WEEKLY JOURNAL ESTABLISHED 1878. lublioiiecJ in Two Sections, every "Tuesday and Friday at No. 45 Pollock Street. K. J. LAN I PRINTING COMPANY PROPRIETORS. SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Two Mcnths -20 Thre e Months -25 Six Months. , -50 Twelve 'Months - LW Only In advance. Advertising rates furnished upon r pplica rion at the office, or upon In quiry by mail. Entered at the Postoffice, New Bern, N C. as second-class matter. Notice. George Ipock has been appoint ed agent for the Journal at Ernul. He will receive and receipt for pay ments on subscription or advertis ing and is prepared to let not on ly the Ernul subscribers but many others in the same section includ ing Vancebtro and Vanccboro R F. D. 3 know how their accounts stand, If you have any business with the Journal call on Mr. Ipock The Washington Post is urging that New York State sond Willi im Randolph Hearst to the United States Senate The fricni's of the New York editor seem determined to keep him in the also-ran class. This week in Wash'ngton the Dauh -a t Vin Amcriran R pvnl II t inn wil occupy the center cf the stage along "rt..r.rt e nA lr-ith thlc hnHv there is always a posiiDility oi seme thing d cicledly entertaining place. taking We acknowledge receipt of the March bulletin of the Asheville Health De partir.ent. It is fu.l of useftl hints on heatlh and sanitation. How many city health departments in' North Caro lina are sufficiently supported and managed with sufficient enterprise to publish a health bulletin each month? As far as we knew, Asheville, is the only one. Obser- ation of Asheville's activity in this matter, which is of prime importance to all cities, should be suggestive to ot'icr cities of the wisdom of putting on a little mor steam in this clcraitment. THE COSTLINESS OF VEAL. Patrick Cudahy, one of the group of meat :packers more or less known to fame ,advibes the cessation of the slaughter of calves as one cf the menas of sclvirg the beef problem. It is said that a single year will add sur prisingly to the weight of a calf and that it is therefore, so far as the quantity of meat is concerned , waste and ex travagante to kill young calves. Tariff free meats under the new tariff will go far toward bringing about cheap erbeef, but it would be well for all of the Stafes, as seme have already done, to considir the feasibility of laws intended to prevent the wholesale slaughter of calves. A i lv n t if u 1 supply of beef of good quality at reasonal le prices would be a dcsiral le thing for every com munity in the country. It is the most whdesome and nourishing, and to many the mott palatable of the meats in general use. They that dance must pay t he fi dler, and it was a fearful pi ice that that G 1 Isboro couple paid. Swatting the fly is good, but starving him is still better, Here again an oincc of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It is reported that Go-ern r Foss of Massachusetts may belt th: Demo cratic party. V II, that is the way some fol . adopt cf si owing gratitude. The inheritance tax cn the estate of J. Pierpont Morgan will ykld the State of New York Lvtwtcn three and four million dtlbrs. This is cc.l cting tax from the right source .'rom those who arc able to i ay. The Morgan heirs will be fabul utly rich even alter tl.c inhtriUmo tax haa been d ducted fiom wh: t t'. c financier left. Tariff speaker ci cs the fact th; t he Argentine Rcpul.bc with a popi.lat: n of only nine n liion leople cJpoi a five times as much beef and mc t products generally as the Uni ed Statts with its ninety- wo million people. Nothing strange al out that. If th: Argentire Republic lad as n any p.-o-pl to feed as the Uni e I States it would not have to much beef to export. But this is no argument aguait the raising of more stock by the people of the South. IRONICAL Secretary of State Bryan in his addicss before tie Daughters of the Revolution, holdirg ileir annual ses ion in Washington, told them that they must throw their ir. finer ce on the side o the 1 1 1. I- in their struggle for bbcrty. We suspect that the Se.ie ary was a bit in nical in his advice to the Laughters If the truth were known it is I kely that a rcod fixed majority tf ; le e ladies ho take their society ran c frcm one of the greatest struggles r ainst r pi ression ii hi ory ere stroi g ty reactionary in sentiment. The enjo ment of .wealth and distinction makes talk about liberty teem tiretme In all the tumult and the shouting over the tanrt, Wilson is keeping a clear head. Neither those who want to wipe out the tariff on every thing it one fell swoop nor those who would devise a