No; 83 NEW BERN. N. C, FRIDAY. JANUARY 17, 1913-SECOND SECTION 35th LITTLE GIW1T OF THE note, Ml GOVERNOR Inaugurated Yesterday Under .w. Qrcu instances Altogether ; Impressive Decorative Com- CAPITAL CITT THRDIGED V . WITH VISITORS FOR EVERT Vast Audience Thunders It . pluM ,n Oath I AV - rainlsterea'. ' " ' Ap- . ' (Special to the Journal) Raleigh, Jan. is. lockc t.raig was inaugurated Governor of North Carol lina today- in the presence ot cheering thousands and , under conditions as auspicious as any that ever surrounded the. entering into'' office ol any of the Old North State' chief executives. The unanimous ;- nominee, of. his party he swept the State in the elec tion and comes into office with the whole Commonwealth t wishing C him well, Never was a new Governor more enthusiastically received than was Locke Craig by the thousands assembled here today from all sections of tha State. The capital was crowded for t he i great ;J- quadrennial the, greatest- that Rabigh with a record for conventions and meetings, of all ' sorts sees.. . Many, thousands of visitors representing all sections of the State were here and lan night so great wis ' the influx of. visitors that" hundred had to roam the street as there Was no place for them to slleep. Thia, al though Raleigh had made extraordinary preparations to take care of the antici pated throngs, every available loot of space being filled with beds and cots ' - Parade a Great Feature. , The parade ..which was a ' great feature of the day's numerous memor able features, started from the r- borough , Hotel at just twenty minutes past eleven o'clock. At its head march ed the Third Regiment b.ind, S'fheri came numerous military companies, the cadet cfbf.A.A' M. .CoJIeget and a hattalion-of Boy Scouts in regular uniform. y .-"' ' . ' ;. ' ' Next t the military were the car rinses containing the Governor-elect and. the. other notables, who were to ' have a part in the ceremonies or who were present as invited guests. In the first carriage rode Governor-elect Craig State Senator. Zebulon ; V.I Weaver anl Representatives J. V.' Bunn. At the. Governor's mansion Governor Kit chin,-who was in a few minutes, to yield over the rains of State t6 hi successor, entered the Craig carnage. -In the second carriage were Lieu ' Covernar-eLct-E L.t Caughtrir'ge, Sena" tor,, Geo: Bf l.cod, General Chairman Alexander -Webb, ' Qthcr' carriages and their or drr ; in. the procession were:: r, , -i. Third Secretary of JState J. Bryat CriT-es. Speaker ot the House uo. W.Connor, Senator J. P. Cook, GhjtV' ma Recept on Committee J. K." Spra cue. Fourth State Auditor V.. P. Wood, Stai Treasurer B. R. La:y, Rrres'nta live R. R. "Villums, Chairman Finance ' 'Committee J. G. BdU - H'th Supeiinte ndeut V, Public In struction f. -V.. Joyn.r, Attorney-Gen-"eral T. W. Bickett, Representative Z. J. Yjui...K. C. D-ncan. Sixth-ln ' CojnrrUioner 'J. R. fYoung, Cmniisioner of Agricul Star Spangled Banner" and the bene diction was pronounced. - rh inaugural tddresaa a'maste.'.. piece ot eloquence and showed that the new Governor hud given tie nro tlems'ionfrgnting tne State- the most careful and earnest study, -i ?;; Following the inauguration in the auditorium Governor Craig reviewej the-parade from 'the" balcony of the Yarborough hotel. In the afternoon Seventh Commissioner ...of ; Labor I he and others of his party," with the and Printing -M. L. Shipman,; Corpor-1 State officers, legislative committee and ation Commissioner Geo. P. Pell, Sen-1 others were entertained at a luncheon ator W; T, Woodley, Chairman Press! at the manbion. , ; r ;: . v ' f - Committee John A, Park. ' . . . ' I There was a brilliant reception to Eighth Corporation Commissioner I the public