Children Cry ' ' w The Kind You Have Always Bought, and -which has been In aso for oyer SO years, -y All Counterfeits. Imitations and " Just-as-cood " aro but 'Experiments that trifle with and endanper the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Karcotio substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys "Worms and allays Feverishjfs. For more than thirty years it has been f i constant i! -e JV? the relief of Constipation, : Flatulency, Vind Col'.c, ail Tcctkhijf Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates tiie Stomach ard Bowels, assimilates the Food, nivins; healthy and natural sleep. The Chil-lren's Pangea-Tito Mother's Friuud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS J Bears the The Kind You Have In JJs? SI For Over 30 Years THt CCHTSUB COMPKNV, TT MURRAY STWCIT. NCW VOWS CITY. B-SIrlMraiMgttBgS- 1 PRESBYTERIANS I HDLDGQNFMCL Meeting This Weiu :it V;isliiiii ton as I'uri of (.:: p.; n ( .'over iii'i Sc hi ii. DR. SI MMIKi I V, 1 1 Dr. Martin of Dmidson ;ii I.'.".: .; .'! nl I ' rnoir i i lion To ii" f here. 'I 111' S( nil In rii 1' , .j .v ; , i i ,il lias M innl .i i m . ii -.-i , ii m, , v an I nh u .i i"' ; . th,-.. 'i., i AssC.lll'l . i hi- . I .'. ! I - gat her m,in ', I;, MTOlllI, In . 111! i .i' ' I . i . the chi'n h 1" .in .! in. i' lilt1 Ik-ik''!' rnt v "i .. .'t ; To I i - i .ui i , i i . i . .. . ; . ' taining I 'h-m- "I h ; , - r . -1 . . ('rcrxi-s arc In-in.j I'. '! .ill . South I'm" iri.n.i i I ' Klori l:i in I Ik'.i! .. n . -1: these will !. It . -,. I , - i , February. I ' i ! tery t i i i 1 -i . -n. - .r. . at kalc-uh, J. in . i!, , ington Jan. 7 1 Ii .u.', :':. ! of both i- . !'. V, ( :!i , i noota,' I mi. Program a.ti it!: . il Washington, . ( . in. -. 8:00 p. in., I'. i-.'.i , I. Emphasize lv.i nv !. ;( i i Rev. Ceo. tki.,-.. tr.,. C, Con.-ci'.i i ril I "- --m,i ... W. ('. Siniih, Ki. ! n Tlle-clav, Jan v . I" l Our n r IV i - m til Kvan'eli-i.:. K.. J. II. -.mi in. i'i i n. Bible Stiti'.v on I'ei -i.ii. il W.'ii Rev. C. Miive. il-.n. - i Bible Strrrly on -i. wan, -!tii. Dr.. XwMartin, M.ivi I .. The Kvrry Member ( anva-s. U I ,i . t .ii. . c '.al'ooga 'I i nn. S ' t p. ill Hie, ( h. The Church at Work Ro".0spBr;jP,iloii Di 'a, Liflj ifcl l.eadet shi , Dr.' Martin, Davidson, V C. It is carni'stly. hoped 1I1..1 thi- con ,'ferencc .ii'-ing soneir New lUrn and being an outgfoth m tin Men warn movement- -as applied hy 1 lie rrcsoytenan church to the dehnite ends fEvatigelisni and l.eaih rship- will attnet not only the men of that denejWMif.1011 ' hut workers, thinkers andrttfif s fiSim tin- other churches. Entertainment will be provided for all who"1 'cmiTc! ' ' t)r. Summerell will gladly strid '(jje'.'iamcs of a'l who wil go to he VouiJllUtec of arr. tM;eineiil 4, 114 ' STOMACH TROt'bLE CI RED. If yotl' have any trouble with your stomach you should Jltc Chamber!. lin'. Tablets. Kfr. lilTKlote of I-'.dina, Mo., ay:,"I yavc uscdag'eat many differcat jnedicines for stomach trou. ble, bfiiujChanibcrlain's Tablet ' more hcnefcjial harany other remedy I ever 4je4!,VvlFcr' jale by ajl dealers. (Advertisement) re eif agreeable io a nan, Alony arui want lo borrow money froth u. - r. .4 1 -, - It yourcJiTrfriMi ygiybiect to attacks of eroup"watch for' t fie fir t t.ymptom, hoarie. Give OliJSflicrlaitiV Cough RcitiedvHs ojli, s.thg.J.