tariff that would lay the Democratic pa ty open to the accusa tion made famous by Clevtland the charge of "perfidy and dishonor" can influence him. He is standing for a tariff that is satisfactory neither to the free traders nor the protectionists and what it takes to stand for his convictions he has got it. PREVENTING DISEASE. The Bulletin of the Stat Board of Health for April has an article on "Preventive Medicine", copied from the Youth's Companion. Prevention has never received the attention that it deserves, says the writer of the article, Dr. M. J. Rosenau, Professor of Pre ventive Medicine and Hygene at Harvard University, and the reason why cureofdise.se gets so much mire praise and notice than prevention is set fcrth in this paragraph: "The results of cure are positive the results of prevention seem negative. Cure is real, active, evident; prevention seems mysterious, quiet, uncertain. For instance, the fact that the effects of prevention arc not plain enough for every one to see is one of the obstacles against which vaccination has always had to contend. If Jennr had discov ered a cure for smallpox instead of a preventive, and if that cure had been half as effective as vaccination, every civilized nation in the world would do him homage." Really prevention of sickness is a matter of energy more than anything else. The thrifty, hustling family will usually be found to be the family afflicted with the least sickness, that is if the heads of the household are progressive people who keep informed as to the methods of prevention. Lazy, shiftless families are the ones in which disease makes its greatest inroads. A stitch in time saves nine bat it will not do it for the fellow who won't take the trouble to take the stitch. The Wilmington Star calls 'em Ar- canians. We leseectfully suggest Ar- cinumite and hereby call for the re'eree. By its long-drawn out qualities winter L making up for what it lack' d in concentration. It's a rare thing when the weather 'ails to come back. Daniels is somet'iing of a preceden breaker, too. No more "port" and;' starboard in the navy, but just plain .old fashioned "right, "and left." If the new captains a' Wash'ngton will just keep up the lick they will eventually get this government down to brass tacks, from which it has long sinre st ayed sufficiently far. Th" new admini tration is findirg many hard nuts to crack, not the least difficu't of which is the p ob'em created by California's anti-Japan se legis lation. It is an exceedingly awkwa d question and one in which Southern people are especially prepared to sym pathize with the Californians through perhaps not' approving of the extreme measures which th latte are about to apply. The Democrat- are not going to get by with that new tariff rs easily as they supposed. The talk about get ting the b-'ll enacted intj law Ly May 1 is alreac y seen to have bien ill-ad- vi: td. When you are fixing to touch a m n's pocket nerve, he is going to insi t on being given plenty of time which to seek to how that it is some other fellow you should be going after Dr. Wilson is taking care of the Soith and North Carolina in particular 11 his political appointment. Col. W.lliim H. Osborn of Greensboro has bctn given the very lucrative and responsible position of Commissioner of Internal Revenue. This with th: ap pointment of Walter Page as Ambas sadrr to Great Britain and Josephus T ' I c . l . I . T . I, uuiis as eiccreiary oi in inavy is more proSably than has ever com North Carolina way and there is no doubt more yet to come. THE TH TEST Tried in New Bern It Has Stood the Test. The hardest test is the test of time, and Doan's Kidney Pills have stood it well in New Bern Kidney suflcrers can hardly ask for stronger proof than the following: R. A. Henderson, 156 George St., New Be n, N. C says: "I suffered from a dull pain across my loins, accompanied by an extreme lameness in my back. I also had inflammation of the bladder and the passages of the kidney secretion pained me, Doan's Kidney Pills, procured at the Brad ham Druj Co., removed the lameness and pain and improved my condition in every way." (Statement given Jan uary 23, 1908.) NO TROUBLE SINCE When Mr. Hcndeson was interviewed recently he said:' 'I willingly u it m my former endorsement of Doan's Kidney Pill, for I have been free from backache and kidney complaint since I took this remedy. You nre welcome to continue the publication of my state ment." For sale by all dealer. Piicc50cts' Foster-Milhurn Co., Buffalo, New York sole agents for the United States. Remember the Mire Doan's and take no other. (Adv.) Personals TUESDAY, APRIL 