Anti ah. TTTOMAN'S delicate system require JUUMl liUUli TT mora than ordinary care and at- iiia lie ore Your Time tention more care and attention than it is given by the average woman. Neglect it and ills soon creep in, and the look of old age, sometimes quickly. V sometimes gradually follows. That backache, so common among women, brings with it the sunken chest, the fhejShfkMlrad muscles, crow's-feet, and soon the youthful body is no more youth fafm appearance and all because of lack of attention. There Is no reason wh disposal a remedy such as foEJUUtr 40 years as a remedy for ailments peculiar to women. nilOnmi thousands of testimonials on hie the accumulation of 40 ysars-UstUyinir to Its effect iveness. Neither narcotics nor alcohol are to be found in this famous prescription. Regulates Irregularities. Corrects displacements, overcomes periods. Tones up nerves. Brings snout health. Sold by dealers in medicines. liquid or tablet form. Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser, re teas' up-to-date edition, answers hosts of delicate am lions about which rrery afawfe or ieifm ought ioknoio. y you should be bo unfortunate, wnen you nave at your Dr. Pleroc's Favorite Prescription recommended We nave thou- Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription guiiiiiimiitiiii!iiiiiii!UiiKiiii:i!L.::ii::;i7n"-;!;i!ir:iini3iiiiiiiiiiMiiiuii; r Have You Seen die Coupon Now in af ,. Liggett t Myers Duke's Mixture makes a great pipe smoke and rolled into a cigarette nothing can beat it f It is the favorite smoke of thousands of men who want selected, pure, Virginia and North Carolina bright-leaf tobacco. . If van have not smoked Duke's Mixture, made by Liggett Myers at Durham, N. C try it at once. Each sack contains one and a half ounces of tobacco that is equal to any 5c granulated tobacco made and with each sack you get a book of cigarette papers FREE and A Coupon That is a Dandy, HE These coupons are good for many valuable presents such as watches, cameras, jewelry, furniture, razors, china, etc. As a special offer, during Feb ruary and March only, tve will send you oar illus trated catalog of presents FREE. Justsendusyourname and address on a postal. Coupons from Duke's Mixture may b assorted with tars from HORSE SHOE. I T T1WCI PV'O KT ATI ID A I 1 F A C m, A IHWMI J A.AAWAWW. " , GRANGER TWIST, eouponi from FOUR ROSES UOc-tin double coupon), PICK. FLUUCUT, flLO. MONT CIGARETTES, CL1X CIGARETTES, and other lag! or coupons issued by us. Premium Dept. ST. LOUIS, MO. aw? emsummmmismmeem rmrrsawr-n nr. wnvm mk j -J .1 -J J. .aTVi bT.j fi 1 rAW, i.v. i:MrAin -ia.,avr: a i . Linr. iu SMALL SAVINGS WELCOMED This bank makes a special feature of wel coming savings deposits in small amounts and extends to all customers exa tly the same charact r of prompt, courteous and efficient attention regardless of the size pf the account maintained. The best way to provide yourself with money when you nerd it is to begin at once to build up a surplus fund by depositing a portion of your earn ings regularly with this strong, safe bank. Four per cent, interest paid on savings and certificates ot deposit. '!' . , tot- .. .. ...... f THEY COME AND GO t t LIVED ON THURSDAY, JANUARY ttth H. S. Hancock left last evening for a bustness trip to Morehead City. Mrs. George- Taylor and Mrs. Kate Lewis of Goldsboro arrived in the city last evening and are spending a few days with friends. S. M. Brinsoo and Dr. R. Pollock went to Dover last evening in the interest of the Laymen's Movement Convention. Miss Essie Lipman of Asheville, who has been visiting here for several days, left last eveuing for New York. Mr. and Mrs- William Dowdy left last eveuing for a short visit at Oriental! Jack Street left last evening for a visit at Greensboro. H. R. Bryan, Jr., left yesterday morning for a business trip to Washing- Ion. A. D. Fisher of Riverdale was among the visitors in the city yesterday. Ed Bowdeu of Oriental was in the city yesterday. i W E. Carl Duucan of Raleigh passed through the city last evening enroute to Beaufort for a short business trip. A. F. Midyette of Oriental was among the visitors in the city yester-; day. Carl L. Daniels of Bayboro spent yesterday in the city attending to professional business. J. W. Stewart returned last evening from a short visit at Vanceboro. Miss Eva Harris left last evening for a visit with relatives at Raleigh. W. R. Sauls of Fort Barnwell was among the visitors in the city yester day. Mrs. C. L. Abernethy passed through the city yesterday enroute to Wilson for a visit