No. 97 NEW BERN. N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 191$ SECOND SECTION 35th Y ,.R v(w,j"' --ift ; .. .i i ; - 9 I I vy . , ft J V 1 fc FAVORS A STATE lOEjTOCK LAW VA Close Observer" Believes Cattle Should Not Be Allowed to Room at Large. ERADICATE THE CATTLE TICK More sthd Better Sotck Can Be Raised If Owners Give Them Proper Care. Mr. Editor: I scad with much interest the arti cle published in your paper headed "Against State Wide Stock Law." ThV voter who wrote this piece seems to see only the (rood things God has done for us hi this sunny Tand we live in. He completely ignores 'the fact that when God made man and beast that he also made pests to annoy man and beast, and it has been proven be yond doubt that he also endowed man with power to destroy the troublesome pest. It has also been proven beyond discussion that to quarantine pasture land for. two or three years the cattle tick, which has cost this country mil. Without this eaVttfsrastcad nf raising scrub cattle, we will be in equal competition to the best stock raised in the United States thereby, instead of demanding scrub prices, oar cattle will weigh' two or three times as much and demand the best prices. It seems (he idea of some people that all they want to do is to count in number what they own regardless of quality, while number counts for nothing as compared with quality. Besides the No Fence Law dots not prohibit "Vo'er" from fercing a'.l the fine pas ture lan Is he writes about to put cat tie in, which he owns but one thing it dees is havine 1 iws that Will nrevent bis crany one else's scrub cattle from spreading' the cattle tick ana grazing on other people's land. Voter seems to think his cattle should be privileged characters and eat grass that docs not belong to the cow or the owner of the cow. If Mr. Voter would take a little time, drive through some of our neighboring Catu ities, Pitt, Green, Wayne, Lcncir, Johson, Nash, and all through Western forth Carolina where the.ear thousands of acres of fine mountain grazing lands, where they raise and ship beef of the best' quality, he will find these counties are fiee from cattle ticks and have the No Fc nee Law. The farmers living in these sections would not have the Fence Law again under any consideration. The only reason Mr. Voter writes as he does is because he does not know: if be would take time and throw off selfish ideas, his views would be changed regarding the No Fence Law very mncn. Dont' try to misleads Lets have more cattle and better cattle and get rid of the cattle tick. Fence your pas ture and have quality. Let one beef weigh what two v, ill now and have quality instead of quantity. Last winter I met a Northern gentle men who had spent quite a time in traveling over the different Southern and South Western States, looking for a place to locate, he was a cattle raiser and farmer in northern New York., on account of the severe winters in the north decided to move South. After spending some time in Eastern North Carolina, he thought that this section was the best he had seen, the opportunities far beyond other sections for the future, He told me if he was not for the cattle tick he would look no further, but would pur chase a home and mov j. I ha .i. stood this gentle nen did buy Lnd and locate across the cattle tick lines. If our resources are so great without this n;st, that wj coi l 1 tret rid nf h,, having a no fence law, why should the good people stay still and continue in the same old rut. Lets be aggressive and tafce every advantage to improve our country, because Mr. Voter has his views on the cattle raising the bet - ter thinkers and cattle Suited States who I dare say can learn mr.. yecr more aoout srock raiding in one month than he ever knw all his me any ,we nust en rA , catoetick before we can ever hoi to be a successful cattle raising -ctj0n I for one stand firm ou the State-tVide- mock saw ana nope lor the benefit of our larmers ana State, the General Assembly that is now in session will see fit to pass the State Wide Stcck Law. A CLOSE OBSERVER REPORT OF DAIRIES FOR FEB. tvia, TL J . . . mc ua.rie. supplying milk to the ty inini Dv toe dairy score card on a baiss of Id) per cent for the per feet dairy. Any dairy with a rating of less than 50 ter cent. i. nr,nk?,.j from scling milk n. """ Arnold