i : " WEEKLY J (III ESTABLISHED 1878. Published in Two Sections, even Tuesday and Friday at No 45 Pollock treet. B. J. LAND PRINTING COMPANY PEOPBISTOES.; SUBSCRIPTION RATES. $ .20 25 .50 Twelve Months 1.00 Only in advance. Two Months ., Thre eMonths Six Months Advertising rates furnished upon application at the office, or upon in quiry by ni.'il. Entered at the Postoffice, New Bern, N. C, as second-class matter. TO CORRESPONDENTS The Semi-Weekly Journal's appeal, made a few weeks ago for more news from country correspondents, had a noticeable effect as we imme diately received a number of most interesting letters. Now we are wri ting agaii for fear the ardor of our friends will cool. We urge you to keep the good work up. Help us make the Semi-Weekly Journal helpful and interesting to you. We regard the letters from our country correspondents as one of the means the Journal has of being of service to the section of country through which it circulates, These letters bring the people closer to gether and tend to the development of a community interest which is most helpful. You help your own community and by suggestion help cth:r communities by sending us the news as it transpires in your neigh borhood. Let us hear from you ! Of course it is to be remembered with respect to affairs in Mexico that is is easy for the men in the saddle to promise peace. Bringing it to pass is another thing. A revolution can brew in Mexico with very slight pro v .cation. Bui recent develjpments in the- national capital should certainly have the effect of making the people generally Jiesitate to participate in movements calculated to continue the state of unrest and insurrection which has existed o long and which has well nigh wrecked the country. president. ' He has been a vigorous and efficient chief executive. Ire people generally ought to think about the unselfish eervicc that men like Mr. Hyman, Mr. Cutler and other prsidents of the Chamber of Commerce render to the public and do verbally what the Journal is doing through its columns, namely, make acknowledgement ol it. One likes to feel that his services are appreciated. And believe t s, it i vastly easier not to be troubled with the leadership of an organisation like the Chamber of Commerce than it is to have it on one's hands. The selection cf Mr. J. Leon Williamt, as secretary was to be expected as he proved his worth, being one of the livest and most capable secretaries in the State MODERN CITY HALL BADLY NEEDED. We heartily agree with our contem porary ,the Sun, in thinking that it is time the city was shamed by the pro gressiveness (I privaic property-owners on Craven street into building a suit able' city hall. If these citizens who are thinking of shying a hat Who the ring in connection wuh the coming city election will adopt as thiir platform a new city hall and will make it plain that they believe that p'atforms were made to stand on as well as to get in on, they will gel a fine following and will probably gtt into office on just that one plank. New Bern is getting to be sucli a wide awake and progressive city that it simply cannot altord to get along any longtr without a modern municipal building. MEXICAN AFFAIRS LOOKING BETTER. The situation looks decidedly bright er in Mexico. Madrro has bien forced out by his own men and placed under a-rest. His commancVr-in-chief, Ofcn. Huma, has been proclaimed provis ijnal resident with the understanding t iat lie is to he st.ccccded by dcncral Felix Diaz, the leader of the rebellion. Hiierla, Diaz and Ccneral Blanquet are in charge of the affairs f the dis tracted republic. The policy of the new g ven inent is suggested bv (lie lollowing utterance of Ccneral Blantiuct "This inhuman battle must end, l ne time nas come when seme drastic means must be taken to stop a con flict in which father is killing ron and brother is fighting against brother; -vhen non-combatants are sharing the jlte of war and all 1 1 is bcrat se of the caprice ol one n an. That is the sane and sersible view- There is no need for the Mexicans to continue tearing one another to pieces. Now is the time, loo, for Mr. Barrett's mediation pi: n to be pLt in operation. Let the United States ar.d the other benevolently disposed nations suggest to Mexico the wisdom of establishing peace and the folly of war. Hurrying dread-naughts to Vera Cruz is perhaps necessary, but the appointment of a commission to try to arrange for a permanent cessation f war would be much more agreeable to Mexico and wo. Id be a lar grebter contribution to the sum of human happiness. THE ENGLISH SUi FKAGETT ES. 1 he English suffragettes appear to have lost their minds. Imagine a wo man standing up before an audience as Mrs Pankhurst did Wednesday night at Cardiff, Wales, and braiemy saving- "We have blwn up t c Chancellor of thfc Kxcheqi tr's House. The auihor ities need not look fur the women who did it. I personally accept full respon sibility for it." She added that if she were sect to penal servitude she would go on hi nger strike and that the government w uld either have to let her die or let her go free. I One thing at a time for the govern ment world seem to , e a wise course. Punish Mrs. Pankhurst for the bomb throwing and then consider the pro I le of how she accepts the punish ment. Really we can't