i No. 93 NEW BERN. N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRIJaRY21, W13 SECOND SECTION 3?th YEAR . NIL RESERVE OFFICERS MEET HOSPITAL PLAN MAY ORDER BUT . EBY STILL SAW FILER EEI3 SI VALENTINE'S AT I STATE TROOPS ROPES FOR BAIL BADLY INJURED E WOULD VALIDATE SIS INTERES RAILROAD BONDS ARAPARO SCHOOL Consider Plans For Cruise of Mili tia on Battleship This Summer. Docters and Others Are Giving At tention to Proposal For New Institution. EVERYTHINO FIXED BUT DATE PROMPT ACTION BEING URGED Annual Convention of Commis sioned Officers to be Held Hereafter. Sunday afternoon a meeting of the Cha nber of Coemmrce Should Take Hold of Project Says a Leading Doctor. The announcement made through officers' of the North Carolina Nayalthc columns of the Journal a few days Militia was held in this citv on board ago that the Catholics of this city the U. S. S. Elfrida, Among the officers present were Lieutenant 1- ud son of Edenton Lieutenant. Trinn were considering a plan to erect a hospital in New Bern, awakened a great deal of interest here. Particu of Hertford Lieutenant Charles Mor . "arly arc the physicians interested in ton of Washington and Captailn homi i 1 propseo. new institution as Daniels, Commandes B, D, Bradj ham, Pieutcnant A, T. Willis, Pieuj tenant C, J, McSorlep and Picutenant J, T, Green of this city, The object of the meeting was to decide upon and arrange for a cruise bv the naval militia of this state on board one of the nited vtates battel xships, Ohe matter was thoroughly discussed by the officers and. they came to the conclusion that it would be one of the best was by which the militia could see and participate ih actual service on one of these big boats, The officers having decided that this cruise should be taken on board of the battleship Iowa the next thing was to arrange a date for the trip, which will last ten days, This has not been definitely decided upon at the present time but will take place be tween July and August 15, this pear, The companies will in all probability board the boat off Morehead City. The cruise will probably be along the Atlantic coast but just where stops will be made has not been announced, The men will receive regular naval training and one day will be devoted entirely to target practice with the big guns, The officers also decided to hold an annual convention of-ali the commis sioned officers in the state at Wash ington, N. C, at an early date, At this meeting several prominent naval officers will make a-dresses on sub ec ts ofinterpst, New Bern has one hospital at the present time, but the city is grow ing, as is also the surrounding action which furnishes many patients for the institution, and at times the capacity of the Stewart Sanitarium is greatly taxed. The hospital which the Catholics are considering .erecting would he a commodious structure, completely equipped in every way and one which would be a credit to any city. The Catholics have two great hos pitals in the Western part of the state, one at Greensboro and one at Charlotte and the erection of one in the eastern part of the state is believed to be im ininent A prominent physician discussing the matter gives it as his opinion in that the people here should go to work right away and make an ettort to land this big and important instiuttion. "Here's a worthy undertaking for the Lhamher ot Commerce , said be in talking with a Journal man, 1CEB0R0 WANTS BETTER SERVICE SKIPPED BOND nUIOKLY tNHT JOE HILL, COLORED, OF PAMLI CO COUNTY ARRESTED IN THIS CITY. Joe Hill, colored, who several weeks ago in Pamlico county skipped bond to appear at the last term of court to answer to a charge of assault, was nicked ud in this citv yesterday by Sheriff R B. Lane and is now being held for his bondsman Hill evidently thought that the little affair in Pamlico had been for gotten and that he need have no fear of being apprehended. Yesterday af:crnoon he meandered into the city co :rt room presumbablv forthe pur pose of seeing Mayor McCarthy, dis perse justice to the law breakers of Si.turlay night and Sunday. This atti n caused Hill's downfall. Chief of Police 1-iiDton cast his eyes over the room