with friends. FRIDAY, JANUARY 3Ut M. D. Wiley of Pamlico county was ' among the business visitors in the city yesterday. T. C. Jones, proprietor of the James Hotel, returned last evening from a business visit at Elizabeth City. T. D. Warren returned last evening form a professional visit at Goldsboro. S. W. Ferebee of Stonewall was in the city yesterday attending to busi ness matters. Dr. T. N. Ennett of Richmond passed through the city yesterday enroute to Cedar Point for a visit with relatives. Herbert Steiffel of Baltimore, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harry Marks, returned home last evening. William Grainger ol Kinston was among the visitors in the city yesterday. Mrs. Spencer B. Treakle of Nor folk, Va., is visiting at the home of her uncle, J.J. Tolson, Sr. George R. Fuller and Dr. Z. V. Parker returned last evening from a hunting trip to Vanceboro. Mrs. George Dunn of Beaufort was among the visitors in the city yester day. Charles Ellison went up to Golds boro last evrning for a short visit. J. F. Cowell passed through the city last evening enroute to his home at Bayboro alter a visit at Washington. L B. Padgett, Executive Secretary ol the Laymen's Movement, left last evening for a business trip to Greensboro. G. A. Nicoll has returned from a hunting trip hear Cove City. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Rowe left last evening for a visit at Dover. Miss Virgiuia Simmons of Phila delphia, who has been visiting her father, Capt. W. S. Simmons, left for home yesterday afternoon. C. D. Grier of Jacksonville arrived in the city last evening with his daugh ter, Miss Lessie. The young lady is suffering with some eye trouble and has been placed under the care of Dr. H. M. Bonnet. When in Market For Morses, Mules, Buggies Wagons and Harness seel B 1 qnboav pnuirirsvii i it m r A Kentucky Hordes and Mules on hand at all times TERMS REASONABLE SEE ME. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1st Misses Nancy, and. Edna Watson returned home last night after a visit with relatives in Goldsboro. , Miss Sallie H. Myers of Washington, V. C, who has been visiting Mrs- George B. Waters, returned home yesterday. J. A. Ewell of Riverdale spent yes terday in the city. Daniel Lane of Bellair was in the city yesterday attending the meeting df the Craven County Teachers' Asso ciation. ; ;':! xa- Miss Beulah Holton of Olympic was among the visitors in the city yesterday. G. T. Eubanks of Clarks' was in the city yesterday attending to business matters. iLrii )e For The Journal! Misses Marv Whitehurst of Olvmoia and Mary Johnson of Plymouth are spending a few days with Miss Laura Plygott. Mr. and Mis. William Dowdy re turned last evening from a visit at Morehead City N.' Tf jtyaaks, ol Tuscarora jap among the business visitors in the tisjsisnif 'A-v N. M. Arnold 4eft last evening for visit at Cbuks and Cove City. RAW EGGS It. Ketortfi Experience With Wf ferent Wets. - Peaches aid Buttermilk for Three Years. Cecflton, Md.-Mr. Oeorge Richards, of this place, during tin past 12 years, has probably tried more different diets than the average person would ever use in & lifetiflM What he has to say about his experi ments, must therefore be highly interest ing to anyone suffering from indigestion or stomach troubles of any kind. He says: "For more than 12 years I suffered with stomach troubles, and paid hundreds of dollars for doctor bills and inadkjBai. I was also operated on 1 lived on dried peaches and buttermilk for nearly three years. The only thing ihat would not give me pain was raw eggs. I was a physical wreck. 1 could not sleep, and was as near crazy as a man could well be. rl must say that after taking two 25-cent Rages of Thedford's Black-Draught, did me more good than all 1 ever spent for other medicines. 1 have been working daily on the farm ever since, and 1 am as hard as iron." This purely vegetable remedy has been hi successful use for more than 70 years. Try M. But be sure that ifs "Thedford's." BANKER'S WIFE , WANTS Sit Society Leader Asks Divorce and Also Allowance For Self .And Daughter. HENRY W. TAFT IS COUNSEL WHY USE L. & M. SEMI-MIXED REAL PINT Because it's economical. Because it is pure White Lead, Zinc and Linseed Oil. Because it's the highest grade quality paint that can be made. Be cause when the user adds 3 quarts of Oil to each gallon of the L. & M Semi-Mixed Real Paint, it makes 1-34 gallons of pure paint at a cost of about $1.40 per gallon. This saves the user about 60 cents a gallon on all paint used. The L. & M is and has always