tteto ' i mi No. 88 NEW BERN. N. C. TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 1913-FIRST SECTION 35th W H. CROPSEY.JR. TAKES HIS LIFE Was Brother of Nellie Cropsey For Whose Death Jim Wilcox Is Serving Sentence. WAS IN FINANCIAL TROUBLE Drank Carbolic Acid In Presence of Wife and Their FfVe ; Year Old Daughter. Norfolk, Jan. 30. William H. Crop sey, Jr., 28 years old, sou of WiHiam H. Cropsey, and brother of the late Nellie Cropsey of Elizabeth City for death Jim Wilcox is serving a thirty year sentence" in the penitentiary of ' North Carolina, took his life "at his home in Berkely last night at 10 o'clock by drinking carbolic acid. He com mitted the-act iu the presence of his young wife and their 5-year-old daugh ter at their home at 1 19 Berkley avenue. Adversities because of being thrown out of employment, because' of strong drink and being pressed by his cred itors, was the reason assigned by the wife when she told her story to the coroner with tears streaming down her cheeks. "Will came home under the influence of liquor," she said, "after i had told fied the saloon keeps not to trust him for any more of the stuff. He took a seat in a chair in the bed room upstairs and rested his head in his hands, as though he was in trouble. I said to hiin, 'Will, what is the matter .!' I de tected that he had in his hands the bot tle which we had kept carbolic acid. At this instant he placed the bottle to his mouth and drank its contents or nearly all of it. I snatched the bot tle from him and emptied the remain der of the contents out of the window. There was but little left. Hr had drunk nearly all of it. I screamed and ran for Dr. Sleet, living three doors away." Dr. Sleet said when he arrived tlut Cropsey had fallen from the chair on which he was sitting and was stretechd out on the floor in the room. The body was limp and life was extinct. Coroner Knight decided death was due to carbolic poisouing, self-administered, and that an inquest was unnecessary'- . i. . The only paper f hat threw any light on his troubles was a note filled out for fifty dollars on a blank of one of th: local banks, whi'cfi liis wife said that he tried to get discounted. Mrs. Cropseysaid, between her sobs, that her husband remarked last night, a short while before he took the deadly drink, that there was a way put of it. She asked what way and he replied he could shoot both her and himself. Cropsey was employed with the Nor folk Southern Railroad as billing clerk until two motnhs ago when he lost out. A few days ago he got another job with the Seaboard Air Line Rail way. ... His wife is a daughter of A. C. Stokes, a liveryman, of Elizabeth City, and is 24 years old. They had been married seven years and lived in Richmond until three years ago when they moved to this cify. In addition to his pareuts in Eliza beth City, the deceased man is sur vived by five sisters and two brothers, j WANT MATCH GAME OF TENNIS. They are Mrs. William Brooks, . One of the members of the Vance South Park avenue, Brambleton; Miss boro Tennis Club who was in the city -Mamie Cropsey, this city, and Miss? Lula .Olive and Carrie Cropsey an! Duke Cropsey (Elizabeth City. ! Mrs. Cropsey has a brother ,J. T- Stokes, 275 York street; this city. The , body was turned over to Fu neral Director E. Lee Cox for prepara tion, for burial. CARBONATE OF LIME fllGHLY SOUIBIE F0RM$i ; C. L. SPENCER' DEALER IN- flay, Corn, Ots, AND ALB KINDS OF FEED. SEED . A AND ED Mail Orders Given Lower Middle Street, OFFERS TO BUI liU MR. DUNCAN WOULD TAKE STATE STOCK AT 75 CENTS ON DOLLAR Much interest was yesterday mani fested locally in the offer of E. C. Duncan to purchase, the stock owned by the State of North Carolina in the Atlantic and North Carolina Railway Company. The total stock of this Company is seventeen thousand nine hundred and seventy-two shares and the State owns twelve thousand six hundred and sixty-six shares, the re mainder is scattered around over the State and owned by corporations zand in dividuals. Quite a block of it is owned by citizens of New Bern. Mr. Duncan offers $949,950 for the portion of the stocli owned by the State, that amount being rl per cent, of the par value of the stock. The road is mortgaged for $325,000 and leased to the Norfolk Southern Railroad Company until January 1, 1996, at an annual rental of $53,916, equivalent to 3 per cent, on the stock at par. The State's part of this an nual rental is $37,998, with gradual in crease of rate "until it reaches before ex piration of the lease, 6 per cent. DIDN'T MATERIALIZE Strike of Trainmen Not Called Conductors See Officials. A strike of railroad trainmen on the entire Norfolk Southern system set to begin last night at six o'clock in the event cerrtain concessions in wages and working conditions were not given failed to materialize last night, al though the trainmen, it is believed, did not get the concessions which they were seeking. D. L. Johnson of Goldsboro, chairman of the committee oh grievances, spent yesterday in the city and yesterday