at the Governor's niansion W. T. Lee, Corporation Commisbionorlat 7:30 o'clock at night. Governor F., I., Travis, Representative ' Rufus E. land Mrs. Locke Craig, Lieutenant: Austin, Representative J. K. Dixon. I Governor E. L. Daughtridge nid Mrs, Ninth? Chief Justice Walter Clark, I Zebulon Baird , Vance . stood ' at the Associate Justice V. A. Hoke, Repre-Ihead of the receiving line. tentative H. P. Crier, Representative! At nine o'clock the inaugural ball Henry. Ai Paee. . . Ibesran at the auditorium, This was Tenth Associate Justice George H. I in charge of General Gordon Smith Brown, Associate justice Piatt D. land several assistants. The ball was Walker, Associate Justice W. R. Al-I open to the public, the arena being ten, Clerk Supreme Court J. L. Sea-1 used by ' the dancers and the balcony ell. - " Ibv the spectators, the music . was Eleventh Democratic National Cora J furnished by the Third Regiment band mitteeman Josephus Daniels, Demo-land the Ball ' was one of the most cratic State Chairman Charles A. Webb, I brilliant ever held in the State. Secretary State Democratic Com mittee Walter. K. Brock, J. P. Kerr. 1 -Many New Bern people were here Twelfth B. S. Jerman, John W. I for the inauguration among them being Hinsdale, Jr., J. O. Ellington, Allnsrt Cox.'. Thirfffonth B. F. Ellis. T. S. L'o- church, D. K. Wright, E. R. Pace. Fourteenth Henry E. Litchford, R, H. Mtrritt, Virgil J. Lee, W. S.I here were :Clerk of the Court F C Wilson. r tu t . r H'..o i f. Daniels, O. H. Guioii and,wife, W. T Hill, A.V H. Bangert,, P. M.", Pearsall L Jeon Williams, R. E. Whitehurst Among the Pamlico county people PUT "iKEflS'-Jfl MAflY THEATRES 14 Contracts StgfeM With Eidson For ' K.lsMuplioea la More Than One Hundred Places. ITHIS IS" ONLY 4 A BEGINNING ies of the country ' They create or.' ganized com munities of isolated fami- ict and make': these communities a part of the life t'of .the great world. Dynamite and 'the. steam shovel -are making Through tbe hill and' through the granite "of v the mountains, path ways for" the locomotive. . The im proved access to the raileroad, to the church, and to ifie schoof during all the seasons of the .year. Good roads stimulate improvement. V They en rich the soil.,;.They build anew the home." : They Wouse ambition andMOCM ncture rroraoter -ana Runerous emulation. ; They increase! Vaudeville Managers Every- ti, pWi'i.! .ri. nf liinrl that I . " nere inieresiea thev ; touch aiid tha value of everv 1 U . . t Ml nan, woman' and fhild mkrpt housel , rit, $ jan. w.-!-vaaaeviiie ,hev nass. No tommunitv can hooel4 Thomas A.i Edison joined forces for oratress'' "wttiW the--s.o;l'AM'"'ew rannot fcnve "the. benefits of mod-l" W ' V -Mumncrt in onun ,.rn rivtlzatioft without it. - It is flot r-'1. srpresenting . r, an expense; it 'Wall investment that M'th, A. Paul Keith, Martin Beck, navs one hundred iier cent dividend nc-aa oi me w,pneum vircuw, aan . i . . t I T T M urAnie ivM.lfVivi manaopr lit ovirv war. . .no morc.' ir unnssu' . - rnlM.rr- and contentment and a bet- 'he United vBooting Offices, signed ter social ife. Ever community in The U the State must have it, much less tfian it Was a few years ago. contracts for the installation of the Edison Kioetophone -Jot talking pic ture, in more than 100 theatres under tlieir control, tho aggregate royalties I accruing to the irventor exceeding $500,000 per annum. This, however, CONVICTS ESCAPED QUICKLY CAUGHT Two Get Away From Lenoir Counyt Chain Gang and Leave For New Bern.