No.' 91 nin lininrnnnin sib mnm mnu is Indian maids in ENTH US MSn C ALLY LAUNCHED SUFf H AGE PAflU D E NEW BERN. N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1913 SECOND SECTrtiN L- Commanded By Dawn Mist Mount- Chamber of Commerce To'&T J A" Joncs c- in Treat Pn " . s Ito LA. CONVENTION i, . ; Make .Vigorous Canvass For New MembersiJ BINDS OF WORKERS (0 if l?ET ONE" MISSION TODAY Hustle For Three Days, east Two Nights and Report On the Third. : Comnanv C. I .. r i v S. H., Lewis, W. L., Mrlver V D TO WEAR TRIBAL C08TUMUS Marks H. B.. McCoy, J. D.', Moore,' Wrt.Tfr iSlSSt C W- W, Th" 0wn Tepee I Comnauv H r; T Wh,Ie Attendance Upon B. H. Jr.. Mitche" I m 'wAr.rX? inauguration tC. I.. Moore I T h m: rV'Y'l p "iv A5'Ph- Pet,it- c- W., Smith,! Washington, Feb. 10. Dawn Mist, "., UlniHirev. 1-. I . Knrnnenn I ria iirrht,,.- f rk: Tl r ,k . c r ' ui i. iiiu i urrc ncurs oi tne J. L., Roberts, S G. fit. M...: I r .. ' '. Company I. Rodney W C Rod -ai rant mem , w.U ney., D. rf, Roberts, H. M., Roberts I comand a trooop of mounted , ndi; n H M.. Rohrrrs n M i.i.... fu' I maidens in (he cava'rv divi;-n ,i - ' " " "vuinrv, lOlllll 1 K.. ma wood. F. W v;,,,,,....,.. r- t Itfcr wnm-.i.'c L i Smith. F. G.. Strvraam M n W L. U...I. i kw.-'- . . . i. Seifert C A Vh: tr u c '"'-' o. mis is said tojbe the fert, C. A., Sh.pp, F. H, Sawyer, firsl time Iadian m taken Company J. To'son, I,. C., Stewart r"r pafr the nation wide 1 move' A larsre number of the the Chamber of Commerce attended the smoker given at the court house iat evening and participated in the aunching of the big membership campaign which will be waged during the next three days by that organiza tion. 1 1 W To son, J. !. Jr., To son., j! J.l women. irflM y,W'.LX." R-..Ta.yr. 1" L)wn Mist's trooo will be ten Sl vi!LLi",,V.1 ''A? fc hwldeSV all selected , h.i, ,h- T., Ward, D. L, Ward. A. D. fm08t representative of their tribal cerc- : Committeemen Report ,That Meet ing Made Profound Impres sion on Commu ;ty. FINANCIAL REPORT IS MADE m N KEEPS 'III BIBLE SAINTS ON NXIS SEAT WILL ASSEMBLE Thnan Who Htnf ui ,, . In., --k-- ..mi iv uursrirnree rn Annua! Confcrsnce Will w,ln -nedged Be Held In Atlanta March Program Ditsappointed. 7fh.w.M, 35th YEAR 1 i . THRUSTS Resolutions of Thanks Passed For All Who Helped Make Convention Success. DEATH AT CROATAN. (Special to I he I - . . - -- j - ; monial costume and be mounted on Indian ponies richly caparisoned with elaborate Indian bead work. Dawn Mist ..ucceeded in obfc I M r,..u. i n . . , , l.roatan. Feb 11 ta ca I -" . ueceeaea in oDtiining ck&QjzrZ& Louis w. Hi.,8 -j l wuiiams. a well known fit 7r,n son oi amrs . Hill whrt hao --a - 'I'll II s J --- " V HBD -IIU Il object of the meeting and he was loilowed by J. Leon Williams, Secre- y. f a- lLU,noca . com- to provide transportation for the voune rnVLih! While in Washington the and twentv five memhVrrin X "rC h'ams laid at rest in the famiv burvin.- lndian ' will live in their own . ... ."v. vnoiir crAiirnH - ' bcr ot Com merce. It m Hpctmt that this number be increased to four hundred. Ten teams consisting of from ten to fifteen members, each under un instruction oi a captain, were then HEWS FOOT WITH AXE tepees on a camp ground provided for them. The cavalry division of the pageant is taking large proportions. It is be lieved nt suffrage headquarters that nearly 200 mounted women will b; dis tributed throughout the procession. ihe suffragists have at last foiind a appointed to carry on this work. Each Charles Sawyer Badly Injured Him ...... . ucru given a uuiion on wnich wi,n ..:, are the words "Get One." For every Cutting Logs ,ZnrZTnnZ,ZUrZ MiiWWte -gaged in cutting logs near One.'