ESTABLISHED 1878. Published in Two Sections; evejri TuMday and Friday at Ko. 45 Pollock treet. s S. I. P&lrfTtSG COMPANY , . raorRiiTOBS,' ., . SUtSCRIPTION RATES. Tw Mwtti -JL J. . The Moatta.... Tlt -Monti.. 20 25 .50 1.00 Oalriaadvaivc, v ATrtUlog rtM furaltht upon Affile tUn at th ofic, pt upon ln- .J. Wo nail ' Batared at the Poatoflk, New Bern, M. a acGoad-claw matter. when abstractly .: stated but elusive and battling when it is a matter of ;oncrete. application. "... The presen Legislature will see some- bharp clashes jet ween . the itprenentativev of thf tand-pat school of thought and those who hold that there is alwavs room for improvement and. a great deal of room just at the present writing.; ' TO CORRESPONDENTS. The Journal earnestly requests its corespondents to send in "tht news of cneir 'TCspcvxivc vviii"n" ...-...-the present owners of the Journal tool charge of it. they were conducting the Industrial Weekly. That papr hid a large corps of correspondents, eountry news being one of its strong Uatures. On' it discontinuance we commenced sending the Semi-Weekly Journal in its place to all correspondents at the am time timing correspondents to fcend in their letters to the Journal just as they had been doing for the In dustrial Weekly. One or two acceded to this request, but the great majority ignored it. We are writing this to get our friends interested again. Send us the news of your community . It will take but a little of your time and it will be a bene fit to your community to read it as pverv nerson there will be interested in j knowing what you have to say. l et us hear from you. Matter for Tuesday's issue of the Semi-Weekly should reach us Saturday. That for Friday's paper should reach us by Wednesday. TO MUCH CIEMENCY. In a recently published statement Mayor Carter Harrkon of Chicago denounce the leniency of the courts with respect to men caught with pistols in their possession. He cites with ap proval the action of a judge in fining a man JaOO, the limit in Illinois, for carrying a pistol. - More often than not the courts are too soft-hearted. Some times,' we suspect, they are even afraid of making enemies. There is grave need of men on the 'criminal bench who have courage and firmness. There used to ba a judge in this ?tate who was described as being "as cruel as the grave." Instead of being cruel, he was just and being slandered was one ol the penalties that ho had to pay for displaying a little backboner- i ?. .. - - - ' . . . - mm mm, mm 0 V Vi, ,' f ' T js- I ! If""- t - ' ' - mm a. r r j r j-. n- : ' ' i:. - 1 : 1 T Ann-f r AT 10:30 O'CLOCK ! II HI I hi , - ... - . f v -, J! i lJ; V f t f X' " ill I , I h:.:v:: I ,J Lji J 8 ', 1U 1 Arn ill W li Li w J i I (9 HEARTLESS. The more the operations of capital are probed the more devious and brutal its dealings appear to be. farticularly does this seem to be the case in the North where distinctions of caste are sharper and where the very rich have come to believe that a mere existence is all that the very poor have a right to expect. According to the testimony of is social worker there; is a New York canning concern which employs child ren of only five and six years of age and old men and women, working them filthy surroundings anrj com pellinc them by the smallness of the wages paid to live in squalid and un wholesome camps. There is a great hue and crv in the South for manufactures but if thev cannot be had without the heartless ness as to the operatives that has been found to prevail to such an extent in the North, we want to see the South continue to be behind the times so far as manufacturing is concerned. Of course there is a possibility tht both the Progressive and the Republi cans parties will stay in the field during the corainc uuadrennium. Fortune is favoring the Demociatic party and seems that thore is'no'.inhg too good for it to hope for. Turkey cannot be blamed for causing the Deace in London to be a long-drawn-out aha'r. Hghting with arguments is a much less disagreeable form of activity