. ' T " t NEW BERN, N. C, FRIDAY, MARCH 14, 1913 SECOND SECTION 35th YEAR ' i. .. '.. . . " ILL ELIMINATE i 1 Jt Governors PfeJe ThernselvWs GRIFTON MAN SAYS THE LEGIS Te ?7luX3pWH n LATURK SHOULD TACKLE Law Maker. ROCKEFELLER VSR.Y ACTIVE Illinois Commission to Conference With Him In New York. as tub I 7 KKXK 18 VOTBTii v .WlsM" affile "setters Chicago, March 10. Five States con tiguous to Illinois will join in a great Wbtfag movement for the elimina tion of white slavery and for the end ing pr mending of such contributory GMM as may be found in low wages for women. They are Iowa, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana and Ohio. - Lieutenant-Governor O'Hara, chair man of the Illinois Senate Commission on White Slavery, has received com munications from the Governors of the Skates named declaring that in. tin ir Legislature they' wftl recommend the appointment of a commission endowed wnn tne same plenary powers '. Senatorial Commission of this '. "Each commission." said Lieute Governor O'Hara to-night, "will i iigate tne conditions in its own but there will be joint sessio comerences, and the records body will be available to all t era." " Another develoDment of to-da the acceptance bv the Illinois.' in w an invitation iron jonn v. tfeller. Ir.. to visit him in Nrw c for consultation and for the con- tion of plans and expedients adopted Dy Mr. Kockeleller in his sm :jl ajjg-andel &ght against white slavery Mr. Rockefeller has offered to defray the expenses of the journal of the com mission to New York and back, and the trip will be begun on Tuesday after noon, so that tne conferences in New York may be held on Saturday of this week. Senator Beall, author of the resolu tion that created the white slave com mission in this State; said to-night: "Business interests and business men will not scoff at this movement with Mr. Rockefeller behind it. They may d their millions out ot the poor g man and women who has to ( work for their living, while they carry on their smug philanthropies for advertsising purposes, tut thev will . hesitate about trying to ride over the: & L '- . ' "l I I . 1 - . w iie n it is uacKcu ny me 1 yvihe beginning, I look ry wide movement along fines. It means the emanci pation of hundreds of thousands of white slaves, and the dawning of a brighter day for the women of the world. It is more important than suf frage, for it will have its effect upon -jwhote race." his afternoon Senator Bead mves- ,-number of the wine. jobou tV. in company with a detec tive. He entered saloon after saloon a rtd back room after back room in the lower district and oo the South bide of - the cty and found thousands of women with men companions. "I found that there are a number of so-called hotels that are being used by tramc, said senator tter will be laid be an WOULD PUT STOP TO FOREST FIRS THIS PROBLEM. Editor Journal: I have seen so much""ln the papers about the stock law and whiskey with out seeing anything that would protect the country people that I will say that if the Legislature would spend some of the time looking after some plan to stop people from nuttimr out fire in the woods and burnine the limber pt would be better argument than the vwk law. If they only would pass a law that every land-owner be held responsible for fire breaking out on his land, it would be much better. He would have to throw some light on the crime. It is not any excuse at all to say that a man cannot see what is going on on nis own lana. And it such law Was in NO IRE PEACE 'TILL MILLENIUM Bishop John Kilgo Say Hague Conferences Are All In Valn. FOREVER WARS AND STRIFE No True Democracy Where Every One It Striving to Eclipse j . Others. Baltimore, March 10. In his sermon' on "My Peace I Give Unto You" yesterday morning at Trinity South ern Methodist Chruch, Bishop John Carlyle Kilgo declared that a II Car negie's millions' could not stop the wars of the earth; that there would be wars, tumult and strife until the end of time and that democracy does not uu uaiiii. "Christ Is called the Prince of Peace". the Bishop said, "but Christ has been force people would bestricter and would tnc storm centre of the world since He watch their tenants. came on earth. He has caused more There is much rlamairr- Hnni. in the wars, more revolutions, more, tumult SiJountry to timber arid lightwood. I ant strife than any other being. And nere are people in every section ol I ,u" a ll,c oi evii remain, just ic country who don't mean to dolso 'onK wi" there be wars. For there iieir neighbors any harm, but will not always be true Christians left to it tncmscives to any trouble to keepl" lnc "8"c- eir fire off their neighbors. " "ave no patience with these 'pre- i kn i.. .! u-1 tender' Christians who talk of world 4 . 