. W Oympia ast Friday afternoon Charles b'rd that can be used as an emblem in Today and tomorrow these teams Sayer- a young man who lives nearthe'r pageant. The red phalaropcy an SST&ifi u every ,Dlls!ness ' at p,ace 'nad 0,6 misfortune to Arclic bird, which lays its egKs and member of the Chamber of Commerce Z 0t 80 bad'y with an fr the male t0 hat(h' 1 will be urged to join. ' lnat " was necessary to bring him toltht b'rd. The red phalaropc is ecu TnUli. ...1 . 1 . . 1 hifl fltr (nr . . , I I . I 1 '....!. . . . J C .. .. u.nKiii ..iiu lumurruw nignt tne J limtm ana ne is now!'''' "neu ior tne Dig celebratio 1 on committees will meet in the store under in Stewart's sanitarium. Pennsylvania avenue. If the we; ther &JNKWh.'aiTBc.ltt7lS , At thC timC f ths accide' Mr. U- "ght in his prediction, the will serve a free luncheon there to . y was cuttlnS a log which wastnirU of March will be too cokl for every member, old and new, of the lyln8 on tne ground. In some unex- other birds than those that come from WT L.onlmerce- Plained way the axe which he wwArctic regions. for V ChambV; ofVomme.T r8!" Z F"PPed frm the l been tried in a number of Hties and b,ade Bas imbedded in his in this and other State and has always loot- rlrst a'd to the injured was t .7i; ? i anal ere is no doupt renaercd by, his friends and the flov but that it will prove to be yuch here, of blood stopped Everyone is urged to hlep in this move- i " ""Ppea. ment. At present the Chamber - of4 - 3 Pnysloan was summoned Commerce i? handicapped by .not ,rom this city and upon arrival on the ZlZZti. ,aki"e - examination he hundred k dhe of the liv T Would "ssary to organizations of its kind in the State. g lm to tnis c"y fcr treatment. every member of the Chamber of ,nc wound is a serious one and will l 7 hi. 9 Pre8ent taKC several weeks to heal. . "icciiujj requested to s.e the captain of his company TtenVXr:?: ,-, ON" C'TY, TWO POSTOFFICES S?"t.h8'dc Manufacturing Company lows, the first named in each instance i - WmCh cnt lnto the ha"ds of "ceiver being the captain of the company. Brintrfl v.. . .. Ia cw nlontns' a8o. was yesterday sold company A, Ashford, T. P. Aber v J ' nristoi, lenn., at public auction to the Union Point lohn M. Alr y W F Armstronp, Given Separate Accommodations. Lumber Company, the consideration mi moil viiie, ii, v itinore I r I U i G. S., Baxter. W. K., Bovd, W G L FrIs.tol Va - February 12 r For thn g "e thusand and ninety nine D: If n .. . . ' I nrat . .. U l;. ' ! . wl I Anil . U I L . . omiisuii, m., nut er, K. p., Bishop rVa " History ot the Post I u"""'" SJ- io ue connrmea Dv E.K., Brinson. W. T., uce department two seoarate nn.t. the court. Tlie South.idr Man,,. BASKET PLANT ILL SIT IIP SOLD AT AUCTION YESTER DAYOPERATION TO BE RESUMED. The plant and machinery of the aertAPHy, I Jl EBJot b a"d B., Bades, J. V., flradham, C D eountry an office of the fourth class operated by a corporation consisting r'V 'Ulu 1 a citof In ."Ve - .ne .nion roint ii, v, n. ; t " Hpuiauou onstol. I L,u,':r company is a corporation L. H.. C ark, Ed , CdPOhrc'.ohcn, h! Company C. C ayrioo e; J. S.. Chad- Vi wick, F. M., Chad wick, JV.C, Crab- , tec, John, Cook, A'le, Craven, H. B., At a meeting of the enerjlt cmmitte of arrangements for the recent Lavmen' Convention hi Id last night n th nar lor of the Cent nary Metjidist church -rmj n iijc lommii'-emen gave ex pression to the r conviction that ihe convention had made a ' "ftfofound im pression on the com m nity, Men noi a fe w who had hit erto i Ot taken any interest in church work were auoted as h ii . I . i . cAprcsjeu tneniseives as lll-illo loDrl.i I 1 . i,., inuveu oy tne aaaresses heard at tho convention: Secretary Padgett comr.limcnted the eommitteemen both on the work they did in arranging for the con vention and on the evident determina tion as seen from ;he meeting last niirht to conserve the results of the con vention He had never had nort loyal co operat on any whir;; he said and the spirit oi enthusiasm j,s shown a. the hrgely attend.