te ;''v- No. 91 NEW BERN, N. C, TUESDAY.tFEBRUARY 18, 1913-FIRST SECTION XtstU VP A D a,,,, u'ftlv 1 ! . - J MUDERfl SI TO HAVE BEEN IT. 1 IMOR IS UHCOHFIBMED 1 Following Its Spread Excite ment is Great in Mexico City GINMHOIK MD RIFLE FIRING BEGINS AGAIN Another American Killed--Ri- fle Ball Narrowly Misses Wilson Mexico City, Feb. IS A rumor was current here tonight that President Madero had been shot. Great excite ment prevailed following the spread of the rumor, but it could not be confirmed. Madero is not at the palace, but it is believed to be possible that he is on the firing line with General Huerta, who is in charge of the Federal troops. The Senate committee called at the national palace late today to demand his resignation. He was not there, having disappeared sometime previously- Clearing the Streets. Soldiers are clearing San Juan Letran Street in front of the cable office, saying that there will be firing on the building. Cannonading and rifle firing began again lite in the afternoon following a brief respite. Federal troops in the State of Oaxaca and in Tch-an'orec are reported to be in reve It and to be coming here to aid General Diaz, the relcl leader. . Ambassador are trying to arrange a daily armistice of certain hours to allow peoi le to get about I he my v.ith ...it .In 'T L. - 1 ' t JACKSONVIL' E HAPPENINGS Br pt tits To Build Parsonage- 1 if evling Man Gets Better. (Special to the lournal i Jacksonville, Feb. 13. The membtrs 01 the naotlst con cremation .it larlrsnr . villc have decided to erect a parsonage ior i ne convenience oi tne pastors whon t.hey call to the service of the rhiirrh The exact location of the parsonage nas not oeen determined, but this ant other preliminary questions will be settled at an early date and the actua building will soon begin. E. C. Harrell of Elizabeth City, the traveling salesman who on Isri Kridn afternoon was accidentally shnt nom Dixon by Miss Eva Foy, a daughte oi j. c. roy oi tnat place, is now re covering and in a few days will be able to return to his home. Next Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock there will be service in the court hmm at this place. The public is invited ti Attend. SUES FOR BEING PUT OFF! RAIN Thomas Hill, Colored, Wants Coast Line to Pay Him Two Thousand Dollars. am HE BOUGHT A TICKET OIH ORPHAN BURNED fO GIRL IS DEATH Nellie Gray Jones, Aged Five Years ran into Fire and Sus tains Fatal Injuries. DEATH RESULTS IN FEW HOURS T.iought It Was To New Bern, But It 1 urned Out To Be To Some Other Place. Left Alone a Few Minutes, She Was Found With Clothing In a Blaze. News of a distressing acident whicl occurred in Number Two town-hit inre i nursaav aiternoon anrt her mit HanOTpr 1 hfU arc olei- e U r... causeel the death of Nrllie C, ra v a well "r'p fined pci tra I 70 nr. little eirphan girl five years of age TheGiveri'meitlvishcidedtlic nro.rei!ched ,hi c"y yesterday. test of 4-ier.rv I anp ik, n 1 he parents of the victim of the Amlassador, ai.d removed 1 he bat-. atL'jdcnt died several years ago anc rery irom the vicinity of the American "Vc wii8 nolnlnS more, man ai embassy. .infant she was taken into the home o Another American Killed R. E. Meredith, aeent for the Nai ion alCash Register Company, was killed Mr. and Mrs. lease R. Kvi'rineMon am since that time has lived with them TI I r . , , , . . i iiurseiay anernoon Mrs. Cverine r 11 room beside an oper .. - j . ... . Ti . . ? this afternoo by a rain of bullets ?s hc! ffi" B'r' ?er.c. 81 Un " wn i, ..-I,,,, Pr.,,.,.'