vm . , j 11 . i,j 1 00 fani at n -Ternary Fertiliser Uadai 2--i) FILLER sauu - NfnWTEOPfMiiA la Lts L jntr.PHAi8 Roth ol these arc called "cpsiplete" fertilizer:?, hut they wen tiumi (wktHJt) uiu- WTBATE OF IS LU . Ski . If you prefer ready-mixed fer- tilizers, insist on having enough . Potash m them to raise the crop as well as to raise the price. Crops Atn -' , MM .1 TtOT OOMS AND GO contain more than three times -as much Fetish as phosphoric acid. It wai found yoaraato thattliecoirnwsitioi of the rrop ia not a sure tuiJo to the mut profitable fertilizer, bet it docs not tr.l vcr srctrt man to filruri) out tint a wl.-95;:'.ctd fertilizer akaaU cuUil t least u t-udi i'v- u AkMskorte AcU. Insist on h ivtosr it so. yon do not una tuo brand you waiit, miAa V: oneby addlnirenooirhPetaali to make It rifht. Ta.-incruaw! the Potash 4 percent, (for coit ur.d train), ndd one bag Muriate of l otnsh p;r tan of fertiliser; to increase it 9 .cr ci nt. I truck, potatoes, tobacco, corn, etc.). acid two bags. Sulphate or Muriate per ton. . . Talk to rour dealer and atk Mm to carrv Potash In l viuva. wi uiun tut juu. ti ma pay ) ug uuiu, iui . ; 'For particulars and prices write to Potash Pays 5 - li GERMAN- KALI WOKKS. Inc., 42 Broadway, New York T ' - . . ... ... at . . a V eii a L. n- aui.il a. BU. M BJ I. HKX CiilClgO, III. ohm a iwsi tiicg., aavanntin, si. whiibsjj mum iiqaiwuiniw, . . - v.... .: . Empire Bide,, Atlanta, Ga. ... .'--v . NMHsMsVMsWBBnsVBta933 B&ilair Stock and Fruit Farm. r . G. T. RICHARDSON, Proprietor. I have Full Blood Angus Bulls and Heifers for 6ale immune' from Texas fever, also full blood Berkshire Hogs. , You are cordially invited to visit farm and see stock. G. 7. RICHARDSON. New Bern, N. C, R.F.D. No. 2. Phone, Bellair line, 4 rings. ... ti Going to Build ? THEN SEE T&SON LUMBER & flFG. CO FOR EVEIIVTHIN'J. . MONDAY,' JANUARY 6th. Mif jMary Yose of-MacomH, J II., who has ben visiting Mrs. D. F . Jarvis, returned home yesterday. A, M.' Rea left yesterday for a bust neat trip to New York. L. C Garner of Newport spent yes terday In the' city. . . Mri.A. CI. Lynn and children of New York City are the guests of Mrs. LyunV patents, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Davenport;'' Ralph Davenport has returned from business and 'pleasure trip to New Dr; J. -F.-Foley-, City Meat and Milk Insuertbr. han returned from a.cioti at Washiiigton, V fC. 'y: R.fH. Mills of Maysville spent yes terday in the citJ visiting friends. Mrs.' George Dunn of Morehead Cityime'ttp to New Bern last evening for a short viut. Dr. C. V". Bflfinger returned yester day from a business trip to Morehead CUV. - I. H. Morton of North Harlowc spent yesterday in the city. W. B. Blades went to Beaufort last evening for a short business trip. Miss ! MarV ' Bryan reutrncd last evening from a short visit at Clark's Miss Elizabeth ' Hyman, who is al tending the Sulctn Female Acadeniy at VVinston-Salena, returned yesterday to resume her studies after spending the holidays in the city. Geortre N. Ennett returned last evening alter spenmng tne nouuay with relatives at Cedar Point. Mrs. J. B. Watson and daughter, Mrs. Jack Pearre of Polloksville left yesterday for a visit at Croatan. A. E. Hibbard and son Charles re turned last evening from a short visit a; hranklinton. Miss Mae Gordon Lai ha in of Green- boro, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs J. V. Moore, returned home yesterday. Lon McClees of Ash wood speni yesterday in the city attending to business matters. Office and Factory 1 29 E. Front St. New Bern N. C SANTA CLAUS5 Headquarters My X mas stock cf Toys, Crockery ware and Jewelry ' is complete and I can save you money - . by trading at HOME. Special attention to repairing Watches GIVE ME YOUR NEXT OKUEK. C. C. DUDLEY, Maysville, N. C Newport, were in the city Wednesday. A. B, Sugar returned yesterday from a. business trip to, Wilmington. ', J. . M. Rhddes left