af ternoon received a wire suspending the arrangement for the strike. The message did not state the reason for suspension of strike preparations. Representatives of the conductors of the system held a conference yester day in Norfolk with President Hix and other general officers of the road in con nection with their demands for a raise in salary and more favorable working conditions. It was not known at the lecal offices of the company here last night what was the outcome of the con ference or if the conference resulted in any definite outcome at all. Neverthe less the impression prevailed here that the officials and the conductors would eventually reach a mutually satisfac tory agreement if they had not already done so. KILLS A FOX. While on a hunting trip several miles up Trent river yesterday after noon J. H. Zciglcr, who has charge of the watch repairing and engraving department at S. H. Eaton's jewelry store, killed an unusually large fox. Mr. Zeigjer brought his trophy to the city and it was admired last night by a number of persons. The fox is one of the finest specimens killed in this section this season. yesterday stated that the members of the club are getting in shape for games with similar clubs in nearby towns and that they want to come to New Bern J for a game. There are a number of ' crack tennis players here who will probably be very glad to arrange a J game with Vanceboro. WINS THE HONORS FROM urned or Oxide of Lime by $75.00 per acre in a sixteen year test, and proved beyond question that it is a superior fertilizing ingrediant. rown' C C03 by analitical test heads the list of fertilizing limes. Far full -information write at once to CAROLINA GOIISI LIME CO. New Bern, N. C. Bran, Hominy, HIGH GRADE CORN MEAL. RYE. BRICK FOR SALE Careful Attention. NOW Bern, N. G. WiW TIE INSTITUTE MUCH ENJOYED Farmers Left Beech Grove Meeting Feeling Day Had Been One Well Spent. ATTENDANCE SATISFACTORY Lady Member of The Institute Party Was Favorite With The Audience. Daniel I.ane of Bellair sends the Journal the following account of the Farmers' Institute held Wednesday at Bellair: When the chairman of the Institute Committee. Mr. W. H. Bray, proposed the farmers institute' to be heM at Bceth Grove, we around here, at ones concluded to try to have a good 'day; and we were not disappointed. The Institute party consisted of three Prof. G arden, Mr. Hill and Mrs. Hutt. Our community turned out generally it was a fine day and about 100 men women and children met at Beech Grove School House. Meeting called to order by Mr. Bray and after a song and prayer the meeting was thrown open for discuss on. The women led by Mrs. Hutt repaired te the church nearby .where they were entertained and instructed by her in the .general problems that come up in the women's department of horhe making. Prof. Garden lectured chiefly on corn culture, the progress our State is making and how it may make greater progress by the ready means of deeper plowing and fixing more humus in the -soil by legumes. At the con clusion of his address, a recess of oue hour was taken, at which time the physical man was specially cared for. A bountiful dinner was spread in the grove which was enjoyed by all and there was plenty left for many more After dinner Mr. Hill talked on Horticulture .giving specific instruc tion as to buying, setting and general care of the orchard. At the close of his talk Mrs. Hutt came over from the church, joined the men's party and-made a tatk to all which for real instruction, sound economics and mirthful hits was perhaps the very best of the feast. Mrs. Hutt urged the teaching of domestic economy in our country schools, showing how much better it was to teach the important things of life rather than to pass the time in studying those things that perish with their passing from the school room. So far as we could see and hear all were pleased with the services of the day and left the grounds-wiser and better. PLAN GREAT OCCASION. The committee composed of J. R. Rice, J. S. West, E. M. Rice, Wclby Pickles, Vauce Dawson and C. L.. Daniels, all of Bayboro, who have charge of the big tournament to be held at that place on February 7, are mak iug extensive preparations for the event. A brass band has been engaged to furnish music for the occasion and just previous to the opening of the tourna ment there will be a big parade. At uight there will be a dance in one of the town halls. Several hundred invitations hava been sent out and a large number of visitors arc expected to attend. REMAINS . ARE CARRIED TO BEAUFORT. The remains of Mrs. Jane Lowen berg, who died suddenly Tuesday night at her home No. 30 South Front street, were yesterday morning taken ' to Beaufort for interment. The body was accompanied from this city by Mrs. George Taylor of Goldsboro, a step-daughter of the deceased, Mrs, Jane Meadows and Rev. J. B. Hurley. The funeral at Beaufort was conducted at the cemetery immediately after the arrival of the train. GOOD SIZED DELEGATION COMING FROM TRENTON. Dr. H. M. Bonner