WEEKLY JOURNAL ESTABLISHED 1878. i'ubiisiuii in Two Sections, every Tuesday and Friday at N. 46 Pollock K. J. LAN I1 PRINTING COMPANY PROPRIETORS. SUBSCRIPTION SATE. Two Months . 1 -20 Thre e Months -25 nt Months -50 Twelve Month. , 1-OT Only in advance. Advertising rates furnished upon r r plication at the office, or upon In quiry by mail. Entered at the Postoffice, New Bern, N. C. as second-cl iss matter. Notice. George Ipock has been appoint ed agent for the Journal at Ernul. He will receive and receipt for pay ments on subscription or advertis ing and is prepared to let not on ly the Ernul subscribers but many others in the same section includ ing Vanceboro and Vanceboro R. F. D. 3 know how their accounts stand, If you have any business with the Journal call on Mr. Ipock The suffragette prcblem doubtless makes the Irish Home rule problem leck issy to the Eritishers. Prisoners who won't cat and doctrinaiies who burn and deface property ; re well calculated to make the authorities feel that thciis is not a bed of rests. The loss of life as a result of the Ohio and Indiana deeds has betn pared down to 454. This is quite a fall from the f.ve and ten t hoi sand figures which prevailed a short wl ile ago. But this is a mat'.tr where nobody las mega lomania. Tie smalkr the figures the better evirybody will be pleated. The world is full of contrasts but none of them sharper than that af forded by the vast number of peo ple in this and othtr countries in actual want of sufficient nourishing food on he one hand and on the other those English siiffrnrcttcs who are being fed l.ke the Irishman i layed the fiddle by main strength and awkwardness. The ante-primary camapign in New Bern has surely been a tame affair, except as to the mayoralty and that h :s not been sensationally exciting. If we are not to have government by commission, the I ldcrmen ought to be paid seme amount approximating what the time that they devote to the city is worth. Then, perhaps .there would be something of a scramble for the places end suitable men would hot i avc to be dragooned into running fcr ( ffice. There should be some way at all events to inject mere ginger into the campaigns. It is pretty hard for the voter to go v. rong in today's primary election. 1 ho candidates are a tolerably likely combinatii n. In making such choice a has to he made it occurs to us that the contrdling consideration with the vote.- shot Id be to select the candi dates who will be the most apt to go into cff.ee with no promises as to who shall have the offices and with no strings of any sort tied to them. Level headed business men who have no axes to grind and no political debts to lettle are the men in all elections who should get the support of the dis criminating voter. CANT' DODGE THE ISSUE. It will take a backbone of iron to enable the President to withstand the pressure which is being and will be 1 rought to bear on him to swerve him from his determination to use his in fluence to the full limit to sec to it that that Democrats in Congress adhere to pl.it 'n: in pledges as to tariff revision. But that's the sort of backbone that he possesses. The policy of the Demo cratic party as to the tariff may be t'c wrong i I icy and its adoption may hi ve i nti ward rest 1 s that the Presk'ei t and the other rpcstl s of tariff reform c'o not fo.esre, bi t it is thf Pcmo r; tic pclc ai.d the one on which it went into piwer and it is hard to stc how it can oodge the issue. We do not sec how such a pt licy ca be inaugurated wi.hout the industries affected being more or less injured through fome of the tariff experts claim that this is not impossible. But whether it can or not, the Democrats have their pledges to carry out and to carry them out they arc in honor boi ncl. Else, platforms are made to get in on and not to stand on. Suppose the British Government rhould let Mrs. Pankhurst starve tt death. What then? Mrs. Pankhurst would be held up by her fellow suf fragettes as a martyr. But we think that the common sense part of the world would feel tha. if a person prefers to starve to death when he can get the food necessary to prevent star- vation there is nothing to do but let u. . ., . .us. I him do it. In some State, in this coun- f try attempted suicwe is a crime and involves a serious penalty Perhaps Mrs. Pankhurst should get three ad .r i. 1. 