think that the agitation for woman's rights i ti.i country can evtr had the won r to uch extremes as taek sisters are in -sulging in in the mother country. A Gt OD CHOICE. The Chair.bcr of Commerce has done well to name Mr. Thomas G. Hyman ks president As one ol i he most suc cessful ami enterprising business men in his own Km he is naturally well equipped to handle with success the undertakings of the city's principal commercial bpdy. He has been for a Ions time one of tie most earnest acd TIME TO CALL A HALT. The way Sheriff Dick Lane is piling up wealth is alarming. The Journal is agrinst the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few and it holds it to be its duty to point out the danger that obtains in connection with the rapidity with which Sheriff Lane is adding to his personal fortune as a result of the Salary Act in Craven county. In the month of January alone he cleaned up ten dollars and it's a shame too. Something must be done about it or pretty soon the Sheriff will own the whole county. We cannot tell off hand what should be done, but it is time the loyal yeomanry of the'eounty were getting busy. Personally we think Mr. Lane a fine gentleman, but we are eternally opposed to permitting him to amass a fortune so much more rapidly than the reat of his fellow citizens are finding it possible to do. We repeat and with all the emphasis at our command that it is time to cai a halt. HALT, Sheriff, and leave some thing for the rest of us. JUSTICE MORE IMPORTANT THAN PARTY. Some one has sent the Raleigh News and Observer a circular letter in which it is claimed that it would be political suicide for the Democrats if they were to order a new assessment of property. The News and Observer points out that if considerations of right and justice demand the re-assessment, considera tions of party policy should not be allow ed to operate to prevent it. And that seems to be a pretty sensible view to take of the problem. Taxes are very inequitably laid in this State and the only way to approximate justice is to keep on trying. The News and Observer says: "The suggestion of re-assessment is a suggestion born out of the desire to end the gross injustice in assessment which schocks every sense of justice. There is property in Raleigh woith more than $125,000 assessed from only a little over one-half of that sum, and there is property in Raleigh worth less than 54,01)0 assessed at its true value, it is a great wrong to compel the person owning a email farm or a small hi use assessed fairly to pay on a fair asresscment and permit the big houses, farms and industries in the State grossly undervalued to continue lor two years more to pay taxes upon this undervaluation. This is a dis criminate n against honest people who pav upon fair valuation that is indj fensible. "The only argument against rc-as-s.'ssn ent is that it has been the cus tom of North Carolina to assess prop I erty only once in four years, and that this State assessed it two years ago. That is true, but there are only five Stales in the Union that assess pn perty only once in four years. The other forty-five States reassess property every year or every two years. The right rule is that the tax commission shotdd re-assess pro perty whenever its assessments are too high or two low. Certainly, an assessment ought to be as often as every two years in a growing State like ours. In the old times, when nearly all the property consisted of farms, small stores and residences, there was so little change in the value that quadrennial assessment was all right, but in these days of city build ing ar.d truck growing and great lumber camps and big factories, it is absurd to make an assessment on property appreciating yearly and let the tax piyer pay on the low assess ment f( r four years, when the prop erty may have increaseel 25 per cent, or more in value one year after the assessment." We venture to say that there is not a county in the State where there is not to be found the same kind and degree of inequalities as those described by the News and Observer as existing in Wake county. There should be a traveling tax commission that will go into every county in the State and even things up. It should investigate and inspect all tangible property and as sess it all alike without fear of favor. WOULD THE STOCK LAW RUIN HUNDREDS OF FARMERS? A Pender county man writes the Wilmington Star condemning the State wide stock law. He says it would ruin hundreds of farmers who have been rasing their own meat supply. But one of the strong arguments for the law is the better quality of stock and consequently better meats which would result under it. As it is the beef which North Carolina raises is under the ban, in short, is nut regarded by experts as wholesome. Not only so, but thore f? riners to whom the Pender county man is referring are raising their stock in many cases on land belonging to other people. That is not just. Owners of hogs and cattle as a matter of justice should keep them on their own pre mises, and as a matter of best resul s for the farmer in the enrichment of his land and the improvement of his stock experience is said to have shown that the advantage is all on the side of the stock law. 1 he Star's correspondent is very positive in his views, but it is possible that he is mistaken. HOW'S THIS. We offer On Hundred Dollars Re ward for any caw of Cartarrh that cannot be cured by Hall' Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. t lier.cy for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business nnsactions and financially able to carry uut any obligations made by the firm. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure b taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi monials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take Hail's Family PiUs for con tipation. (Adv.) FOR SALE Long staple Louisiana rotton seed These seed are absolute- WmIL I. I. & Gil OT7V2fl What more can we do to convince you that you positively can find perfect health and relief from your suffering by using Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound? All the world knows of the wonderful cures which have been made by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, yet some wo men do not yet realize that all that is claimed for it is true. If suffering women could be made to believe that this grand old medicine will do all that is claimed for it, how quickly their suffering would end ! We have published in the newspapers of the United States more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pub lished in the interest of any other medicine for women in the world and every year we publish many new testimo nials, all genuine and true. Read What These Women Say! Bluffton, Ohio. "I wish to thank you for the good I derived from Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound sometime ago. I suffered each month suoh agony that I could scarcely endure, and after taking three bottles of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound I was entirely cured. "Then I had an attack of organic inflammation and took Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and I am cured. I thank you for what your remedies have done for me and should anything bother me again, I shall use it again, for I have great faith in your reme dies. Xou may use my testimo nial and welcome. I tell every one what your remedies have done for me." Mrs Bhopa Win gate, Box 305, Bluffton, Ohio. Pentwater, Mich. "A year ago I was very weak and the doctor said I hatha serious displacement. I had backache and bearing down pains so bad that I could not sifc in a chair or walk across the floor and 1 was in severe pain all the time. I felt discouraged as 1 had taken everything I could think of and was ho better. I began tak ing Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound and now I am strong and healthy." Mrs. Alice Darl.no R. F. D. No. 2, Box 77, Pentwater, Mich. For 30 years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound lias been the standard remedy for fe male ills. No one sick with woman's ailments does justice to herself if she does not try this fa mous medicine made from roots and herbs, it has restored so many sufferingwomen to health, i WHtp to LYDIA E.P1NKHA M MEDICINE CO. (CONFIDENTIAL) LYNN, MASS., for advice . Your letter will be opened, read and answered bv a woman and held in strict confidence. Fresh Saratoga Chips Beechnut Bacon Peanut Butter Sunshine Cakes and Crackers E. B. Hackburn Wonderful Dayton Motorcycle 7 and 9 Horse Power Reliability, Economy, Cleanliness." Highest Horse Power. Get what you have been waiting for. For sale by D. S. LANCASTER, gE&.F G. F. Farrow, fnu BERN H Engines For all Purposes Marine and Stationary, Wood Sawing Outfits, Feed Cutters and Etc. Pumping outfitsfor farm use all kinds of fittings in stock storage batteries filled and re charged. Repair work a speci alty. Catalogue for asking. A. E. Pittman and Son, Union Point, New Bern, N. C. Subscribe for the Journal ; Personals : FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 21. M. H. Sultan returned last evening from a visit to several northern cities. Captain Wilson I Davenny, Field Secretary of the National Rivers and Harbors Congress, passed through thr city Inst evening enroute from Bcl haven to Goldsboro to deliver an address last night on the subject of "Deeper Waterways." L. I. Moore left last evening for a short professional trip to Kinston. Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Fodrie left yesterday for a visit at Norfolk. Mrs. Richard B. Lane left yesterday for a visit with relatives at Jasper. E.- M. Green left yesterday for a professional visit at Raleigh. Miss Mary Miller of Bayboro is the guest of her sister, Miss Ruth Miller, who is stopping with Mrs. Walter Pugh on Metcalf streot. Miss Alice Spruill o Ashwood va? among the visitors in the city yester day. F. H. Sawyer returned last evening i t . . .--ill . " Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Parsons re turned last evening from a short viit with relatives at Newport. I. W. Waters returned last cvenine from a business trip to Golclsboro. Mrs. Charles rate ol Havelock wax in the city y.