1 'ul'i r;r,v lthn. n. a, ihiday, jANUAntid; wsecond section 35th YEAR ST i i - 1 T It w t Arc Just Getting Started Civ!jrca the Chief of the Bureau of Soils. IS - ( -1 AN AUTHORITY ON SOILS Asserts ;That Generous Harvests -. Await Farmers Who Fol - - lows Instructions. - .Washington, Jan. 7. "Agriculture ii this country," says Professor Milton Whitney, chief of the bureau of soils of the; Department of Agriculture, "is in,' its - infancy; we have hardly more than cleared the ground and got the fences up. When we settle down to the real - business of farming and get a thorough knowledge of the soil of each field, -as the people of the longer settled coun tries " of Europe- have done, we shall have fewer" failures to Bull down our average of poductivity. .- There never have been greater opportunities Offered for American farming than at the pres : ent: time. In the East and South 'es pecially are cheap' and productive' soils awaiting re-settlement and re-occupa- . tion.'Vi :-Jf.y;J; - Dr.Whitney believes that .farms in .all parts of the Union which have long . since been abandoned may be developed so as to yield generous harvests for those who are willing to follow the in structions laid down by this bureau., - ' "The work of the soil survey," says Dr. Whitney,; "began In i very, small way in 1899, and 6z,595 square miles of terrrltoy ; have been -surveyed and mapped. Over 900 different types of soils have been mapped and classified.' and thereby it is now known for what crops the different types, are adopted , and how they should be treated to ob tain the maximum yield. Within the next twelve years every type of soil in the country will have been mapped and classified.;'"J.?;tt';--"5.i w'i FREIGHT COMMITTEE MEETS f L. Prepares Data For Submission To . "thiC. L. Offlclala. 1 i ; ' Last , evening tie committee com posed of L. H. Cutler, C, L. Ives, R. A. Nunn. Clyde Eby, J. B. Blades and ). Leon Williams, who were appointed some time ago to secure information . relative to the amount ' of shipping going out and coming into New Bern teach year with '"n view of placing .the ,same in the hands of the officials of - j the Atlantic Coast Lin? Company 'as i requested , by the latter , before they I would render their decision in the matter iof entering the city. from the Horth, . , met in the Chamber: of Commerce . y rooms fur the purpose of , compiling j this information and making prepara tions to go to Wilmington to plat the t matter before the railway officials. Al the reports made by the various local concerns were compiled and put in condition to be presented to the railway officials. , . ' " The Secreatry. was ordered ti write I to the officials and make an appoint or mcnt with them for an audience and as soon as a reply is received the com i 'mittee will leave for Wilmington. V i i - . CAPT. LONCSTRETII HEREV ,; Captain C. Lonsgtreth, owner f the ytcht Arrawart II which . arrived -j in port a few weeks ago from Philadel I phia, returned yesterday from that 5 city where he spent the-, Christmas .- holidays - with his family., Capuin ; : I.ongslreth stated .that he would pro-v- bably remain jit this port ior several ' days before goi i on a cruise through ' the Sounds of North Carolina; t " - M ivr'",,'"icr '( :? FLiTiiJi:.""f nit- ir-; i i:1 t'l li . TED L . La.L'JIL.i Senrclu.ia Trobe Into Chesapeake ; Bay Accident of Last Friday , Is Announced. " - SIXTEEN LOST THEIR LIVES AH Facts To Be Brought Out As , "To Whether Indrakula : Did Her Duty." - Washington, Jan, 7. -A searching in vestigation is 'to made by the Federal authorities into the collision in Chesa peake Bay Friday'morning between the Biitish Steamer Indrakuali, outbound from Baltimore, and" the Julia Lucken bach, inbound from'. Tampa, by which the Luckenbach was sunk and 16 of her company perished, including Capt. H. A. Gilbert and his wife, and after which the- Indrakuala was beached to ave her front sinking. - . As soon as Gen. George Uhler, super vising inspector general of the Federal steamboat inspection" service, learned that the " Indrakuala would be towed to s Norfolk'or .wport: TNews"; for re pairs, he . ordered Captains Bray and Tapley,-at Norfolk, . to conduct ; the Government .investigation of the causes and circumstances of the collision. ? At the" same time General Uhler or- dered Captains Wright and White, the n.i.:J - i i -.: .