PROFESSIONAL A Picture of Contentment All men Wr pleased when they smoke this choice tobacco for all men like the rich quality and true, natural flavor of, Smoked In pipes by thousands of men everywhere known to cigarette smokers as "the makings." We take unusual pride In Liggett & Myers Duke's Mixture. It is our leading brand of granulated tobacco and every sack we make is a challenge to all other tobacco manufacturers. Every 5c sack of this famous tobacco .contains one and a half ounces of choice granulated tobacco, in every way equal to the best you can buy at any price, and vntb each sack you get a book of cigarette? papers FRKR If you have not smoked the Duke's Mixture made by the Jsiggttt Mytri Tobacco Co. at Durham, N. C, try it now. Get a Camera with the Coupons Save the coupons. With them you can get all sorts of valu able presents articles suitable for young and old ; men, women, boys and girls. You U be delighted to see what you can get free with out one cent of cost to you. Get our new illustrated catalog. At a special offer, we will tend it free daring September and October only. Your name and address pu a postal will bring it to you. Coupons from DulWt Mixture may 4 as sorted with tars from HORSE SHOE. J. T., TINSLEY'S NATURAL LEAF, GRAN GER TWIST, coupon from FOUR ROSES (10c tin doublt coupon). PICK PLUG CUT. PIEDMONT CIGAR ETTES. CUX CIGARETTES, end other tart or coupons issued in us. Premium Dept. I ST. LOUS. MCv C L. SPENCER' DEALER IN- ffay, Corn, Oats, Bran, Hominy, AND ALL KINDS OF FEED. HIGH GRADE CORN MEAL. SEED A AND ED RYE. BRICK FOR SALE Mailorders Given Careful Attention. Lower Middle Street, New Bern, N. O. NEW BERN BANKING AND TRUST COMPANY NEW BERN ,N.C. i OUR INVITATION. WE invite new accounts and we do so with a view to making our new deposit ors so thoroughly satisfied with the serv ice that they will remain as permanent patrons of this bank. Those persons, firms, business houses that began busi ness with us many years ago have con tinued their relations because they have found our service satisfactory, and are convinced that this bank is a safe and sound financial institution. We invite your account, because we know that we can serve you to your complete satisfac tion. OUR PER CT. COMPOUNDED FOUR TIMES A YEAR ON SAVINGS. ONLY A BLOCKHEAD can fail to see the advantage and economy of using our mill work, such as balusters, newel posts, rail ings, etc. To have them made by hand would cost four times as much and then the work would not be so uniform or so perfect as ours. Come and see. Tolson Lumber & Man'fg. Co. TUFT MAY BE EXT PRESIDENT NOT OF THE UNITED STATES BUT OF THE JOHNS HOP KINS UNIVERSITY. Baltimore .March 14. Some of the Baltimore friends of fornu-r President Talt are promoting a movement with the object of having him called to the presidency of Jchns Hopkins Univer sity ,if that be possible, and it is under stood that Mr. Taft would not be at all adverse to such a call. A short time after the November election his name was suggested rather informally to the trustees of the uni versity by one of the then President's friends, and the matter was discussed rather casually by the trustees, but no action taken upon it. When the call was made to the alumni of the uni versity some time ago for suggestions as to suitable men for the presidency of the school the former President's name was again brought forward. Statements have been made that the trustees were seriously considering the proposition of calling Mr. Taft to the vacancy caused by the resignation of Dr. Remsen. The fact is that they have never con sidered the matter seriously, and it has been discussed only in the most casual manner. The names of probably 60 men have been considered more ser iously than has been that of Mr. Taft and the trustees are almost as much in the dark as to the men who is to become head of the university as ever they have been. Absolutely nothing has been done in the matter. If Mr. Taft should be in vited to the office, it would be because his scholarship, his administrative abil ity ,his personality and his peculiar fitness for the place would be regarded as making him absolutely the best man in the coi ntry for the place, and the fact that Ic has been President of the United Statog would ibeof absolutely no weight, either for or against him. Since Dr. Remsen asked to be relieved of his duties at the university the al- fairs of the institution have been in the hands of ;m administrative committee, with Dr. William 11. Welch at the head, and this plan has been working splen didlv. Soon after the commemoration day exercises of the university R. Brent Keyser, chairman of the board of trustees and head of the committee in trusted with the elction or a presi dent, went to California and is there now. He is not expected home for a couple of weeks. The matter of select ing a president will not 'be even dis cussed seriously until his return. MAY BEGOME U. S. SUPPLY STATION GOVERNMENT BUSY VALUABLE PIECE OF LAND AT FOOT OF POLLOCK STREET. That New Bern may soon become the supply station for the government boats in this section became known yesterday when the purchase of a piece of land located at the foot of Pollock street and fronting Neuse river was made from Oeorge D. Dail