. U..l u:u l.i v viiuti 9 ucu ....... unci o iiuivi wine ii mi i- li ters American women and children. I pre 1 juinruiiini. .hi nii'eriian rci rrr-1 , i,- . , , z . ..u. : .l -V .Z. .the rCQJli for a few minutes and lefi tne little girl alone, little thinking thai harm, would befall her. A few seconds alter leavin the room Mrs. Lve'rtngton tuard, frantic screams and rnsnintr back to the room found that the little girl was enveloped in flames She seized a rug from the floor and with this managed to extinguish the child's blazing clothing. However, sne naa Deen so badly burned that death ensued a few hourt la er. It is supposed that' the little girl got -too near the blazing wood in the hrephce and that the clothing became i asted from this. The little victim wis loved by all who knew f er and er painful death was the tajse oi gnet in many hearts entering roriers noui wnie n n 1-. fir,r,-. , ...u.vu .u " " "ST. ters American women nnd chilelren. i. ' 'V" r.ja"H i mi s. r.viTinuimi w;w ra inn rm wrman rnrrrt. I.t. . - s v s er, was shot in the lee in the same t'n lade. A rifle ball entered the AmericJi embassy this afternoon, missing Am- l j u;i l - . inXr m! my a ''aHwoL frantic screams Ambassador Wilson has invited the British, German, Spanish and French ministers to confer with him on Ma dero's reft sal to resign. Proclaims Himself President Emilio Vasquez Gomez, a former Madero lieutenant, crossed the line into Mexico today and proclaimed himself President. Women like to atltend a social func tion in order that they may be able to criticise it properly. Id orvr a on There will always LY11 be a market for-JUce. PAYS Half the people of the wnrliT i; nr:n:..it.. on rice, and their demand nuk n;. ....u impossible. But if you are to tsmUt h. tKi. a...i ' - --- - Mbiiiaiiu and market good crops, you must see that your land is nch enough in available POTASH Pn2A fJT ?dvCe "P'f" great inroads on the Poush of the soil. Keep your soil p to the high mark of pro- dUCtInn hv inffiitttnn- n, (mr. V. . . .... , ..... .. . , UIIK( uuiivuningst least S7i rbtasli. ii your aeaicr aoetn t c.rry inch brands, nor Potash Sslts. write lo ui lew prices on any amount from a 200-lb. bag" up. I ?m "'.Sli0' ook of prohtable (ertiliur lormulaa GERMAN KALI WORKS Une ol ti c most interesting cases aken up at yesterday's session of superior Court was one in which Thomas Hill, colored, is suing the Atlantic v.oast Line Railway Company or damages in the sum of two thousand loljars for being put off one of the'r rains alter ne naa purchaser! a ticket tnd had the same in his possession, "rom the evidence introduced during he trial it seems that Hill was forking n Wilmington and that he wanted o come to New Bern to visit ' his laughter. Havinir only a small sum il money he purchased a ticket, pre- lumaDly to New Bern and had only hirty cents remaining. Being illiterate he was unable to earl the destination printed on the icket and did not know it was a ticket o antither city. He claims that the onductor tdet him he could not ride n that, ticket on that division of the oad and was told to leave the train, le contends that he did this and was impelled to walk back to the city .f e;:i. i i n' y iiiiiiugiuii unci oeing pnysicauy inable to do this was greatly injured jy being compelled to do so. The -ailway people claim that the man's itory is incorrect. The counsel on oth sides are making a hard fight The case will probably be placed in the hands of the jury by noon. - In the case of Grantham vs. Grant tam, a separation proceeding which was decided in favor of the plaintiff, Mrs. Grantham, on the previous day, he attorneys for th'e defendant yes terday asked for a new trial. Judge Allen has not rendered his decision is to whether or not this will be granted. In the case of James Quinnerly vs. Miles Simmons, in which the plaintiff was suing for a balance of one hundred ind sixteen dollars which he claimed was due on a e'eel, the jury decided in avor oi tne rielcndant. Two divorce cases were c.''s josed of luring the day. In the case of Charles lanklord vs. Melissa Tankford t e jury rendered a verdict on favor of the plaintiff and granted a divorce In he case ol David Richardson vs susan Richardson the iurv also found in favor of the plaintiff and eranted a aivorce. ; CAHRGED WITH THEFT Samuel Small Awaits .Superior i.ourt I rial. Samuel Small, eighteen vcars olel. was placed under arrest Monday night it Savannah, Ga., by a railroad de tective on a warrant