-. . uniiiuiuje inspectors, to pursue an investigation of their own and sub mit their, findings to the Department of Commerce and'Labor. . The inspectors atf New York were telegraphed to take affidavits from the members of the Luckenbach crew who were 'rescued - b. the Dutch' steamer Pennsylvania and taken to 'that port, These affidavits ;will became a parof tne case. v- j.M?-?.-.. 4: .,General- Vhler; announced that the investigation would be sweeping.. . It is to include everj- phase of the. collision and the iacts ate to be Brought out as to whetlier or not Captain Smith, of the Indrakuala,, refused to stand brthe t . fl L t k . . ... ... LucKenpicnas ne s obligated to do, if he can, by evey civilised litw of navi- gation.,:;u-:.w;; " (SpeciaVto the" Journal) ;:. Olympia, Jan. 8 -The holidays are over and those who. have been spendimt the occasion with friend and relatives here and those who have been visitine at other points have returned home. ; Miss .Carrie Whitchurst has returned from a visit "with friends at New Bern. Ebe". Bunting of Frankford, '' Del., i; visiting his ' brother, Curtis Buntine. oi trus place. 1 , ."'', - The -East. Carolina Lumber Com pany who are building a tram road in this . cotinty , are making much pro grcss withthc,work.,;A large force of laborers are employed in the task and me contractors nope to have the work completed within a;few, weeks. .' : van;ountmg ana sister, Miss Mar garet, spent yesterday with C. B. Bunt ing at New Bern, i - . ,;.: ; i Mii ,Sallie -Holloa !jtudenri''.tfce Atlantic . Christian' College who, ha; been spending -the holidavs h ih her parents has returned to Wilson to IWUH1C MCI BCUQteSt . . ; - . . - ; ; Mi8f Ma-3rC, Johnson has returned to . Lebanon , to resume her-duties as teacner otthe select school at that of Mr. M:W. Carmon of Betlair, died ycuay morning. at one o'clock of hemorrhagic fever. The funeral and uu..-. tooK piace jyenerday aftemoon wiM uma. . -. r WINS THE HONORS FROM Burned or Oxide of Lime per acre In a sixteen yvar . test, and proved beyond question that it is a uierior fertilizing irgrcdiaut. Brown' C C03 by inalitical test heads the list of fertilising limes. ' For . full information write at once t. r::i a c:'3T li:.:e co. New- IJern, N. C. T .1IDI0 PEOIlGT 015 Movement to . Protect Feathered Sof"sters Finding Fnvor In This Section. TO GET LEGISLATORS TO ACT All Bird Tribes Decreasing Every . Yeair Action Needed To S ' Save Them. r . A movement to protect, nong birds s.fiading much, favor in- several ties irt this section at this time, and it is expected that several legislators wilt go to the coming General Assembly with the. purpose of. having an act pass- for their - preservation, ' Petitions asking for such alaw are being circulated in several communities. - , Carteret county has taken the lead in-the matter and Senator Davis and Representative C. S. ' Wallace have assured their constituents in that coun ty that they, will champion the bill. If an act covering the entire State is not passed, several counties in the East j. will ask" for protection of "the eathcred singers pn their own account. On- the banks from ; Cape Lookout to Hatteras many mocking birdsyet remain, besides otner species, and on the mainland robins are plentiful, put every tribe of the bird yearly decreases, as is the case for many miles inland and the citizens of the section are deter mined that they shall be protected. " TWENTY DROWNED Dreadful Lost of Life When Freight- er Is Rammed By Tramp. . ' Newport, News, Va., January 4. Eight survivors' of the steamer Julia Luckenbach, rammed - and sunk in Chesapeake Bay-early Friday by the British tramp Indrakula, arrived here yesterday-, and. told -Jiow' iO of their number- had gone down, without ;? a chance for life. The Jr fortunate eight, after a! six-hour battle with a terrific gale. were taken from the rigging ' of their suken ship by the Danish steam er Pennsylvania and brought here.l.' .The Luckenbach, from Port Tampa to Baltimore, was about to anchor off tn..Tngier, Qaa.ppy,i ithwuouthJ of the " Potomac ;, early Friday, : when the Indrakulaf i caught ; her aiid " cut her practically in, two. She went down immediately and only the men on deck had a chance for life The Indrakuala Was badly damaged and in danger of kink ing, dreW off and beached to save, hur- self. i Captain. Gilbert; of the Luckcn bach, and hi wife "were among the lost. vL- 1 - 1.. ' j. . ' J l ne survivors naa scarcely reaenca