-sterday shopping. " SATURDAY, FEB. 22. Mrs. Wm. Dunn, Sr., left last even. ing for a vis't with friends at Philadel- i j i r . i . : pina itnu oauuuuic. Mrs. K. c Bennett ot Philadelphia Pa., who has been visiting in the city returned home last evening. General Superintendent Witt of the Norfolk Southern Railway Company parsed through the city last evening enroute to (.,oldsboro. Wm. Dunn, Jr., returned last even ing from a professional visit at Wash ington. ' Charles Humphrcv of Goldsboro was . L , ' ' - . l " a ill on g tnc uusiness visirors in tne city yesterday. D. W. Richardson of Dover spent yesterday in the city attending to business. G. A. Niroll left last evening for a short visit at Ooldsboro. Deputy Sheriff J. E. Wetherington went to bort Barnwell yesterday alter noon. S. M. Brinson went to Goldsboro last -evening to act as one of the judges in a debate between the Goldsboro and Durham High School. Dr. C. S. Barker of Trenton was among the professional visitors in the city yesterday. J. B. Collins of Trenton spent yes terday in the city. SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Mr .and Mrs. W. R. Guion and son William returned yesterday from Snow Hill where they have been visiting relatives and friends. Miss Jennie Coplon Ieavys today for Baltimore for a visit with'relatives. W. L. Lewis returned last evening from a business trip to Beaufort. S. M. Brinson returned yesterday morning from a short visit at Golds boro. George Atomore left last evening fcr a visit with relatives in Pamlico county. N. T. Weeks of Tuscarora was among the business visitors in the city yes day. George H. Roberts, Sr., spent yes terday at Morehead City attending to business matters. Mrs. A. D. Ward left yesterday fora visit at Raleigh with Senator Ward. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Perry and little daughter are visiting relatives and friends at Beaufort. Rev. and Mrs. H. A. Merfeld left last evening for a short visit at Raleigh. Mark Hall returned last evening from a business trip to Washington. J. F. Tyndall returned yesterday from a business trip to Norfolk, Va. H. W. Gibbs of Beaufort was among the visitors in the city yesterday. D. E. Henderson spent yesterday at Kinston attending to some profes sional business. Mrs. J. R. Pigott is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Clarence Myers, in Wilmington. Mr.-- and Mrs. G. W. Skinner of Suffolk, Va., are vishing 'in the city the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Pigott. The House on Friday killed the lecalizde Drimarv bill. Oh well, if we can get a six months school, the money to pay tor it with and a lew other things like that, the Legislature can run along home and wait till next time to give us the legalized primary. It s a good thine and the right thing and a thing is never settled until it is se tied right. Njthi is is clearer to a woman than how much handsome jewels could im prove her character. WANTED Mn with teams, either oxen or mule, to hsul wd deliver logs to railroad track. Short tnu's tnd gocd pay ever; ek. Apply to Ewt Cc.ro ImaLu nbtr Company near Oly.npia, N. C. ALCOHOL 3 PKK-CUKT. i ANgefable rVeparslionfbrAs- airaiaiingiKiiioiiamj i-ju.uuji.in.u CASTORIA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Promotes DisfonOitcdy ness and Rest-Contalnsitcidvcr Opium.Morpiune nor Mineral wot Narcotic. Anerfect Reraedv for Consflr Hon , Sour Stomach.Diarrlicca Worras,Coiivmsimtsjfwrair ness and Loss of Sleep. Facsimile Signature of The Centaur Compart, NEW Y0BK. A 17' 'Guaranteed under tne Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA TNE eCNTAUn COMPANY. MIW IH CITY. INSURANCE AGAINST OVER-PAYMENT It is an insurance against over-payment to settle all accounts by check be cause the cancelled .checks returned to the depositor by the bank are unques tionable receipts of what has been paid. It is also a great convenience tobe able to settle accounts involving an odd number of dollars and cents by simply writing a check for the total. We invite deposits subject to check in any amount and render uniformly courte ous attention to all patrons, whether their accounts afe large or small. Saving and Earning No matter how much money you earn, you do not get along wjell unless you save a part of it. When your money comes in, you should always plan to deposit a portion of it with the New Bern Banking & Trust Co., where you money will draw interest at the rate of 4 per ct. compounded four times a year. This rate of interest is really better than the income from many kinds of investments, and the money is constany protected against any possible loss. DEPOSITS ACCEPTED BY MAIL IN ANY AMOUNT. NEW BERN BANKING & TRUST C? CAPITAL $ iOO.OOQ.00 121 A I 1 SrOP AT THE Barrington House When in Norfolk 908 Main St. Z. V. BARRINGTON. Proprietoi Rates $1.50 day; S7.60 week Hot and cold baths. Snecia) attention to transients. Home Privileges. R P. S. Paint for every pur pose. J. S. Basnigh t Hard ware Co., New Bern, fi. C. "Bucks" Stoves and Range J. S. Basnight Hdw. Co., New Bern, N. C. TOAl SIZE MUCl It Clim BUBHIQHT LINIMENT ol Ik. MM. Mil 9t VtSC MaJL ftOPUCHT MFG. CO, New Bul M. C. Ask your dealer, or send 10c in stamps to above adiressand Bellair Stock and Fruit Farm, G. T. RICHARDSON, Proprietor. I have Full Blood Angus Bulls and Heifers for sale immune from Texas fever, also full blood Berkshire Hogs. You are cordially invited to visit farm and see stock. G. 7. RICHARDS01S New Bern, N. C, R. F. D.. io. Pfione, Bellair line, 4 rings. Don't Forget The Farmers' Union Department Store F ARRIS NASSEF, Proprietor 66-68-7 Middle St. NEW BERN Subscribe For The Journal

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