-d meeting of last mght he said had beou eqcalk-.; :n connection with no previous con vention n tie State The finance commitee made its report showing that the receipts of the convention from the registration fees were something over three hundred dollars. It was driH.H i k.L. guarantors for twenty fivefper cer.t of the amounts guaranteed, such amount if any. as was l.ft vnr fi,- . an expenses to be applied to the S. at work. r. . . ". Resolutions o thanks we.c. offered and unanimously adopted as follows To Mrs. Janie Meadows and her corns assistants 'or the sp endid supper served, to the officers of Centtnarv Methodi.t church for the use of the church for ihe sessions of the conven tion, to the Coast Artillery for the use of the armory where th banquet was held, to lixecutive Secretary Padgett for his untiring efforts, to MesikJ. Campbell White and W.1 t. Doughty for their earnest Addresses, to J. S Miller Fumiturj' Company for the use f chairs and to the newspapers for the liberal amount of space given the :o;i- vention Owing to the fact that several n the Committeemen, w.ll be out of th- c ty next week the Missionary Di HE CONFIDES NOTHING AT ALL DR. BUOUGHTON TO BE Ti IRE "ny i.onterences and Another Famous Lon on Preacher, "V questionings In G. Campbell Morgan, Also To Be Presen Uf..Lf . ... 11 7 ,w 'vnen uov Aanta, Feb. 10. The Fifteenth ..wuruw wuson was elected Presi- AnnuU March Bible Conference wl dent, ihrec months niro. h. -a pv. k. u..ia jut.- . " I '" "nia, v.a., viarch pected by his party leaders here in 7th ltth inclusive. These Conferences -..y to ourst tortn with a definire have drawn annually Ministers lav- i y . .. "lUre P'ans and a ,ncn and Biblc Students from all parts u. v-aoinet omcers. ot the county, andfrom aM Evangelical Instead of this, however, he has kept denominations The conference itself his own counsel. He has confided noth- operates under a charter comnoH : . ... i . uennite to anybody who has been ot practically all ol the Ministers and willing to talk about it and has let it I Laymen from every church in Atlanta K ,, ..,1 i ... It v uuucistuuu in a variety ot emphatic I u inter-denoniinationa1 in support " "e win pick his Cabinet in and non-denominaiinnal in hla i a .... .....I .. . I . moum auu uick tnese advisers 1 u ... after hi, own investigation. , nZ "rOUgmon', U' U' ot T-l; . . "in.iui alio rrcsident u'H.uiuiiiunicaiivenecs has re-1 of th r,.f.., ti. mi... ,. Sllltorl in : : . N . . lOHOWing MUCS iu am n ti' sir K inn in , i . i. 1 1 i u, , . ,. " . 'torn tne ca i wnicn he has I sued Mw"- "is uncertaintv as to n. , I... r t the f. ,.. .,..,'., I " - o,k,o, tne coming . ..v .mi auuiiiustration I L.on.'eren nas lelt coundess would-be advisors i, ..... I A f.. . -ii up in the air". It has caused much ,al " ' Possloe 't is our purpose fuming and fussing on the oari ofl' p the Conference this year to those Democrats who would mosi Sa"e hvan8oiisl" which must incorpor willingly permit themselves to ho t;.L- r',u' a n,ost thorough line of Bible INTO LATHE SAW I.F.NNOXVTLLE MAN PAINFULLY