15. D. W. R'chardson of Dover was among the business visitors n the city yesterday. Henry Bryan, Jr., left last evening .or a visit at Goldsboro. Hugh Wood returned last evening to Goldsboro after a few days visit with relatives. W. B. Barrington left Sunday for a business visit at Richmond.. D. E. Henderson spent Sunday at Deppse visiting relatives. W. H Henderson, cashier of the Citizens' Savings Bank and Trust Corn- pay, spent buncay at Jacksonville J. D. Warlick passed through the city Sunday enroute to his home at his home at Jacksonville after a visit in the west ern part of the State. Mr. Warlick held a clerical position in the office of Ex-Governor Kitchin. Mi s Lottie White of Winston-Salem is a guest of Miss Dasie Edwards. John Patterson of Atbn a, Ga., is in the city to attend the Patterson Simmons nupitals tomorrow and is visiting h s parents, Mr. 'and Mrs. J. A. Patterson. E. H. Jordan of Raliegh is in the city visiting relatives. Will am Dunn, Jr., returned last evening from a professional visit in Pamlico county. F. H. Sawyer left last evening for a short business trip to Goldsboro. Miss Dolly Hargett of Jacksonville was among the visitors in the city yesterday She was enroute to Hy mans for a visit with relatives. P. Raftelis has returned from a business tr p to New York and Balti more. A. D Ward left last evening for a professional visit at Kinston. R. E. Wh tehurst returned last even ing to Morehead City after a short vis t here. W. B. Price left last evening for a business trip to Morehead City. Mrs. H. W. Gibbs has returned to her home at Beaufort af'.er a hort visi wi h her daughter Mrs. 0. A. Kafer. W D. Lancaster of Cove City was in the city yesterday. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16. Mrs. C. W. Ackers left yesterday for a visit with relatives in Blui-ffeld, West Virginia. K. B. Stewart cf Newport spent yesterday in the city attending to business matters. D. L. Ward returned yesterday from a prolessionai v isit in ramuco couniy. I. B. Blades left vesterday for a business visit at Greensboro. II. W. Gibbs of Beaufort is in the city for a short visit. G. N. Enr.eU returned yesterday from a business trip at Wilmington and at Cedar Point. Senator F. M. Simmons arrived yesterday morning from Washington, D. C. to attend the marriage of his daught-er Miss Isabel! to Dr. J. F. Patterson which takes place this after nooji. Miss Sarah Stewart returned last evening from a visit with relatives at Elizabeth City. H. T. White of Cove City was among the business visitors in the city today. THURSDAY, APRIL 17. Attending the Presbyterian Synod ly after you take Dr. King's New Lite here yc;lerday from Kinston were Pills. They purify the blood and put Mrs R. T. Lee, Mrs. K. Denmark, new life and vigor in the system. Try Mrs. O. T. Boney, Mrs. J. H. Ellis,, them and you will be well satisfied. Mis. J. Hugh Parham, Miss Emma Every pill helps; every box guaranteed. Starkcy and Miss Sophie Buzbee. Price 2$c. Recommended by all drug While in th? city the party were en- gists. (Adv.) tertained at the Gaston Hotel by Mrs. ! R. T. Lee. "c thing worse than a quitter is the K. N. Bell of Cedar Point was among chap who is afraid to begin. the business visitors in the city yes terday. E. E. Bell and Elmer Foy of Pol- loksvillc arrived in the city yesterday ! or a short visit. Julian B. Bender of Polloksv lie was among the business visitors in the benefit for rheumatism. She could city yesterday. not lift hand or foot, and had to be lifted Henry Jarman of Jacksonv lie was for two months. She began the use of a business visitor in the city yesterday, the remedy and improved rapidly. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Hilderbrand On Monday she could not move and of Greensboro who were in the city to on Wednesday she got up, dressed her attend the Simmons-Patterson wedding self and walked out for breakfast." left last night for Asheville. I Sold by Bradham Drug Co. (Adv.) Solicitor Charles L. Abernethy of Beaufort was among the professional Secretary Daniels talks like a man visitors in the city yesterday. j who decs not propose to preside over Arthur F. Midyette of Oriental ar- a department that does not amount to rived in the city yesterday afternoon for a short vi--i.. A. D- Fisher of Riverdjlo spent yesterday in the city attending to business matter;. E. C. M -.