the topmost parts of-thj rigging of the and for six hours they fought for-life, hile some 'of their "number ,f xhaust- edi dropped off one by one to death With a l, wind :blowina "'ai'-ryclonic velocity and wavefT beating- against them, the hardiest ti held fast until their clothes were torn to shred, 'and they? were on the verge of exhaustion. Chief Engineer Chis Knudson, was ent of those in the rigging.; - He endured the gale until, his hands were bleeding from-gripping the ropes.. He became exhausted, let go and went down be fore assistance came. " . ' ; . : - "i V:, 'The Danish steamer Pennsylvania, which dame to their assistance, could not reach them at first because of the heavy sea. After- mahy unsuccessful attempts life, lines were run'to the struggling men and in two hours they were taken off one-at a time. 4 They were taken on board the Pennsylvania very much exhausted,' and had to be given liirst-aid treatment. " DEATH OF MRS. JOSEPHINE WILLIAMS. Mrs. " Josephine Williams, aged 63 ' years, died Sunday morning at 8 o'clock at her home 34 Johnson street. Vuneral services were held yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock rom the resi dence .conducted by Rev. B. F. Huske, assisted, by Rev. B. Hurley. "The interment wa made in Cedar Grove cemetery. ;' The following .served' as pall-bearers, D.- F. Jarvis, J. L.' Mc Daniel, J.. S.- Basnight, J. J. Tolson, J. R. ' Pigott and O. Cuthretl. Mrs. Williams is survived by the following children: Mrs. Addie Jilpatrick ?of Not folk. Miss rita Williams and Dan icl W. Williams of New Hern,- C-ilmoi c and Zeb Williams of Richmond and Rev. Joseph Williams, of Elmstown, Md. - , DF.ID. In u city jdn.5, 1513, F.lizahe'th H. Gaskins in the 70th year of her age. Surviving are the husband William S. Caskins, one son ,C. W. Ga skins. one sister,' Mary TJ. Gordon, all h this city, one' brother John C. Gatlin ol Mcrnlt, Fan lico county, N. C. The fiiiui.il m.ti. comliatel from thc-rci-di-me J.in. ftii at 10;.)!) . nl. Rev. J. It. Hurley of ("enton iry M(t!ioKt t'nin'i mid Rev. II. V. lhihke of Christ ! I. Interment in Cedar I cry. (".rove ('( -nil ! io put Ef:o TO JAIL DELI JEniESl Commissioners Order Ilea Oak-1 .Buards Placed Aerobe I , - The Joists, v rasuwru nun lujnu; nails Several , Otjier . Matters- f - Im-1 porta nee Disposed of By ' ' .. , i,i County Board. rte"o"Il'!niibst,tliiportant mitferi taken up at the regular monthly meet- ing of the Craven Gounty , Board of 1 Commissioners Which was held in trus I city Mondayj was the matter of putting! Revenue Law it is found that there is the. county jail insuch condition that Ian increase above those of the previous it would be impossible bor any prisoner I to niake.an esaepp, .. Uunng the past tew months a nuin-1 ner of the prisoners have succeeded I in gaining , thrir freedom from this! institution and in the majority. ol tbel cases each., took the ;. same course; I climbing on the steel cage in which the colored prisoners are confined, then knocked a hole in the ceiling and from .i .l. -r f. n.u:..t, urac u.inu lu me iuui imiM it is an easy matter to reach the eround. 1 An investigation was made and it I was found that the ceiling was very I thin " iind could ' : easily be . knocked down. Af tef considerable i discussion I tne . commissioners cieciaea to . piacei heavy oak boards across the top off tne joists ana to lasten tuese aown wttni large wire nails. (This will make ill almost impossible for any one to break! through to the roof without the use of I a verv heavy hammer and the noise 1 caused by knocking off these boards I would awaken every inmate of the jail.l Mrs. T. E. Warren, widow of the! late keeper of Neuse river bridge, I appeared before the Board and made I application for the position of bridge I tender. ' Since the death of her husband I she has been having the work done by I a man whom she employed and hislgf the-law. work has proven satisfactory;The Board had some hesitancy in giving Mrs. Warren the position on account of the fact that if the man she .now has em-1 ployed or any one whom she would employ at a later date should suddenly!, be- taken. iU xrfwas,4iV"qAit; it, would j wki Jv hV jlefendapt is charged . -ith cause 'a great -; deal of inconveniiicf.whoIsealing. In , this latter case, if However after considering the. matter the position was awarded to hay,",Thc pay for this work is thirty-.nv QollaTsaad' twenty;hve barcrls of whiskey in a montn..