1 , 7 monkey busines Washington, April 7. "Wanted: A Naval Ptlicy," will be the ruling thene when the Navy League of the United States meets here Thursday 1st its eighth annual looventlosh The Navy League shouldn't worry. It has a boas who is clever at evolving policies and resourceful and effective in getting them put in opi rat on. Under Joscphus Dan Js the American nav mill have a pel cy . It may not be a wise one, but it will not be cor.spic uo is for its non-existence. Interest over the postoflices is said to be at fever heat in Washingtor But Dr. Wilson is said to be distress ingly cool. Colonel Gorgas, the one man per haps who ought to know, says the Panama Canal is not a canal By the same token, we presume it is also wrong to cill it "the big ditch". Democratic statesmen who have been wobbly on the tariff are showing re markable stiffness of conviction now that it has at last come to a show down. Not as bitter a pill as it looked, some of them no doubt are saying. The Raleigh News and Cbserv.r says that the search and seizure law is iffective, that all it needs is enforce ment. Enforcement, aye, there's the rub. If it were as easy to enforce a law as it is to pass it, life would be one grand .sweet song. If the North Carolina law-makers had worked out as complete a program for raising money with which to meet Sta'e expenses as the Democratic lea lers in Coneress apoear to have done in the task of raising money with which to meet national expenses, citizens of the State generally would feel better satisfied. Many of President Wilson's admirers will refuse to approve of his course in going in person to deliver his message to Congress. Of course it doesn't make any difference intriniscally wheth er the President's iressage is read by the President ot somebody else, but as the Doctor has been breaking a good many precedents his latest achieve ment is likely to make the people think that he is overdoing the thing a bit. A syndicte writer is having a lot to say under the head, "The truth About Mexico," but he is so volminous that it is safe to assume that the greater part of it is pure guesswork. "Morse has regained his ships", says a news dispatch. Mr. Morse is a tolerably active plunger and operator for a man who a short while ago was so bad off that if he remained in prison a month or so longer he would incur risk of death. Congress not in a long time has paid such attention to a Presidential message as it did Tuesday when Wood row Wilson read his in person. The scholar in politics is perhaps the man who would be most expected to smash precedents. For he is the man most apt to know just what precedent is based on and whether or not the be ginnings of a precedent were grounded in reason. Icebergs are reported near the grave of the ill-fated Titanic. The mysterious thing about this report is what the ship that did the reporting was doing around the graveyard of the Titanic. Almost anybody must be good enough navi gator to understand that where the Titanic sank is a gooel lace to stay away from. By the way, the first anniversary of the sinking of that great ship, which was one of the great est and most dramatic disasters ef modern times, falls on next Tuesday. ELECTING SENATORS BY POPU LAR VOTE. Direct election of United States Senators became one of the provisions of the constitution of the United States by Connecticut's ratification of the amendment to that effect on Tucs diy. A few years ago the person who predicted that this would happen would nave been laughed at in many quarters. Election of Senators by the people had many elements of danger the old-line conservatives firmly be lieved, nut it doesn t make the upper house of a legislative body wild or radical to be elected by the people me senate oi north Carolina has been elected by the people all the while and we don't think there ever was one that was not pointed to as the in strumcntality that saved the State from the radicalism of the House, The United States will not go to the bow-wows as a result of the States electing their Senalo s by popular vote instead of by the legislatures. Can v0'j Doubt ll? When the Proof Can Be So Easily Investigated. When so many grateful citizens of New Bern testify to benefit derived from Doan's Kidne- Pills, can you