No. 109 NEWlBERN, N. C, FRIDAY, APRIL 18, 1913-SECOND SECTION 35th YEAR KILLS PMMW SHOOTS HIMSELF '5 FLEEING NEGROES IS FABLED GOLD K ISABELLE PRESIDENT S WIFE NJUR1ES FATAL E AT LAST? SIMMONS WEDS VISITS BALTIMORE Goldsboro Young Man Slays Wom an With Whom He Had Been Intimate. TWO NOW DEAD AS RESULT OF W'RAGEDY IN WAYNE Chief of Police Lupton Apprehends William G. Gates May Have Lo cated It In Heart Of The Andes. CAPE FEAR CITY IS TODAY Weddina of Wide Social Interest Mistress of White House Having Pair Wanted In Wilming ton. ENTERTAINING MEMBERS OF THAT ORDER. rixtAtntiriit Church Her Gowns Made in Yesterdav Afternoon. Monumental City GOLDSBORO IN ROYAL ARCANUWIS IN WILMINGTON CAPTURED HER FOUND TURNS PISTOL ON -HIMSELF Tragedy Took Place Tn Hospital Where The Woman Wa Being Treated. (Special to the Journal) Goldsboro, April 14. For the second time in less than a month, Goldsboro is shocked by a tragedy, this time in which the lif: cf a young women was snuffed out without warning and the life of her paramour., who rushed her soul into eternity, is hanging by the slenderest thread. Shortly after 9 o'clock this morning, Mrs. May Carter Lomax was shot and instantly killed by Cleveland Prince a young man who is well known locally and who lives in a section of tljel uiiy kiio-wii tta ncuu tuwn. Prince had only rec&fftf? 'returned from a trip west in the interest of his hca'th and last Thursday he and Mrs Lomax went out in the latter's auto mobile frr a " oy ride". The machine was wrecked and Mrs. Lomax was in jurcd and later carried to the hospital for treatment. This mprning Prince went to Mrs. Lomax millinery estab lishment and told one of the young lady clerks that her employer wanted to see her. Not doubting the young man's word the clerk donned her hat and cloak and together the two went to the hospital. As the floor nurse had no reason to question the visitors they were per mitted to sec Mrs. Lomax; neither did the young lady who accompanined Mr. Prince suspect anything for she went with him on his statement calling for her to accompany him, that Mrs. Lomax had requested him to call and take her out to the hospital, that Mrs. Lomax wished to sec her. Soon after the two entered Mrs Lomax room the young lady was re quested by Mr. Prince to step into the hall for a moment, that he wanted to have a private talk with Mrs Lomax, and hardly had she complied with ' the request when two pistol shots rang out in the room and through the hall and when the startled floor nurse and others hurried to the scene they found Mrs. Lomax dead with a wound through the head and Mr. Prince writhing in unconsciousness from a like shot, self inflicted, im mediately after shooting Mrs. Lomax Her death was instantaneous. inere was a noticeable intimacy between Prince and Mrs. Lomax and many of the more observant suspected that an infatuation existed mutually between them but few if any gave it a serious turn in their minds. Rumors however, began to go the rounds as rumors will and Prince, about four months or so ago, went west for his health and cople forgot it. He return ed two weeks ago and Thursday night' he and Mrs. Lomax in the lattcrs auto mobile left the city together after midnight 'o' a "joy ride" and Friday morning the wrecked automobile was found on the road near the park and there was evidence that there had been drinking aboard. Rumor again be came rife and yesterday Mrs. Lomax was entced as a 'patient, in the hos pital, At llft'clack tonight Prince ii still living but is unconscious and t'.icrc is no hope for his recovery. Prior to her marriage Mrs. Lomax was Miss My Carter. She and her father and mother and two brothers came her.; about ten years ago. A shcrt time later she opened a millinery eitablshmcnt on East Centre Street JJjn II. -V , (Special to the Joi;rn:il) Goldsboro, April IS. Cleveland Prince, the young man who yesterday visited the Goldsboro hospital and fired a bullet into the brain of Mrs. May Carter Lomax, killing her instant ly ,and then turned his still smoking revolver on himself and inflicted in juries, died this morning without re gaining consciousness. Immediately after the young man had shot himself he was placed rn the operating table in the hospital and an attempt was made to save his life but from the very first it was feen that there was not the least hope for him. ARE CHARGED WITH MURDER The Female Member of Duo tempts To Make Her Escape. Many Ministers and Elders Ar rive In The City To Attend Important Meeting. FIRST SESSION LAST NIGHT Introductory Sermon Was Deliver ed By Rev. J. C. Shive of Wilson, N. C. The