INJURED MINISTERS AT CONVENTION t teaching. So far as ! am able ,o di rect the Conference it is to be an oc casion lor instruction anil into the confidence of the new Exi live. On both sides of the Capital there "ruci.on and inspiration arc daily conferences and daily ques-1 "Wc have lep1 fortunate this vear tionings. Little groups of politicians"1 1,ein a,)l to secure the strongest atner around lunch tables or in cloak p,atlorm that we have ever been able rooms and ask each other if a to offer, included in this list v. ill be has heard anything from Trenton. u- ('- Campbell Morgan, of London. There is the same mournful shaking 0 wl" arrive in Atlanta with nic of heads one day as another in time lor the opening and speaking Cecasionalry ,ome .-tatesman wi '-'ce a''y "ronghout the Conference confess that h.hal . k:. r ...I ' w.u ne giwn Iron, ... ..v... .,,,,, hussip I i... , .... from the neurhhn.hno.1 ' T u." ,luurs aav will l,e :Ur O v, IIC1I1U1I. UU I I ... . he will not ur ii as h .:..- '. "n,e8 ljril' '" thuago; Rev Nation lie cene-al v rfZ. w. L "ville, Ten,, sotrv with the -mart ,k u. ..' ... U' U- VVeddcrspoon, of Washinr vouch for his information. 't.0"'. D;. (':. l Jh" K Ny ueuisiiie, tne rJanti;.t -nninar-. l il t hi ago. Secret arv o! on Beaufort, Feb. 11 Jack Smith wa painfully injured yes erday while at work in the Pcnnsy vania Lumber ompany s saw mill at Lcnroxvi Ha ing had cans" to stoop down raised un -d-rertlv underni-ath a lath saw, which rut a deep gash on his head. Rev. S. A Cotton of n Street Mcth ' odist church, and Rev C. H. ruebloo 1 t the Bauifort Bapt'st church and Rev. F. N Skinner of St. Pauo's church have returned from attending the La-yiiien's convention in ew Ber Miss lie a Pelleti r will entert.ii the Lpworth Leagi e tonight at her home on Oranee street. Wiiliam H.heLondied Sundayaf er noon at S occrk in the S3r ' vear oi of his age He was a native of Bridge port, Conn., coming here in 1005. He married Miss Sa . ie Davis of this city, who survives him. The funrra m he d at the TLpiscoca church this morn ing at I0:3 o'ecok. Rev. F. N. Skinner officiating. Mr. She ton was one of. Beaufort's best be-oved citizens. L. S. SWAIN TAKES LIG AGIO CM When by chance sonic De mocrat I r- a pilgrimage to Trenton d L ,' ' 1 h' aS' -s to Washington he Snmedlit, T5. . "T .V? makes a returns ly bounded by anxiods " , " '"nson, oi Alma .. . ... - . I 1 J . I. are Vlnll.n ., f h c ne ; scarclie-t for sonk. a,rii,, i,o.: .. . ' ' Jv al es trom hi.adquauer he is sto,d xT " , Jr.attt??- y .i""iiiii iriier iniormatioti are requested to write. Rev. John W am, 8 Luckie Street, Atlanta. Ga. : id . Young Insurance Man, Formerly Of This City, Commits Sui cide At Washington. ERANK BOTTLE OF POISON Body To Pass Through Here Thie Mcrnino EnRoute To Bruqi wlck County. cussioh fixed for four nights next wee was deferred until the following week By resolution adopted by the con vention the Laymen's Committee is made perhiahcnt and it adiournei last night subject to th.c call of chair man S. M. Brinson. . . The new office oncned it. ,l WnCtl "y MrS' J' A' M "adoW8 E-'H o'clock Mondav S 'ts,s at Meadows, Jr.. and Wade Meadows n3'T"ovrrU,JP thaiwrZ'. ami irom .... , . . . J- r. v., tepne, u. ! IJeppc. TSil. . L patrons had the nri-1 u"vuiwu mat me pant ill "c k.V: W',r- S- Uuffy' Ur- R N- beforJ khn y. dl' '"-"-y. thing never I' ' i "Peration again during the next """ j... , . I ccZ ". "-"uHccuon Wl h an ew weeks Company V. .C vde n,. oi me lourth r ass Wi iam, Dunn, John. Dunn. I. C. J" 0,der. to provide for ih- ia,.l 1 Dai. Geo. Di . A. T.. Doekham r vo,l,me ol business that . a..:Z, EBY HEADS FAIR AGAIN wi., i.ii r, iv. iv. r.aton. K I. I . v- iiiu omrp mm c. s r w er. areve, roy, C. E. '' "l" cr '?'ithier. at his own Secretary and Other For., nmr- Alio Re-Elected The annul meeting of the Board of depart-1 Directors of the Eastern Caro'ina Fair v.umMuiy r,. nyman, i. o., 1'odr c rT ' "'V eu tne olhce with cvtrv M.ML.Grff,n Wf W., Groves, If M Z"". includingO Gaski',-Joseph, Green, T. A.. Gibbs 1?