and they alighted upon the fug tive from justice. He telephoned to .Sheriff R. B. Lane that Hill was in the court room and that he could send for him. Within less than f.v minutes jk tVntitv was on the scene a d in a iiffv Hill's wrist was adorned wi h a pair of shiny sfeel bracelets and he was on his wav to iail. Z. V. Rawls of Pamlico county st .od the negro's bond and he will be turned ovor to him for delivery at the ext tcjm of Superior Court in that county By getting arrested if litant qities some crooks make fine ' trips for the officers of the law. The ground-hog is probably fust grunting in glee over what he has in "sttrc for the 4th ot March. Lillian Russel' is to lecture on ' How to ! vc ItK) years." Bet she says she lever used tobacco or drank ri rr. Citizens living at and near VanccLo ro are making preparations t present a petition to the Chamber of Ce m merce ot this city, asking; that this or n make an effort to indnccthe of the Norfolk-Southern Pali- way 'Company to make a charge 1,1 the.SCBeaule ot the trains running bo kwewiOftw city and Washington N C ., so that they will be able to cdme to atteng to their business matters and will have more tune tostay in the c;tv. At present the morning train leaves New Bern tor Washington at 9 o'clock. Arriving there it awaits the arrival of the tram from Raleigh for about an hoir and 0.1 the return trip reaches this city at 11:57 o'clcck. Returning in the afternoon it leaves here at 1;3S o'clock .this giving persons wno come to New Be. n irom alone t hat line and who want to return on the next train less than two hours in the citv. It is oftentimes impossible for them to attend to their business in this time and they are then compelled to wait for the midnigh train. which causes them much inconvenience. If the trata leaving here at OtOS did not remain in Washington for an hour, bi t returned at once, it would give yisitors considerable more time to spend in this city. At present many persons jxyuu aiong tnc line between this city aim Vanccboro who want to spend a few hours in the city, go to Washington in preference to New' Bern on account f the fact that they have more unie in wiucn to attend to Dust ness. Be Mobilized In All Probability j Believes That the Eastern Carolina If United States Inter venes.In Mexico MILITIAMEN Local TAKING NOTICE Company of Coast Artil lery In Line For Some Active Service. League Will Yet Resurrected. Be WRITES TO MANY OF THE FANS If ft Stx-Team League Cant be Had, Why Then, a Four-Sided Af fair Will Be Tried Out. CITY UPHELD BY THE COURTS There is a probability that the State troops will be ordered to mobilize for service iu the event that the Uuite.i States intervenes in the anticipated Mexican struggle. In view of the fart ihat there is a company in New Bern, namely, the First Company Coast Artillery, it is evident that consider able interest attaches to the probable conflict. Captain J. Hunter Smith, who has been following the preliminaries so ar with the keenest attention, stated last night that he anticipated that the North Carolina companies would be ailed out if the reg-ilar troops are ordered to Mexico. In the event the Federals are defeated and the so-called rebels are victorious in the figluirg that is now in progress it is almost a certainty that the regualar troops w II be. called into action. II this is done the National-Guard in the several States will in all probability be ordered to mobilize aloug with all available regulars. The North Carolina troops in such eve t will doubtless be order d to Morehead City where they will await further commands. Captain bmith and also the capts n of every other company in the Sttte now has in his possession emergency transportation blanks which have only to be tilled out, dated, signed and de livered to bocorre instantly effective A railway schedule has also been work ed out for the anticipated movemci t of the various companies in the three Norh Carolina regiments to IWc:e- head city in 'he event the oHcr comes trom General Lawrence W. Young, Adjutant General at Washington. It is Captain Smith's bel el that the members of the National Guard would not be called