yesterday fot Philadelphia to rejoin his ship, the I'. S. S. Salem. S- ' Mrs. Vl$f iijion and son William left yesterday. for'a visit with relatives at Sno? I! ill'.' ' - Dr. John Spicer of Goldsboro passed throueh the city vesterdsy enroute l:nnu from Croatan where he had soent evenil days hunlin t. 11. M. Hill and E. A. Braddey left yesterday morning tor Washington where they al tended a district meeting of the Improved Order of Red Men held last night. William Fuller, a former citizen of Nc. 3cm but who lor the past seven years has been travelling in the West for the American Tobacco Company, was in the cky yesterday. Mr. Fuller has been tnuisferred to North Carolina and will make this city. his heidiiaarterb. T. A. Uzjell left yesterday morning for a business visit at Wilmington. Miss HaSchie" Harrison left last evening lor a usit wii'i menus at Kinvton. imicin HEM fOlISC OFISOUTH Such la Conviction' of New York Lawyer Who It In New Bern On a Visit. SEES MUCH ; PROGRESS HERE Thinks New Bern Sets an Example To Entire South By Its Progressive Spirit. S. D. Parker returned last from a visit al Goldsboro . evening Marshal J. E. Cameron city last evening from ; U - If For the Road ,-.-'T hits iUR RAYO DRIVING LAMP la the most compact and efficient liehtiner device for all kinds of vehicles. Will not blow out or jar out Equipped with ; "thumb screws, so that it is easily attached or detached. Throws a clear light 200 feet ahead. Extra large red danger signal in back. It to equipped with handle, and when detached makes ft ,- -good hand lantern. Strong. Durable. Will last for yemra. , v At Deahra Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY TUESDAY, JANUARY 7th. - A. E. Oglesby of Askin arrived in the city last evening lor a short visit. Harry Nelson of Adams creek was among the business visitors to the cit y yesterday, i; Charles Humphrey of Golsdborc. was in the city yesterday. Benjamin Baxter left last evening for a snort visit in Pamlico county. J. W. Warrington left last evening for a business trip to Richmond. W. J. Mcintosh went to Kinston last evening on a business tr'p. Z. V. Rawls ol Bayboro spent yester Jny in the city. A. F. Midyette of Oriental returned Oiiir- last evening after a visit in the ty. H. G. Rowe of Clark's spent yesirr av in the city. M. H. Harris of Fort Harnwell was niong th' business visitors to the city e.tterday. Mis '-Marietta Hewitt hit last even ly lor a visit wnn ret.i'ixvs at .ev. pun. R. M. Whorton of hortonsville was among the visitors licre yester lay, Mr. and .Mrs. C. H. Turner and rr. . . I son K. Kj. 1 urner spent yesteraay in Pamlico county inspecting the work being done at the East Carolina Lum ver Company' camp. Mr. arid Mrs;' W. R. Hervey and' daughdr '.Misj Wilma, of Far Rocka- way, is. . are Btoppmg at mrs. Walter Duffy' on New street. Misa 'Rowena1 ' Davis of Morehead City passed through "the City last evening tn( rohte. to Goldsboro for. a visit with relatives. I'nited State arrived in the Kinston. Miss Sebr.t OilTm returned last even ing from a visit with relatives and friends at Kinston. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stewart and daughter Miss Sara returned fast evening from a i.Mt in Florida. Mrs. L. L. Damcron returned last evenimi from a visit with relatives at Beaufort. Mrs. W. I-. Lewis left yesterday for a. visit with" relatives at Thomasville. Mr. aid Mr,--. Charles Hollister spent yestcrdiy at Washington. Ri.dman Guion returned last even in from a business trip to Washington. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Willis, Jr., of Morehead City passed through the city esienlay enroute to Washington for a shorl t -it . Bert Stryon of Morehead Citv was in the t it v yesterday enroute to Wash ington to aii' of the Red M Gco'ge h..ly and J. L. Harisfield left yesterday for a business visit at Washington. Gilmer and Zelnilon Williams of Richmond, who weie in the city to attend the Pineral of their mother Mrs. Josephine Williams, returned home yesterday. Mr. and Mr. A. E. Hibbard and son, Charles, left (hi:- morning at 4 o'clock or Danville, V i., to visit Mr. Ilibbard's sisler, Mrs. . A. Brewer. LISTEN TO MB 10 There's i not a better place In New Bern to buy men's and women's Clothes and Fur- nishingsrthan at my store. 