Wast s m jir 28, 1913 S NEW BERN, N. C, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1913-SECOND SECTION 35th YEAR IL 10 GET BULLET RIDDLED, MORE DETAILS OF HAVE TO ENLARGE LOOKS LIKE CASE IN MEXICO n ANOTHER FrCTCR DIES OF INJURIES FEARFUL PUZZLE FOR IAFT FDR THE CHAIR Pit 1 MM ' 1 11 " 1 i ! m -!t- i ttff oil W00DROW WILSON TRAGEDY DRESS A LLOWANCE Murder nd Anarchy Let Lome Farmers Manufacturing Company To cement the Work of Will Turn Out Barrels and the Revolution. Farm Implements ING OUT DIAZ'S THREAT OPTION SECURED ON SITE Jpttbr In Flag-Bedecked Capital James Sprulll Purchases Valuable out 11 hi 10 anocK cne u.iv- 1 1 rarm 1. oca tea southeast Mixed World. . I , of Oriental M Mexico Citv. February 24 A reiaAlf (Special to the Journal) of terror has been inaugurated. Fran- . Oriental, Feb. 24 It became known ciscfrl. Madero and Jose Pino Suarea, I "ere, week that preparations deposed .President and Vice-President re enK made to erect and operate of Ihe republic, have fallen shot dowhl"IKWne.r ,arSe "arret lactory at this-piace. in mM Mfwwl r.rU. n.lrfnl.hi r!rln. 1 Several dava ago E. F. East. President fronf'the NationaYktece to the pen- the Ffar",crrc' Manufacturing Compan tentiary. va"y uhuik, arnvcu ui town ana Felix Diaz's threat of Saturday night, after making an investigation took a "Wr wilt -use such energetic mean three months option on twenty thou- as to put an end to rebellions forever" f"a acres of valuable timber land in has been followed by swift execution, t ha section. Murder and anarchy have been It is the intention of the company to let loose to cement the work of the us this timber in the manufacture of revolution. The Maderistss and all barrels and farming utensils amd the other opponents of the military dy- plant will employ about eighty people, nasty which has been established are M'- Ea8t has given tbe. people here to be exterminated. Opposition to every reason to believe that his company the Diaz-Huerta regime is to be drain- w purchase this land and erect the eel in blood. Martial law alone pre- P'ant nere ... , .. vailo The ;i. are hpincr fillorl with James bpruill, on- of Pamlico count v's s. There are rumors of other I ",UBl progressive larmers ana wno lives I assassinations arwut ft ve miles trom tntal, has re- i events of the past twentv-four cently purchased from A". F. Midyette, hours in this flag-bedecked capital, a valuable tarrr, i located northeast of Oriental. Mr. Spruill will turn this order, have been such as to shock the tract of land over to his son Clifford and civilized world and call for instant 11 ' operated by him. retribution in behalf of outraged hu- A force of men are now engaged in manity tearing down the brick dry kilns The ' officials explanation of Ma- at the 'ca P'ant of the John L. Roper dero's assassination and Suarei's is Company, who have discontinuedopera- twofold and contradictory. General tlonsJ here 8lnce Part, of their P'ant Vtrtnri.iu. H,,r(, tW. n;.inn.t was destroyed bv fire a few months aeo. President, swears ' that the killing The b"ck are being cleaned and will be miam ineijenral In an imn In rn drne Sent tO New Bern. the two deposed officials. Foreign . W. F. Grigg, one of Oriental's Minister Francisco He la Barra di . I leading physicians, performed a suc- clares that it occurred because the cesSlM' operation on J. S. Nunn.of Arap ., m. ..n,ni ' M.ifh.. shoe several days aeo. Mr. Nunn had a will make a definite statement. It is H??d attack of appendicitis, and his con- possible to obtain information as .to which side began the firing from which side came the fatal shots. But Francisco Madero, riding in an automobile, with guards before dition was critical before, the operation was periormed. He has almost com pletely recovered now and returned to his borne. Work on the new Methodist church -.,! kin, a;-a 7mm .tnote is progressing rapidly and the conereea .hni A hitltt pni i h. hurlr rf I tionBhopcs tobcablc to move in Lo t heir an,l emeroeH at the fni-o. I new nouse oi worsntp nurtne; tnc next a - r ,l.. Tk. i:e . u.. ICW 1 1IC CUIIILC la HUH 111 his bead. . msi "i Pi? etc tnosjl of wMc i rant. reed, by many bul- h entered from the the only witnesses were those- ac tually engaged in the shooting. An international phase of the trag edy, which is causing great concern, 19 that ttjtse two otncials were slaughter hands of the painters. