" " . ... T v No. 94 NEW BERN, N. C, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 25, SECTION 35th YEAR J.T. OF WANT TO RAISE PAY OF SHERIFF T MET AT DOVER TO STUDY MISSIONS STATE THE WRONG MAN BE IN MET E STOCK LAW FULCHER ID DOG PROBLEM lUfKMM RIES GAME BRYAN MAY NOT FAVORS BEAM DEAD IAIID Pasted Away Wednesday Morning At the Ripe Old Age of Eighty Four Years. DEATH I ENDS LONG ILLNESS Was at One' Time a Prominent Business Man and Farmer In His County. Beaufort, Ftb. 20. John Thomas Fulcher died ye terday morning at H o'clock at the residence of his daugh ter, Mrs. W. A. Pierce, on Turner street, at the ago of 84 years' aftee a Knowing illness. He is survived by two. daughters, Mrs. W. A. Pierce of Beaufort and Mrs. John C. Green of New Bern; one sister and one brother, Mrs. Jbc Dudley of Beaufort and Mr. lee C. Fulchcr of Wildwood. Funeral services occurred this morn ing at 11 o'clock and were conducted at the residence, by Rev. F. N. Skinner. The remains were then laid at rest in the Episcopal emetery. The floral offerings were beautiful. Mr. Fulcher Expenses of Office Such That Very Little is Left For Its Incumbent. MADE ONLY $10 IN JANUARY Bill Introduced by Senator Ward Add Six Hundred Dol lars To Salary. Upon request State Senator A. D. Ward has introduced a bill raising the salary of the Sheriff of Craven county from thrity seven hundred dollars to forty three hundred dollars. This bill has been indorsed by the Board Oi Vjommissioner oi vraven county and a number of prominent citizens but Senator Ward wants to get the views of all who arc interested in this section. In a letter to the Journal he says: " I have introduce by request a bill to raise the Sheriff's salary from $3,600 to $4,300. I shall be glad to hear the views of the people of the county". C. D. Bradham, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners, was before pe retired from active life, was! asked .yesterday what he thought of a prominent farmer and business man. ne proposed action oi senator wara. Miss Bertha Fulford of Straits was : He replied: in the city yesterday. . The Board of Commissioners en- The-Embroidery Club met with domed Sheriff Lanes bill increasing Mrs. Charles L. Abernethy at the , his salary from $37,00 to $4,300 per Inlet Inn yesterday afternoon. It Wr- , Two years ago a request was will meet -next with Mrs. Ben Bell. de by Sheriff Biddle for the Board's Miss Laura Authur has -accepted endorsement of a bill increasing his a position with the Beaufort Bargain salary to $4,300 and it is my impression Store I tnat l"e members of the Board were Mrs. Paul N. Rhodes of Charlotte, favorably inclined, but as the Salary who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Act had not been tried long enough Third. Death From Hydrophobia , Negro Undertakes to FUm-Flam a And Ten Patients Now Under Treatment. BLAME CITIES AND COUNTIES H. H. Hamlin has returned home Mrs. John Green of New Bern is here, having been called here to be with her father, John Thomas Fulcher, in his last illness. Leslie C. Fulcher of Wildwood is in the city. He arrived yesterday after noon to attend the funeral of his bro ther. Attorney Claud R. Whcatly spent Monday and Tuesday in Wilson on legal business. U. W. Morton arrived home from Washington yesterday. W- E. Lukens of Plymouth Meetreg, Montgomery county, Pennsylvania, is in the city this week WELL KNOWN MAN PASSES BEYONQ W J. Moore, Owner and Proprietor of Hotel Charles at More head City, Dead. BODY IS SENT TO CHARLOTTE Deceased Was Well Known Through out the State Had Owned Several Hotels. W. J. Moore, owner and proprietor of the Charles Hotel at Morehead City, succumbed to an attack of acute indigestion at his home at that place early yesterday morning. The remains ( accompanied by his immediate family' passed through the city last evening enroute to Charlotte where the inter ment will be made tomorrow. Mr. Moore was well known all over the State. He was at one time pro prietor of the Tarrymore- Hotel at Wrightsville Beach. Disposing of his interests there he moved to Swansboro and erected a large structure and opened another hotel, this also being known as the Tarrymore Hotel. Later he moved to Morehead City and pur chased from C. S, Wallace the Charles Hotel and has .since that time operated this ooDular hostelry. the deceased took an active part in advancing the interests of the 'town in which he lived and was one of its most valued citizens. At the time of hi death nc was in his sixty-third year and is sufcvived by his wife, two daugh ter. Misses Katherinc and Henrietta and one son, William. His death was very sudden and un exnected. At 11 o clock Wednesday night he was olavine a game of checkers with-a friend and seemed to be quite in