ST C cr 3 5 : Sfcv .. No. 87 UK HIED WITH ill NEW BERN. N. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY 31, i913-SE6bNDcSo !lipn iini-ii .....- . - , t&- -yvs T? . 1 1 ROBS FARMER Oil W.D. Staplef ord of Truitt'a Has Exciting Experience Near Bf idgcton 6IHCER CUKE NEGRO GETS THIRTY-FIVE DOLLARS Posse Formed, Negro is Wounded and in Hiding Bloodhoundi Sent For While returning to his home vester day afternoon shortly after 3 o'clock and while near Bridgeton, W. D. Staof ford, who lives near Truitts and who conducts a mercantile business at that Place, was waylaid by an unknown Oegtosman at the point of a pistol and routed df thrrty-five dollars. Mr. Stapleford came to New Bern about noon yesterday for the purpose 01 doing some trading. He visited a number of places and shortly before Kiuiimig nunie bskpu a negro man to hold his horse while he went into a near ny store to make a purchase. The negro was the one who later attacked him and it ie supposed that he eaw the roll of currency in Mr. l'tapIefon!'s wallet and at once plotted to rob him. A ehort time after leaving this etore Mr. Stapleford started forborne. The trip until after he had paased Bridgeton was uneventful. When about three hundred yards from the old Fowler road, according to Mr. Stapleford's account of the affair, the negro came up from the rear and told Mr. Stapleford that if he did not give him his money he would kill him. The negro brandished his pistol in the other man' face and fired it but without pointing it directly at him. The negro pulled out a round from the cart and raised it to strike the white man. The latter caught the blow on his arm and then the two clinched in a scuffie which lasted several minutes, the negro finally getting possession of Mr. stapieiord s money and making off at the top of his speed. Posse la Formed 1 C 14 i . . mtr, cuapiciora numea back to Bridrgtop and reported the occurrence A k .1 J J T 11, V . irauravy j. w. notion was quickly formed and started in pursuit. In a little while they caught sight of the negro fifty yards away dodging be mnrl some trees. He had his pistol in his hand and was showing plenty of nght. He fired at the posse and Mr Hoiton returned the fire with a shot gun loaded with No. 6 shot. The negro stumbled. Mr. Hoiton fired several times in rapid succession and the last time the crack of the gun rang out the negro fell. He was now on the edge of the pocosin and darkness had fallen. As he was armed with what appeared to be automatic revolver and was apparently determined to fight to the limit, the possemen decided not to go into the pocosin in the dark after him, but, instead, to wait for day, guarding in the meantime the means of egress from the pocosin and not bfiiayitoB that he would attempt to go thretfgTi the pocosin a distance of twelve miles to get to the station at Askins. Sheriff Lane and Deputy Sheriffs Thomas Smith and J. W. Huff as soon as they were notified of the occur- MOT AFFECTED piimic mm by parcel pqst wwuiu IIUIIU! - rence went to aid In the search. Last night Sheriff Lane ordered th- bridge draws kept open so that the' negro could not get back over into New Bern. The Fowler road was also guarded at the behest of the Sheriff. Bloodhounds Coining. The chief of police of Tarboro is on his way here with two bloodhounds which will be put on the trail of the fleeing negro . He should get here with tne animals this morning. Sheriff Lane first telegraphed to Golrlshorn tr. to see if bloodhounds coud be had there. There was none there. Then he tried Greenville and again was disaDDointed. Oh the third round Tarboro was tried and it was found that the chief of police naa two hounds. He telephoned that he had about one hour to make an eighteen- mile auto trip to catch the Norfolk Southern train from Raleigh to Chocowinity, but thought he wculd have no trouble in catching it. Description of Negro. The negro who is bplitved to be a New Bern negro, is described by Mr. Staole- ford as of ginger cake color, weiehimr about 150 pounds and thirty or thirty. nve years of aee. Mr. Stapleford is at Bridget on with relatives to be on hand for identifying the negro in rase he is found as it is very naeiy ne will be. The) money taken consisted of one twentv rfol lar Dill, one five dollar bill and eight or ten one dollar bills. More business at Local Express wince man m First Three Weeks of 1912. NO CUT RATES SEEM IN SIGHT Ex pre st People Not a Bit Worried Over Introduction of New Postal Wrinkle. Accordiug to HIGHWA YMM IS STILL IT LARGE Officer Thus Par Have Failed To Capture Negro Who Waylaid Mr. Stapleford. SEEN AT VARIOUS PLACES Traces of Him On Norfolk Southen Kuiiroud Between This City and Vanceboro. a statement made yes terday by Z. V. Taylor, manager of the local office of the Southern ExDress Company, the new parcel post law has