-Cotter of Cash Corner was among the business visitors in the city' yesterday. Miss Fannie Lewis of Morehead City spent yesterday in the city shopping G. D. Can fie Id of Morehead was among the busincs visitors in the I city yestc-day. United States Deputy Collector J. E. Cameron of Kinston was in the city yesterday attending to official business ANNOUNCES CIVIL SERVICE EX- ANIM AT.ON FOR MAY 17. The United Sutcs Civil Se vice C ommission announces an open com petitive examination at New Bern, N. C, oin May 17, 1913, to provide a !.. I .1:1.1.. 1 . u. js irgi li 1 , wui wiih 11 iv WUH f riinra ion tor lining vacancies as they occur in positions requiring the qualifications of stenography, type writing ,or stenography and typewrit ing, in the Federal classified civil service, roi farther information, and application blanks, apply either to the District Secretary. Fourth Civil rrice District, Washington, D. C W. F. Dunn, Local Secretary of vil Service Exam ner , New Bens ' Children Ory FOR FLETCHER S O AS TORIA -i Affer fortune has smiled on a man he can afford to laugh and grow fat. PAINS IN THE STOMACH If you continually complain of pains in the stomach, your liver or your kid neys are out of order. Neglect may lead to dropsy, kidney trouble, diabetes or Bright's disease. Thousands recom mend Electric Bitters as the very best stomach and kidney medicine made. H. T. Alston, of Raleigh, N. C, who suffered with pain- in the stomach and I back, writes: "My kidneys were de- ranged my liver did not work 8 suiierea mucn, out electric ooiriers was reemmended and 1 im- proved from the first dose. I now feel like a new man." It will improve you, too. Only 50c and 1.00. Rccom- mended by all druggists. Women are difficult to understand because they never try to make them selves ph in. COUGHS AND CONSUMPTION Coughs and colds, when neglected, always lead to serious troub!e of the lungs The wisest thing to do when you have a cold that troubles you is to get a bottle cf Dr. King's New Discovery You will get relief from the first does, and finally he couch will disannear. O. H. Brown, of Muscadine, Ala., writes "My wife was down in bed with an ' obstinate cough, and I honsetly be lieve had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery, she would not be living today." Known for fcrty-thrce years 1 as the best remedy for coughs and colds ' Price 50c. and $1.00. Recommended y all druggists. (Adv.) To strike a man for a loan is one thing . A successful touch is another. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Col. Gocthals cannot get his portrait on the Panama bonds whi'c he lives, but he will have a chance to get it on before they arc all paid. Children Cry rOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA No doubt you know quite a lot of men who have outlived their usefulness if they ever had any. FOR BURNS, BRUISES AND SORES The quickes and surest cure lor burns, bruises, boils, sores, inflammat tion and all skin diseases is Bucklen's Arnica Salve. In four days it cured L. H. Haflin", of Iredell, Tex., of sores on his ankle which pained him so he could hardly walk. Should be in every house. Only 25c. Recommended by All dgruggists. (adv ) Some people arc thankful for what I they get, and a lot of others should be , thankful for what they don't get. DRIVE SICK HEADACHE AWAY Sick headaches, sour eassv stomach indigestion, biliousness disappear quick OUICK RELIEF FOR RHEUMA TISM. George W. Koous, Lawton, Mich., says: "Dr. Detcheon's Relief for Rheu- matism has given my wile vonderful nything. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Wall street gave John Skelton Wil- llama mmn bim (hut l minkt ohrtw "" " a i ileal arc i'l sac, ii v aiiun , to Senator l a Foll-fte HOW THI8. We offer One HSundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Cartarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY Sl CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, hare tnown F. f "'Ik- . . .1 . r I L j j v-m in y ior rue ic is years, anu oe jlieve him perfectly hoaorable in all I business transactions and financially H I th In 1 rr.i mi .mo r.klin.ttntin m i A I" ' JH firfll. NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE Toledo, O. " Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern ally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testi monials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists.- Take Hall's Family Pills for con tlpation. (Adv.) Wood's Seeds. Cow Peas, the great forage and soil improving crop. Soja Beans, die most nutritious and best of summer feed crops. Velvet Beans make enormous growth; are splendid for summer graz ing and as a soil renovator. Write for "WOODS CROP SPECIAL", giving full informa tion about these and other Seasonable Farm Seeds T. W. WOOD 6 SONS. Seedsmen, - Richmond, Va. Our stocks of Cow Peas and Soja Beans are choice recleaned stock of supe rior quality and germination. NEGRO IS CHARGED WITH STEALING PAINT. Lennie Midgettc, colored, who has been employed as a t'ri er by the Cutler-Blades Hardwar; Company, was placed under arrest yesterday afternoon on a warrant charging him with the larceny of several gallons of paint, from the company with which he was employed. Being unable to give bond for his appearanc before Mayor McCarthy this afternoon, Mid gettc was placed in jail for safe keeping. WHY USE L. & M. SEMI-MIXED REAL PINT Because it's economical. Because it is pure White Lead,. Zinc and Linsetd Oil. Because it's the highest grade quality paint that can be made. Be cause when the user adds 3 quarts of Oil to each gallon of the L. & M Semi-Mixed Real Paiut, it makes 1-34 gallons of pure paint at a cost of about $1.40 per gallon. This saves the user about 60 cents a gallon on all paint used. The L. & M is and has always been the highest grade and most perfect paint produced.. Sold by Gaskille Hardware Co. Ad. OPERATOR OF DISORDERLY HOUSE IS IN JAIL. W. H. Carr, colored, was given preliminary hearing before Mayor Mc Carthy yesterday afternoon on a war rant charging him with conducting a disorderly house. Probable cause was found and he defendant bound over to the next term of Craven i ounty Superior Court under a bond of $10C in default of which he was committed to the county jail. Lameness Sloan's Liniment is a quick and reliable remedy for lame ness in horses and other farm animals. , Sloan's Liniment surpasses sbt thlng on earth for Umaiitw In hones aud otbar horea allmanta. I would not aleap without It In my stabla." Mahtis Dovlb, 432 West 18th St., New Tork City. Good lor SweUim awl Abaca, Ma. u. m Gibbs, of Lawronoe, Kan.. R. F. D., Mo. 3, write: " I hud a maro with an abaoeai ou her neck and one 60o. bottle of Sloan' Liniment entirely cared her. I keep It all the time for calls aud nnall in ellliun and for every thing about the took." SLOANS LINIMENT is a quick and safe remedy for hog cholera. Coram- of Ceeraia Sloaa'a I faiia I far Ha CMm. - " I he.ird Oot. Brown (who l quite f&rmor ) sar that he had never lort a hog from oholera and that hi remedy always waa a tablasponafnl of Sloan1 Liniment In a gallon of flop, deer; lng the do as the animal Improved. Laa month Gov. Brown and myself were at she AgrlcoltoraJ College building and In the dlieuaalonof the ravage, of the dteaeee, Gov. Brows gav th remedy named a nnfailing." "OBsramcB." fUvAHTtiH Daily Nrws. AS AMP tare. 5eSOe. 91M. Sloan' Boot on Rotwe, Oottla, Hoge and Poultry asnt free. Dr. larl 8. Boai We are Agents for the Celebrated PLANET, JR., Line of Cultivating Imple ments. We carrry in stock their celebrated No. 76 Riding Cultivator, their Hone Hoe Cultivators, their celebrated Seed - Drills, Hand Cultivators, Fire-Fly Garden Plows. We Invite you to call and inspect this splendid line or drop us a postal and we will gladly end you their Illustrated cat alogue. Our prices are right. Yours,' J. C. Whitty c Address 1 I 1 Redfern Corsets J. J. BAXTER, Elks' Temple THE TEMPTATION TO SPEND m eV zrV Some peopl; say they cannot help spending their t money because there are so many temptations at hand. The fact is, however, that the merchant wot. Id prefer not to sell an article than to do so and afterwards learn that it was unnecessarily purchased. The progressive merchant likes to sell what the peo ple really need. Do not think that you are confer ring a favor when you buy unnecessarily'. If you buy prudently, you wil have a fair proportion of your income left at the end of each week or each month. Surplus money should at once be deposited with this bank where it will earn interest at the rate of four per cent, per annum. FOUR PER CENT COMPOUNDED FOUR TIMES A YEAR ON SAVINGS., NEW BERN BANKING & TRUST C? CAPITAl $100.000.00 TOLSON LUMBER & flFQ. CO. FOR EVERYTHING Office and Factory 129 C. L. SPENCER' fay, Corn, Oats, Bran, Hominy, A VTl-k ATT T7Ttrri An nnrvrx . aVirvjjB t uuu. GRADE CORN MEAL. SEED A AND ED RYE. URICK FOR SALE Mail Orders Given Careful Attention. Lower Middle Street, New Bern, N. C. When in Horses, Mules, Buggies wagons ana Harness see POLLOCKSVIM.R. k r. Fine Kentucky Horses and lJ&KMS KfcA&UJNABLlS. SEE ME. Company Aa ALL Ladies are cordi-flh- invit ed to call at our store and inspect our new line of REDFERN CORSETS Every pair guar anteed. Also a new line of the Warner's and R. & G. corsets just in. : : : : Department Store m Going to Build ? THEN SEE E.Front St. New Bern N. C DEALER IN- Market Fnr Mules on hand at all times er ura I fir np "Mnr" ma Uni

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