charging him with being implicated in the theft of a num ber of boxes of tobacco from one of the Norfolk Southern Railwav Company's cars at this place. ine alleged theft was enmm: ted several weeks ago and yout g .Smal left the city a short time later. An other young man who is said to have been connected with the robbery is now under indictment and will be tried at the next term of court. Small was brought to New Bern and placed in the county jail, being released yesterday afternoon when he gave $100 bond Ipr his appearance at ne next term ol superior court. DOCTORS 10 PLAN L WILL MEET IN CONFERENCK WITH GOVERNORS AT NORVOLK. EH SHOULD ASSISl Judge Alien Thinks Neighb n Districts Concerned In Monuvent Project. EXPLAINS VIEWS ON SUBJECT No Admirer of Dc GratTenried nut Approves of Monument To His Colony. Several members of the committee in charge ol the erection of a monu ment in this city to the De.Graffenried Colony met at the home of R. A. Nunn last evening tor the purpose of con ferring upon the subject with Judge O. H. Allen of Kinston. A few months ago, during the time I. . . . i ; ? f .Tt tiiae. me campaign ior lunas to be used in 1 1 iv iiitiioii ui mis memorial was in progress Judge Allen had published an article in which he gave his views upon I Vl. r.mrtJ . : . L - 1 uiu9cu mi nun ui cms. memorial At that time Judge Allen understood :hat the nemorial was to be erected n memory of Dc Graffenrieel. sonallv. and cited several instance In which his conduct was not all that it should have been. Last eveninir fude Allen ct.-itpr! that since learning that the memorial was to be erected not to Baron De Graffenried alone but to his colony as a whole, he was heartily in favor ol the movement and earn stly hoped that it would prove to be a complete susccess. Judge Allen is well read in the history of the early settlement ol this country and is considered to be an authority upon the subject. He stated that De Graffenried had colonists whom he brougnt here in an ungauant manner and had taken ad vantage of them in everv wav rnsnible and personally he derserved little credit for what had been acconvplishe I. It is Judge Allen s opinion that the citizens of New Bern should he assisted in me woric oi erecting this; memorial by the citizens of Onslow! .Pender Duplin, Jones, Lenoir and Wayne :ounties for he has found unmistakable evidence that many of the members nf the colony brought here by De Giaffen ried moved to those places and traces of them can yet be found. Judge Allen is heartily in favor of (the erection of this memorial and said that he thought it would be a fitting tribute to the memory of the men and women who underwent untold hardships and many times faced death in order to make the settlement of New Bern i permanent one. Contibutions to the memorial fund are coming in, although slowly at this time and the amount of subscriptions and donations in the hands of S. M. Brinson, County Superintendent of Public Schools, who is treasurer- of the fund, is very encouraging.- Within a few weeks the active campaign for funds to bp used in its erection will be resumed and it is hoped that the full amount necessary to erect the memorial will be assured at that time. mnrs PREPARING FOR BIG DEBATE New Bern vs. Washington and New Hern Vs. Elizabeth City on Next Friday Night. DISCL'SS "VOTES FOR -WOMEN' CAMPAIGN ADDS 178 MEMBERS 10 THE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GOOD LOCATION, TOO !t -The Past Week Was Examination Week IrylngTime For Teach ers and Pupils. Only It Would Be Better If Were Closer to New Bern. (Special to the Journal) Russell's Creek, Feb. 14. Oi r town is situated tour nulcs west of Beaufort on the New Bern roar! nnrl thi it hind The boys chosen to represent New I waterway. Bern in the debates with Washington Sweet potato growing is engaging and Elizabeth City are busy getting the attention of our farmers to quite their speeches ready. The question an extent. The sweet potato is per Resolved that the Constitution of