1 . t hn rtlocBinora ..F ctinnr , 11 1 ................. i rt ol tning. "All who read this can at r ""--""a- a wum, ,'r .!, t u ..Ik " .r-'fj Paul wrote of the peace of assured ast take note of it and be governed accordingly. i ours truly, W. B. OLIVER. Grifton, N. C, March 10.' TWO HUNDRED DELEGATES ARE EXPECTED TO BE IN ATTENDANCE. gnn wprl muvciacuc the same I -Ada. at ,TW ?L vuPtbtrw tare owJisi is PROFIT-SHARING REMEDY Dr. Elliot Sees In This Cure For Much Discontent. Boston, March 10. Profit-sharing is the real remedy for the discontent ex isting among workers today, accord ing to Dr. Charles W. Elliot, president I emterus of Harvard. The basis prin 'ciple of contentment in labor, says Dr. Eliot,' is the expectation of profit bc i yoad the daily wage. -' "I hare seen a continual increase in wages for the past forty-five vears. and in all that time discontnet has Kwn steadily," said Dr. Elliot to v. During that time the Icenth of laboring day has decreased, but this . has not tended to bring about happi icss and contentment among the labor T'The system of profit-sharine which , hr company recently adopted seems to suprtly the needed motive to keep the eMMvyes interested in their work, and consequently .contented. "This factory employes mor tHan bands of all nationalities; few of are skilled laboroers. On Januray. r each vear a list is printed of the r ' of those employes who have been Ln continuous service lor the pre twelve months. The men name entitled ahare in the percent the. oronu 01 the company, it t still employed on March 1 foil One advantage of the system it does not require extreme publicity of the affatri of the company. The Company protects itself by a rule that It will not pay above 20 per cent of a man's earnings." NATIONAL GUILD LMORMEETING triumph after a hard fight. Mr, Carnegie is after another kind of peace. He may spend all his millions,' and he will get no such peace on earth until Christ comes again. And when He comes it will be with a naked sword, for He will come for the final conflict be tween the forces of evil and the Son of God. "Let Mr. Carnegie spend his millions as he pleases, so long as he harms neither you nor me. I want none of his peace, or arbitration, of compromise, the handi craft of shrewd diplomats. Let the Hague comerences meet. But the peace cf ChrUt will not proceed-from The Hague. "In this nation we speak of democracy There is. no democracy where every- ELECTRIC STORM VISITS BBIENTAL For Two Hours the Lightning Flashed and the Thunder Roared. BOLT HITS CHURCH STEEPLE Rain Fell In Torrents and Streets : ., Were Filled With Water !i' . Trees Felled. (Special to the Journal) Oriental, March 11. The worst electrical storm in the history of the (own passed over this place this morn ing between the hours of) 2 and 4 o'clock and left much damaged property in its wake. The early part of the night was warm and sultry but there was-not the least sign in the elements of an approaching thunder storm. Shortly after 1 o'clock low rumbling thunder coidd be, heard'. !t momentarily grew nearer until it seemed that the heavy laden skies had lowered to eirth and were engaged in mortal combat. Peal after peal of thunder drowned all other nciscs and the lighting flashes were incessant and terrifying. One bolt of lighting struck the steeple of the Baptist church and tore many shingles from it but fortunately did not set fire to the building. Another struck a hay slack just outside of the town and this was soon enveloped in flames and destroyed. A number, of trees were struck by the lighting. Re ports are to the effect that considerable damage was done all over this section. Following the electrical storm there was a deluge -of rain and the streets were flooded with water. This however, soon drained off and later in the