returned yester dY from a visit at Trenton- At thc request ot tne cnairman ot tne uepu tation Committee of the Laymen's Movement Dr. Bonner on Thursday night addressed a meeting of the lay men at that place. Thc meeting was well attended and much enthusiasm was exhibited in the appraoching convention- Dr. Bonner was assured that a targe delegation would attend the meeting from Trenton. He says that from his observation in deputation work the convention to be held' in thjs city on February 6 and 7 bid fair to be a largely attended and thoroughly successful event. NOTICE. The Ernul branch of the Farmers ' Union . win meet Saturday afternoon March 8, at 2:30 o'clock. All mem ben urged to attend FOUR-CITY BASEBALL LEAGUE Other Cities To Make Six All Confidently Expected To Come In Later. In FANS GATHER IN GOLDSBORO Places In League Are New Bern; Goldsboro, Washington and Fayetteville. (Special to the Journal) Goldsboro, Jan. 31 A meeting of representatives of the athletic asso ciations of New-Bern, Rocky Mount, Kayettevifle and GoldsboYo, was held .1. fi i r n Jl : -.M ti me, v ii.iiiiuei ui v omiiieice rooms lit this city tonight for the" purpose of organizing an Eastern Carolina Base ball Association. The following repre sentatives were present: New Bern: Harry Marks, Clyde Eby, Charles Ellison and H. K. Land. Rocky Mount: J. W. Mason, and W. S. Moye. Fayetteville: T. A. Lyon, R. M. Jackson and Hubert Ramseur. I FORM Goldsboro: Jos. Robinson, S.F.fTeagueUesting talk on the movement and ex n. M. Allen, W. U. l.reech. In ad ditiOn to these there were a number of local citizens present and partici pating in the meeting. The meeting was called to order by Col. Robinson of this city. Clyde; Eby of New Bern was elected chairman and S. F. Teague of this city was elected as secretary. Upon roll calt New Bern, Rocky Mount, Fayette ville and Coldsboro answered. Mr. Eby made a short talk in which he stated the object -of the meeting and added that the time for action had arrived. Mr. J. W. Mason of Rocky Mount stated that that town was all ready to enter the proposed league, that they had the money ready and were only waiting for developments but that they would enter the league only upon three conditions, viz: limit on salary, a three year contract and a thousand dollar forfeit. ' Those condition3 did not strike the representatives of the other towns favorably and Mr. Robinson said that he thought that it would be wise to let Rocky Mount out as none of the other towns were agreeable o their terms. The representatrresyTrom Fay etteville agreed with Col. Robinson and Mr. Eby stated that he was in favor of this action. Just at this juncture a telegram was received from Lindsay Warner, repre senting the Washington baseball peo ple. II stated that it was impossible for hiin to be present owing to urgent business. He said that thc committee there had received pledges amounting to fifteen hundred dollars and if the league was -formed they would go iu if the playing schedule was only sixty days and a low salary limit. Upon motion of T. A.- Eyon of Fayetteville seconded by Joe Robinson of Goldsboro, it was decided that the various towns represented would stand for a salary limit of one thousand dollars a month, a forfeit of three hundred dollars and a three years .contract. The motion was carried and the representatives from Rocky Mouut announced that that place would withdraw, thus leav- ng only four teams, New Bern, Wash ngton, Fayetteville and Goldsboro in thc league. A six team league had been desired and the secretary was instructed to write. to other towns in Eastern North Carolina and to get two other places to join and as soon as these had been heard from to hold another meeting, probably within the next two weeks and at that time to make definite ar rangemcnts for a schedule and the securing of the players. Neit her Wilmington nor Wilson was heard from. This was quite a surprise to all present. It was generally under stood that the Wilson baseball men were not particularly interested in the formation of the league but it Was supposed that they would have? I representative on hand. The Wil mington fans have been very enthusias tic over the matter during the past three weeks and when representatives from that place failed to make their appearnce there was, of course some astonishment. However, the latter place may yet come iuto the league and it is understood that the Rocky Mount people may change their minds and be hand at the next meeting with a request for admtiance. As the situa tion now stands, the league has been formed with four towns and as soon ss two other teams can be secured thc ball playing will begin. DIDN'T SEE FLEEING NEGRO D. P. Whitford of Askin says the Journal was mistaken ih reporting him as having seen some one who -might have been the negro who way laid and robbed W. D. StapMord of Truitt's. He states that he dMn see any such person and of course didn't say that he had seen him Sheriff Lane says that the information he gave the Journal was