Bros. ... G. H. Barker, ... F. L. Bray, Pate ft Dixon Oaks Farm Dairy H. I. Staub, . T. E. Shakley , J. H. Stevenson, ..68 per cent. M per cent. ' ' cer cent . f C per lit i. .Vi ir coat. SO per ccm. 65 p.r :it. y vi r o f.t. it is a violation of the law t niilkVOMles to enter anv .1 .. . trarwpitiasbU; dineasc cxnts or t. turn tittles which have n,; previously washed. J. F. FOLEY Milx Inn: Incn ,N8URATEHCMrDXvVlfTT''S Mr. Harry K. KceY Speeial Vcnl of the Springfield l ire Insurance 't en paby, visited the city yesterdav tnd paid J. P. C. Davis 12,000, the anio nit in full of Ms pcliif issued 'liv .Pr -an &' Oliver covering his loss by fir on February 26th. f-'d-v) HIS INJURIES NOT ilfDini D. R. DAVIS DIES OF INJURIES VICTIM OE SEREET COLLISION OLIVER FARMERS PLANT TOBACCO Agriculturists In That Section See Large Profit In Grow ing Weed. NEW STOCK BEING PURCHASED Sound of Hammer and Saw Can Be Heard On All Sides. Farm Sold. (Special to the Journal) Oliver, March 3. From present indications one would iudee that -the fanners of this section are planning to raise a large crop of tobacco this season. Ihere. arc jabaut ninety acres in culti. feMfSl this - place and .tins means-Tirar rne 'owners oi mis rand have got their hands full for the next few months attending to this crop. One spirit of progressive ness which is evident in our town is that the farmers are getting clear of th;ir old, decrepit stock and filling their stables with younger and more seivi:eable animals. Several thousand dollars have recently been spent in this man ner by the farmers here. There is considerable building activ ity around Olivers at present and the sound of the hammer and taw can be heard on all sides. Among the struc tures being erected is a tobacco barn by J. C. Moore, and a dwelling by R. P. Parker. Other buildings will be erected during the next few months. , We are glad to learn that the con dition of Joe Nobles, who has been critically ill for some time past, is rapidly improving and will probably be out again within a few days. Mrs. Derby Parker who has also been serious ly ill is rapidly improving. M. H. Parker has recently disposed of his fine farm on the Quaker bridge and Gum Branch road and will move in a few days to his place at Olivers' Landing. HIT WITH 81)1 BY HNOi L. J. BROCK FELLED BY BRICK . SATURDAY NIGHT ON GEORGE STREET. While passing down George street sometime between the hours of 8 arix 10 o clock Saturday night, L. J. Brock a white man about thirtv-two yean- old, was struck with a brick throwr by some unknown person and seriousl) njureo. Mr. Brock resides on Georee street and was returning home from the busi ness section ol the city when the as sault was it ads on him. The missic struck his head and inflicted a bad scalp wound and rendered him un conscious for seven or eight hourt Mr. Brock fell to the pavement anc presumably lay there for some litth time before being discovered and takei home. Dr. Walter Watson, was sum moned and gave the wounded mai medical attention and yesterday he wa: reported as being much improved. Mr. Brock remembers nothing o( the attack further than that he hai started home after having spent some time down town. No attempt wa: nade to take any valuables from hi pockets although the perpetrator cl the deed evidently had all the op portunity desired for doing,this, am Mr. Brock believes that he was mis taken for some other person for whon his assailant had been lying in wait The brick with which the injured mai was struck was broken by the foro r,f the blow and but for the fact tha. the victim was wearing a heavy fel. hat at the time there is little doubt but that his skull would have Tver. practurcd. CANNING FACTORY PROJECT HELD UP FOR TIME BEING. boys which the hand full of police The canning factory project for New , were unable to restrain. Bern got something of a set-back I Such was the feeling of indig yestcrday when the men who had agreed na ion that at Continental Hall, iv ik sum k inn .ii ine court notse and dedded not proceed' any further until the proposition of the Williams Construction Company had been thoroughly investigated and also until it hail been ascertained if the capital needed to make the enterprise a success could be raised, the subscript inn-. a !y take being sufficient only to I the pLat. W. H. Bray, Daniel te, A. fviaine, J. B. Blades and T. j ; j '( I ( I. (.. flyman were named as a committee to look into the matter and report at a Mibscejuent meeting. J. Leon Williams served as chairman of yesterday's meeting. .. ( D. R. DAVIS LAID TO REST Flral Cha ner of Sad Tragedy Is . Cu h ineorave. f the. late I). R. Davis were conducted i-ciiteniry Methodist church v..,. t .'idaorning at 11 o'clock by Rev! Miss Margaret Ames arrived ia the j. If. Purloy, assisted by Rev. B. F. ciy yesterday and has taken charge k 'i ?C'"' ' Christ Episcopil f lrlc ntil'inrry depart meat of S. Cop church. Tne service was Icauuful and 'on Son's u'8 department store. Mns lm .ris'jX)!