$ tes mai( rark mai!in . N. M.. Hurst B H H. T n ' canccllinir machine ti." . ' ment ri.alii 'ne uepart l"""1"'-"' iiern varo ina l a n'. U- E- ofthebushd Company was eld la the tra.f'TL?"Ld .provided for ivcninff for thr f f. npany r. Henderson, W. H er hraIl V . lner omce9 and oth- lU ' . ' r,T.A.,Ho"ister,J.T.. Hackburn: clerk, if '" experienced the cnsU,n8 year Thc fcHowing offi Howard, J. M., Hapd, W. L. day mornnV L 6 l?Ce "P6""1 MJ'" Cer were c,ccted C,yde Eby, Presi C. N Ives., L. arvis. D I' 1 -"'"f, thoroughly eQui,lpcd aid dent flnd Businesg Managerf ' , Hank, D. W., Henderso Herderson., Geo. Company K Henderson, W, Henry, Ives., wi is IN CORN CLUBS CARBONATE OF LIME WINS THE HONORS FROM Burned or Wg m MOO "5Jl7 JwSUf0RMs v-utier, jr., first Vice-President; B B. Hurst, Second Vice-President: A T I ." I T i .. i.i, iii-uurer; i... jeon Wiliams, Secretary; WC Willett, Superintendent of Grounds. The following Executi e Comn ittec was also elected, L H. Cutler j B. B. Hurst,. A. T. Dill, T. G. Hyroan I. A. Uxiel, H. B. i raven, C. L. Ive , Jno. Aber y, H Kr Land, E. H. Meadows, Jr., Vrnon Bade?, Owen UXtUC nf I it Pun' ch",s t-'oplon.- Dr. N. M. mm&MMMM w j (j Gibbs and W. C. Willett. a sixteen year by-j75.0O per acre in and proved beyond question that U a superior fertilizing ingredUnt. - town' C COJ by analitical test hea? thc list of fertilising limes. For CnBOLINI CflJtST LIME CO, New Bern, N. C. C L. SPENCER' PEDDIE MISER'S HOARD OF EA GLES AT TWENTY-FIVE CFNTS APIECE. Scranton, Pa., February 12. When ''rg-'Wenecd to. 9lmtM .;nu wt n w s r. North ALER IN- Scranton for 25 cents each, wuhl the- suppi) apparently unlimited, cunosity wa:i at once aroused as to thr .mm-. of supply, and the bov, John McAllister diii. k j many, jonn LOItus, bugene Foley and Joseph McNul IV WIT1 taken into custody and given the third deirrer Wlirn uohn,! k. . .lj m- - """".'I .lie I lKickets produced over $500 in gold coin, and when ouestloned thv .iH. mitted that they had found a "pot of NUMEROUS INQUIRIES FOR IN FORMATION COME IN TO MR. BRINSON. ..... .- That much interest is being mani fested by the boys of Craven county in the recently organized Boy's Corn C ub, is evidenced bv the neiiprnu. inquiries for information which are Dcing received by . M. Brinson, County Superintendent of Public In. struction,vand who is one of the leaders in tne movement. . In addition to thc State and National prizes' antl the prizes offered by the iuchi mcrcnairts and manulacturers, the county has recent y offered two prizes of. five dollars in each township ;o successful contestants. With so many priees offered it will be almost impossible for a boy to make an ex cellent record and fail to win one of them, Mr. Britison has recently sent to every teacher in the rural schools a quantity of information relative to the rules and requirements necessary to conform to before becoming a mem ber of this. Clud andihis information can be secured from any teacher. Hav Crf 1a. Tfc The money was burled in a box in M MUy j ViUm, UlltS. Brail f-TrkfYiinir kheie "ar?fa "u forme 'y occupied AND AI T KIMflfi np tremlr UldU Ollllny