: V HI 1 . ,f : I mm jpunriAL ESTABLISHED 1878. Published In Two (Section, every Tuesday and Friday at No. 45 Pollock fcresU X. I. LAN I PRINTING COMPANY SUBSCRIPTION RATES! Two Month Tbra Moptba- U Months., . Twelve Months- t .20 .25 .50 1.00 Only In advance. Advertising rata furnished upon application at the of Act, or upon In lry by mall. Entered at the Postoffice, New Bern, N. C." as second-class matter. Looks as if the conference in London between Turkey and the Allies will result in an agreement lo disagree. Once the war dogs get unleashed, it is difficult to get them back where they belong. Congressman Godwin on Saturday introduced a bill for an investigation f the Civil Serviee, It is safe to predict! that like, charity the Civil Servcie, if investigated, will be found to cover a multitude of sins. Politics makes strange bedfellows. It also evolves queer situations. Think t a man presiding at his own political wake as President Taft did Saturday night in New York. A sort of political ghost-walk, so to speak. Monday night Calilornians were putting up a desperate fight to keep thfir lemon and orange crops fioni freezing, it's a big country, but look tit for the cold wavt which is on its way from California! ED RelleveslMeuralg! Sloan's Liniment gives instant relief from neuralgia ort sciatica. It goes straight to the painful part soothes the nerves and stops the pain. Don't rub it penetrates. ' : " ;-- PROOF - . : t'-v- Mas. Rudolph Niscke, Oconto.Wis., writes : " I have used, Sloan's ., " Liniment for toothache and neuralgia in the bead where nothing else would help me and I would not be without the Liniment in the house." ; , "v . wamm writes : is also good for rheumatism, sore throat, chest pains and sprains. ' Pains All Gone " C. M. Dowker, of Johannesburg, Mich., -" I wish to say your Liniment is the best ' mcc'.i' ine in the world. It has cured me of neuralgia; those pains hays all gone and, I can truly say your liniment did cure me," Pain AH Cone Mr. J. R. Swinger, of 547 So. isth St., Louisville, Ky., writes: "I suffered with quite a severe neuralgic headache for four months without any relief, I used your liniment for two or three nights and I iven't suffered with my head since. I have und many quick reliefs from pain , by the e of. Sloan's Liniment and believe it to be e best Liniment on the market to-day. I n recommend it for what it did for me." Price 25c, 50c., and $1.00 at AQ Dealers. ind for Sloan's Freo Book on Bones. Atkims DR. EARL S. SLOAN. Boston, Mass. The United States Senate is rilling up with editors. An editor from Houston is appointed to serve in Semtor Bailey's place uutil his successor is elected. Editor Heiskill of Little Hock is named to occupy temporarily the place made vacant by the death of Senator Jeff Davis. If the editors want any thing at the hands of the United States Senatfc, now is the ii me to act. For now thfy h.i friends at court. California is hard-hit. "From San Francisco to Los Angelas every acre of orange; and lemons has been.frozen,' is the message that comes from the wonderful State on the Pacific. The damage is placed at forty million dollars. It is eajilv the worst cal amity that bas Del 1 lien California since the San Francisco fire. We are well aware that the Mayor W4s following a cour'e that is pursued in many places in securing on yester day the pledge of two "undesirables" to leave the city. But where is the justice of foisting these people on other communities? There should be some means contrived of adequately punishing them right here in New Horn. Cannot some of our resourceful city ratnerr soive tne proDiem: it is no evsy one, we are frank to admit. MORE LIGHT NfcEDED. We are glad to find that there is snne sentiment at least among the members. cf the Board of Aldermen in favor of offering inducements to merchants to place brilliant lights in r f -L r irom 01 jneir stores. :ew nern is too gloomy at night. It is true that the lights as proposed would be an advertisement