into active service unless absolutely necessary but that they would be placed at some available point and held there in case they were needed and also for the purpose ol protecting that point. It goes with- out saying that the members ol the First Company Coast Artillery will await further news from the front with the keenest interest. The North Carolina Guard consists of three icgiments of infantry, six compan'es ot coast artillery and two troops of cavalry in addition to the sanitary eorps General BrS. Royster cf Oxford if fe brigade commander; J. T. Gardner ot Shelby, co.cne ccm Clyde Ebv. president of the ,New Bern Athletic Association, who was appointed chairman of the proposed Eastern Carolina Baseball Association at a meeting of the baseball enthus iasts from New Bern, Washington Fayetteville and GoldsbOro which was held at Goldsboro several weeks ago, is now corresponding with several ether tawns in eastern .North Carolina with a'view of inducing them to put a team in the proposed league and assist in making the league a six team one. To a Journal reporter Mr. Ebv yes terday stated that he had received replies from several towns but that up to the present time nothing definite had been decided upon. Anbther meeting was to have been held at Godlsboro next week and at that time .he final arrangements for the forma tion of the league wefe to have been made. However, this meeting will not be held until something more definite can' be decided upon. Mr. Ebv is very enthusiastic over the reorganization of the old Eastern Carolina League and is confident that it will lie resurrected. If -it is seen that .wo ether cities cinnot be induced to put a team in the league ,it is possible that the four cities which have already signified their intension of placing teams in the league will decide to "play ball. "OFFICER 66" 1 Battle of Wits Makes It a Most Interesting Production. A battle of wits that is viewed with intense interest as waged by the sleuth and the cracksman in Umcer 600 has made that play the most interesting! over onc manding First Infantry W. J. Rod man of Washington, cclcnel command ing Second Infantry and J. N. Craig of Reidsville, colonel commanding the Third Infantry. Max L. Barker ol Salisbury is the lieutenant colone" commanding the Coast Artillery Corps. The two troops of cavalry are those at Lincolnton and Ashevilh. REVENUERS GET ANOTHER by SHAKESPEARE CLUB ENTERTAINED. Mrs. Charles Thomas, assisted by jmhs cisie walker, was hostess 10 section B of the ShakcsDeare Club yesterday atternoon at her attractive h me on East front street. The aftcr- . ...... f..n. . ' " uviiguiiuiijr sprni ill rcau ing Romeo and Juliet. Daintv refresh Imeirts were served during the nftr- I T . . . noon, inose present were: Mcsdamcs c. u. Bradham, Owen Guion, Ceci ijuDcu, tucnara uuny, - Misses Mnllit- ll,...fii nba Roberta, Elsie Walker and Bettic yvinciiey. CARBONATE OF LIMB fe ifcHLY Soluble FormA WINS THE HONORS FROM Burned or Oxide of Lime by $75.00 per acre in a sixteen year test, and proved beyond question that it it a superior fertilizing ingrediant Drown c CUJ by analitical test heads the list of fertilizing limes. For full lnh.rmati.in write at once to CAROLINA COAST LIME CO. Nsw Bern, N. C. ALER IN- Bill In Legislature to Make Good City's $50,000 Kepudl ' - ated Bonds. Emergency Meeting of Board of Aldermen L;ist Night to Consider Matter. Champ Benton, Colored, of N'aple Gy iress Awaits Hear nj Champ Benton, colcred, whose home Maple Cypress, was placed nder arrest early yesterday morning Un.t;d States Deputy Marshal Samuel Lilly on a warrant charging im with retailing spirituous liquor- without- a government license. The revenue men have been aftei Benton for seme time, but not untii yesterday were they able to apprehend him. He was sitting alone in his home when the officer walked in the doer and placed him under arrest. He saw that to make an attempt to escape woulc be suelcss and readily agreed to ac company the officer to New Bern. 1 he officer and his prisoner arrived in the city yesterday afternoon anc the latter was taken before Unitet' States Commissioner C. B. HHl for preliminary