day there is but little evidence Outside of fallen trees and the damaged church, of the storm of a few hours previous. FARMER Jacksonville. Fla.. March 10. More one from the hddcarrier to the mil- then two hundred delegates, represent-1 lionari i h struggling to rise above the ing every State in the Union, are cx-common herd and power. And when pected to arrive in Jacksonville durinir thev rise a little, thev hedge their the next three days to attend the an-1 dignity and rank about and guard nuai conterence ot the National Child I it jealously Irom insult for they Labor committee, which opens Thurs-1 realize the unstableness of it. day for a five days' session. tSoeakerf "Even President Wilson, with all his of national reputation in labor and I rank, and dignity, and worth, could not philanthropic circles arc scheduled to afford to wash the leet of his Cabinet address the conference, and to assist members. He would besmirch his in inaugurating a nation wide cam- name, insult the nation and become the paign of education along the line ol laughing stock of the people, child labor reform. ? 'Tfet the Son of God girded himself Owen R. Loveioy, secretary of the I with a towel and did this menial ser committec, who has been in ackson- I vice. And it is handed down to us as vitte for several days arranging de I i great example. What wars or con- tails for the conference, has announced I tentions or insblts or, tortures could that the list of speakers will include I disturb the peace of this only begotten Ur. rclix Adler, president tf the Na-lol (jod, perfect in righteousness and i rw:u i .i :i. i Iv... a : u:. c.1 .,: ui u:.. ones, editor of "the luurnnl of I .a hnr I face mav be twisted with ohvsical suf- Mrs. Florence E. Kelly, secretary of I fering. His body may be hung on the the National Consumers' League; I cross; He may be imprisomd in death (rank tucker, president of the Na-for three days, so many the storms tional Conference of Charities and Cor-1 lash the surface of the ocean, but rection; and Miss Lillian D. Wald of I nothing can disturb the serenity of the the New York Nurse settlement. depths underneath. Lhild labor legislation, child abor and charitable relief, and child labor in relation to public health and wage scales arc among the topics to be dis cussed. Conditions under which chil dren are employed in various' parts of the country will be portrayed by means of a collection of charts and sta tistical tables.' A feature of the conference will be a series of -meetings to te held at a score of homes in the residential district of LAMENTS-THAT SYMPATHY FOR VIRGINIA PASTOR DEFENDS MANN the city, were specific features of the child labor question will be discussed by conference leaders. W r 1 IPS THE STd L CARTERET CITIZEN BELIEVES IT WOULD SOLVE MAIN Y KNOTTY PROBLEMS. EXPERTS PASS ON FACE OF WILSON ALIENISTS SAY PRESIDENT'S COUNTENANCE REVEALS FIRM CHARACTER. St -Louis, March 11. Dr. Daniel Carson Goodman, the alienist, after a study of President Wilson's features, says: "At the first inquisitive scrutiny ont.l sees the high forehead, the rather lonui upper lip and not prominent jaws tjiel face of an intellectual. Then yoil see. tne1 force of character evidenced in the Jr-( tain contraction of the muscles OK clothe his face. They seem active ready, as they lie plaint, and match up with the quiet repose in his eyes. "But it is the mouth in this character ful countenance that speaks the most understandingly. At first, as I studied the lips, I became a bit frightened. I tllOllb'hl I rwrr-niv-nr1 i crl iin ninotrntDD ' ' - ' ' 1 ' ... inn i nvniw.ivoa. pendancy, dormant in them. Ard !t tpfllced again, bey end the? leeling anc sympainy ol taur curves, and 1 saw something cold, firm, reposeful, fear- s, convictional. "1 have in front of me a gocd photo graph of Mr. Wilson, and since I feel nis mouth to be the conspicuous feature I try isolating it from the rest of the face by exposing only the lips. And now there is no lace, tor now 1 am con fronted by lips unyielding, full of in.n, and cold like the reefed canvass of ; sail. And the mouth becomes for nu now a mouth merciless and driving a mouth that speaks for a charactei that will not fail." Dr. Charles H. Hughes, anolhei alienist says: "Wcodrow Wilson's character is re flected in his face. He has one of the best faces I have ever seen. There it something almost fascinating about it. While his is the face of the student it indicates an exceptionally broad mind and the expressions are these ol a man with a big heart and a kindly naiure." Nil BERN RAD NEWSY GLEANINGS FROM PERFECTION is truff OLYMPIANS WILL PLAY BALI. ..Jaw m Vpm Will Soon Benin .Warming ror Kent worn. (Special to the Journal " : Olvmpia, March 11. The Olvmpia i i ii . :n i r uaijwu icm win nuuii oegin warmine i or toe appro.! ning season. 