7) Selz Guarantee ff j 'vvr . The name Selz stamped on the J0$ r' isfaction. Remember, your dealer vL y if J&k s authorized to see that you get Jr "Sv satisfaction from every pair of S0eS eaFn maf r-jarj? jr,ssj'jr , ers- .w e sjs v 3iw ' i 11 i u i i h .1111' 11 1 ttfLiwvrr-A .rr'rvt,,,w7iM, THAT word S A-F-E is mighty satisfying --mighty gratifying. It's a dispeller of doubt and uncertainty; an assurance that you get what you went after. The buyers of SELZ shoes ire. S-A-F-E free from all doubt and uncertainty as to hovr their shoes are going to wear-for the SATISFACTORY SERVICE IS GUARANTEED. 1 The SELZ shoe leads in point of style as well as service; $3.50 $4.00 $5.00 That guarantee says the very last word as to Selz service. We would rather show you Sel vyies than talk about them. Selz styles speak for themselves. When we begin to take the lids off the boxes of the many t different new Selz models, you will take in the strongest style-sermon ever preached by fashionable tootwear for men, women and children. ' Our large stock enables uS to offer a full size range in every wanted style-conservative, medium and extreme. BROOKS and COMPANY "SELZ ROYAL BLUE" STORE Located in J. M MITCHELL'S New Building, Middle St - - - - New Bern, N. C. EB LOSES HIS LICENSE ANOTH nmuifliu KflTMBN u mil mini A vrV imall quantity of whiskey is being .shipped by freight, the bulk of ft coming by exprcsn and as thu Southern Express Company's lscal effice i just opposite Police head quarters the authorities have an ex. icetlent opportunity to watrh that I place and see juat what is going on WOULD NOT TELL POLICE WHO or rather what it going out. OWNED WHISKEY IN HIS POSSESSION. Yeaterday bd. Arthur, drayman, drove up'to the ei and went inside. Three fx 1 . 1 local sa"'l(' lorth with a a diliffent 1uartl "' wn' uc the law Police Lupton nnd P. prescribed nd A- A- 'P0 Pli poactaion. erfest. I The package containing the whiskey will appear at the Masonic theatre was consigned to II. S. Brinson but n;x?Thursday . Look at the fun-mak- I Arthur claimed that he did not know era, Charley Gano, he demonstrated tj whom it belonged. After refusing last season the best in minstrelsy. jto give the police any information Nick Glynn that funny "Nicodcmus" relative to whom the whiskey be- one of the funniest .drollest, true to ! a; "il, the Mayor ordered that his nature black face characters In his line, license to drive a dray on the streets He is a new face with Manager Coburn, I be revoked. Daily Edition, April 6. bit he b great as a fun snaker and a ! p laugh getter. Then Settle .Wilson, COBURN S MINISTERLS COMING Leiblc, Fisher, singers, dancers, co- V'- J medians, all new entertainers with Well Known Fun Makers To Be this popular attraction. Gano's new k He; Soon. iFtnak to the big First Part "Progres- Better than ever, everything new, sive Political Oratory" a scream from lh; greatest laughing show ever 6Y- start to finish. The afterpiece "Mana ganited and presented by that popular gcrlal Difficulties" another laugh get company Coburn's Greater Minstrels ting, fun making number entirely I new this csason. Those who remember Mr. Gano in "Getting the Money" and the "Mysterious Hotel" last season will require nothing else to guarantee an evenings fun and a laugh in every minute. The best male choir in its history, all the latest songs and music all that U good in minlstrelty. ANOTHER AMATEUR PLAY. Junior Auxiliary of Christ Church To Present Place. The Junior Auxiliary of Christ church have arranged for a very interesting program for next Wednesday night. "The Trouble at Satterlee's" a one act comedy will lc given by the larger girls, and a Japanese action song by B:rllia Miss Hasel Simpson the smaller girls, Also a "l air Fn- Mildred Miss Catherine Patterson counter a comedyietta will DC. giv 'ti Lou miss i.izette rerry looser by Mrs. George Stratton and MUs Miss Satterlee (the lady principal ) Lila May Willis. Admission ,25ets. Miss Lulu Disosway adults, children, 10c. K it'ilec l, the Irish servant girl Miss 'The Trouble at Satterlee's" is a . Carrie Hill. "A Fair Encounter" is very laughable It's nothing more than a war of wom en's wits. Mrs. Alice Grenville engages) hinks herself as maid, to Lady Clara to find lady o it what kind of a woman she is as boarding sthiol comedy in one act. A laugh from start to finish. One of the girls writes, a play and the Irish servant girl heari their plans i they arc going to murder principal, and tc'.ls her. Come and see how it tarns out. The cast is as follows: Dorothy Miss Rose B. Carraway Alice Miss Vida. Brock Marian Mrs. Grcnvilles brother is engaged to her. To be given Wednesday night CAST. Lady Clara St. John, Miss Lela M. Willis, Mrs. Cclia Grenville, Mrs. Miss Myrtle George Stratton, I