1' A SFECIAL purchase of an cxtraord'nary nature probably the greatest we have ever made in one particular line of furniture, enables us to announce A special sale of EXTENSION PEDEST AL DINING TABLES at very much less prices. Every table is made of heavy solid oak in bright golden finish, with large centre pedestal and latest improved extension fasteners. Tables that we guarantee in every parti cular, and if you find after buying that you can procure values elsewhere tit any thing like the price, we will gladly refund your money. J.S.Miller Furniture Co. 98-101 MIDDLE STREET, PH0NEi223. hi I 1 Keroseno. ' Kerosene is not so explosive as in flammable, but it should never l brought in contact Willi tire. Jamaica's Fireflies. So strong is the HkbI emitted by Jn maien fireflies that the presence of si.N will enable :i person to read. Australia's Fruit. Within the boundaries of the com monwealth of Australia almost every known fruit can be cultivated. Ran There is always need for a good lantern around the home in the yard, in the cellar, in the attic wherever a lamp is inconvenient or unsafe. The RAYO is ideal for home use. It gives a clear, bright light like sunlight on tap. It is strong, durable, compact, handy. Doesn't leak. Dossn't smoke. last for vears. Ask for the RAYO. At Dealer STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Incorporated in New Jerrey) Nwrk, N. J. Sold Under Our and the Factory's Guarantee. EASY TERMS O flPtfrsaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB BBK &SB bbbbBL wk &?r asrTasM Hh This Mill Guaranteed to Make Good Meal. 10 Days' Frt Trial. 1 America bas the lurjcr tf bavin made the first cut uail:i, toward 'tin close of the eighteenth century. Befon that nails were made by hand, and their manufacture was a household iu dustry. Cut nails are made by machlD ery from plates rolled to the proper width and thickness. They may be made of steel or of malleable iron Wire nails, though originally a French invention, ware brought to perfection iu the United Stntea. The Reliable Household Lantern Easy to light and rewick. Everywhere. Baltln e. Mi. Stover is a Good Engine We Have Been Selling his Engine For Seven Years and Haven't a Dissatisfied Customer. We Carry These Engines and Supplies in Stock. Hyman Supply Co. New Bern, N. C. Everything For the Mill and Farm A MOTHER'S LOVE. he Instinct of a Mother G cat er and Stronger Than Any tl.iiinti,e TInown World. SVc road gre .; deal about a Mothers --'e and it is Nil "right 'lut we' read more about a Mother's Instinct to Lfcescrve her yo ng. When it is I os- t.-je to buy for fifty cents or a di"; r a bottle, of Gjwan's Preparatic certain and in'allible remedy fcr P;n;umonia, Croup and Cold , tie marvel it that s many mothers do not make the purjhase. This wonder ful remedy is applied externally ard will pos'tively cure cords, croups, and that dread disea e, pneumonia. It is remedy that p& been on the market several years, contains no doe, nd urmfufNngrcdients, but acts as rj ther medicine ever acted on the ffiictcd parts. All druggists sell thJi larve'.oiis remedy Gowan's Prcrara t"on, and every home should conta n a bottle. Filing-Lead. A file ka in wet eoudltlon with water rllj not clog wheu tiling soft nets Is, such' as lend, tin ami soft solder. Secreted Wealth. Tbe secreted savings of Ihe natives nf India are believed to a inbuilt to some thing like $l,riOO.00O,000 In gold alone. Big Task. Vou will find that I hose persons who mind tbelr own business are always busy.-Cincinnati Knipiirer. Exceptions. "Don't you like hot water In the home"" . ".Not when I'm always in It" - It.-illiinore American. Jewelry Polish. Jeweler's rouge rubbed well into "Immois skin is handy to polish gold and silver articles with. The Definition. "What is the call of the wild?" "That's easy. It's the Joy rider's liouk!' Baltimore American. New England's First Bank. Ihe I'.rst New England bank, the Massachusetts, was established In l!os ton. March 18, 17SU. Deceived. (.Ibba-Hodge thinks ho knows It all. Dlbbs -Then he's a victim of misplaced confidence. - Huston Tra nscript. Sure of One Thing. "I tell you he Is n dipsomaniac." "There! I knew he was something dippy." Baltimore American. Boston's Codfish. Tbe codfish was placed in -the old stateltoiise. Boston, over the speaker's chair, March d7. 