than the sort ol 'ilit in that Turkey had to nut up v.ith . - . , before the peace conference was started House Democrats are assailing Presi dent" Taf ft ordei blacins: lotirtn class postmasters under the civil aervie and with justice. His course in this con flection- was an exhibition of one-man power that was flagrantly contrary to he scirit tof he institutions of the country. Governor Chase E. Osborn of Michi gan" ha joined the get-together chorus f the Republican party. The combined vote of Taft and Roosevelt was con siderably greater than that of Wilson andt the painful results of scattering the ammunition are hourly becoming more apparent to both old-Fine and Progressive Republicans. Governor Wilson had the nerve to go to Chicago and tell "big business" what it had to do to escape some fur ther attention from him later on. The President-elect is thoroughly con vinced that business conditions in this country are not what theyought to be nd until he is shown otherwise he is going to keep' on contending for the rule' of r'Rht. Fa)ft'vi1le hears that the Chesa peake and Ohio may acquire control f the Norfolk. Southern A hort while ago it was reported th?t the road as ibout to fall into the hands of the Baltimore and Ohio. There is no telling. One or the other system or some other may. get it. In the rail road world as In politics, it is a sale rule1 to bettrrprised at nothing. ... 11 111 Elbert Hubbard was fined the other day lor sending immoral matter through thotnails, he having pleaded guilty to the charge.- Little incidents such as this arc liable to hurt the influence of i-'ra F.lbertus. He is a very gifted man, but that hi iurl nence is harmful we think there can be ro"do9bt. In fact there is too much literature to whose whoiesomeness there can be no doubt for matter of the questionable morals f Hubbard's to have any vogue. An interesting rumor U oat to the effeat that Congressman 'Webb U a candidate to-succeed Senator Overman two years from now. Whew interview ed on the subject ., Mr. Webb re lied . that, ue rtou:" ow" candidate. An Answer of that sort rather indicates th'ac lf V,,.,I le n candidate bter ort. Job lil.e'that of being L'nitud States Senator are not allowed to gw around begging. No doubt ther will be sev eral including the linc-umbvnt who will be found to be willing Harrises when ihe proper time Comes. .. , THE LEG I SL ATI "Z. i acre are indications tint a vigorous rST t will be Hi V" 1 I ) n ' ' Leg! Lit" 'f truly progressive. tie nnder lk', mi!I not be any nap. Progress, I . ' -.iHtgf r-' i equality law, or an Wo Wilson enough li t!t, t' r r!e of r',.' t. The new t.overnor of Uluo got through Ins inaugural address in fvteen minutes. It is possible to say niore in filteen minutes thi'n it is in sixtv. We have heard folks talk an hoir without saying anything. I he unloaded gun cot in sonic more of its deadly work Saturday, the accident occurring near Aurora. With firearms, matches and moving railroad coaches it is practically impossible 10 exercise an excessive prudence. The only remarkable feature we see about the recent appointment of I wo editors to fill vacancies in the United Stales Senate, is the shortness of the periods for which thty aie to serve. in one instance only a week or two. Nor folh Virginian Pilot. Riverside Extension or National RIGHT AT CITY LIMITS Ayenue What happened to I.orimer and Archbald shows that public men must letup their skirts clean. both men have been disgraced and are to be pit ied, but the surtness with which justice vertook them is the impressive thing about the events in which they figured. Morre and more the nation is demand ing clean men to do its work. Looks as if it is regarded us unsafe to let them serve for long. Ir fact, this thing of making the editor Senator for a tenday ptrio-.! is a very indifferent sort ol compliment. Mien a public- spirited, long-stilt'ering, everljstingly- at-it servant of the people as yo editoi is should be handed a Senatorship on a siler waiter every row and then and told