not in the least affected the business of this office. Mr, Taylor says that his records show that during the past three weeks there has been a greater number of packages sent from and received in the local office than there was during the same period in 1912. When asked if he thought the Southern Express Company would cut their rales, he replied that he had received no information from headquarters in regard to any such proposed action and that he did not believe that such would be done. "At times," said Mr. Taylor, "it is almost impossible for us to handle the amount of business with which we are favored. Especially is this true when there are unusually large shipments of fish and also on numerous occasions during the trucking season." Contin uing, he said: "If the company lower? its rates it will cause congestion in the handling of shipments which will Ya use cause great loss to both the company and the shipper. The parcel post law 35th YEAH AGITATE STATE E STOCK LAW WID This One of the Live Questions Be ing Considered by the General Assembly MATTER BEING DEBATED HERE Strong Article Written In Behalf of finch a Law by Mt. Olive Citizen. at a live question before the General Assembly and one which is of great un- portance all over the State is that of theJ proposed Statewide stock law. Keen interest is felt here and theft artnun a law would be of great benefit io the State. One of those anxious to see the Legislature pass such a law hands us for publication tlje following written to the Raleigh News and Observer by n. Li. Williamson of Ml. Olivo To the Kditor: This letter is in tended especially for everv mimh.r of the General Assembly now in ses sion, each one of whom 1 trust will read it carefully. "It is my candid opinion that a State Wide Stock Law for North Carolina would benefit the people at large more thanany law you canenact for our State designed to benefit all the people of North Carolina. - , "I know by experience, where the stock law ha; been in operation for a good many years the farmers havpore pom to sen ana iney nave better stock. The stock law eliminates poor, scrubby stock, and also eliminates the ' umial fllPRIII TERM, SO OFTEN FALSE LABEL AB8OLLTELJTOm a n "Xjesww . YbriayiVai iRts d- new roric, Jan fion in New YofkjCh; completion, the New RaiUoad has a building wh signers think has reached the limit in protection against fire. The term "absolutely fireproof." so ofufc'a false label on hotels an theatre, is said to be accurate as applied the world's greatest terminal V . I - r& . , .. i I New fWn n ,!. k-is u OUMflUC at Park V, rv..F.. ,.,c i3, stuCOJrAvpnn ,H P FAIR STOCK IS EASILY PLACED COMMITTEE GETS SUBSCRIBERS TO.JsHWjpORTH IN A RRY A committee comnnwil .if .-, n,,,k, of nWmbeflftrf'the Executive Committee of the Ealfecn Carolina Fair Associa tion Company spent yesterday after noon in visiting the business men of the city and securing their subscrip tions for a new issue of stock in the com- SOLVES THE HIE T OF L COS t Scarcity of Lahor Secret of Trouble Journal Correspondent at -Thurman Surmises. GOOD MEN VERY HARD TO GET County Commissioners Get Gentle Rap -In Connection With Cen tral Highway Work. m flfere been used any strwttotal material ffflfct can burn. With a frame 'of steel autKan esteribr urfsoe of marble, the station has thousands of tons of ma sonry in Its walls ltffd floor: About a half million square feet of terra rotta blocks have ...... &.. mvv iw iwi s. ami about 850,000 square feet are used for column covering and partitions. ihe branch postoffice on Lexineton Av?e the office buildings, the power ! notses nd the hotel on the terminal The tast Fair, which incidentally was Brtt, demonstrated the fact that this re is a paying one and almost every person visited during the after noon subscribed for one or more shares. When the committee returned to the rooms of the Secretary and figured up th total number ef shares svhscribed for it was found that more than twenty five hundred dollars worth of tliis new issue of stock had been placed. It is the intention of the officers of the Fair company to makea number of improvements to the grounds and acid additional buildings before the next Fair is held and it is also their intention mwTO.-nreprooiea lust at thorough v i m,t, m. - j . . ; , . 