11 ILL! Children Cry The Kind Ton Have Always in use for over 30 years, All Counterfeits, Imitations Experiments that trifle wltn ana endanger we Health or Infants and ChildrenExperience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops aud Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it has been i 1 constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea". It' regulates the Stomach ard Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the The Kind Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years thc eiHTAun compsirr. tt wuwhct mircr. new vorw ernr. TOLSON LUMBER & HFQ. CO FOR EVERYTHING Office and Factory 129 E.Front St. New B ern N. C PLOWS Stalk Cutters HARROWS RIDING CULTIVATORS FEED BURRUS & COMPANY NEW BERN, N. C. PHONE 184 Reductions in Woolen We have 40 Pairs on hand, all 11 1-4 size. Price Reduced from $6.00 to -NOW IS YOUR CHANCE tt See Them in Window. J. S. Miller 101 MI for Fletcher's Bought, and which has been has borne the sitraature ot ana nas oeen maae nnuer Jus per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this.' and " Just-as-good " are but Signature of Going to Build ? THEN SEE Blankets Furniture Co. T1 TT r VT P 929. eA THUY COME AND GO ' THURSDAY, JANUARY th D,E. Harllee of Greensboru was rcis ttTLiI at the James Hotel last night. L. U. Jones of Raleigh was among thr business visitors in the city yesterday. Mrs. J. J. Tolson, Jr., left yesterday for a viist with relatives at Nortolk. Miss lizzie Smith of 1 aGrange, who has been visiting Mrs. Goerge Swinson returned home yesterday. Mrs. Bayard Wootten returned yes terday from a short"visit at Beaufort and Morehead City. W. B. Blades returned last evening from a business visit to Beaufort. J. W., Stewart returned yesterday from a business trip to Richmond. Albert Patterson spent yesterday zt Washington attending to business mat ters. Sheriff R. B. Lane returned last even ing from a visit to Norfolk. Sheriff A. II Stephens ol Oriental passed through the city last evening en route home from a visit at Norfolk. Sylvanus Barker of Trenton was a bus iness visitor in the city yesterday. Solicitor Charles L. Abernethy of Beaufort was in the city yesterday en route to Goldsboro. Chief of Police W. G. Rouse ol Dover spent yesterday in the city. Edgar Walnau, who is connected with the circulation department of the Wil mington Evening Dispatch, Is in the city fora visit with his parents, Mr. and -Mrs. L. VYalnau. Z. V. Rawls of Bayboro was among the business visitors in the city yes terday. C. H. Foy of Kinston, who has been visiting in the city, returned home Inst evening. Cari L. Daniels of Bayboro was in the city yesterday attending to some pro fessional business. Dr. Joseph Patterson left last evening for a visit at Washington, D. C. E. M. Green left last evening for a professional visit at Raleigh. D. W. Richardson of Dover spent yesterday in thc city attending to busi ness matters. Mrs. C. W. Blanchard o( Kinston is in the c ty, the guest of Mrs. Walter DulVy. FRIDAY, JBNUARY 'th Miss Lessie Huggins, who has been visiting her brother, Rev. VV. M. Huggins, at Pageland, S. C, returned home yesterday evening. She spent sonic days visiting frientjs in Ruleigh anl Goldsboro, Samuel Campen, J. A. Tingle, I.. W. Brooks, and J. F. Rawls of Alliance Wi re among the business visitors in the city yesterday. J. R. Rice, r. C. Brinson, C. S. We cott and L V. Rawls of Bayboro spent yesterday in the city. ' D. P. Holton of Olympia was in the city yesterday attending to business matters. Mrs. N. H. Banks of Grantsboro spent yesterday in the city the guest ol friends. Clyde Fentress and Ram Swan of Mar ibel spent yesterday in thc city.1 SATURDAY, JANUARY! th Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Hood and Miss Lillie Bell Bnrrus of Polloksville were visitors in the city yesterday. Mrs. F. H. Leary, of Elizabeth City is visiting her nephew, W. W. Griffin, at Mrs. Walter Duffy's, on New street. W. H. Miskell of Bayboro spent yesterday in the city visiting friends. Mrs. J, F. Rhem returned last even ing from a short visit in Pamlico county- . Sheriff A. H. Stephens of Pamlico county was in the city yesterday attending to some official business. Ex-Tudee and Mrs. O. H. Guion returned last evenine from a visit at Raleigh. Rev. H. A. Merfeld left last evening for a short visit, at Raleigh. Ned Delemar left last evening for a short visit at Oriental. Mrs. George Dunn of Beaufort passed through the city last evening enroute to Fields for a visit with relatives. Edwin Powell, who has been in the ritv for several days past with thc New Bern Ca Company, left last evening for his home at Goldsboro. R. E. Whitehurst of Beaufort re turned last evening after a visit in the city. ' M. I Wiley of Pamlico county was Umomj the busings visitors in the city yesterday. 