Stern utml No. 89 NEW BERN. N. C. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1913-SBGOND SECTION 35th YEAR WANTS GOyNTY TO WITNESSES IN UN BLOODHOUNDS CASE SEARCHED TRACES CRIME BOND ISSUE EOR TO L G. B. HARBISON Mm TO WAGE WAR ON THE HOOKWORM NEGRO. ATTACKS CHILDHOOD GRADED SCROO BECINSDUTIES D. P. Whitford Points Out to Com missioners Where The Ani mals Are Needed. ACTION ON MATTER DEFERRED Board Accedes To Request To Of- fer County Prizes To The Corn Club Boys. " D. P.. Whitford of Askins went be- fore theCraven County Board of Com- missioaers yesterday and asked that the county purchase a pair of blcod- hounds to be used in tracing escaped criminals. Mr. Whitford made a strong plea for this request to be granted. He said that during the past few years a number of criminals had escaped from the county jail and had not been cap tured on account of the fact thatthe county had no way of tracing them. Persons who commit crimes and who are sought by the police and county authorities also succeed in eluding capture on this same account, he point ed out, citing the case a few days ago when an unknown negro attacked W. D Stapleford near Bridgcton and robbed him of all the money he had on his person. The commissioners thought favorably of Mr. Whitfcrd's suggestions and his request but decided not to render a decision in the matter just at this time, intimating that they would take it up at the next meeting. Prizes For Corn Club Boys. Another matter which Mr. Whitford brought before the Board was that of the county offering some prize to the sue successful participants in the Boy's Corn Club contests. This is a matter in which Mr. Whitford is greatly in terested and he convinced the Board that this was the proper course for them to take. ' The Board voted to offer two prizes of five dollars each township in the county to the boys who participated in the contests and who did not win one of the State or National prize. Much interest is being taken by the boys of Craven county in the corn club and these added prizes will tend to increase their zeal. HURT WHILE CRANKING HIS AUTOMOBILE. ' O. L. Wetheringtoft, manager of the Neuse Grocery Company, was painfully injured Sunday afternoon when the crank of his automobile flow back while he was endeavoring to start the engine and struck him on the right hand. I( was at first thought that the bones in the nand had been broken but upon examination it was found that this was not the case, the injured member only being sprained and bruised. 8ELLS OUT TO CO-OPERATIVE SUPPLY COMPANY. M. W. Fodrie, who for several years past has conducted a grocery store in this city and who is at present pro prietor of the Broad Street Grocery Company, located on Broad street, will tomorrow turn over what stock he has on hand and also the building which he now occupies, to the Co operative Supply Company which will open for business tomorrow. Mr. Fodrie and his family will remain in New Bern for the present. Mrs. H. W. Gibbs and daughter, Mrs. Edward Martin, of Beaufort are the guests of Mrs. O. A. Kafcr. CARBONATE OF LIMB iCchly Soluble FormX C. L. SPENCER' DEALER IN Ho XT fYim flatfi aaj, .vaaa, wsaw, Juras, iwuui. j , AND ALL KINDS OF FEED. HIGH GRADE CORN MEAL, SI1D A AND ED RYE. LR1CK F0R SALE Mall Order Given Careful Attention. Lower Middle Street New Bern, N. C. SHERIFF LANE WANTS NO HILLSVILLE BUSINESS IN CRAVEN. Yesterday -moruing Sheriff R. B. Lane received information that several of the witnesses in the case of the State versus Anderson and Tripp in whicA the defendants were charged with an assault with a deadly weapon on David Tripp, were planning to cause trouble and that it would be well for him to bfei?uP?rl0r -iurl or t'le trial .of both watch e time that the trial was in progress. Not desiring to see a repetition of the Hillsville . ,Va., tragedy Sheriff Lane decided to investigate the rumors and if there was anything to the affair to hip it . in the bud. Accordingly just before the trial was called a'l the witnesses in the case were invited to step in to one of the ante rooms ad joining the main court room. When the men were inside an d the Sheriff and his deputies guardi ng the door the men were inrofmed of the infor mation that the Sheriff had received and told that they must undergo a search. Every man was thoroughly searched for concealed weapons but if they had such articles they could not be found. However in the pockets of Dqvid Tripp the Sheriff found a large number of revolver cartridges and shotgun shells. Tripp said in explan ation that he had been warned to de fend himself and that he was taking the necessary precaution but that he did not have any firearms with him. After the men had been warned not to start the least trouble they were re leased. TWO FARMS SOLD. Yesterday at the court house the Red Hill farm, or the Cox place, as it is also known, was sold for division for $8,200 to E. J. Walker of Dunn. The