,: i MS Sfef it r- . .1 1 . 1 'Ml'f I-. fife No. 80 NEW BERN. N, C, TUESDAY. JANUARY 7,ri913-FIRST SECTION 35th YEAR-'? iiei'iiimgi - 15 iiiterested Wants-4 Know More About Those Young Americans Who Are Seeking Companions. WRITES FOR INFORMATION Young ' Woman From - Greenville -Also Displays Consider able Curiosity. There's a New Bern ' lady whq would not -object' to considering a matri monial .arrangement with Me of rer tain , good -salaried . 'young , Americans now in the Philippines. Yesterday's ; Raleigh News and Observer says: .' '4. THE EARTH QUAKED Felt Id Greensboro -Chimneys , r . Fall In South Carolina, v Greensboro, N. C, Jan. An earth quake shock was distinctly feit here yesterday afternoon about 1:30 o'clock by a uumber of. people. - The tremor wad Sufficient to rattle window sashes, shako beds, rock chairs, etc, There was no damage done. : Spartanburg, S. C, Jan. i. An earthquake of sufficient vil?nce to cause a number of chimneys to topple over; was felt throughout the liedmont sec tion. of South Carolina at 1:30 o'clock yesterday afternoo , ' The tremb'ing of the -earth continued for five or six second, and caused peophv U-un out of their houses in alarm. In-the open country a low rumbling noise was heard, Reports of the earthquake have been CONSIDER STREET GAR EXTENSIONS : Publication Sunday in The News and - Observer f the unwedded .lonesome plight of good salaried young Amer icans in the Philippines and their long ing fur American wives has set the; State's feminine heart to fluttering in a manner that suggests the addition of a matrimonial bureau to this pa pers' already - multiplied activities. Everybody's talkiug about it, and two of the sex, who want their names with held, have written the editor of the ..paper asking the address of one of the lonesome ones. N Unfortunately, this paper hasn't the addresses. More unfortunately still, the paper finds that it hasn't room in its present- building to establish the matrimonial bureau which the speed of these responses on a bare hint has warranted. This suggestion is thrown out to those whose hearts have flut tered. A communication to the governor-general of-the Philippine Is lands, Manila, ought to reach the proper spot. Thst only two of the State's women braved possible publicity to get into touch, with the unmatched exiles is not saying that the hearts of only two were touched. And those who care to write to the far-away islands need only a two-cent-stamp and patience to wait. Remember that the isles are half around the world, and that an answer will be a long time coating. But 4 June wedding is not impossible if ac tion is quick. Tha Letters. . The following letters Were -received: 1 Nc Bern. N- c-. fto- 30. Mr. Editor; Dear Sir: ; Kindly send me the name of the gentleman that has advertised in The News and Observer from the Philip pine Islands that he wants to rorre spond with some young lady. Moping to hear from you soon, Yours truly, Miss Representative of Loralne Iron Works Of Pittsburgh Is ( v 1 in 1 ne .niy. CONFERS WITH THE MANAGERS Two Additional Curs Ordered and More Trackage' Found ' E 'to . Necessary. & ,'Ej V. Stewart Representing the l.o r.nne Ironr jWorks of Pittsburg, I'a., was in the city" yesterday conferrin; with Mayor C. J. McCarthy and Dr. li. C. Armstrong, local .managers of the New Bern Ghent Street Railway received here from many places within -mPy rWa to son'e extensions a. radius of 100 miles in all Hirer! inn wmcn tne company are .contemplating the shock does not seem to rave heon making in the new line .i:.t;nrlt- folt t ,.n;n. m a:.. I ome aays ago tne oiueers ot tne In Union county the shock caused co.m'an large cracks to form in the old county jail, while plastering lull in many rest (fences. Many chimneys tell clown at West Springs. r At. Chester the shock caused a lino type machine to slide a short distance across the floor of a printing office. A second shock was felt there at t o clock. ' Charlotte, N. C, Jan. 1 A slight tremor of the earthe was fell at Char- lot tee yesterday afternoon at 1 8 o' clock, but no damage was done. Ad vice from points in the Piedmont and mountain sections of the State sliow the shock to have been general. At Kin ston a chimney was shaken down. Asheville, Gastonia, Davidson, Statcsville and other points report the shock, but no damage. At Gaffnev C,. buildings were shaken and chim neys were thrown down. Asheville, N. C, Jan. 2. A slight but distinct earthquake shock was felt in-Asheville about 1:30 o clock yester day afternoon, the shock being of sufi ciont iolence to rattle window sashes, but no damage was done. shocks were felt throughout Western Vnrth farnlinn alinnt- thn samn timp I Ghent Or Pollock to Middle and continue around POPULAR RULE. tne block to l raven as is now dc-hir Senator Bailev is dreadfully worried donc- ftIr- wart is looking tins !,,.;;,;...;. . .