4 I CI amberlain's Cough Remedy ha won iti great reputation and extensiv sale by it remarkable cures of couph .colds and croup. It can be dcrendic upon. Try it. Sold by all dealer (Adv. The Red Cross is found in ever; field of death and suffering. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A Fooling people is not confircd an; longer to April 1st. FOR BURNS, BRUISES AND SORE! The quickes and surest cure foi burns, bruiser, boils, sores, inflammat tion and all skin diseases is Bucklcn's Arnica Salve. In four days it curcc' L. H. Haflin, of Iredell, Tex., of scic: on his ankle which pained him so hi could hardly walk. Shot Id be in ever; house. Only 25c. Recommended bj All dgruggists. (adv ) Well, Mr. Taft will not have to waii long until school is out for the summer. Many sufferers from rheumatism have been surprised and delighted with the prompt relief afforded by applying i. namucuain s Liniment. INot one case of rheumatism in ten requires any internal treatment whatever. Thie liniment is for sale by all dealers. (Adv.) Those London officials seem to have been pulling the wires over the wireless. You can say goodbye to constipation vith a clear conscience if you use Cham crlain's Tables. Many have been permanently eerec? by their i.sc. For ale by all dealers. (Adv.) A clever woman is enc who-makes the ther woman think herself clever. A PLEASANT PHYSIC. When you want a pleasant physic nve Chamberlain's Tablets a trial. They are mild and gentle in their ictio, and always produce a pleasant athartic effect. For sale by all deal's- (Adv.) After a woman has married for money ,nd gets a ho"sekcepcr's meagre salary he believes that her husband is un-rrateful. FOR I ASES OF THE SKIN. Nearly all diseases of the skin such as czema, tetter, salt rheum and barbers' tch are characterized by an- itching md smarting, which often makes life i burden and disturbs sleep and rest. )t:ick relief may be had by applying ."hamberlain's Salve. It allays the itching and smarting almost instantly. Many cases have been cured by its tse. For sale by all dealers. (Adv ) About two-thirds of the average man's !atightcr is inspired by his own alleged wit. DRIVE SICK HEADACHE AWAY Sick headaches, sour gassy stomach indigestion, biliousness disappear quick ly after you take Dr. King's New Life Pills. Ttyey purify the blood and put new life and vigor in the system. Try them and you will be well satisfied. Every pill helps; every box guaranteed. Price 25c. Recommended by all drug gists. (Adv.) PAINS IN THE STOMACH If you continually complain of pains in the stomach, your liver or your kid neys arc out of order. Neglect may lead to dropsy, kidney trouble, diabetes or Bright's disease. Thousands recom mend Electric Bitters as the very best stomach and kidney medicine made. H. T. Alston, of Raleigh, N. C, who suffered with pain in the stomach and back, writes: "My kidneys were de ranged and my liver did not work right. I suffered much, but Electric Boitters was reemmended and I im proved from the first dose. I now feel like a new man." It will improve you, too. Only 50c and $1.00. Recom mended by all druggists. PROFESSIONAL ROMULUS A. NIHW Attorney and Counselor at Lav Omen 50 Craven Strut TetephndNoir!)7 and 801 NEW BERN, N. C. Simmons & Ward Attorneys and Counselors at Law Office, Rooms 4G1-2-3 Elks Building, New Bern, N. C. MBNDAY WEEK ADVERTISING AGENT ANNOUNC ES SEVERAL NEW AND THRILLING ACTS. E. A. Kennedy, advertising agent and local contractor for the johnny Jones Carnival Company, is in the city making arrangements for the opening of that company for a week's engage ment at Genth Park, commencing Practices in the counties of Craven next Monday, April 14. The carnival Duplin, Jones, Lenoir, Onslow, Cartel et, Pamlico and Wake, in the Suprem and Federal Courts, and wherever set vices are desired. will be under the auspices of New Bern Steam Fire Engine Company, No. 1. Mr. Kennedy states that the com nanv hap this timp a number of features UK. ERNEST U, ARMSTKONb. that it did not have when here last Oetnnnaihir Phucirinn September. It is featuring this season (RKGISTKHtfD) Rooms 320-321 Elk's Temple. Hours: 10 to 1 2, 2 to 4 and 7 to 9. CHRONIC DISEASES A SPECIALTY Ten j-ears experience in treating chron tc aiseases. Complete Electrical Equipment. Do ycu wear a truss? If so, let me show you my special make. For ab ages, from baWes up 1 I PHONE 70L & . . Q 1 1 ' I "The Democrats sweep Chicago," well, what city in the country needed sweeping more. QUICK RELIEF FOR RHEUM A TISM. George W. Koous, Lawton, Mich says: "Dr. Detcheen's Relief for Rheu matism has given my wife vonderfu benefit for rheumatism. She could not lift hand or foot, and had to be lifted for two months. She began the use of the remedy and improved rapidly On Monday she could not move and on Wednesday she got up, dressed her elf and walked out for breakfast." Sold by Bradham Drug Co. Adv.) Ine Hon. J. Ham Lewis appears to te "the Ham whatam." Kansas City Star. 1 You judge a man not by what he promises to do, but what he has done. That is the only true test. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy judged by this standard has no superior. People everywhere speak of it in the highest terms of praise. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) After all, it isn't everybody who can own a governor. Philadelphia Press Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Many a man is right in his way, but the way is wrong. Children are much more likely to contract the contagious diseases when they have colds. Whooping cough diphtheria, scarlet fever and consti pation are diseases that are often con tracted when the child has a cold. That is why all medical authorities say be ware of colds. For the quick cure of colds you will hml nothing better than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It can always be depended upon and is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) It's all right for Mr. Knox to aspire to Penrose's Senate seat, so along as he does not intend to apply "dollar dip lomacy" to the task of getting it. Philadelphia North American. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children. Bj Kind You Haw Always Bought Bears the Signature of Oscar V. Babcock in his sensational death loop and flume "act. This is ,aid to be a great thriller and to be immensely popular with the people. Babcock'. act is a free attraction is is also the act of Thomas Quincy and wife who do a double high dive into a shallow tank of water from a height of 104 feet. The latter is also a new attraction and is said to make the folks who attend sit up and take notice. Another new one and the only thing of the sort on the road at this time is :he celebrated motordome. This is a motorcycle act participated in by two daring riders and is a first rate act in every respect. It is a paid attraction. . -rle 'The show is ud to our usual hish rti,,' standard, and thensome," said Mr. zine ;ssuc( by the New Bern Gas Com CARDUI WORKED LIKEA CHARM After Operation Failed to Help, Cardui Worked Like a Charm. Jooesvllle, 8. C. "I suffered with womanly trouble," writes Mrs. 3. S. IJendrlclc. in letter from this place, "and at times, I could not bear to stand on my feoL The doctor said I would never be any better, and that I would hare to hare an operation, or I would have a cancer. I .went to the hospital, and they oper ated on me, but I got no better. They said medicines would do me no good, and I thought I would have to die. At last I tried Cardui, and began to Improve, so I continued using it Now, I am well, and can do my own wort I don't feel any pains. Cardui worked like a charm." There must be merit in this purely vegetable, tonlo remedy, for women Cardui for it has been in successful use for more than BO years, for the treatment of womanly weakness and disease. Please try it, for your troubles. ft. B. Write to: Udlss Advisory Dpt. wnopi Mdlchie Co., Chuttsnooes. Tann.. for Sprrxal Inttrurtims. mi 64-pano took, Homj TreatmW a Warns." us! la cltls vrcsptr. on r?UMt WOMEN Women of the luVbest type, women of superior einctlioD and refineraent, whose dicceraarsJ and judgment give weight u force to their epiaiv-ss, higWj 'praise the wonderful correciiv and curative properties of Chxra Iwrlain's Stomach t Hivcr Tab let!. Thron ?Hcs! tSc mtay sfc. . - ft. t JJ,. - J or woman me, iras gu.uv.ra, ; through the ords&ls of racf h .- hood to the declioi; yesrs, Bu' e is so safer or nore reL' .!! roed irbe. Qimherkiu't Tabi. are sold everywhere ;.t 25c a box. OMldreu Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A No Cordelia, the matches made in heaven are never used for the purpose jl lighting cigarettes. Fresh lot of RUBBER BANDS just received. Give us your next order. E. J. Land Printing Co. Phone 8. i I Or.c must dig in order to appreciate I the dignity of labor. Such a good headway is being made cn the new tariff legislation that it j appears that the extra session can re vise the tariff, shape up the currency ' situation a bit and attend to a good 1 many little odds and. ends before knock ing off for the summer. NEW MAGAZINE MAKES ITS INITIAL APPEARANCE. D. I. Wi .Rlr ATTORNEY AN D.J . COUNSELLOR AT LAW Hughes Building, Craven Street Kennedy in talking about the coming pany. is just from the press. The maga LA FRANCE OXFORDS first issue of the "Monthly a very neat 1 4 page maga - NEW BERN, N. C. LWXHZraSSa that the johnny Jones aggrega Pamlico and wherever services art tn alwavs K'ves- and they w,n not desired. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A THE MARKETS. April 7 1913 COTTON (Quotations furnished by G. V. Tay lor & Son.) Middling 12 1-8 cents Strict Middling, 12 1-4 " Good Middling, 12 3-8 " POULTRY, EGGS, ETC. (Quotations furnished by Coast Line Meat Market). Chickens Grown, pair 60-80 Carl Daniels Attorney and Counsellor At Law Practices wherever are required. Office in Masonic Building BAYBORO, N. C. Local and Loner Distance Phone big event." The people may come 2:n ;s reDiete with useful information expecting the high class of entertain-1 and interesting reading matter and is worth a place in any home. It is de voted to the interest of the household in general and the management of the company want every one of its patrons to have a copy of it caclr month. Copies mav be obtained without cost at the company's office on Middle street. We now have in stock The La France line of Oxfords in White, Tan and Black. - - - PHONE 190 go away disappointed," he added. George T. Willis ATTORN EY-AT-LAW REPRESENTS EXTENSION WORK OF G. F. S. SOCIETY. Miss Eleanor Lewin, of Washingtcn, D. C, secretary of the Gir s' Friend y society Extension Work, is in the services city as the house guest of Mrs. F, C. Roberts on Po ock street and wi be here unti Tuesday. Tomorrow even ing at 7:30 at the parish house she wou d ike to meet a the Gir s' Friend- y Society members of the city, the Riverside branch being most corida y invited to attend with the Christ church branch and meet Miss Lewin MOVES FROM BEAUFORT TO NEW BERN. J. K. Hollowell has resigned his po sition with the Beaufort Drug Co. and with his family, will leave shortly for Chickens Half-grown pair 40-70 SOCraVeU St. Wcw Bern.N-C. New Bern, where he has accepted a Praclloe Wherever Ser vice is Required. Geese, per pair $1.25-1.5.1,, Ducks, per pair 50 1.00 Eggs, per doz Ll$ Hams, country, smoked, lb l8 Beeswax, lb 1 Wool, 16 to 1 Wool, .16 tol? Hogs, dressed, lb 10-10 1-2 Beef, dressed, lb 8- Hides G. S., lb .9 Green, lb. ( Dry Flint', lb 12-14 Dry Salt, lb 10-12 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. (Quotations by New Bern Produce Company). Irish potatoes new crop $2.50 Sweet potatoes, bushel 50 Rutabagas, hundred $1.00 Collards head, .02 Turnips bunch, .03 SOUTHERN EXPRESS BUILDING .1 ASK YOUR DOCTO ? epsi-Cola lucartive position with C D Bradham's drug store. The people of Beaufort do not like to see the Hollowells leave but wish them good luck in their new Home. F. Roland Bell, who his been with the Beaufort Drug Co. for some time, will succeed Mr. Hollowell as manager and druggist. Beaufort News, April 4. E. B. Hackburn 11 1 1 Cabbage, barrel Spinach, basket. $1.00 to $1.25 .50 usxv a a 1 ,.t i ..1 i, . rOF 1 hirSt IninkCrS. cpt the first caucus of Progressive representatives held rnday in Wash ington . Not having sufficient numbers to make much of a showing the Pro gressives have to . make a big noise in order not to bo overlooked. SAVE THE CROWNS they are valuable. Write for catalog Pepsi-Cola Co., New Bern, N. C. SOLID CAR LOAD OF Armour's Grape Juice JUST Ju'mm THE Popularity of ARMOURS GRAPE JUICE is based on quality. This product is pure, unfermented, unsweetened, undiluted. Our factories at Mattawan, Mich., and West field, N. Y., are rpodels of cleanliness each is equipped with every modern sanitary device and appliance. : : : : We choose the cream of the Concord Crop. The quality of AR MOUR'S GRAPE JUICE is unsurpassed. We invite other brands for comparison. : : : : : : Drink it at meals and between meals serve it to guests and the children. Ask your Duggist, Confectioner or Grocer for AR MOUR'S GRAPJ JUIC Armour & Company, NEW BERN, NORTH CAROLINA. Stover is a Good Engine Redfern Corsets Sold Under Our and the Factory's Guarante. EASY TERMS And 1' aid old England is the lilft place wh re one would expect to he. i of women engaging in arson and wanttn defacement of property just I a they are not given the right to vote the moment they apply for it. COUGHS AND CONSUMPTION Coughs and colds, when neglected, always lead to serious trouble of the lungs The wisest thing to do when you have a cold that troubles you is to get bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery You will get relief from the first dec, and finally the cough will disappear. O. H. Brown, of Muscadine, Ala., writes "My wife was down in bed with an obstinate cough, and I honsetly be lieve had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery, she would not be living today." Known for forty-three years aa the beat remedy for coughs and colds Price 50c. ana $1.(K). Recommended by all druggists. (Adv.) VI J. ALL Ladies are cordi ally invit ed to call at our store anxHnspect our new line of REDFERN CORSETS Every pair guar anteed. Also a new line of the Warner's and R. & G. corsets just in. : : : : : tWA w kWW Wi sHasMBsB v gm jH Bit tsflpsaHaVslBVEfi IgL ps i. v ' .J:i J. BAXTER Temple Department Store w rays' Fre Trial. This A! ill Guaranteed t Make Gocd Meal. The young wMow begins to talk abort l?l- ber Ute husband early in life, I H1K.S WeH. v T r : 4ine For Seven Years and Haven't a Dissatisfied Customer. We Carry These Engines and Supplies in Stock. Hy man Supply Co. New Bern, N. C. Everything Forthe Mill and Farm POO