1 am catering particularly xo the tastes of the people, from the .country and I have what you want at live and let live- prices, makes no dif ference what you need, come to see me every, time you : come to town and see. what I have to offer. A. B SUQAR, - New Bern North 631 MldrJe Str32t, Carol; Is,iac All?n, a prominent lawyer of New York City, is :n the city spending i-evcral days with his family, his wife, Mrs. B. Allen, having recently opened a store on Middle street. This is Mr. Allen's second visit to New Bern and he is greatly impressed with the pro gress which has been made "by the city since Ins Inst visit. In an interview given a Journal man yesterday he said: "There is a very apt German saying, which, rendered iu English, means, 'He tarried for a while and saw for a mile.' "I am a stranger in this town, came here on a viU. Three months ao I was here and stayed tor about one week. Whnn I first saw New Bern 1 was struck by its beauty, Coming from New York, the American metro polis, 1 could not be impressed by the si?e of New Hern, nor by the towering height of the office building on the corner of Middle and Pollock -streets Piut the cleanliness and evenness of its paved streets, thu tine quality of drinking water, the extended sewer system, the artistic architecture of many of its private residences, the two daily newspapers the enterprising spirit ot us business men, the civi." pride and consciousness of its citizens, and, above all, the natural beauty of its seenery, the two rivers holding this little town in their fond embrace, ill these cannot faii to impress any stranger at all susceptible to the influences of beauty and harmony. "Only three months passed since my last visit, and in that short space of time I find so many changes for the better. Street car have been installed and are running on scheduled time. The Journal has been enlarged from four page to eight, and its columns are crowded with attractive adveitise- tlie district meeting n,cntSl and its appearance and editorial make-up much unproved. ! muni cipal diinner was given to boost the to'n, a base ball team is in the em bryonic stapes of formation, talk of a city park and the extension ol the car service is in the air. 1 find activity, enthusiasm and an abiding faitli in the future and possibilities of the city, and a general desire and dcteriiunpticii to work for the prosperity of New Bern. TEACHERS TO MEET. The next meeting of the Craven County Teachers' Association is to be held next Saturday in Griffin audi torium, this city, will be one of the most hi port nat of the year and S. M. Brin son, County Superintendent of Public Schools, is urging every teacher in the county to be present, . There will be two sessions during the day; one in the morning and the other in the after noon. During the recess at noon luncheon will be served the teachera. There will be a number of talks made during the day by persons well known in educational circles and plans for the school work during the remainder of the term will be made. When you want a reli ibe medicine for a cougn or cold take Chamberlain s Cough Remedy. It can always bt de pend"d upon and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale Ly al! dealers. (Adv.) Fortune brings in some boats are not steered. snakespeare. that Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S OAST OR I A The loud laugh that spoke the va cant mind. Goldsmith. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA WOMEN ' Worsen of (lie highest typt, women of superior educatioi tad refinement, whose discernment and judgment fire weight and force to -their opinions,' kifhly praise the wonderful corrective and curative properties of Chan berlain's Stomach and Lrrer Tab lets. Throughout the many states of woman! life, from girlhood,' through the ordeals of mother hoc d to the declining years, there is ao safer or more reliihle med icine. Chamberlain's Tahlelsjuro o!d everywhere at 25c a boxi .; 1 he people we envy always envy some other fellow higher up. . Old pea re. father antic the law. Shakes- Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Here ii a remedy that will curt your " cold. Why waste time and money ex. ... perimenting when you can get a pre- -piratioa that has won a world-wide " reputati'.n by its cures of this disease and can always be depended upon? Ii is known everywhere as Chamber-?' Iain's Cough Remedy, and is a medicine of real merit. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) Some men wo dd rather steal a; poor living than earn a good one. Men are but growth. Dryden children of a larger QUICK. RELIEF FOR RHEUMA TISM. George W. Koous, Lawton, Mich., says: "Dr. Detcheon's Relief for Rheu matism has given my wife wonderful benefit for rcheumatisn. She could not lift hand or foot, had to be lifted for two months. She began the use ol he remedy and improved rapidly. On Monday she could not move am on Wednesday she got up, dressed her self and walked out for breakfast." Sold by Bradhaui Drug Co. (A.It.) FEVER SORES. ' Fevr sores and old chronic sores , should not be healed entirely, but should be kept in ht-althy condition, This can be done by applying Chamber ; Iain's Salve. This salve has no superior for this purpose. It is also most ex.--'.'-v eellent for chapped hands, sore nipples, burns ami diseases of the skin. Folr '. ; sa'e by all dealers. (Adv.) ' Many a ; long a: man likes a woman's style-- I he doesn't have to pay for-.,. Blushing Mat hew I is 1 he enrv. color of virtue. MOVE ON NOW! says a policeman to a street crowd, and : whacks heads if it don't. "Move on now," says the big, harsh mineral pills to bowel congestion and suffering fol lows. Dr. King's New Life Pills don't bulldoze the bowels. They gently persuade them to right action, and. health follows. 25c. at all druggists. (Adv.) WEDNESDAY," JANUARY 8tK. Miti" Gene Collins of Reelsboro. was among- the visitors to the city yesterday ' . t . . . . W. ' L.' 1 Arthur'- of ' Wildwood was among tne bustnestt visitors in tne city yesterday. -r , Mis Lottie Hall, who has been demonstrating as toilet preparation at I. I. Baxter's department atore for the past ' few'Week. left yesterday lor Washington) D. C. HefbefrMoore left yesterday morn ing for a hiiMiwss trip to Norfolk. M. R. Ireland of Alliance was" in the city yetterday vieiting friends. Herman Riggs of Winthrop 'Mill pent yesterday in the city. , IoHua--TuL of- Pine (.rove was a am6ng' the visitors here yesterday. WHAT. SAVED JER- LIFE Mrs. Martin Tells About a Painful Experience that Might Have Lncea seriously. RIvesville, W. Va. Mrs. Dora Martin, In . letter from RIvesville, writes: "For three years, I suffered with wo manly troubles, and had pains In my back And side. I was nervous and could not sleep at night The doctor could not help me. He Bald I would have to he operated on be fore I could get better. I thought ! would try using CarduL Now, I am entirely well. I am sure Cardul saved my life. 1 will never be without' Cardul In my aouie. I recommend It to my friend." For fifty years, Cardul has been re lieving pain and distress caused by wo manly trouble. It will surely help you. It goes to the spot reaches the trouble relieves the symptoms, and drives away the cause. ' It you' suffer from any symptoms ot womanly trouble, take Cardul. Your druggist sells and recommends It. Get a bottle from him today. BOuin Medicine Co., Chattanonfa, Tnn., for ijfxcild Jnitrucfiorij, and 64-pnn book. Homt Traawal In Womb." ant is pitta an-apaar, rawest S. G, Gould and F.