17S4- ... M It's Up to You. If yon don't like your bed don't lie In It. Just get up am) make it again. Judge. Blue Coral. Blue coral, which Is probably the moat precious kind. Is fished up In the bay of Benin A Matter of Age. fJrnce This photograph makes yon look so old. "fJladya Yes II Is an old plctare, you know. Exchange. Finland's Lakes. Finland, with its thousand lakes. Is now considered attractive enough to be On tbe general tourist's list. awstafl TIm Ruling A young contractor In a Missouri town found himself after the war In dire financial straits. He owned a few pieces of property, nil of which were mortgaged, the mortgage In each in stance being held by an old man who lived with bis one son. Brocky. in a tumbledown hut that could not be rented to any one else. In the course of time the miser foreclosed, taking over all the contractor's property, which was valued in excess of the amounts loaned. The contractor began to pay rent on the house In which he lived. Three months nfter the fore closure the miser lay dying. An urgent message reached the contractor, and lie, supposing that the other, knowing Ms end to be near, wanted to make what restitution he could for the good of his soul, hurried dowm to the cabin. He found the old man In a rickety bed, covered with a tattered quilt and an old overcoat. The contractor bent his car hopefully to tbe other's lips. The ' raiser drew a long breath, clutched I the quilt in a skinny hand and whle- pered: "Pay your next month's rent to Brocky." Kansas City Star. The Other Woman's Opinion. "How well she preserves her youthP "Yes. The stuff she puts on her face must be weather proof." v Beetle Oil. An African fat used for domestic L purposes is the oil of a species of bee tle. It Is like hardened coooanut oil. Good Evidence. "Do yon really think that your si ler is making such a match with the baron?" .lodging by Ihe great number ol anonymous letters addressed to her. I should say sor-FUegeude Blatter. Shy of Pointers. Orlggs-I.ost money In that stock deal, did you? Say, let me give you n pointer. Briggs No yon don't. No more pointers for roe. What I'm look tag for is a retriever. Boston Tran terlpt. Little Things. "Never despise the little things." "What now, for Instance?" "Think how much more valuable the deuce of clubs Is to a four card club flush tban the king of diamonds." De trolt Free Press. Bad Investment. "How about thnt girl who married the duke?" "She has. entered suit." "For divorce so soon?" "No; against the company thnt guar anteed his title."-Plttsburgh Post Her Explanation. "You nsked wbat the trump was at least n doxen times last nlghtl" "Yes, Charley, dear. But I didn't really have to. I did that to show was taking an Interest in the game." Washington Star. Plenty of Room Inside. Grandmother Why, Bennie, what Dig dinner you nre eating for such very little boy I Bennie Yes, grandma I knoiy I bln't very' big, but I "re got an awful thin shell! Woman's Home Companion. ,e- Both Interested. Two young girls were on an east bound Euclid car. 'Tell me the truth. Are you engaged to Harry r said one. ' "Oh-buh! Why? Are youf'-CleTe i InnA Plain Hi-rlVr SHE WOULD FAINT Mrs. Dell Long Unable to Star) On Her Feet More Than a Few Minutes at a Time. Pendergrasa, Oa. Mrs. Delia Long. Of this place, In A recent letter, says: "Tor Are or six years, I suffered agon ies with, womanly troubles. Often, I couldn't fit up more tban a few minutes at a time, and if I stood on my feet long; I would faint I took Cardul, and It harped me Im mediately. Now, I can do my work all the time, and don't Buffer like I did. Take Oardui whes you feel ill in any way weak, tired, miserable, or undei the weather. Cardul Is a strength building tonic medicine for women. It has been found to relieve pain and distress caused by womanly troubles, and is an excellent medicine to have oa hand at all times). Cardul acta on the womanly eonttl tution, building up womanly strength, toning np the nerves, and regulating the womanly organs. Its half century of success is due to merit It has dona good to thousands. Will yon try lit It may be Just what yon need. Ask your druggist about Cardul He will recommend it n. B.-wwt f ? uaasr- Advtwrw..ajti- oaa Medicine Co.. Chatunoof i. Ten n., for Special Tu&uffaiu. ana 64-Mse book. "Home TreetBMSt W Wosjea, sett Is stele me. ea Sound Hammer la Heard On Kvcry Side In New Bern. VISITORS GREATLY IMPRESSED Present Activities Have Prevail ed For More Than Two . Yeara. Visitors to New Bern cannot fail to be impressed with the marked, building activity which prevails at the present time and which has been in progress for many months. The first structure that attracts the attention of a stranger just arriving in the city is that being erected at the corner of Griffith and Queen streets by Dr. G. A. Caton. This is a three story brick building and is rapidly ncaring com pletion. Coming on down in the business section of the city