that A. R Whitford was the man who was said tohava-ntheneg,. William Rollinson of Maribef was Huong the visitors in the city' yesterday OF THE Cipi S. M. Brinson Malfifcs Address In Behalf of Big Meeting Here Next Week. URGES MEN OF TOWN TO COME T. L. West Celebrates Seventy Third Birthday With Family Reunion. (Special to the Journal) Dover. Jan. 31. Thursday night S. M. Brinwh of Tfew Bern made an address, here for the purpose of a waken ing interest in the Laym?n's Move me'ccSvention to be held in New Hern on February 6 and 7. Dr. Ray mond ; Pol look, was to have accom pained Mr. Brinson and to have as sisted him in this work and our people were greatly disappointed when it was learned that he had been detained on account of professional business. Dr. Pollock has many friends here and they are always gild to have him visit the town. Mr. Brinson made an inter- tended a cordial invitation to all to attend the convention. T. L. West celebrated his 73rd birthday last Sunday. All of his children .grand children and great grand children were present numbering about fifty. Mr. West has been a resident of Dover for about 25 years. We wish for him many more anniver saries. There came very near being a ser ious accident here Wednesday when a pair of young horses owned by Dr. A. L. Hyatt of Kinston, who had a man hauling out lime from Dover to his farm near here, became frightened as the driver jumped out of the wagon, and dashed off in a run. They ran completely over a horse and buggy hitched in front of W. A. Wilson's store knocking the horse down and demolishing the buggy. The horse was cut in several places but fortunate ly not seriously injured. G. I. Taylor of Jones county, has accepted a posittion with Dr. A. L. Hyatt as overseer of his farm near here. We are very glad to have Mr. Taylor and his estimable family to move back near us. We Were very glad to have Bros. Ed Avery and J. L. Roberson of Cove City in attendance at our Jr O. U. A. M. meeting Tuesday night. And especially are we glad to note the rapid recovery of Mr. Roberson from the accident that he happened to several weeks ago by gatting his leg broken and ankle sprained. The Kinston basket ball team is scheduled to come down and play the Dover High School team Thursday fternoon. Eli Nachamson is making prepara tions to have one of the greatest sales pulled off that has ever been in the history of Dover. There is something going to happen in Dover very soon. We are glad to see Mr. Roberts cpresenting S. o. Roberts ol New Bern in our town today. Thc first visit he has paid us in several years. The stork visited the home of Mr. John E. White near Dover Wednesday night and presented him with a fine little girl. P. Sawyer, representing the Arm strong Grocery Company of New Bern, was in our town today. EXCHANGE BRICK KILN FOR FARM The plant of the Enterprise Brick and Tile ComOany at Clark's has been sild by J. W. Stewart and H. M. Weth erington, the former owners," to G. P. Eubank of Cove Cit. Uder the lerma of the transaction Messrs Stewart and Wctherington eome into possession of Mr. Eubank's farm, Oak Forest, located about four miles from Cove City. MlStart and Wctlv erington will be sales agents in New Bern for " the hrickrujaking plant which they traded to Mr. luibank NINE MILES OF, E. .C. LUMBER COMPANY'S LINE HAS BEEN GRADED. Charles Hall, General Manager of the East Carolina Lumber Company, spent yesterday in Pamlico county impeding the work on a train road which the company is constructing in that county. Mr. Hall says that about nine miles of thc road have been graded and that ties and rails have. been placed on about seven mires this. At mat the track will cover a distance of twelve miles and the construction of this will be concluded in about four weeks. Recently' company hahad a number of Itioas a na-improvements msMS, plant at James City which they use sod will be ready for opsratks within s week or two. TELLS DOVER iOBROW WILSON TEACHING '5 HOPEi BYRD SEES NECESSITY FOR NEW PRESIDENT TO AS SUME LEADERSHIP. New York, Janury 31. Speaking on k'.'party leadership'.' at the annual dinner of the Virginians of New York Crty, Richard Eperjcn Byrd, s'peaker of the Virginia House of Delegates, declared that thc hope of Democracy and of hthe country depends upon Governor Wilson's assumption of supreme party leadership." "We must rcrlect," he said, "that opposition parties arc bound together by negative as well as affirmative pur poses and that the nogations cease to be a source of strength when the party in opposition becomes the party in power." The speaker cited thc determination of the question of competition to be vital to the welfare of the country, whether it is, "a permanent law appli- cable in all rimes to all conditions of. society." "If competition requires statutesto keep it alive, it may seriously consid ered," he added," whether some nat ural Uw born of a new relation of in dustrial forces does not threaten its continued existence as an economic force." Thomas Nelson Page, author, spoke