- . ,! . ; ;; r jn- D. P. liitford,.who w.president oil the "Craven County; Farmer s .Union and who .-lives, in No. . One Township, made a very interesting ta,lk about the present condition of the roads in .No. Two Township and. asked the Board to take some action towarn bettering the condition...,.: The Chairman , of the Board explained tQ Mr,. Wh'tford that at present the fund available for the use of roaq woik in this township wasl dejiltted , and .the work .could ,not.. be done ar present, but that at anarlyrij fJew Bern of whiskey dealers and date or in fact as soon as'the taxesmuch credit is due, especially to the could be, collected, - this fund would! police, for their work. At present be increased, and tHe work in thisNew Bern is one of the driest towns township should be done without any further. delay,"-;' rJritXf ? he . Commissioners have Had i so many complaints - from persons who say that their" property has been im - properly assessed that at yesterday s meeting, they passed resolutions con - demmng the present method ol listing and assessing taxes and placed a copy! of these resolutions in the hands of Representative Gilbert Whitlord with a request to urge the repeal of thelj tbe ateamer, Alcazar. which came present law and to urge a law which will be more thorough and concise the vital ppointa. STRONG SPEAKERS COMING - Able and Distinguished Men Will ; Address Laymen's Convention. L. B. , Padgett;. State secretary for the Laymen's Missionary. Movement! of the United States and Canada, r- rivt-d in the city yesterday morning. Ha will be here until tomorrow Then he will go away for a few days after which he will return and remain until after the . Laymen s Convention to be held here Feb. 6 and 7. He stated that he had Just received a letter from J. Campbell White, glv ng the information that Lr, C. F.I Reid.'onu of the strongest men of the Methodist denomination, and Mr. Pat ton ol - Atlanta, an esocciatiy auteaiiait wednesaay .wnere tnri evening layman of the .Episcopal denomination, w.tulil t.j nn tliM litft r( ruavir at lh New Bern convention.. Mr. White will also be here as will W. E: D. Doughty of New York, du-1 rational secretary and Lt., Col. E. W.I llalford of Washington, vice chairman of the general executive committee.-; Mr. Padgett states that thvre.will be the strongest array of ieakcr at the New lU-rn convention that ha been veil at a hymen's convemion in the State "nincc the great convention at Greensboro several years a'O. Tlic niotornicn fMient St nrt K.til. h ive liern funil 'i iitiifm iui on the New ,.-y Company Hern cars J iii It 1 1 !,(' ti n,f. ! i; s el irriv:..,' ;c..r,. lf;:j breakhig ltO THE II1CREASE More Infractions of Internal Reve- nue Law In 1912 Than -In HU, jeasIKR TO MAKE ARRESTS luidt Distilling Seems To Be Decreasing, Retailing On Increase. -. j.r- i ... . : , . , k . -14 looking oVerthereewd for e pas :yed. kept by the local United States Commissioner of the number of arrests for violation -of the Internal ytar and there is an approximate esti Imate ol thirt v five per cent over the violations five years ago; - Commissioner Charles B. Hill says that the deputies are -not workine anv harder now than vthcy were when pro- bibition first went into effect but that tbe violations "are more numerous and tare fcasier1 (6 locate. ' Relerring to his I record 3hj found that during the year 1 .... . A. . .i ... .iiierc. were, tweniy-mree yioia- 1 ion, of the! Internal Revenue Law by retailing WifKbut a' government license. One Sdelendaht was charged with re- ItaitMg iif illicit, distilling and two with illicit aistillinaf. " : " - - n ; wt . thirty-two persons were arrested by the revenue officers lor retailing snintuou . liquors without the government pmft., two for re taillug and illicit distilling and one for whoWiling spirituous liquors. :The dintrict over rhich Commis- hotter llill has jurisdiction i is composed rf the - counties of Craven, Jones, Pamlico and Carteret and portions of Onslow. It is noticeable that there is comparatively little , illicit distilliug. This condition " is mainly due to the heavy penalty which the government places upon offenders of this section I : Ia the opinion of the government officials illicit distilling is decreasing I but the. number of retailing cases rrws : larger each year, and m addi I tlfta t6' this it is noticed that during past 'year, there