-..r,...,,i... n.lroutc over witn tnis object in view anil . Greenville, N. C, Dec. 30. Mr. Josephus Daniels, Editor News and Observer, Raleigh, N. C Dear , Sir: In reading yesterdays' paper I saw the piece on the Philippine' Islands and I also read the young gentlemen's let ter. If you have his nairie arid ad dress will you be so kind is to send it -to me. And please don't tell my name. ci 1.. -'. sincerely, . DISOSWAY SIMPKINS. Last night at nine o'clock , at the rectory ' of Christ Episcopal churrh Miss Bertha E, -Simpkins and Mr. VV J. Disosway, two popular young people, were happily united in tuarrtage, Rev, B. F. Huske officiating. The groom . is a sonot air. ana Mrs. k. j. wisosway and the' bride "a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. . AV., Simpkins. The news of the wedding will come as a surprise to many as only : s .limited. . number knew that vit was to take place last night.. The couple for the present vwill WILL PARADE CANAL SGAHDAL MEDIEVAL DRESS ABOUTTO BREAK? In Suffrage Pageant In Washing ton Women Will Wear Ancient Costumes. 4 I Geethals Subordinates Said Have Padded Figures Of Work Done. To OPENING FAR OFF of decided that the three cars which are now in operation were not sufficient to handle the traffic and another car of the same type w.is or dered from the Cincinnati Car Com pany of Cincinnati, O. This u- now under course of construction and will be delivered some time next month. Last Monday Mayor C. J. Mc Carthy went to Richmond, Va., for a conference with Fritz Sitterding, one of the officers of the company. After talking the matter over these gentle men decided to add still another car to the-number now owned by. them, making five in all. x With other cars added to the number now in use it will be necessary to lay another section of track at some point in the business district of the city in order to give the cars an doportunit of passinw . After consideration the ompany decided fo put this suction of track on Pollock street between Middle and Craven, placing a switch at the corner of Craven and Pollock so that the car coming down from the Union station could turn into Pollock Similar!31 ,nat P'nt anc' continue the trip to Ghent or Riverside while the car from Riverside could come down PLANS HAVE BEJSN PERFECTED I ACTUAL Allegorical Figures Will Portray! Many Months Will Probably Elapse Condition of Women From I - Before Peep Draft Ves Beginning to Now."; I sets Can Go Through. Colon, Panama, Jan.'. A period Washington, Ian. 4. Plans'or thelof. many months probably will elapse woman suffrage pageant ATarclfS hare I after the' Panama "Canal is thrown been perfected. The novel' spectacle j open to navigation by the world' of women wearing mediaeval orancienttflects-.befQre-'Vesse!! of deep dralt can Greek costumes will be witnerscd. Igo through The procession will be divided into! A rumor in this effect, coupled witn ... . ...I , 1 1 i uve sections an! witn eacn section willia grave scnnaai, nas. Dren in circuia- e heralds dressed in medieval costumes, Jtion here for several weeks, but re- vvho will from time to time nlong thejeently, with the visit of I resident route oi the parade repeat tamous sul-1 latt. it has come to tne troiu wun frage speeches which have been made I startling distinctness. in the last few vears in this and forck'-i Although senii-olficially confirmed, .ountrics. The parade will be composed I ihe story still lacks official sanclio f fl ial::, allegorical figures portraying I uriefly, it is said that subordinates of .- r r . 