to keep it as long as he desires. HILL AND THE HOUSEWIVES. James J. Millet he noted riilroad Man, breaks into print again by advising the housewives of this country, when they go to market, to buy the be?t of everything, that being, he says ,in the long run the cheapest. Circumstances alter cases. There arc some housewives placed under such circumstances that it would be folly for them to buy the best of everything, . Cut it is note worthy that Mr. Hill permits himself to be interviewed on almost everything except what he is supposed to know most about. What he thinks about the problem as to how to stop the awful carnage ol the American railroads would be more . interesting than his views as to what the American house wife oi ght to do when she goes to p:arket. , - '. " - STRAUS. Iraac Lot Stra-ia, candidate for the United States Senate from Maryland, is a progressive in trie tense tna: fie is not afraid to erpress bis views. No ... . y . running wit r. . the hare ana hunting with the hounds for Straus. He as tonished his State the other day by coming out liat-footed for the proposed Federal law forbidding shipments of intoxicating liquors into dry- territory. A little later he rnadj the conservatives of Maryland take notice again when he declared for the initiative and referen dum , Straus is one of the most bril liant Wlit icians in Maryland, Like Rayner, who died recently and whose death was a great Ion: to the Demo cratic party, he is a Jew, but. Gentiles and Jews alike acknowledge LU su perior ability.. . , Hi is I 1 I 1 i i! I I I li B i I 1 I 1 I i VMM Known as the Hackburn-Willett Property LZT7 nT if if t OH To iss Home To be Sold Regardless of Prices Rain or Shine lot! 7, i I: This property is right at the city limits. , Easy walking, distance with all city conveniences. Water, sewerage, lights street car service, but no city taxes. High, well 1 drained- cement sidewalks down-In heart of fast building home sec tion. - Your investment here is good moneyvalues around this property have doubled. Lots on every side have already built up., A rented house here will net you 1 0 and 1 2 per cent or more. Wide open streets, plenty of room, plenty of air. ! Li It w Hi r VI I ttli if: -it;; i i ii n i I TERM B ?! n lit r:i B B i:i VI n aa ii CI . I! Lao !! : t 1 1 TO SUIT EVERYBODY, Terms to a home builder are extra reasonable. 1 0 per i cent down, and 4 years to pay up balance, Terms to investors the'same, or good. discount for Cash. See the famous Penny Brothers. , "Selling a Lot a - Hinnte ; : SELECT YOUR COTS EARL Y: " VALUABLE PRIZES FREE. EXCELLENT D AND C ulSf ; Everybody Comc. Buyers or lookers may get grand ptizess : TV: 0 tl Hen 1 1 leal Mate ':M rvr 1 1 1 r iii i i !1 5 i m i W I t ' i I ; f 4 4 t f . I 1 t i i ' Wilson wants Big Huniness to under stand thartt must be good if it expects to be happy. ' . - , . - However, Roger Sullivan is still able to dictate to his stenographer, G Ml (Iron Cry I t Children Cry o .: :Tn ;:ia Don't throw Way need it. your foul away you i : .... The Norfolk goat that butted the Admiral overt iirned naval precedent. Congress never gets .o busy that it cannot adjourn for almost any sort of excusr.--Diirham (N. C.) Herald. Ohildron m fin;:: Orv One wav to avoid being bothered by your relations is to btf poorer than they are. , H,.'.! '. -"..- ;.' If your children are subject to attacks of croup, watch for the first symptom, hoarof ness. Give Chamberlain's Cough Kcttisdy at soon as tlie child becomes hoarse ami (ho aii k may be rdd ut .! by a!l " ..1. r. (Adv.) The wise man puts his troubles in pawn, then proceeds to lose the t'cl-et. Mr. A. R. Tabor, of Crider, Mo., had been troubled with sick headacho for about five years when she brgan tak ing Chamberlain's Tablets. lini tkf rt t boftte td them an they have ccred ber. Sh k . IhmiI.jl'siI ' in t caused by a disordered ilrraui -h for whi h t!iee tablet are .p('i,Uy intend-. .-1. Try t -n ,rt rll r1 a'ny '! ' ' -'N ' t, ('.) it r

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