-hild bectii,e hoarse ajuP te"rwnr tnay be warded off. For ale by ull dealer, , (Adv.) for Fletcher's has borne the signature of i ana has been niaue nnuei his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow so one to deceive you in this. Signature of Always Bought Impression (iencral That Friday Night's Kvent Was (.ood 1 or The ( i ty. :i.l. 'I'll KM OI-ThN, SAYS I hiuks I hey Shou'd 1 e Held Sem--A ii ii ii.illy and Offers To Buy Tickets. I I in ll, til -I .111:1' 1 1 i ii iii-r ieu i-io-i Hotel h ! ! I.I :e N," l:t ii I lie t r.eru i ': in1 er of t iiu.mi'rci a p l.ii i li in! i- , t llel "(l lioni i pre-i'ilis l ull! Ml llll'll t .1 ! ti l l. II . ,.- .1 I . el : i-i ll-j ealare it could celled People 1 1 1 1 K Ii i i I .i rii i-. ..dinu "I ' he i i m .it im e ilr.iw I lie in I:. -lull New li'i, ,..,,! I- thai the eit i indeed a New l!i r n'' and t hat t Ik .1 li ne wire and believe l .;,! . in -.r. in t hingr. hut in putting i ir ifii.,iLi!itr- n! i n -pir.u Luis into "it-Hi. 1 here M.i- heardl; .'. i.itor 'no iM-. mil -I I In I. . in-1. ii i ,:n- listened i tin How il nr.iinr aj)d ji.n'iook of ii in. in- -i.i.-i.inii..l pin i, i In- pi'M. i in who u ,i- urn i r.ili ,eil , ii Ii t In--in. "I . ii:up r.iliM- .ictivitv. hen l-r-t 1. 1. nine.1 it v. .i- i l-.e in ill l . . i j in iiold the-e banipicst s an 'i ill ttne pioi"i:n-nl iili-.-n sll. :e-t il ihat n 1 n- Ik. I I -t-i.i i- I II I! II. I II ,i llillllliel" I I there Ii.:., i In to 1 lll .11 in I of i i ii I in perchase ' I .n ki l- nn cm I oecsion. e tl.entv tile ,1 In r.- 11 III! -.line opinion .mil are willing; least t .i n i i. l. i ; s I here is nu .1,'iii't ln:l ill iiel I si-.hi-.iniiu.ilix I Ik N.'v I!.-. 11 1 li.inipn-i i w ill b-a- -ugLi'sle;!. teil.U is .ilive to every opportunity am as was sliowr I y the li-reefal addre ses Fri lav night li smile ol tin- leading litiens who' look -t.iiiiic.s and trroved their argu niii.t. -he is fisi coming to the front and bids fair to be the leading city and centre of K.isiern North t aroli na. ():d words of praise and commenda tion ol the wondeiful progress made dining the past few years wee heard from those who were the guesis of the city Friday night. The first annual t'.ii logi'iln-r is a thing of the past but it leaves onlv pleasant memories coup led with a determination on the part of the business men lo pull together ?.nd make New Hern better and bigger. Persons t.ou bled with partial para lysis are often very much benefited by massaging the affected parts thor oughly when applying Chamberlain's Fiiiir.ent. This liniment also relieves rheumatic pains. For .ale by all dealers. (Adv) Ol'AKILRI.Y CONFERENCE. Today is the occasion of the First 'Quarterly Conference at the Centenary Mcth"dist church. Rev. J. I' I'nder woo.l, the Presiding Elder of the Niw Hern Di;;tri-t, will preach at both hours. Mr. I'ndcrwood has the rr- u- tation of I cing a most excellent preach er it'd mil have large audiences to hear him. A man always tirnks down in his heart that a woman is sensibly if she refuses hint, and usually he is right". , 1 '' MAKES THE NATION GASP. . The wfirl list of iniuaie on a Fourth of July stagger humanity. Set ovW against it, however, i the . wonderful healing by Bucklen't Arnica' Salve, of thousand wha ufferad from burn. cut, bruises, bullet wound or explo. wan,: It the quick liealer of boil ,ul. qer, eicrms, orc lip or pile. 2 DINNER STRUCK POPULAR R at all ii t.kli9t. GOEXMF.KT INVESTIGATES Prosecution of. Liquor Shipper Maj Reult From Inquiry. The forty-three barrels of hiskc nhich was libeled and taken