farm is on the Neuse road four miles from the city. The Joseph Whitty farm in the Fort Barnwel neighborhood was sold for S3, 275 to Robert Elliott. S. R. Street was the auctioneer in both sales. TEN PER BEIT IS EARNED BY EAIR DIVIDEND OF SIX PER CENT. DECLARED -REMAINDER TO RESERVE FUND. A meeting of the directors ol the L'astern Carolina Fair Association wn held yesterday in the office of the secre tary at the Elks' -Temple. The report of the president 'howed thai the Fair Association had earned ten per cent on the cap al stock and the directors voted that a div dend of six per cent be paid on all the stock which had been subscribed lor prior to the date on which the Fair was held and for which the company had been paid, the re maining four per cent, to be held as a surplus fund for improvements. The directors voted to increase the capital by selling more stock. A committee composed of Clyde Eby, B. B. Hurst, H. B. Craven, Owen G. Dunn and H. K. Land was appointed to take up with the Norfolk Southern Railway Company the matter of placing a spur track to the Fair grounds. Today at noon the annual meeting of the stockholders in the company will be held in the office of the sccre tary. Officers and directors for the ensuing year will be elected at this meeting. WINS THE HONORS FROM Burned or Oxide of Lime by $75.00 per' acre in a sixteen year test, and prove) beyond question that it is a superior fertilizing ingrediant. Brown' C C03 by analitical test heads the list of fertilizing limes. For full information write at once to CAROLINA COAST LIME CO. New Bern, N. C. Rran Hrvminxr Neglected Children Means dult Criminals, Says Judge Allen. NEED FOR WORTHY PARENTS Grand Jury Asked To Report Chil . dren Who Are Without The Proper Guardians. A two weeks' term of Craven County criminal and civil cases convened in this city yesterday morning with Judge Q. H. Allen of Kinston presiding. At the opening-of the session the fol lowing Grand Jury was drawn: C. J. Heath, foreman; L. J. Atkinson, w. J. Butler, Edward Clark, W. P. Hadder, W. I. Brinkley, H. D. Williams, A. O. Wetherington, C. W. Brock, H. W. Armstrong, J. R. Gaskins, J. T. Tay lor, A. L. Griffin, A. F. Daugherty, K. L, Dixon, H. B. Daugherty, Her bert Lupton, L. H. .Caton and J. J. Willis. In beginning his charge to the Grand Jury Judge Allen said that there had been much criticism of the present ury system in the past few years and this had tended to cast a reflection on all the juries. However, the majority of the juries had stood the test, but occasionally some failed to come up to the standard. He explained the duties of the juries, and urged that the grand jury-do its full duty; investi gating all indictments and making whatever presentments they thought hould be made where the evidence could hi secured. Contrary to the usual custom of the Superior Court Judges in charging the Grand Jury, Judge Allen did not go- into a lengthy denmlion ol tne various crimes in the category of riminal law but jnstead spoke mainly about the ways and means of exter minating crime. "Crime", he said, cannot be eradicated but it can be reduced. Much crime is caused by neglected childhood. If the Grand ury could take the prisoners to be tried for crime with which they are charged, in many case it would be found due to the fact that as children the defendants were neglected. There ate n many places minors and children without guardians who are allowed to do as they choose and who are not having the benefits of careful teaching. If the present Grand Jury learn of any uch persons they should report the fact and let responsible guardians be appointed for them." 'Ignorance" .said Judge Allen, is another cause of crime. Improve the educational facilities of the county and crime will decrease. The Grand Jury should investigate these facilities, look into the manner in which the schools are being conducted, see that the sanb tary conditions are good and that the schools are conducted in a proper manner." Judgft Allen told of several instances ... . . i 1 A in whicn unsanitary cona,uuiis inu been known to cause crime and he urged that the sanitary condition of the county in general belooked nto and if possible inproved. The blame for the majority of the crimes com mitted today was attributed jto thi sale and use of intoxicating liquor. Whiskey is the cause of the bulk of crime , ne saia. some peopic uy that our forefathers drank whiskey and made whiskey and it did not hurt them, and they don't see why they can't do the same. Conditions since the days tf our forefathers have great ly changed. We should look forward instead of backward. The whole world is awakening to the fact that something must be done to stop the manufacture and cale of whiskey. I want the Grand jury to make a thorough investigation and see if the whiskey laws of the State arc being violated here in Craven county and if any violators are found to bring them before