em Shoe Store Souvenirs to Visitors Metropolitan Style Exhibit I FOLALTOTHCTASK The Democrats ha vim; announced that they would revise the (aiiff down ward, v. en- ; retry generally asked how t ey voald raise the revenue with which tJ run the government. They had good answers reads. One was that a reduc tion o tariff schedules did not ntcesa.iri 1 mean a reditction of revenue fron Tth's source. Fo. under a lower tariff t'lere might result such an incrcaso in i nports that l!e receipts wo:ild be nore tian they hav been under a high tariff. Another answer was in the promise f an income tax to yield, it was calcu lated, one hundred million dollars. I'his it- the fairest foini of tax. It places the burden on the shoulders able K) bear it. fc- W A few of the States oppose it because the,- want to reservethe tax for them felves, and there is f something in the contention though the weigh )f the argument seeiiis tojbejin fv il the opposing view as it is felt that m case the reduction of tariff rates does -csidtjin reduced customs receip s thejneome tax can be relied on to mxke ip the deticit. jj jgj Jl'here have been many predictions '.hat w hen the Democrats got into power they would prove unable to cope suc cessfully with governmental problems, i j i l ihi'v arc sjoing slowly and prudent ly and t fie indications are that they will prove themselves .nastersof the situation WOMEN of all tastes-critical and otherwise can find what they want in the fine showing of Selz new models in our special woman's shoe department. We've enough shapes to run the whole gamut of a woman's need. No r question as to their style nor as to their making or leathers; they are Selz shoes that tells their story. gfct '-'"-, " i -. .!!".. . '.. It is a good deal to say but practically every woman in this City can find the size, width, and the style she wants in lace or button. There's always satisfaction in knowing what you're buying. You can always be sure of the footwear you get here correct style, the same as will be worn the coming season in the great metropolitan centers of fashion and trade; the best of quality of leather and making; a guarantee of your satisfaction which says a good deal and means all and more than it says; an unusual sort of guarantee; only safe to give on good shoes. New Building on Middle Street BROOKS COMPANY S "SELZ ROYAL BLUE" STORE IsTE vv N". C. The Legislature Had better get busy willi something more pressing than amendments to the divorce laws. And tl them has just not tOjbe some change made in the divorce laws, make it harder instead cf easier to get a divorce. "There's a Difference ASK YOUR DOCTOR Pens i-Cola For Thirst Thinkers. SAVE THE CROWNS the are valuable. Write for catalog: Pepsi-Cola Co., New Bern, N. C. Don't Forget the Parcels Post Will enable us to send you anything you want on short notice. SEND OR PHONE YOUR orders and we will see that the post office gets the goods as quickly as possi ble, and when you come to town bring your bun dles to the store for safe keeping, and your wives and babies to the rest room for rest and comfort. We are always glad to see you. Your Friends, BRADHAM DRUG CO. w LISTEN TOMB! There's not a better place in Nev Rsrn to ba m?n's and women's Clothes and Fur- niotiin-x than a, mv Kife I am ratprincr nartmularl v to UIOUIH A ' v- ' ' w v w - m - - . - - . - - j - thetastetof the psople from the country and I have nrV.it t-n unnr at lit:irH lt liwA nrirps malfM nrt rfif- ference what you need, come to sse me every time. you k J .... U f U.... 4 cam? lO lowii itiu cc wu-ii i mvc iu unci. A. B. SUGAR, Visit Chas. Ellis & Brother New Bern, N. C. BANKRUPT SALE Whtre fttdy SelUt For Less. Prices Less Than Manufacturers Cost. Chas. Ellis & Bo. 72 Middle St. ROMULUS A. NUNN Attorney and Counselor at La Offiob W Cravbk stkekt Telephone Nos 7 and 801 NBW BBUN,5.C. MARINE ENGINEER WANTED fo. river teaml)oat, 100-ton license needed References required at to tbbricty and character. Tar Rivor Oil Co., Tarboro, H. M. Bonner M. D. DISEASES OF; THE EYE EAR NOSE and THROAT , GENERAL SURGERY Phone: Offl e TOO Rea dene 220 R oma 800-6 E'ki Temple, New B. rn FOR SALF. On, j. ho'! wipin and Two Good Homes chi-ap (otjiah, or D 1(1 on tiniJ with good mc.irity. AVply to j T. A. DILLON, Tutcarora, N. C. STOP AT THE Barrington House When in Norfolk 908 Main St. Z. V. BARRINGTON, Proprietoi Rates $1.50 day; $7,50 week Hot and cold baths. Special attention to transients. Home Privileges. B. P. S. Paint for every pur pose. J. S. Basnight Hardware Co., New Bern. N. C. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Sttte. Certificate of Dissolution. To All to Whom These Presents May Come Greeting: Whereas, It appears to my satis faction, by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposit ed in my office, that the R ubrighr l iniment Company, a corporation of i his State, whose principal oifice is situated at No. street, in the City of New Bern, County of Craven, State of North Carolina (Jas. W. Waters . U'ing the agent therein and in charge I hereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the require mints of Chapter si, Revisal of 1905, entitled "Corporations," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate ef Dissolution: Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Crimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the I said corporation did, on the 16 day of I'll file in mv office a dnl extcilcJ and attested consent in writ.ng to the Jissolution o' said c( rporaii n, exec :t-d bv all tlie nock- lmllcrs thereof which aatd consent tnd the r?crrd ol the pi o ceding atot sail' are now on file in my ofSc as it vided by law. In Testimony Whereof, I liave set niy hand and atTixed mv offtiM "al, at Ralegh, ihii ! Jay of 1M ereher, J- "R 4Z VI 11 New Bern North Ctroli