- Ames hai spent several weeks on the A priX, siion cf floral tributes cov-- northern markets studying the latest e'ed the r.ujket and altar and nritcly designs in spring and summer millinery ' 1 11 cteein in whirh the de- ona feminine population of the tea cd Wti held. At Ihc grave the Iocs! 5y an! anticipating, the spring show I' d ;e cf f Iks', of which Mr D.ivl. ins of millinery at this store with wa au honored member, bad charge pi the ceremonies. Jjelge; O. II. Guion, T. I). Warren Riding His Bicycle He Col lides With Cart Dash ed to Pavement. HEM OR ROME OF BRAIN IS CMIiED BY FEARFUL FALL Death Followed Last Night Funeral Arrangements Not Yet Made. While riding up Craven street on lftV Wcyele shortly after ft o'clock yesterday morning D. R. Davis, the well known druggist, collided with a nule and cart wjjich was being driven in the opposite direction and was thrown to the pavement, sustaining iniuii'S irom which he died last night shortly after 11 o'clock. Bystanders rushed to the inured man's assistance at d he was carried into the home of Dr. R. S. Primrose which was near the scene of the accident. A physician was summoned and upon arrival he ordered that Dr. Davis be taken to his home on Broad street where an examination was made. It v.-as not thought at first that his in juries were serious but later it was found that the base of the brain was injured and the patient ;ljwly grew weaker rntil death ensued. The news of Mr. Davis' death was a shock to every one who heard it last .light. For many years he has lived in New Bern and was known and liked by all. He was ever the personification jf cheerfulness, unselfishness and thoughtful consideration for others, whilerin his own fan i'y he never tireu if little ministrations cf kindness at ivery turn so that to the stricken loved ines, his going away is an infinite bereavement and an unfathomable sorrow. Ten years ago Mr. Davis married Miss Mary King. Three children have jc?n born to this union but in their outh they little realize their loss and ;1 e hand cf sorrow fall; heaviest on the bartbroken wife and mother. Mr. Davis is also survived by his mother Mrs. Laura Davis of Beaufort, jyho is now visiting at Norfolk. Va.. ne brother, Edward Davis of Geo-gia .arid one sister, Mrs. Henry Hat cl of N'orfolk,. Va. - ' The deceased was forty-two years jf age. He was the owner and pro prietor of Davis' pharmacy and was ine of the town's mot progreisiv; citizens. He was a member of Cen- enary Methodist church and a con ristent worker in this church. He was ilso a member of the local lodge of fclkf. - Arrangements for the funeral bad not been completed last night. SUFFRAGETTES ARE Fight Their Way Inch By Inch Through Mob of Jeering Men and Boys. SEVERAL PERSONAL ENCOUNTER Banners of Suffragetes Spat Upon And Other Indignities Offered. (Special to the Journal) Washington) March 3. Never in the history of the country has the national capltol witnessed such a disorderly demonstration as was given this afternoon when several thousand suffragettes, marching tor their cause, were compelled to ngrtt tneir way incn by inch, Jown Pennsylvania avenue through i hooting mob of jeering men and wnere a mass meeting of the s ultra Aettes was held after the parade, ther; were cheers when Dr. Anna noward Shaw denounced the treat ment of the marchers as a national disgrace. Three thousand people choked the streets and broke through the police lines and order was not re stored until a company of cavalry was hurried to the scene from Fort Meyer. Insulting remarks war directed at the women along tha entire line of march. Their ban ners were spat upon while maqy were lorn nu n ineir nanas Ana thrown to