hia usual health. A few hours later he was a corpse. , A woman can learn most anything U jess sne s uaies k. S i to enable the Auditor to furnish the necessary data as to its equity, the request was tabled for the time. Mr. Biddle made the statement that his office netted him $1,500 per year and this was proven to my satisfaction. fhc Register of Deed's and Clerk's office net about $21,00 each per year. Sheriff Lane states that his office nets him less than S100 per month. I be lieve this is true. "He employs three deputies in office and has in charge, at his expense the collecting .of all taxes due the State and County, amounting to nearly $115,000, an increase cf $20,000 over receipts of two years ago: he uses two horxes, which are furnished and kept at his expense; his bond is for $45,000 and costs him 5170.00 "Sheriff Lane is an active, fearless officer and in the --serving of papers upon criminals is aftcn exposed to danger and had weather. I am of the 'opinion that his salary should be in creased joOO psr year, making a gross salary of $4,300. The toal amount paid out by harifT l ane in January, according to an itemized statement which . he made to the County Commissioners was $226.72. This left a balance of $81.61. He had personal expenses of 71.28 leaving as actual salary only $10.. 33 The principal items of expense aside from the sheriff's personal expenses were fifty dollars each to I. E. Wether- ington and J. W. HiffF, feed of two horses $30,00; to Thomas Smith, special deputy, $25.00; one twelfth of annual bond, $14.20; to deputies tor collecting taxes, serving papers tc. 9sa.ii: telephone tells S5. 30: board for deputies and horses when out on county business $10.75; incidental ex penses such as repairs, railroad fare? etc., OPE TEST FARM Visitor and Lo, Latter Turns Out to Be Ofiicer. r Animals Allowed to Roam at Large and Often Bite Many Be fore Being Killed. Richmond, Va., Feb. 20. The re oorted death from hvdroohobia of a boy in Alexandria, making the third known death from this disease in thi State during the last twelve months, is causing the Mate s health .'oracer no little concern and is generally taken indicate that the mad-dog proDiem is steadily becoming more acute. Despite repeated warnings, lev. counties and cities have taken any precautions to protect their citizei s against the rabid animals. As a re sult, during the last fiscal year, the State treated at its health laboratory. here mnetv-four persons who had been exposed to the infiction, and the year's record of the Boards of Health show that a "man in Patrick county and a colored child in Southside Virginia have already succumbed to the disease which claimed its third victim hut week in Alexandria. Said an officer of the board in dis cussing the Alexandria case: i nis horrible tragedy adds anotner cnaptcr to the very distressing story of neg lect with which health ofheers are now familar. The counties and cities are bringing this suffering on our citi zens by failure to adopt and enforce any regulations for the muzzling of dogs. Animals arc allowed to roam at large unhindered and often bite dozens of persons before being killed." 'Much of the present indifference on the subject i3 due to the general knowledge that even it a person is Dil ten by a rabid animal he may be treat ed without discomfort and can avcid all danger. This is true, for the State last year treated lie: ol cost, a total of ninety-fouipersons without fatality or inconvenience. Yet transportation and living expenses during the three weeks these people took treatment amounted to at leat five thousand dollars. -In addition, hundreds of val uable horses, cattle and domestic am mals have to be destroyed every year because thev are bitten by rabid ani mals. The money value of property thus destroyed reaches high into' the thousands. Every dollar of this is a toll of our own neglect. If we enforce muzzling ordinances, rabies will stop and will become as rare as it is in European counties. "Instead of decreasing, rabies seems steadily,.un the increase in Virginia and is not confined to any one season of the year. We now have ten patients under treatment and are almost daily receiving new patients. Virginia is paving heavily for neglect ol very sim ple precautions." NEG6 PROMPTLY ARRESTED He Attempted To Sell Bottle of Molasses and Water, Claim ing It To Be Whiskey. Will Grady, colored, an hjbituai visitor to the police court, wasa-ester-day afternoon sentenced toTthirty days in jail by Mayor McCarwy for attempi-iafcrtefraiid a visitor i:i the city- by sittffi him a bottle ijf mo lasses and water, claiming it Xo W whis key and also being disorderly 'Within the city limits, the latter charge being an -old one. Yesterday morning shortly before