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sadler left this morning for New Bern where they will make their home. Mr. Saddler is in the employ of the John L. Roper Lumber Company. .Charles Miller left today for Enfiild where he has accepted a position with la jewelry firm K..I Wn maHp hv thP amtuuarlnr Miss Pearl Johnson returned Sunday had been made by the ambassador (r . U "it fd States in their behajt nd assurances from Muerta that their safetv would be guaranteed. Ambassador Wilson is making an investigation. 'An official investiga tion has been also started, and sol- t from a visit at Stonewall and ay Guilford Lewis of New- Bern spent Sunday night in our town as the gusest of his brother, Charles Lewis. Marvin Aldrich who has been visiting Colored Man, In Flftht, Makes , Correspondent of Baltimore Sun Lunge For Axe, Engineer too Adds som?, interesting Quick For Him. Sidelights. EMPTIES PISTOL INTO HIM RETAINS A VIVID PICTURE Wounded Man Brought Here and Seea Huerta Following News of Ma- . . . A ' . nan!. A .... Carried to Sanitarium Died Sunday Night dero's Death Commander Of Escort Talks. Following an altercation with a white man named Lane, employed as j an engineer at the Roper Lumber Com-1 pany's camp at Camp Perry, Onslow . county, John Parker, colored, another employe of the camp, was practically riddled with bullets by Lane near that place early last Saturday morning. The wou n ded man was brought to this . city and placed in Stewart's sanitarium for treatment. His wounds were so numerous that i' was impossible to Mexico City, Feb. 25. Now that the excitement of the day following , the killin Washington Leaders Say Mrs. Wil son Can't Dress on $1,000 a Year. WHAT SOME OF THEM SPEND Thousands Dollar Wardrobe of New President's Wife Awaited With Curlsoity. Washington, Feb. 25. If Mrs. Wood row WtUnn u if.. tt tlx. Pm.Mnn. a of Francisco I. Madero, Jr., and can riressnn St nnn awr ;t : Jose Pino Suarez is past the corrcspon-1 than notable leaders of Washino-ton concensus of dent of the Sun, cf Baltimore adds some details of events that seem nec ccsary to complete the picttre of an event that will live in the history of Mexico and probably of the world. The correspondent who went to the palace after the- assacsinations retains a vivid picture of the scene there, day, that while Mrs. Taft and save his life and he died late Monday , Within an hour the news had reached daughter did not over-dress, yet u'gnt ana nis Doay was yesteraay pre-, me newspaper men anu liuimuuuiis , spem at icast 3,uuu a year, society can do. The opinio , is that Mrs. Wson will be obliged to enlarge her dress allowance. The average dress allowance here is $5,000, while many use $10,000 and others go even higher. A close Iriend ol Mrs. Taft said to iler they This President-elect Strangely Aloof In His Relations With The Outgoing President. POLITELY DECLINES FAVORS Charles Spencer, Colored; Held Without Bail For Neit Term Of Superior Court. MURDER OF WOMAN CHARGED Taft Frankly Confesses That He Cannot Quite Understand the Sftutation. No Washington, Feb. 26. President Taft is trying to figure out his successor in office. He is endeavoring to learn, if possible, why it is that Governor Wil son so consistently declines to accept any favors tendered byvthe present administration. Up to this time the President-elect has refused every offer that has been made by Mr.. Taft, directly or indirectly with the view to making it easier for the new regime to take hold of the executive affairs of the nation. In conversation wjth friends the Presi dent has declared that he cannot quite Dared for shioment to his home near came to them that thev would find! friend estimated the oaffit needed or Mavsville. I General Huerta, the Provisional Presi- the first lady of the land, based on ' understand the situation. He says that Parker, was a notoriously bad negro dent and military dictator, at the clothes Mrs. I aft got during the year each time an attempt has been made to and was somewhat of a "bully" around . national palace. the camp. . From the few details which The troons sleot on in the courtyard. could be learned in regards to the shoot-'oblivious to the happenings of the ing