(W 17-22. Come 'iilM NEW BERN. N. O; TUESDAY, MARCH 18, 1913-FIRST S. JTION NorlOO 35th YEAR MMiants' Week, jSTgw fiern, March I n -.iirtmL BIG REPAIRED Graven Convicts Now At Work On Road From Saints' Delight To Vanceboro. ROAD FOREMAN APPOINTED Thoroughfare Will Be Kept In Good Condition After It Is Completed. , - . The Craven com ty convicts are now working on the road between Saint's Delight chapel and Vanceboro. They were takn to the road, last Taesday and a cay ot two was spent 24 setting the camp and implements in readiness. , , " ' , The convicts will in the future have their camp near the point at which rthe work they are engaged in at that jjjae h in prgoress. A large steel cage -which can be transported to any point, has been purchased by the county and jit night the men are locked in this. Teats have also been secured and these .are occupied by the guards. In ad tiitinn to being very convenient, this new mode of housing the convicts is .absolutely sanitary. The cage is so constructed that it can be renovated .at any time and the convicts are com- jjelied to keep tlieir Dcdies ciea.i. . The work on the road now receiving .attention will be canied on to the point where the proposed Farm Life School is to be erected and according to a statement made yesterday by R. E. Snowden, the expert road en Sincer recently employed by ayen county to superintend its road build- iing, it will be one of the best constructed -dirt roads in the coanty. After the road has been put in good condition it will of course be necessary to keep it i:i repair. With this object in view, the coi.nty ;s appointing road foreman in each t wnship and tt will Le the iloty of these men to see that the road is at all times kept in good con- .tliiiou. At present there are only twnty-twi i en on the convict force and the or'.c cannot progress very speedily v.. 1; such a small force yet ill pcasi'J progress is being made. TWO NE V ! ANKS ESTABLISHED. Ope Lcatod at Newport, the Other - - At Cove-Gity. Virgil, V.'al.ier of this city, orgam.-er for the Stale Trust Company of il iiington, one of the largest banking .institutions in the State, has j..st 'iaulisntd two new banks in this jscction. One of the banks is located .ai Newpi rt and the- other at Cove City. At ewport a commodious (V.iik strv-cture will be erected to be used as the home of the newinstitution. Both banks will be under the direct rsujv.rvision of a board of directors ch.sru from the citizens of the town iii which they are located and an ex iTknced mn sent out from the State Trust Compry'sbank at Wilmington, vill act as cashier. WILL REMODEL CRAVEN STREET 31' P DING. Assi-on a th building now occue hy the New Bern Garage Ccm;a.iy hi hen acated and the present ccnpanii n-ov to their new home, wbi'D is rein' erected on Craen street, ilia Hy ai SttpfJy Comp. ny the owrers of the Lu ldi. g, will re model and use t for a garnge. JOES COUNTY u'uftiiinFJi Iff nit wuiiui. w j A. V'-idl." Choien As Kei Ciijii e of No. tu ouio.iuu Woodm n. TNEXT CONVENTION AT DURHAM AshevUle Meeting Largely Attend cii And Every Feature A t . in plete Success. Abbeville. March 13. The Wood- meo oi tiie World, jurisdiction of JNorth Carolina, io their third bicn- nial convention here yesterday voted ohuid the 1915 convention in Durham. The only strong competitor for the convention as Winston-Salem. Fol lowing ih decision, the Convention devoted i.. elf to' the election of officers f T .he le i two sars. The election resulted i.s follows: Head cons ', T. A. Windley, of Trenton; head adviser, G. F. Wise, of 'Siier Ciiy; heard clerk, J. H. Dm-ton, .of Concoru; head banker, J. vV. Fleet, jfA Wilmington; head escort, Paul A. 'Boras, of Greensboro; head watch iiin, W.T.Clark, of ..rvanton; head asentiuel K. A. Gilmore, of Lumberton; .chairman of the board of head mana ge, W. A. Short, of Matthews, man AWt T. N., Hall of Mooresville; Dr. K.'P. E. Bonner, of Morehead City; ij. O. Sapp, of Wiston Salem, and R. L Buch, of Lenoir; delegates to the convention of the Sovereign camp, Hon. B. S. Royster, of Oxford, knd L J 'lil ley of Durham; alternates, Klctxue C. Jackcon, of Wilmington, and E. T. Snipes of Ahoskie. In Ike afternoon there was a review of the uniform rank, 137th regiment, on Pack Square, in which five compa nies participated. The review was must imposing and the first regiment ixiud and. a special boys' drum ccrps furnished music. The officers were installed at the afternoon session after the reading of re ion s and ;he conferring of degrees tonight adjournment was. taken. CRAVEN