1- .l 1 I. I . .. I.i:.. tne condition 01 women irom tne oawnivoionei uoeinais nave oeen pauuiii. of creation down to the present time l.lieir figures, on excavation, that th So far as possible, women musicians I records show the big ditch much will compose the bands awl the demon-l nearer completion than actually is the si ration will be reinforced by the pre sence nf parading men sympathizers of the cause. A resolution appealing from the de cision of Major Sylvester, chief of the Washington police, to refuse thewomen a permit to parade on Pennsylvania avenue was adopted and viurjus pro tests agaiust the edict will be made I commissioners. Failing of redress hc:e. the women propose to take the matter Cab, and tnat tne real opening farther off, although an effort will made to admit light-draft vessels the lime originally planned. According to the report, there must excavated eleven million cubic vards more than was thought. 1 his is in the treat Culcbra cut. the center f n . ;.ll the real trouble the cana . Tl. L I! I 'i.-.s Diver, tne cneineers. i ne neiic-i treneral here that the situation ii hundred cars Pennsylvania avenrte has been open to men parad.-rs, and he refusal of the first reqi'est made by women tor a similar privilege wi:i oe met with a general campaign of re- ista we. TSeMr-iorK worio. doesn t see the oc casion for so much anxiety. It re marks: 'We rsspond to the farewells of Joseph W. Bailey, Senator from Teras, with regret tempered with resign rion and hope, lie pets in the initia tive and referendum the end of repre sentative government. c see in it nothing but the extension of popular government. "It is as old as. American lilicrtv. Wf hRve had it always, it comes to us now under a high-sounding name. It is going to submit many questions to the people, some of them trilling, no doubt. Yet wc have had this power fmntvihe .first and we are excr-isiiii it sonwwhere in the United States every just now in tne isauon we an about to recall by constitutional amend ment "an income-tax decision and we are preparing to recall the method fey" which','nitcd States Senators have been electe'l. -"If Mf.' Bailey is so apprehensive of popular rule, "whv djcr he not ftay in public life and fiht it" . The .Senator from Texas has made a mountain out of a mole-hill. If dis 15 making estimates on tne woric. .' soon as the proposed . extension ' has been definitely decided upon the work will at once be started and rtisncd to completion in order to be in readiness by the time the next car arrives in the city. TO INVESTIGATE RAILROAD WRECKS Large Number of Recent Rail way Disasters Leads to Inquiry. PROBE WILL BE SEARCHING Congressman Linthicum Intro duces Bill Has Been Collecting Data. CORN CLUB STARTS WELL Valuable Prizes Offered By Business Men of City. That the Craven County Hoy's Corn Club which was orga nixed in this city last Tuesday afternoon, will be a complete success is al-rost an assured fact. Already a number of inquiries from prospective members have been received and during the next two or three weeks a large number of names will be enrolled. Yesterday S. M. Brinson visited several of the local manufacturers ans merchants, telling hem of he object of the club and asking them to donate prizes. In every case he met with success. Other business men will be seen during the next few weeks and the ist of prizes will b. increased. These prizes are to be given in addition to the State and National prizes. The awards will be made some time next hall, probably during tne weeK of the Kastern Carolina Fair. The judges will be chosen by the contes tants nil they will be nun familiar with every phase of agricultural ork. Tin- lolloping prizes have been do nated to the Corn Club by local firms and business men. F. II. & J. A. Meadows Fertilizer Co., One haK ton fertilizer. Craven Chemical Company, one half ton fertilizer. S. Cuplon iK Son. one pair four dollar Walkover shoes. . 