hearing. Owing to the absence of several material witnesses this was postponed until today at 1 o'clock and in default of a bond ol onc hundred and fifty dollars the de fendant was committed to the count) jail. BEAUFORT BREVITIES. (Special to the Journal) Beaufort, Feb. 13. J. P. Wimbish, production given to the American stage in many years, and- easily the most talked about. It succeeded in creating a veritable sensation when presented in New York and Chicago a year ago. where the interest aroused kept the box omce busy and the theatres crowded during its record run in the eastern and west ern metropolis. Umcer 000 which win ce seen here in this city for the first time at the Masonic theatre on Monday, February 24 ,is a jolly good Jarcw, and the secret of its wonderful appeal may be attributed to the riddle that its plot presents, the solving of which is accomplished in a perfect maze of merriment, and heightened by tne unfolding of a charming love story that threads the three acts of Augustin MacHugh's thrilling detective story. sais wnis Fl An emergency meeting of the Board of Aldermen was held last night for the purpose of taking action relative ro ene Din imrtKiiTccei .ill -fitv juiiKrai Assembly bv Senator Bellamy of Bruns wick county at the reqi est of twe-Judge E. K. Bryan of Wilmington, who is attorney for the trustee of the bank rupt estate of Thomas A. Mcjntyre, deceased, of New I ork, to validate 550,000 worth of bonds issued by the city of New Bern in 1S93 and which it had decided not to pay. The money secured from the sale of these bonds was used in the construe tion of a railroad bv the East Caro Una Land and Railway Company. In 1897 the citv council decided that they would not pay the bonds. Mc Irttyre instituted a suit and the verdict wJUp in favor of the city. Later he became bankrupt and died. Now the trustees of the estate has instituted another suit and this is pcr.dng at tile present time. The bonds were invalid under the laity. The Attorney for the trustee of ' the Mclntyrc estate has caused bill to be introduced in the Legislature for the purpose of validating them At the meeting held last night the Aldermen resolveTl to memorialize the Legislature requesting that the bil be not passed and upon motion of rtiderman Baxter City Attorney R. A Nunn was instructed to procure the attendance of witnesses acquainted wi.h the laets and take them before the legislative committee. Tweutv years have elapsed since the bonds were issued and if the Legislature were to pass a bill making them valid it would mean that the total amount due. interest and principal, would be hundred thousand dollars R MORE LIQUOR REPRESENTATIVE WIIITFORD AIRS VIEWS ON LIQ UOR QUESTION. Western Union Telegraph ('iterator here, is spedning today with his mother in Kalcigh. Jake Delamar, a Western Union operator at New Bern, is spending this week with Im parents, I. C Udamar and wife on Ann Street. Miss Martha Taylor of Wit, who for the past few months has been at school in Aydcn, has been compet ed to give up. her bludtes on account e.1 ill health She passed t brought Benulort Friday enroutc to Wit, and . was accompanied bv her unci-, Nnion H. btyrou. Ir. who spent Saturday and Sunday at Wit with relatives, and returned tt Aydcn Monday to icsume his studies Capl. Eugene vc . mans of Harkets bland was in the city yesterday. 'Ihos Go'.i anil Frederick Ostcrmevei are spending todav at Cape Lookouu. Mrs. C. A. MOore returned las evening from a trip to Baltimore ann New York City. Mrs. Moore has need buying her spri.ig millinery and dry Ci (Ills. Elisha Fclton of North River neigh borhood, some o or 9 miles from Beau fort, has joined t he U. S. lindeavc now laying W. P. Smi Itfcown nierch noon cral li.i Way, Corn, Oats, Bran, Hominy, A Wh ITT Ttlmn An m ' n.uu aua j tiauD. HIGH GRADE CORN MEAL. S1ED A AKD ED RYE. TRICK FOR SAL iJ2A8Sn C,vtn Attention. Lorver Middle Street, ern m q :hor in this harbor of Beiiufcrt's well tft yesterday after New-York aad sev n cities. He will spring stock while It Spnnglc is spending Yesterday' News and ObscVver says: "Representative G. A. Whitford, of Craven .registered yesterday morning 1 erievar.ee against the House report- r lor The News and Observer, in that his name was not included in the Ibt of fourteen .published in this depar ment Sunday morning, who voted gainst the scirch and seizure bill on ina reading Friday night. Mr. wnii ord was informed that neither the re porter nor the paper had made any error in the list, as it was copied from the official journal and his name did . ? . 