-F. ill 'it V Ml Garner of 1 Annies I J- jl t. Apple s! AND OTHER FRUIT r - oj lOl JL-' - Apple s! SURPRISE WEDDING. A marriage that came as a complete surprise to the ' many-friends of the contracting parties occurred early yes terday morning at the home of Frank Dudley at Bridgeton when Mis Annie C. Dudley ,the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Edward Dudley of Vance bbro became the bride of T- G. Camp bell of Bridgeton, Justice of the Peace VV. H. Whitford perfm'rm'ng- the cere mony in the presence of few relative and friends., The young couple came to' this city from Vanceboro on the 4 o'clock train and. after arousing Retristpr of Deeds S. II. Fowler and securing , a license drove at pure Bridgeton and had the ceremony per formed. Mc, and Mrs. Campbell will make their home at Bridgetom : , i ; . v . 'jti-.--: Others To Follow VceUlyi 61' S, FRONT ST. Phco 715. . Ai'-r 5 P. M.: Phone 169 PHONE OR WRITE FOR QUOTATIONS. Goiisfipation For many years I was troubled, in unite of All so-called remedies I used. At last Ifound quick relief and cure in thoso mild, yet thorough and really wonaenui . DR.KUJC'Ct JouLifoRIii iii 1 1 1 - JU L.IU Aclolph 8chln(fok1.Burralo,N.Y. SSCEMT8 PIR B0miTLLDBtient!!r. to Progress on Every Hand. "I find signs of progress on every hand. Everything has improved in appearance except your town clock in the Post-office building. Three months ago I could not tell the time by it unless I was within one hundred feet from it, nor can I tell the time now: and I wender whether any one else can. The combination of colors is such that one has to go over and feel the clock hands to be able to tell it apart from he dial. But I suppose this is not the fault of New Bern. The Post-office tlilding is the property of the Federal overnment and the cily cannot do nything to improve its usefulness, xcept to petition lon;ress lor an ppropriation to repaint the hunds or he dial of the clock; and now, that we will soon have a Democratic Congress and President the chances are that an ppropriation would be made for tlm purpose. "But aside from the time furnished by the Federal Government New Bern certtinly not behind the times. One can see signs of progress everywhere and if New Bern is representative of the spirit that is now animating the South generally, it is to be hoped that pretty soon the Sputh will come into its own nd take the place in the L nion ef States to which it is, by reason of its natural resources of wealth, entitled. Errs in One Thing. , "In one thing, however, I believe, the South errs, and that is in its oppo sition to immigration. lhe West is couple cm hundred years younger than the South, and yet it surpasses it In -manufacture, industry, - mining and -even in agriculture. The West is bubbling with life. Cities grow up over- night and are populated by thousands in no time. Large tracts of non-productive ,; land aret turned -into populous cities and prosperous , farms, The air is filled with the thrill sound of the factory whistle and the booming thunder- of the railroad trams.-. And the West is not-opposed to immigra tion. On -the e ontrary it invites and encourage Euroean immigrant to settle , and w affording them all possi ble opportunities to make their homes there, "I think the South errs in discourag . . - -.u-- i ing immigrants irom wttung i nere, The Southern people, undoubtedly, know a good deal how to live and how to adit st their flairs to suit their con venience.i But a lew new ideas brought Over from the other eide of the Atlantic ideas of labor, Ideas of business and farming, may come 4a handy. ' The South should be willing, to receive few suggestion, even though they come from abroad. Theren is something very Useful these Europeans . bring over here,' and the South should not surround itself with a Chinese . wall shutting out alt strangers. MAKES THE NATION GASP. The awful list of injuries on a Fourth of July staggers humanity. Set over against it, however, is the wonderful healing by Bucklen's Arnica Salve, of thousands who suffered from burns, cuts, bruises, bullet wounds or explo sions. Its the quick healer of boils .ul cers, ezcema. sore lip or piles. 