it seems that he became intoxicated ni-sht, and the guards before the room and attempted to get too famiiar with formerly occupied by the prisoners the white man. This the latter resented slumbered soundly after the relief and the negro made a ltinge for an axe, from the long strain. In the green which was lyaing nearby. Securing this p0om if t?w palace General Huerta, weapon he was preparing to strike who w.s dressed in a drib military Lane with it when the latter opened field uniform cloak and with cam fire on him with a large calibre pistol paign cap pulled down oVer his eyes, and continued firing until the last which were shaded by dark hsse., cartridge had been used. j paced the room, inscrutatL, stern and It is understood that in order to oblivious to the salutes of officers avoid being arrested, Lane left for walking on tiptoe and conimunicatin?; parts unknown after the shooting and jn whispers after the deaths. In one as follows: Tne evening cowns at $300 each, $3,000. Four street suits each season at av erage cost ,$50, $200 season, four sea sons, $800. Two afternoon ' suits a season, av erage ,iuu; lour seasons, 5800. show Governor Wilson courteously some of the inside workings of the executive departments a firm but most polite declination has been received. All of which brings up the question who is to pay for the White House luncheon on the dav of the inaugural. Either the incoming or the outgoing has not been located. NEW LIFE-SAVING STATION FOR LOOKOUT. (Special to the Journal) fhrcc afternoon receDtion cowns. at ' President is to joot the bill, but nobody $75, $225. can foretell just now which one it will Accessories, hats, gloves, etc., year- be- Iy, at least $1,500. I This luncheon is given immediately Total, $0,325. , after the oath of office, has been ad- Miss Helen Taft, being a debutante ' ministered to the new President. It for the last two years, has spent un-! comes between that ceremony and the douhtedlv half as much ru her mnrhni-' starting of the parade. It is generally corner of the room Colonel Maas gave ! n clothes. . I e aborate, for the reason that the re- . ---- u flU. a statement to the reporters. Major Cardenas, commander of the escort which had Madero in chatgc stated that he was ordercfl to transfer the prisoners to the pentjetitiary and awaken them shortly after 40 o'clock. : Ri.a.i.fnrr N C Feh. 25. A new Madero. on being arousedi said it was life saving station equipped with all the ' a pity he had not been told before, so moaern improvements is soon iu lane the place of the present one at Cape Lookout. The Captain is to have an office, parlor and bedroom. There are to be two bath rooms one for ihe Captain and one for the surf men equipped with hot and cold water. Mrs. Robert L. Henrv. wife the Texas Repesentative, who is promi nently mentioned for the Cabinet, can not emulate the low -eost of dressing wi ivirs. wnstwi. Mie said to-day. tiring Cabinet members and a host of other guests are on hand. It has been the cuslom for the re tiring President to pay for the luncheon i Cleveland did it in Harrison's time: Following a preliminarv hearing be fore Mayor McCarthy yesterday aCttr noon Charles Spencer, colored, was held for the next term of Craven County Superior Court without bond on thai harge of having murdered Alice Har- gett, also colored. Acquaintances ol the Hargett w mn- testified to seeing evidences ofa brutal attack on her and to her ha.ing told them that on Christmas night Spencer attempted a criminal offense against her, beating her with a pair of brass knuckles t nmcrcifully. The sarne wit nesses testified that the wc man died a few days after Christmas. It is claimed that Spencer, not con tent with beating the woman's face al most into a pulp with the weapon, in flicted injuries on other parts of her body. The woman is said to have crawled beneath a house in Pavietown where the attack was made, and he is said to have struck her as she was doing this with a heavy crutch. Learning that the police were on his track Specner made his escape and remained at large until located and aptured at folloksville several days go by Constable T. J. Hawkins. " At hat time Spencer jumped into the river at a point where the water is ten feet deep and only with difficulty was he rescued. that he