1 II - M .1 - not appear in ine roil can mere. n Whitford thereupon went to the jour nil elerk to ascertain the whyforcness of the absence of his name from the oil call. Th joirnal showeel that while Mr. Whitford did not vote on that roll call, and his nam? therefore was not included in the list ol lour tee he was paired with Representative McNatr, ot Kobeson, who would nave vot.d for the measure il he Jiad been pre nt, while the representative from Criven would have voted against the ill, making fifteen. The reporter S prtssed his willingness to set the mat er straight in this morning's pa per. Mr. Whitford said he was anxious tha- it be done, so that his people wo Id know how he voted. 'Tour p ople mist be all liquor oiks.' suggested the reporter. "They a c,' replied Mr. Whitford, "Thev wan' more liquor, and' better quor, and bigger glasses- to drink it ( harl s Daugherty Is Crushed Te tween I og arrtafte and Roller ench. ACCID 'ft AT THE EL' IS MILL Brouoht t City and Placed la Stewart Sanitorium Can Hardly Recover. Public Debate on Relative Cost liness of Boys and Girls. Decision Against Latter. PARTY AT THE BENNETT HOME Large Church Being Erected Now Store Cpens With Edgar S. Wertver as Proprietor. If the city was compelled to pay this amount it would mean a substantial increase in taxes. A number of oung ladies and gentle men between the ages of ten and six teen years of age appeared before the Board and requested them to annul the ordinance relative to skating on the sidewalks. Thev presented a petition signed by a number of prominent citi zens who were in favor of this action. After considering the matter the Board decided to amend this ordinanc;sothat skates with wood or rubber wheels could be used anywhere in the city except around the court house or in the business district of the city. The maioirtv of the voung people argued that their skates were con structed with steel wheels and that if steel or iron wheels were not allowed they would be compelled to purchase new ones or desist from the sport However, the Aldermen were ol the opinion that the steel wnceis win iniure the sidealks and were obdurate. Wood and rubber wheel skates will be allowed but steel aud iron wheels arc barred and every person caught using these will bp fined the sum ol one dollar Charles Daugherty. who resides w'th his family on Crercent s reet , this city, and who was employed a-, saw filer at LHis saw. mill, located on 1 rent river about three miles fom the city, was s riously if not fatally injured shortly after noon yesterday at that plant when he was caught between the log carnage aid the roller bench on v hi'-h the cut lumber is carried to ih.' planers. Shortly beloie nocm Mr. Daugherty arranged to shapren one of the big saws which are used at the mm. ne va placed it in position and was preparing to begin we rk on it when the noon whjstle blew. The steam was cut off from the machinery at this time and he prepared to cat his dinner, beating himself on the end of the log carrier he failed to see a small colored boy come in the building and begin playing around the lever with which the steam pipe, furnishing pjwer to the carriage is opened. Suddendly a el without the least warning the carnage shot forward with terrific force and crushed-the un fortunate, man against the roller bene1' Although bai ly hurt Mr. Daughei y was able to cry lor assisto.xc and wm. in a few moments had been ril ased. He was pi: ce ' in a boat and I r night to this city s fast as possible and upon arrival here was immediately taku iO Stewart's sanitorium for medical a tent ion. Drs. Raymond Pollock and N, M. Gibbs were summoned to give the wounded man aid and after making an examination they found that 01 e leg was broken and badly