the arrival of the train from WBming ton, Grady took up his stand near the Union passenger station and began his watch for a possible customer. Just after the arrival of the train the negro spied a man who he thought had that thirsty look arid without any introduction or preliminaries masked if he was looking for "something". The passenger said he was, in fact was so "dry" that his throat was burning and that the only thing thai could ease the agony was a pull at a flask of "the ardent." t From the depths of his coat pocket Brady carefully drew forth a '"bottle containing an amber fluid closely re sembling whiskey, there was an ex change of money and the transaction was closed as tar as isrady was con cerned. But hark, the stranger was no ordinary citizen, he was a constable T. J. Hawkins of Polloksville and within less than two minutes the dispenser of the whiskey was in the grasp of the law and on his way to the i uy nan. upon Atmiutuuu u was found that the contents of the bottle was not whiskey but something re sembling a mixture of water and mo lasses. Brady pleaded guilty to the charges against him and as he could not pay a fine was sent to jail. Methodist Institute For New Bern District Holds Helpful Session. STRONG ADDRESSES DELIVERED He Will Not Be Placed In Attitude of Receiving Reward For liii Services at Baltimore. WILL ISSUE STATEMENT SOON NEED DRAINAGE BOYS OF TRUITT'S JOIN CORN CLUB WILL TR TO CAPTURE SOME OF THE VALUABLE PRIZES OFFERED WrAR BELHAVEN TO BE ESTABLISHED BY THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. As a result of the efforts made bv the Land and Industrial Department of the Norfolk Southern Railway Co. the State Department of Agriculture has arranged to establish a two hundred acre State Experiment Farm near Belhaven. The soil in that section is of a black loamy formation and the experts who will be in charge of this experimental farm will endeavor to discover iusl what variety of crop can best be grown in that section. The work of laying out this farm is now under wav and the work of planting the crops to be grown win De Degun witmn the next week or two. CARBONATE OF LIME sBtfsMsffr -SSSsP'yA. WINS THE HONORS FROM Burned or ' Oxide of Lime FOR GOOD ROADS Without It, Working on Them Is Waste of Time, in View Of Road Engineer. Ministers Resolve To Do More To Hasten the Coming of The Kingdom. (Special to the Journal) Dover, Feb. 22. The Missionary Institute of New Bern District, M. E. Church, South, convened at Dover, Wednesday mornintr. It was called to oder by the Rev. J. E. Underwood at 10 o'clock.- After devotional exer cises conducted' by Mr. Underwood Rev. J. B. Hurley of. New Bern, spoke on Missionary Preaching. There fol lowed a general discussion on knowing the Bible which was participated in by a number of the other pastors and laymen and G. V. and D. W. Rich ardson of this place. The morning cession adjourned at one o'clock and met at 3 p. m. At night Rev. N. H. D. Wilson preached a powerful sermon to a large audince. The Institute convened" again Thursday at 9 a. m. after devotional exerdigfcs conducted by Rev. F. F. Fulcher. The presiding Elder announc ed for discussion the need of missions in thfi New Bern district. Rev. W. E. Hocntt led in a stirring address. At eleven I o'clock Rev. McWhorter of Bcauort preached a strong sermon on the Object "The Grea Commission and the Promise." At the afternoon sessibn Rev. W. A. Piland conducted the religious services after which Revs. J. H. Frizell and F. S. Love made power ful addresses on the subject of voung people and missions. After resolutions of the pastors assembled thanking the Eeoplc ol Uover lor their Lhrntian ospitality, and resolutions of the preachers of the New Bern District to do more toward making our Lord King ol all the earth, the Missionary like to have Mr. Bryan in his Labmet, Institute came to a close. G. V. Rich-1 and decided to offer, him the position ardson responded to the resoli:! ions ; the day after his election. There is of thanks and extended the preachers further reason to justity the belief .of Conlcjeiice a most cordial invialion I these men that Mr. Wilson has con to assemble in Dover next year. I suited Mr. Bryan regarding the avail- Frofcssor Gaston was' selected bv lability ol several o! the men whose the debaters of the Kinston High School names have been presented to him for to sit as one of the judges in the debate Cabinet offices, and that the final list between Kinston and Greenville Friday : will emphasize the high regard that Mr Wilson Nebraskan. It is expected by the admirers of Mr. Bryan, -who, by the way, are al most unanimously in favor of his ac ceptance of the Cabinet portfolio, that two and perhaps three of the names that will appear