would not have gone to bed As they entered the cars Madero said: "Please take us down Ralejo and Lecumberri streets." It was planned to take this route, but orders were changed and the party went by a j different way, arriving near the peni are among the most efficient in the service Capt. Willis and his crew of life savers ' tentiary two blocks from- the route originally, planned, rtiter crossing ine railway bridge a band of five men tired ntles at the party and tnc cnaut feurs started to obey, their orders to halt, but were ordered to proceed at higher speed instead. Within 200 yards of the penitentiary a larger band LOCO NOTES (Special to the Journal) Loco, Feb. 24. There has been con siderable sickness in this section dur- opened fire and succeeded in stopping ing the past few weeks but we areglad j the machines. The escprt descended to say that the majority of those who and answered the fire. JThe escort havs been ill are improving. report that Madiro and Suarez then The public school at this piece is I started toward the attackers and were progressing nicely under the able caught between two fires, supervision of Miss Annie Henderson. This is Cardenas' version of the The attendance is gratifying and the I event. Their bodies showed bullets "Mrs. Wilson may be able to do it I Harrison when Cleveland came back: but .-I cannot. I have heard other wo-1 Cleveland when McKinley was inau men make like remarks, and the mira- gtirated; Roosevelt when Taft was clc of their accomplishing it has been ' sworn in, and so on. a puzzle to me." I Following these precedents, the Tafts i Another Democratic social leader, ' were arranging to be the hosts at this Mrs. Champ Clark, wife of the Speak- j nna' meal. Lately, however, the Prcsi er, thoroughly indorsed Mrs. Wilson' dent has been wondering if the new views, and rejoiced it her good com-! Executive will be wholly satisfied to mon sense in not allowing clothes to Pave It tnat waY- Governor Wilson rule her. I may prefer to serve this luncheon, in- Mrs. Edson Bradley, who thinks asmuch as it comes officially during nothing of spending $5,000 for a single 1,18 administration rather than in that entertainment, laughed when asked if of Mr. Taft. a Washinirtnn- civ iit ,-,,,,.,.. I In discussing this amusing situation dress on 51,000 a year. "Not to my with friends the President recalled knowledge," she said. "I find that a the fact that he and Mrs. Taft had in single gown frequently costs more than vited Governor Wilson and Mrs. Wil that." son to the White House for a week-end Mrs. Hugh Rowland French, recent- fr a nfent r ev-n a single meal, just ly delcarcd bv IJe Lion Nicholas to hp Deiore tne laits sauea ior ranama. one of America's most beautiful wo men, says Washington social life onft.oaa.Jit. Miy i emn promises are made that the guilty Mrc ,or th? P081 week returned yester- ill lw nuninhrd. I"y iui""K i" ouuiu v .immui.i - r : . . i i i . : i i i i It is simple truth to state that not w,,crc 18 :'P'"ycu on ruirouu n Mexico City be- reports ol the assas- sinWHB the aoctnnes ol leyiuga is being quoted on all sides "fugitive law" Which, is the unwritten law that has been invoked for centuries in Latin countries when the death of a prisoner' is desired. Under it, the night of a prisoner is facilitated, jn order that he may be shot down in the attempt, after which it is recorded in the records that the prisoner was slain while trying to escape. 'In this manner Gustavo Madero rliarWMiorl tf thl ot Hnr llav Mn Francisco Madero and Senor Suarez f New"; York, Feb. 24. There is es sure added to the list. YOUNG VIRGINIA dPOSER BACK JOHN POWELL, OF RICHMOND, ABR1 Es FROM EUROPE WITH LAURELS. pupils are their work. taking much interest in MOV 10 DREDGE E'S GREEK BRIG SEVERAL THOUSAND ACRES OF VALUABLE LAND WOULD BE RECLAIMED. (Special to the Journal.)) Rivcrdale, Feb. 26. A movement is on loot to dredge iirice s crceK. it this is done several thousand acres of pecial interest in musical circles over The most dramatic and heart-rend the homecoming of John; Powell, a ing incidents attended the discovery youjajjiencan. 