crushed, his skull fractured and other serious in juries sustained. Amputation of the crushed limb was necessary but the victim of the accident was in such a weakened condition from loss of blood that the operation was deferred, The colored boy who cause.l th; terrible occurrence has not been seen since the accident. It is supposed that he came to the mill for the purpose o! and that after causing the accident was so badly frightened that he lost no time 111 making his escape. But little hope is entertained for Mr. Daugherty's recovery. THE PARCEL POST CLUB STUDIES LATIN AME RIGA (Special to the Journal) Arapahoe, 1 eb. 19. Valentine Day w.,5 observed by the young people of Arapahoe shroeil. In the afternoon a dcoate was held in the Academy the qi ery being, "Which is the more ex pensive, boys ofGlrls." Theje.dgcs de cided in favor of the negative. In the evening a valentine partv was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam B ni ett, to the young 'iple. It wjm indeed a lively scene every one seemed happy and full if erthusiasm, valen tines were presented to every yovng lady present; 1 1 e refreshment room was most beautifully decorated fcr the occasion. Among those j resent were M aid Mrs. Adam Bennett, Misses Cassie Bennett, Lydia lohnson, Nannie Bell Brinson, Lillian Martin, Sudic Brinson, Rosa Willis, B. Rawls, R. Philpot, Louie Boyd; Messrs. W. P. Woodward, ' Shcm Lewis, Edgar S. Weaver, Albert Enslcy, Calvin Willis, Lenstcr Brinson, Naman Hardison, Raymond Willis, Guy Lane. Messrs. Edgar S. Weaver and Shem Lewis left for Oriental ,N. C, last Sui day as the guests cf Sheriff and Mrs. A. H. Stephens. Arapahoe is now erecting one of the finest and largest churches in Pamlico county. The contract was awarded to Mr. W. H. Lewis, who is deeply in terested in the beautifying of Arapa hoe. Mr. DonshJ Reel and sister, Ora, of Reelsboro, N. C, we're here visiting friends and relatives Saturday and Sunday. Rev. VV. W. Lupton is here on a visit, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Willis, lie preached two every inter esting tcrmons at the F. B. church Sunday and Monday night. Mr. W. B. Nunn has just returned l.oitl Oriental atfer visiting his son Clifford who is re-covering from an operation for appeni'.ithis. He in- bringing one of the employes dinner formed us that Clifford is recovering BRINGS TROUBLE ANOTHER PACKAGE OFFENSIVE TO OLFACTORIES PAS SES THROUGH. very rapiJlv. We are gfad to state that Arapahoe has another stoer added to its group and are especially proud to mention that it is conducted by Mr. Edgar S. Weaver. Mr. Weaver came to Pam lico county last spring on a visit. I'. became vtjy much interested in the some very interesting oductional' lec tures and entertainments. Now he is giving cs good prices. Mr. Weaver is also an inventor, we are delighted tq have him in our midst, we admire his cheerful and happy presence. Mr. Weaver was formally connected with the U. S. ' Government service. He was thrown from his horse while on duty, and was left a cripple for life. He was confined to the hewprtal for over four years. While there h in vented a valuable body brace. INTERESTING AND INSTRUCT IVE PAPERS READ BY THE MEMBERS. iut 0 SHORT XASSING EVENTS Saturday, FK 22, WasWrK on's irliday, be ng a legal holiJay. th. four bunks of the will te e'oied. The Fort Barnwell Supply Company of Fort Barnwell, Craven county, was Saturday granted a charter, I h authorised capital of the company is twenty-five thousand dollars and ten houstnd dollars 01 tnis amount nas been paid in. The incorporators of the new Company are J. W. Riddle, Jr., M. D. Lane, J B. Hellen and J. B. Hill.. Deputy Sheriff Claude Roberson of Beaufort rount y passed through the city yesterday enreiote home from Kinston where he had been tOj.fcalie cbsrge of Gecrgc Parrot I, colored. I'aioit- ww convicted in Bcaulort county Su"perior Court evral mopthi ago of a wiisdemeanor and later es caed from planter to whom he had been hired out by the county. He went to Kinston and was arrested at that place. The Current Events Club was most pleasantly entertained yesterday after noon by Mrs. Charles Ellison at her home