on the list of Cabinet nominations will be those of friends Day After .Nomination Wilson De cided to Offer the Nebraskan Secretaryship of State. New York, Feb. 22. To friends of William Jennings Bryan are expressing regret and his critics pleas, re at infor mation said to have reached President elect Wilson to the elect that Mr. Bryan will not accept the (.lace of Secretary of State in Mr. Wilson's Cqbinet. - This information, which is accept ed as conclusive by the friends of Mr. Bryan, 's believed to have been con veyed to Mr. Wilson by Col. E. M. House, the personal friend of both men. The explanation of Mr. Bryan's de cision to decline the tender of the most important office in Mr. Wilson's Cab inet is that he has no selfish or personal desire to secure personal recognition for his admittedly valuable services in contributing to the nomination of Mr. Wilson at Baltimore. The friends of Mr. Bryan believe they have reason to justify the pre diction thatshe will clearly set forth his views and will make known his amicable relations with presidentelect Wilson in a statement to the publicwhich he is said to have already prepared. Since the tender of the office of Sec retary of State to him, Mr Bryan has maintained the utmost reticence con cerning his purposes; yet he is said to have never wavered in his determi nation to decline the honer on the ground that he is not expecting any personal reward. Persons who enjoy the confidence cf Mr. Wilson have the best cf reasons for their conviction that he would 'Farmer and Limited Stock-Raiser" Believes Thinking People of State Are For It. WOULD BE WORTH MILLIONS In Sections Where It Has Been Tried, It Has Developed Great Prosperity. The Journal is in receipt of the fol lowing communication signed "Farm er and Limited Stock-Raiser: " NOT DIFFICULT TO DRAIN THEM Machinery, To Do It Ordered, Will Arrive soon and Be rut In Service. ((Special to ilit Journal) Truitt's, Feb. 20 A number of the boys of this place have joined the L raven LOLnty t.orn iud ana wi'l make every effort to capture one or more of the num rous prizes which being offered to succcsstul corn- growers. J."F. Moore and I.. D. Pu i.'oy are engaged in the erection of a corn cdious dwe.ling lor U. L. rrice. Rev. Wethcnngton ruled his r - lar appointment here last Sunday. The services were well attended and were greatly enjoyed. .Miss t osa rrice spent saturaay night and Sunday with Miss Charlotte Moore. O. I.. Fulcher went to New Bern yesterday to attend to some business matters. Mr. amd Mrs. Alex Price have moved to Reelsboro. Mr. and Mrs. Price have many friends here who regret very much to see them leave hut wish them happiness in their new home. Rev.' Mr. Pittman will fill his regular appoinment at this place next Sunday alternoon and everyone is extended a cordial nivitation to attend the service. Don Gaskins of Asians and Miss Bertha Purifoy ol Truitt's were recent Iv married at this pjace. They will make their home nc ir Askins. Alex Rcwe has moved into the dwel ling vAated by Mr. and Mrs Alex Price. i R. E. Snowdcn, an expert road builder who was recently appointed as road supervisor and highway engineer by the Lraven Lounty Board ol Lom- misnoncrs, returned to the city yes terday after a trip of inspection over the roads ol the county. Mr. Snowdert says that the roads are in verv bad condition, with the ex ception of certain sections which have recently been put in better order by the convicts, and that much work is reauired on them-.' Mr. Snowden has come to the con elusion that the roads are not properly drained and that this is the cause of their bad condition and that unless they ar,c drained it will be a waste of lime IU LOUCU1UC wumilig ufuu mcui. It is an easy matter, said Mr. Snow den, to drain the roads and this work will be started soon. Machinery for the purpose has been ordered and should arrive soon and will be put into ser vice at ortce. Another innovation that has bee introduced by the new road supervisor is movable camps for the convicts who will be sued in working the roads. Bv the use of these it will not be neces sary to march the convicts pack to their quarters at the county home alter each day's work and in this manner much time will be saved. Thn rnnntv is nlso rnntemolating the purchase or a large tractor wmc I have recently been interested in some articles which have appeared in your paper on the qi estion of the State-Wide Stock law. I believe most of the thinking people of North Caro lina are in favor of the State Wide Stock Law. Of course, I can under stand how some of our politicians op pose it because they think it may not be popular with all the voters. What is the State-Wide Stock Law? If I udnerstand the proposition it is a law that