25 cts at all druggists. (Adv.) Castro is broke, but he is not first man who made the mistake of buying a round trip ticket. the not As a successor to the Secretary of Agriculture it, must be admitted that Obadiah Gardner sounds well. ' . STOMACH TROUBLE CURED. If you have any trouble with your stomach you should take Chamberlain' TaM ts. Mr. J. P. Klote of Ediua, Mo., says: "I yave used a geat many -different modicines for stomach trout bit, but find Chamberlain's Tablets -more beneficial than any other remedy I ever used." For a!e by all dealers. (Advertisement) Q MAN COUGHS AND BREAKS RIBS After a frightful coughing spell a man in Neenah, Wis., felt terrible pains his side and his doctor found two bs had been broken. W hat agony Dr. King's New Discovery would ave saved him. A few tcaspoonfuls nds a late cough, while persistent Use routs obstinate coughs, expels stubborn colds or heals weak, sore lungs. "I feel sure its a Godsend to humanity," rites Mrs. Efliu Morton, Columbia Mo. "for I believe I would have con sumption to-day had 1 not used this great remedy." Its guaranteed to satisfy, and you can get a free trial bottle or 50-cent or $1.00 size at all ruggists. (Adv.) Turkey seems to be providing all the fuss and feat hers. . Mrs. A. R. Tabor, of G rider, Mo., bad been troubled villi -ick headache lor a'lout livp years, when she began tak in ; Chamberlain's Tablets. She has taken two hoi tics of them and they hive c-red her. Sick headache is caused by a disordered stomach for which these tablets are especially in tended. Try them ,get well and stay well, -old by all d.-alers. (Adv.) The Democrats and Republican "rogressives in New Hampshire fusd nd divided the offices, but that is nothing new in fusion. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A S T O R I A Often when love at iirst sight leads to marriage, second sight is apt to lead to divorce. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. , The Kind You Hate Always E::;M Bears the Signatare of Pep TTiereVa Differeice ASK YOUR DOCTOR si-Cola For Thirst Thinkers. i SAVE THE CROWNS they are valuable. Write for catalog Pepsi-Cola Co., New Bern, N. C. If yon have occasion to transact business with a mule, select one who. has no kick coming. Persons troubled with partial para lysis are often-very much benefited by massaging the affected parts thoc. oughly when applying Chamberlain's ' Liniment. This liniment aUo relieves rheumatic rjaina. For sale by all ; dealers. ii ' (Adv) . The mid-winter crop of rabinets is uiitsually large "this year. . I Privileges. f tft that atha mniVmriiDti nirit ' of New Bern1 will eventually., spread thronahout th Sotiibefn- States and V STOP AT THE Barrington House When in Norfolk -908 Main St. Z. V. BARRINGTON, Proprietoi Rates $1.50 day; $7.50 week i Hot and. cold hatha. Specia attention, to transients. Home ' ENDS HUNT FOR RICH GIRL. Often the hunt for a rich wife ends when the man meets a woman thut usee Eleetirc Bitter Her strong nervee tell in a bright brain and even temper. Her peach-bloenf complxtion and ruby lips result from" her pure blood: ber bright eyes from restful sleep; her clastic step from firm ,f ree muscles. all telling of the health and strength Electric Bitters give a woman, and ike freedom . Iiora indigestion, backache, headache, aiming and diizy relfs they promote. Every where they are- woman's -favorite1 remedy. If weak or ailing try them; V50c at all driiggUts. ' . . ' (Avd.) B. P. S. Paint for every put- them kindiv disposed to , pose. J. . uasmgnt uaru ware "Bucks' Stoves anJ I J. S. Basn!;ht IIJw. Co. Imnngraiioti." Co., New Bern, N. C. I Bern, N.C. r

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