HAS FOURTEEN IN CORN GROWING CONTEST. The Boys' Corn Club enrollment for the 1913 contest as shown by a state ment given out by I. O. Shaub of West Raleigh, in- charge of the club work in this State, shows fourteen enrolled from Craven county. Mecklenburg leads all other counties with the large enrollment of 99. Some of the other counties with large enrollments are Wilkes with 75, Robeson with 66, Sampson with 58, Rockingham with 54, Johnston with 70, Cabarrus with 45, Cleveland with 47, Beaufort with 43, Union with 42, Alamance with 45, Enrollment of counties in this section are Jones 3, Carteret 9, Greene 4, Hyde 10, Lenoir 15, Onslow 3, Pamlico 0, Pitt 25. .' PLANS FOR FARM LIFE SCHOOL DRAWN. The plans for Craven county's pro posed Farm Life School have been drawn and are now in the hands of S. M. Brinson, county Superintendent of Public School?. The Board Trustees of the school wVV meet this week and go over the plans. ' They were drawn under the supervision of Dr. J. E. Turlington, who is to have charge of the school. ENINB OF TRENT RIVER YET Report of the District Engineer Is Adverse lo Proposed Improvement. The report by the District Engineer Officer of the War Department ii unfavorable to the proposed improve ment of Trent river from New Bern to Polloksville to a depth of ten feet. The grounds upon which the ad verse report was made are contained in the following extract from the re port of the District Officer, Maj. H W. Stickle of Wilmington: While an increased depth may be justified by prospective commerce on this river, and while a depth oi lu teet could be obtained with a comparative iv small outlav, it is my opinion that to increase existing depths by a max imum of only seven-tenth of a foot is not advisable, and would serve no useful- purpose in assisting navigation at this time. It apdears to me that any further depth in this portion of the river should not be considered until a greater project depth may have been considered for the Neuse River below New Bern." All interested parties have the privi lege of an appeal from this conclusion to the Board of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, a permanent body sitting at Washington, D. C, to which all examinations and survey reports ct this character are referred. Parties desiring to do so may be heard on appeal by the Board, either orally or in writing. Any statements, facts or arguments concerning the necessity tor the pro posed improvement which any one interested may wish to present for consideration of the reviewing officers should be addressed to the lioard of Engineers for Rivers and Harbors, Southern Building, Washington, D C, and should be inaikd in time to reach the Board wi'hin four weeks. If oral hearings are desired, dates for the same may be arranged tor by correspondence with the Board. SUCCUMBS TO ATTACK OF PARALYSIS. Thomas C. Tolson died at his home, No. 37 Hancock at 10:25 o'clock last night following a stroke of paralysis about ten days ago. The deceased was sixty nine years old. He was born at Portsmouth, N. C, and has been a resident of this city for about ten years For several weeks be has been in fail ing health and his death was not en tirelv unexpected. He is survived by a daughter, Miss Bertha Tolson and one son, Charles Tolson. The funeral will be conducted from the residence tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock and the interment will be made in Cedar Grove cemetery. PANIC-STRICKEN OVER WEBB LAIN MAIL ORDER HOUSES AT BRIS TOL GREATLY PERTURBED BY NEW LEGISLATION. Bristol, Va., March 12. The big mail order liquor houses of Bristol, Va., which pay $67,000 per year for the privilege of shipping boose to the pro hibition States, are panic-stricken over the' present and prospective effects of the Webb bill, which .until a few days ago, they were not entitled to take seriously. This week large quantities of liquor, consigned to South Carolina, were returned wilh instructions that no iiii mcnts i f intoxicants would be a-" Med for that , Mate. Shipmc: ts ere refused for slit counties in No 1 Carolina and several counties in Kth tucky. It is understood that ship ments to Alabama and Georgia will also be stopped. The mad qrdcr houses are paying M.tOrt per anumn each for the priv lege f shipping fr jiii Bristol, and are anxious to know what the out come of the Webb law will be before thrv put up this amount again in April, a t ik.u.;i . April 30th NO DEEP CITY ILL REM MERCHANTS' IKE VERY ITER AGAINST MAI Feeling In Virginia Strong Against Uovernor For Refusing , Allen Appeal. DECISION WAS A SHOCK General Sympathy For The i Men, Who Are To Die In The Eliectrlc Chair. Bristol, Va.. March 13. Sentiment In Southwest Virginia is very strong against Governor William Hodges Mann for his refusal to commute the sentences of Floyd and Claude Allen. It was generally conceded that he would commute Claude Allen, but some had a doubt as to F'o 'd, so the announcement by him ihat neither will be commutated was a shck in Southwest Virginia, and paniculaily it Wytheville, where the trials occurred, and in Carroll county, where the tragedy was enacted. Many are very bitter tow; r l the Governor for his course, and were incensed at his statement, declaring that it is so baised that it shows the Governor was not able to consider the case in the proper light. Judge Nicholas P. Oglesby, life time mends ot the' Aliens, who was jjicir counsel for years before he be came circuit judge ol Larroll county, p.d who defended them at Wythe ville, is much distressed ,aithouh he has little to say concerning the aetton of the Governor. He has lived in Bristol for a number of years, bet has property in Canx.ll Co., and has re turned there each term Of the court to look after his practice in that coun-i ty. Judge (Jg'esby throws much light on the relations between the Allen s and the Goad faction and the ani mosity that existed. K. ii, W'issler, father ol the hancee of Claude Allen, is a mail clerk run ning into Bristol, and was formerly a school teacher in Carroll county. He is a man of education and culture. A prominent citizen of Carroll county, who lived there for years, statesAhat the Aliens have been done a great in justice by being reported as outlaws, moonshiners and clansmen. He said that they stood quite as well socially, if not higher, than Clerk Baxter Goad. 1 here is great sympathy here lor the condemned men, and their friends have not entirely given up hope that the Governor may change his mind as a result of further thought upon the subject. j MOUNTED POLICE MEMtp CHARGED WITH CHEWING GUM WHILE WOMEN TRIED TO KEEP ORDER. ashineton. March 13. The police d'tnse of charges of negligence of duty on the day of the suffrage parade was postponed temporarily by the Sen ate investigating committee today to permit the taking of additional evi dence showing, disorders along the parade route. Half a dozen police men were ready to testify that they did their best. The spectatcle of three mounted po licemen chewing gum while two deter mined women performed the police duty of keeping a big' crowd out of the street was told by Mrs. Olive H. Hasbrouck and Mrs. Randolph For rest. "The three policemen just smiled and made no serious attempt to clear (he street," Said Mrs. Hasbrouck, "when we asked them repeatedly to do so. I told the crowd these police men were about as much use as a fish would be, and I picked up a little dane and went to work policing the comer near the Corcoran Art Gal lery, where we were stationed to col lect the banners as the parade reached that point. ' "Captain Anderson, who was in charge there, was amused and sneered, but he kept right on chewing gum." jkfrs. Forrest, who had been mar shal of one of the sections, told how militiamen jumped on the float of which she was in charge and knocked over the decoration on it. Miss Elizabeth Bullock, who was in the college woman's section ,said that the age of the college women pro tected them from most of the insults, but that the special police were par ticularly coarse and rough. CHILD DIES AFTER ILLNESS OF SHORT DURATION. Roland Manwell, the twelve-months- old son of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Willis, died at the home of its' parents, No. 118 1-2 Broad street last night follow ing an illness of several days duration. The funeral will be conducted from the residence this afternoon at 4 o'clock by Rev. J. B. Hurley and the interment will be made in Cede Grove cemetery. FOR BSEAT CELEBRATION Unusual Values and Inducements Will Be Offered by Local g : Merchants. VISITORS EXTENDED WELCOME Gates Of The City, Have Been Thrown Oepn To Each And Every One. New-Bern's big "Merchants' Week", the event which has been one of the sole topics of conversation in this city with the retail merchants during the past four days, is at hand and leading dealers in the city have thrown open their doors to the peo ple of Craven and aujouung counties and give them the best values and the most inducement ever offered by local tradesmen. In today's issue of the lournal the leading merchants of the city are