from thi Norfolk Southern Railway Company 't Veight depot y: this city a. few eekr igo still remains stored in the govern ment buildin and will doubtless re main there until the April term of Federal court. This whiskey was ;hi)M'd- to one J. II. Smith by a firm n Cincinnati, O., and the government is now making an investigation to find jut whether or not the shippers knew that they were shipping this whiskey o one person and that another was receiving it. There is a heavy penalty for knowingly shipping v. hiskty to man and using an assumed name am' if such is found to be the tacts in this case the shipper will be prosecuted. Mr. Country Merchant, try an advertisement in the Semi-Weekly Journal and increase your business. BRIDGE CI.I B MEETS. The "Auction Bridge Club" as charmingly entertained yesterday after- noon bv.AIrs. Robert Du al tones, it her llume on l.a-t Iront street. 1 i- . i- . . . ly Palms aiJ ferns made the rooms at tractive. After an exciting game a tempting salad course was served. Those present were: Mrs. Owen (iuion, Mr... Robert Nixon, Mrs. Char les Dui'v, Vr. ('icon Dunn, Mi. I oh ii T. Hnllistci. Mrs. I'ranris Stringi r DulTv, l--s. 'Thomas Hyman, Mrs.' Kdw.ird ( lark, !ises Jauet I lolli-ter, I I aura lluglu-.-., Moliie Heath, Maiga-; nt liry.ui, i )li cr. Sadie I ld':-l. r and M MOV E ON NOW! ,i policeman to a street Crowi sa y whacks heads if it don't. "Move on j now," says the big, harsh pills j to bowel congestion and sullering fol lows. Or. King's New l ife Pills don't bulldo'-c the bowel-. 1 hey gently persuade them to right action, and health follows. J.ic. at all druggists. (Adv.) : PICKING OCT A HOME FOR I RKS I I NT TAFT. V W aven. I unit , .'an. -. c ;o.iuions ha i been opened between 'iii nils of I're-iileiit Ta'l for lis leas-" line ol the 1. 'Nil :lc- re; idem e on I. II House Aveii'ie and Irumbt II street, bui his 'i lends he.e -late that the house In- will oil upv as his perniailei.' .1- 1 deuce ' H not be .-elected To:" e viral weeks It is understood ihit President Fall will not come to this ill v to take up his -.bit ics as prole-.-o- or law h-ciuri"-till nest fall. Hi Ir.ends iiere expect him te go -1011th for 1 re-t after thi ret.ic en' from olli'--, March -1th, He is epe;ted here fur the month of I il 11c, when he ill meet with the unittii corporation and will be present at the Hotel Fait at that time. His residence here w ill be I, ased for sev eral veils, or vill be bought outright and he will take possession of it abou September 15th. ENDS HINT FOR RICH CIRI . Often the hunt for a rich wife ends when the man meets a woman that uses K Ice 1 ire Bitters. Her slro-ig nerves tell ill a bright brain and cvcif temper. Her peach-bloom coinpKliou and rubv lips result from her pure blood: her bright eves from restful sleep; her elastic step from firm ,fnc muscles, all telling of the health and strength Fh-ctric Hitters give a woman, and the freedom indigestion, backache, headache. aiming and diy spells they promote. Kvery where they are woman s lavortte reinerlv. It weak 01 ailing try them. 50c al all druggists. (Avd.) MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY. Pursuant to powers of sale contained in two certain mortgages ,one executed by J. U. Hooker to L. C. Carroll on 29th Sept., l'HO, and transferred L. C. Car roll tu T. D. Warren, and the other executed by J. B. Hooker and wife Caro line Hooker to T. D. Warren, executed Jan. 2nd, 1912, said mortgages