc ing civilization has accomplished there is hardly one more prized or more worthy to be prized than the modern hospital. Few are the families which have not had occasion to derive com- fort and satisfaction from the know- ledge of the convenieces that an afflicted j s pretty strong evidence that the case loved one was enjoying in the hospital as presented by the Commonwealth as it is conducted today. That it has leaves something to be desired. If grown in its facilities is of a piece with there is any doubt that Claude ccm its existence in causing twentieth cen- ' mitted murder, a prison sentence is tury folks to rejoice that they are sufficient punishment. living in modern times. UP TO THE PUBLIC. The disclosures in connection with j the actio of the Board of Aldermen i Friday night on the Dai! water and light inventory and the report thereon by a special wminittee have called fcr much discussion and comment on the part of the citizens of New Bern. There has undoubtedly resulted a feeling that there is room for improve ment in New Bern's way of doing busi ness, also a desire, we believe on the part of many to see a list of the persons whose names neither Mr. Dail nor the special committee found on the books to the full extent of their use of water and electricity. We do not think that as a rule it is assumed that these names were pur posely left off the books. The fact is the public cannot arrive at an intelligent conclusion as to what to thinlf without seeing the names. We cannot predict whether the Board of Aldermen will reconsider its station of Friday night whereby it decided to let the whole matter drop. Whether it will or not will depend, we think, on the attitude of the public. That the board is not unresponsive to public sentiment was shown quite clearly last night. So those citizens who want to see the water and light situation thor oughly aired should use their influence with the members of the Board to that end. GETTING "PRACTICAL." President Taft announces that hence forth until the time comes for him to retire from office he will appoint Re publicans only to office. The President has learned a lessi n in practical politics after it is too late for him to profit from it. Appointing Democrats and mug wumps to office cost him many thous ands of votes in the last election. Htd he been more stalwart in his Republi canism the Progressive party would have made a much poorer showing, indeed, would probably have never got any further than Senator LaFollette was able to carry it and that wasn't far. Mr. Taft has taken it upon himself to rehabilitate his party. By using the offices for all they are worth as long as he has them to use he will be pur suing the accepted method of building up and maintaining a party. Looks as if he hs decided to be a practical politician at last. We expect to see even North Carolina Republicans snug gling up to him belore many moons wax and wane. NEWSPAPER READERS. Arthur Brisbane, editor of the New York Evening Journal, delivered a lecture the other day before the Pulitzer School of Journalism at . Columbia University and his address was of general a's well as technical interest because he dwelt on' the relation of newspaper readers to the newspaper. Brisbane-says newspapers are what their readers make- them. There is nothing new in this view. ..' It is the view that ha been held by newspaper men ever since the publication of news papers began. ' The opinion has been expressed so often in fact that is is a wonder that a big man like Brisbane couldn't think of something fresher. However, he states an old truth in new words and what he has to say it well worth reproducing as showing the public its responsibility in setting the pace for newspapers: "The newspaper does about what the public does. It is the public, not the newspaper that sets the' pace. If you have every newspaper in the United States giving, first place to the result of a contest between eighteen men playing baseball and accomplish ing nothing useful in a 'championship series,' you may he me that the pub lic Is concent rated on tl.it game. "If you have newspapers devoting ; ace to the secret, prearranged mur- dttr of a gambler by other "gamblers, instigated by a police officer, you may know that the public's mind is concen trated on that crime and not on the proceedings of some scientific convenr tion." j ; ' j; ' - . - The ' public usually ' gets what it wants. - if it don'r - wa nt -- much 1 it doesn't, getmuclv -t J it doesn't take the trouble to get' something good, it has to take something bad or indifferent. " , FIGHTING FOR CLAUDE. jfUv.j Dr.; ; George . YWJ Mr Daniel, pastor of the First Baptist church of Richmond, ijwritesj for the - Richmond Virginian j twenty I "stubborn facts" which "he" says go 'to' show that Claude Swanson Allen ought not , to be elec trocuted for (he shooting up of; he Hillsvitle'1 court. He' certainly makes out a strong case for his contention. Virginia has earned a reputation' for great promptness and certainty in the execution of its murderers, but it should have a care not to go to extremes and get to thinking too lightly of the sig nificance of snuffing out a human lite. Dri McDanicI well says: ' "Taking a- human life by law is the most serious step possible. Where a mistake is made, it is irreparable. It ought never to be done where there is any question or doubt. Of all the cases of capital punishment coming under my observation, there is gravest doubt as to Claude Allen's guilt." We like to see a preacher throw him self into the breach like Dr. McDanier' has done in this case. It shows that lit is cast in a heroic mould. The vtrv fact, too, that a man like this brilliant Richmond rpeacher thinks a clear case has not been made out against Claude THE MARKETS. November 13, 1912. POULTRY, EGGS, ETC. (Quotations furnished by Coast Line Meat Market). Chickens Grown, pair. 65-80 Chickens Half-grown pair 35-50 Geese, per pair $1.25-$1.35 Ducks, per pair 70-85 Eggs, per doz 28 Hams, country, smoked, lb 18 Beeswax, lb 22 Wool, 16 to 1 Wool, ...16 to 17 Hogs, dressed, lb 10-10 1-2 Beef, dressed, lb 8-9 Hides G. S., lb 9 Green, lb 8 Dry Flint, lb 12-14 Dry Salt, lb 1....0-12 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. (Quotations by New Bern Produce Company). Irish potatoes new crop ...$2.40 Sweet potatoes, bushel 40 to 55 Lima Beans, quart 8 Rutabagas, hundred $1.00 Collards head, .02 Turnips bunch, .03 Cabbage, barrel 85c and $1.00 The Mormons at least remained faithful to Ihe Republican party. Roosevelt will hardly insist upon riding in the next inaugural parade. OUR ORPHAN HOME. (Communicated.) The .Thanksgiving Proclamation of the President, which has just been pub lished to the people of this great country, calling upon us to stop our usual vo cations long enough to consider from whence comes the unprecedented pros perity which we as a nation have been enjoying, comes with a voice of author ity. Truly every heart can find gen uine gratitude to the great Giver of all good. While your minds arc directed to the consideration of the Source from whence these blessings come, and a feeling of thanksgiving is thereby engendered for the goodness of our Heavenly Father, wc feel that this is the best time to bring to the attention of our readers the needs of the various orphan homes in our State where the little ones who have lost their earthly protectors are being cared for and trained. ' These children receive thi great bless ing of these homes through your gener osity. They are dependent upon you. Their numbers are increasing, as are the advantages they receive, which necessi tate larger contributions from the peo ple. God has blessed our people and he expects us in turn to help bless our home less little one. . ; Nobly have the people of North Caro lina measured up to their duty in this re gard in the past, and we believe they will not be any less mindful of the needs of our orphan children this thanksgiving season than they have been in the past. Beware of ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange thr whole system when entering it through the mucosa -surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on pre scriptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu factured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system la buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you fcvt the genuine. It is taken In ternally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Cf. Testimonials fr. Sold by Druggists. Price 75c. per bottle." -Take Hall's Family Pills for const! ration. (Advertisement. IS RUDEIOIliELl Purser Ejecfs Him From Appro : ' priated Stateroom. s- Pollshed Narta "and1 Manners' of Stow away de Lux Falls to Win Ship's Officer Goes Into the . Lazaret! 