1 he celebrated Zim r it.. ti..,l,.r nf ik. i.n nffimli ballat.'Mb already made Powell known Scnora Madero, heartbroken wife of HWaunwy oy tne playing rt row- vaiuaoie iano win oe arainca anu out the former President, got the first ell's in concerto all over Europe, ( in condition for farming. definite news of her husband's death at the festival in Richmond, Va., I It is understood that the John L. from the Spanish minister Senor Colo- Mr. Powell's home town, in Carnegie Roper Lumber Company will soon gin y Cologan. Reports had before HjII early in the season and with more cease working in this section This this reached her that serious and un- than ordinary sucess in Chicago with Is regretted by our citizens as the com- usual events had occurred. But a few Theodore Thomas' orchestra. ' pany turns loose several- thousand hours before she had been on her knees Mr. Powell has devoted himself dollars each year. - to Huerta, begging for the life of her Iwgely to compoiition, but lie is a Last Saturday night two young men -4rtlsbiH'4-for a sight of him a word pianist whose successes have been ol tnis town taiiKca up on mino nger I to enable her o sustain the especially gratnying recent in London anq prpcecaeo to paint me piacc rea. Ar.A.r -.htnli .h. i.knrina and in Vienna. He is one of the l.rs- Thev succeeded ii such an admirable had turned her coldly away. I chetsizky exponents, and will demon- manner that they fell into the grasp iag, she was carried off by friends, strate this side ot his equipment Tues- ol thciaw ana today werc -iorcca to n the aewt came of the Iday afternoon in Carneglc Hall, when "coiugh up" two dollars each for their -.tracedv. it reached her friends first, he will give a joint recital with Zim- luni . w u .-,u.vnt tr. w . fmm balwt. I (. harlcs Simpson has invented a w Vnr r.rtv.ihr hour, oho hjt Mr. Powell said he could see vast fountain marking brush which bid not' slept. There were fears for her improvement in the condition of the fair to replace the much used marking reason which have grown grave now, American composer, but He did not be- pot and brush. With Mr. Simpsons in the light of developments. At I live that he would come into his full brush, one can mark objects for hours u.t k,n h innr detail. rnnU nni powers until opera would be given in the at the time without soiling the hands. longer be kept from her, she was told I vernacular for the reason that opera He has made an inquiry as to securing was a great innuence in popularizing a paieni un u. music, and that this began with the The farmers in this section are mak elevation of the lighter mucis and ex- ing extensive preparations for the ap- ll-liueu muugliuui lu music in US High- pruat-lllllB kubuii. nuwuy laigi; umiiir est acceptance ol tne term. ties oi seed potatoes nave pcen pianicu from wtti "IS as fjently as possible that the end which he hid feared had come. She fainted. W OF P101 FOR HIS DEATH Ok SULZER INFORMED ALLEGED PLAN TO ' CI IV UIU both in front and back. The bodies were then taken to the penitentiary, where they were held all day. An autopsy was made by military surgeons and the bodies were embalmed. General Huerta offered to inter the bodies last night with military honors by 400 of the infantry and cavalry, but the families re fused and asked that the bodies be given them. It was believed there would be a secret and quiet burial last night. The Cabinet at the palace heard the report within an hour of the conference. De la Barra sent a message to the diplomats explaining the occurrence and containing the statements of the officers. He said he would send the diplomats full copies of the records when he had investigated the case, and reiterated the regret ol the Gov ernment at the 1 tragedy. As soon as the message about Madero was learned the Spanish Minister and others tried to ascertain the facts and confirm the death report. They went to the penitentiary, but were ret used admittance. Then they appealed to United States Ambassador Wilson, the dean of the corps, who promised to do everything possible to clear ud the situation. Crowds gathered at the place of the happenings in the afternoon, tearuiglj up the pavenjent and making mouipfaf', tor tne placing oi crosses ,as is cps moary in qaies of assassinations ''ItjWifiy Mexico. The crowd was ordered to4j8irt dixoersed bv General Blannuet. Demonstrations planned in honor of Diaz were called off in honor of the death of the two men. The capital is greatly