- PASTYEAR tonni: ll J riE WITH All Ot The Financial Institutions' VI lrw will tvvua fma ' A G)d Year. ? ' " '''" ONE IS CAPTl'RED ON TRAIN ANNUAL MEETINGS ARE HELD The Other Nabbed at Bridgeton In I The Act .of Leaving To Go To Norfolk. National Re-Elects Old Oft lews Other Bank Defer Elec' " tlons Till Later. - ; .. Monday morning Luther. Neal and iTle regular annual meeting of the John Monlton, two colored .conyfct,tofluhoj(efll iM.-,K.atioaal Bank of on the Lenoir county chain gang, managed in some way to- elude the vigilance of the guards and made their escape. Their unceremonious depar ture was soon discovered and a search instituted but well had they covered their tracks that there was not a clue as to which direction they had taken in departing for pastures new. Sheriff Taylor was notified at Kin- New Bern was held at its banking rooms yesterday between I he hours of. twelve and one and the following'were electe I . directors:,, Jas. A. Bryan. John Dunn, Ei K. Bishop, E. .B. Hackburn, A. D. Wari, J. A.? Jones, T. G. Hymao and G. H. Roberts. The V directors met immediately afterwards .asd i-electe4 the following olhcers for the ensuing year: : Jas. A. Hryan ,1'resiaeni, jonn A -legalized primary is declared for. The opinion is.' expressed that the most difficult questionbeforefhe Gen- .... 1 AcuomKlir in iha Mdiutftl7 rfrf YIVffnri.. In this connection the statJment is promoters and .vaudeville managers bound train, the .Sheriff walked through is only a beginning , as motkn picture cided to follow. Boarding the east- ston and after considers the matter Dunn vice President; G;. H, Rliets, came to the conclusion that tne men Cashirr and W. W. Griffin, Assl l l 1 I ... ' J I . v ... . .. naa come to tnis cuy anu i om:e ue- Cashier, r ' ' At the New Bern Banking & Trust Company the following directors were made that an immediate reassessment eve' ywhere fe negotiating for rights, the a-r reserved for colored people and re-elected: J. B. Blades, W. B. Blades, RM, . Mu.k AH...O Weith P.oi-1-1 thprp ronnsinkr on one of the seats, was nnrruarv. 1 '"'"- ...v. -1 " I r ,J J' I . . . t .t T7 r- I 1 1. Tl. nn.A .r:. tu. . .: r .rb m.'iv lana Muraocx. mere were present r. r.iiuim iuuuu. ium.i T. A. Green. I. W. Stewart. R. N. Duffy; T. D: Warren, J.. S,: Bisnight, for and bv its own people it advo- I Proctor and F. F. Proctor, Jr., M. Shea, saw the officer just a second or two c, E. Foy, B. B. Hurst, L. H Cutler, nan giai.u.ii.u iuv brinsoa. C. S. Wcskat, S. F. McCott, 'in addition to' these were fifty or I Darnel S.twyer and Rolxt t Woodward sixty additional carriages and auto-1 In opening his inaugural address mobiles conveying the State Officers, Governor Craig 'said: members of the General Asemhtyr the Escort Committee, representatives of j pledge of progress. - The '.thought of the press and others. , I the age has created a nobler purpose After parading the main streets the! in government. The democratic party procession moved to the auditorium intends to effectuate this purposre which was gaily decorated and filled by' legislation , in .recognition of the to overflowing with an eager throng equal rights of man, and for the pro anxious to witness the impressive spec- gressive welfare of all the ranks of life, tacit of the chief magistrate of a great "In our material prosperity, privil State being with all pomp and cere- ege has been substituted for justice mony inducted into office. - IThe vast wealth of modern industry On the platform1 were the' Raleigh I the products of labor and genius Choral Society, the Governor and the! have not been divided in equity but Governor-elect, other . State officers, I have been gathered into the enormous Supreme Court Justices, -oHiccrs of the I fortunes of the few. National Guard, Senate and House I "We have not realized the moral naugural committees, reception and I benefits thnt should have resulted citizens committees. - I from modern oroeresg. avarice nas been stimulated: hope and oppor- Band Plays VDUitt", - -1tuiihv'.hav.'