th- street. Thrwr several persmal encounters and Mrs. De Forrest, one of the pro minent suffragists was slapped ia the isce Dy one oi tne boodli sought to break up the pa NEW MILLINER ARRIVES ROUGHLY TREATED SIN TKET (BajE2 ' CITY. much pleasure. Miss Ames is being j assiud hyMiiis Bessie Smith, who has ' 'la extensive experience in this business. ywMesesajncM w. &atwart ARGUES AGAINST THEFHEEHMIK Daniel Lane Show Where If It Bad Policy to Allow Stock To Run at Large. SPEAKS. FROM EXPERIENCE. Contends That Justice as Well as Good Business Are On Side .Of The Stock Law. Editor Journal: In last Saturday's Journal yoteT raises quite a complaint about some body wanting a State Wide. StoclfrL aw. ine race we nave ir now: i ne only land I have ever known to Be' given to the human race in Fee Simp't is that given to Abraham and his seed which lies between the riVer Nile ii Africa and the Euphrates in Asia, and I dont' think Voter lives over there. So the bread acres to Which he allude; must belong to some body and thai person who owns the land is the only one who has a right to graze and foot that land with his cows and hogs. When it comes to juti4 everj man or company oi men must looi, after their own stock and because thinks a man has a right to let his ta.o itM . .-. iiwi ii nmci rtu vuici stock go where he pleases. There it no law for it. And our Legislature if they will think, will so decide. 1 have lived where stock is refetrainee from running at large a number ol vears and several years before it was forbidden I stopped mine in order to keep clear of the ticks, and found it paid me well. For in the free rangt the. ticks eat out about as much at the cow gets and it takes till mid slim mer to get a cow so sho will give reai good milk. No, Brother Voter, 1 ve tried both, I Can feed a cow better from an. acre clear of ticks and well cultivated in giass, clover, corn, potatoes, etc., than from 100 acres inlestcd with ticks. I am not boasting; others no doubt have done better, but from 36 acres of cleared land ,1 have sold, in three months ninety dollars worth of beef and pork and have plenty for family of .eight for the present year, besides have not been without milk and butter rfised at home two days in two years. Ckn Voter do any better than that on his free range? i saw a bunch ot cows on a tree range some time ago, and they were so com pletely shingled with ticks that 1 would not have cleaned all the ticks off of tl em for half the bunch. I hope our law makers will help us get rid of the ticks. DANIEL LANE. FROM HIS INJURIES M. C. WILLIAMS ABLE TO BE OUT FOR FIRST TI M E AF TER ACCIDENT. M. C. Williams, who was painfully injured last Friday by being throwr from his buggy when the horse which he was driving at the time became frightened and dashed down Griffith street , was able to be out yesterday for t h first time, since the accident. Mr. Williams hada miraculous es cape from serious or perhaps fatal injury. When the animal first started on his wild dash down Griffith street Mr. Williams could not get full control of the reins and therefore was not able to brine the friehtened horse to a stop. In turning a corner the buggy was Overturned and Mr. Williams was caueht beneath this and badly brusied ana cue on ine lace ami Maims. mc vehicle was almost completely demolish . r . i i i tl. ed but the horse escaped injury and after (earing through several miles of streets was brought to a stop ana re turned to its owner. CAN REPRESENT THIS COUNTRY IN PARIS IF HE CARES TO DO SO. (Special to the Journal) Washington. March 4. President Wilson today offered National Com mitteeman W. F. McCombs,the po sition of tmbssador to France. Mc Combs is a Door man as far as worldy possessions are concerned, haying spent most ol the little lortune wnicn ne nae accumulated in the practice of law in aettina Wilson nominated and in addition to this sacrificed so much o his time to the campaign that his law business dwindled to almost nothing Therefore he hesitated about accept in and in all probability will decline and make an attempt to rebuild his I shattered law business, p., - MatHfrason. the name of Mexico' new minister of war, is appropriate The money dragon is the chief con cern here. Marshall will be no fifth wheel, says The tiro, will make h the dog and bucket DI RECTORS OP THE LIBRARY