depressed. Public opinion although there is little possibility of trouble from that source, labels this deed as a great blot on the history of the nation, and this Government anxiously awaits the opinions of foreign nations ot tne occurrence, it is Be lieved that these deaths will have a great effect on further developments quires an outlay of much niorc tharf $1,000 yearly. "Why, I have seven evening gowns this winter," she said; they cost Irom $400 to 51,00(1 apiece. I could not even buy my hats for Si, 000. a year. I am certain mv complete clothes bill for the year is $20,000; and at that 1 am by no means the best dressed woman hire." Mrs. Wilson's $1,000 wardrobe wilL be awaited with much curiosity, and it is possible that it may usher in an era of dress reform here. FIGUR ES IN AN ELOPEMENT RUNAWAY AFFAIR IN BALTI MORE PROVES TO BE OF INTEREST HERE. years -'WiadoniBbyrii wajtiW'cHv'rrnfly f. Alba SukrV letf hv, N. Y., Feb. 2. nss bi I SEES END OF HAIR AND TEETH been informed il plot lb assassinate Governor last night related that on Fri day a man with bead swathed in bandages called at the executive chant- aad was referred to Owen L. tter, his legal aattatint. To Mr He believed that this would create a and other seed will soon be planted. . i -i, ha unread over the more sympathetic audience and that it The approaching season bids fair to cit an(( peopie gathered on street wouici inspire tnc composer to nis Best oe a very guuu uiw. 'corners speak in whispers. No state efforts. Asked about the attitude of Vuite a number ol visitors were in meJ)t couj obtained by the dip- mjrope to tnc American composer, our town msi .-.unuay mtenuiiiu uie . omatg from the Madero tanuly. 'mt, Powell said that he had found all services conducted by Rev. Ftilcher. countries exceedingly sympathetic, es- His sermon was interesting andvery peejally to music that was frankly instructive. American that has characteristics of Local fishermen have had exception its own; this, he said, did not fail to ally good luck during the past few wcekB awaken more interest and respect than and have caught large numbers of shad American music based upon tne school and other varieties of fish. The deahvs ff a fiii-ofa-ii miintrt. nrit muni' a tjnntl nriro fnr 1 hp watpr Governorl Mr. Powell is a ArriniiR-lnnLirir .in. food and the fishermen are making of the University of Chicago, told b ot an al-lcere sort of young man, whose manner a considerable amount ol money. mm. i ne l hardly betrays the Southerner more Professor Also Predicts Little Tee Will Vanish. The following article from a recent issue of the Baltimore American is of interest here as the young man who figures in it is the son of W.E. Dickinson of Bridgeton, having left here several ago to live in Baltimore where 9fincV'ii wiit.whe Packard Auto- tention of going Dickinson, an itomobile sah'smarfr and Marguerite Ebaugh, 18, years old, daughter of lifflrt an Mfsr Albert Kbaugh, 122 Prospect avenue, Roland Park, eloped and were married yesterday by Rev. B. F. Devrics in the parsonage of Mount Vernon Methodist Episcopal Church. "So quietly did the young couple lay their plans that no one was aware that they intended getting married. Yesterday morning young Dickson called at the home of his fiance in an automobile, and after telling Mrs Ebaugh that they were' j list going for a spin, they departed, taking with them Miss Esther McKaddcn, a cousin of Miss Ebaugh, whom they later took into the secret. - "They planned to go to Washington and it was while on the way there that the hrst difficulty was encountered One of the tires of the automobile blew j Governor Wilson replied that his ap pointments were 9uch that he could not find it Convenient to accept the in vitation. Incidentally this was the first time the hospitality of the White House has been declined in so many years that much tuss was made about it in official circles. Shortly after the first of the year it was learned at the White House to day the President sent word to Governor Wilson that there were a number of important state matters which would be pending when administration chang ed and that if the new bxecutive cared to do so one or more Cabinet members would be sent to Trenton to explain their status. To this proffer came an other courteous reply asking