1 Nr. if 6 NEW BERN. N. C. TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1913-FIRST SECTION . - i Iff 10 PUNISH KEY JOKES IS IN 5 TAfLOR ELLtSON Some of His Fellow Democrats Bit ter Because of Part He Took In Allen Case. DENY HIM A HE-NOMINATION Urge Col. Robert E. Lee To Make Race Against Him Per Lieu tenant Covernor. Washington, April 4 Col. Robert E. Lee, r'., grandson of the Confederate chieftain will be asked to make the race for the Democratic nomination for Lieutenant-Governor of Virginia against J. Taylor Eilysott, the present holder of that office, as a result of the dis closures in the eleventh-hour respite of the Aliens by Mr. Ellyson while Governor Mann was out of the State. Behind the movement are a number of Richmond and Norfolk mm They stated that if Cocn:l Lee will consent to make the rsce the move ment will be formally launched with in a short time. Doubt e tists whether Cclonel Lee can be drawn into politics again. Years ago he was a member of the Virgin a General Assembly from Fairfax county, where he resides. Andrew Jackson Montague was then Governor of Vir ginia. He was regarded as one of the Montague "anti-machine" leaders of the State. Since his retirempni- from the Legislature Colonel Lee has not taken an active part in Virginia politics. Eighteen months ago he stumped (h? State for Congressman Jones and Glass for the Senate against Senators Mart n and Swanson. Virginia is again torn assunder over the AUen case, and the suggestion of the iLee candidacy for Lieutenant Governor is an outgrowth of the controversy-over the last movement to save the life of Claude Al en, the son neon ROAD ukavhin COUNTY CITIZEN STRUCK BY MOTORCYCLE AND INJURED. Casey Jones, nof he of railroad fame but a citizen of Craven countv and who resides a few miles beyond Bridge- ion, is in Stewarts samtonum receiving treatment ior injuries received when he" came in contact with a mmnrrvri. oeing rode by Ira Dixon late Tuesday afternoon near Askin, Mr. Jones was enroute to Bridgeton at tne time of the accident and had taken the rail.oad track as the best route. Hearing what he supposed Was the Norfolk Southern Railway Com pany s motor car coming down the track in his rear stepped to one side without glancing around and in so doing was right in the path of Mr. Dixon's motorcycle. The machine struck him on one of his legs and that limb wa3 broken in two rlare The owner of the motorcycle secured assistance and the injured man was brought to this city and placed in the sanitofium for treatment, and is rapid ly recovering. GOOSE CREEK SCHOOL CLOSES. Moat Successful Term in the HJs tory of That Institution. Goose- Creek, April 4. After one of the most successful terms in the his tory of the school at this place came to a close today. -Miss Edith Brinsoh, tne teacher, has given entire satisfac tion in her work and the patrons of tne school praise her very highly. An interesting program was carried out in the closing exccri.es. ENGINEER PLANS AIR TRIP GREATLY PLEASED ACROSS ATLlTIf I Craven County' Good Roads MxA Rodman Law Expects To Be The i iiipresseo witn titl- l nrsr Man to Fly Across zens In This Section. The Big Pond. HAVE GIVEN VALUABLE AID SUCEEDING WILL WIN $50,0 Rapid Progress Being' Made In I Expects To Make The Flight In work On The Road To Thirty-Six Hours, Indu- Vanceboro. ding One Stop. Rapid progress is being made by the New York, April 4. Rodiian Law convicts who are now engaged in im- p s t0 the first man to Ay across proving the road leading from Brfdge- a"C , "e Wl" th' ' 6 I Past- enact- rtf NT&nr J 1 .. i ton to Va.ceboro. Thi, work was BurgessVright hyToX started about three weeks ago and since with Henry Bingham Brown,, in July that rime several miles of road have been next in a flight to itn theUtfjtuO prize put m excellent condition. iirere ny tne London Da ly Ma 1 for The work i. .,,), tne bTst avier-than air machine to super-1 a.. -.la, . ij v ill i ss t no hi tintin i: ... i v . on of R P Q J .u j .' . . rT" iu " "r?t l"c ,4UU - tne plans he has already made ! 