me. Before concluding hU charge Judge Allen jpoke at length on the subject of good roads, saying that these ,too, had their influence over crime and that in counties where there were good roads it was noticed thae there was much less crime than in the coun hour and every person in the court room appeared greatly interested in his remarks. At the conclusion of the charge the work on the docket was begun. Considerable time was taken up in going over the docket and arranging the cases and it was not until the after noon session that the first case was called. The lollowing cases were dis posed of during the day: . State vs. Henry Anderson and J W. Tripp, charged wifa an assault with a deadly weapon on David Tripp. Th. iurv returned a verdict of auiltv againsffcth defendant.. No sentence has yet been passed. In the case of the State vs. James ! Campbell, .charged with forcible tres- . ,hJyfc,endaBt pU,ded g-ilty and jud.igrieh. was suspended upon the ""ggf rpielf guiut to a ' , harge CWTyjng a concealed weapo 'but sentence has not been imposed. Another Siz Weeks Campaign An thorlzed By Board of Commissioners. STROSN1DER TO ' j DIRECT IT R. E. Snowden Appointed Road En gineer Board Opposed to Salrof A. fit N. C.'Stock. he Craven' Count v',Board of Com misioners held their regular monthly meeting in this city yesterday. This meeting was of special interest on ac count of the fact that many matters of importance were brought up and transacted. Dr. C. F. Strosnider, who is now conducting hookworm dtspenasries in Pamlico county, appeared before the Board and after telling of the benefits resulting from the dispensaries operated here some mcnths ago, made a pro position to conduct dispensaries in the county again for a period of six weeks if the Board would donate two hundred and fifty dollars to be used in the work,1 the State paying the other expenses. There was some discussion - on the' offer but every one of ;the members was in favor of having tre dispensaries again operated in Craveif county and Dr. Strosnider's offer 4as accepted. The work in Pamlico cogunty will be concluded within a few Weeks and the work will then be taken up in this county. In the meantime Dr. Stros nider will conduct an advertsiing cam paign and get everything in readiness for the opening. Several hundred peo ple infected with hookworm took the treatment when the dispensaries were previously operated in this county and the majority of these have been re ported cured. Employ Road Engineer. Another matter of interest before the Board was that of employing an experienced man as road engineer. This matter has been discussed at length several times but only recently was any definite action taken. R. F. nowden, of Snowden N. C. an expert road engineer and one who comes highly recommended, was" 'accepted to fill this position at a salary of one hundred and fifty dollars a month and a con veyance to travel over the county. Mr. Snowden wi'A enter upon his duties at once. , Opposes Sale of Stock. Craven' county owns twelve hundred shares of stock in the Atlantic & North Carolina Railway Company and there fore is greatly interested in the pro posed sale of the stock owned by the State to E. C. Duncan. Every mem ber of the Board expressed himself as opposed to this sale and resolutions opposing its sale were adopted. C. D. Bradham, the chairman, was instructed to go to Raleigh and present the reso lutions to the Craven county repre sentatives in the Eegislaturc, asking them to do all in their power to dis courage the sale of this stock. Several other minor matters were taken up during the day and after tile auditing of the bills the Board adjourned. CONDUCTORS GET ' RAISE IN WAGES NORFOLK SOUTHERN GIVES FIF TEEN TO SIXTY-FIVE PER ' CENT. INCREASE. Sunday's Norfolk Virginian -Pilot says: "Through the mediation of Judge Martin A. Knapp.of the Cdurt of Com merce ia Washington, railway conduc tors on the Norfolk Southern and the management of the road yesterday agreed on a new wage scale giving the conductors from 15 to 65 per cent in crease in pay. "While the conductors did not get the increase in wages asked for, their representatives said last night they were granted a living wage. The in crease they said .fails now to bring the scale of wages on the Norfolk Southern up to the basis agreed upon by other Southern railroads last Octo ber." ANOTHER ISSUE OF CONFEDE RATE MAGAZINE OUT SOON. The n xt issue of "Carolina and the Southern Cross" will come Out in. lew davf. It will annear a little later than was desired by the editor, Mr?. ... . ... -imx. ... l i "ry amnion, nut is unavoidable owing Mt having " tor ceruin rticlw tB4t A bee a promised number will have numerous articles of interest ai'd as like its predecessor will appeal in a marred degree to those interested in preserving in complete and accurate form history of the State. the Confederate Lillian Jones of Beaufort is a guest df Mrs. 0. A. Kafer. Board of Trustees-Votes To Ask General Assembly For I An Election. NEW BUILDING A NECESSITY Twenty Five Thuosand Dollars la Amount of .Issue To Be Voted On. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of the New Bertl Graded School hefd last night a committee was appointed to draw up and present to the General Assembly a set of resolutions asking that the power be given to the citizens of New Bern to vote on a bond issue of twenty-five thousand dollars to be used in the erection and furnishing of an additional school building. It is the plan of the trustees for the proposed building to contain eight or nine rooms and to be equipped with the most modern fixtures. With such a building added to the school plant, the schools would be prepared to furnish accommodations to all school children for some time to come. The school buildings are now very crowded and some time ago the Board of Trustees wae compelled to announce that no beginners could be received at the opening of the spring term on Feb. 17. T. A. Green was elected chairman and H. M. Groves secretary and treas urer of the Board of Trustees. OF EASTERN EAIR STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING HELD YESTERDAY ELECT OFFICERS CERS NEXT WEEK. Yesterday at noon the annual meet ing of the stockholders dt the Eastern Carolina Fair Association Company was held at the office of the secretary in the Elks' Temple, This meeting was for the purpose of electing a Board of Directors for the company. Three hundred and seventy-two shares of stock were represented and the follwoing directors were electro? J. Leon Will8ams, John Aberly, J. S. Miller, T. A. Uzzell, L. C. Tolson, H. K. Land, B. B. Hurst, T. G. Hyman, H. B. Craven, A. H. Banget, J. Wernon Blades, W. C. Willett, J. G. Dunn, W. W. Griffin, Thomas Thomas, C. D. Canfield, Owen G. Dunn, J. K. Dixon. R. H. Mills, Dr. N. M. Gibbs, Felix Harvey, W. A. Mcintosh, T. H. Pritchard, W. C. Rodney, D. W. Basnight, J. A. Jones, Dan Richardson, M. D. Lane, F. L. Bray, D. P. Whitford, Jesse Claypoole, E. B. Hackburn, Clyde Eby, C. L. Ives, Charles Coplon, T. D. Warren, A. T. Dill, L. H. Cutler. Jr., E. H. Meadows, Jr., "and J. M. Mitchell. The directors will hold their first meeting next Monday and elect officers for the year. ROB WHITE MAN SEVEN BLACKS TAKE SEVEN , DOLLARS FROM CARTERET COUNTY CITIZEN. Sheriff R. B. Lane yesterday sent two of his deputies to Ihurman to locate and place under arrest Ben Taylor, Remus HawteyvSam Canady, I William Leary. WiHaas Wallace, Cole Coleman and f dwirtf'r'agan, colored, on warrants chargi1hemith assault ing and robbing a Mr. Daniels near that place last Sunday afternoon. Mr. Daniels' hone is at Cedar Island, Carteret county, and for the past few weeks he has been located at Hardison s beach engaged in fishing.' Sunday after noon he went lor a walk through the country and accidentally ran ar---- ! ru rrowu oi negroes. i ne r.cgruce were intoxicaicd and as soon as iinc. saw the white man they surrounded and seised him and threatened to take I life if he did not give the m all the mom y he had. At that time Mr. Dame's had only about seven dollars and he handed this over io them without any delay, realis ing: tllae they were too much intoxicat- . . t 1 ' T-l. . I ed to kilw" what th y were doing and fearing'tlist they miht do him bodily harm. Me was then released and!,wcnt at ones tb magistrate and swore out1" NAME DIRECTORS NEGROES DRUNK The forthaoraingLjittJsft, them. When 'he nenrbes lbered up and realuaMnWWrlo usness of their offenV they returned part of the money and asked Mr. Daniels not' to orosWifte ihenfc However-, the warrant were tHBTi n theltams of the officers. The'med. if located, will be brought to New Ben and placed in the county until a preliminary hearing Can Waylays Well Known Citizen A; He Starts To Drive Through Gateway to Farm. WAS CARRYING LARGE KNIFF Arrested, Bound and Locked Up. Grand Jury Now Con--tider ; Cas . (j. H. Hardison ot Ihurman was in 'the city yes.erday and appeared before the Grand Jury as a witness against Oscar Stamps, a notorious rolored m in who lives near Xhurman iid who is chraged with holding up Mr. Hardison last Sunday night 'and attempting tc assault him with a deadly weapon. According to Mr. Hardison's narra tive of the incident 'he affair was fillet with harrowing details and will doabt less long be remembered by him. H( had been away from home during Sun day afternoon and darkness had fallen when he reached his farm. There is a large gate through which one inusL pass before entering the premises and on one side of this stood a negro man Just before, reaching the gate the negr ordered Mr. Hardsion to stop and whe the latter failed to do this the negr; attempted to drag him from the buggj Whipping his hoise Mr. Hardisoi: managed to escape the negro's clutches and wm to the home of a relative near by to secure assistance. After getting reinforecements Mr. Hardison