do. .bt the evidence? The proof is not fsr away it is almost at your door. Read what a resident of New Bern says about Doan's Kidney Pills. Can yi.u demand more convincing testi mony? C. F. Harget, 47 Burns St., New Bern. N. ('., says: "I m just as pleased to endorse Doan's Kidi ey Pills at this time as I was after I first used them some some years ago. My djck ached a great deal and I had pain through my kidneys which plainly showed that I was anuctcet wun Kieincy complaint. Doan's Kidney Pills were procured he Bradnam D Cfc ;d th . effectively removed my trouble that I have only had need of them once since th-n. At that time they again acted p.omptly and gave me entire sctea relief. I know that this preparation acts as represented and is wcrthy of, the hit host Draise." fcr sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, New York, sole agents for the United cAt(l Remember the name Doan's and ( take, no other. Personals TUESDAY, APRIL 8. Mrs. W.F. Dowdy left yesterday morn ing fcr a several weeks visit with re latives at Elizabeth City. Clu de White spent Sunday at New port isiting friends. O. L. Smith of Charlotte arrived in the city yesterd ty for a visit w ith friends Miss Minnie Simpson of Birming ham, Ala., is the guest of Mrs. H. B Marks, on Union street. Mrs. John Pearce and children left yesterday afternoon for their home at Polloksville after a visit with Mrs. Pearce's parents Mr: and Mrs. J. B. Watson. Mrs. J. C. Thomas returned yester day from a vjt with relatives at Newport. E. H. Gorham left yeste day for a business vis t at Morehead City. D. W. Richardson of Dover was among the business visitors in the city yesterday. Chief of Police W. G. Rouse of Dover was in the city yesterday attending to some official busine s George Attmore returned yesterday from a -short visit with relatives at Stonewall. J H. Morton of North Harlowe was in the city yesterday. Mrs. W. Y. Warren cf Edcnton ar rived in the city last evening and is a guest of her son, T. D. Warren. W. B. Blades left last evening for a business trip to Morehead City. Carl L. Daniels of Bayboro returned home yesterday morning after a short professional visit in the city. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 9. J. W. Stewart left last evening for a j Dusiness trip to ooiusooro. v,. a. . , ; the busines: visi ors in the city yes- terday. Miss Mary Thompson of Pamlico spent yesterday in the city the guest of relatives. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. foy left yester day for a visit with relatives at New York. N. T. Rowe of Clarks was among the business visitors in the city yestcr-1 day. H. A. Marshall of Havelock spent yesterday in the city attending to business matters. George N. Ennctt is visiting relatives at Cedar Point. Frank C. Brinson of Bayboro was among the visitors in the city yester day. Miss Leona Thompson, of Jacksonville passed through the city Tuesday morning enroute to lialtimore, where she will visit friends. D. Kirk Dodney of Jacksonville was in thexity last night. H. M. Hill of the Hill Tailoring Co. has gone to Baltimarc on a business t ip. THURSDAY, APRIL 10. W. E. Patterson left yesterday for Boston on a business trip. H. A. Reel of Reclsboro was among the busniess visitors in the city yester day. J. A. Tingle of Alliance passed through the city yesterday enroute to Charlotte. Douglas Creech went to Goldsboro last evening for a short business visit. John Biddle of Fort Barnwell spent ye.-terday in the city with friends. Judge O. H. Allen left last evening fcr a short visit at Gold . boro. Miss Mary Reel of Rcelsboro was among the visitors in the city yesterday. Miss Rosa Biddle of Fort Barnwell spent yesterday in the city. J. W. Walker left last evening lir a business visit at Washington, D. C. Judge O. H. Guion left last evening for a professional visit at Goldsboro. John Guion left last evening for a professional visit at New York, N. Y. CASTORIA For Infant and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Wanted at Once Experienced well driller with outfit to put down a well at East Carolina Lum ber Company lodging camp near Olympia. Apply at once. Paint Kitch your en Paint your kitchen walls and wood work wh'tc above the wainscoatiag. It keep! soiled hands away. Its cheerful brightness is always inviting. One quart of Turpentine added to one half gallon of L. and M. Shmi-Mixed Real Paint makes 3 ciuarts of the highest grade of pure paint, and it is more rooms, for outside painting tne very highest grade of long life paint, is made by adding three quarts of pure Linseed Oil to each one gallon Paint. of L. and M Sold by. GASKI1 L Scmi-Mixcd Real HARDWARE CO. advertisement Some "enterprising lawyer will bob op ( next and try to get the Benedict Arnold rase reopened. Washm'ton I'etad. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Some women are so changeable they never wear the same complexion twice. Fresh lot of RUBBER BANDS Just received. Give lis your next order. E. J. Land Printing Co. Phone 8. It's up to every married v oman to belbve that her husband is the only man who has sense enough to under stand her. Chamberlain's Coceh Remcdv has won its great teputation and extensive sale by its rcn arkable cures of co hs. nMc atA , I. 1 J ',4 1 . ...v.-v wuu Uj,. ,t tail ue ucih: v ci neon. Try it. Sold by all de( ere. (AcV.) The. mother tongi e frequently Tuna O baly talk. Children Cry r OR FLETCHER'S O AST OR I A Old brchelors either dodge women or arc dogid by them. FOR BURNS, BRUISES AND SORES The quickes and surest cure for burns, bruises, boils, sores, inflamrrat tion and a'l s'tin diseases is Bicklen's Arnica S. Ive. In four davs it rnr..H H. Haflin, of Iredell, Tex., of sores on his arlr, . . . . . . could hatdly walk. Should be in every house. Only 25c. Only 25c. Recommended by All dgruggists. (adv.) : But you can't always get inside in ' formation from a middle nan. B- Many sufferers from rheumatism nave been surpiis:d and delighted with the prompt relief afforded bv .mnlvina Chamberlain's Liniment. Not one case ot rheumatism in ten reauires any internal treatment whatever. This liniment is for sale by all dealers. (Adv.) The man that a woman says she doesn't care al ( ut s generally the one she cries over. DRIVE SICK HEADACHE AWAY Sick headaches, sour gassy stomach indigestion, biliousness disappear quick ly after you take Dr. King's New Life Pills. They purify the blood and put new life and vigor in the system. Try them and you will be well satisfied. Every pill helps; every box guaranteed. Price 25c. Rccorrgncnded by all druggists- (Adv.) His Satanic ir.ajesty never begs any body to give him his due; nevertheless, he gets it. QUICK RELIEF FOR RHEUMA TISM. Gconre W. Koous, Lawton, Mich , says: "Dr. Detcheon's Relief for Rheu matism has given my wife vonderful benefit for rheumatism. She could not lift hand or foot, and had to be lifted for two months. She began the use of the remedy and improved rapidly. On Monday she could not move and on Wednesday she got up, dressed her self and walked out for breakfast." Sold by Bradham Drug Co. (Adv.) A man's proposal is "so sudden" to a girl because she has waited for it so long. You judge a man not by what he promises to do, but what he has done. That is the only true test. Chamber lain's Cough Remedy judged by this standard has no superior. People everywhere speak of it in the highest terms of praise. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) To the right young man a girl's plain red hair looks like a golden halo. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA If consistency is really a jewel we arc f irced to the conclusion that very few of our modern statesmen care a cuss for jewelry. Children are much more likely to contract the contagious diseases when l hey have cods. Whooping cough, diphtheria, scarlet fever ana consti pation arc diseases that are often con tracted when the child has a cold. That is why all medical authorities say be ware of colds. For the quick cure of colds you will find nothing better than Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It can always be depended upon aid is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by all dealers. (Adv.) HOW THIS. We offer One HSundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Cartarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE ' Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi monials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. 