ELECTED YESTERDAY. At a meetins held yesterday after noon in the library rooms, the following were elected directors of the New Bern Circulating Library for the ensuing ' , w M! r - . . I I iar: misses wisry uiivrr, janci nui ter and Herftdon, Mr. M. M. Marlis rs. E. K. Biftbop, Mrs. J. T, Hollister rs. Clyde r-by, Mrs. wwen ituion roi. n. a. craven ana iviayor v. . cCarthy. A- Uatdl, W. C. WiUett and. J. p toTJcalauT taway from . .fAT.j I0DR0W WILSON INAUGURATED PRESIDENT AMID SURROUNDINGS OF UNPRECEDENTED BRILUSNCY , i i4, rears Stream Prom Wife and Daughters' Eyes as Oath is Administered IIS CHERISHED DREAM IS AE EASE REALIZED I,, - ,j i I vlOSl Brilliant AUWenCe Ever Gathered Views the Ceremony. .(Special to the Journal) Washington, March 4. Standing n an improvised platform In front if the capltol, with twenty-five housand people looking on and vlth the entire central govern nent of the United States behind aim, Woodrow Wilson at 1:27 this tfternoon took the oath of office which made him President. Alone, unmoved, among the thousands surrounding him, Presi dent Wilson spoke the wcrds of the jath of office, Mrs. Wilson and her hree daughters standing on a jench twenty feet behind ehelr 'msband and father watching him with streaming eyes. His own vere dry and throughout the entire ceremony his voice showed a tremor r his bearing the least sign of motion. Standing by President Wilson were William H. Taft, speaker Clark, Senators Gallinger, Sacon and Crane and Representa tive McKlnley. Crowds, such as had never be fore gathered in Washington, wit nessed the Inauguration and bank id every grandstand and sidewalk n Pennsylvania avenue along which ;he parade moved. Of tBe' many mpressive spectacles of ,.the day none equalled the scene before the apitol when tne coming rresiaeni tenned from the central door" and ooked out in to the open before ilia: ' .i . . . Built between two wings of the apitol, nearly an eighth of a mile tpart, was the most imposing randstand that ever surrounoto iark of stadium and this was packed with as brilliant an is -was ever gathered in Amirica. Vs he coming rresiueui nun aft bv his side walked down the carlet carnet. his glance fell on 'ast crowds on either side and be- ow him. Directly behind the spot .there he was to realize a long herished dream of being made resident, were his wife and daugh- ers. TO tne ICIl oi ine yriisun family were diplomats arrayed in aalaxy of color that wouiu nave ivalled a stage setting. On the ight, dressed In black, were the members of the Supreme Court. Jn one hand was the Senate and in the other was the House. Chamo Clark, wearing asloucn lat and walking wit his well known tride, appeared on tne scene ana was Htven an ovation, n. snori rime later Wilrtam Jennings Bryan appear -d and was loudly cheered. then came tne memoers oi iu new cabinet. For a time after the last mem ber of the cabinet had taken his seat there was an awkward pause. laft, hatless, stood bowing to the heerine crowd, seemingly eager n make an end, to the proceedings. Wi son, with silk hat on his heed, aced the crowd unsmiling ana unmoved. The actual inauguration was hert and before the crowd realized t Citizen Woodrow wnson nau lecome Woodrow wnson, rresi- tent. The Co-ODcrative Supply Company iave placed an order for a handsome T ,. tu: j - HOlOr QCllVCry whkuii i uia nan nunc n order that the company might give their natro::.; more e thcient delivery s-rvice and dem,nstrates the progres- three hundred leet oi a side tracK oe 4veness of the f"re the engineer was able to bring it Several hundred coh-red people lined the river shore at the foot of Broad' street Sunday afternoon to witness a colored lMptifrng. Seven converrs were Immersed and owing lo the fact that the temperature was low, no time that th- sonvertc would have an op- protunr.y of at once changing their wet clot liit i I in r the. x.r-iA Ihc Craven ounty Board ol torn- miKsioncrs luuttncir regular niontniy meeting in tli; city yesterday. No ) s'nees of unusual fmi.ortancc was etan.acted at this meeting, tne routine wtrk tti:a taken up and concluded wrihin a eomparativciy short tm-c. . STREET CAR TAKES TO THE SIDEWALK- A street car of the New Bern Ghent S reet Railway Company ran ; II the! t ack yesterday afternoon on Pollock .reel DCtween iiancoe-x anu meican and gave tne struct car peopje quite a task to get it back on. the cause of the car's leaving, the. track was said to be the (Jravtl te'Jiieh had collected from Polio STRINGS OF CITY MR TI6HTENED Aldermen Object to Big Price For fet Of Plans. CAN'T HELP THE WOMEN'S CLUB Amend Ordinance Relative to Transfer and Dray . i ;.k i IfiiiiMlijr ' ' j : -; "ic ' Ah iitteMstina discusrfon took Dlace'' at last highils meeting of the Board of Aldermen when a bill for three hundred dollars for drawing the plans for the building which is to be erected to cover the city's water and light plant was ut n by K. K. Kagle, the city engineer. 