feet ly at home in. old Carteret, the scil North Carolina be so amended as to and climatic conditions suit them anil jftve women the riirht to vote under with fhp canal at our r!onr v-i I hint the same qualifications as men", is ajwe can send the Northerners come live one and will, of course, prove jn-1 "taters". Cresting. On the affirmative, Charlie I We hope the Legislature will not Hollister and Fred Cohen will sneak I forffet our preatesl nrorl vi 'Sinfp and on the negative .George Green and I wide stock law." The range is gone rcooert ihorntcn. land woods stock is almost extinrt. The first debate will be III neTt I The fpnrp nrnhlnm i n hi'.r ,inrr. n Iih rnday night, rebruarv 21st. in the I us. Wire fenrino is nrvt lo a faib.n. school auditorium. Washington will Ion account of the salt sorav and wood tend her negative team over to me. t fencing is entirely out of the question. our amirmative team. Our negative! Ducks anel peese are slow about side will go to Elizabeth Citv to meet I makinp their annual vUir What W their affirmative side there on the same I become of the thousands of Hni-tc n'f?ht. I that formally swarmed in our waters. We have several new settlers this season mm t ravpti nnd iHifiinmn This has been a trying week in school I counties viz. Messrs. Stulwden. Mnnir both for pupils and teachers. Exami-1 Morton. Skinner. Freeman and Owens nations tell the tale. The only happy I - persons on the Green were those who I THOMAS HILL, COLORED, RE- Income of Organization Now Over Twenty-Seven Hun dred Dollars NEW WD KIMS ' CHOSEN LAST MIGHT These Will Meet Wednesday JNight to Elect the Officers WAR ARIA CARBONATE OF LIMB WINS THE HONORS FROM Burned or Oxide of Lime by VS.OO per .ere in a sixteen ye.r test, and proved beyond question that it is a wperior lertiliit ingrediant. Brown' C COJ by .ndUfc,, teW hesds the list of fertilirio, HJW,; Pof foil inIoi wrhe st'dne, u CM1UJM COlSf Lit CO. New Bern. N. C. 1 WWM LY SOLU UU. FOr, C L. SPENC ALER IN- my, my, Corn, Oats. Rnn MalliOf.rl J; Zm WMCK fob ti Attention. ..u4c ctxcei, New Bern, N. O. Norfolk, Va.. Feb. 13. A ments for a conference bwtween lead. ing physicians anel Governors of II Southern Slates, to be held in this city February 21 have been completed. The object of the conference is to map out a campaign for the eradication of malaria in the South. Some of the physicians and snrm.nn who will attend the conference are rr W. TL Welch, of Johns Hopkins Unh versity, ot Baltimore- Dr. Rupert Blue, surgeon-general of the army; Dr. W. S. Thayer, of Johns Hopkins; Dr. C. C. Bass, of Tulane Univesrity, New Or leans, and Dr. C. E. Driver of Ne rfolK Dr. Driver stated tonight that it would probably be.deerided at the con erence to adopt the meti.od now in vogue in Italy fir the eradication of malaria along the Southern seaboard. Dr. Driver, who studied the Italian plan under Prof-. A. Celi, rf the Public Health Department of Italy, says that the percentage of malaria cases has bee i reduced fre m 55 per cent, to 2 p;r cent, in that country. FoHcwing the conference an elabor ate banquet will be held at the Monti cello, to which 300 guests will be in- victo, OYSTER RO ST AT ROPERS JoBr-Aff.lt Fr!, Room Unique invitations were sent out by the yojng m;n f the Roper Mill, inviting a few Iriends to sn ovser last Friday ni:ht. in honor of Mixi Alice Pander; of Tarboro, g eil of Miss L ura Ives. It. Was indeed a merrv rrnwH whn met in the boiler roost f the mill and NEW BERN LEADS EM ALL. While the merchants in other towns in Eastern North. Carolina are com plaining about the lack of business, local merchants both retail and whole sale, say that their business is the best that they have ever had at this season of the year. Such a condition as this clearly demonstrates the fact that New Bern is the livest city in this sec ion of the State. SPJKHETH HER. BEAUTY RECIPE MLLE. UNA CAVALIERI RE VEALS THE SECRET OF GOOD LOOKS. made 90 or over on each subject during the term. After roll cad these wise