3 New "fork. You have to hand It to Gabriel Fanchea tor the polish on his linger,' 'nails,' his manners and his nerve.: The officers of La Lorraine of the French line have handed it to him already. Gabriel' went aboard the vessel at Havre with $15 In the coin of La Belle France reposing close to the exact crease running down the right - lef of his trousers, and the money was still In his pocket when La Lorraine steamed Into New York harbor. When the French equivalent for All ashore that's going ashore" was sung out at Havre, Gabriel did not re spond. By that time he had glanced over the second-class passenger list and "had picked out tor his own a large unocoupied stateroom. Gabriel waa one of the first at table for the first meal of the voyage, and kept up the record for several days. He was a cheerful souL and In his search tor congenial spirits acquired considerable popularity In the seo ond cabin. For the first few days of the trip the purser was visibly worried. Time And again he wandered about the ship, counting noses. One by one he call ed the seeond-clasa passengers Into a private conference and auUzsd thenv The last to be cross-examined was Gabriel. Every one else had been able Co point out their particular nam M the purser's list and show In other ways that their passage had been boo orably oontracted for. "You are rude, sir," snapped Gabriel when the purser suggested that he might have negleoted to purchase hit passage. "You are ridiculous, too, and I must refuse to dlsousa this af fair with you." Without delay the purser proceeded to live up to the character given him by Gabriel. He moved the young gen tleman from his comfortable state room to the lazaret, which Is the ship's prison. And then but no I It Is too horrible; it la monstrousu, the act of a fiend this rude, ridicu lous purser dug up from the hold an other who had started without the equivalent of a stowaway de luxe. This person was Luclen Gulllermet, a Swiss, wbo had worked with his bands. He was dirty from his days of Intimate contact with the cargo In the bowels of the ship,, and not at an aeoooair. Ana into ine lasarei they put Luclen Guillierniet! Gabriel sent an Indignant message to the captain, saying that he was un uBed to occupying the same sleeping quarters with another, particularly one such as his present roommate. But the pig of a purser Intercepted the note. - They turned both Gabriel and the Swiss, who confessed he wanted to work with bla hands in the new world so badly that he had stolen a perfect ly good passage from La Campagnle Trahs-Aflaatlque ; over to the Ellis la- land authorities. ' And the mockery oft" It is that they will probably let the horny-handed, plodding Swiss have his way, while the most desirable Gabriel will return whence he came. v PATIENTS STOLEN BY DOCTOR Suave 8trangr Promlesd to Curs tills of Feathered Pete Money Alao Taken. V St Louis, Mo. A sympathetic ca nary doctor with a lame, foot and sua,vo manner is th present possessor of several canary birds and several dollars that formerly belonged Ao va rious St Louis women. Numerous complaints against the specialist in the diseases of the little birdies have been made by women whose canaries he forgot to return after treating them. The police are seeking him now that they may learn how he cures this Ills of the creatures of the air. The doctor called at the homo of Mrs. Benjamin Jones, 809 North Leff- tngwall avenne. and announced' he had heard her canaries were afflicted with asthma. He promised that ho could effect a speedy cure. He took away witn mm some money and some birds. Later he re turned and took away more money and more birds. He had to treat the bird at hi extentdv laboratory, he said. Mrs. Jones has not seen him since. ' ' Besides Mrs. Jones, several other women have complatned that after taking their birds and their money he forgot to complete the transaction by bringing back tbelr feathered friends. bets 99 Nickels on Car. Alton, 111. C. V. Stahl, a newspaper man, haa filed a complaint with the Alton Street railway officials against Marlon Bailey, a conductor, to deter mine whether a conductor can tender 99 nlckets to a passenger In charge for a 5 bill. 8tahl says he gave the conductor 15 note and that Bailey, when the street car stopped at the Alton Bank ing and Trust company, went Inside, got the note changed Into nickels and handed him, back 99, a load so heavy tbat It tore the lining out of his trous ers pocket. Stahl Insisted the bill was be only money lis had. . ... NEW SEA SERPENT l!f VENICE Looks Like a Shark and Has Face Like Gila Monster, and Every , ' body Sober. s j Venlcet Cal. One of the t unrest deep-sea creatures ever iwn I was brought In by a nHhitrtiiHii. H la five feat In length, bliu k sir i rm t- tled, wtth a tad like a ' it 1 s a dorsti fin and four f t r I I i those of a parrot. I' - bles that of a G'.'i -r bf4 Is a rrj !!i a t i . ' . : t: :-ic'. r " 1 . sjjDjap :.' A r. . 