and A. I . Dill by the government. Very little information has been given out by the Enginereing Depart ment in this district as to what will be done with this property but they have given out enough to lead those who are interested in the matter to believe that a big supply station will be erected there in the near future. In the mean time the place will be cleaned up and improved. In the past few years, or in fact since the Inland Waterway was opened up, New Bern has become of considerable importance in the government work in this section and now that so much work is to be done in the waters of Eastern North Carolina there is no better distributing or supply point which are located in this section for the boats. Children Civ FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A QfflM, Yards and Factory, 129 E. Front St. New Bern N. C. THE MARKETS. March 17 1913 COTTON (Quotations furnished by G. W. Tay lor & Son.) New Bern Middling 12 Strict Middling 12 1-8 Good Middling 12 1-4 POULTRY, EGGS, ETC. (Quotations furnished by Coast Line Meat Market). Chickens Grown, pair 60-30 Chickens HaJf-grown pair 40-70 Geese, per pair $1.25-S1.50 Ducks, per pair 50 1.00 Egga, icr doz 15 Hams, country, smoked, lb 1 Beeswax, lb i 22 Wool, 16 to 1 Wool, 16 tol" Bfg, droed, tb 10-101-2 Beef, dressed, 111 8- Hides G. r . lb 9 c ni lb 8 Lr . nt, lit . 12-14 Dry Salt, lb... BSgTr 'jiQ-U FRUITS ANE yRjlf TABI.K.S. (Quotations by New Bern Produ:e Company). Irish potatoes new crop $2.50 Sweet potato, bushti 50 Rutabaga, hundred $1.00 Collard head, .02 Turnip bunch, .03 Cabbage, barrel $1.00 to 11.25 Spinach, basket, .50 ROMULUS A. NUNN Attorney and Counselor at Lav OPKlCiS 00 CllAVkiV S'l'KK ja. r Telephone Nos 97 and 801 NEW BERN, N.O. Simmons & Ward ; Attorneys and Counselors J at Law Office. Rooms 4C1-2-3 Elks Building, New Bern, N. C. Practice in the counties of Craven. Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Carter et, Pamlico and Wake, in the Supremt and Federal Courts, and wherever scr vices are desired. $10 Given Away THE PEPSI-COIA COMPANY will give 10 00 for the five best reasons why: " Drink Pepsi-Cola" 1 : DR. ERNEST C. ARMSTRONG, I OsteoDathic Physician (RBC.ISTKKEb) Rooms 320-321 Elk's Temple. Hours: 10 to 12, 2 to 4 and 7 to 0. CHRONIC DISEASES A SPECIALTY Te 1 years experii nee in treating chron . ic diseases. Complete Electrical Equipment. Do ycu wear a truss? If so, let roe show you my special make. For all I i ages, trom babies up. ; PHONE 704. D. L. WARD ATTORNEY AN1. COUNSELLOR AT LAW Hughes Building, Craven Street NEW BERN, N. C. Practice in State and Federal Courts, Circuit.. Craven, Carteret, Jones and Pamlico and wherever services are desired. Carl Daniels Attarney and Counsellor At Law Practices whsrever services are required. Office in Masonic Building. BAYBORO, N. C. Local and Long Distance Phone. Sentences must be brief, have per suasive, convincing, positive selling force, without unnecessary words. This contest will close March 31st, 1913. Send jour reasons to the edi tor of the Journal or Sun. Sign your name and date. The judges will be Messrs. H. K. Latitf, O. G. Dunn and C. D. Bradham The Pepsi-Cola Company New Bern, N. C. I DRY GOODS FOR SPRING No better place to buy them than at Sugar's. i ! Sugar has the goods and h has the prices. No matter what you need irr the way of Spring and Summer Dry Goods we have it. Call and inspect o ir lii e of dry goods and notions of all sortj ready made clothes, gentlemen's. iand ladies' furnishing?, shoes, hats etc. We have what y u want t figures Jhat will astonish you when compared with prices y u have to pay at other places. A. B. SUGAR, George t. Willis ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Practice Wherever Ser vice is Required. 50 Craven St. New Bern, N C. SOUTHERN EXPHESS BUILDING 63 Middle Street, New Bern, N. C. When in Market For Horses, Mules, Buggies Wagons and Harness see H. M. Bonner M. D. DISEASES OF THE EYE ER NOSE and THROAT GENIiRAL SURGERY Phone-: Offi-e 720 Res dence 220 Rooms !'.i)0-6 E ki Tempi-, New Bern "There's a Dif fere ice ASK YQUVl DOCTOr? Pepsi-Cola .For Thirst Thinkers. SAVE THE CROWNS they are valuable. Write f ji dialog Pepsi-Cola Co., New Bern, N. C. POLLOCKSVILLE, N. C. Fine Kentucky Horses and Mules on hand at all times TERMS REASONABLE. SEE ME. Bellair Stock and Fruit Farm. G. T. RICHARDSON, Proprietor. I have Full Blood Angus Bulls and Heifers for sale immune from Texas fever, also full blood Berkshire Hogs. You are cordially invited to visit farm and see stock. G. 7. RICHARDSOIS New Bern, N. C, R. F. D., io. 2. Phone. Bellair line, 4 rings. When in Morehead City EAT AT THE Ocean Cafe R. E. LEE, Prop. Finest in Eastern North Carolina Ladies' Rest Room :: :: Private Dining Room We Serve Nothing But the Best We sra Agents tor the Celebrated PLANET, JR., Line of Cultivating Imple ments. We corrry In stock their celebrated No. 76 Riding Cultivutor, their Horse Hoe Culilvators, tholr celebrated Seed prills, Hand Cultivators, Fire-Fly Garden Plows. W invite you to call and Inspect this splendid line or drop us a postal and we will gladly send you their illustrated cat alogue. Our price are right. Yours, J. C. Whitty cfr Company PHONEM Agents for the "Star" Pea Huller The Best by Test