1 Take Hall's Family. Pills for con tlpatioa. (Adv.) Gilbert never conceived anythirg quainter than a Legislature proposing ti impeach a Governor for fu'filling a campaign promise. New York Eieti- in- Sun. COUGHS AND CONSUMPTION Coughs and colds, when neglected, always lead to serious trouble of the lungs The wisest thing to do when you have a cold that troubles you is to get a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery You will get relief trom the first does, and finally the cough' will disappear. O. H. Brown, of Muscadine, Ala., writes "My wife was down in bed with an obstinate cough, and I honsetly be lieve had it not bten for Dr. King's New Discovery, she would not be living today." Known for forty-three years as the best remedy for coughs and colds Price 50c. and $1.00. Recommended by all druggists. (Adv.) Sugar is an oil offender New York World. You can say goodbye to constipation with a clear conscience if you use Cham berlain's Tablets. Many have been permanently cured by their use. For sale by all, dealers. (Adv.) No, Alonzo; a peroxide blonde isn't necessarily light on her fcet. A PLEASANT PHYSIC. When you want a phftsant physic give Chamberlain's Tablets a trial. They are mild and gentle in their actio, and always produce a pleasant cathartic effect. For sale by all deal ers. (Adv.) ' How often have you wasted a dollar's worth of time trying to save a penny? FOR I ASES OF THE SKIN. N'earlv nil rtispnf nf t-tiA clrln an.ti mm eczema, tetter, salt rheum and barbers' itch are characterized by an itching and smarting, which often makes life a burden and disturbs sleep and rest. Quick relief may be had by applying Chamberlain's Salve. It allavs the itching and smarting almost instantly. Manv rasps have hppn rnrorl h.r ! use. JFor sale by all dealers. (Adv ) Some of us think we are entitled to a lot of credit for performing a duty, and we are. PAINS IN THE STOMACH If you continually complain of pain? in the stomach, ydur liver or your kid neys are out of order. Neglect may lead to dropsy, kidney trouble, diabetes or Bright's dideasc. Thousands recom mend Electric Bitters as the very best stomach and kidney medicine made. H. T. Alston, of Raleigh, N. C, who suffered with in in the Stomach and back, writes: "My kidneys were de ranged and my liver did not work right. I suffered much, but Electric Boittcrs was reemmended 'and I im proved from the first dose. I now feel like a new man." It will improve you, too. Only 50c and 11.00. Recom mended by all druggists. The whole Democratic party it working together, and Louisiana had better keep in the procession. Phil adclphia He ord. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA In 1452 the crcafcnt in Europe in dicated a new moon. In 113 it repre sents the last quarter. Kansas Ci'J Trnes. H WOMEN Women of (he bijheit tjpt women of superior education ant' refinement, whose discernmsn and judgment fire weight mat force to their oprniuds, highlj praise th? wonderful correctm and curative properties of Cham berlain's Stomsch and Liver Tab lets. Throughout the many stafe of woman's life, from firihocd, j through the ordeals of mother hood to the declining yeara, there is no safer er mora reliable med icine. Chamberlain's Tablets are sold everywhere at 25c a box. We are Agents for the Celebrated PLANET, JR., Line of Cultivating Imple ments. We carrry In stock their celebrated No. 74 Riding Cultivator, their Horse Hoe Cultivators, their celebrated Seed Drills, Hand Cultivators, Fire-Fir Garden Plows. We invite you to call and inspect ibis splendid line or drop us a postal and we will gladly aend yon their illustrated cat alogue. Our prices are right. Yours. J. C. Whitty PHONE 98 Redfern Corset 1 J. J. BAXTER Elks' Temple Department Store They Are Here ! Come get yours while they last. The Frank Beasley Combination Cultivator is all in one. Everybody needs one, you most of all. Don't put it off. Now is' the time buy while we have them. HAY GRAIN FEED BURRUS & COMPANY When in Market For Horses, Mules, Buggies Wagons and Harness see POLLOCKSVILLE. N. C. Fine Kentucky Horses and Mules on hand at all times TERMS REASONABLE. SEE ME, lip WmswMm ImamSe WtBkM ml Company ALL Ladies are cordi ally invit ed to call at our store and inspect our new line of REDFERN CORSETS Every pair guar anteed. Also a new line of the Warner's and R. & G. corsets just m . . . - k the "Star" Pet Huller THE BEST BY TEST

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