recorded in Registry Craven county in Book 65 p. 499 and Book 187, p. 509 respectively, default having been made in payments of same and for the purpose of foreclosing same, the undersigned assignee and mortgagee will on the 3()th day of De cember, 1912 sell for cash to the high est bidder at public auction at Court House door at New Bern, N. C, at 12 M. o'clock the following described real estate and personal property, vu: FIRST. Certain tract of land lying and being in No. 5 township, Craven county, N. C, being part of a grantto T. T. Gooding dated 15th Oct., 19k, recorded in Craven county in Book 194, p. 4.H, and described as follow: Be ginning at a pine and runs N. 69 W. 48 p. to C. C. Reels line, then N. 23 1-2 E. 74 poles, then N. 6 1-2 V. 52 poles, then N. 17 1-2 E. 98 pole to Ncal' first line for 300 acre (now Taylor's) corner, then S. 81 E. 96 poles to N'eal' or Tay lor', then S. 30 W. 30 poc, then S. 70, W. 277 pole to the beginning, contain ing 325 acre more or less and being ame tract of land conveyed to J. B. Hooker by T. T. Gooding and wife. SECOND. Alo the following per sonal property: One white horse. 9 year old, ona open buggy, fivt cow and five calve, .marked in J. B. Hooker' mark and known a home cattle of aid HnnLfr. one hull and einht vcarlinus fit same mark and stock. ' This 28th day di Movember, , T. I). WARREN, , Aniitet ,of L. C. Cattili. T. D WARRBW. iiorltaiel EXPECT REVOLT IN PHILIPPINES Said to Be a "Krame-llp" ro Revo lution In The Islands This Winter. MERELY A POLITICAL MOVF Planned For Purpose of Showtnfc Thar Islands Arc Not Rea dy for Independence. Washington, Jan. . According to information received by the Bureau f In-nlar Affairs and transmitted to the W ar Department, there is a "irame iid" for a revolution in the Philippine Islands this winter. This plan, acc.ord ii.g to the information, has been made hy the wealthy property owners in the Island of l.uon, on which Manila is located. The revolution is planned for the purpose of showing tiiat the Philippines arc not yet ready for in dependence. '1 he Bureau of Insular Affair has i .' . h h "I me coming insurrection, nea ten rv the wealthy nroptr'y owners ol the provinces contiguous' in Manila, the capital. 1 he same report states that the. nii'vennnt origin.dh was planned merely as a political move, to offset the acihiii'-s of Mant.el I.. Ouevon Resident i oniini inner at Wa-hington fioin the Philippine-. Seuor Oucon has been figh'iug in :i:id out of Con ;iess for AcC'Tilini; to lilippine independent. 11 ' reports, received tlu'ifUKOXIt' HISE ASKS A -SPRfl A I TV j iti-.urrect ion has got away ft out the leaders to such an extent that is it I feared thai the'e will be much blood I shed and nisanlei before it can be sup and ore-seil. Secret service agent of the civ i ,.,,vcni!:ient in -In- Philippines and in tclligcncc olttcer of the army stationed in the inlands have ben making investigation.-.. Tlicv have i (-ported that the tinder for an uprising against law !,,n, .,ricr Ms b, eu furnislv-d and it is i,,ile to be iiiniler at any time. Pre- to meet the emergency are being mad '1 he centre of trouble ,ti. pears to be in t'.e Pr bi'.iu;,!