1 his I ns none good work lor the past seasons and has won quite an if refutation. i.an vr w one game with Grantsboro and licked. This season we would to i lay two games and wot Id 'try te rcvtriC the order of things. Mr. nad Mrs. C. B. Bunti f s cr.t sunnay ai unageton witn Mr. and Mrs H. M. Bunting. ' The .Charitable Brotherhood Lodge -of North Carolina will hold i cistri"t meeting at Keelsboro ton.oi. jw. i..rch ' Our public school 6 give a ba- ket party Thursday night, March 13. A cordial invitation to attend is extended all l ucre will, 1- preaching at Pilgrim's Rest church Sunday at 1J o'clock. Everybody Is Invited to attend The farmers in this sLction tre very ii .my jptiu mme planting locators tg representative City ywtKday. CONDEMNED ALLENS CAN NOT BE HARNESSED Richmond, Va., March. 10. Mis lirected sympathy, violent criticism of Governor Mann for his refusal to com mute the sentences of the Aliens, ig norance in certain isolated mountain sections, "districts" of shame and the existence of saloons these were targets for censure of the Rev. Dr. J; W. Young at Centenary Methodist church tonight, in a sermon on "Justice" ,in which he declared that as painful as it would be, he would have done as Gov- MAJ0RITY OF THE CITIZENS I ernor Mann did. ARE OPPOSED TO THE I t ,"",""eu l STOCK LAW. I )alny on "eia" ol l"e iwo conuemneu Aliens couia nor oe narnessca ana i,i, I,,,,,,, .!! l turned into otner channels, it directed Perfection March 11. The stock at .the.ci'y "'urns, saloons and the re w is one of the sole topics of dis- tr.,c,ed a'"cts, nc believed tne re- 'w i . I ... 1 I . . wnn 1H hit 111- ft iii-n nHiw'tllrn 'I II it nittSinn in this mvlinn :if Ihr nrnL-.nl 3"'ia "vum itv ioi '. v Ji i I Dcneficial to mankind at large arc opposed to the Mate wide stock ."f ' io,., iw.;n ,. ,.,.,! ii, I that there had been too much criticism r; f . i i , . K . I rf 1 nr. rniirta In th Allpn rasp Thl rn ill 1 1 1 1 1 lann id tin- i.in.i . . " ... - - --- ... - - -- nitA h n rrf-t f a a court and the church are the asfe uuiu w feivui UVUI Jl WHIIIUtt . ill 1 . I J .( aI mskttv hn Hn Ir- mi I nnrl tition was circulated in this section Vr! . l ij" lew days ago and evcrv person whol8nou,a m uPne,u , . , i -, - . . , - . owns lann signeu against tne law ncing nasaco. i nis incioenr niainiv ri,m,.n strates the teehng of the people of IIArr lUNIiNoa A I VBKNUL1A Perfection in regards to this nronoawl infrigement on their rights as American Journal Correspondent Snap Shots cit ticns. 1 here arc a few who arc in 1 Kaaeing 1 nrong. favor of the law but thev livo in -a I (Special tothe Journal) pr.rrely w-i ded section and natura lvl Vernona; -Wlarcn II. r. u. nan lav. but Kill's at stake. For our nart spent Sunday afternoon with his broth er do u t want this law passed and cr D. J. Hall at Gale Creek, will do all in our power to prevent it. Misses Maggie Adams and Eudora W. l. Lancaster and John Sutton Dixon of Broad Creek were the guests spent yesterday at Dover attending of Misses Annie and Lonnie Gould to business matter-. Saturday night and Sunday. Claude lr.ock is nutiinu in full timol L. Tolson of Wild wood has 'been at his new. saw mill and is turning out I working on N. H. Garner's new home a quantity oi work. I he tanners in I Ins section arc mak Editor the Journal: I read with much interest the articles published in your paper ' under the caption of "State Wide Stock Law". Mr. Editor, if Mr. Voter and several others would just stop for a moment and think how much more North Caro lina would be worth today-if there had been a stock law in it thirty years ago, thtv. would come to a conclusion dif ferent from that expressed in their communications. A stock law would be the means of stoopiw