1 i "ne a record breaker in " ( piauon. mere is a system of ' tteinafic alarms and sprinklers to ' pet the spread of any blaze that mat .start among the contents of the offices. Fire hydrants, with a plenti ful equipment of hose, are scattered ovr the terminal area. every way. Other stock will be dis posed of during the next week or two. Strife and trnnhl m . :ii,,n..,l K. n f , , i - vvvu.T.uiiKU u, . uuui is not hurting us because it has created I fences and miMUv.. .u wJI:t . Mx akvwiv yviliug into neighbors fields and causing ftlfti LARG E LDING a new class of business and a class we could uot afford to handle." Records kept at the local postoffice show that more than eight hundred packages have been received here via the parcel post rqute and mors than a thousand have been sent out since Janunry 1, 1913. After a search lasting all through iE,ium nigiu onerin K. u. t.ane yesterdayhi morning called in his depu ties who were engaged in a hunt for the negro who on Tuesday afternoon at tacked W. D. Stapleford, a citizen of Truitts, near Bridgeton, and robbed him of thirty-five dollars. the fugitive and every effort will be made to apprehend him. Mr. Stapleford, the victim of the as sault and robbery,- was vesterday feeling the effects of his encounter with the highwayman physically but will probably be completely recovered in a day or two. Believing the fugitive would attempt to board the train en route to Norfolk at some point along- the line, Sheriff , Lane last night telegraphed the Chief of Police at Washington to send a jman to Chocowinity and have him j watch alll trains arriving t here. The I Sheriff left on the .... i .. :.. i.. r . It was thought at the tune that the Chocowinity, intending to watch for negro had stolen a boat, as one belonging to Archie Wallace was missed from its mooring on the east side of the river yesterday morning and was later found .tied up at Union Point on this side of the river, and had come to New Bern. Later in the day the Sheriff received information that a negro answerin tne description of the fugitive, had ar rived at the construction camp of the East Carolina Lumber Company who are building a tram road in Pamlico county and had asked for work. He was informed that no additional help was needed and continued on his way, t-ate yesterday afternoon another telephone message was received bv the Sheriff. This was from D. P.Whitford at Askins. Mr. Whitford stated that fugitive had been seen there and after inquiring about the schedule of the passenger trains passing that point left the town, presumably going to Vanccbor boro. The authorities all along the line be tween New Bern and Washington have been net ft d to be on the lookout for CARBONATE OF LIMB WINS THE HONORS FROM Burned or Oxide of Lime by $75.00 per acre in a sixteen year test, and proved beyond question that it is a superior fettiliiing ingredient. li ' t .... "'" - uy analitieal test heads the list of fertilizing limes. Fer full infermation write at once to the man at points along the line. The chief of police of Tarboro failed to carry out his promise to come to New Bern with his Uoodhounds. Nor did he send any message to Sheriff Lane explaining his failure to show up. Presumably he failed to make his ar rangements to get to the Norfolk Southern railroad in time to catch the early train and then decided not to come st all. and often lawsuits over some old mis chievous cow or hog. " As a matter of smno justice, is it right for the man who pays out moaey for a farm to have to put a fence around it to keep out other neighbors' st dek? "No; I say it i not right. Eery man who owns stock of any kind should be responsible for his own stork and should not be allowed to let them run at large, and a State wide stock law would reduce the fence tax at least 50 per cent, "About two-thirds of our State now has a stock ttw. A great many coun ties in the State bought and paid for thousands of yards ofTrire fences. Ail this emikt be moved and used st the most definite points on the outside bor ders of the State and we could avoid using any fence at all on the borders of the coast and along large rivers. By doing this the cost will be very small and in-two years our fence tax would be reduced fully one-half, and gates, all over the country, would be at an end. Hundreds of our small towns, under the present- system, are compelled to have a fence around them like unto a hog pot. ) MAY HAVE FOUND SUM OF MONEY Negrz Workman Seen With Leather Bag Later Disappears and Is Heard of No More BURNED 001 CHARITABLE BROTHERHOOD AT OLYMPIA SUSTAINS SERIOUS LOSS RUMORS OF BURIED TREASURE Missing Man May Hare Secured Hidden Hoard and Left For Parts Unknown. (Special to Ihe Journal) Olympia, Jan. 28 C. D. Hoiton went to New Bern this morning to attend to some business matters. We are glad to say that the majori ty of our citizens who have recently been on the sick list are fast improving. Early last Sunday morning the build ing owned by the Charitable Brother hood Lodge was destroyed by fire. The origin of the tire ia unknown. The building was a valuable one and the Stories of buried treasure, of the loss falls heavily on the lodee. hoards of misers and oi vast Mrms of 1 Saturday night, last, some miscreant gold and silver hidden years ago, are j visited the premises of W. H. White rife on lower Metra If street just at this hurst and