WEEKLY JOURNAL ESTABLISHED 1878. Published in Two Motions, even 1 ueeday and Friday at No. 45 Pollock treet. B. J. LAND PRINTING COM PANT PKOPKIBTOB8.1 SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Two Months. Thre e Months , Six Month Twelve Months. i Only in advance. ..$ M . .2. .. .5( . 1.00 Advertising rates furnished upon application at the office, or upon in quiry by mi1. Entered at the Post office, New Bern, N. C, as second-class matter. TO CORRESPONDENTS The Semi-Weekly Journal's appeal made a few weeks ago for mor. newt from country correspondents had a noticeable effect as we imme stately received a number of mcst interesting letters. Now we are wri ting ag;.in for fear the ardor of oui friends will cool. We urge you to kee the good work up. Help us mak the Semi-Weekly Journal helpful anci interesting to you. We regard the letters from oui country correspondents as one of thi means the Journal has of being oi service to the section of country through which it circulates, Thesi letters bring the people closer to gether and tend to the developmen, of a community interest which is. most helpful. You help your owr community and by suggestion hel other communities by sending us the news as it transpires in ycur neigh borhood. Let us hear from you ! em i ii The Corn Show at Columbia doesn' make as interesting reading perhap as the fulminations of Blease, but i is away yonder more important. Ba'timore's system of ornamenta city lighting now covers a distance ol fifty blocks. Wonder if New Ber could afford to have a block or two. Castro is kcep:ng close to his quarter in New York. Asked if he feared as tc his person.il safety, he replied,"I am afraid of no man, but I am looking out for number one." Which oi second thought must have touched hi. sense of humor. The Senate i n Saturday approved a constitutional amendment providing that there shall be a single Presidential te.-m of six years. Democrats with one exception voted for it as they were in fact bound to do, the Democratic platform having declared for such M leform. It will prove a wise change A couple of State senators the other day came near clinching because of a difference of opinion as to how to effect economy that seems to be such a great need in North Carolina just now. The incident shows at any rate that some of our senators are in earnest about wanting to be economical in spending the people's money. Secretary of Agriculture Wilson, speaking at the Corn Show at Colum bia, advised the farmers not to sell their corn but to feed it to stock. But before you cook your rabbit you have got to catch him. To get the farmers to raise the corn appears to be the great problem now. The disposal cf it after it has been raised can be settled later on. There will be general rejoicing that t'e unsightly hole at the corner of Middle and South Front streets is t. give way to a modern three-story build ing. It is a pleasure too to know that New Bern's hotel facilities are to be still further enlarged. As the leading ci y i.i the Eastern part of the State North of Wilmington, New Bern thould have the best of everything and plenty of it. Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been In use for over SO years, has borne the signature ot and has been made under his per r J sonal supervision since Its Infancy. Wat&tcMU Allow no one to deceive yon In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor otber Narcotic substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. For more tban thirty years it has been ? i constant use for the relief of Constipation. Flatulency Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach ard Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS iBears the Signature of SI The KM Yon Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years THE CtNTAtm CMWW. TT jjjgjjg STWSST. WIW TO.K OfTT. The Light for the Home STITUE use the best lamp you can buy is the Rayo. There is no glare; no flicker. The light is soft and clear. The Rayo is a low priced lamp, but you cannot get better light at any price. Rayo lamps are lighting more than three million homes. Save the Children's Eyes and Your Own. The 1 arriri Liehtel without removing chimney or CrWM -alIIF shade. Easy to clean and rewick. T Made in various styles and for all purposes. At Dealers Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorooreted In N.w Jwmt) BiMmwa.aU. Newark, N. J. We are always finding somt thing j icy in the short paragraphs of tht Old Reliable Wi!mi; gton Star. Ft i instance this: "Tture is nothing lik. suburban -lines to develop a city and its contiguous egion". That is wh the street car line is toiag to be such i big thing for New Bern. Towns with stre-t ctr lines grow. There is n chance for towns without such means ol transport; t ion to grow. Whichever way the (.over nor oi Virginia decides the question of whether he shall, comrrute the sentences ol Floyd and Claud lien, sentenced ti death for .he miird r cf the Hillsvi I court i fhcials, I e will bitterly disappt in a large numl r of Virginians. Tl . I reponderance f sen iment is per ha against tie Aliens, I nt powerful ir fluences hae been exerted in behal of the two men. THE WEBB BILL. By a vote of 17 to 3 the Judiciary Committee of the National House of