to be excused, with the explanation that New Jersey affairs needed attention at the time. A third time advances were made by Mr. Taft. A few days ago the President sent word to the Governor that the con fidential dispatches and other private information of the State, War and Navy Departments bearing upon the Mexican situation would be laid belore the incoming Executive for his infor mation, if Mr. Wilson had the op portunity to acquaint himself with these matters now. A third time the offer was not accepted. There is nothing in all this of serious mportance, of course, but it has caused a volume of capital gossip. All hands agree that Governor Wilson has the eminent right and privilege of waiting until his turn at the bat comes belore tie plunges into the big affairs that will I . . . ! . l . I I . . await nis attention,- anu nuuuuy 11 offering any apologies for his conduct l ne aioomess oDservect oy nir. wu son, however, is so foreign to the official procedure and custom in Washington that the people here are at a loss to understand a man who declines White House invitation when he feels like it and who refuses to accept ser vices when he is not in need of service It all seems to presage a new way of doing things in Washington, and the c.tv is tilled with intense interest, re 'g irding the family that is to occupy the executive Mansion. RAILROAD PAYS FOR DE mOLISHING WAGON. The Norfolk Southern Railway Com pany on Monday paid to the Home Bakery 1103 in settlement of damages sustaihedliy the bakery when one of its wagons a short while ago was demolish Eye-Witnesses to Affair Evi dence Given by Persona To Whom Woman Talked. F LAM ES CONSUME PORTION OF HIE Residence of J. P. C. Davis on South Front Street Damaged To Extent of $2,000. ROOF IGNITED BY A SPARK Error In Alarm Caused the Fire Wagons To Arrive Fifteen Minutes Late. Fire which is supposed to have origi nated from a spark from the chimney almost completely destroyed the second . story of J. P. C. Davis' handsome resi dence at No. ii, tiouth treat street late yesterday afternoon and also darnag ed an adjacent residence, owned by Charles H. Hall. The fire was discovered shortly before 4 o'clock and the alarm was sent from box number fourteen, ror some reason unknown the alarm system was in an erratic condition and the hrc companies were not able to locate tnc blaze and were delayed in reaenmnj the scene of the conflagration la the meantime an immense cxtmm mm gathered to watch the fire and sasssqr of these assisted in paving the furniture much or which -was taken Irom tnc building before being damaged. The fire had full sway at the second story for at least fifteen minutes and it was wrapped in names when tne com- Sanies arrived and the first Hne of ose laid, but within a short time there . were a number of streams ot water being thrown on the blaze. The hyd-. rant pressure was very low and it a as necessary t; bring out one oi tne eQ) engines. Soarks were flying in every direction and for a time it seemed as though Mr. Hall's residence would be . destroyed but a few streams of water saved this building. A small structure in the yard occupied by Ruff's boarding house was ingitcd by tailing spams put tne oiaze was discovered and extinguished before any damage was done. It is estimated that Mr. Davis' home and f irnishings were damaged to the extent of two thousand dollars, partial-. ly covered by insurance. Ihe damage to Mr. Hall's dwelling which will amount to about three hundred. dollatjs is also covered ty insurance. STOPS MISSION STUDY CLASSES BUT THEY WILL BE RESUMED FOR TWO DAYS FIRST OF NEXT WEEK. The missioa study classes which State Sc;retary L. B. Padgett of the Laymen's Missionary Movement has been conducting for the last few day in the lecture room of the Presbyterian Vd by a Norfolk Southern freight train, c'turch have been discontinued because The management of the bakery was of the fact that Mr. Padgett had to go than it does the artist. He has become thoroughly cosmo politan, Dut insists that the mur(road- ly i GETS JUDGMENT FOR FIVE HUNDRED DOLLERS. R. H. Seward was Tuesday awarded y one knows Europe the more likelv nnp i. tn feel tYm nr.ti ,.f I.: ter the man. whose name the lmuntrv mil U, r....if ..u .w. damages in the sum of five hundred rnor would not