-'l-.ied:antagoBi Amid the rinaine cheers and rebel isms and resentments have been gen- ylls of the old Confederates present I er-ited. ATT .- classes have sHfrcred. the Th rd P.eeiment : Band played Wc realize tne conamont; me Dixie. Than Rev. Dr. R. T. Vann.l justice has been uncoverea. it can- president of Meredith College, led in not stand in the clear, calm and res- oraver. After the m-aver the ereat olute gaie ot tne American pcopie audience joined in the singing of I bey are aeterminea mai our i..w "America". I shall .be based upon a higher conccp- The lesser "officers of the State nd-ltion of scoito obligation and that our ministration were then sworn in by civilization- shall mean a niguer so Supreme Court Justices Allen, lloke, cial life. They have put their hands Brown and Walker. Ex-Lieutenant I to the plow and win ant look nam.. Governor Newland preseCd I.ieuten- A new car ha8(iwnei; . the last, ant GovernorlectSughtridge for the j election marks the beginning oTai. cath which was administered by Justice! epoch in our government. The. re- Platt D. Walker. " publican parly haor tne pstige 01 victory ami tradition; it haq the pow- Cral4 Sworn In. ler of, place and-of organized wealth; , ' ' . , ; " ; i but it stood for privilege it took frort Ex-Governor Kitchin prccnted the npMc ,M highegt meanng; tlia. Governor-elect and 1 when Chief Justice , . in .naUenabe heritag'e .Walter Clark had Administered the , ,tn. ,w oath and Mr. Craig had sworn to faith- he nand maid of moral Miiuy discharge all. the duties his lnd c.Mtiivu unite, i'ib voice rising anu firm upon the solemn stillness awaiting his responses, the huge audience, Jr., L. I. Moore, E. H, -Meadow,, Joseph Gaskill, J. S. Miller, J. V. Blades and K. E. Sennet, The directors will meet later rto-civct officers. 1 lie old board of - directors, composed of C. S. HoUwter, E. H. Meadows, Jr., my . 1 . fr . rt i i.Tlf I f. .. .L 1 .. . . ..,1 an,l n.'..nntit.iional aniaudment I ' Butlalo, anq loronto; jaxe wens, auer me v i i in . vi.ii' xrmthprn t ir(-iiit. ft-un nran-1 1 hew ive uui ins aucuiui iu lu.uu ! 1 I. II lir. I .U ....U KA n.i... Irt.i- nifiitsisl in rwnmmpnded . i lquartCTs I" wenmnna; narvey vai-1 liiiuuS.i .m ici ...Fl.u ... f....A-.n th ,rm r.r.v.rn.vr iH lkms. ol Montreal; Carl Lothrop, of the bud. "On this day, I dedicate n:yself to Detroit, and Mr. Shanberger, of Baiti- Moulton was .brought on' to New .... r n .u.. nnriJmore. They shared the general en- Bern and placed in the, county jail u.e st; ui oy. ti.v - - ..... ... ... . ... . i ;7 n - .u '.i. k. , .i.-j t a iZ.u. tminit.. Ithusiasin and hastened to contract tor while tne snenu conunueu n searcn K E Pennett. C D. Bradham. Wm, this office constant -in the obligation I 'n" """'"i"" " T"- . - uunn, -iyot -coy, j. . ow.i, nuiun. , i v.uji.. 1 v . .virrenee, v. r. .-luurny, , . a . i:.:,. tia..l I hese theatres; among otners, are auer ne nau uecu.uc Uzze . H. M. tjroves W. r. -Metis, nr rnnHirinn- s'eed with the oath lxW equipped by Ldison experts for the facts, began a search which resulted W- j. Swan and G. C. Speight, was v . , ---- - , . . m. , A XT I I U,. J I 1 i . .... . that I have takeu, this with them isjimmw"4" installation o- tne caiwaim lorating ivvm w iu g..r v w re-elected by ;th stochkotjers W tne covenant. .K' ItMwng picture .;pparw!ir r. ivenu nnugeiuu un .r.ii...i. I f copie s tsanK. VJmfers win DC eiecrca the Almiehtv Hdnd be I theatres in Piew xorK, ar.a me rxiriai i oiice.nen n. .