ones were dismissed for the day, while nose wno made less than su remained uj struggle witn tne examinations which were necessary for promotion Regular systematic work counts two tnircls an exmaniations count third in school work anel reports COVERS THAT AMOUNT FROM COAST LINE. At the opening o' yesterday's ses sion of C raven County Superior Court the case of Thomas Hill, colored, vs. the Atlantic Coast Line Railway Corn- one- I pany which had bei n continued from the previous day. was resumed. New York Feb. 13. It was Mile. Lina Cavalieri who stood and sparkleel little sparklers on the deck of the Kaiser Wilhelm II as it came up the bay and she explained the appraise ment of herslcf -of her jewls. Sublime! Magnificent. "How much are my jewels of value. you ask me? Ol), tra-la-Ia, who can say? I have made the declaration of 12,500. Perhaps they are-of a value as that perhaps less. Maybe more who can say? ' "Ah! truly, I have three ambitions in life. Give ear: Thev are to have jewels, to have hats anrj to have spa ghetti. There you have it.'. One of the so-brave gentlemen of the press ventured this: You are so beautiful? You have the secret of beauty. What it is, little sister oi tne starsf . Spaghetti." answerd I.a Relic Lila "Always and only spaghetti. F.at spaghetti and you will be as beautiful as the dawn in spring." GIVE ENTERTAINMENT jalfetohgt 1n Boller4.d.:T f "m'"?"7"' ' IN LESS THAN .THREE 1 EES. h-fKPlant. """'""S 7 "" rrajon- THAT NUMBER ARE cijoyed the roast. Dur I'RICK FOR SALE Sieve n uaga uri- g the evening each rue t wa pn-senteil with a souvenir of the jollyce4alwii,-These looked tike-oysters in the shell but wh'i the oyster shell were, opened thev h-M, not ovstrrs, but valtentines THoV; enjoying the iviisses sra Stewart, Holln er, Cwendo- lia, Rissoun, Lila and Sffv'Marek s Nnf Street. Ii hi n bourne, Frank Felt! nccasfcm we i LsWra lve t Hes.i If I. ,s waiter sa RUhlands Young People Delight Good-Sized Audience. R chlsnds, N. C. Feb. 15 The local talent of Kichlanels arranged a pretty entertainment, which was given at that place last night, for the benefit of the Baptist church. Rirhlands is well provoeri witn talented young people who are independent - ai out i ne average uany atteneiance during I t-ounsel on both sides o! the case January in the white school was 772-. made a strong fight for their client and 65 and in the colored school 512.70, considerable time was taken up in the making the total average daily at- argument. The case was g.ven to the tendance during the month 1285.35. jury before noon recess and they re- as 10 i union fupils. Iturr.cel a verdict in lavor ol the piain I he following regulations were passed I tiff but awarded him damages only at the Janary meeting of the School! in the sum of sixty dollars. Hoard in regard to tuition pupils in! In this case the plaintiff was suing the sclmeil. I for damag.es in the sum of two thousand All children between the ages of I eloilars for injuries claimed to hav u and il years of bona tide residents I been caused by being put off one of o! the city of New Bern, except deaf,! the defandant's trains after he ha dumb or blind or such as may be af-1 purchased a ticket and hail the same dieted with contagious or infectious I in his possesion. The ticket in question aiseases or exposed to the same shall I was supposed by Hill to contain the be admitted free of charge. I necessary credentials to get hi Children who have not taken up New Bern to visit his daughter. Hut men resilience in ine city oi .New I tne t'CKct was good only tor a trip Irom Bern with the purpose of remaining I Wilmington, the point at which the permanently, and all rhildren whose I plaintiff boareled i lie train to a town parents or guardians reside elsewhere I in South Carolina or wno snail nave removed to ,ewl Hill claimed that he had paid twei Bern only temporarily for the purpose I eloilars and twenty cents for the ticket of obtaining the benefit of the scheiol.sland had onlv itferitv cents .rmitottw. shall pay reasonable tuition charges J That he was put off at a point three prescriDen Dy tne Hoard. I miles Irom Wilmington and was leirccd ll non-residents who pay taxes I to walk back to that place and in ad on City property, shall have the whole ition to this his physical condition amount of special city school taxes was bad and that he was caused great paid by them, deducted each year from hardship by neit being able to reach tne amount Ol tuition charges due the I New Hern. City Cchools for their rhildren or I At theconclusion of this case the d wards, on presentation of their taxlvorce mill again got in action and the receipts. Icaseol Kobt Kdwarr's vs Sylphia hdwad All tuition shall bedue and payable I was taken up, jury finding in faor of in advance during the hrst week o I t ie n ainti and granting him a divorce each month. All persons not paving I ludge Allen has not rendereel hii same in this time are to be excluded decision in regards to setting aside the trom scnooi alter the hrst week ol th? vertlirt in the case ol (jranthani month. I Grantham in which the jury grinted i-.,piis not admitted iree shall pay I Mrs. K. A. t.rantham a separation tuition as iollows: 1st, Znd and 3rd I 1 he term closes today urades, $1.00 per month; 4th, 5th and Jth Grades, $1.50pcr month; 7th, 8th, I In sonic cases money is the only nn, ana 10th trades, UU per month. Jsugar that sweetens matrimony t nc .attendance lor the past week has been as follows: Monday-present 776, absent 26; Tuesday present 772. absent 3,3; Wednesday present 769, absent 43; Thursday present 771, absent 28; rnday present j6, ab sent 55. In order that time may be gained in arranging the grades and assigning the teachers to their work, pupils will come to se hool on Monday one hour later than usual and school will open at 10 instead of 0 o'clock. The regular bells will be rung about one hour later than usual. This arrangement will give lime before school opens to get the full reports of the teachers on the numbers promoted and the size of the new erades. The Teachers' Meeting will lie held from 8:45 to 9:45 Monday morning The annual meeting of the Chamber of Commerce was held at the Court House last evening ; nd was largely attended, among those present being a number of new members who have become affiliated with the organization during the pas few days. At the opening of the meeting Sccre lary J. Leon WilFams presented his report for the past year. In this re port Mr. Will'ams stated th; t when he took hoi of the Chamber of Commerce tvvo years ago the receipts were only nine y dollars a month. Last year, he stated, the r.ceipts averaged $116 a month . During the campaign waged thos week one hundred and seventy six new members were added to the list anel the 1 otal income of the orga iza tion from the members is now two thousand seven hundred and forty two dollars each year. The report also showed how the Chabmer of Commerce has helped in ceveloping New Bern during the past year by woiki.g up intercut in various movements and how i. had advertised the city. After the repor had been read and accepted the election of the Board uf I directors wa t.ken up. h had pre viously been decide to elect b. t 15 mem bers but upon motion of Will i.m Dunn, Jr., it was decided to elect iweuty-OBe members of the organization on this board. Ballots had bee.i prepared and upon these the members were allowed to write the ne mes of any members of the Chamber of Ce mmerce whom they wanted on the Baoid. After this hail bee n e!oie and the votes collected za I f . d, tie following were found to have been elected: E. K. Bishop, J. B. Blades, C. D. BiaJham, J. A. Bryan, L. H. Cutler .Lr., J. S. Claypoojp, II. B. e. raven, Clyde? Eby, William j ifnn, Jr., . T. ill. (). . DuhhtC E. Fov, W. W. riffin, B. B. Hurst, T. G. Hyman, C L. Ives, W. J. Lucas. II. K. Land, K. A. Nunn, VV. H. Newell, Jr., W. C. Rodney and T. A. Uzkdl. Next Wednesday night the Boarel f Direct rs wit! meet in the Chamber of Commerce