35th YEAR AIHAT SHAOUUA SHOULD IE A KNOW Question Asked By Teachers In Graded School Causes Much Interest. THREE ANSWERS RECEIVED 3ne Gentleman Advocates Busi ness and Domestic Science Courses. MUCH FERTILIZER BEING SHIP PED FROM'THIS POINT. Unusually large shipments of ferti lizer are being made from this section just at thjs time. Not only are the (railroads handling heavy shipments ot Hoyd Allen, head of the' Allen clan. 01 tms class of goods but each day a Efforts have been made to place the numor of boats come here to receive responsibility for the effort to save car8oes from the factories and ware- L aude Allen after Governor Mann nouscs ln and around the 'city. At left the State. Senator Claude A. the fert'ler plants men are working Swanson has been drawn into the case. 001,1 day and ni8nt in order to supply it is charged that the junior Senator tne dema"d asked Lieutenant-Governor El ysoh to ! i.c rtcuun in tne matter. Senator Swanson denies this, saying he was asked to cal up Richoipnd over the long distance tele phone andX when he did so he was consu ted by the Lieu-, tenant-Governor as toithe Allen case. The last few hours respite given the Aliens, it is charged, was preliminary to an effort to get a commutation to t hi' pert and engineer recently employed flight wi I be made in thirty six hours, by the Craven county Hoard of Com-1 lncludlng one stop in rnidocean. missioners. and he ! r:..l ;.l..i I Tentative arrangements, fie savi w v ft iiiiptanni i, . - ' ik with the ""vc tt"uy een maae with tlieLu- ..... ..lcsleu nardi WhUe Sur and Anqhor stea(ngh. cuzens living along the ,oad? lines, who will instruct' the .rantin. -j . . . i i . . i ma witn tneir nearty co-opear:ion. jot tne vessels to keep a sharp look- The law does no require property out Jor the aeroplane. No wireless owners to give their land for the pur- V E" Camed- tvcrVthing pose of making a raod wider, but so chine Ljl be as ftt .. Ill a anxious are the people that in a num- altitude of 1,200 feet wi 1 be main- ber of instances they have voluntarily tained throughout, allowed several feet of their land to Tne aeroPlane will be a Burgess be taken in order to make the toed r''ght' wkPnton floa a"d will wider oe constructed in Marblehead, Mass., r.e.t month. The eneine will he a In Arlrlitinn tnttiic wrt A D.. I. l j e . i ukci iovi 1 I v t 1 1 y seiteieu n ty-norse power in each township along the route and mtr, and will be subjected to rigid it will be the duty of these men to sec t0s.ts beforc .bt'!lg fute:1 t0 tIlc n a that the road is at all times kept in chlT'e good condition. Formerly this road e c1ulPment will consist of sixty has, at times been almost inin.-iss.-.hl,. Uallon3 cf gasolene enough for fifteen and many persons were kept from 10 ci8hteen hours' flying five pounds coming to New Bern to do their trading UI -u"ucnsea "l "n thermos flasks MOVIES RE ARE IN PROSPECT lie t Itl i .ri- ..i ....... . C . I , I .. ui me aeatn sen tence of Caude A en. PARTY AT BRIDEGTON WAS A SUCCESS IN EVERY WAY. Scvcnty-tix dollars were realized from the basket party and bazaar held by the Ladies' Aid Society of the Bridgeton M. E. church Friday night. Miss Mattic Barrington, who hofds a position at Edward Clark's cigar store SEVERAL NEW SHOWS COM SOON IF PLANS MATERIALIZE. If the plans of several !ocal people materia ize, the New Bern public will have an opportunity to taking their pick of sevcra' moving picture shows during the summer months. In ad dition to the moving picture machines which wi. be placed at Ghent Park and at Glenburnic Park, a company is now endeavoring to secure a suitable in tli.i city, was awarded a beautifi:! I location down in the on.;-.. silk pilh.w for beirg ti e racst attractive citjj for a vaudeville and moving young lady prtsent. This pillow picture tneatrc. This company have brought fifty-six dollars. The money eady secured a contract for secured at the party will be donated picture service and have also select to the arsenal fl,nd d their fixtures up t I time have not fully decided upon the r (location. At "present they have an WILL REPRESENT HUPOMOBILE (Opportunity of securing a building on lKfc.. inroatl StICCt but have not rerrheA a "lehnitc cecision in r girds to taking this. If a buildirg suiLiUc to their wants cannot be secured in time fcr opening in a few weeks they will prob bably put up an "airdeme" thcatri and uce that for a month cr two. . f Greenville was in the cily yesterday and expects to be here for several weeks, pessibly longer, rcprcoenling ihe Hupp Motor Car Company of Detroit. !JciH demon strate the car while in the ciy ard proposes to sliow to all interested that if they are thinkitJf of buying a car thoy wtmld not fail to