Presbytery of Albemarle, co posed of ministers and ruling ciders in the northeastern part o' North Caro Una, convened here 'ast night at the Presbyterian church in its annual spring session with Rev. J. C. Shive of Wi'son, presiding as Moderator This meeting is of special interest to the members of tte Presbyterian churches in this section of the State and is always well attended by the ministers and elders of these churches About twenty-five delegates arrived last night and others arc expected to reach here this morning. The major part of last night's scs sion was taken up with the opening ser mon, delivered by Rev. J. C. Shive. Rev Shive is a speaker of ma ked ability and the sermon rendered by him was thoroughly enjoyed by wno nea a it. following the ccrmon the organization was completed after which the night's session was adjourned This morning another cession will be held and the public is extended a cor dial invitation to attend this The follwoing ciders and minister arrived in the city last evening and were in attendance at the session held at night: v Samuel Walker, Henderson; Franklin McNiel, Raleigh; George Howard, Tar boro; R. H. Bach man, Edenton; Leo D. Hart, Raleigh; Mr. and Mrs. W D. Morriton, Bell .-view ; C. M. Brown Washington,; Prof. S. L. Sheep, Eliza teth City; E. W. Kendrick, Goldsboro John Webb, Oxford; A. C. Hughes Apex; N. H. McLain, Farmville Rev. V. G. Smith, Goldsboro; Rev J. E. Ballou, Tarboro; Rev. W. D Morton, Rocky Mount; Rev. S. K Phillips, Oxford; Rev. H. B. Scaright Washington; Rev. R. A. White, Hen dcrson, Rev. J. E. Hemphill, Wak eounty; Rev. M. Mc. G. Shields Greensboro; Rev. W. Mc. C White Raleigh; R-ev. J. C. Siiive, Wilson Kev. Robert Key, Fayeitevilb; Rev C. O. Pardo, Sanford. Alt h mgii she has not announced her plan. It is understood that M ur:i vriisun w.n conic ncic once c.r twice At- HE SECURES EXPERT OPINION May Secure The Treasure That Pizarro and His Men Failed to Obtain. Haywood and Rachel Pollock, colored wanted in Wilmington for the murder colored woman several months ago, were apprehended and placed under arrest in this city yesterday after noon and arc now in the Craven coutny jail awaiting the arrival of an officer from that city who will carry them back to stand trial. Immediately after the woman, whom the two fugitives captured here yester day Afternoon are charged with hai ig killed, the latter left Wilmington and although- diligent searpji was, made for them they could-not be located. The police department of that city sent out descriptions of the pair and one of these fell into the hands of Chief of Police Lupton and since that time he and his men have been on the lookout for them. Yesterday afternoon Chief of Po lice Lupton was at the depot when the train from Wilmington arrived. Hay wood Pollock alighted from the train first and a few seconds later was cined by his female companion. Their ac tions appeared suspicious to Chief Lupton and he watched them for a minute or more. Suddenly he thought of he description sent him from Wil mington and decided that these two were the ones wanted. Keeping in the background, so as. not to alarm the fugitives, the Chief wa ched them en er a colored boarding house close by and as soon as they had gained the inside, he had Policemen Bryan and Lup on who were also at the depot made a rush for the door. The woman saw the officers first and made a dash for freedom, running through the house and out into the yard but Chief Lupcon was watching their every move and he had her under arrest before she had covered many yards. In the meantime fouccman Whitford had taken charge of Haywood Pollock and the two were then taken to jail. At first they both dented that they were the persons wanted but after a short time the woman owned that their names were Pollock and the ones wanted by the, Wilmington police bu. both stoutly deny having committed murder. PHYSICIANS TO GIVE SERIES HEALTH OF VETERANS AT RE UNION TO BE LOOKED AF TER WITHOUT COST. una this proved very popular from the more in connection with the work very first. A few years ago she mar-1 which she is having dor.e by the drcss- ricd a Mr. Lomax whs was employed maker. as a conductor by the Southern Rail-1 ' -ray Company on he run between cary history. She was a very attrac this city and Greensboro. Aft.r hcrtivc woma,, in fact charms marnage she continued to) conduct such that Bhc was , adrojrcd . her r.:d.ncry establishment with the1 al, who Ww her and the tray which same access which characterized its caustd her death is regretted by all. Many beautiful Lines of Sum mer Dress Goods Just Received Also Shirt Waists, Laces, and Embroideries, Underwear. SWcl o, "u nose IOr the Ladies- Suits Straw Hats Shoes. Shirts, Ties and Sok for Men. When in uiy oe sure and see our stock before buvinsr else hrro 63 Middle Street, A. B. S0GAR, New tern, N. C. Beliair Stock and Fruit Farm. G. T. RICHARDSON, Proprietor. I have Full Blood Aigus Bulls and Heifers for fale imrrtune fro rn TexaT fever, also full blood .Berkehire Hoes. You are cordially invite J to visit farm and see stqek. 