for the merchants, But they would also be aa advertisement for the city and would aid substantially in the genera street lighting an expense which the city necessarily incurs. Hence we belie've.rthat, the city could well afford to offer liberal discount on lights used (or the purpose indicated. Alderman Ellis will be doing the city a service if he will keep up the agita lion for more light in the business sec tion. "Tf the light's 'in "front of the stores, caanot.. be arranged for, perhaix it, would be feasible to have in the business seuioa : sevtrai arc lights to .the block instead of one, as now, at the intersections of streets. New BejjnJs, catching up . with MQer.ctties of the fctate in many ie pects but it it badly behind them in the matter of a "brilliantly lighted business section. ' & CO. P. NOT DEAD. The old line Republican had a rally Jn New York Saturday night to start up the wot ea reorganizing the. C.rand Old Party, better known now ..perhaps a th 'oodbye Old Party" Presideut Taft was the prin cipal 'speaker. .'. . . -. . i.,:'.. Lots of people including ..a distin guished dtii -of 'Jfrn York State say the P- blican party is dead. We doo' be' e jt. There is room or nlyao.big part the party of conservatism and tb party of liber- ""K -: " r Th Democrats. hv always been supposed to be the latter. They haytn't been hewTng"lo lhe" fine," if must be adnah tedjbut they Jiave at last read the ,k!gn of the times aright. "They are fiing to be a really liberal pnrty henr forth. , , , Tl is will make a field for a party f poMte vies and by tradition ' "-'""(.. thf trniblican party i I 1 u, y that lield. ' lis1 fiM. EVERY GENUINE BOTTLE OF HAS THE THE MUNICIPAL tllNNER EditoJ Edwards of Kinston Paper '; '. T Writes ef Bnn)uet. la the Kim ton Free Press appears the following editorial by Kditar D. T Edwarls and suggested by the re cent Chamber of Commerce Municipil dinner at which he was one of the in vited' guests: ;;"New Bern's municipal dinner Fri day right was a decided success, a sUccess that, ought to make Mr. J. Leon, Williams, secretary, and the splendid business men who compose the city s Chamber of Commerce leel very ,much like congratulating them- "Perhap: a hundred ;tnd twcnt five Wn' gathered in the bcautilu! lining room of the Hotel Gaston lor :'be dinner.' The menu was elaborate nd the iutellectual least was well planned. The principal address of the evening was made by Hen. Jose phlts .Daniels, editor of the News and Observer. Senator Simmons was to have been present, but his public duties or bade his being away Irom Ya?h- ingtonjat this time; so .Air. Uanuls, who was to hae been one of the guests honor, consented to deliver the lead ing address. This he did with such tt'ect as to impress his hearers with the very great importance of his mes sage and with his own ability to diag nose and prescribe a remedy for what ever in our social life impedes progress jUid makes for wrong and injustice. "The elimination ol fci'.dali: 111 froiv present day social life and the sub stitution of co-operation for individua lism was Mr. Daniels' theme. His treatment of it could not but be very helpful to a busines!! organization whose aim it is to further the iniercsts i.f the husircss community represented. He showed wherein the corporal io.i was the most powerful instrument that had yet been devised for .llectinR Esl-1885 0 For KqsuUs rTyS V i. ViAJTV. J L3JV1 J ' THE MARKETS. ' . January 8, 1913. POULTRY, EGGS. JETC. " (Quotations furnished by Coast Line Meat Market). j Chickens Grown, pair L-oO-80 . Chickens Half-grown pair.. 40-70 Geese, per pair.-..$1.25-$!. 50 Ducks, per pair Si 1.00 . Eggs, per doz........ 28 Hams, country, smoked, lb ;..18 Beeswax, lb 22 Wool,:. 16t 1 Wool : -16 to 17 Hogs, dressed, lb Beef, dressed, lb Hides G. S., Ib . 5 Green, lh L J Dry Flint, lb ....... .10-10 1-2 89 Dry Salt, lb.. ...12-14 ...10-12 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. j (Quotations by New Bern. Produce Company). . I Irish potatoes new crop ..