consider tie claims of ihe He p,Unobi!e. Mr. W b pent two years in the Ilcpp factcry at Detroit. Wilson trying to get in touch with newspaper men. Headline. That ought" not to lie diffic .lt unless the Washington s iccies cf the nnimal are different from those of the rest of tie country. and in this manner the local merchant have lost considerable money, but in the future this condition will be en tirely changed. Several weeks more of work will be required before the road will be completed.! two pairs of night glasses, a compass and some rockets and coston lights. When complete, with fuel and equip ment, excl.s've of the avttors, the machine w II only weigh 1,500 pounds. Law is confident that the flight will be successful. He says that he would not undertake it were it not for the perfect understanding that exists be tween himself and Brown. They have made many hazardous flights together. WHISKEY ADVERTISING. , We hasten to congratulate the Colum bia State on its decision to accept no more whiskey advertisements. More than two years ago, the new owners A the Daily News refute f to accept advertisements of whiskey horses, even at a personal sacrifice. Since that time other papers have discontur. ed takii uch advertisements, until now there ire very few papers in this Stale that will accept such business. In dis- c ntinuing whiskey advertisements the '2,500 WORTH INJECTED INTO state savs that it is out of rpsonrt to 5 1 LIVER OF MAL- USE RADIUM FOB CURE OF CANCER the prohibition sentiment that exists in South Carolina, and "we conceive that the appearance of advertisements of whiskey is distasteful, if not offensive to them. Having reached that con clusion we have determined to surrender the few thousand dollars annually derived from that source in preference to publishing advertising that is jarring to the sensibilities of some of the State's readers." Verily the days of the liquor traffic as an organized and legalized business ire numbered. Some day, maybe, the 'bli d tiger" will become an extinct pecies. Greensboro Daily News. COLM WATSON. Many beautiful Lines of Sum mer Dress Goods Just Received 63 Middle Street, A. B. SUGAR, New Bern, N. C. Bellair Stock and Fruit Farm. G. T. RICHARDSON, Proprietor. IM Mock! V ' tCd 'J iim and G T. RlCHARDSOPs' New Brm. N. C , R P n i , IV.0.19, B.-ilair Ln?,'4 GIRL SUFFERED TERRIBLY At Regular Intervals Says Lydia E. Pinkhaih's Vege table Compound com pletely cured her. Adrian, Texas. "I take pleasure in adding my testimonial to the great list and hope that it will be of interest to suf fering women. For four years I suffered untold agonies at regular intervals. Such pains and cramps, severe chills and sickness at stom ach, then finally hem orrhages until I would, be nearly blind. I had five doctors and none of them could do more than relieve me for a time, " I saw your advertisement In a pa per and decided to try Lydia E. Pink hara's Vegetablo Compound. I took seven boxes of it and used two bottles of the Sanative Wash, and I am com pletely cured of my trouble. When I began taking the Compound I only weighed ninety-six pounds and now I weigh one hundred and twenty-six pounds. If anyone wishes to address ma in person I will cheerfully answer dl letters, as I cannot speak too highly, of the Plnkham remedies. "Miss Jes sie Marsh, Adrian, Texas.' Hundreds of such letters expressing gratitude for the good Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has accom plished are constantly being received, proving the reliability of this grand old remedy Ml Philadelphia, April 4. Physicians in this city will watch with interest The result of an injection of one three-hun-dredths of an ounce of radium into the liver of Malcolm Watson, as a cure fcr cancer. v The operation was performed in the Methodist Erjjcopal Hosp:tal by Dr. G. J. SchwartzX The radium was Several weeks ago we sent out seven letters to various men and women in Mew Bern asking for opinions as t) what a High School graudate should enow and be able to do. Up to date we have received three answers which neans one of two things either the question is very difficult to answer or . U . . . . Lucie is nine interest in wnat and now we teach in the school. Letter No. fc "A High School graduate should be ible to enter the State University without conditfon. The tax payers who desire to send their children to college, should