cut open a number of sacks time. The cause is the supposed dis- containing guano. Not satisfied with covery a few days agooi a large scin of doing this they scattered much of the money in the building, No. 1.5 Metcajf contents of the sacks on the ground, street, by a workman who at the time! There is no clue as to who were the wasengaged in assisting in the removal guilty parties. (Spe iU to iln, Journut). Thurman Jan. 29 The weather for the past month has been fine for crop work and the farmers in this section nave taken advantage of it by preparing their land for next season's crop, Hog cholera, ems to be prevalent in this section but we hope to exter minate the disease in time to raise porker, for next winter. The cotton rroo was very sliort in this seciign. Last years' cro was not more than one-third of the yield com pared to l'Ul. Farm labor is scarce and the farmer cannot get good men at any price as tney can get more for their labor in the timber industry. If labor is as hard to secure in all farming sections as it is in this section there is no need for further investigation as to the high cost of living. The County Commissioners seem to have forgotten and forsaken the Great Central Highway in this part of the county They had the convicts in No. 4 Township four weeks last Fall and made nearlj four hundred yards of passable road. It seems that they became discouraged with road building in mis section and stopped operations. This road is a very important thorough fare and the work it is hopd, will be resumed and completed. John H. Smith and T. C. Andrews have moved rom this pace to River-' dale. K. H. Conner of Riverdale has moved to Thurman and will make this his home in the future. Rev F. C. 1'nlcher, pastor oi the Methodist churdi at RiverdaL, filled his regular appointment last Sunday and was greeted by a large congrega- of the structure to a point further back from the street. The Olympia Iron Works, owned by ( . B. Bunting, is putting out a quanti- HERE IN BEHALF OF WALKER ROAD N. A. Purifoy Tries to Arouse Inter est of Merchants In Thoroughfare. "Now gentlemen of the General As asmkln '.( ..lit tkf. I MS , w.,1pal,,awyouwiu tered many eccent pe and it is have enacted one of the most needed "gen,,,,, .upp that one o( tnMe measures in our State, and you will re- buried the money which is said to have ceive praise from the mountains to the been found. j. r. Scott & Son, co.ored the hands ol 90 per cent of the peo-houw mover. frora Goldsboro. have pie of North Carolina. char(re 0, wopk of reroovi the bui,d. I trust every editor who may see ing and they had empoyed thin irtir urill k. ! I." I ..... ........... yy 11C mc 1H w colored men to assist them. During paper and help to pas, along the good ihe time that the preliminary work . ... lws 'n progress, one of the men, who In addition to the above, don't for- tK- tl-mA wa. .omW ..... " get the dog law to protect the lives of the down the foundation of one of the peop.e .rom so many worthless curs . rMmn,v. Am I sVfttfMr marl inrl r-nisinn Ut. 7 co, anu pains in our lana. , fcow workmen h not Besides a good dog law wondl add of the incidentapd it would have J a million dollar. ,n tax to our Treasury eatirety from their memory but for u' nuuiu i ui mil a ii ii iii i x t o i wunn l he building is known as the Denni- ty of work just at this time. A number son place, is owned by Mrs. C. W. of improvements have recently bees Blanchard and was erected many made in the plant and it is now one of the years ago. Sine that time it has shel- the most complete in the country. MAD E OF FELLER SHORTAGE GOOD FIVE AND TEN CENT STORE MAN COMES UP vVJTH EIGHTY THOUSAND DOLLARS John Tingle of Grantsboro wasamone the business visitors in our town yesterday. THE ROAD IS NOW PASSABLE But More Work Will Have to Be Done to Conserve Effort Al ready Eipended. CMUUHCUST WW. Nsw Bern, N. C. C. L. SPENCER' DEALER IN- fay, Corn, Oats, Bran, Hominy, AND ALL KINDS OF FEED. HIGH GRADE COHN MEAL SSKD A AND ED RYE. PRICK Fin SALE . m, ?.r.dtn c,vn ' AtHnil an. Loer Middle Street, New Bern, N. C. N. A. Purifoy, who lives on the Walk er road in the eastern part of the coun ty, was among the visitors in the city yesterday. Mr. Purifoy's main object yesterday was to work up some en thus iasm among the business men of the city in regard to putting the Walker road in such condition that it will be an incentive to the farmers living on the lower end, near the Beaufort county line, to come to this city to do their trading instead of going to some town in Beaufort county. Mr. Purifoy says that during the past few months the pitirens living along the road have done considerable work on it and have put it in-passable less dogs. DIVIDES HONORS with new bern; the fact that a short time later he left the premises and has not been seen since not even