SO manv forest fires that do so mucluda"magc to tinToer and destroy the young trees. About fifteen vears ai;o 1 visited INcw Hanover county and the people seemed to be badly hurt over the result of having no fences. Two years ago 1 visited the same place and they seemed to be getting along all right. I spent a week there looking over conditions. Last January the people tcld me that they would not again have their stock running at large for anyt-hing. I think a State-wide stock law would be a great thing for the farmers and their stock also. I have a few cows and I could get better results from one good cow than I can from all 1 now own. It costs me more to keep other people's cows out than to keep mine, in. Stop the hogs from running at large also and stop more of the disease and in five years we would not have the law rcealled for anything. A FARMER. Pelletier, Nl C. March 10. BUILDING CHURCH Bethany Christian Congregation Erecting Edifice. (Special to the Journal) Araiahoe. March 11 The Congre gation of Bethany Christian church at this c acc are buildinn a new nouse of worship which, when completed, will be a credit to the town. 1 he I-adics Aid Society is claying an important part in the crcc .ionof this edifice. Tlftv are now preparing a "name quilt" which is to be sold next Saturday nvglit to the highest bidder. The quilt con tains the name ct every person wno contributed " ten cents towards the Durchasc of each of the s luarcs. The farmers in this stc ion are very busy just at this time planting potatoes. IMPORTANT PART FURNISHED LUMBER FOR THE GRAND STANDS OF INAU GURATION DAY. Local citizens who visited Washing ton and witnessed the inauguration and those who did not attend the event but who read the newspaper accounts of the affair, marvelled at the enormous proportions and the large number ot grandstands which had been erected at various points of vantage along the ine of'the inaugiinit' "parade. It is a ia:t wortny ct mention tnat every iooi of lumber used in the erection of these grandstands was shipped from New liern and was manufactured at local mills. Three solid barge loads of timber was used in this work and it left this port about two weeks before the inau (juration, arriving in the capital city about four days before the big event; when a small army ol carpenters at once began the work of erecting th; big stands which seated thousands ot pectators. OESCU s uTK ST LAW SOME IRE "Observer" Returns To The Charge With a Big Supply of New Ammunition. OFFICER RELATES THRILLING STORK REPLIES TO OTHER WRITERS Declares That Home Grown Beef Is As Finely Flavored And As Palatable as Any. Mr. Editor: Tell Experiences Of Crew Who Manned the Elfrida When She Was Aground. WITHOUT FIRE SEVERAL HOURS Food Ran Low and Sailors On Storm-Tossed .Shoal Faced Starvation. Kinston, N. C, March 12. A war- 'A cbse observer "has ingeniously rant omcer of the sixth division of ind ably presented the only real irgument in favor of the no fence law. which stripped of sot histy a"h i verbiage i mounts to this: The cattle tick pre vents the general introduct o t of the large .improved breeds on t'-e open range; they should, therefore, closed, .hat the larger cattle may be raised and he small native stock eliminated. But 3rother Lane's experiment,' before :hc stock law was introduced into his neighborhood,' shows that the closing of these ranges is "unnecessary, for, if ae cculd "keep clear of the tick," in i thickly settled district, with a com paratively small pasture, over-stocked .vith both cattle and ticks, other stcck aisers can, in the larger uncrowded ranges, where the surroundings are more favorable. Henc: any of the large and owners, desiring to engage in tock raising can do so with impunity the North Carolina Naval Reserves, which recently manned the gunboat Elfrida and ran the ship aground off Powell s Point while en route to Wash ington, D. C. arrived here last night and related a tlvilling story of the ad ventures of the naval militamen. M..ny de tails of the accident failed t retell the press, ie stated.' l'tie navy Department last year had reports from the naval organizations f the various States, ar.d every commanding officer reported mat his men coulu navigate the inland waters aid oc eans continguous to their