of religious social, economic and po litical problems of the day, making an especial plea for what he termed the sacrcdness of the judiciary." A CURIO COLLECTOR NOW SHOWING SANDALS TAKEN FROM FEET OF SLAIN CHIEFf B. B. Davenport, who conducts a general merchandise store on lower Middle street, is becoming quite a connoisseur in the colloection of curios from various parts of the world. Yes terday lie had on display at his place of business a pair of sandals presented him by a friend who has spent much j timc in Africa, and which are said to have been taken from the feet of an African chief who was slain during a fight between his tribe and a settle ment of whites. In shape the sandals are very un usual, being very wide and long any in fact more resemble ing a large pair of gloves than anything else. They are made entirely of skins, the soles containing about eight thicknesses and these are put together with heavy threads made of some variety of skins. That the sandals have seen active service is plainly evident to those who have inspected them but despite this fact they are in an almost perfect state of preservation. SUFFERING FROM EFFECTS OF FALL George H. Scott, a mechanical cngi- gineer from the home office of the Virginia-Carolina Chemical Company in Richmond, is at the Stewart Sanitarium recovering from a bad fall which he sustained at the local plant of the com pany last Tuesday. He was on top of a bagging machine and fell to the floor, a distance of about nine feet. No bones were broken but Mr. Scott was badlv bruised. It is expected, however, that he will be able to leave the hospital in the course of a day for two. DEMO RACY mm WCKBCOOQOCOCaMaMQWQQOOnOQOQQOC "He Who by the Must Either We Sell Blount's TRUE BLUE Line Of Plows Middle Bursters, Plow Blounts' baisy Plow. A Light Steel Turning Plow. Very Popular. Pricet Right. J.C Whitty & Company phone n muumtnmnmuimemnm "riirn MO TONGUE 15 T Craven County Teachers Associ ation Holds Regular Monthly Meeting; ' TAKEN FOR STREET CAR RIDE County Treasurer B. B. Hurst Is Host to Teachers Who Vote Him Thanks. About forty teachers attended the meeting of the Craven County Teachers' Association which was heM in this city yesterday at Griffin auditorium. At thc conclusion of tha "Meeting, which was -one of the most interesting and instructive held this term, the teachers accepted an invitation ex tended ,by B: B. Hurst, the County Treasurer: &r a ride over the entire system of the New Bern Ghent Street Railway Company. This was thorough -ly enjoyed and Mr. Hurst was extend ; d a vote of thanks for his kindness. The meeting was largely devoted to a discussion on the teaching of English. One of the most interesting talks was made by Mrs. L. T. Kornegay 'of the Dover High School who illustrated her suggestions and ideas with the assistance of a model class of six pupils. She explained every detail of the" sug gestions she made in such a clear, concise manlier that her talk proved of great worth to those present. She was followed by E. A. Stapteford of the Bridgeton school who spoke at length on "The Importance of English and Its Neglect." Mr. Stapleford" was throughly familar with his subject .r.-'J advanced many new ideas and sug gestions for teaching English in a more satisfactory manner. Miss Virginia Ives of North. llarlowc read an excellent paper in which "she suggested a number of improvements which could be made in the method of teaching English. "How to Utilize to Advantage the Recess Period" was discussed by sev eral teachers. This is a subject with which every teacher, expecially those in the public schools, is confronted and many of the teachers present yester day Look uulxsxf the 'Itf1'"" iMtd and will put some of the ideas ad vanced into practice at once. Harper Wctherington of Jasper ren- dered s?vcral Piano elections which were enjoyed by all.. In order that the teachers might have an opportunity of enjoying the car ride Mr. Brinson did not deliver an address which he had prepared for thc occasion, fhc next meeting will be held on Saturday, Marcn I. CHARGED WITH VIOLATINtr IN TERNAL REVENUE LA WS. United States Deputy Marshal Samuel Lilly returned yesterday from Jacksonville where" -ofr the previous day he arraigned Lennie Costen, of Hubert, before Commissioner F. W. Hargett on a warrant charging him with retailing spirit ucftie liquors without a government license. - After hearing the evidence the Commissioner found probable causeand bound the defend ant over to the next term of Federal Court uuder a bond of one hundred and fifty dollars. The defendant secured bail in this amount and was released from custody. BUYS SHOE STORE, J. E. Smith yesterday purchased fr m H. S. Owens the Sample Shoe Store located on lower Middle street Mr. Smith has conducted a dry goods store and also a clothing store in this city in years past and is well known all over this section. He will continue to operate the store at the present stand. Plow Would Thrive Hold or Dnve. That Fills a Long Felt Nes4 IRttfcr ircnfrt 2