telling the public just what they have to otter, the special inducements they are giv ing in order to get the country people to come to New Bern thif week and of th extensive and elaborate displays of sprinsMjind summer styles which will le s.en during the week. bvery reader should carefully persue each one ot the advertisements. Wheth er or not they live right here in the city or in some remote section of the county makes no material difference. All will be given the same opportunity to purchase these goods which will be marked down to the very lowest price. Each advertisement tells a story of thrift which in the present age is the main factor in the live of the majority of people . ' The merchants who are today placing their announcements before the public through the columns of the Journal are all noted for their integrity and fair dealings and the public may rest as sured that they will be given the best values for the least money at their stores. During "Merchant's Week" there will be hundreds of visitors in the city and each and every one is extended a cordial invitation to feel "at home" wherever they go, by every business m4n in the city and the Chamber of Commerce, through whose efforts this big event was launched. The gates of the city are open to all and a genuine welcome is assured each one. Uwing to the limited time available for securing the announcements, not so many were secured as would have been possible with longer time lor the work. But the collection will be found representative and thoroughly sug gestive of the new spirit of energy and enterprise which prevails among New Bern's business men today. Below will be found a few hints of the inter esting and timely messages of the "Merchants Week" advertisers. In con nection with these special attention is called to the advertisements them selves which will be found on the fourth and fifth pages. J. A. Jones offers to several if in need of livery of any kind or if you want to buy a horse or a mule. Visitors are invited to put up their teams at his place while in the city. lhe Gaston Hotel assures all visitors that it table and rooms are the best in the city and that the rates are reason able. Special attention is given to ladies unattended. L M. Mitchell & Co., announce that hey will pay postage on all orders for goods amountiung in value to three dollars or more. They invite all visitors to oav them a call, assuring then that they are welcome to come and loot no matter if they do not want to o y Mr. Mitchell wants the people to g? acquainted I Lh his new store which is one o e nret ,icst to ueiounaun,- where . ch. .-t.ttc. A Clely-incs.-cigc about seeds will be to .irl in the Men hants' Week an- ouni Coi mtvit it the r. S. uuny Drug ar.y. A p.ckage of flower seed amo. ltrig to twenty-hve cents. it is mi . h Letter, it mitrlit be said it. iiassin. lo Lnvsc-ed from a reliable house lie this than it is lo oder from mall order house. The Co-operative Supply Company has a waord for Merchants' Week visitors, informing them that when visitors, informing: them that when in the city It will pay them to call at the Consumer s store and get prices fancv croceries of all kinds befc buying . This firm has been in business for only a short while, but it has built ip a flourishing business and has a pro mising future. S. Coplon & Son, the big department store people, announce that the pur- chasing power oi a uouar ouring mcr chants Week will be almost doubled. Anion the many other attractions and inducements for the week will be the free parcel post delivery of any pur chase of wearing apparel. The mail order department of this store is always at the service of its patrons. W.G. Boyd, the well known insurance man, is always at the frdat, when a matter requiring the exhibition of a strong public spirit is on tap. So he .ery willingly consented to take an idvertisement in the Merchants' Week ue of the lournal. Mr Boyd reprc tents reliable companies and his advice on all matters of insurance is well worth considering. He also has beauti ful ritv huildinE lots for sale. Style, quality and satisfaction are promised to all wno oo tneir traaing with D. F. Jarivs. This is the burden if an announcement that the well known dry goods merchants has in the Journal this morning. Mr. Jarvis has on exhibit a fine line of goods that appeal especially to the ladies. ' A glance at the advertisements in the Journal will show that the business men of this city are alive to the pos sibilities of the Parcel Post in the booming of business. So Laundry by