respective States, but the sixth division of Noith Carolina, being finely officered, w s said to be able to take a ship "any where." the only outfit to make such a report. However, the Elfrida a small vessel draws a great deal of water, and although she had a veteran .j : .i :t ..i. water, and an X1IU 1IU limit- nil niu Illdll 11 tin IiIIIIM j . ' , :. T. was closed. I have no desircto "mis-' navigator the Cratt was blown ashore ead" so I frankty admit, that I believe ?' e "V ."V'" ""lr- he stock raised in the no fence districts With berths for only eight-men two s larger and better then those raised offieer.s a"f. 3 men. w"e quartered n the woods. But is the quality of beef on the Elfnda, and these endured iny better? I think not. Our na- m?"y hardships when, without fire tive cottlc, taken from the woods, oth,er, n in thef bo?er rf m itall-fed and fattened, makes as sweet and facln8 a shortage of rations tfey ,uicy and fine-flavored beef as the were ?torm-tosd on the shoal. When largest imported and improved stock, the tide receded the Elfrida was lelt ind our piney-woods hogs, according in water deep onty to half her draft o my taste, make better, sweeter and the ship was listed until one gun-, bacon and pork than the larger breeds! wale was at times submerged. . The of hogs improved only in fattening 8" were fired and other signals qualities and size. made but no help that was offered I availed until the revenue cutter Pan This being true quantity must be lico, a light-draft ship with powerful ;aken into consideration as well as engines, pulled the little man-of-war juality. "Don't try to mislead" "Lets oft the bottom. It was said that the lave more cattle and better cattle Elfrida grounded on a pile of rock ind get rid of the cattle tick." "Fence which was the cargo of a vessel that our pasture and have quality". Let foundered in the sound at the spot, one beef weigh what two will now and I The" discipline of the na al militia nave quality instead of quantity." men, many of. whom are sailors by rhis sounds very well, but do the stock vocation, wa8 declared to be admir aisers in the no fence districts in ' able. When at one time all hands Craven ,Pitt, Greene or any other were ordered on deck and life pre face raise, in proportion to the mini- 1 s,.rVers werp donned, not a sign of )er engaged in the business, more beef ; conf usion was evident. Down in the ind better beef, at the same cost per engine room a youthful machinist's pound, than those in the open range ' mate, hardly more than a boy, refused listricts? If they do why does not the' t0 leave his post. A heavy sea was most of New Bern's beef supply come ' running, and a boat which was put out from those districts? The dear old with a kedge anchor could hardly get :ity is in one of them and others are away from the ship. Eighteen of the near at hand. Icrew were taken to Norfolk on a steamer where .short of means, they If it pays to ship beef hundreds and , . d oyer & bar and at a mtriU. hundreds of milts from Chicago to they could get .bow-. .Vew Bern it certainly ought to pay to. - ' ' : -y'. ship it from adjoining districts and count.es within a radius ol 5U or ou miles. And, it seems to me, that if those districts rasied meat in great abundance, had more than enough and a plenty to spare, more of their sur plus beef would find its way to our citv market, especially when good fat b;ef from the open range can be sold at 10 cts a pound delivered on the cars at Havelock, which as the agent informs me is the price now ottered. illlTING GUEST OF HONOR MRS. THOMAS HYMAN ENTER TAINS AT A DELIGHTFUL BRIDGE PARTY. Mrs. Thomas Hyman entertained at an exceedingly enjoyable and at tractive St. Patrick bridge party yes terday afternoon in honor of her guest, Mrs. Zebu Ion Weaver, of Ashevillc. Spring was evidenced in her hand some home by the artistic arrangement of trailing yellow jessamine, hyacinths, ionauils and violets. Shamrocks, sug gesting the Emerald Isle, bore the names of the guests for the auction bridge game. The St. Patrick idea was also carried out in the refreshments, in which the hostess was assitcd in serving b Misees Dolly Hyman, Mary and Manna Woaver. Mrs. Weaver, guest of honor. Manv of them have concluded planting ,ns nresentcd with a handsome brass this crop and are now getting ineir basket, as a guest prize. land in readiness for another crop. Miss Cassie Bennett attended the teachers' meeting at Bayboro last Saturday. B. F. Bennett and family of New Bern are visiting relatives in our little town. Willie Banks of New Bern spent yesterday in Arapahoe visiting friends. TURNED BUILDING OVER ing much progress In their v.ork and tome arc ready for planting. Unique Way of Saving It From uetting Burnea. (Special to the Journal) Reelsboro, March 10. Last Thurs- J., n Cm t,iilf nlarn In l" i i-i 1 i r ! 