not be compelled to have them take a course away from home preparatory to entering college. Should a child desire to enter busi ness, he would have sufficient grounding to enable him to handle any of the prob lems which come up in an ordinary business career, if your curriculum equals the entrance examinations re quired by the best colleges, otherwise he would not This letter gives two clear answer to the question. This gentleman opinion coincides, in the main, with the ideas and plans of those in charge of our High School at present and cidentally this opinion is about th same as the recent report of a com mittee of experts of the National Edu cation Association. With one more year in High School in which a practi cal business course including steno graphy, book-keeping and typewrit ii shall be taught to those desiring s.ic a course, and all the entrance rjquire ments for college entrance be give to those who plan further study, we think the school will be meeting the needs of the majority of thq pupil and the public in genera Letter No. 2. "Replying to you recent favor in regard to my idea of what a High School graudate should know and be able to d,, will state that I think every parent that allows their boy or girl to go thnugh the High bchool to b; prepared for college, with the idea of sendng them to college is able to pay for the preparatory school that they may enter college. 1 think, therfore, that ot:r High School should give the boy or girl a business course, or in the case of the girls who select, a domestic science course. There are many boys and girls who are not able to go to college, but after finishing the High School have to go to work, and I think it would be far more practical to offer these boys and girls a practical business course that would fit them to earn their own living." The first point made in this letter sounds reasonable enough until you FUNERAL SERVICE VERY IMPRESSIVE MANY FRIENDS GATHER TO PAY LAST TRIBUTE OF RESPECT TQ MRS. BANGERT. brought to Philadelphia bv Fr. Otto ct tlle lacts- 1" an investigation made Brill, an Austrian chemist, now livimr this week in our Hi8h School, there in Pittsburgh. were 23 wno tnou8ht their parents The dote put into Watson's liver was werc ab,e t0 ECnd them t0 a preparatory worth just $2,500. It is believed that ; scno0' uPon finishing our Grammar the radii m rays will act on the cancer as they do on a number of diseases School, which consissts of seve n grades There were 73 who did not think they was a local applitation of con inc. and gradually kill it. Several pro. jcojld afftrJ much more, if any, training minent medical men witnessed the if were not for our Hi8n School. The operation. The only anasethc.ic used 21 above if in school elsewhere would take irom New Bern to build up other towns about $400.00 each or $9,200 JESUS SALVE JESUS SAVE. i in all twice what the entire High (Lines to a" long enfeebled invalid) j School now costs. Life's barqr.c sai's oft some troubled s:a, ' Thc 8CCOnd Pint in this letter in Where storm winds spray the foan.ing rferelce t0 a buginess course is all wave right if the business course is placed That Barque must have a sheltering lea whcrc lt is POS9iolc t0 mean something, Jesus Salve Jesus Save. viz: a pupil who finishes the seventh grade our last grammar grade is j not capable of mastering a business 'course that woOid be acceptable in ! the business world. Sucli a pupil ' does riot know enough English grammar, composition, spelling, etc.: his range !of information is too limited and his powers are not Hevefopcd sufficiently to grasp the ordinary problems of to 'day and then wc would glut the mar ket with stcn g aphcrs and typewriters Some haven grant-some healthful mom and nobody coi.ld make a living If the Some quiet shore where ripples lave one hundred and od,l who are in High Where may thy barque find peaceful S001 wcre a" t0 pursue thi course Above is all a cloud abyss And all below a watery grave In life's dark storm like this Jtsus Salve Jesus Save. W hilome fo.- some on Galilee Thou stayed its rising wave Such mercy show now Lord to thee Jesus Salve Jesus Save. dawn Jesus Salve Jesus Save. But if for barque no rising sun She sinks beneath the seething wave Help us to say "Thy will be done". Jesus Salve Jesus Save. James I'crman V arki New Bern, N. C. to of study. Wc have shown that all the development along the line of formal jdisicipline of tlur-body and mind, -that the average citizen of New Bern is to !gct, must come from our public SehpUi. What sort of a town will wc have twer.