was one case in I the evidence is true, the defendant sue I needed in placing more than a hundred I this city within a period ol aix-montns or at the rate of nealya barrel a ?lay, I, The number ol zoverntnent licenses jaiowing the holder to retail whiskey 1 an) pirituouir' liquors in tne city ol I New Berri is-not as large as it was twelve months a'go bnt in other parts of the I county -and also in the counties adja I cent to Craven the number is consid eraory larger at present than at the I former period. , g0th the local and the government I authorities have done ; their 1 best to l;n the State but in other parts of the county and also in adjacent counties I statistics show otherwise 1 t TO SEIZE THE ALCAZAR 1 Deputy Marshal Goea To Lookout l COva Today Armed with Papers United States Deputy Marshal Sam- I uej uriy left last evening fro Beaufort'. I Today he will go to Lookout Cove and 1 10 n-ief off the North Carolina coast inijr;n a atorm two weeks ago.' the vessl was libelled in the United Mates Court at Wilmington several days ago by the Merchants and Miners Steam ship "Company of Savannah, Ga. Bond in the sum of 8z,000 was ad- jnsted and .the bond was taken down. Following. tniS, rtne papers necessary Ifot seizing tne vewe' wer ftfww,ded rb -Marshal Ully with orders to sen-e them. - NEWS OF HAVELOCK. . ; r (Special to the Journal) Haveiock, Jan. 7. Mis Lillie God win, who was accidentally shot in the left hand on Christmas day with a toy - 1 pistol and who has been in New Bern undergiong treatment from a physician, I has returned home very much 4mproved, - 1 ' Miss Sallie Russel went Harlowe j she1 attended a party given by one oil llii tr'mnAm. '. J I Mrs. A, D. Rooks and little daugh- Iter have returned from a vjsit with relatives and friends at Fort Barnwell, Rupert Sellers, a student at the East Carolina Teachers' : Training School I at Greenville, returned .yesterday to resume his studies oftor sending Chiist m here with relatives. i- f r. James White hss returned from a visit with rlutive at Vmcebcro. The Famliro county Farmei' Union will meet next Saturday, January 11 with the luoal t Grantsboro. Many matters of importance are io be taken tin nt t?.is meeting irtd every nit ruber is i : ..'-i! lo be. present. Flans for thv HE IS TO Frick's '. Fifth Avenue ' Residence Wilt Cost More Than ' . Five Millions. WILL NOT BE GACDY AFFAIR Coat Greater Than Any Home In New York Except Senator Clark's. F rick's new home on Tifth avenue taking in the entire block between Scv entieth and Seventy-first Streets, on the site of the. old Lenox l ibrary, will be the second most costly and most nianilicent of any in the city. The cost of the building will approximate $3,000,000; the land has co't $:-,400, 000 to acquire, so the entire expense of putting up a home for Mr. Frick will be well over $5,000,000. It will cover a plot i00.10 by 175 feet. Work on the new house will be start ed this spring and the contracts will call for the completion of the build ing within a year and a half. The residence of Senator Clark, at Fifth Avenue and Seventy seventh Street, is the only private dwelling in the city which cost more than the Frick home. It was built at an ex pense of between $6,500,000 and $7,000, 000. The new Frick residence will not be a gaudy, showy affair. It will be a long and low structure, simple in de tails. The art gnllery will be north of the house, facing on Fifth Avenue. The. principal entrance to both the gal lery and home will be from Fifth Ave- nue. The exterior ol the house will be in the Italian renaissance style. The dining room will be at the southwest corner of the building, be hind the drawing rooms, and will look out upon a large fountain and sunken gardens. A wide corridor will con nect the library and the drawing rooms. The nrt gallery will not be as high as the main building, and will be about 100 by 35 feet. ' It will be one and one half stories high. This building will contain Mr. hricK valuable collec tion of art treasures, in" which are Lome of the rarest and most valuable pieces in the world. One of the features of the sunken garden, which will beclose to Fifth Avenue, shut off from the curious by a stone garden wall, will be a pool, sixty feet long and fifteen feet wide. This will be in the centre of the garden and at its south eml will be a large fountain; " Andrew Carnegie and Charles M. Schwab are the only persons who