0. 7. RICHARDSON New Bern. N. C , R. F. D, io. ' Phone, Bsllair line, 4 rines. Chattanooga, Tcnn., April 16'. TckcJ up on the walls of Confederate reunion headquarters in this city, i:; a large card, dimensions about two by three feet. This card contains infor mation of interest to,the reunion hos pital service. For three days of the reunion, May 27, 28 and 29, the physicians of Chat- kanooga will give their services to the reunion association to look after the health of the veterans and visitors. A couple of physicians each day will be located at convenient points in the city and on the battlefields, so that medical service- may be quickly pro vided if needed.. The card indicates tbc assignments tor each day, tells where the. doctors will be and gives their names. So, if a veteran or visitor is suddenly striken with any ailment he will be given . immediate attention by the medical, corps. City Physician Stcrl is at the head of the medical ccrps, and has been active in making prepara tions. Prominent ex -Confederates from other states, who have looked into this branch of the coining service, pronounce it the most perfect they have ever seen. In case of accident, the medical corps will promtly give attention to the in jured. service will be pro vided free of all charge to veteran?, and any othc s that may need medical attention in an emergency. May is the healthiest mon h of the year lit Chattanooga, but in immense, crowds, like that expected during the reunion, medical attention is generally in demand by somebody. The pre parations to provide thi attention immediately if needed, arc all that could be desired. New York, April 14. On the United Fruit Company's steamer Carillo, which sailed yesterday for Guyaquil, Ecuador, were Mr. and Mrs. William G. Gates, of Callao, Peru, arid thrc mining engineers and assaycrs. Mr. Gates has had large mining in terests in Peru for some years past; but a couple of months ago he came upon a "find" in the course of explora tions in the wilds of the Andes that impressed him so deeply that he came at once to New York in o -dcr to secure expert Opinion on the1 question. The location of the "find" Mr. Gates re fused to make public beyond saying that it is between the headwaters of two rivers. The ore, says Mr. Gates gold ore is of such richness that he believes he has at last actually found the original treasure lode of the Incas, and ha thus re-discovered, an ancient mine that has been the subject of wild spec ulation, the object of hundreds of pros pecting expeditions and the theme of scores of romances in every language since the days of Pizarro. "The tales of the old Spanish con quisladoes," said Mr. Gates, "are full of descriptions of the Incas, Manco and Huaym Capax, of the gold plates on the walls of their places and temples, the eold ornaments on the costumes of the meanest of their court at tendants, the gold that apparently strewed the very ground around them The precious metal seems to have been common as lead among them. "Pizarro and his men seized vast quantities ot gold and silver at the taking of Quito and Cuzco, but it has always been believed that even larger portions of the treasure escaped them and has remained to this day buried far back in some almost inaccessible recess of the Andes. "I do not know whether these talcs are myth or cxiggeration or plain sober fact. Certainly none of the many ex peditions organized to search for the treasure has ever been successful. But it is not open to doubt that Pizarro and his men did seize immense quantities of gold in Peru. Enough ot it was brought back to Spain to prove that. None of th back to Spain to prove that. None of the mines now known in Peru would account for such vast wealth. The lode I have just found, however, is of such amazing richness that I think it is only reasonable to suppose that it must be the true source of the treasure of the Incas." Mr. Gates said that he had not let hii discovery be known in- Peru fc fear of Governmental interference is un lerstood in Lima that he ha found iron ore, and his expedition known in Peru as an expedition