11. F. Pickles yWeYday in the of Oriental pent city attending to Lfcutinesa mattes. Mrs. Kale Spe; Cole have returnct er and Miss ID from a trip to Cuba and Panama. Miss Rowena D.tvi City was among thc visit f l It Mr Wade Meadows ha HER FRIEND'S GOOD ADVICE Hie Results Made This Newburg Lady Glad She Followed Suggestion. Kew'jurg, Ala. "For more than a year," writes Myrtle Cothrum, of this (ilaco, "I suffered with terrible pains in my back and head. I had a sallow complexion, and my face was covered with pimples. Our family doctor only gave me temporary relief. A friend of mine advised me to try Cardul, so I began taking it, at once. ana wltn tne best results, for I was cured after taking two bottles. My Bio.:.;r and my aunt have also used Cardul and were greatly benefited, I shall always iraise Cardul to sick and suffering wor.3n. Cardul is a purely vegetable, per fectly harmless, tonic remedy for wo men, and will benont young ana old. Its ingredients are mild herbs, hav ing a gentle,' tonls effect, on the wo manly constitutioa. Cardul baa nupea a minion women back to health and strength. Have you tried It? If cot, please da It may be just what you need. N. B. Write tp; Lsdtw' Advisory Dept., Oato aooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, fenn., for Special Instructions, onj 64-pnire book. ' Home Treatment (01 Women, Mut In plain wrapper, on rc-uat. returned from a visit with relatives at Washington, D. C. Mrs. Margerat Nelson left yester day for a visit with friends ar Beau fort. H. W. Gibba of Beaufort passed through the city last evening enroute home frem a visit at Washington. E. J. Walker of Durham arrived in the city last evening for a short visit. Robert Richardson returned Inst evening from a business trip in the western part of the State. D. L. Ward returned last evening from a professional trip to Raleigh. LEGISLATIVE BODY MAY TAKE LOOK INTO GARMENT STRIKE Washington, Jan. 24 A Congress sional inquiry into the conditions which have led up to the great strike of the garment workers in New York may be demanded within a few days if information which Representative Victor Berger received from the strike leaders is as important as he has been led to believe "This may develop into as remarkable an expose of industrial conditions as those encountered in the Lawrence si rike investigation," said Berger. "lam not yet certain, but if the data which I have sent for is what it has been de clared to be, I . hall ask for a hearing ot the evidence by a Mouse commit tc. It such a hearing is at'thciricl, the econo mic facts which have bro'ight about this struggle will be revealed. The puhli will b c shown exactly why it is that 200,000 working women in New York are striking the industrial conditions which are responsible." The information which Berger is seeking is regarding the reported "speeding up" of the labor womcnand girls in the garn.eet factories in ordf that thev shall be made to compete with the sweatshops in cheapness of production; exact evidence H thc al leged insanitary conditions under which workers are employed and the rate of pay which the women employes receive for their long hours of labor. Berger has waited until the issuance of an injunction against picketing, in n the belief that the "labor group" in thc House might prefer to press the Congressional inquiry. President Gompers of the American Federation of Labor has been personally advising strikers, but has returned here. WOMEN Women of the Wghest type, women of snptrior education act' refinement, whose discernment and indecent fire weialit an! w w , . .1 : l:L!.. force to ineir opinion, oigut; praise the wt tdcrful corrective and curative properties of Chair, berlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets. Through ot the many stages of woman's li'e, from girlhood, through the ordeals of mother- hood to the declining years, there I is no safer or mora reliable med , icine. CUml. Main's Tablets are iald. everywhere at Z5c a box. Helen Gould h.9 proved aerselftobe worth far more th in her millions. ENDS HUNT FOR RfCII GIRL. Often the hunt for a rich wife eud when the man meets a. woman that use F.lertirc Bitters. Her slrottfl nerves tell in a bright brain and even temper Her peach-bloom complxtion and ruby lips result from her pure blood: he bright eyes from restful sleep; he elastic step from firm ,free muscles all telling of the health and strengt Klectric Bitters give a woman, and the freedom li..m indigestion, backache headache, uiiMlmj and dizzy spell they promote. F.very where they are woman's favorite remedy. If weak ot L BULL ALL RIGHT COLORED FOLK NOT DETER RE 11 BY STAND TAKEN BY GOVERNOR WILSON. Washington, Jan. 15. There will be an "inaugural ball" in Washington. It wil not be a part of the ceremonies incident to the induction into office of President Wilson. It w 1 be held at Convention Hall, the largest building of its