$2.50 Sweet potatoes, bushel 50 Rutabagas, hundred $1.00 Collards head, .02 Turnips bunch, .03 Cabbage, barrel 1 $1.00o $1.25 Spinach, basket, .50 COTTON (Quotations furnished by G. W. lor & Son.) New York. Open High Low U.98 12.98 li.80 12.61 12.61 12.47 12.58 12.61 U.50 13.10, market quirt 10 lli xTn .fw lLi mmmm 21 oil in lust rial Jan. Mar. May. , Spots. ; down. Tay- Qose 12.80 12.49 11.50 points nrocress abng social am lines. But we niuM "have .1 care, he raid, thai society controls the corpoia tion rather than be contiolkd bv it. "The speaker was introduced bv'Jan Judge ("'. H. Guion, slmrtlv Prcsident Cutler had dili'treil Port receipts, 15,009. LIVERPOOL. Opening. and Feb. 6.81 1-1 fu r i Mar. and Apr. 6.79 the! May and June 6.76 Closing. 6.82 6 80 6.78 1-1 On the Crown or Cap and the Label and also Blown in the bottle. 1 1 1 r nis traae-marK is ror Your Protection. GET THE GENUINE I r E 1 E ST I N r, 1 N TF. R VI E U That l a vei y interesting i.iterview which Mr. Alleji ol Ni u '(r i've a reporter of the Journal yester lay nvl which I., published lUe-vhcre in the pit.cr. We who '.e til New Hi ni cv.-iv ::v o .ts tx-.i in -. li ked ch r:iiiii;j pre: M.r 1',: not aoi.ii.iMi ri ' r front iews are i Winter and -ummcr there i. anything in w.tter v-nery tiiau I he glimpses ol the V- one gets as one n-isses up or clown Craven or Middle sireet and looks down inicr.MCiini; ire;-i lo the spark lint waves at 1 lie ee l wf the isias. Hut we rather lliipf Mr. Allen is uniutentio iall a little unjust to the South in the tvstier ol immigration. Several Southern Stales have or jatii.ed bureaus of immigration and have dis continued ih'-in because i ii y did mi gel results. Now they are leae-n tin matter to ilu law cf supi.lv and de mand which is resulting in a sure slow stream of South. On!v a SEW - ; y ES HANDS LAUNDR M. Miller Sells Out To O. Skinner and Will Return To Lynchburg. W. MR. MILLER'S HEALTH FAILING New Owner Is Experienced Man And Laundry Will Enjoy Continued Success. A leal of more than usual importance was consumated yesterday when G. V. Skinner of Suffolk, Va.( purchased from,K. M. Miller the machinery" and other property of the Model Steam Laun dry lor?ted on lower Middle 'street. ' Mr. and Mrs. Miller came" to "New if Hern Several months ago from Lyprb- iinmiranis into the burg, Va., ind took charge' of ' the lew weeks nuo, from , laundry. Mr. Miller had "much "ex- ptrience in this line of business and from the very first ihe venture wag a sun-ess. For several 'months' Mr. Miller's health has been failing 'and l is pyhsician advised .im 'to change climate. Both he and his' wife have made many friends since coming t'v this city audit will be learned "with regret that they intend 'returning lit an early date to their former home at Lynchburg, Va. Mr. Skinner hus conducted laundries in different sections of the country for the past few yean and 'comes to v Mi. Allen's own city, came a party cf twenty or thirty loreig-icrs to do rail road -.. ork in a r.earby count). And right I ere in Xew IK-rn are men of several different nationalities who on coming to this country li igered lor a time in the centers of population to the North and l!ast tut who were later attracte I here by the balmier climate and easier conditions of living. There i-- no hostility to desimblc immigrants in the South. Perhaps the main reason why there arf so few here is that those who have considered Irvine; life in the South have been de terred bj the presence here of the larjre majority of the colored rare. The laboring classes have felt that the field was pre-empted. Mechanics and tradesmen have doubtless been kept away by the 1 onviction that they woul 1 taud a better show to win a com petency in 1 section of the country where the population is practically nil white rather than in a section where a ribstanti.il proportion of the popu lation is colored. 