'j , peaij jrto.f jhao pajaAoq Sjoj oe OAWi vstfl 03Bj3sip pue uorreiiiumii jo spno3 - BIT - J3A910J eBdlUStp -fllM 'l ' ""OA1H1 0 psFTl noA" ouiouiCddeq 'snoiadsajd jq puijj eqr, . -gssu(l , -dni jo araiusq mo& qoeq no 9aj3 ijia ajtio juq 'IMPERIALS SELF-HEATING FLAT IRON MtkM Its own t from Guoltnt of Denatured Alcohol It mikes "Ironlne djr" easy, comfortable and economical. Toseeltlstowantit. lammnk Ine a Special Introductory Offer on a limited number, write me at once. Agtntt wanted. This IRON runs under the compressed air system and never faiis to heat Send to us for book of te:timonials rom people right near you who are "using this Iron and et us tell you of our JO days free trial plan in your own home. Ever-ybcdy s using them, why not you ? .. fi. k Johnson 8 Fro. GRIFT0N, N r,; NOTICE. Ernul Local Farmers Union is tailed to meet Saturday Nov.." 16th at 2:30 M. . We hope to have a good at tendance. . v D.-P WII1TF0RD. Piesident. N The Graven County Farmers' Union is called to meet at the court house in New Beam Saturday Dec. 7th at 2 P. M. All . locals are. requested ' to have representation. ,. q. P, WHITFORD, ' ' . President. - in n-ntiea? SHIPPING NEWS. The threee masted schooner , Grace Bennett arrived yesterday from Balti more with a cargo of merchandise for local dealers. t The auxiliary schooner Charmer, of Bogue, was in . port 'yesterday taking on a cargo of merchandise The two njasted schooner, Petrel, of Wit was in port yesterday with a cargo of oysters. ' , The schooner, Bertie, of Hyde county, was injjort yesterday with cargo of furm TrAAict ....... ..WUMW. ;,,, .... ( . The power- boat Wave, of Beaufort, was in port yesterday with a cargo of farm produce.-- , People will encourage your fads as long as you are willing to squander your money on them. Journal Readers Can No Longer Doubt the Evidence. This grateful citizen testified long ago.' :' .. Told of quick relief of undoubted benefit.. The facts are now confirmed. " Such testimony is complete the evidence conclusive. It forms convincing proof of merit. Mrs. II. D. Whitky, 214 E. Fifth St., Washington, N. C, says: "Ourdaugh ter had a kidney weakness for years and this trouble was especially bothersome when she was on her feet much. W tried several remedies, but nothing relief until we got Doan's Kidney Pills. They strengthened the kidneys and acted as a tonic to the entire system (Statement given January 13, 1908.) A LASTING EFFECT. When Mrs. Whitley was interviewed recently she said: "I take pleasure in confirming all I have previously said about Doan's Kidney Pills. My daugh ter has been In good health since taking this remedy." Fort. !! . 'I rli r. Price SOcenta. 1, irV" i Co., Buffalo, New York, !e , . f r e United Slates. I, i i, 1 r t name Duau's and (Adv.) . inaptDojj 'KJIOaSO H "M ' jf nort mB flun j : ivflooq una uofTtvpof .j. :-pj9iunoou9 eq fcm itr ucp,,darat Awb o ,,ou,, aks oj tr)3uex)a jBsseaati uisqj saAi8 Bqi e;t;oddB iCipissq a iftA ;oedsaj-roa M3U piIB S0A43U M3U 'joJStA M3U '9JV M9U X$lf uout A9U B-iiiUrej jnaqj o ijouq sq,'uai-)Bd 009'9 UD3 Acq 3A ewwBiti XDjaajr ctoqeuaeif) eq jo ijuopisojj uasq e.8i j cq eiRDA" ueojqSta eq uj .... " 'ssuadxa 9j3 . 'oq qtA pmi 3DtiDiuoA03L'5 ou .'uonuttHnnq ou qtA. 'pajmo Jtireoj "sajt Kpjru eq uva jtjtY Bupptup yf joj atutiBep j.uop ,seano-emoq,, pairea-os o eo2p9l(l mojj-io jjisiqj utia rioA 3uiqiDAa sdoqjod pouq 0Aq wa puy -jans una oiiav s.ukih iiuisuup. a ibua aiuo pejeiine ; OAuq nojt soqoBijuoq aqj p-.iB oosaSsip eq? 'auniJoi paBd T -jsfejp eq 'Baeiuioad ua3atq 8qj uiujje3un eqj mouji 9m 'S5LV u is now O UT WEST bay ing HAY AND GRAIN If needing a car load tor present or future deliv ery advise us. i l.iMM.'veMVMMMe 0tfwWeWWeWeWeWeWeMeWWareWeWWWWto'WWMiMaa ROYAL JR. 'Hay Presses; are the the best steel presses made. One horse and two men can operate them and bale ten tons a day.' Buy one. and bale for the neighborhood. You can pay "for your press in one year. UP-TO-DATE-FARM If LEWS of all kinds, arecarred, in stock by us.- We, make it easy and convenient for the farmer by carrying full repairs for the implements sold by us. You don't have to wait. That means a: great deal to the man in a hurry. , We want a chance at your next purchase. Write us for a catalog. It costs you nothing. R. P. Oats, Hairy Vetch, Rye, Etc. BRIGS HAY, GRAIN, FEED. BlIRRUS & CGiiIPANY Phon184, New BernJ N. C, We will give Iv free one Tlornioiiy uornlCG Grophopliono when you have purchased as much a s$25 from our store. 'Come in and hear the machine play ami ask for TICK" B TS with each purchase. A. D. 63 BllJJ'.e Street, e , : : ! axniiisxi KiaaH anx puig 1 I lit M . MEADOWS. JR. 1 B n P! lit l l i H o you absolute SUGAR,'. New ?m Krrt'i Crrfsfin 1 f t

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