1 during the past week and will won rua near Rccishoro. burninar one build- - have it completed. ' :.bLiW ntt tnti damaging another. But for ARGUES FOR TIE STATE STO Ut There is another thing that needs correction, -t he writers seem to tninic th.it it is uniust to permit one man s ., .. t -- . i ,-' u.j Mr. couor: Cattle IO graze Ull anuiuci man o lann and brother Lane says mere is no iw FARMER" CLAIMS. HsVWOULD BENEFIT WOODETTAJWBLL AS OTHER SECTIONS. - . . . . . - . i i ret; for it, but he evidently Knows more - ,aw Mr Tw.StTT'r noli I enioved reading the letter in your recent issue from our good friend Daniel scrinta . the unwritten or common law, and custom or immemorial usage lijei We have a gpAd illustration in .a Those cnioving Mrs. Hymans' hot tiitality were: Mrs. Monroe Howell, Mrs. Mark dc Wolf Stevenson, Mrs Philip Pelletier, of Troy, N. Y., Mrs William Hand. Mrs. Mortie Marke, Mrs. Robert Nixon, Mrs. Few Smith, of Brooklyn, N. Y.,-,Mrs- William Dunn, Mrs. fcdward Dishop, Mrs. l.arry Moore, Mis. J. Guion Dunn, Mrs. F. Howard Sawyer, Mrs. Edward Clark, Mrs. Joha.Tull Hollistcr, Mrs 1 , 1 M f I. I - David i cr.guun, mrg, jonn zioeriy, Mrs. Thomas Carrawsy, Mrs. Henry Bryna, Jr., Mrs. Richard Lane, Mrs. Ravmond Pollock. Mrs. Harry Marks, Misses Janet Hoilister, Julia Curtis. is as good law, and just as brtiding as limited way of the benefits of a stock- the Statute laws: Stock has been .aw jn a part of the eighth lownsnip allowed to grai: on unfenced lands of this county A Ii0 running from the- from the first settlement in the State mouth of Bachclor's.Creek on the Neuse to the present time, and the custcm river to the mttutnof Blackledge Run ' ' ... ,1 l.m Tti.ro I . ... :..4-4. . a L... 1 1 . aiv nr . uVnn na ling Since iijjuiilu iihu inn: livci aui a" ' is no injustice whatever in it. The square miles. I believe the value and land owners are d prived of no right profit of the cattle and hogs in that qm.i havn nn i jiim' f comolaint. Ac- small territorv is greater than all the cording to natural law the inhabitants other cattle and hogs in the whole of of the country aunaaan equai ngni lu tne Daiancc oi craven couuiy. the lands but the statute laws, for the . . .. . t.i aaA hoe!, benefit of society, have taken away the Lk at the splend " annH8 common rights arid transferredj them -M. C- T . R pjj- in til.es to , individual upo, conditions Sek' tefritory "Zhotaled land They get the Benefit of the manure of ' : . . . , ' . .l their cattle aao tney are sneuereu ano n an open range district knew at the tnc,r CJ JS.. , i.nn The 4CnaQ?try nduttenr JS5T toXlfSL Id its bounds had a right to graze catuc , , . fevered ud w th upon all the ""fenced lands and bought palaubte aad not fevered uj, wit w th that understanding; had he not "c8 "! )Tltn6 tnt,.. thc lirlcv cattle believed the .and with the price paid, he fe" would not have bought it. ticky arc not a,fowd Why then should he strive to get under the penalty of the law to ship more than he bargained for. If one tneir cattle beyood the ticky district doess not want his land grased on, he fr0m thc fast the several adjoining can sell it tr remove the legal incum- counties aronnd here are embraced brance by fencing it, which if he intends jn tnc tick district. Hence thcy,cannot to raise impioved stock, will be no Mnd their live stock products beyond hardship and if he does not, 1 sec no the tick territory and bring new money reason why his nieghbpr should be into this section. Our prices for """en deprived of tl h common right of pas- jvc stock are toroled and kept down turage, before thc county becomes so because we are hi the ticky district, thickly settled that a no lencc law oe- neither can we import improved