would require every person to keep his own hogs, cattle and all live stock on his own premises, or en closed in some general neighborhood wood pasture. At present we are compelled to fence our crops and can turn our stock loose upon the public roads or elsewhere to root hog or die. This is known as the Tick District where the ticks gather upon the cattle and fevor them up and our people are compelled to eat such beef. The law prohibits us from shipping our beef outside of the Tick District, conse quently our stock raising brings no new money to this section, out in ad dition to the poor ticky beef we arc compelled to eat we send large amount of money to other districts for beef which is consumed within this terri tory. I beli'eve there is no better sec tion in the State than Eastern North Carolina for successful stock raising, provided we had the stock law and get rid of the cattle ticks, but under pre sent conditions we cannot conduct this business with any profit. The State-Wide Stock Law would be worth more millions of wealth to North Carolina at practically no cost than any other one proposition which our Legislative body could consider. In sections where it has been tried it iRht. Mr. and Mrs. W. Y. Richardson have just become the happy 'recipients of a fine little girl. Mr. Herman Livils a popular and. very deserving young man of Dover, and Miss Lille Massingill; the accom plished daughter ol Mr. L. t. Massin gill, general foreman of the G. L. Co. planing mills here, were quietly mar ried Sunday night by Rev. Pattishall. 1 he ways ol a poor married man arc hard, no doubt, think some who arc learning the A. B. C. of nursing a fretful baby all night long. Lubic Harper ol rort Barnwell, who J has been critically ill lor the past sev eral weeks, is improving. Lee bvans, who is clerking lor W. R. Sauls of Fort Barnwell, was here a while Wednesday. We want a local telephone system. Who will be the promoter.? Mrs. L. T. Kornegay gave the children of her department of the Dover High School an ice cream party 1-riday night. The children all thoroughly enjoyed the occasion. I,,.- -i . .-...S.f .it itwl Knilt- nn nnt has for the judgment of the j 0Illy a great agricultural country but a great stock raising section. 1 believe the majority of the people are in favor of it, but there arc a few who think it would be against their interest. Every man, whather he owns land or not. would be benefited by this law. i I hone the people will discuss this : i ! . ...... i .. 1. 1 . . twl ill.. I r.ma- who are in thorough accord with his wure wil decide to enact a State-VWde progressive views. CROXTON VISITS TURLINGTON WILL GOME SOON Stock Law. WAIT 19 YEARS DUNCAN OFFER HEAD OF FARM LIFE SCHOOL 1 THAT IS PROGRAM OF HOUSE GETS HERE NEXT WEEK PROBABLY. Dr. J. E. Turlington, who is to have ON PROPOSITION TO BUY A. & N. C. ROAD. County Attorney Ernest M. Green ATLANTIC HOTEL ' W W. Croxton, General Passenge Agent of the Norfolk Southern Railway Company was among the visitors in the city yesterday. He was enroute to Morehead City for the purpose of making an inspection of the Atlantic Hotel, the popular seaside hostelry at that place which is owned by the Norfolk Southern, and which will soon be opened for the summer. Up to the present time no one has been secured to operate the hotel during the next season but in all probability Allen DuBois. who so successfully managed will be used in pulling the machines the hotel last season, will again be in used in shaping up the roads. This charge . A number of improvements machine will do the work of twenty and repairs will be made to the build- horses and do it in a much better i igs before the annual oj o trg. manner. . charge of Craven countv's proposed ' returned vesterdav from Raleigh where Farm Life School, will probably ar- he went at the request, of the Craven rive her next week from Athens, Ga.,1 County Board of Commissioners to where he has been a member of the appear before the General Assembly faculty of the Georgia Agricultural ; n 1 oppose the sale of by the State of I ana iviecnamcai college, and will at the stock owned in the Atlantic ana once get everytning in readiness for North Carolina Railroad to E. Carl the beginning of the work of erecting Duncan. . L I i 1 'I J' . . .i i v fir me m iiwu uunuiiigs. i vv nen Mr. uuncan maae nis oner One of the State architects visited to purchase the stock owned by the the proposed site in company with State a few weeks ago at seventy-five Dr. Turlington a few weeks ago and cents on the dollar, there was a vigor is only awaiting the arrival of the prin- orous protest from this county, which cipal to begin the drawing of his plans, owns a big block of stock in the road As soon as these are completed thev and