-v. ipuv... am. ter. tneaires npsi-jn, rn'idueipuia, i i cre scm i mm i....v .jle pafit year -was or.e 01 meanest ledo, Columbus, Indianapolis, Cm-1 Neal under arrest . J hey left this city I uniformly successful the local banks , cinnati, Louisville; Shea s in Buflilo on the midnight train and as lortune have ever known. During the year anf Toronto; Temple Theatre Roches-1 would have it, the escaped convict was ne. nti, rhe Citizens Savings and ter, and lemple jheatre Detro t; thelat the station there making prcpara- U-nlgt Company was organized and Orpheum houses la Lo. Angeles, Sanltions to leave for Norfolk, lie was th!g ewe8t banking enterprise together Francisco,-Seattlei .Portland, Spokane, 1 placed un ler arrest and urouRnt oacx with th 0iJcr institution surts upon Minneapolis, 'Des' IMoines, Salt Lake I to New Bern. 5herifl Taylor and hi Lj,e new yrar with ftVery prospect of a City, Duluth, Oakland, New t)rleans, (prisoners returned to Kinston yester- fine jjginesg : Memphis, Sioux City .1 incoln, winni-lddy morning peg,.kanas. City, -St. Paul, Omaha, Deliver, 'Birmingham ahd "Mashviiie ihe Columbia Theatre, St. Louis; the Majestic nd PalacevThcatres, Chicago; Majestic .Milwaukee; the Grand, Ma con; the Empire, Richmond, and the Maryland Thatre Balti more. SPHINX YIELDS : ' ; UP ITS SE W Eayptoloeist Explores Interior, Finds Temple of Sun and Ancient City of Gold. i E PERT TESTIMONY ' MULE WASN'T DROWNED nrj William H. Welch, a noted IValti- more Dhvsitian, hs usailed tli)ert Mr. tiiiiette Manes statement testimony es it - is used in criminal OLDER THAN THE PYRAMIDS cerninft Ferry Accident. I.. T. GilU tte of Maysville was in the city yesterday, ne tells tne journal that its account of the occurrence on a I Egypt Ptopably One Vast City, Edge Of Which Has Only Been Scratched. Intellectual growth; with all' its power and prestige it was crushed. Like the leaven which the woman hid in three measures of meal, the leaven Boston, Mass., Jan. 13. That helRoyall, this county, is retwiea neie. the secrets of the sphinx I Frank and James Brantley had been was made known to the authorities of I hunting, and when they returned trials in this country. In so doing'he is addressing himself to a very (iaRMnt evil. Notably in the murder trials or the laree cities has rxoert testimony KILLS HIS BROTHER ACCIDEN-boal the White OaV ,,Kome the . viest force. Alienists TALLY. . i river as pnuwu wiw .....c aK., become bitter partisans oi wnicn ever; Washington, Ian. H-The acciden- "' .. . : " . side employs tiie.ii ana iras .nu inc, tal killing of Trank Brantley by. his tBe """ wr,,c" ""rea l,,e a,,,,,r facts get lost in ;the shu8te.-Dreicit. brother late Saturday alternoon near expresses n ow.aca ptcinrpi rour inuirs j. the I-rench f vstem under wniBS Com- . ' 1 ir1:!!.. U..S- nil (rxtir ura at ImH H lu I e .A . L - i n . i i it i iiiit-i i sr. uui an ivui, v u i AM- uvrukpra am imnriVM nv w lis has discovered the secrets of the sphmx frame anq jarres nran ,ey ueci. i , .p fc!pwi; h- " """..Z" .r en tnev rrturneo r v.uuin nmrra . . and went mto the bouse. When he ar,ven on lne ' " surely on the side ol the t rench system came out his brother, James, picked to or.e of the rear wheels of the wagon rathi.r than on .that of the Americsa up the gun. thinking it was not load- another pair of mule,. On the 8ystPrai Many public speakers in this ed and remarked to his grother 'Til wJV over the front pair of mulel)ecame tountry in recent years have insisted. s a ia t m ni turn m mph nr.i'.vinv t wiiwuu i s. t . I r..K tr. j c..:.: - M.....m . .H th knmt K ran It set hi Bun on tne porcn i" . - ... . i uc n nci vaiir ..VH.I1..V. i -. ----- - jr: . h. fprrv hunt. Hitrtied . 1, -I .1... r L . Boston Museum of Fine Arts by Pro- and went mto the house. When, ne ...T,.' uTf ? "e W? l"V ' fessor G. A. Reisner, Harvard Egyptologist. ii..riu t ha cnninY .if. .ii.inn u ir hiiu iwiiww . - -- 1 . . . . . . .... . . 