1). Waul, five dollars. J. W. Stewart , '.askill Hardware Hardware Company and Culler Blades Hardware Company will give prizes to be lecided upon later. AliUIiuES (lEt. SURGICAL Dr. Alexis Carrel Repolra' Great Scientific Dlsi&V" ery For 191J. Firit- WILL ACCELERATE HEALWCfV ,fr t - With It, It Is Promised, Fracture Vf? Leg Can Be Healed In i --y Four Days. ? , : 7 ; tion it in assertion is also tive pruceus mav t."the""J nnru 11 to President Taft. For over one! detail was put before President Tafl during his visit. Before that tune CcloncI (.oethals is said to have placed hi finger upon the scat of trouble and fdlowed it with a heavy hand. car.al route was. resurvcytd, and there were many shifts in positions of canal employes. The total amount still to be dug out of the cut is 6, 56,068 cubic yards, ac cording to the official figures. This is about seven or eight months', work. It would bring .he work in the cut to a close about next June or July, pro vided there are no more slides, a pro bability ever present, and in fact, now considered as one of the real re tarding agents of the channels' com pletion. The canal will be opened on time, but there will be no super-dread- naughts or thousand-foot ships pass ing through for many months lo cone. the reparation of tissues were activated 10 times only a cutaneous wound would heal in less than . t hours and . . .t i i i .1 racture OI t ie ICS wonui oe emeu in four days." Afr attempting experiments on live animals he found that the labora tnrv work could be carried on much more effectively, and it could be obsr v ed more carefully by using tisj.ii which had been removed fron anii.u and kcot alive in suitable media glass jars. ton sues for divorce," i newspaper men j up" ministers in i ufti rtitiviiunn iu PLACEDi ARSON Exhibit n New York - Fo -Show Al leged Laxity of Big Fire In surance Companies. A REMARKABLE EXHIBITION Fictitious Furniture of Empty Flat Insured For Ten Thousand Dollars. "Minister's says headline. Sonu delight in "placing trouble am' when they can't feature a preacher gone wron they will make e fact thai some poor, emm- chap the fon of a minister the point of tir story. It is a reprehensible prac- i i r ii .... . i . ... ive and tnese wno ioiigw n now rather a mean disposition. New York, Jan. 4. One of the most remarkable exhibitions ever presented by a city is open to the public here under the auspices of the city Fire Deaprtmeut. The exhibition consists of simply a few pieces of cheap- furniture and some placards, from which it is learned that the furniture cost 13. V0 and was insured for Sli7'.500. The purpose of the exhibit is to show the public how careless the big fire insurance coin panics are about writing policies. The department olfi- ials are- engaged in a hot fight with the underwriters and it is the depart THE MARKETS. January 6, 1913. POULTRY, EGGS, ETC. (Quotations furnished by Coast Line Meat Market). Chickens Grown,- pair 60-80 Chickens Half-grown pair 40-70 Geese, per pair - . $1.25-$1.50 Ducks, per pair. 50 1.00 Eggs, per doz 28 Hams, country, smoked, lb 18 Beeswax, lb 22 Wool, 16 to 1 Wool,. 16 to 17 Hogs, dressed, lb 10-101-2 Beef, dressed, lb 8-9 Hides G. S., lb.. 0 H Green, lb .. 8 J Dry Flint, lb 12-14 New York, Jan, .1. Dr. Alexis Car"'! of the Rockorfcller Institute for Medical-V' ,,v Rpsearch, who received the "Noblef 1 prize for medicne in 191 jt is 'the" first to announce a great scientific discovery t in 191.1. ? : In the current ksuc of the Joaf$att ! Expcti mental Medicine, the "officiar-i organ of the Reckcfeller InstituVe.s" dated January 1, he predicts, .asS'fyic jJ'ijft result of a series of experiments wnicn. '''1 have been in progress since, 1907, ta possibiltiy of healing a cutaneous -i wound is Ics3 than a dav and t h" Jf-Vj A " ..i . t i i : ' a - t r Although Dr. Carrel does not it in his preliminary report. 'tmK made that the repa2 ay bcome applicable' not only in cases where the tissues' "V have been divided, as in knife wounds""1' : but in cases where large areas of tissue have been destroyed in various parts of the body by disease. Dr. Carrel's latest discovery is the. result of speculation as to the manner in w hich cells multiply and thus effect' the growth of tisscus. If it were pos- ' sible, he urged, to become possessed -of this knowledge, it ought to be possible, also to promote this proliferation Kf cells and the consequent ' growth: of connective tissue by artificial - mens Aided by the knowledge of-the fact.'