kind in Washington, and in charge of it wi 1 be the National Negro Woodrow Wi son League, of Richmond, Va. Tickets wi 1 .cost $2.50, and nobody will be admitted without that piece of paste board. Giles 15. Jackson, a former negro bank president of Richmond, director of thc negro exhibit at the Jamestown Exposition and later promoter of the negro "Coney Island of the South," at Pina Beach, Va., is the man behind the ball. The capacity of the hall is 6,000 and from the way the tickets are going among the negroes in Washington and Richmand it looks that an over flow ball on the asphalt outside may be necessary. QUICK RELIEF FOR RHEUMA TISM. George W. Koons, Lawton. Mich., says: "Dr. Detcheon's Relief for Rheu matism has given my wife wonderful benefit for reheumatisn. She could not lift hand or foot, had to be lifted for two months. She began the use of the remedy and improved rapidly. On Monday she could not move and on Wednesday she got up, dressed her self and walked ou! for breakfast." Sold by Bradhain Drug Co. (Adv.) Most of us would rather accept an ther's man cigars than his advice. MAN COUGHS AND BREAKS RIBS After a frightful coughing spell a man in Ncenah, Wis., felt terrible pains in his side and his doctor found two ribs had been broken. What agony Dr. King's New Discovery would have saved him. A few tcnspoonfuls ends a late cough, while persistent use routs obstinate coughs, expels stubborn colds or heals weak, sore lungs. "I feel sure its a Godsend to humanity," writes Mrs. Effie Morton, Columbia Mo. "for I believe I would have con sumption to-day had I not used this great remedy." Its guaranteed to satisfy, and you can get a free trial bottle or 50-ccnt or $1.00 size at all druggists. (Adv. The what ii average marrwd man is to be cross-exami ned. know; MAKES THE NATION GASP. The awful list of injuries on a Fourth ol July staggers humanity. Set over against it, however, is the wonderful healing by Bucklen's Arnica Salve, of thousands who suffered from burns, cuts, bruises, bullet won mis or explo sions. Its the quick healer of boils .ul cers, ezcema, sore lips or piles. 25. cts it all druggists. (Adv.) The average married man mows When you want a reliable medicine for cough or cold take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It can always be de pended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) There are asome graft germs in most any man's makeup. Persons troubled with partial para lysis are often very much benefited by massaging the affected parts thor oughly when applyi ig Chamberlain s Liniment. This liniment also relieves hcumatic pains. For sale by all dealers. (Adv) The seeker after truth has a lifetime job. After a woman gets reconciled to the ways of the maivhe's married she then sets out to convince herself that he s a good husband. FOR CROUP. Make the air of bedroom moist by means of steam and rub Savodine on little sufferer's throat and chest. Then cover with warm flannel cloth. (Adv.) Don't Forget the Parcels Post Will enable us to send you on short notice SEND OR PHONE YOUR orders and we will see that the post office gets the goods as quickly as possi ble, and when you come to town bring your bun dles to the store for safe keeping, and your wives and babies to the rest room for rest and comfort. We are always glad to see you. Your Friends, BRADHAM DRUG CO. HUM Even if Miss Culd's trousseau didf cost less than $1,000, she is still some thing like $'J50 ahead of the groom.- Cleveland Plain Dealer. MOVE ON NOW says a policeman to a street crowd, and whacks heads if it don't. "Move on now," says the big, harsh mineral pills to bowel congestion and suffering fol lows. Dr. King's New Life Pills don't bulldoze the bowels. They gently persuade them to right action, and health follows. 25c. at all druggists. (Adv.) Senator Root is trying to save us from our selfishness. FEVER SORES. Fever sores and old chronic sores should not be healed entirely, but should be kept in healthy condition This can be done by applying Chamber lain's Salve. This salve has no superior for this purpose. It is also most ex- cenem; for chapped hands, sore nipples, hums and rLm r,f th.. I.'- sa'e by all dealers. (Adv.) Democratic caucuses in Delaware are not warranted to wear. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A The merit system of appointments is marching on to Washington. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Here's to their health; may they love long and prosper- If your children arc subject to attacks of croup, watch for the first symptom, hoarseness. Give Chamberlain's Cough Remedy as soon as the child becomes hoarse and the atlark may be warded olf. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) J.J. Hill is looker of the the champion bright out u niversc. Mrs. A. R. Tabor, of Ctider, Mo., had been troubled with sick headache lor about five yearr-, when she began tak ing Chamberlain's Tablets. She has taken two be lllos of them and they have erred Her. Mck Headache is caused by a disordered stomach for which these tablets are especially in tended. Try I hem .get -well and stay well. Sold by all dealers. (Adv.) Naturally, thc Washington hangers on who wanted an inaugural ball and reception look upon Wilson as a regulai abolitionist . NOT SO It las been said that "one suffers frym a severe attack of La Grippe six mouths after getting well". Nasal catarrh, headache and neuralgia soni? limes hang around for quite a while Not so with one who uses Savodine frcelv t tiring the active and con vales cent stages of the disease. (Ad Turkey will orobabl y manage to save few of her feathers. STOMACH TROUBI E CURED. If you have any troilbleTwith your stomach you should takejChantberldin'o Tablets. Mr. J. P. Klote of Edino, Mo., says: "I yave'tiseda great many different medicines for stomach trou ble, but find Chamberlain's Tablets more beneficial than any other remedy I evei used." For sale by all dealers. (Advertisement) REAL PINO FACTORY IN NEW BERN. Pianos that were mere shells and apparently past usefulness are rebuilt by C. T. Landes and give perfect satisfaction. If your piano is not what it ought to be, have a talk with I.andes, 1X3 Middle Street, or phone (Adv) William Rockefeclhr has enough money to do th- talking for him. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Roosevelt is still inrepcntant about thai steel gobble and glad of it. Here is a 1 dy that will cure your cold. Why waste time and money ex perimenting when you can get a pre paration that has won a world-wide reputation by its cured of this disease and can alway; be depended upon? It is known everywhere as Chamber UinS Cough Remedy, and is a medicine of real merit. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) j uyUp-p a ry.ff arAir.ft Han iwun uvviun Pepsi-Cola For Thirst Thinkers. SAVE THE CROWNS they are valuable. Write for catalog Pepsi-Cola Co., New bern, N. S. PROFESSIONAL H. M. Bonner M. D. DISEASES OFj THE EYE EAR NOSE and THROAT GENERAL SURGERY Phones: Office 720. Rea dence 220 Rooms 800-6 Elks Temple, New Bern GEORGE I WILLIS ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Practice Wherever Ser vice is Required. SOCraveuSt. New Bern, N C. SOUTHERN EXPRESS BUILDING Simmons & Ward Attorneys and Counselors at Law Office, Rooms 4C1-2-3 Elks Building, New Bern, N. C. Practices in the counties of Craves, Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Carter et, Pamlico and Wake, in the Supreme and Federal Courts, and wherever ser vices are desired. DR. ERNEST C. ARMSTRONG, Osteopathic Physician (REGISTERED) Rooms 320-321 Elk's Temple. Hours: to to ta, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9. CHRONIC DISEASES A SPECIALTY Ten years experience in treating chron ic diseases. Complete Electrical Equipment. Do ycu wear a truss? If to, let me show you my special make. For all ages, from babies up. PHONE 704. D. L, WARD ATTORNEY AND ! COUNSELLOR AT LAW Hughes Building, Craven Street NEW BERN, N. C. Practice In State and Federal Courts. Circuit. Craven, Carteret, Jones ana Pamlico and wherever services are desired. ROMULUS A. NUNN Attorney and Counselor at Law Offick 50 Craven Strut Telephone Nos 97 and 801 NEW BERN, N. a Carl Daniels Attorney and Counsellor At Law Practices wherever services ire required. O.Rce in Masonic Building. BAYBORO, N. C. Local ani Long Distance Phone. Raymond P. Eagle CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR Elka Temple, New Bern, N. C. Drainage Surveys a spec ialty. Municipal work, Land Surveys, Maps, Plans and Specifications. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of State. Certificate of Dissolution. To All to Whom These Present May Com Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceeding for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholder, deposit ed in my office, that the Rubright Liniment Company, a corporation of this State, whose principal office i situated at No. street, in the City of New Bein, County of Craven, State of North Carolina (Ja. W. Water being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the require ments of Chapter A, Revisal of 1905, entitled "Corporation," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grime, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 16 day of December, 191 a, file in my office a duly entC'HeJ and attested constat in writing to the lissolui o said nrporaiijn, exec :ttl bv aHtne rtock hollers thereof which said content ind thc recrrd of the pioceedings lot sai l are now on file in my oftV.v as pio- vided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I have et my hand and affixed my 0 at R ile ph, .hi. id day of December, v d m. II m

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