room and e'e:t the t ffi'ers for the nsuing year. '1 he campaign for members just closed by the Chamber of Commerce as successful in every way. The greater part of the eild members who had in hanel the work of securing new mem ers re enthusiastic over the movement nd worked hard. H. K. Land was the champion "getter", securing twenty- one new members; W. W. Griffin came next with twenty new members and he was fo'lywed by Jesse Claypoole witu nineteen. The oth. r "gel ters" succeeded in landing ironi two to fiftein members each- DEATH F MRS. THOS P. CLARK News has been received here of the death of Mrs. ,Thos. P. C.arke ol Vancouver, Wash. Mrs. Clarke was a daughter-in-law of the late Hon. Win. ig arkc of thi-. city and a sister-inlaw and Mrs. had visited oi Mrs. ueorge iwouiton ana Mrs. She William K. Clarke. here a number erf times People who arc light 1 earlerd aren't necessarily feather-brained. People who are rolling in weall h should be able to find better ufe for it(' FOUR DEATHS IN SHELTW FAMILY A WOMAN'S PROBLEM In the looking-glass a woman often sees wrinkles, hollow circles under eyes, "crow's feet,' all because she did not turn to the right remedy when worn down with those troubles which are distinctly feminine. Backache, headache, pains, lassitude, nervousness and drains upon vitality bring untold suffering to womanhood and the face shows it. The nervous system sad the satire womanly make-up feels the tonic effect of DR; PIERCE'S FAVORITE PRESCRIPTION. It sllays and subdues nervous excitability, irritability, nervous exhaustion, end ' -- - d;ui),u,ui3 vuiiiuiuiiijr Biiruuaiib uuub luuc uoiiai anej urxBJnc diseases of the feminine organs. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves menmi anxieiy nnd aesnonelencv. Known everywhere and for over) vaan as the standard remedy for the diseases of women. Yoar dealer in medicines sells it in Hquid or sugar-coated tablet form; or you can send SO one-cent 1 stamps for a trial box of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription tablets. Addraes Dr. H. V. Pierce, Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. DR. PIERCE'S PLEASANT PELLETS REGULATE AND INVIGORATE STOMACH, LIVBR AND BOWELS. f UGAR-COATED TINY GRANULES. "He Who by the Plow WouM Thrive Must Either Hold or Drive." We Sell Blount's TRUE BLUE Une Of Plows man and Samuel Bridgets. able preparations, they can do as much as any group ol young people to en tertain and interest the public audience. The entertainment was both musical and llterrry. There were two pan tomimes, a tableau, piano solos and duett, re; dings aid songs, !oteMi, trior and rl crus, Thrrr who faced inelenieni weather And slippery fttfltway to attend ths function, will gladly go sf far nnd it.tv as long lo hear and see I he fame class of entertainment, when those who gave last night's performance, kc fit to give another one. A g'xiel amount was rcaise-d for thi church benefit, and it would have been much larger a hd the weather not bten so discouraging. An .ettDomy program is utuallv ad- vocatW ipiM Congressmen, wfto haVe gotten What tftey want. STRICKEN DJWN. (Special la tue Journ I) ' Heiufort, N. C, News ;is receiVf d here today eif the eleath of ins l.icy VV. Iihe-lton, eil HriiUenort. Ceinn.. She died Tue:dy aisht, Feb. 11. f-h? was the sistrr uf . H. Shclton, .1 Beaatort, nho' was buried Tuesday. Feb. II. Thin N fovr depths tK t have occrirreel in the fainilv in less than three week. 1 The B. Y. P. I . n-et st the homo oi! Mrs. W. I. Wallace Us: nhtht. The commonwealth qu rtetappeared in the Court House last nieht before a audience under (he 'auspices of- t Civic League. Word hasHicen rere-'ved frora TOfll 'lupin, a l0rmer Beaufort bey, who bft sometime ago, and whose where abouts were uncertain, that he is .uua, Middle Bursters, a Plow That Fills a Long Felt Need Blcunta' Daisy Plow. A Light Steel Turning Flow: Vry Popular. Prices TUght. J. C Whitty Company PHONE 8 WWW VLTV ywyyij rTJTJlfTJHf MllflPPCf MgggMMl ; r ' i 4 I I H