stoca into this section Wltnoui inc ra comes necessary. I . . t . i e 1 .Wa.. Friend Conoagc's suggestion "that their deatn .Torn " . i i.. iri-Ti n -.rarliratp ticks", are vaccinaiea. t uiy nc iin. . " ' ELFRIDA UNDERGOING RLPAIRJg. Ihe North Carolina Naval Reserves' boat, the Elfrida, it now at Elizabeth City and will remain th;re until the Navy Department makes some re pairs On in vessel which Karilv damaged, vhen she was run aground by the Washington Division-of Reserves more than a week agq. Elizabeth City now ns in port two vessels which are suppose! to remain in this nort. Ihe torpedo boat Koote was taken there lor rera ri several months 0 and since that lime has not been .en in these waters. Now the Elfrida has been carried there to lie overhauled ana may remain several weeks I o .sibly months. W. f. icinc Exposition at To. Journal Subscribers-: We haven't a regular man on the rdnd to collect subscrip tions lor the Dally and Semi Weekly Journal but have made arrangements with Mr. Hugb Lancaster to look after the collecting and soliciting on Routes 1 and 2 from New Bern and also In Pamlico county, while Mr. R. C. Mor ton of Hubert will collect and solicit subscripltone In Jones and Onslow counties. We request all delinquents to see one of these gentlemen and settle subscription account '" or shall your rsftnttttmce di rect to the Journal at New MM Wit , NftJ00toml Week- is worthy of considerstion. If "imeins dollars to North Caro I 111 . II ..... ,.t Uk.l.rl.. ..hill I ivnci.1, :euie ' 'I"""! I Hm " should be tried in, at least Sar.a..Co.',,.gJ.on' d,c Ho",s,cr am,'one'lcighborhood as it could be done Of" l"c "mi"" ' Eulalia Willis. with Jittlc cost on such a small scale. "Jf ' w l.TTJ-1j .t.1 Ka i in ii i ..ii i ii 1 1 urv 1 nee that prevails Ib, h-npfited bv a State wide stock subject t 1- I . m nnnnaarl tf it 1 -w,- .... OBSERVER. I i i WANT BETTER MAIL SERVICE the heroic work of Nat Curt,man the whole city would have been burned I He threw himself against the side of I the adjoining building and called for ne.p, lur.m.a i --V Muv.vllle CAtinm Dissatisfied With the nre, ann too, nao me aire iranii-'- u,.. -i.i n.,11 thp two new engines out of the . . Present Condition. round house, and saved them from The business men ol Maysviiic and GETS HANDSOME DIVIDEND ON being damaged. piruv.u.(. i..c ..lyiamc, u. -s,-.- ORANUE UROVB. We are now trying to get eBugh , 'g a matter that is of grave importance . i li ,. ,i t. : to that little town in manv ways. Thls, John W. Stewart thinks well money . ... . .... ,he failure of the .Atlantic Coast Line Florida orange groves as an invest .. u "T.L k4.tr. r.i,,.. ,u train from Wilmington in the early ment. He has stock to the amount L.Xl will ni. send what thev feel ' morning and tile train from New Bern of forty-rix thousand dollsr. in o like giving to the East Carolina Lumber the afternoon in handling mail an 1 yesterday he received nn . d.y matter. i nis puts tnem wnn oniy cnecx. u amwumcu i f j.wju, m two maris a day; one from New Bern j cr cent on (he amount invested, and the other from Wilmington, where profits generally are grtater than if each train carried the mail it would Mr. Stewart is informed, the afford them two additional deliveries mild winter that has nrevaile I optrat of mail matter. Towns all along the ing against the, business somewhat this Thc State-wide stock law would benefit the wooded sections and frte pasturage districts even more than it o vn by thc tgnora on this important FARMEt. 1 like giving to t Co.. Reelsboro, N. C. care of A. R. .Whitford. All contributions will be IgUdly received. a. . COVE CITY NOTES. Cove City, March 12. W and family will move to Gol live in a few dayir Two of 1 Sift A. B. and LS. Jones, ai In Goldsboro, having position Southern Railway Company, WILL MANAGE DRUG 8TORE. B. W. Hunter of Warrentcn, N. C, has arrived ia the city and taken charge the drrg store formerly owned ano ducted by the late u. n- umvn. r. Hunter has visited New Bern during past few years as a guest oi nis Mrs. D. It. Dayis, anu na who will learn with is to make his home in i is well acquainted ess having, been ,conne in the co his best ,nd Dohme of Baltin manufactmint. ct j and assures nis f said snout people 1 1 k - tvuiiltiun. i same ! Magr . 1'J 51 .