-ty-five years- from now, if ist people only have that degree of culture given ' n t ,(, rtrtman, anl .1 . - in i iinmi j nuu giuinmai 1 a II b with a business course added? Letter No. 3. "In reply to voir M want tMri aeniMM) ijnm, nan be openta! read t Miis Luoise Hcrndon. assistant Rev. J. B. Phi lip, pastor of Taber- leUcr of recent (date asking my "idea nacle Baptist church, will leave Moi - 01 nat Ml8n Schoql graduate sho.dd day afttrnoin for HuuiersviPe, (la., knov,-and be able to do', will say that to make lh pre iminary arrange n e it tne "rw "swriai to is secure thc grad for a revival which Mr. Phillips will uats- 8,nce nine,v P" cent othoae coi d ict there, beginrirg next week. wno entcr acbo roP our before reacb , - , , ; mg thc tenth grade. FOR SALE I 'R con'tlerinK ,lu g',0l of all children ui i vw m i ii u uu.t not signuy very 1 adrlee write to few bushels of long stai.lt cottiB muc'1 what the ten who graduate (a h The funeral of Mrs. Caroline Ban- gert, who died early Wednesday morn ing, was conducted yesterday after noon at 4 o clock from Centenarj Methodist church of which she had been a member for many years. The Liiurcn was well tilled with friends of the family who had gathered to pay their last trbuteof respect to the de parted one. Very impressive services' according to the ritual of the Methodist church were conducted by the pastor, Rev. J. B. Hurly. The musical program in cluded the sorig, "Some Day We'll Understand", very effectively renderec by C. T. Pumphrey, and "Lead, Kind ly Light", the latter hymn being sung by the choir as the funeral party lefi the church. The burial took place at Cedar Grove cemetery where the body wa3 placed in a vault. There was a profusion of floral designs, one of the largest col lections evqr seen at a funeral here. some of the especially handsome of ferings were a beautfiul pillow of white carnations and lillies sent by the Elk of which Albert Bangert, son of the deceased, is a prominent member; large and beautiful wreath sent by Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Craig of Gas tonia, and a handsome design from the Womani Missionary Society of Cen tcnary Methodist church, Mrs. Ban gert having been one of the chartei members of that organization. There were al o many other designs, some of them coming from friends of the family in dislant States. The pall-bearers werc as follows Honorary T. A. Green, L. H. Cutler 1. A. Henry, E. B. Hackburn, Dr. R s. Primrose, Thomas Daniels. W. Willott, IL B. Smith; active Dr. R D. V. Jones, B. B. Hurst, D. M. Robert A. E. Hibbard, Fred Whitty, George Uail, hdward Clark, J. H. Hartsfield IHE COLONEL DRINK TOO MUCH friends Testify For Him In His Suit Against Editor Of Michigan Paper. EMPLOYS VERY ABLE LAWYER Examination of Witnesses Being Carried Forward Behind Closed Doors. NW MAGISTRATES MUST QUALIFY NEXT WEEK. ati rday of next week, April 12, will jc the last day on which a large num )cr of newly elected magistrates may ally qualify to discharge th: duties jf their office. The State law with -efcrencc to them vas ratified March 12 and a period of thirty days was al lowed in which they might qualify- by appearing beforc the Clerk of the ijpeiicr Coutr and taking the oath If the law is not complied with the nagistrates-elect will forfeit the priv lege of meting out justice and sitting is judges of their fellow-men. Washington, April 4. Did Theo- lore Roosevelt, while President, drink toxicating liquors and if so to what extent? This question came before an examiner in this city who is assisting in reparing the record in the case of fheodore Roosevelt against A. W. Vewitt, edi'nr of Iron Ore Age of Isli- peming, Mich. Editor Newitt, in the last campaign, harged in his paper that Mr. Roose velt had indulged too frequently in intoxicants. The Colonel sued for bel, characterizing the story as a malicious falsehood. He eniDloved ames IL Pound, a noted lawyer of Detroit, to take charge of his case. The newspaper cditcr retained Oscar Andrews, a lawyer of Cleveland. Messrs. Pound and And ews have been in Washington for the last two days, hearing the testimony of witm sses ?ummoncd in behalf of Col. RooseveK Admiral Dewey, Giffcrd Pinchot