-., Kid ant!'ina. ,M ini'.i is in Ki..d Province. j AI.CAZAR ASHORE. j l-ate still pursues ' he Spanish schoon er Alcazar which wa- al andoned of) the coast of North Carolina on Christ mas Di and which was later picked up by a pasting steamer and Carried into Lookout Cove Wednesday night the sheooner broke her anchor (able .in-.! drifted ashore. A wireless message was sent to the revenue Cutter Semi nole at Wilmington and Thursday afternoon that vessel left for l ookout I ove to render whatever assistance w is possible. TO CELEBRATE LEE'S BIRTHDAY The local chapter of the Daughters of the Confederacy are m.tkiti' pre parations for the celebration of Gen eral Robert l. Fees birth day on iiuaiv 19. This occasion has ben httinglv "I served in New I cm lor vears anil thi-. year there will be no exception to the general rule. very interesting program is being irranged for the owasion. Here i. a remedy that will curi your old Why waste time .old money ex perimenting w lien you can get a prc piratio.i that Fas won a world-wide reputation by its cures of this disease and ran always be depended upon' It is known everywhere as Chamber lain s Cough Remedy, and is a medicine I real merit. I or sale bv all dealers. (AHv.) HELD FOR COURT. Jchn C.ilmore, colored, who claims Scotland Neck, N. ("., as his home, was given a hearing before Mayor McCarthy yesterday afternoon on a variant charging hi with stealing a mule from u!ius Arnold . w ho re sides near Vanceboro. Cilmore was arrested Tuesday afternoon by Chief of Police l.upton while endeavoring fo dispose of the animal for ten dollars. He Dleaded not guilty to the charge but probable cause was found in the case and he was com mil ted to jail in default of a bond of to hundred dollars to await the next team of Craven county Superior Court. FEVER SORES. Fever sores and old chronic sores dio'dd not be healed entirely, but iho'ild be kept in healthy condition This can be done by applying Chamber lain's Salve. This salve has no superior for this purpose. It is also most ex rel'cnt for chapped hands, sore nipples, burn and dieeascs of the skin, for sa'c by all dealer.'' (Adv.) Hard luck never gels off the trail of a blockhead. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of James K. F deceased, late of Craven county, r.. C., thi is to notify all person hav - inr claims against the estate of 'd, dcce4ed to exhibit them 'to ,hf MnHiBned on or before the 3 1 t. 1 day of December, 191.1, or thi notice will be pleaded in bar of tMr recovery .Ml person Indel. rd to ah i i I..I..-J t please 'make Jn.medi. ,.Tyn,e t to the ". , is Jlst day of December,. 191... k' your delTr Of ! 1 . c. p. fulchek. initamp to .bow tdirr-- inis.rato- of jamesey Ev Fui.ttle viU .b9oiaitad. deceased.;; ; n0. , . ,j .-,.;, .. 'te ay Th Administrato hcr, deceased. PROFESSIONAL H. M. Bonner M. D. DISEASE OF; TH J EYE EAR NOISE ud WrVaT GENERAL SURGERY- . ; Phones: Office 720 1 Res dene 220 Rooms 300-6 Elks Tempi; New ' Bern GEORGE T. WILLIS ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Practical Wherever er vloe is Required. 50 Craven St. NcwBern.N C. SODTHERIT 1XMIBS UTIUrUfO Simmons & Ward Attorneys and Counselors at Law Office. Rooms 401-2-3 Elks Building, 'New Bern. N. C. Practice;: in the counties of Craves, Duplin. Jones, Lenoir, Onslow. Carter et", Pamlico and Wake, id the supretnt and Federal Courts, and wherever tier vices are desired. DR. ERNEST C. ARMSTRONG, Osteopathic Physician (KinisiKkEO) l T.-l 1. 