been the highest grade and most perfect paint produced. Sold by Gaskille Hardware Co. Adv. II FOR SALE One horse wagon and Two Good Horses cheap for Cash, or on thns with good security. Apply to T. A. DILLON, Tusearora, N. C. MARINE ENGINEER WANTED foi river steamboat, 100-ton license needed. References required as to sobriety and character. Tar River Oil Co., Tarboro, N. C. STOP AT THE Barrington House Wbep in Norfolk 908 Main St. Z. V. HARRINGTON, Proprietoi Rates $1.50 day; 27.60 weet Hot and cold baths. Spedal attention tjp transients, fjojne Privileges. B. P. S. Paint for every pur pose. J. S.Basnight Hardware Co., New Bern. N. C. "Bucks" Stoves and Range J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co., New Bern, N. C. PAINFULLY INJUR ED. J. E. Campbell of Bridgeton, was painfully injured in this city yesterday morning when he fell from a wagon which he was driving and one of the wheels passeci( over his head. The accident occurred at the corner of Broad and Craven streets and many who saw the 'affair thought that the victim had been fatally injured. He was taken to a physician's office and given medical attention and later taken to his home. Although painful his injuries are not thought to be serious CAR BUMPS DRAY Mule Gets Frightened and Exciting Collision Results. Street Car. No. 4 of the New Bern Ghent Street Railway Comapny and a dray belonging to Munger & Bennett collided yesterday morning on Pollock street between George and Burn as a result of the tright of the mu.le attached to the dray. The mule appeared to be entirely reconciled to the approach of the car aad was plodding along in easy going mule fashion, in the por tion, ot the street between the car (racks and tiff rnrh when all of a sudden he gave ji nl11'' "heeled, toward,l:,thie curb, as U intending to take to the sidewalk to get out of the way of the car, and then, with equal suddenness, backed the drayon"the track in front of the street car. There was a.-resounding- crash as the dray was bowled off the track. The fender of the ca,r was damaged, . . . . i ' 1 , I T L 1 ana lis iront oruisea nu scarreu. t ne dray was not damaged, nor was the fmule injured. The driver jumped be fore the crash came. - HOW'S THIS. Ws offer On Hundred Dollars Re- ward for any ease of Cartarrh that cannot be cured0 by Ball's Catarrh Cure. F. Jv CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, O. I We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 1) years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations mad by the firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE r. Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Curs is taken intern- ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous aiw ra w uic ynwm. A pw-j First Time In Years That He Has Appeared In Court In Mat rimonial Action. New York, Feb. t. Temporary ali mony approximating $50,000 a year and tue custody of her five daughters was asked of Supreme Court Justice Hendrix by Mrs. Abigail H. Bisho,. the society leader, who created a sen sation this month in New York, New port and Washington fashionable cir cles by bringing suit against ber hus band, James (Cunningham Bishop, the banker, for an absolute divorce and naming Mrs. J. .Temple Gwathmcy, a beautiful young society matron, as co-respondent. - , For her own maintenance and support Mrs. Bishop requested $25,000, and with about $5,000 a year for each of their five daughters to be expended for their education . and dress, the total amount, according to affidavits accompanying, the motion papers, will reach several thousand more than the record -award of some $32,000 a year to Mrs. Howard Gould. Coutrary to the usual alimony motion which ordinarily leaves the amount of an allowance within the discretion of the Court, Mrs. Bishop, through her lawyer Louis N. Posner, has submitted the matter to Justice Hendrick in the form of an order call ing upon the banker to show cause why he should' not pay the amount she demanded. Henry W. Taft, the President's brother, appeared as cousel for the banker. It was the first time in a number of years, it was said today, that Mr. Taft has appeared in court in a matrimonial action. Besides the motion for alimony, there was submitted for the private perusal of the Court an affidavit sworn to by one of her husband's wintesses whom Mrs. Bishop proposes to call to prove her charges of her husband's fondness for the company of Mrs. Gwathmey. Efforts were made by lawyers on both sides to keep the con tents of the document from the public. The incidents