Representatives Wednesday night voted to report favorably the Webb bill to prohibit the n hi potent of liquor into States for purposes forbldd. n those , State. One of t prohibition has been n hard in the "dry" ftatw has tat order business done by OAMOr hou in other Slates. Tie Wet b would make a big hot. in .hat particular IK eflT; EVERY GENUINE BOTTLE OF HAS THE TRADE esses m On the Crown or Cap and the Label and also Blown in the bottle. i i i e rus tiade-marK is tor Your Protection. GET THE GENUINE LOSES GLASSES UNUSUAL WAY IS SOMETHING OF A SHERLOCK HOLMES AND WILL PROB ABLY 6ET THEM BACK. L. C. Tolson of the Tolson Lumber and Manufacturing Company has lest a pair of aye glasses in a most unusual way. A few days ago while playing with hit little baby as it lay in its car riage his eye glasses dropped off into the carriage. He was so busy in enter taining the baby and being entertained by it that he forgot to pick up the glasses. . He went oa his. way and a tittle while later three ladies stopped to admire the child. A few moments after they too had passed on, the nurse saw the glasses in the carriage. She assumed that one of the ladies dropped them there and huiried to overtake them. She saw two of them enter a store, one of them remaining at the door. When she reached the store she handed the glasses to the lady at the dour with the remark that one of the other two ladies must have dropped them in the carriage.. That is as far as Mr. Tolson has been able to trace the missing glasses. But he feels that he is almost a second Sher lock Holmes to have been able to trace them that far. He has placed an ad vertisement in the Journal to locate the lady who unintentionally came into possession of his glasses and if she lives anywhere in these part-, he ieels sure he will recover his raising pro perty, for he is we'l aware that every body reads the Journal. SOCIAL WORKERS OB 23532 88JSSe8J9tC MEADOWS MEAL CORN Horse Feed Cow Fee J Wheat Bran White Mixed Rust Proof HOMINY Cotton Seed Meal Cotton Seed Hulls Wheat Short ()ats NO. 1 TIMOTHY HAY I. 4. ME A DO TO (I TOGETHER Great Conference Expected In Ral eigh Next Week Senator, Owen to Speak. Raleigh, Feb. 6. North Carolina's betterment workers meet in a great get-together conference at Raleigh n;xt Tuesday and Wednesday. The object is to form a combination or an a'liance of all the forces in the State working for the betterment of humanity and socia' conditions generally. It is felt that much more can be done if all pull together than if each depart ment fights single handed. Below are several of the depar. ments that will be represented, together with their leading exponents: Illiteracy: Hon. J. Y. Joyner. Orphanages; Rev. M. L. Kesler. Child Labor: Mr. W. H. Swift. Liquor Problem: Mr. Archibald John son. Public Health: Dr. W. S. Rankin. Church and Social Service: Bishop Robert Strange. Reformatories.1 Mr. James P. Cook. Criminal Procedure: Hon. T. W Bickett. Feeblemindedness: Dr. L. B. Mc Brayer. Improvement of Country Life: Mr Clarence Poe. Prisons: Miss Daisy Denson. Race Question: Mr. Gilbeit Stephen son. Taxation: Hon. R. F. Deasley. Women and Social Service: Mrs. R R Cotten. The State Board of Health which is engineering the meeting, sends out the following matter regarding it: "The list represents some of the best thinkers and the biggest men and women in the State. Any organi zation backed by such a council of war bound to move things. Further more, senator Kooert 1-. uwen, ol Oklahoma, is scheduled to deliver the address of the day at the operln meeting. Senator Owen is best known as author ot tne famous Uwen bill for a National Department of Publi Health, but he is a man big enough to sr the importance and necessity of correlating all branches of social ser vice work. "The real significance of the meeting is shown by the fact that the final meeting of the conference will be held in the Houe of Representatives. The entire General Assembly is expected to adjourn to attend this meeting. "Since the intended organization was announced, hundreds of inquiries have been made regarding the meetings and the organization. It is a movement that deserve and demands the sup port of every true North Carolinian interested ia the advancement and welfare of his State If you hadn't already allied yourself with the move ment ,drop a line to Mr. Clarence Poe, or Dr. W. S. Rankin, Raleigh, N. C, asking to be enrolled as a member, and a program and full particulars of the meeting, its aims and purposes, will be sent." BUSINESS MEN 4HT TAKE HOLD UNLES THEY DO BASEBALL APPEARS TO BE DEAD ISSUE IN KINSTON. At a meeting of the Kinston Chamber of Commerce held Wednesday nigh: li chat city ,the matter of putting a team in the proposed Eastern Carolina Baseball Association, was talon up. That organization failed tc take any action in the matter and turned it over tc the athletk associatio i. The Kinslun Fee hress has the fol lowing to tuy in regardn to the matter: "When the matter of a baseball c'ub for Kinston was brought u be fore th? Chamber of Commerce last night, a letter was produced by the secretary from S. F. Teague, of Golds boro, secretary of the temporary or ganization of the proposed Eastern Carolina Baseball League, stating that it was hoped this city