to develop a new iron mine. B. D. Stephenson of Washingto editor of, the Washington News wa among .the visitors, in the city Sunday HAPPENINGS AT LOCO. The twenty-fourth annual meeting the Grand Council of the Royal Arcanum of North Carolina will be held in Wilmington today and to morrow and will be one of the most important meetings of that body ever Id. . I he committee on entertainment has made extensive and elaborate preparations for this event and xpectmg a large number of visiting elegates. It is expected that there will be something like 75 representatives n attendance from the 48 councils in the State and a great many of these will be accompanied by their or daughters. I he grand Council will convene this,, morning at lt):30 o'clock and the address of welcome will be made by Rev. Dr. S. Mendelshon, Rabbi of the Temple pf Iseral, and the response will be made by the Grand Regent, Mr. Clarence A. Johnson, of Raleigh There will be another ses.ion in the fternoon. The second business will be held Thursday morning, following which the visitors will be aken for a trip to WrightsviUc Beach and for an oyster roast at the Light house, WrightsviUc Sound. Each visiting, representative will be. presented with an attractive silver finish watch fob. The feature of it is the five point star of the order, surmounted with pine cones, emblematical of the 'Land of the long leaf pine" and the points of the Star contain initials standing for the words, Virtue, Mercy Charity cardinal principles of the order, as well as for the words, Past Regent. The fob also contains the ol lowing words: iith annual session Grand Council of North Carolina Roya' Arcanum, Wilmington, N. C April 16th, 1913." The following are the officers of th- Grand Council: Grand R.eent, C. A. Johnson, Raleigh; Grand Vice Regent H. B. Craven, New Bern; Grand Orator R. L. Aflen, Waynesville; Past Grand Regent, Frank W. Hancock, Oxford Grand Secretary, J. Howeli Way Waynesville;. Grand Treasurer, E. L. Harris, Raleigh; Grand Chaplain, Dr The Brtifa a A Daunhter of Senator May Mean That First haay and Mrs. F. M. Simmons Thinks Baltimore rnces . . Cf This Citv Lowest to Be Hao BRILLIANT ASSEMBLAGE SIGNIFICANCE On account of the social prominence Baltimore, April 16. Mrs. wooarow of bride and grocm, a wedding of wide Wilson is having her gowns made in social interest in North Carolina was Baltimore and she came here "yesterday oleminized at Christ Episcopal church for two fittings it five o clock yesterday afternoon, Whetner tnts means mat me mistress when Miss IsaLelle Gibbs Simmons, of the White House is trying to Keep daughter of Senator and Mrs. Furnifold within the limit of $1,000, which she Mc.Lendell Simmons became the said several weeks ago should ue the bride of Dr. It seoh Flanner Patterson, maximum annual cost of a woman's son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Patterson, clothes, or whether she just likes this Fhere was eathered at the church one patricular Baltimore dressmaker bet of the most brilliant wedding assem- ter than all others in the country her blaees ever seen within the precincts friends have not ventured to ask. of historc New Bern... . ... i HoWcVar, Mr. Wilson arwvea aoour Rev. Bartholomcn F. Huske rector of 10 o'clock by train. She was accom- 1 I 1 1- ....... VI ,, ... UnniL- tl r.hrr.h nnrinrmprl thp paniea Dy ner secrciaiy, n r..,.w Tho .Wnrations of the Mnd a Secret Service man. the pre-- -hnrrh wnre heantifiil and effective, senre Ol tne specia. agent u. t..c riw.,; , t h.m, nf whltP and eminent was a source ot surprise to green dogwood branches, palms and UNCERTAIN Southern simlax were used as, a back zround. whiie the back of the alar was covered with white and' festooned with smilax and tnow balls. Quantities of lillies inter per- scd with Cathedral candles decorated the altar. The chancel was a mass of ferns and palms and the choir stalls and organ were effectively decor at d- with Easter lillies and white tulle, while festooned above the chancel wa i garland of m'lax and white rosebuds. Unders this the cc emony took place. Mrs. Garrison Fajrow presided at the organ, and before the entrance of he bridal pa ty, rendered the following beautiful s lect'ons: "Spring Sing Mendelssohn. "O Thou Sublime Sweet Evenine Star." Pastoral from William Tell, Bercense from Jacelyn Mrs. Wilson's friends, but it was ex plained that the ire aution has al ways been taken for the safety of the wives of former Pre. idei t and had to be followed in the case of Mrs. Wilson. After a short stay at the home of icr cousins, the Misses Hoyt, 609 Len nox