-' that growth of the body is dependent in many respects on the more W less mysterious activities of some of the ductless glands a mixture bf thyroid for instance he applied "a mixture of thyroid extract and macerated por tions of other organs of the body to cutaneous wounds. . ' TOUGH GOOSE NOT "ViOOSfc" Chicago, Smith had Jan. Mrs, .; jtjuQ Jens Knutson, a, butcher, . Washington, Jan. 4. Impelled by the large number of recent railway disasters and the human toll exacted by them, Congressman J. Charles Linthicum, of Baltimore, has ini ro aster overtakes the American people, duced a resolution dircctiag a sweeping it wHI not be on acco-.'nt of their having investigation into wrecks end accidents cRoscn the wrong method of govern ing themselves, it will be because decaying morata. f ,A ..... " YOU raftt indue a woman bv Hrr live with the groom's parents at' 109 looks whra she looks as if she didn't George Street,?, know you were looking. CARBONATE OF LIME WINS THE HONORS FROM Burned or Oxide of Lime 1... 171 A A . . . ej,uu jcr acre in a sixteen year test, and. proved beyond question that it Is a superior fertilizing ingrcdiant orown L LUJ Ov ana itica test heads thejist of fertilizing limca For full Information a write at once to CAROLINA CO'ST LIME CO. V V Nw Bern, N. C. :'" ."',' I Highly Soluble Forms a : oo Ameiican railroads and their causes, wiht a view of getting information for legislation that will place more safe guards around the American traveling public. Ihe re.'olciucn, which was referred to- the Committee on Rules, directs the Speaker to. appoint a select committee of nine members to con duct the investigation The committee shall report to the Hou?e the result of its findings and recommendations, Not only are the causes of the" wrecks to be determined, but the regulations fohr the selection of employes who handle the trains and the operating methods of riilroads. Mr. Linthicum has' .been gathering -data on the subject for some time as a basis for an address. Those who are supporting the mea sure say they cannot understand why the Federal Government requires every marine-engineer to, obtain a license before he can operate a small gasoline yacht, and then permit any man to step from the workshop or from the farm to a position' involving the lives of a hundred people without exami natie n.- -. ' 1 - x "' ; SECOND-HAND AIR It is getting jto be so that cverbyodv wants everything he uses to be his mcnt s contention mat tne -insurance (individual own We don t Pciieve in ... . I .... . companies put a premium on arson lcommon drinking cups, common tootn bv lax methods in policy writing. I brushes, common combs and brushes, To prove its contention the depart-lcommon roller towels, and we insist mcnt pot together the 3.96 worth of on having our own napkins, knives, furniture and insured it for a big for-forkg ant plates, and even then we tune. In one instance the department I jjon't ike anybody else to wear our agents even insured for $10,000 the I clothes, . certainly not our undergar- fictitious furniture in an empty Hat. Intents, and nobody ever thinks of tak- "No wonder more than i5 per cent.;ne a jjath in a tub full of scconi-hciid of our fires are incendiary, declared watcr gut now ai)0nt the an you Fire Commissioner Johnson today. I breathe? You don't hesitate to bathe The method of placing fire insiirancehh-delicate membranes of your lungs policies without inspection put alw:tn the foulest kind of second-hand premium upon arson by offering the I a;r reekina with all manner of o! C. L. SPENCER' svin.aujun in ay, Corn, Oats, Bran; Hominy, AND ALL KINDS OF FEED. ' HIGH GRADE CORN MEAL SSrU- A AND ED RYE 1 RICK FOR SALE , k ?.r,Cir c,ven Careful Atisntlon. Lorwer I.. 1.2 Street, v New Rcrn, N. O. STATESMEN lO VISIT ONSI OW. . Kcports Ironi imslow county say that Congressmen Jon. Small and Jno, M-' Faison and possibly Senator F.'M Simmons are contemplating a- visit, to 'that sectpn during the next month or ,10 (or the purpose of looking over New river and making a trip through the Sound with the intention of a deep er channel through those bodies of water. Ihe gentlemen will go Irom Jacksonville to Swans boro and probably - on - to ' Beaufort, through the Inland Watci way. The visit is planned for March 1 ard the cost people of Onslow are ptanning to niake of greater financailly weak, tottering, or ban. rupt man an