calling for the wages due him for his work. No one a.w the money supposed to have been found and its actual dis covery is merely a' matter of rumor but circu instances suttou ndi ug, the ca se are leading many to believe thai the wosfcrrian did locate something of value DECATUR, ILL., POSTOFFICE M'thr money or jewels is a matter speculation, and lea ot detection caused him to Mfrain from returning ALSO RECEIVES PACKAGE OF SKUNK HIDES to complete his sWSjfc No longer does the local postoffice hold the distinction, if such' it might"! be termed, of being the only office in the count ry through which a package containing skunk hides has passed via parcel post. Away out in Decatur, III., a similar package arrived in the postoffice and soon the office had .been vacated and the package remained alone. The following dispatch to the New York WORKING ON THE CASINO CONTRJUWO I READY Y R$LHXHhriLL i FdHftffWfftc may i. KICKED BY Mill John Can pbell of Bridgeton was painfull injured .ctcrday morning when a mule owned bv T . V'. Hoiton kicked him on the leg. Mi. Hoiton had received a carload f horses end mules from the West on the previous night and Mr. Campbell, who is in the employ of the former gentleman, wa unloading them. One of the animals became unruly and succeeded in planting ing one of his hoofs on Mr. Campbell's leg. 't was st rst tho ght that the limb was broken but in exam in.,ti n proved that the injuries consisted only of bruises. Holidays are more pleasant in con templation than in fact to most men. INcw ork, Jan. 29 Frank W. Wool worth, head of a chain of live umi ism cent stores and owner ol the Woolworth Building, the tallies! office buildngin the world, after he succeeded Bird S. Colei as President of the Guardian Trust Company gave $80,000 to that institu tion to make good a shortage discovered in the accounts of a letter in December 1905. That Mr. Woolworth gave this check for this amount to prevent publicity on January 2, 1906, and afterward received about 140,000 from other directors in re payment was disclosed when Charlc E. Levy, who is suing the trust company for $1,490.0. the balance due him on thf refunding of his contribution filed a bill of particular, ordered by Supreme Court Justice P; recently. Mr. Levy says Mi. Woolworth aa nounced that a Slate Bank Examiner discovered a -horrage of about $8,00tt and that unlesthat amount were pface.i at once to the credit of the corporation the fact of the defalcation wuuld be mado public. iioeeaetaoQQDCKauujuucapoooQqnnnnDBBBQQBewuuuu "He Who by the Plow Would Thrive Must Either Hold or Drive." We Sell Blount's TRUE BLUE Line Of Plows American from that Dlace tells thr tat condition but unless more work is done ' cf woe: t!ar luture that which has been "Somrhodv ihrw a nrh in , h. II lie lost. Ihe matter amoothlv running narrrl nnmt irnrL.. s net n WOUSflr- hWore in,- miiniL, . k n.. .,. j . i r j-. ... . , , . - " ' I v" J - nnniin. iiiwr jevfvau na y go in wy : lit OI toltnq Ui ' H"a tnfy ru,vr we" It wa, a package of fresh skunk hides dations for the casino to be erected at asked to put a sect.on of the convict killed by a trapper on a rural route. Ghent Park was begun and since that force u work on it, but ai the present "Because Iresh breeies were blowing time a large force of workmen have been time they have not seen lit to do this, in the country the rural route carrier ttsWTin .few' work of constructing As the matter m.w stands the road was able to bine the parcel to DecA- thkhuildin i oi. to trail,, and in such condition tur, but as soon as he carried it into force of men began the work of ex that vehicles can pass over it with ease the building the clerks went out bv tendina the .tree, ear lis . ,t(Z unless ihe work already done is another door. The parcel will be re- This work will eon.Um t,a. turned to the sender." - but will be to rnmriVima ns4lsWsi The exprew companies read with is' 'V t'linlhr t.tii, il in lli.iSstsii ,, hut made (wrmaaciit the road wiH soon be In a bad condition as it was twelve ' month, ago. At the next meeting of' the Board of Commissioners they will be ssked to put seven or eight of the con victs on the road and work until they complete i:, couayf the MM that m ui h oLt jl. ii ji a. . .s . umUBMr rrr ui.'.isKMiMM, aisgun tne nwi ttut tius hor. TH contractor, who have o,,-ou,,fov parcels are going oy parcel Is- erection of the casino itss-cl I. r . a . ... w i vr.y wreK.-w.wjrw t ourtet- v that t Will b io remtitltMk. to be opeaed to the iiublic an Mav. l-.ii'-! post Journal, r i Middle Bursters, Plow That Fills a Long Felt Need M 8toCl4y plow- A Light Steel Turning 1 f ttiprr Verytular. Prices Right. JKf a Mu. . wnuiy c company 'PUnNl aa 0 IB m !9 I n ... si i 1 ;i jam m ' "'iaj d "-11 Ji i - ill w e - JllBflflflflfl

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