Parcel Post is the theme of Manager George W. Skinner of the Model Steam Laundry in his special announcement today. Return postage prepaid where the work amounts to fifty cents or more Mrs. B, Allen announces for Mer chants' Week' an extra ten per cent. discount on all merchandise bought during the week. This store offers a fresh lot of artistic spring millinery, graceful voile robes, handsome spring tailored suits and coats, all especially priced for Merchants' Week. "The Old Reliable Drug Store", Brad ham Drug Company, is among t he stores especially catering to the visitors who will come to New Bern for , Mer chants' Week. In their advertisement "'i-j osuiv ruHuio vuai 1 1 it y win uc wi..n. u.-i,it,,. ,-,,,. i,,,. 1 r ftirtable rest rooms are provided over1 the store. " Correct spring dress for men is the message of the A. T. Willis Company. If it comes from "the Shop that's Different", why ,of course, it is up to the minute and the prices will be all right, too. This is a firm of reliable tailors, haberdashers and hatters and customers are guaranteed satisfaction. Waters' Buggy Works have a very interseting message for out-of-town people and others. They have been building buggies for twenty-six years and thereby made a reputation that cannot be excelled. A special discount is ottered this week. George Rosenberg, manager of the recently opened National Woolen Mills branch, is a firm believer in advertising at all times. So he jumped at the chance to get an announcement in an issue ol the Journal that will appeal especially to out-of-town people. In his advertisement he plays up the strong points ol the tailored-to-measure euar- anteed-to-fit suits that he is offering. The Standard Shoe Company is also n the ranks of the Merchants' Week advertisers. Manager Barnes is talk ing abcut the famous Crossett shoe as usual. He says there are so many splendid talking points about this shoe that he never knows when to stop. "Everybody's wearing 'em button shoes", he announcs in his advertisement. A number of merchants were unable to get their ads ready in time tor insertion in today's paper, but will have them prepared in time to appear in Tuesday morning s issue. 1 hesc and all others who desire to have an nouncements in the remaining issues of the Merchants' Week Journal are urged t6 get them in early Monday, so that they may appear in the first issue of the Semi-Weekly as well as in the Tuesday morning issue of the daily. ECLIPSE NEXT SATURDAY Early Risers Will See Luna In The Earth 8 Shadow. The irst eclipse of the year will occur njwet Saturday. This will be a total exeupse ol the moon hut dwellers in the yhtfed States will not have an opportunity of witnessing the entire event eying to the intrustion of old Sol. The eclipse begins at 5:13 a. m. and in fifty eight minutes will reach a point where about three-tourttisol the moon is enveloped in the shadow. The sun rises in this part oi tne world at 6:26 a. m. and this will prevent the total eclipse from being seen but by those who rise early will have an excellent opportunity of viewing a part ol the phenomenon. I he next recurrence t Mr i:Ji!'T will be on April I, lu31, when it will a?ai,i be total. On April 6, this year, thrre will be a partial ipe but th s will be entirely m- Visitle to the eastern section of the L'nited States. RAINFALL Hill PREVt it FOR SECOND TIME BASEBALL i-ANS WERE BADMf DISAPPOINTED. Local basebajt fans were again dis appointed yesterday afternoon when ram prevented tne game which was to have been played at Ghent Park between the local high school team and a team from Washington high school. The visiting boys arrived in the city on the previous day and on that day the game was also postponed on ac count of the inclement weather. The same condition prevailed yesterday and no attempt was made to play and the visitors returned home last night. This was to have been the first game of the season and both teams were greatly disappointed. However, they will arrange for a game to be played in the city during the next two or three weeks but before . announcing the exact date will have private con s illation with the weather man and team, if possible, what variety he wi hand out at that time. DSUG CLERK IS ACQUITTED Richmond, Va., March 15. Thomas W. McCrary, the young drug clerk charged with the murder of little Rob ert Lemasurier was disniiscd in the police court. Commonwealth's Attorney Folkes stated that he could not convict the young druggist of any degree of hom: cidc. NTS mm to be OPENED UP SOON Glen Burney Park