would enter a team in the association. "The Chamber took no action, and directed that the letter be turned over to "the athletic associat'on," or representatives of the sporting fra ternity of the city. "The athletic association does not exist, and there seems to be lack of initiative on the art of the fans to some sort of an organization ' or an investigation of sentiment. "In several of the cities which have signified their willingness to join the league, mass meetings have been called, and wherever this was the case a ready response by the public was had. In one or two instances almost enough money has been rais ed at the meetings to launch teams with solid financial backing. "A six-team league is planned, with a sixty-game schedule, a $1,000 salary limit, and a $300 forfeiture. Secre tary Teague says: 'It is possible to have some good ball in these towns in eastern Carolina without the usual losses incurred in the past.' ' 'Public interest does not lack in Kinston, and the delay those re garded as leaders in baseball circles in starting things seems to be the only reaso, for the present inactivi ty. A number of business men, real izing the value of a regular season of the sport as an advertsising asset, are wi ling to do the fair tbing toward the financing of a club." Increased Cotton Yields uOId Fashioned farming produced only about 220 pounds of cotton. 1 he new Process fertilizing with Virginia-Carolina High-Grade Fertilizers . with good cultivation, frequently produces 500 to 1,000 Pounds Lint Cotton per acre Virginia-Carolina Chemical Co. WANT MOR ROOM E FOR CONGRESSMEN UNCLE SAM TO RENT EXTRA OFFICE SPACE IN MALT . BY BUILDING. Washington, Feb. 5. Uncle Sam is about to become a tenant, that he may find room for the increase iri Repre sentatives which March 4 will bring. The Maltby Building, across the street trom the Capitol, where pre vious to the erection of the Senate Office Building, the higher branch of the Legislature did its brain work has been, rented to provide office think ing-rooms for the new Congressmen who are due here with the Democratic administration. In the meantime work will be rushed on another story, which is to be added to the House Office Building. The structure is at present four stories high, one block square, and contains over 500 rooms, every one now oceuped The new Congress will consist of 435 members, as against 394 this present session. "In addition to Rep resentatives from the newly created districts, there will be a host of new Congressmen swept in with the tide of Democratic vicotry, and in the gen era) moving and settling there will be some scrambling for the choice loca tions. Box 1117 RICHMOND . VIRGINIA Bellair Stock and Fruit Farm. G. T. RICHARDSON, Proprietor. I have Full Blood Angus Bulls and Heifers for sale immune from Texas fever, also full blood Berkshire Ho?s You are cordially invited to visit farm and see stock. G. 7. RICHARDSOIS New Bern, N. C , R. F. D No. 2. Phone, Bellair line, 4 rings. FOR SALE One horse wagon and I wo oood Horses cheap lor Cash, or on tiuw with good security. Apply to T. A. DILLON, Tuscarora, N. C. MARINE ENGINEER WANTED fot river steamboat, 100-ton license needed. References required as to sobriety and character. Tar River Oil Co.. Tarboro, N. C. HOW'S THI8. We offer On Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Cartarrh that cannot be cured by Hall s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY ft CO., Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the la IS yean, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially It to'carry out any obligations made by the firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE Toledo, O. Hall' Catarrh Curt it take intern- cay, acting directly upon the blood and snucous surfaces of the system. Testi- jmonials ant free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. I Take Hall's Family Pills for con tipation. (Adv.) SrOP AT THE Barrington House When in Norfolk 908 Main St. V. BARRINGTON, Propriety Rates $1.50 day; $7.60 weak Hot and cold baths. Speeia) attention to transients. Romr Privileges. B. P. S. Paint for every pur pose. J. S. Basnight Hardware Co., New Bern, N. C. "Buck" Stoves and Raage j. S. Basnight Hdw. Co., New Bern, N. C. THAI. SB PUC! ! CENTS JVC CO, li Rtw las, M. C Ask your dealer, or aend 10 in stamps to above address and bottle will be mailed to you a noe Don't Forget The Farmers' Union Department Store FARRIS NASSEF, Propiietor 63-637 Middle St. NEW BERN Visit Chas. Ellis & Brother JSew Bern, N. C. BANKRUPT SALE Where They Sell it For Less. Prices Less Than Manufacturers Cost. Chas. Ellis & Bo. 72 Middle St Subscribe For The Journal We are Offering our stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, Shoes & flats at 25 per cent less than they can be bought anywhere ,else in town. Don't fail to supply yourself from our stock if in nead of anything in our line. A. B SUGAR, S3J VI 11 3 5:rjjt, New Bern Njrth 3 1 Going to Build? THEN SEE TOLSON LUMBER & HFO. CO FOR EVERYTHING Xflce and Factor 119 e.Front St New Bern ft. C When in Market For Horses, Mules, Buggies Wagons and Harness see 1 W m POLLOCKSVILLE, N. C. pine Kentucky Horses and Mules on hand at alt time TERMS REASONABLE. SEE ME. Subscribe For The Journal