hX "U'r 1 - aulo, who, during thU AWU ALL KINDS OF FEED. HIGH GRADR mM un.r i ,ifcllmf had 'ta - puta.ion of being a miser,. age, Nmif D xr and so were eou in shiny he box--The boys, s oyer eicht years of ey were brass meda's. WELL KNOWN BLIND COUPLE UNITED IN MATRIMONY LAST NIGHT. J"-,. - Johnson, better" known as Blind Johnson" and known bv everv man. woman and child in New Bern, and Mrs. Pattie Gaboon of Bridgeion were married last night at eight o clock at the bride's home in Bridget on. Rev. Dr. K. T. Carter, pastor of the First Baptist church, officiating. Thr couple will live nt the Cnhoe home in Bridget on Both have many friends who will wish them much hap piness. Both mx blind and had- h.n married before, r Mr. Johnson a news up and ordered to 'deliver; he is" be- seiged. He finally -cts his breath in I timjfiand adm'ts that he knows nolhine at all He iterates and raiteraies what i hr fnM t r. rlt. P....;. I .1 ... .w. . , ivmuhi r.ieci, out ne nable to rdrcmbcr anything that oovesnor Vilson told him. And, too, it is surprising just how n-anv. I . . I. ... . . Miviiui mere ere wno nave not been invited to Trenton. Many i rnem re the most willing of coun CENATENIAN DIES Virginia Neftrses Had Reached The Advanc Age of 122 Years. i , , , i ..... . ., i . i c .,!, ti.... . . . . I. ".t'Ki'.' , ', reuruary i. ' " " "ger to declare liiur l.ucy Fry, who was 122 years old her loyally to the next adimnistration I birtuday, and who had been poini- and want the new Executive to know , out 88 a most remarkable example from their own lips just how progrcs- VSV PThSSL sive they arc. onc of tht. narl,.rs of i,.. ' But there are few men who are I Wednesday night. This wonderful' dealer and proprietor of a stationery -i cucrgciic ann usciui citizen. Hi wife is an accomplished . musis teacher and vrry popular among ac uaitances. Her husband wirs-killed several vear toa when h.. wllJ -fir the NfluM rivnr Krirlo. ik. J,.. hnr wiv?silhJivA JkmSL twenty ofjh. Nj.r jgeh hr.'held fS chosen, legardjess of the number wr... re ready to be called. Manv Demo cratic Congressmen have f-aund ev c us. s to go to Trenton They hav,- " .ii niviiea, Diit nave written ahead and asked for jurt half an hour or just 10 minutes of the valuab i time of the governor. They or, y con f U to their intimate friends that they invited themselv s lo the conference. All this uneasiness arises from the fact, of course, thru Governor Wilson is not '-ady to pick the peopie upon whom he is to lean most heavily in the next four years He wants to weigh caiefully the qualifications ol he m.-n who are u ged upon him for Cabinet berth', and he wants to see juct who is who in Congress before he selects his advisers there. Learn Only Three Things. v iu inn nme tne only dehnite news that has come from Trenton is-. That Joseph P. Tumulty is to be the next Secretary to the President. That Governor Wi son will keen hands off the reorganization of the next House u.nd Senate in til.- fight between progressives and conser-va- ives. That he has sent word to Washing on that he wiM not disturb Repub'ican officeho'dcrs whose- lerms expire in his administration, but will let them finish their time. Some 6f thc things that have notJ been learned rre: Who is to til in thc next Cabinet? Who is to have thc distribution of patronage hi tlr-rrO State de'egaJ tiont? Whether cr'not President Wi' son meant what the public understood him to have said when he intimated that he would sur.ound himself onijj with progressives? Who. will represent him on the floor ol the Hiffcf andVienau? When'HPr.'eJBoi session of Congress will , be caller!? Whether the Provident will try t drive Congress or try toJead it ? Upese-aiP after ll. thc quastiohd that have riWt sciietarjr jpjlfcjturbed tht minds iiMfe patient tatesmen her: the situatirtn is being enjoyed of hunu . 