To Be Ready wot ine fuDitc By June 1. SITE IS IDEALLY SITUATED Car Line Will Also Be Constructed During the Next Sixty '! Pay- There will be something doing out at Glen Burney Park in the very near future. This park is owned by the Eastern Carolina Fair Association anil one of the directors of this organization yesterday gave out the information i . , s What plans are now beine made for the erection of a mammoth skatinir rink. ten pin alley, dancing pavillion and nuiiaings to nouse other amusements and that work on these would begin during the next few days. This park is located near the Eastern Carolina Fair Grounds and is ideally situated, in fact it is a natural park. Sect ions of it are densely wooded and from the high banks on the river one can see for miles up and down the wide waters of the Neuse. Several visitors have recently been carried to the site and in expressing their opinion of the place they have said that in their belief there is not a more suitable place in the entire State for a park, or recrea tion grounds. Arrangements are being made to light the entire park with electricity and hundreds of incandescant and arc lights will be used in this work. The work will be well under way by April 13 and the owners hope to have the park in readiness for opening bv June 1. l he directors have assured the public that there will be ample means of transportation. Within the next thirty days a car line it is announced will be constructed from the city to that point, running through the new suburb which is to be opened up in that section at an early date. 1 he new suburban section, m the belief of many, is destined to be one of the most popular divisions opened up in New Bern in past years and the owners are expecting an unusual de mand tor the lots, lhe streets alonV which the car line will be operated will be lighted with electricity. Whether or not the cars will be of the storage battery type or regulation trolley car has not been definitely decided upon at the present time. A new bridge will be constructed across Jack Smith's creek and the Na tional Avenue road will connect with Riverside drive, the road leadine to Glen Burney Park, and plans for the erection of this have already been made. l he park will be open to the public at all times and the citizens of New Bern are assured of havine one of the most complete rcccreation grounds in the State. WOULD HAVE SHOT JUDGE New Bern Pastor Says Aliens De serve Punishment. Richmond, Va., March 15. Gover nor Mann last night made public a let ter which he received March 7th from the Rev. Edward T. Carter, pas tor of the Baptist Church at New Bern, N. C. 1 he letter is in part as follows: Hon. and Dear Sir: I have iust earned that you have decided" that the sentence imposed on Floyd Allen and Claude Allen must be carried out. Now that your decision has been reached, I desire to say that I have been acqauintcd with the Allen gang for some time and most heartily con cur in your decision. At the time Sidna Allen was tried for counterfeit ing in Greensboro, I was pastor of a church in Mount Airy, and the day he was acquitted i happened to re turn to that place on the train with im. "We engaged in conversation about the trial and in response to a remark made about the narrow escape he had from the penitentiary sentence, he said: ' 'Yes, it was a mighty close call. but it was a d n good thing for the court that I was acquitted;' 1 asked him why ,and he said: " 'Ml hrfithnrc irnrn in r,itrt anrl if I had been convicted, Judge noyd and Attorney Holton would have been hot dead, for my brothers nd 1 have made an acrcement that not one of us shall ever go to the peni tentiary. SPEND AFTERNOON SHOPPING Wilson Women Not Perturbed By Downpour, and Carry Their Packages. Washington, March 14. Mrs. Woor- row Wilson and her daughters spent the afternoon downtown shopping in the rain. Mrs. Wilson wore a tan rain coat, with a small brown hat, trimmed with a bright wing, and the Misses Wilsons' raincoats were gray, and they wore chic black straw walking hats. They all carried umbrellas. The party went from the White House in the automobile to a IjcmiW ttort, where autograph abums were first purchased. Then, leaving their automobile in front of the store, they walked from store to store on V street making further purchase.!. The steady downpour did not appear Jo perturb them. It was noticed that Several purchase of candy and stationery were carried instead of sent home. Few people rec og nized them.

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