have homes in New York on larger plots than Mr. Frick. WORKING UP CORN CLUB. ' S. M. Brinson, .County Superinten dent of Public Schools, is at present engaged In mailing to the teacher of this county printed matter relative to the Craven County Boys Corn Club which was organized several days ago. Each teacher is being forwarded a quantity of this matter and is a.ked to distribute it a mong the boys ot the schools. Although the Club has been organized only a short time a number of inauirics have been received from prospective - members. ' The warm weather of the past few days had had the effect of reviving the spirit bfrbaeeball among the young sters and each afternoon a number of the exponents of the ball and bat have been "tuning' up" on the school campus. - The school team last season was one of the best amateur teams in the State and it bids fair to be even better during the approaching season. II BUILD 5 "BE Wl BT rE PLOW WOULD 7Kr.;VE ? EITHER HOLD OR DRVE." ' ' ' ' ' ' ' mm i We Sell Blount's TRUE BLUEline Of Plowi if. Wrvs - w ' t - Middle Bursters,' a How That Ii'.'.s alon r't Neei lilounts' Daisy How. Plow.' Very i'orul.'r. IV. 'J 3 I ... . GIVE PRIZES FOH BREAD HO GO Chance For Farmers and Their Wive To Win Premium. Alao- TO EXHIBIT AT INSTITUTES A Number of Such . Meetings To Be Held in Thla Section ' Tills Month and Next. The North Carolina Department 'of Agriculture. hasYrraned for Farmers' - Institutes to be' held at a number of ,-f towns inthis section of the State at -i ' an early 'date. ;. The following towns and dates have been specified for these Institutes. Polloksvillc, January i 7; New s Bern,: January . 9; r Bayboro, January 30; Newport, January . 31; Vanceboro, January j Dover, February 4j Richlands, February 5 and Trenton, Februarv 6. ' . ' At each of these institutes premiums iwill be offered for the best loaf of bread and the best five ears of corn exhibited. The bread will be a year's subscription to some good magazine. The following rules, must be observed: Bought or home made yeast may be used, but bread made by the ,"sahv: rising" process will not. be awarded a premium. -The following score-card will be used : ' "Flavor, 35 points; light-. ness 15 points; grain and texture, V0 , points; crust-color, depth and texture, . 10 points; crumb-color and moisture, 10 points; shape and size, 10 points; total 100 points. Size of pan recom mended, 7 1-z by i l-e by 1 inches. A prize of a years' subscription to a good agricultural journal will be given to the farmer exhibiting the best five ears of corn. Also a year's subscript tion to an agricultural journal will be given to the boy under seventeen years of age who exhibits the highest scoring five ears of corn. However, no award will be made unless-the exhibit is' meritorious and worthy of a premium. To wiu the above premiums care. must he taken in selecting the' five. ears of corn. The ears should be of uniform length,' "that is, all . of them practically the same - length; uniform in size; in shape: size and color of grain and color of cob. .The corn most .be sound and considered good seed corn and well filled at the tips and butts of the ears. ' ' These institutes were held last year and although there 'were many who took considerable interest in them ,the ; number who attended them was ta . several instances very unsatisfactory.',! These institutes are of much benefit to the , farmers' and they ara urged to strive to mike 'them a success and to profit from the valuable information. .' whk'h may be obtained fronj then. ' HAD BUSY MONTH Ladle?' Aid Society of Tabernacla Active In December. .r.f.A. . - Thirty-three women were present at a meeting held Monday by the Ladies' Aid Society Of the Tabernacle Baptist . church. . Reports showed that 'u visits were -madt 'in December, 139 "of which were to the sick and seventeen to strangers who had moved to the city, : Other reports showed much sewing done for the poor, garments to the value of $67.90 having been given away - together with $14 50 worth of groceries. Sixty books and papers ..... . . l. . a . ! were dutrinutea ana casn . onerings to the amount of $47.55 were made. Many 'of the"' visits reported were made during the holidays and are be lieved to have added substantailly to the Christmas cheer of not a few homes of the community. . : ': .- . - r W4 " ' i i." x " ' i :' '-t. year ' i ! - I ' !. ts i ri nn n,rn n ' i ti.xr : !i !