9- I TI another, old woman, although ery much bent ano snnveicd tr m the weight of years, retained all of her faculties to thc ver ' last. Untill recently she alw ys as sisted her youngest daughter, with whom she lived, in doing the family washing, and would pick i:p chips at her little woodpile. Born a slave in the year 170 , she belonged to the well known Bledsoe family of Orange Forty years before the war, or about the year 1820. she and her three chil dren were sold Dy the Bleds e to Samuel Shadrack, near Cfilpeppcr. There she lived until and during the troublous times of war, coining afterwards to Culpepper, where she had made her home ever since. Her former owners the Bledsoe fanilv, alwavs keot her in remembrance, some of them com ing occasionally to pec about her in her little cat in in "Sugar Bottom." Luther Hamilton of Atlantic passed through our town vestcrdav enroute to Raleigh. L. S. Swain, former y of this city un who about three weeks ago moved io Washington, N. C, to engage in the insurance business, yesterday morn ing committed suicide by drinking a bottle of carbolic acid. He left a note jiving information as to the where abouts of his relatives but gave no cause for commuting the rash act. Mr. Swain, while living in this city resided with his wife and pne child, at No. 68 Metcalf street and was en, gaged in thjf insurance business, repre sentins the Pan American Insurance Company. When he went to Wash ington his wife and ihild went to Shallotte, N. C, near Wilmington, for a visit with relatives and have been there since that time. Mrs. William Street of this city, who is a sister-in-law of young Swain received a telegram informing her of the affair yesterday morning and she at once got into communication with his wife and relatives. Another tele gram received from (Wa hinrtop stated that the body would be sent to New Bern on the early morning train. On arrival here it will be transferred to the Atlantic Coast Line train 'and taken to Shallotte for interment. Jusl why the voursr man took hJi life will probably never be known. He visited here last Saturday and told his friends that lUs-sMiisiness at Wash ington was all tlutt he could desire The inspector employed by the Pan' American Insnraic ' C r rany was n ihe city vesterdav and he informed the relatives of tile deceased "that his ooks were in soxl Order and that he was potitive there was no sht.rtgae in the eomnanv's funds of which Mr. Swain had charfc'.' i. BEAUFORT PERSONALS. Beaufort, N. C, Feb. 12. Kev. .cb. B. Pyatt of Atlantic was in town yesterday. Miss Lizzie Willis, who has been attending Greensboro Female College, passed through Beaufort yesterday, enroute to her home at Atlantic. A large number of the prominent citizens of Beaufort have gone - to Raleigh this week to appear before a joint meeting of the Senate and House Committee on fish and fisheries in oppositim to tl a proposed fisheries bill. XX5O004X5OCXXX xxxxxxxxxxxx '"" ri""nnnnnnnnnaja 1 1 "He Who by the Plow Would Thrive Must Either Hold or Drive." 1 - j We Sell Blount's TRUE BLUE Line Of Plow hvt Middle Bursters, a Plow That Fills Long Felt Need I ' y 1 1 !H1. i Blourtts1fciisy Plow. A Light Steel Turning Plotf. Very Popular. Prices Right. , J. Whitty Company PHONE n KilQfilflflK90flCMMNrCHDttCSHfl I I nvT

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