1 - -. . . ... w..r... - - . , ... . .1 I friohieiieri. 1 ne driver tnea to ouiet-1 .u. .u. .;;,i f i.t,r 1 ..j. ..-j ... ... tw. .tnuiuM hn vou how to Kill D acxoiras. 10 . . . ' .".. .""""-" . ueuicaicu to ., - - .. . . I . ht rl 1 nnt kiirnpd. Thfv shoved 1 . u-t J..:. T. ....u.. ...mmM. .lutlMmo nv the ffun tfiwharned. t.nei"""' . .. . ' . 1 leaves BoioriiHHK vw ut- uwcu. the w.gonbacv .n .our mU,es i8tin,esonicbodvw,Mettine t0 orW went ovcrborart. . afl( hringintr about 'the nesary re - . ... n u. ttrttt-a 1 if iMiicn 111 tim ro ... 1. l 1.4 i Iir IIIUJCD Y V 1 V. V. 1 V iw.nm - history. The tomb of Men,, the king instantly. from drowning and the who made luWlf tw god and who ly summoned, but the 1 nfortunate 4." TnV t.m it. man ws beyond medical aid. rranic j , ,-. n r...r.u ', ADDRESSES WANTED. fashioned the sphinx', is also within which had been waiting for a chance to lf democraty hai been at work. let out its feeling, broke intosn out burst of applause which lasted for many m.nute ' : ' , "The Old North State"- was sung by the Raleigh Choral Society after which Governor Craig was presented by Hon. W, W. Kitchin and made his Inaugural - address. After this the tore' V. A Graham, Senator T, . T. Raleigh Choral Society Sang -"The CARBON A TB OF LIMB V WINS THE HONORS FROM Burned or Oxide of Linn 'In this time of difficulty and hope, the country turns for guidance to the demorrtnic party." ' ' The Governot came out strohgl y against feright discrimination vy the railroads, ' saying: ': ' "The discrimination which the rail roads 'have made against North-Caro Una in freight rates i the injustice of arbitrary power. It has. already worked irreparable injury: it -has. al ready cost our people millions of del lars and driven from our, territory industries the value of which, we can not estimate. These corporations have the protection of our laws, they ope rate by our license) they enjoy privileges anf 'exercise the sovereign power-of eminent 'domain gianted by the State They collect excessive rates from our people that cheaper rate may be grant ed to the people of aljoining States." - T'u executive power of the State tural rock, but withip are the caves and buildings of a city of gold which was, I (rom 0thPH, and it is there- nerhans. once onn to th- a r. r - 1 ... At present the excavations arc con fined to the chamber in the head. This chamUr is 60 feet long and U wide. by fS.Olper acre in a sixteen year test, nd provjd beyond question that " Hged by the new Governor INT3 It is-a supcri ir fertilizing ingrediant. Brown'C C03 by analttkal test to prevent the continuation of this wrong at .the. hands of the railroads, There was a vigorous paragraph 'V.:cHLY5cLU:iEFcr.:.5: hcadfthe list of fertilizing limes. For 18,;nit tiUst. ."We need," Jeclarcd IBM COiSUQ CO. New Bern, N. C the new Chief magistrate, "a trust law clad in blue uniform that ran raid a trust den with a warrant and handcuff in Its hnds". ".. : - The Governor declared, for an em oloycrs' liberality law, for better "pi o tection of the health of . the people living In the country and better elu cationarTacilities for the childrt! living inthu country. "The time has come he declared, "for the Slate to exerciwc sovtrign authority and compel the attendance of her children upon the hooU. For Good Roads. ' , IIRICK fou sale! a- L""! ."IS 5-s ' DEALER IN- 77ay, Corn, Oats, Bran, Hominy, AND ALL KINDS OF FEED. HIGH GRADE CORN MEAL. , SEED A AND ED RYE. land wagon belonged to G. D. Ca:irield ... . There are tunnels leading off into cav was atwui I yea., o. J-" . .Mnr:hpflH citv as itatp(1 in the first The Journal would like to have the? rns which have not yet reen peae- 17.;, Both the boys are aeu .nougat Inurnal. The ferry boat is addresses of Moses J. Green, trated, for the work has only been lot.