naturally is much interested in will be placed in the handsof the con- its affairs. At the last meeting of the tractor and the actual work of con struction will begin. S. M. Brinson, county Superintend ent of Public Insturction, wiU assist Dr. Turlington in his work and he stated yesterday that there was not B arJ of Commissioners resolutions protesting against the State selling its stock were drawn up and forwarded to ihe members of the General Assembly Mr. Green discussed the matter with several of the members of the I.egis- by $75.00 per acre in a sixteen year test, and proved beyond question that it is a superior fertilizing injrrcdiant Brown' C C03 by analitical lest heads the list of fertilizing limes. For full infermafion write at oitce to CAflQLIMA COAST LIME CO. New Bern, N. C. C. L. SPENCER ALER IK Hay, ConvOats, Bran, Hominy, AlTO ALL KINDSOF FEED. HIQH GRADE CORN MEAL. ...A ANL D RYE- 1CK FOR SALE i-. uK,dcri C(ven Crful Attention. LoWtr Middle Street.- war d kt Mr. Bauman added that he expected at an earlv dale to orien an office here and that he would then undertake o promote a cotton mill for New Bern. In fact, he has done considerable pre liminary work on this project already, having secured the promise of co operation from some prominent busi ness men here, from a cotton mill crgincer in Boston, and from some financiers in New York and Philadel phia who will place some of the bonds and stock of the proposed enterprise. REDUCTION IN COST. To paint the woodwork of a room one cost with L. 4 M. Semi-Mixed Real Paint Ubc 1 quart of paint made by mixing ! p?rt cf Turpentine with 2 parti of the L. c M. Semi-Mixed Real Paiut. This ouart of pure Paint will cost H The painters labor costs about .75 Total cost $1.11 'omii ire .this with the cost of ready mixed points. But for outside painting a id 5 quarts oi l.iasee! tfd to a gal lon of ihr I,. M SemrMixed Heal Paint. I his witf. make t 3-4 gallon f Ihe let pore Paint coasfegabou 5ITE BOUGHT FDR IYSVILLE MILL FIFTEEN ACRES PI RCHA8ED TUSTERDAY FROM G. P. ROGERS AND WIFE. the least doubt that the school will be lature and found that there was'a great ready for opening in time for the deal of sentiment against the proposed Fall term. A woman is more or less backward from a literary point of view when she reads the last chapter of a novel first. sale and yesterday afternoon the fioui adopted a joint resolution for a spcci i commission of five Representative i anil three Senators to investigate and make a report at the next session on Mr. Duncan's offer. PUh for tljc erection ol the cotton mill at Maysvillc are going forward in an entirely satisfactory manner, says John C. Bauman of Maysvillc, manager of the Maysville Cotton Mills Company, who is spending Sunday in the city. The ground on which the mill will be built was bought yesterday, said Mr. bauman. It is located just South of the town of M a ysv. II and was bought of G. P. Rogers and wife. It contains about fifteen acres. Mr. Bauman has just returned from Charlotte where he had' been to negotiate for the ma chinery which will be used in the mill, which is to have an equipment of over., five thousand spindles. Mr. Baumap tated that the erec tion of the building, which will be 103 x 205 feet, will commence as sooft as the Atlantio Coast Line can put in sidings. The mill willt urn out hosiery yarns. . Another bit of information that Mr. Bauman gave out in eannsation with THE TRUE TEST: Tried in New Bern It llM Stood the Teat. The hardest test is the test of time, and Doan's Kidney Pills nave stood it well in New Bern Kidney sulkrcrs can "hardly ask for stronger proof than the following: R. A. Henderson, 156 George St., New Bern, N. C. ays: "I stflcrcd from a dull pain across my loins, accompanied by an extrnmclamencss in my back. I also had inilammalion ol tin.- bladder and the passages ol the kidnev secretions pained inc, Doan's Kjdney Pills, procured at the Brad- ham Drug Co., removed the lamewss and pain and improved my condition in every way." (Statement given Jan uary 25, 1908.) NO TROUBLE SINCE When Mr. Hcndeson was interviewed . .1.. u :.i ' ii ..;m:., . ,,,,,,,, ((...villi) itv ; .kiiwi i niiiinHn 'i.n ill my (orrnjw cfldors-ineri of Djan's KWney Pill , for I have been fav from harkarhr 4 n. I ktflnov rnrrtotaint since I tqnk this remedy. You arc wefcatne j to rofltinue the publication of my siaU I "He Who by the Plow Would Thrive B r Must Either Hold or Drive." I W We Sell Blount's TRUE BLUE Line Of Plows th. irk him for (sole sgi ight and Rem, ivjfie and t.k. L Mt0BuqHers, a Plow That Fills a Long Felt Need Blounts' Daisy Plow. A Liftht Steel Turning Plow. Very Popular. Prkei Right. C Whitty & Cothp&ny i 4M

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