he would eec the handsome brick store being erected on Broad St. by L. H. Cutler. Sr. The contractors are rushing this work to completion as rapidly as possible and hope to have it in readiness by the latter part of this month. On the corner of Middle aad Broad streets George C. Eubank is erecting a commodious brick structure which, when completed will be occupied by a mercantile firm. Continuing further down Broad street he will find that a large force of work men are now engaged in adding the finishing touches to J. B. Blades palatial home. This structure is one of the costliest as well as one of the most attractive in the State and admired by every one who views it On Craven street, near the corner of Pollock .workmen have just completed tearing down the frame building torm erly occupied by theejournal and with in a lew days the contractors will be gin the erection of a large brick (true ture to be u?ed by the owner, Eugene Williams, as a garage. HKetracing his etcps and visiting the Northern end of East Front Street he will find that a commodious frame dwelling is being erected at that point and on going out National avenue he will find several homes now in course of construction. Among these, one is owned by William Dunn, Sr., and another by John Taylor. Contracts fcr the erection of several other buildings in this locality have been awarded and work on them will be started just as soon as the material can be secured. Crossing the city to the recently opened suburb of Ghent the visitor will hnd that a mammoth casino, owned bu the New Bern Ghent Street Railway ( ompany, is now in course of constru- tiun and the work being pushed ahead just as rapidly as possible. Within a month or two this company will begin to erect a number 'of attractive homes in the new suburb and the contracts for some of these have already been awarded. The contract for the erection of fireproof building to cover the city's water and light plant is in the hands of the contractors and operations will be started just as soon as the material can be secured. In that ecction of the city there are several small frame structures now in course of construc tion, and others, it is learned, will be erected at an early date. In additioa to the buildings in couse of erection which arc mentioned above there arc several others located in different points of the city, but those mentioned arc ones most noticeable and most likely to attract attention of the casual observer. This condition of marked building activity has pre vailed for the past two years and from present indications ' will continue for several years longer. There otieh; to be a errand waffle rally before ihe r-rnson is over. " t STOP AT THE Harrington House When in Norfolk 908 Main St. Z. V. HARRINGTON, Propriety JUtcs$T.50dav: S7.&0 wee Hot and cold bathp. alien! ion to- transients. Privilcfrep. omi D. P. S. Paint for every pur pose. J. S. Basmght Hard war Co., New Bern. N. C. "Ducks" Stoves and Ruure 1. S. Baaatght Hdw. Co., New Bern, N. C. FOR SAl Loui iana SIMtjM-AdVrcsj SAID MUCH BOIW This is FERTILIZER DISTRIBUTOR MADE TODAY. WE HAVE CHEAP ER MAKES CHEAPER. H. ; Farmers Are Busy Now q AND SHOULD MAKE EVERY DOLLAR AND EVERYDAY COUNT. NOTHING WILL PROV.J ?0 BE A GREATER TIME AND LABOR SAVER THAN ONE OF OUK IMPLEMENTS OF THE BETTER KIND, - , " Every Implement Guaranteed and Saw AVWM VIW 1 tftfll 11 A1A 1 BURRUS & COMPANY HAY GRAIN FEED NEW BERN, N. C. NOW FOR BUSINESS Well, the Spring Opening is over, and it was a big success. We had a large crowd both days, and judging by the niiany corTrplnrient heard, our efforts were appreciated. Give us your orders and we will do our level best to please you. 5. B. Hackburji ! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm Subscribe For We are Offering our stock of Dry Goods, Ctething, Shoes k Hats at 25 per cent less than they can be bought anywhere else in tpw Don't fail to supply youreelf from our stock if in nead of anything in our line. A. 63J Middle Street, C. L. SPENCER' DEALER IN- Way, Corn, Oats, AND ALL KINDS OF FEED. SEED A AND ED MalliOrders Given Lower Middle Street, CARBONATE OF LIMB the Best Tbe Journal i SUGAR, m New Bern, N. C. Bran, Hominy. HIGH GRADE CORN MEAL. , RYE. DRICK FOR SALE Careful Attention. New Bern, N. O. WINS THE HONORS FROM Burned or Oxide of Lime by $75.00 per acre in a sixteen year test, and proved beytinaV question that is- a superior fertilising ingredient. Brown' C .C03 by aSalUieal teat jheads the Uai( fertilizing limes. For full information write at once to CHROMA fllSttiE CO. K New Bern, N. G. -1

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