on George street. "The Development of Latin America" was. the topic for discussion at this meet inc. The current events given by each member related to the develop ment or to some feature of the,countn s of South America. The interesting tine Republic by Miss Mamie Weeks, and on Brazil by Mr. J. P. C. Davis, told of the development .growth and nroeress of the Latin American re publics; and showed the commercial, economic, and social conditions of these countries. The paper also brought out the fact that there was never a time in the historv of the relations of ih Itnitpfl States with the republics of South Americn which; a horded such combined opportunity Slier necessity as the present for the development not Ontv of our moral influence, out of our commercila interest. This subject will be continued at the next meeting. By a unanimous vote Miss Annie Chadwick was made an honorary mem ber of this department of the Woman's Club. . I At the conclusion of the meeting a delicious salad course was served by the hostess. ' Those present were: Miss Nina lias sight, Mrs. L. II. Cutler, Jr., Mrs. H. B. Craven, Mrs. J. S. fox Mrs. S. L. Dill, Jr., Mrs. J P. C. Dais, Mrs. Clyde Eby, Mrs. Chas. Elliscn, Mrs. U. t. Henderson, Mrs. uonsier-natiKs, Mr. Herbert Lupton, Miss Weeks, Mrs. Ben Moore, Mrs. Raymond Pol lock, Mrs. N. H. Street, Mrs. Kenneth Styron, Mrs. Ernest Wood, Mrs. W. A. Lane, Mis Carita Wallace, Mrs. Nelson Angell, Mrs. L. C. Tolson, Mrs. Walter Bishop. Much to the consternation and dis comfiturc of the clerks and carriers in the local postoffice, another skunk hide arr:d in the city last evening via the parcel post route from Cedar Point Carteret county. A few weeks ago a package filled with the odorifrons skins .vd consigned to a fur dealer in Pennsylvania passed through the local office and for several hours those who were forced to come in close prox mity to the package heaped imprtcttions on ttie head of the consignor of the package. The parcel received last night was neatly wrapped and but for that awful, penetrating odor would have passed the most minute inspection. That the contents of the package had been "doctored" with a concoction cf cat nin tea was evident from the combi nation of scents which it emitted. The consignor did this evidently for the purpose ol counteracting me naiurai perfume of the skins and alleviating the suffering of the mail clerks along the route. For several hours the package lingered in New Bern then continued its journey norm TAILOR TRUCK ff GOOD DEMAND ORDERS HAVE ALREADY RUN WELL UP INTO THE THOUSANDS. The Tolson Lumber and Manufac turing Company, manufacturers of the Taylor truck, which is used ex tensively by farmers, are being rushed to their utmost capacity to fill in orders With the urc f the Taylor truck the farmer is enabled to drive over his entire field at any time without damage to the crop which may be in the ground at that time. The truck is very narrow and the wheels arc set close together, thus making it possible to drive be tween the rows with ease, carrying fertilizer, corn, cotton, tobacco or anything else that may be desired. Realizing thic advantages offered in this veh'e'e the farmers are fast plac- - Evcrytimc a man gets ms ...... ....1 ; .E their orelers and the numbers of gas bill he is glad trjal he doesn't hae)tales so 'ar has run far into the thous tij buy the stuff by the ton. ands. i He Who by the Plow Would Thrive Must Either Hold or Drive. Well B'nunt's TRUE BLUE Line O; Plow THE MARTrLAWASHINGTQN " The attention xt the public is called to the Martha Washington Tea to be given by the Ladles' Aid Seicirty 1 1 tns rVpsbyjtcrl n churrh in t he lecture room mi I 1 k1.iv evening from 8 tojtt. A most delightful evening i promised all who ttenrl. Prominent musidsns from here AM elscwferc will take jiart in the program Martha Washington and her assi t(nt with the charm of "ye olelsn tlB t lifla'Bvnt'iKf, Plow That Fills m Long Fdt Ntsd .. j .. tjMgiMMBsWBWWBisWsMWW Blounta' Daisy Plow. A Liflht Steel Turning f.ow. Very Popular. Prices Right. Jj. C Whitty & Company HQ 'PHONE H orWinT

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