9 ' AS TO TAXES. Dr. Charles L. Raper, of the Chair of Economics of the State University, insists that the present method of taxa tion in North Carolina mu3t either be amended or abolished. The Wilming ton Star holds that the taxing plans prevailing when the pyramids of Egypt were built could not have been any cruder than are those prevailing in this country in 1913. There is surely a rail for a fairer method of taxation. Prof. Raper suggests a plan whereby he thinks better results can be obtained, ft is to be hoped that the Leai&lature New lJeni highly irromnMrideff' For the past few.years he has uen engag. ed in business at Suffolk, Va. 'He and his family are now In the city and nav taken charge of the New Bern pli'nt. ' " jGov. Wilson's sense of humor1 is all right when to tackle the Job at Wash ington he gets secretary- named Tumulty. HOWS THIS; ' We offer One Hundred Dollar' Re ward for any cast of Cartarrh "that cannot be cured by Halfi1 'Catarrh Cure.--; : ' : ,-. F.J. CHENEY ft CO., Toiedoi 0. We, the undersigned, have known P: J. Cheney for the last IS years, and &t lieve him perfectly honorable In all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations blade by the firm. , s '- NATIONAL BANK OPCOMMERCE Toledo,' O: -Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Intern ally, acting directly npon the blood ind mucous sutfaces of the ystem.'u Testi monials sent free. ' Prfca 75 tents w . M . . . r will lend an attentive ear to him and bottle.' Sold by all Drucjlst. ' to all others who have a constructive program to offer. Take Hall's stipation. Famhy Fills lot' eea-(AdV.y address of welcome. Secretary Wil liams presided as toast 111 a-tv-r and did it gracefully and wel'. Mr. Dan iels' address was followed by remarks' from' many of the other guests of the evening and by a number of short talks and very instructive papers fjr. various members of the Chamber of Commerce and ! the city government. "During the evening Mr. Williams displayed a chart on which was the wording, "New-born New B rn" ant this he declared was accurately des criptive of New Bern's condition to day. And indeed this seems to be the case. For many years New Hern "stood still" or made very little pro gress. But the spirit of co-operation came over bi-r dreams; and th- h.-w gone forward by leaps and bounds within the last decade or more. The results are there manifesting them selves in a larger and better New Bern with excellent school buildings and equipment, with many miles of street pavement of vitrified brick, with prOpserous business houses and in- ilustrial plants, with a la'ge orgam cation of progressive business men : "These are sufficient proo of the validity of New Bern's clain to have been "New born" inio a new and lurger life. And still a greater devel opment awaits here in the future." New Bern Good Middling 12 3-4 Strict Middling 12 5-8 Middling-12 1-i - of ni-'ht NAY A!. ilI'.SEKVES MAY ATTEND INAUGURATION. A m. -et in-; of rhe New Bern Division aal Reserves was held last for the purpose of determining whether the company would attend tin i a ig irat-.in exercises of Governor I.eeke Craig to be "held at Raleigh on Janaurc IS. The attendance was not as laru" as was desired aud the final d"i ision was deferred until Friday r.ighi. This will be the last meeting and every member is urged to be present. If thirty members of the company will consent to go, the trip 10 Raleigh will be made. Mr. Country Merchant, try an advertisement in the Seinl-Waskly Journal and Increase your business. NOTICE TO OLD CON FEDERATES. 1 take pleasure to aUvise that your County Pension vouchers are now in my office ready for delivery. Tie Commissioners have made spe" cial effort to have them for you be" fore the Christmas holidays. If you cannot call at the office for same, please send your address by card or letter and I will promptly mail same to you. Respectfully, STEPHEN H. FOWLER, Register of Deeds. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of State. Certificate of Dissolution. T' All "to 'Who hi These Presents May Come Greeting: i , 'Whereas,.' It appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by , the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposit ed in my office, that the Rubright Liniment Company, a corporation of this State,- whose principal office is situated at No. .......street, in the City of New Bern, County of Craven, State of ' North Carolina (Jas. W. Waters being the agent therein and tn charge thereof, ' upon whom process may be served), has complied with the require ments of Chapter 1, Revisal of 1905, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the Issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: J ' : Now, "There fore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 16 day of December, 191 1, file In tny office a dul' execute i and attested consent in writ.ng to the Jist-olution o' said ct-rporaibn, xec ;t"d bv all the tock- liolders' thereof which' said consent and the record of the pioceerlings aloio said are now on file in my office as pio vided by law. . . '.- , j "To-Testimony Whereof,- I have' set my hand and affixed my official seal, at" R1ig'h, tail 1ft Jay of-December, a. d pil: J. ARYAN GRIMES, Secretary of Staet. Don't Forget the Parcels Post Will enable us to send you anvthin you want on short notice. SEND OR PHONE YOUR orders and we will see that thepost office 'gets " the goods as quickly as possl ble. and when you come to town bring your bun dles to the store for 'safe keeping, and your wives and babies to the rest room for rest and comfort. . We are always glad to see you. Your Friends. -BRADHAM DRUG CO. PENSIONERS TAKE NOTICE. The pension warrants from the State and County to ex-Confederate soldiers and widows of said soldiers are now in my hands for delivery. Those living at or near Dover will please call on Mr. G. V. Richardson. Those living at or near Cove City will please call on Mr. J. S. Robinson, Those, living at or near Vanceboro, will please call on Mr. A. M. Williams.' Those living at or near Fort Barnwell will please call on Mr. J. W. Lane. W. B. FLANNER, Clerk Superior Court. Throw Oiit The Line mV J MACHINERY MAKES IMPROVED FARMERS is the time for deep breaking, BUT . first you ought to cut your stalks down, -so that they will turn under better, rot better, and not interfer with the spring cultivating. ' We ; have . the implements and each - carries r with it a positive -guarantee. 'Jo;. W- DISC PLOWS And: DISC HARROWS seedri Potatoes BURRUS & COMPANY NEW BERN, N; C. 1 1 MEADOWS MEAL I 0? CORN Horse Feed Cow Feei Wheat Bran White Mixed Rust Proof o HOMINY Cetton Seed Meal ;CtottonSel Hulls Wheat Short ATS NO. 1 TIMOTHY HAY umm hn;2;8:r;:u::u;-;w:w;u.wj..-.-.-,-.w.-.-..u.w.-....4 Just Received carload Kentucky mules' and horses. A 1 1 sales made1 under guarantee. T.W. BRIDGETOW N.' C. HOLTON Give the Kidneys Help and Many ' People Will Be Happier. , "Throw out the life line"- . Weak kidneys need help. ' They're often overworked don't get the poision filtered out of the blood. Will you help them? Doan'i Kidney Pills have brought benefit to thousands of kidney sufferers. ' Read- this case; R. S. Butler, il9 Harvey St., Wash- ington, . t... says; "1 sunerea irom dull pains in my back and finally I procured uoan s Kianey rms. : i nry certainly gave me great relief and after taking them, my condition was much better in every way. I publicly en dorsed Doan's Kidneyi Pills at that time and now 1 am pleased to say that the benefit I received has been per manent." V v " For sale by all dealers. Price SO ceftts. Foster. Miiuurn lo. , uunaio, New York, sole agent for the -United j States. "'. . , take no other. . " (Advertisemtat) . Department Don'tForJseT The Farmers' Union Store FARRIS NASSEF, Pro&etor . ... 66-68-7 Middle St. . NEWotKN When in need of Letter Heads, Bill Heads, Statements, Envel- ones or any form of Printing from I a visiting card to a weekly paper 'D Sec B. J. LAND mm NO Phones SO and I. 45 Pollock St. NEW HN, N. C v

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