and other warm personal friends of Col. Roosevelt have app?ared before the examiner as "character witness cs." The proceedings, carried forward be lind closed doors, are being kept sreret :y agreement. The case wi 1 be heard o:'fore Judge Flanagan in Michigan in Vlay. Testimony in ihe case was taken in ,Tew York a short time ago. There was the same degree of secrecy. It ij ;aid that Silas McBce, editor of thc Churchman, was one of those who ap peared on behalf cf C1. Rj-jievelt, Dr. McBee was in the par-.y accom panying the Lord Bishop of Lor don :o this city when he visited President Roosevelt at thc White House. ' The Joctor was a spectator at the tennis natch between the President and thc Lord Bishop. IRElRRfFOR RAILWAY -THIEVES WILL IN THE FUTURE HAVE Q FACE THE FLDERAL COURTS. the very beginning of schools those in mthority have been trying to shape he children to fit the system. Their theory sounds very beautiful when expounded by a pedagogue, but it does not work out in practise except for a few. Thc schools arc public utilities nd should be operated for thc benefit f all thc children. Why not reverse his old order of things and give us a ystcm to fit the children!? The knowledge erf a foreign langaugc, ving or dead, is not essential in the ives of ordinary Americans, and most of us are oridianry, notwithstanding he fact that we have studied Latin n the chance that wc might want to become doctors, lawyers or teachers! L tin and German are all right, but on't try to force either on unwilling victims. If I had anyting to do with this school, I would make it possible for these pupils who do not care to take Latin of German or who fail in eiter, to complete the rest of thc course, nd receiye a certificate for the work done. This would I do until there is money enough to offer a practical ments. It is confidently expec:ed that coirse. this law will have a power. ul effect ln the past a great many have beentin breaking up thefts of thii character sacrificed to thc system, and forced which not only involve a serious loss Ut of school, at thc seventh or eighth to the railways and causes great in- grade, because they could not or would convenience to shippers and travelers not learn Latin, thereby losing thc but arc a constant menace to railway untold btncfits which they might have employes and the traveling public derived from thc High School." jsince it is notorious that car thieves This letter naturally opens up quite do cot hesita'.c to interfere with trains number -of debatable questions, or resort to other expedients to serve several of which have been pondered their own purposes, regardless of the over for many years. conferences. Washington, April, 4. Car and de pot thieves will find tl.ci.- opeations n the future more difficult than In he past and v. i 1 have to f- ce prose cution in the Federal courts as well is before State tribunals as tl e result f the bill introduced by Rcrresenta- ive Carlin of Alexandria, Vr., pass d by both houses of Congn es, and approved by thc President., This act imposes a maximum fine of $5,000 or imprisonment for not more han 10 years for any person convicted f unlawfully breaking into any rail way car containing interstate or for- ign shiprrents 01 lre:ght or ex ress, or of stealing or obtaining by fraud or deception from any car, depot, platform, vessel, or wharf, any freight, express or baggage, which constitutes or is a part of any interstate or foreign shipment. While the Carlin actjn no way in- ringes.on thc jurisdiction of thc State courts, U puts the wh le power of the Federal Department of Justice behind thc detection and presccution of persons guilty of stealing fiom cars r depots, since it will be prrctkally mpossible for thieves to diitinguish between intrastate and interstate ship- MedlelneCo. (oonfl- seed". a, lour letter Hi 1 nd answered br r. U strict eoaldene. Best quality J. E. LATHAM, Agency, New Bern, N. C, year Kneiw ana ar I It ii my opiniot FREE! FREE! ! H gh Grade Natural Tone Talk- mg and Singing Machine One Standard Talking Machine Free to even cus tomer whose cash purchase amounts to $25.00. See and hear this wonderful Instrument and learn how Easily you can obtain one at my store FARRIS NASSIF Dealer in Wholesale and Retail MdtiV, and Ladia i' F r nhhing Goods, rt-6g-7Q Middle St. New Bern, N. U

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