divide, said that never would have realised the wonder-. dollars in Wake County s"P"r tour 7. u,sf!.1 . an anan-nul spirit ol the Southern melotl e f " Z. """'" l,,c -""",.M. heard two had not hfard them under the idcaliza- Lmc railway company in which lie the Gov- kion of on: suffering from homesickness. w" su'ng ' V?m ! V' 'S2 ' its earn- Mr. Powell i. well bn.n i h. thirty thousand dollars for being "black- ' listed" bv that company for an accident Bey assaulted and robbed he has also played very much in 'public which occurred while he was operating and hi rnmnn.li inn. ., ..u.. ,.i f. one oi i-.eir locomotives. Alter tnc told tha man to report qucntly by his collcians. all of whom ?. the-npany police, but are ent husks'! ic over the Southern kS.' iS.i tik 'sssm ne presence ss? tr ed of t informant iiinv thr 7K s?5n!Si!ttK he hd ,pirlt of the "'"" no '" an of the ? "ndjccftetidquarters. Ixomposer. Mr. Powell has tcn a way L u I uom m ow country since 1902. and wa Mcndov 4.li..lie' Bern ed at case s and , out. Next, after changing tires, a ..uu ,k. itK 1 tr. Aheville to look after the a rr a nee- chicken was run over artd crushed X:h Hjhe railroad settled and also ments for a laymen's convention to be Soon after the chicken was killed badl :,u ,l rit f vn..re.v nnrl fair h-ld in that city soon. He left this i ...... ..... .. ..,. t ...,.i ii...n v"- "i . . r : . i v.e.---.v.w -v ...v.. ,a , tWc rallroari omcialf was decided to return to llaittmore. .. a i..,n...,. class yesterday that some time in thej . . ,hue courtship ot tl young people 'on the seulcment future hair, teeth and tne in tie tee'"-"-" -V ,, I Chicago. Feb. 26. Prof. Frrdiricj Starr of the department of anthropolog' officials, particular-' marning for Aaheville. He will return ndleton, in connec-! in time to preach twice Sunt'a '. once . 7 I . T71 A. O L-l-i. .U...ek a.J natM al InC I II st DALrl is' (miih.ii iivi vmmm a ( j-Mi.-ii.irv MpthnH.Ht church. mure iiair, ircui i tc nnn g , - . - VT A , ,. i - j - - would be missing from the members , ",u frLom his home in Norrth Carolina ENT ON TO SI,PER,OR COURT. I Monday the mission study classes of the human race. Alter tne weaning tnc news was nroaen i , ill be resumed and last lor two aiter- "Pre-digestcd foods hats and shoes ,,re,u,,u; iiei. m umi juac Kosetta narru ana kissic layior, noons and two evenings. tne Ml have rendered hair, teeth and the Ittlc r-"aua" re,,'5C." IO De!"ve w"n:colored, were given a hearing belore session sbemg for the womea toe useless" he said. "The time will mrs- ""VS". w" l '"f B,,c Mayor McCarthy yesterday aiternoon night sessions tor the men ; . .r. ,.r at once folded them both in her arms nn a warrant rharoinu them with the I Wn.nrv Paitvelt ha. I 'Mil. ni.v.l . ........ ........... v child possessing these will b a curiosity the natural man needed nair as a defense and protection against the struggles of primitive life. We with our nats and our civilization do not need it. Persons with a seant supply of hair ci ni to die out among primitive peoples, but in civilisation they in-crceifC-. "tf teeth-aad haif and the little toes at once lolded them both in her .inns n a warrant rharoinu them with the Wnrv Pari dp It haa been much and gave them her blessing, and the xl1rceny pf geveral articles of wearing impressed by the interest t hit has been arc cs;i ed then it will bt ivilized inhahitni back to nature ai Judge, too, finally came around after j apparel from the home of one of their mrs. r.uaunii nuu icimiiucu nun turn friends while the latter was absent, they too, had eloped 25 years ago.' The ibthing was found in the womens' y " '.home but thev claimed that it was brought there bv an unknown colored red too thin obablc Cause nexttqrm of uuerior v ourt under f (SO each, In default re committed to jail. TO LEAVE THE DIOCESE uesday afternoon's Fayctteville ver: "VVc notice that Rev. .E inner, so well and favorably ki : WfyhV' found . tVhrover to, he nnnlv taken here in the study of missions and he is expecting very enjoyable ano nciptui ciass meetings on nu next week. GETTING READY TO PRESENT "THE LITTLE MINIST" The members of the Pslnt and vj nic puny, ooin ne said. After all is said and done i so sulc as a sausfied man. tg let- iH

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