-;. -..'? ' thft property of Mr. GilletW. who rents Solomon Franks, J. f..Goodimi and going on six months. . I " ' :t tth counties of Carteret and Onslow Anthony Murphy. .These parffts for. The sphinx is carved out ot the m-i CATCHING COLD. these counties maintaining the ferry merly received their msil at Whitford, CnM. r orobablv "catching," par I until the bridire can be rebuilt. but that nostofive has been discon tinued and the journal nas-oeen unaoie fore best to avoid intimate associa-1 There's not enough money in the to get the new addresses ot the persons tions. siiclTas use of the same drinking I world to seem enough to a man if he J mentioned. The desired information . " -.' ' . 1 I.. .... I .. n 1 .r..u.. .'..4 cup and iowcl with people no nave 1 had it all. - m i -kmhuuj wo.. nu k w,-'c'j- 1 ik-VUe avoid crowds. Over- It is connected by tunnels witn t . , -W.J,-.. "m . . . f 1. t .u:neaieu-'r wau.jr temple 01 tne sun, w nun ...... . bo have teccntly had pneu- the paws of the sphinx, Such, relics as the "crux iansatia, the loord cross, symbol of the sun, are foujid by the hundreds. Several of these are of gold and have wires for tiny bells which, when sounded by the priests, summoned up ghoefs. .' Inside the sphinx ar also tiny pyra monia. Board '( Health Tress - - . . vice, ., ...... "CLRLvFROM RECTOR'S.' ; Managers Lovick and Taylor hi.v. secured lbs famous comedy Succev, Th-Girl From Rector's", to play. for mids, although the sphinx was tuilt I Bight Jan. ,1S at the Masonic long befn.e the Great Pyramids, A pyramid in those times was a sim dial, according to Professor Keisner, ani the sohinx was a sun god. The Theatre. This piece ocned at Wchcr and Fields Music, ltall ew York and . .. . . . continue over one year, i ne receipn grew from the opening diry, and night . . . . ...I.,.. 1 1... Pyramid of Cheops is an absolutely af ni4ht the records established by Weber n4 Fields at the height 01 tneir success were repeatedly shattered. " accurate time-keeper.. According to Professor Rcuncr, tgy- pt of today i one vast city ,the edge of which' has been scratched .and the interior of which will probably never be disclosed. V ' ' PRICE OF EGGS DROPS. W. K. RLSSILL PARDONED. Governor W. W. Kitchin Monday granted a pardon to W. K- Russell, white, convicted at the ..October term of Pmlico County 5uerior Court on :cbd He Who by the Plow Would Thrive ij Must Either Hold or Dnve." f ',; We Sell Blount's TRUE BLUE Lint Of Plorwt ' . . V..' -la charge of seduction ami .sentee. The bottom has aroppeo out ih ine . . - . . s HJ t I l "I w.-w J --- price of eggs on the local market. Yesterday they were bein-r whole; ;M M prices ranging from eighteen to twenty coents pet doen an.J retail ed at twenty-five cems per dozen. The drop in the price va causvd by an in. rease in the supply accon'panied bv a falling oft of the demand. ' "- - J -V '- ..:' ! ., ' ', .. : I asxitiH I Lo'..-:.-::'.:.::. NC'7 r.rn, TJ. C. 1 "Improved highway arc the artcr- The Armaaeddonitcs may be turned into a holding iompany, having betn standing long enough. ' , , prison, ihe pjrooa was(granicu condition-that th prisoner pay the prosecutrix six hundred ; dollar and atao to pay the costs ot the cav;fc , , j A charter was granted Tuesday to the Onslow Lumber Company of- sonville. ; The authorised c;h "M is $30,000, with IS.OQOisiJ in'l A. U. Ward of New'liern'an'l in Gr Currie and others of Philai.iiphia, Pa. I I JMIddie Bursters, a Plow! hat Fi'.ls a Lor J felt N Blounts' Daisy Plow. A Liht V Plow. Very Popular. Pricc3 IV 'j.C WhittyC Cc 'PHONE 98 :l.Trr;