4. - ,,.,.,;,, thn u,,.,,i authorized Mr. Eagle to secure plans for this building but supposed' that they would only have to pay him tor this work at the rate paid him for previous work and when the bill fcr $300 was put in there was plainly irom tne siaewaiK to tne imrary uuiia evident much dissatisfaction. Alder- ing. It was moved and carried that man Ellis lost no time in stating that he thought the bill was outrageous and that it should not be paid. This brought on a discussion from Mr. W. B. Blades who, it seems, had learned the bill was to be put in and was on hand to protest against its being paid. Mr. niaaes saiti mat ne aia not uunK rar. Eagle should be paid this sum for the work for a number of reasons, one being that it was exorbitant and anotner that Mr. Eagle was charging at the rate charged by the National Association ol Architects when he was not even on architect. Aldermen Bangert and Baxter were in favor of paying the bill for the reason that the Board had ordered the work done with out making any inquiry as to the cost ind be lieved that Mr. bagle could col- lect sime by law. Alderman El is then made a motion that the bill be re- ferred to a committee composed of Aldermen,, Kafer, Hill and Disosway for investigation and to be reported on at a special meeting to be held on March 19. The Vote on this stood as folows: Aldermen Bangert, Baxter, T. F. McCarthy and Disosway voting to pay the bill and Aldermen Kafer, Hill, Ellis and Brir.son voting in favor of the matter being referred. The vote was tied and Mayer McCarthy cast his vote in faor of referring the bill to the committee. , Aldermen Baxter, C i man of the Finance Committee read a petition from the Woman's Club asking that the Board donate fifty dollars to be used in entertaining the ladies who will visit New Bern d the meeting of the State Federation of the Woman's Club to be held here in May. There was some discussion on this and the Aldermen decided that they could not use the public funds for this ourpose. A petitiDn from cts-ns 1 ving on Crescent s reet, a, king that they be given sewer connec on a as presented But as the contract f. r this work has already been awarded no action was tai.en ' . , f .k c- Thomas Davis, chief of the Fire Dpartment, appeared before the Board ailu asivcu luav wm. wi nil- vi allowed to at all times remain in the stall, both at one of the down town stations and up town stations so that there would be no delay in getting a c u ... .. c ...k : . k WrtgUll IUI1 Ul IIUBC IU rtllV IHC wmviij mij;ht occur. Me stated mat recently. the fire companies have been delayed from reaching a fire on account of the fact that the horses were at work on the streets. This request was granted. HAD A NARROW ESCAPE. Westbound Train Runs Into An Open Switch Just Out side Kinston. The passengers on the westbound passenger train last Sunday night had a very narrow escape from what might have proven a serious wreck when the train dashed into an open switcn jusi before entering Winston, ine switcn 'at that noint had been eft ODen and -- r " l"c """ " "" - K" apeeu, uw siuy. . curing me toii moc long string oi ireigni cars sianmng on thwsidingand but for the fact that the accideat occurred on Sunday evening, there would have possibly been ser- lUllh M.1UU3. OiillVii so svssv.vv. to have been left open by a careless brakeman and a strict investigation is'cing 'Diadc by the Norfolk Southern vnipa u WED WITH MApiE CYPRESS MAN NOW SOJOURNING IN CRAVEN : COUNTY JAIL Madison Roach, white, was placed under arrest Tuesday afternoon at hlk hnmn luir Mnl CunriHl hv Ol I nil,.,! lnt, I 1 Iv Marshal Saniltf. Hilly jon a warrant charging him wi:a am1 SELLINillSKEY mVthTitvn?ukIii hearing but owing 'j several