irreststinie tempiaupn. Our exhibit is proof of this conten tion.' noxious odors, rangine Irom sour stomach, decayed teeth, sore throat, etc., up to tobacco smoke, onions, li quors, etc. Why should second-hand bath water, with no odor and probably little color or taste, be objectionable to the outside of our bodies when we PARCEL POST IN THE COST OF LIVING, As a novelty the new parcel post is I bathe the interior of our bodies with affording much enoyment to the fou second-hand, adulterated air with American people in trial shipments of UUch impunity? fruit: eggs, beefsteaks and what not I U U very largelv a matter ofcdu1 As a settled means of reducing the cost I cation, and some day we will get edu of living through the elimination of jcated sufficiently so that we will resent the middleman its worth remains to breathing somebody eh s's second-hand arrested on a charge of disorderly, ( 4 v conduct, alleging that when she took , back a goose she had bought ( (or Christmas and demanded- f,he-return of SI, 9.. w hich she had pairL for it,.. , Knutson forcibly cjccte4..errv Jnu- 2 son testincu tnat Airs, rmutn. surew . the goose at him and causeA.a-tMinic , among the patrons of his market, "I bought the goose tm Decr'.t asl.f then invited a party of friends, for. . Chiisimas dinner.''' Mrs. Smith testis fied "When I put th goose o on the table it was so toueh I couldn't Produce CUl it When I toolj e goose bac,k ' , novf Ar Kniltfin.llllt" flllt cA his place." ' r,-. ; , . - -yt,. "This is a question of, when is, a ; goose not a goose," saidjudge Sabath, "and it it the opinionof theCourt v that a goose is not agoose a hea( il, is too tough to be cut. The defendant - l is ordered to return the price of this ? Dry Salt, lb 10 12 FRUITS ANB VEGETABLES. (Quotations by New Bern Company). Irish potatoes new crop $2.50 Sweet potatoes, bushel ....50 Rutabagas, hundred $1.00 Collards head, .02 Turnips bunch, .03 Cabbage, barrel $1.00 to $1.25 Spinach, basket, .50 (Quotations furnished by G. W. Tay- goose to the complainant." lor & Son.) When in need of Letter Hea BUI Heads, Statements, Envf, opes or any form of Printing fr n a visiting card to a weekly pact See E. J. LAND PRiNTING&0 Phones 50 and 8. 45 Pollock St. NEW BEN,,N. C. "HE WHO BY TIE PLCW WOULD THRIVE .'EIJl j J;! EITH R HOLO OR ORVE."- Mf'kv We Sell Blount's TRUE BLUE Line Of Plpr.iJ be broved.- : Secretary Wilson thinks it will cheapen the farmer's cost of marketing without lowering the cot to consumers. But when the farmer as a direct retail seller has . taken upon him.elf the dealer's risks and costs of making up email packages lor safe-shipment, his gain may .disappear. Packages of a dozen es now coming into the city from within the first lone bear postage up to 14 cents,, or over breath as much as we now resent. j washing our face in the samer bowl of. . . i. . . l- l..- - . .. j o -A nr watvr inai nc mi jubi usu. pvbiu un Health Press Service. : , TELLS OK HUGE PORKER. B. B. Hurst, Craven county'i genial Treakurerhas retqrned from 3 basinets ( trip in Jones county. While, at iren ton, the county seat, h paid a short visit to the farms of Daniel and Jack nivnn. ' tvn nromwrnu mcrch ints and 40 per cent, on the present farm price farmeri who h'va rear ihat place.. These of 3- cunts, and there is the cost of ,.,,, w, .um.rintcndinii . the the carton and packing to be-added ,Ull8hw 0( a number of hogs at the But thirty rdoaen eggs in one crate front ,'1 displayed turee ol the porkers the same farm ca-i come in by express whlch had jut Pressed. - Two for around V.S, or only about four of theM wcighed thrce hundred and rents a dozen. '. fifty pounds each while the other tipped I No more need Ifc snid to show that the R.4iei at seven hundred shd twenty the parcel post is not to settle the high- fi . of-living problem. Bat the law ' economy in transporting v I -r- V, '1 ' ' (I "' sh. """"'.v "-f X ; ' " '"'"""""WilSlCSrr - . . Middle Bursters, a Plow That Fills ft Long Felt F A Liht Steel Tw Prices .Wiht.' that day history. . an event in the county's by wholesale remains tw York World. unrepeavld.- N Unn ort trr lvu a tine, but watch 1913. ' : n- . ' Blounts' Daisy Plow. Plow. Very Popular. J. G. Whitty & Compr 'FUONF. 98 ) i i nfi nn n.rn n