street,-Mrs. Wilson, still accompani- d by Miss Bones and the Secret Ser vice agent, went to the dressmakers. vhere she remained for about an hour. rhe party returned to the Hoyt resi- ence for luncheon at 2 o clock. Mrs. Wilson was anxious to sec the family of Mr. W. D. Hoyt, on Twenty- first street, iespecially the children, whom she had not seen for some time, and so she visited their, home in the arly afternoon. Mr. Hoyt is also her first CoSlin Another fitting at the dressmaker's and Love's Old Sweet Song. As the took place in the afternoon and then the party, by special permission, spent about two hours in the Waiter's Art Gallery. It was the first time that Mrs. Wil n had visited the gallery Being herself an artist of repute her appre- Mendelihon. Wilmington; Grand Guide, N. Barfoot, Elizabeth City Grand Warden, S. M. Hampton, Leaks ville; Grand Sentry, John Machin, Asheville; Grand Trustees, T. W. Slo- cumb, Goldsboro; J. M. Norwood, Ra leigh; W. J. Toomer, Wilmington. organ pealed forth the grand chords of Lohengrin's W ddings March, the four ushers, Mr. John Patterson, Ensign Donald Patterson, U. S. N. Mr. William Dunn, J, and Mr. esse Claypoole, leading ihe bridal! ii. .j u ,un h leiation was ratense. party, waiitcu itw y i w-" - i . -i,., centre aisle, up to the chancel and stood It was the second time Mrs. Wilson t nithpr side I had come to Baltimore without formal Mr- WaHr. Meadows, as dame of I announcement, the first having been honor was her sister's only attendant Uout a month ago when she came to She wore a handsome gown of white see a sick relative at jonns noPK,..s frimmorl with nnini lace and I Hospital. carried an arm bouauet of pink Kil- the guest of Reverend Doctcr and Mrs. DIES DRUNK AS HE HOPED TO. Brief News Picked Up By a Journal Correspondent. (Special to the Journal) Loco, April 14. J. F. Parson? visiting relatives near Kinston. Some of our young lolks attended services at Brick Kiln Sunday. Miss Susie H gtius who has been teaching school near Burgaw has ic turned home. She reports a pleasant time. Mrs. John Huffman of near Kinston pent last week with relatives here. Mrs. E, L. Barbce is visiting relatives near Rirhlands. Rider B. F. Eubanks has an appoint ment to preach at Loco Schoolliouse next S inday morning at 11:00 o'clock. Every body cordially invited to come. Johnie Barbec was in our town laft week "blowing up stumps" with dyna mite. Tenderloin Man of Mystery Found Dead In Saloon Storeroom. Philadelphia, Pa., April, 15e True to his. often-declared intention of drink ing himself to death, "Professor" a Tcnderlion habitue, whose real name is unknown to the police, was found dead at Fourth and Vine streets, with two partly-filled demijohns of whiskey beside him. It is the belief o the police that the litterally carried out hii in tention by consuming part of the con tents of every bottle, demijoh and keg in the place. For several months the man had been seen in the neighborhood, and his language indicated that he was well educated. This fact earned for him the nickname of "Professor y and on account of his reticense his real name or past was never found out. ' Yesterday morning when John J. Gochler, one of the bartenders went to the storeroom to sweep it out he found the man lying in a heap in the midst of the remains of his alcoholic orgy. Special Policeman Beigcr and Fagan, tf the Seventh District, were notified and tley had the body re moved to the mcrue, after it had been taken to Hihnemann Ho pital and pronounced dead. fr. 'arney roses and asparagus fern. The bride entered the church on the arm of her father, who gave her away She wore an exquisite creation of white charmcusc, trimmed with duchess and rose point lace. Her veil of tulle was arranged in a cap effect, being held in nlare hv a coronet of oearls. She carried a shower bouquet of. lillies o Harris E. Kirk. Another tribute to the bnd i wa a ...... ... i i. ... r..... leauti ul Sliver iruit uisn aeiii iuvi 'Members of the North Delegation in Cong ess." A hahdsMne litver service wis sent from : he groom's anvly and a chest of flat silver by laients of thebride. Cut glass, trays, i-lvcr services, chinaware and house- he valley and asparagus fern and her I ',0d goods go to make up this gorgoous only oranment was a pearl and diamond I collection of wedding presents. La Vallierc, the gift of the groom. At the altar she was met by th- groom, attended by his brother, Mr. Albert Patterson, as best man. Shubert's Serenade was .softly and sweetly played during the ceremony Bridal Party Entertained Many pre-nupitah affairs were given the bridal party. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Meadows entertained the bridal party and a few other friends, Uesday and Mendelssohn's March played as I evening, at their home on South Front the recessional. street. Eas er lillies, lillies of l he val- Following the ceremony, Senator jey an(j smUax attractively decorated and Mrs. Simmons cnterta ned at a the rooms. !: ii t if ii 1 buffet luncheon, at thei elegant home on East Fron' street. Lovely pink and white roses, Easter lillies, ferns and palms weie used to decorate the home. In the dining Mrs. Thomas Williams gracefully, resided over the beautifully appointed , nch table and all drank to the future appincss of brid and groom elect. The dining room was espec ally a COLORED m PEOPLE BUY LOTS. Land Sale At WhitevlUe Yesterday Was Veil Attended. Tiic thiid and last sale conduct cd by the All ntlc Coast Realty Company for t;ic Simmcns-Bradham-Farnor syn room the white and gre n color motif tractive, being decorated entirely in was artistically carried out tall vases jijes and smilax. A lovely wedding and handsome baskets filled with white cate formed the centerp ecc of the and Easter lillies adorned mantles and table, the chandclie above wa wr ath- tables. An exquisite chiny lace cloth ei ; r mi tax, and the trailing vine covered the dining table and a cut twined with white tulle extended to glass vase, encased in a silver deposit, the four cornc s of the table where they filled with Easter ffl lies, Iillie3 of the were caught by tapers in silver candl - valley and maiden-hair fern formed sticks. Much merriment was caused the center piece, lighted taper also tj,e cutting of the wedding cake, adorned the table. Rev. B. F. Huslfe cut the thimble. Later in the evening Dr. and Mrs. Delicious re'reshment ; we e se ved Patterson left for a.bridal tour North. 1 anj ag souvenirs of the happy occasion Hundreds of beautiful and costly 'each guest was presented with minaturc presents were received by the young boxes, decorated with lilliei and con couple. Included in this wonderful' fining wedding cake. Thos enjoying array of wedding gifts was a handsome Mr, and Mrs. Meadows ho pitality mahogany Slushed cedar chest, fromwere: Misses Isabel le Simmons, Mary the office ree of the Snite Finance' Hughes, Mary Nixon, Mildred Ball, Committee. Another I ntetestirg frt jane Stewart, Mamie Hunter Richard sen was a handsome silver service g0Ili Dr. Joseph Patterson, Mr. George with a card as follows: "Congratu- Atmore. Rev. B. F. Huske, Mr. John Mr. BRYAN FIVE TIMES GRANDPA. Washington, April 16. Secretary Bryan received congratulations today upon the birth of this fifh grandchilJ. Reginald Bryan Owen, at Elphan, Kent, England. This newest grandson of the Secre tary of State is a son of Lic it. Reginald Owen, of the Royal Engineers, and Mr . Owens, formerly Ruth Bryan. Hir:.t.. wa. held vesterdav when rcsi- llations and best wishes from Senator paUcrson, Mr. Jeec Claypoole, donee lots for c.lorcd teople or.lylF. M. Simmons' Democratic Col- Albert Patterson, Mr. Rodman Guwb. offered for sale at Whiteville, leagues of the S.mtc Hninec com- Dr. and Mrs. Robert uu vai Jones H. S. Hancoek, one of New Bern's contractors 'and builder, has returned from Morehesd ( ing a large brick bu R. S Minion- Work on thii structure is progressing rapidly and it will be completed "wlffiln a few ,Uiy. The building it located There 'has always been free wool for the Wall street shearing. were oiiereu iui hic at niii.t.nii, locctcd little more than a mile from mittce. New Bern. As on the two former days, the sale was well attended and the lots were sold rapidly, about thirty being dis-1 posed of at prices averaging seventy! five dollars. The sale was conducted by the Burton brother, the twin auc-; tionecrs who claim the dis incition of j selling a lot a minute. Whiteville is an ideal location for I the colored man who wants to pur- and Mr. and Mrs. r Thomas Willianu, FREE! FREE! ! High Grade Natural Tone Talk ing and Singing Machine af d -riflkii One' Stand t inft Machine Free to every cua- ( base a lot and in the opinion Of cour. President WileO. is the o(. ho ihr. man who Creenwo dent tal. precedent. with the exiaiting conditions, it will be only a mat cr ol a few years before property in jshst section tomer whose caeh purchase amounts to $25.00. See and hear this wonderful Instrument ana learn how Easily you can obtain one at my store : i FARRIS IS Abb til idLmp7ytr senMUFoiieue MnaWc J Dealer in Wholesale and Retail Men's and Ladiei' Fur- 'and Courier. I .l. i i,:. m;nj ntahlntft GOO ds. 66 68-70 Middle S