important ;lwas continued un ffiflfc the" de bsenct ut the osc' I ftrtH LIBRARY AFFAIRS MOVING SMOOTHLY T. A. Green, Trustee, Reports En couraging Reduction In The Indebtedness. GIFTS ARE ACKNOWLEDGE The Election For a Board of Di rectors For Knsoing Year To Be Held Wednesday. The reg lar monthly meeting of hte New Bern Library Association was held on Monday at the library, nie members being present. Mrs. W. B. blades, the president, called the meet ing to order. The treasurer, Mr. WiHiam Duim, Jr., reported a balance of S22.05 in the treasury. Miss Hower- Paying ton tne librarian, reported an expendi ture of $44.22 for incidentals during I the last year. Mr. T. A. Green, trustee, ' reported a large decrease of the in- debtedr.ess. The proceeds from "The fisherman s Luctc was applied to ine debt, bo mueii progress was maae in paying ott tl 0 indetieteaness tnat dv next .March, it will all paid. ' - " . . ... ;, , . , The Afscatin vas ae"ked tf would guarantee a sum of moeny lojr. me - oiec v.iuo w conic uu .. give a concert for benefit of the library, It was not considered advisable, Mrs. Bishop m behalf of the City Deauiuui l,uu Vi.i CJ with a handsome mission chair and desk. It was gratefully accepted and a note of thanks will be written the president of the City Beautiful Uub. Mrs. William Blades presented the library with the wiae cement naia all gilts be grateiiiuy leceiveu ana appreciated. , . .. , 1 ne election oi tne uoarci oi Directors lor tne coming year win oe ncio vvcu- nesday Marcn a. Annual suDscriDers only arc eligible for election. The librarian was given the right to . j - - j- POLICE HOLDING "TIGER WHISKEY" Attempts to Learn uwner a Name Have So Far Proven Futile. I RANK HAMMOND WON'T TALK Negro On Whose Wagon It Was Found Refuses to Tell Owner's Name. j Frank Hammond, colored, was taken before "Mayor McCarthy yesterday ; fterncon for the purpose cf being examined to the ownership (f three hundred half fints of "blind t'ger" wi iskey which was found on a wagon bcii g driven by him more than a week age. , The authorities now have thiswhis- key m their possession and are desirous oi learning io wnom u mond had secured counsel and upon advice re. used to give any inrorma- tion which the police desired. The outcome of the hearing, as far as se- curing the Cesired Information was concerned, was a complete fadure, but City A.tornev R. A Nnnn. siggested tha Mayor McCarthy take the ma . ter up wi h Solic tor C. L. Abernatl y and that the latter have Hammond brought before the Grand Jury at the next term ol su- pe'ior Court and give them any in- rmation whhh 1 e had i i regards to the ownership of t e whiskey. CHARLOTTE MINI PRESENT OUTLOOK IS THAT CITY WILL BE WITHOUT ASSAY OFFICE. Charlotte, March S. The Charlotte Mint died in conference yesterday morning according to dispatch received from Washington last night. Senator Overman's amendment extending Its, time failed to pass. The present sp oronriation expires in July and hence the present ouuook is mai mc my will be without an assay office after that date. No institution in America I as hael the death sentence pronounced, d.- fcrred, cemmuted and reprieved av otfen as the Charlotte Mint, so-called because once in the long ago good money was really made here. Thousands of dollars are still made in Charlotte every day, but not that way. In the days when gold mining flourished there was real need for a Mint fnd ever since then the assay office his filled a genuine need in this section. A few days ago it was announced that Senator Overman would et through an amendment providing for this institution for another year, but the dispatch indicates that the joint conference of Senate and House ot Representatives held hurriedly amid the distracting scenes of the closing Congress yesterday refused to include this amendment. . Some years ago when the periodical NO FUNDS FOR docm of the Mint was prematurely announced a movement was launched to have the Government convert it, into S iiK-scum. It has been also de-. sired for a high cchool building and for military headquarters and some favored securing a part of the lot for a V. M- C. A. cite, but that ques tion is now a dead issue. To what use the Governemnt will nut its prop erty, pvrchased no doubt for very little and now worth many thousands pun got in .P' I W" FU' IA1