returned to the secne of the encounter and found the negro still remaining by the gate. He was -told to throw up his hands. At firgt he. refused to do this but when he saw that Mr. Hardison was armed with a shotgun hi hands went into the air. l.'pon being searched a large knilf was found on his person. This was taken from him and he was secure!; bound and brought to New Bern and placed in the county jail. Mr. Hardison is one of the lest krtbwn citizens in that locality and the attack on him croated a great d.;al of excitement when the facts became known. Yestcrdav the Grand J un investigated the affair and il a tru; blll is found the negrj will be tried .it this term of Superior Court. INTEREST IN PEOPLE OF PAMLICO EAGERLY TAKE ADVANTAGE OF TREATMENT. Dr. Strosnider, the hookworm special ist, returned to Bayboro yestcrdi ifter a visit in the city to confer wit! the Craven County Board ol Commis sioners relative to again operating dispensaries in this county. Speaking, of the work being doie in Pamlico county Dr. Strosnider snirf that the citizens were taking much interest in the dispensaries. More than thirteen hundred have been exam ined and of this number abju seven hundred have been found to be affected with the disease. This is an unusually large percentage and shews that the section was badly in need of the dispensaries. The work in Pamlico county will continue lor about three more weeks and Dr- Strosnider exacts to examine several hundred other patients during that time. The date for the opening of the deiopensaries here will be an nounced just as soon as the different stations at which they are to be operated are decided. SHIS DISPENSARIES goow)oexQoocxcQcxKMi3aoc30DQcwaBDPBBeaBapaci; H "He Who by the Plow Would Thrive Must Either Hold or Drive i We Sell Blount's TRUE BLUE Line Of Plowi Middle Bursters, a Plow 1 hat Fills a Long Fait Need BlountV Daisy Plow. A Llftht Steal Turning Plow. Very Popular. Price Riftht. J.C. Whitty 6 Company Henry Blanchard Arrives at Meb ane Has the Beat Of Testimonials. IMPROVE THE WATER WORK8 Commandant Nalle Teturns to Re sume His Work For the Spring Term. Biugham School, Mcbane, N. C, 'eb. 3. Henry Blanchard of Bristol, .'a. Tenn., has arrived to begin his lnt'cs as coach of the baseball team. Mr. Blanchard is considered one of the ;est players and coaches in the United itates and is sure to- make a success of he season. The boys are beginning o practice now, and everybody is out m the field ach afternoon. Fred Slaklcy, the manager ,is completing a fine schedule fer the number of games wlouc.i, and Bing am is anticipating ts many victories as she won during he football season. Extensive improvements have been nade in the water works system since he fall term opened. A new power louse has just been erected ,a new pump, pump jack, and line of pipe mt in, and an additional' gasoline mgine has been installed. This will nake a large increase in the water supply. A new aw and saw rig have jecn put in the wood yard, and the !. H. C. engine overhauled and made iractically new. Since Christmas, the school has re eived t,ome very nice new boys. )ther new boys are expected soon. Ml the boys, both new and old, have ettled down to work for the spring erm. Mrs. L. B. Wolfenden of Marion, V. C, made a short visit to the school .nd entered her boy, Earle recently. Major Adrian Nalle, who has been in entirely successful commandant .'or the past three terms, has returned o resume his work for the spring term. 4e was first-captain at the V. M. I., stood first in military there for four ears and since he has been at Bingham ia maintained in the military depart ment a very strict ,yet just and kind, Jiscipline. Dave Taytoe, ton of Dr. D. T. Tay !oc, of Washjajtoa, N. C, who has jeen a cadet at Bingham for the last hree years and who graduated in the spring of 1912, havinR been since th-n jne of the ttr football men at jtHj i diversity of North Carolina, has be n vis-ng tne scnoot. NOTES FRpM ERNUL. Ernul, Feb. 4. Ihe witsshsr iirthia. section is ideal and the farmers are making extensive preparations for plant ng the crop -' A The Sunday school at this place is ijcing largely attended and is proving jf great benefit to Jjjlf, young and old. J. E. Avery of Birmingham, Ala., pent Sunday with 4lis ton, J. R. Avery Benjamin Powers of New Bern was in town Sunday visiting friends. George W. Ipock, who is a student dl the Southern Shorthand and Business Univesrity at New Bern, spent Sunday it this place with his parents. Leslie Smith of Maysville was among the visitors here last Sunday. Mrs. Amy Boyd ot Cove City spent last Sunday with her brother, J. R. Avery. W. H. Carooa of Bridgeton, who has ben visiting here, has returned home. Miss Bela Willis has gone to New Bern for a short visit with relative and friends. Great chance for reporti of peich crop failures this spring. PHONE M TO PPIN

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