described by the deponent, who was engaged to observe Mr. Bishop's conduct ,were disclosed in much detail to Justice Hendrick for the basis of informing his mind as to the basis and property of Mrs Bishop's divorce action. Financial reports and commercial ratings also were submitted to support Mrs. Bishop's contention that her hue band is worth $2,000,000 and entirely competent to pay $50,000 a year, Notice of appearance has been filed for Mrs. Gwathmey by her attorneys, O'Gorman, Battle & Marshall, of which firm United States Senator O'Gorman is senior member. By sending the case to a referee the lawyers expect to protect the reputa tions of the parties involved, and to this move it is said that Mrs. Bishop while she deeply resented the publicity given her unfortunate marital affairs when her husband ' posted" her in the newspapers, is willing to agree for the sake of her children. Mrs. Gwathmey is the wife of a former president of the New York Stock Exchange. Lent begins on next Wednesday which is Ash Wednesday. The season of Lent is observed by the Episcopalians and Catholics and continues through a period of forty days until Good Fri day, one day before Easter which this year fa'ls on March 23. THE TRUE TEST. Tried in New Bern It Has Stood the Test. The hardest test is the test of time, and Doan's Kidney Pills have stood it well in New Bern Kidney sufferers can hardly ask for stronger proof than the following; R. A. Henderson, 156 George M., New Bern, N. C. says: "I suffered from a Hull pain across my loins, accompanied by an extreme lameness in my back. I also had inflammation of the bladder and the passages of the kidney secretions pained me, Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at the Brad- ham Drug Co., removed the lameness aad pain and improved my condition in every way." (Statement given Jan uary 25, 1W8.) NO TROUBLE SINCE 'When Mr. Hondeson was interviewed recently he said:' 'I willingly cn.irm my former endorsement of Doan's Kidney Pills, for I have been free from backache and kidney complaint since I took this remedy. You nre welcome to continue the publication of my state ment." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cts, Foster-Milhurn Co., Buffalo, New York sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Dorfh a and take no other. (Adv.) Every Good Boll Counts In manv cotton fields there is too much "weed" and the bolls fall. To prevent this balance the plant f poa. The old idea that cotton does not need- much Potash is hard to eradicate. But the longer 1 Phosphates have been used gojrijbef crop the greater becomes the need of Jnlre POTASH Try a cotton fertilizer with 6 to 8 per cent Potash and use liberal side dressings of Kainit It will pay because Potash Pays. Mix your old style fertilizer with an equal quantity of Kainit. We now sell Kainit and ail Potash Salts direct. Write us for prices and for our free book on Cotton Culture. GERMAN KALI WORKS, Inc. 4tamfew.KmT.rk hi Urt.Osawa BadtATraa ., 8 1 Waul riatn!SSlai..lfcwOrkM JUt. Bkw.. AdMa SaaFraMam era 555T Your Ideal Bank Account. - YOU may have an ideal bank 'account in mind. Many people have. You may want to wait 'until you have a large amount of money on hand before you open an account. It may j never happen that you get as much money as you would like.jto at any one time. It is much better to opens savings aeeount with any amonnt that is oonvearent and thea add to the aacount from time to time, In this way you will soon accumulate what is now only your ideal-- bank account with a substantial amount to your credit. WE INVITE YOUR DEPOSITS BY MAIL. A NEW BERN BANKING & TRUST C? CAPITAL tOO.QOO.00 Subscribe For The Journal HAY PEA-VINE IRISH POTATOES Seed Oats HULLS AND MEAL ah Kinm: and Mil of Grain 1 Feed FARMING IMPLEMENTS. BURRUS & COMPANY NEW BERN, N. C. PHONE 184 1 moniais sent fret, bottle, bold by an MMgists. Jake Hall's Family PIUs for eon t " IVafftKafT vW$ CO, a If t and CflQexXWOQOOOBQQOeXBOCXOOQOC0(QOCaBt ooooroxcx CX i i Announcement ! WE BEG TO ANNOUNCE THAT Mr. James G. Delamar formerly with the late J. B. Holland and later in business (or himself ias connecetd himself with our DRY GOODS DEPARTMENT, and will be glad to see his old friends and customers, prom ising the best attention to their wishes. He will give personal attention to all Phone and Mail Orders. E. B. Hackburn cjooaxxyxxx-rsoc! 75cttptdaar Ask your dealer, or sand n sttunrjg to above address i bottle will be mailed to yon MS- Subscribe for tic Journal

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