1 '1 i ,s" r" 3 ' Men it:' tt li it o ti a nt In n Ten ycHii experience in.treatingfchroD tc diseases. Complete Electrical Efulpmeat. Do ycu near a trust? If to let me show you my special make. For all ages, from babies up. PHONE 704. D. L", ATTORNEY AN.D (COUNSELLOR AT LAW Hughes Builditljr, Craren Street NEW BERN, N. C. . Practice in State anil Federal Courts. Circuit. Craven, tierel. Jnnea nd Pamlico and wherever aerrices are desired. " ROMULUS A. NUNN Attorney and Counselor at Law Office SO C'ravkn; Sntrrr Telephone No 7 and 101 NSW BRnS. N.Cv Carl Daniels Attorney and Counsellor At Law ; Practices wherever services are required. Office in Masonic Building. BAYBORO. N. C. Local and Long Distance Phone. T. D. WARREN ATTORNEY AT LAW Office, Room 406-406 Elk Tempi. NEW BERN, N, C. Practice in count i of Cravan, Car eret, Ptmlieo. loMh a4 OnluW tot in the Stat Suptttna and Fadara Court. W. B. Price Consulting Engineer County Surveyor Room 316 Elk Temple New Bern, N. C. Raymond' P. Eagle CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR ' 1 ,. f -1 . .... Elka Tempi. Naw Bar, N. C. : Drainage Surveyi-a spec ialty. Municipal work, Land Surveys, Maps, Plans and Specifications. ? SPECIAL. Why not patronire home iadustry the buggy factory that can furnish you a buggy and harness at the saute price that you pay elsewhere for tfce buggy alone? If you do not i need the harncos, then give ui 1 145.09 far the leather-top buggy. - - ... V Some buggy wheels at 17.00 per set. Your to plae, . THE WATERS BUGGY WORKS. 7g BROAD ST. NEW BERN, N. C. - . , p mffj THAI SIZI " MUCI M tSKH DlinPfnilT I I'?"T!1T HUBnl UI! I I LI . i . I N f fm . 'm '"; ; y ; '-'-&--.:'.- .? . . . 1 v frrU tuwkUu,W, JJJJcO. r VI CO , Uslt WE WISH YOU A HAPPY New Year J.S. Miller Furniture Co. 99-101 MID DLE STREET, PHONE 229 j The Farmer's NEVER before in . ' vuuiiikj iitxa v ill. itii 1111 linu outu il good opportunity to make money. Of course he must exercise Jgood judg- ;- ment, and employ the very best mod ern methods in order to get the most benefit from the soil. At any rate, this is a good time for tfie farmer to save a little money for the future. This bank invites the savings accounts of farmers t paying 4compound interest onthe money. DEPOSITS ACCEPTED BY, MAIL ! ill L NEW BERN BANKING & TRUST C? CAPITAL ' $ IOO.OOO.OO BEECH NUT BACON, SARATOGA CHIPS, Self-Rising Flour, Fresh Fruit and Pound Cake. ..HACK-BURN" 3 iwwm iTi.' NO MINIMUM ON CHECKING ACCOUNTS. We inwte both largo and small chet king ac counts, placing no mini mum upon the amount that may be deposited. -. t4. The directors and officers of 'thi bank know from experience that many of the accountswhich are opened with small sums grow to substantial proportions, some of the largest accounts in the -bank having been started with moderate deposit, j- m nimwm iiawi " "K" m. am w i i -n 1 rm n t t ' Atlantic t ... - The Standard Riilroad of ths Southamifiesthe "Na . tion's Garden Spot" through the States of Vir jin- - ia, North Carolina. South Carolina, Georgia, . ' Alabama and Florida. FOUR FAMOUS TRAINS: i"New York and Florida Specials" :(January to AprilT . "Florida and West Indian Limited," Palmetto. Limited," ; i .:,"8t Line Florida Mail." All year round through car service from New York to Dow isa .... - r i rr . TAmna and Knichta Kev. COnnectine With Steam8hlp6 f 0 AM OffiW ,,r beautifully illustrated booklets and copy of 'Turp ru-3.v Cjdraa ' , ' .J -W. J. CRAIG, Gm Traffic Manager, :T. CWniT . . t Qfiheral Passenger Agent, 'W'lminpton,-n;U -.. , k . b . .. , ... ;.; . .'; ..;: beautifully illustrated booklets and copy of "Pund 13! .m Kjui- r "1 Opportunity ! the history of the vi -Tumi w w Coast Line 1 iTi Dinrng cars-ala. carte iay3 w "V